
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …


Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell POP!

It’s the right time to dip the night away don’t you think.

Cake Pops Holidays Cover

It’s here! It’s here! And I’m super excited Cake Pops Holidays is available online and in stores and even at scholastic book fairs, too I hear.… just in time for some fun holiday cake popping!

And I know you guys are gonna bring some serious cuteness this Christmas. I’m constantly blown away by the cake pops you all share on the Bakerella Facebook page. I mean super, super, super stuff. I often find my jaw dropping.

I hope the book continues to inspire you to make lots of people happy this holiday season. Lots of sweet smiles.

Christmas Cake Pops

The book is full of cute winter holiday cake pop projects just like these.

Elves, Santas, stockings, presents … and  gingerbread houses, Christmas lights, dreidels, wreaths and more.

Cake Pops Holidays

It has a wiro-binding like the first book.

Cake Pops Holidays

So you can lay it flat while you dip.

And to celebrate I’m giving away five (5) copies of the book.… Signed if you’d like.

(The book is available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and Target, too.)

But that’s not all.

Each of the five winners will also be getting something else.

Something fun!

And something to have fun with!

The Cake Pops Toy that’s available at Toys R US…

Cake Pops by Bakerella Toy

Cake Pops Toy

It comes with all this cute stuff to play with. And help little ones make real cake pops with.

Cake Pops Toy

A toy for tiny treats.


Enter for a chance to win Cake Pops Holidays and the Cake Pops Toy

  • To enter the giveaway, just answer one of the following questions.
  • How do you usually spend Christmas Eve? Or What’s your favorite part of the holiday season?
  • The deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s up! Winners announced below.
  • Five (5) winners will be picked at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Please note: The toy manufacturer is currently only shipping to the US and Canada. If a winner is chosen outside those countries, the winner will receive two signed Cake Pops Holidays books instead.

Good Luck!

P.S. I had my first book signing earlier today in King of Prussia and I want to thank all of you that came out to say hi. It was so much fun and I hope you enjoy your books. The first two signings were supposed to be in New York and New Jersey, but with the devastation from Sandy, we are going to try and reschedule. I hope all of you in those areas affected are safe.

Here’s the remaining Cake Pops Holidays Book Signing Dates. I’d love to see you.

P.P.S. I know there’s been a lot of cake pops on the site lately, but I’ll be back to regular baking too soon. I need a brownie or a cookie or 12.


It’s time to pick winners from all the comments? These were some of the best, feel good responses and oh my goodness can I come over on Christmas Eve? So many wonderful memories are going to be happening this year too. Hope you all have happy holidays!

And now for the winners…

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3,590 comments on “Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …”

  1. we used to have a big family dinner, open presents, go to midnight mass and have dessert after that. we will have to re-work it this year because the small ones still believe in Santa and are old enough now to understand that he shouldn’t come before Christmas day!

  2. We’ll have family dinner at my parents’ house and this year, our newly adopted schnauzer will join us, even though he cant enjoy all the delicious food. My favorite part is, no doubt, the gift opening moment. Love all those wonderful gifts!!

  3. On Christmas Eve, some one on my husband’s side of the family makes tamales. Their tradition is to make them in the morning and then return later to eat them for dinner with rice and beans. And of course open presents.

  4. In the evening, my husband and I take the kids around my parents neighborhood with cocoa to look at Christmas lights. I love the cold hushed streets, and the kidlets wonderment and the beautifully (and sometimes silly) decorated houses.

  5. My favourite part of the holidays is having the family home and just being together!

  6. Oh I wish I were in the US so I could come to a book signing :( the new book looks amazing and I am hoping Santa will bring the Cake pops toy for me, ahem, i mean, my boys for Xmas.
    My favourite part of the holidays is having my hubby and all our boys home for a few days of food, presents, food, games, food, films, and umm..did I say food?!

  7. Christmas eve dinner is always the responsibility of my sister and I so my mom can have a break before having to cook Christmas dinner. Then we play board games all together in front of the fire.

  8. My favorite part of the holiday season is Christmas day. Not just because exchanging gifts is so much fun but because it’s awesome to see the kids celebrate and learn what Christmas is all about and why we celebrate. To top it off we always have DELICIOUS holiday food which is just icing on the cake, no pun intended ;)

    Thank you for the chance to win Bakerella! xo

    Mrs. DeLo

  9. I totally love Christmas Eve, I adore the last minute decorating and putting the final touches on the Christmas feast!

  10. Oops! This is mine: What’s your favorite part of the holiday season? Hot cocoa for breakfast (made from scratch) and watching my kids open their gifts. Even though they are all young adults now, I still love the looks on their faces when they get something they did not know about. And my daughter is in Hawaii , going to school and won’t be able to come home this year. So she gets the twelve days of Christmas, and I get a Skype message every day as she opens her gifties.

  11. What’s your favorite part of the holiday season? Hot cocoa for breakfast (made from scratch) and watching my kids open their gifts. Even though they are all young adults now, I still love the looks on their faces when they get something they did not know about. And my daughter is in Hawaii , going to school and won’t be able to come home this year. So she gets the twelve days of Christmas, and I get a Skype message every day as she opens her gifties.

  12. For Christmas eve I usually spend it with my family and sometimes get to open one present early. If I’m behind on wrapping and also spend it wrapping up the rest of the presents I’m giving away.

  13. My favorite part is making a new ornament each year to use to decorate packages of people I love. Lots of times it’s given with gifts I’ve made in the kitchen. Just saw the kids cake pop toy in an ad yesterday! It looks awesome! Would so love to win for the three year old I take care of! Some of our favorite moments are spent baking!

  14. Christmas Eve is spent with close family and tons of fingerfoods and a roaring fire. Treats throughout the season and seeing my grown son still get excited when he opens a gift on Christmas Day :)

  15. Christmas Eve is always spent with family for Clam Chowder. The younger children get to open one present. We also get in the car and drive around looking at all of the Christmas lights.
    I can’t wait since my granddaughter is five and is the perfect age for all of the fun….funny, I said that last year too.

  16. Hi! My favourite part is having to spend time with family and friends.

  17. We have a large patchwork family, so there is noch such thing as a “typical Christmas Eve” for us. Every year, we try to see as many relatives as possible. Sometimes that means inviting as many people as we can possibly fit into our home, sometimes it’s spending lots of time in the car, driving from my parents’ house to in-laws, then to my husband’s foster parents, then to one of our siblings,… So it is definitely never boring!

  18. On Christmas Eve my immediate family has a big dinner together and then we open our presents to each other. It’s a nice way for us to connect before the big Christmas Day party with the extended family.

  19. My favorite part of the holiday season is to decorate the whole house and bake and design different cupcakes!

  20. I always spend Christmas Eve surround by family, food, and of course lots and lots of holiday desserts! What’s Christmas without the sweets? ;)

  21. I love everything about christmas! The music, the decorations, hot chocolate, PRESENTS, the Christmas tree, the food :), and most importantly, spending time with my family.

  22. We attend the early Mass at our church and after we return home, my children each get to open one present. The rest are opened on Christmas day.

  23. Just the feeling of the Holidays itself! Subconsciously knowing families will be together :)

  24. Xmas eve is spent at my in laws for dinner and presents. I like this so my family can have a quiet Xmas morning.

    I love the smells of the holidays – from baked goods to rain. Mmmm :)

  25. My favorite part is the music and the decorations.

  26. My favorite part of the holiday season is, by far, the food! Turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing all smothered in gravy is my all-time favorite meal! Yum!

  27. Christmas eve is spent with my son at my moms house. We open a present or two, watch a movie and hang out :)

  28. Love the santa cake pops .. they’re amazing !

    What I love most in Christmas holidays is the baking of the season … love the aromas in the air and the smell in the house while baking the cookies and all the traditional recipes.

    Cant wait for holidays to come.

    Congratulations on the book.

    Kisses from Greece

  29. My favorite part of the holidays is the merriment that comes around. From the baking to the gifts, most people are just happy. And their laughter is infectious. :)

  30. my favorite part of the holidays is spending time with my two daughters. :) we decorate the xmas tree, make xmas crafts, gingerbread houses, cookies, and decorate the house.

  31. For over 30 years now, on Christmas eve, my entire family on my Mom’s side, gets together to play games, open presents + eat, eat, eat! What started with my mom’s parents, 5 sisters/brothers + their spouses, plus a few cousins, now consists of 2 grandparents, 10 aunts/uncles, 13 cousins, 8 spouses, 15 second cousins + 1 brother-in-law! We’ve completely out grown a house, so now we book a local hotel banquet hall, sing christmas Carols, play christmas bingo, open presents + eat lots of turkey! And it’s still my favorite holiday night to this day! <3

  32. A Christmas Eve tradition in Australia is to go for a drive on Chrismas Eve night and look a the nearby houses with intricate Christmas light displays. My favorite part of the holiday seasons is the opportunity for beach visits, barbeques and Mangoes (this year is shaping up to be a good Mango year!!)

  33. Christmas Eve at our house: we go to church for Christmas Eve service, then have folks over for food and games that don’t have family living nearby. After they leave, let everyone open one gift that is always new pajama’s. We all match! We put them on and laugh and take pictures!

  34. My favorite part of the holidays is getting together with family and celebrating the most amazing gift.

  35. love listening to x-mas music while I cook everyday dinner at home, my favorite part also is baking anything and everything just to have a warm home and smelling like the holidays :)

  36. Now i have my daughter I spend Christmas Eve baking breakfast muffins to warm up for the next morning which fills the house with that amazing festive spice smell (She does try to help but she isn’t even 2 yet so she’s more of a clean up crew for any crumbs on the table :D) this year I’ll be getting her reindeer outfit ready aswell (she was a little miss santa last year) and my favourite part of Christmas has to be the music. Every year i look for any excuse to start cracking out the festive tunes, usually it’s when i start my Christmas baking that the songs start. But Christmas is my favourite time of year so I doubt my other half would bat an eyelid if I started playing them in October Haha x

  37. favorite part of the holiday season is spending it with my family.f

  38. If I’m not at work helping the sick kids on the ward at the hospital, trying to get them to go to sleep when they are so excited, then I’m at home on Christmas Eve spending time with my family because it is the most special time of the year and family is everything

  39. My favorite part of Christmas is the baking and decorating! I always make this special Swedish candy called knäck and ginger bread cookies the traditional Swedish recipe :) But I think this year I’ll try something new, maybe christmas-cupcakes? And i also love decorating the Christmas tree! I love Christmas, it’s my favorite holiday ever :D

  40. My favorite part of the holidays is definately decorating the house and making holiday treats like spiced walnuts!! They make the house smell amazing for weeks and they taste amazing too! I also love making the usual fudge, brittle, cookies and of course cake pops!! I hope i win!! i really want a book and the kit! i am too impatient to make pops into pretty shapes lol, so the kit would be perfect! But if i dont win, i will definately be making a trip to toys r us :) thanks bakerella!

  41. I like so much to see my Christmas tree full of lights near the wiondow…and outside there’s the dark but I’m inside with all my family and the people I love…and in my heart I find peace..

  42. My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with the family. The kids and I always make a fun craft project to remember the year by. Then we pop popcorn, make hot chocolate and apple cider, snuggle in our warm pajamas on the couch and start our movie marathon. After the kids fall asleep, I start my John Cusack marathon. It always ends with “Better Off Dead” and “Sixteen Candles.” I finally let my kids watch “Better Off Dead,” which they love. Now my youngest is always stating, “I want my two dollars.” And that’s what she’ll be getting this holiday, a two dollar bill I’ve had since I was a little girl. Maybe we’ll start a new tradition this year!

  43. Hello !
    we spend Christmas with the family : last year was the 1st christmas for my son and the “Père Noël”, also called Santa came. he was very happy and us too…. i think he will come back this year ;-)…
    Happiness, food and joy and candy just to sum up the holiday ! with my birthday on the 27th, so lots of FUN !!

  44. We always have a nice dinner with my whole family! It’s really great and I love it! And I love to decorate the tree.

  45. In my family, we always open all the gifts which are from each other. I thought that was how everyone celebrated Christmas until like 4 years ago. Whoops.
    My favourite part changes every year because my family always moves around a lot and we aren’t necessarily near family. I suppose I do always, selfishly enough, love opening my presents.

  46. My favorite part of the holiday season is gathering the whole family around the table on Christmas Eve! And of course all the delicious sweets! :)

  47. My favorite thing about the holiday season is listening to Christmas music while making treats or decorating the house.

  48. My sister and I usually make some cookies, put on Christmas pajamas, and watch A Muppet Family Christmas! I won’t be able to make it home this year, so maybe we’ll make a new tradition of Skyping it.

  49. On Christmas Eve every year my family gets together to have some yummy food and spend quality time together. I love the holidays and I love your pops!! So cute!!

  50. Christmas Eve is always spent going to Christmas Eve service with my family. We have never missed a year. I just love the whole season, the lights, the snow, the music and the smells.

  51. Simply spending a quiet evening at home with the family…and feasting on goodies!

  52. My birthdays on Xmas eve so I like to celebrate and do anything that’s fun and exciting:) I would love to have your new book and I know it’s going to be great:) my favourite has to be PRESENT TIME!!! Definitely :)

  53. We don’t celebrate Christmas eve in my country – Greece, but Christmas day. All morning we prepare lunch and then celebrate with all the family until late afternoon. A dessert table is a must, and I prepare it with a lot of enthusiasm!! And after a tiring but happy day, another bottle of wine in front of our fireplace relaxing. I’m looking forward to Christmas since …last year!

  54. We spend Christmas Eve at my grandmother’s house with a whole bunch of family that come from all over the island.

  55. We spend Christmas Eve with extended family at my husband’s grandma’s house. I love it!

  56. I usually spend Christmas Eve at home with my family. We prepare for a big family dinner the next day but mainly just relax and enjoy being together!

  57. My favourite part of the Christmas season are the weeks leading up to it: See the Christmas lights appear (which makes the longer darkness totally not as bad), listen to Christmas music, stuffing myself with cookies, meet friends and drink hot mulled wine! Oh and buying presents might be a drag sometimes, but when you find something you know your family is gonna love, Christmas can’t come soon enough!

  58. Christmas Eve my extended family gets together and everyone stuffs their faces with tacos. It’s my favorite part of Christmas because we also have a couple of movies that we watch. One of them is Garfield’s Christmas.

  59. Well, here in Finland Christmas Eve is the day we celebrate Christmas, open presents and eat good food.
    I love Christmas because it’s almost the only day in the year my whole family is really trying to get along. Everyone is nice to each other, we laugh, eat, watch the Jiminy Cricket’s Christmas and open presents :).

  60. My favorite part of the holidays is the food! Desserts and nog can’t be beat! :)

  61. After work, we head to my husbands grandparents for one of the many family gatherings during the holidays!

  62. We always spend Christmas Eve at my in-law’s house. There’s always a fantastic spread of sandwich fixings and we open gifts and play card games. Just talking about it makes me excited for next month!

  63. I wish I could say I spend Christmas eve relaxing, but actually I normally spend it frantically knitting the last of the christmas gifts.

  64. Family is growing up, time to start new traditions. One of our daughters is having Christmas Eve dinner ar her house, it’s strange to pass the torch for the holidays

    Bless all our friends and families on th east coast.

  65. On Christmas Eve my family reads the Christmas story, calls and sings carols to family out of town, and the set up “Santa” after the kids go to bed. My husband’s family exchanges gifts that night.

  66. I love getting together with family. I love the fact that all of our neighborhood exchanges gifts with each other. Also if I win I would love it if you signed the book.

  67. I always spend xmas eve with my dad’s side of the family. We eat sandwiches on brochen (German for “little bread”) with meats and cheeses from the German deli. Then we open gifts and hangout!

    Tara O.

  68. I remember when I was younger and my brother and I would sneak down and look at the presents at 3 am and look in awe until our parents woke up. Hehehehe!!!!

  69. I usually spend Christmas Eve with my Family. We go to church and have a casual meal. We open presents in the morning. It will be really special this year, as we will have our newborn grandson with us!

  70. Our christmas eve is spent putting out treats for reindeer and santa. Eating treats and exchanging pressies with my best friend and her kiddos as we dont see each other on christmas day.

  71. my favourite thing about the holiday season seeing how giving and kind people really are. I love being a part of the social service field during this time of the year! People donate more, people take the time to notice those who do not have the same privileges. It’s something very beautiful to see. I love this time of the year!

  72. Christmas caroling with 30 or so of my aunts, uncles, and cousins in the town in which they all grew up!

  73. Christmas eve we light our luminaries , have our Christmas eve lasagna and go to church. After church we come home and put on our new PJs and open one gift.

  74. My family I always get together on Christmas eve for fellowship, food and laughs. We all stay up until midnight… Well the little try but often fail. At midnight we pray and sing songs of praise and we open gifts that we got for each other, before we go home. It’s a wonderful tradition.

  75. My favorite part of the holidays is making delicious treats and giving them to my friends. I also eat quite a few of them!

  76. My husband and I cook and celebrate on Christmas Eve. I love having my hubby in the kitchen. He bakes the turkey roast, makes his awesome Mac n cheese from scratch and makes a killer fruit salad. I make the stuffing, gravy, cranberry, dessert, and biscuits.

  77. My favorite part of the holiday season is following wonderful traditions passed down from many generations… and starting new tradition in our own individual families :)

  78. I work in retail so I usually spend Christmas eve at work but I always bring some festive treats to share with everyone who’s working! I love the music this time of year, and I can’t get enough dark chocolate covered marshmallow Santas!

  79. Every other Christmas eve we celebrate christmas with relatives, Christmas day we spend the day together as a family. I love the christmas/holiday music! Last year made cakepops for christmas :)

  80. Our recent tradition has been to spend Christmas Eve Brazilian style, complete with codfish and caipirinhas.

  81. My favorite part of the holidays happens to be the flavors often seen in food items. I love anything pumpkin or peppermint flavored. All the coffee places come out with holiday flavored drinks so I make sure to try them all!

  82. My favorite part of the holiday season is decorating the Christmas tree with my mother and siblings. We bake cookies and listen to Christmas music; its always a great time.

  83. my favorite part is getting tons of presents& getting to eat baked goods my sister makes

  84. Christmas Eve is dinner with my husband and kids, putting “deer food” on the driveway, and waiting for the kids to go to bed so Santa’s activities can get started.

  85. Great giveaway!
    I spend the eve with my kis & hubs, usually camping around the tree or walking around town looking at all the decorstions.

  86. I love all the exitement building up to the actual day. Things like baking cookies, putting up the tree, buying and wrapping gifts, listening to Christmas music all the little things that make the days leading up to Christmas special.

  87. We used to just sit in front of the tv with a mince pie and mulled wine on christmas eve but my husband in his country usually celebrated with a big late family meal so now we do that and celebrate christmas day with our traditional meal. Lots of food..

  88. I host Christmas Eve dinner for my husbands side of the family. There are about 24 of us for a sit sown dinner.

  89. i love the holiday lights & decorations & the presents!! :D

  90. My favortie part of the holiday season is spending time with my family & friends! When my mom was still with us we used to eat thanksgiving dinner at her house and get up at the crack of dawn on black friday to shop:) this year I’ll be attempting to make your nutcracker cake pops! <——— with a glass of mosacto of course lol

  91. Our Christmas Eve is always open to friends and family…we get cold cuts and salads from a local deli and eat and play games. Our longest tradition is that we open one present on Christmas and it is always Christmas Socks! Then we have to wear them the next day. It’s pretty easy to find women’s Xmas socks, but slightly challenging to find them for men and kids!

  92. Christmas eve is always a fun day around the house. My family and I usually hang out during the day time and during the evening, we would sit around watching Christmas movies and talk about all of our Christmas memories. The exciting part is where we stay up until midnight (Christmas morning) to open presents. And it’s been a tradition that my family and I do every Christmas eve, staying up until midnight to open our presents.

  93. my favorite part of the holiday season are all of the yummy holiday smells from all the baked goods that get made in my home around this time of year. and what makes it even better is that my 2 little boys love helping mommy in the kitchen and learning how to cook and bake.

  94. I am always with my immediate family (mom, dad, big sister, big brother, and little brother) for Christmas. Christmas eve, we usually open one present early and watch a movie (Christmas Story and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation are favorites). Then, we’ll all play a game like Chicken Foot or Kings and Beggars. If we haven’t already, we’ll bake spritz cookies and end up eating half the dough. Makes me miss home just thinking about it! I’m away at school now, but I know exactly what I’d do if I got that adorable cake pop kit- I’d make some cake pops to mail to my little brother. He’s also away at school and having a rough semester. I promised him a care package soon. Any thoughts on how to make cake pops shaped like an “M”? He goes to the University of Michigan :)

  95. Every year we go up to the city and spend it with family from all over the province. We usually enjoy a great family meal and just chat the night away. In my small town we have early Christmas festivities in November where the the whole community enjoys all the lights and wonders of the holidays. Perfect way to celebrate Christmas TWICE! With both friends and family

  96. In recent years, my holidays have become much simpler and quiet. My nieces have been coming over on Christmas Eve to share in a dinner. They will get plates of the goodies I have baked for my neighbors, friends and family and sometimes will bake something with me. After they leave, my sister, my mother and I will watch Hallmark movies, drink cider or hot chocolate and just enjoy each others company.

  97. Since I got married, Christmas eve is spent with my side of the family. We eat Noche Buena together as one family and the traditional gift giving follows after. It’s the hearty laughs we share that makes it so special. Then Christmas day is spent with my husbands family. My favorite part would be reflecting on the so many things we have been blessed with and remembering the reason for the season which is Jesus Christ.=)

  98. Christmas is always carols and mass then last minute present wrapping.

  99. For me, the only thing I ever want for Christmas is to hear from my family near and far. My five sons and their families are spread out around the world, so hearing from them thrills my heart and brings the real spirit of Christmas right into my home.

  100. We spend Christmas Eve with my husband’s family. His mom will make chili, chicken noodle soup and oyster stew. We have an early dinner together and then make the list of people to carol to. We head out and sing our 3 songs to many people. Afterward we go to a park that has nativity dioramas and we walk around them. Hot cocoa and sugar cookies are the treat following. I came into the family 35 years ago, and the tradition keeps going. We finally get home, kids open their new p.j.s, read Luke 2 together and then head to bed. Someone will come out and remind us that they need to put cookies and carrots out for Santa and his reindeer. It doesn’t matter how old you are, it is nice to do the same things every year.

  101. Every Christmas Eve since I was a child, my sister, my parents and I would make hot chocolates with tons of marshmellows and watch the Muppets Christmas Carol. We still do this every year even though we’ve moved out, but all tend to fall asleep mid movie.

  102. First we go out & sprinkle reindeer food (oats & glitter) that was carefully made at Kindergarten & we all pick our Christmas morning church outfits. Then we spend the early evening feeding & hosing down our little guys, trying to stop them from destroying the house with the excitement of Santas iminent visit. Once they’re safely in bed hopefullly asleep, I’m usually finishing off baking for Christmas day lunch ( either at my mums or one of our aunties homes). & just before I collapse into a heap I have to scramble & hunt through the house trying to remember where I hid the kids presents earlier in the year!!!. But Christmas is my most very favourite time of the year.

  103. Spend time with my family in India

  104. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is hearing Christmas songs on the radio. It really makes me happy and gets me into the holiday spirit. Another is baking cookies and other foods with my family and really having fun with them.

  105. I love the lights, music, food, family, snow, all of it! We don’t have any traditions yet, we are a young family, but we are working on it. :)

  106. I like to spend Christmas Eve on the couch watching holiday movies and eating Chinese food :)

  107. We always spend xmas eve at my parents. We get together play games and cook a huge holiday dinner. We always have the best time. And that would be my favorite part of the holiday, just enjoying it with my family.

  108. it used to be with all my family….but since my parents passed away…no one talks to each other or tries too…or maybe since my little sister had her stroke and i been taking care of her for eight years now…the others are afraid i will ask them to help…but i will just continue and just be glad she is still here with me….patty

  109. On Christmas Eve we all open up our presents, after santa visits of course!

  110. I love Christmas! and everything Christmas-themed. From the food, to the decorations and even gift packs. Love them all! :)

  111. I usuall spend Christmas Eve with one of my grandmas. All of my cousins and I get together there and have a blast opening presents.My favorite part of the holiday is baking cookies with my mom(pecan praline cookies drizzled with white chocolate!) Also waking up on Chrismas in my pajamas and not changing til 2 o’ clock ;)

  112. We spend Christmas Eve with family & friends. Lots of food and sweet treats. Our tradition is new PJ’s for everyone :) also everyone gets to open one gift from a family member or friend. This wonderful Eve starts early afternoon so we can play games too and ends early so we can get all the little ones home, milk and Cake Pops out for Santa and then the little ones tucked into bed! Christmas is special, bringing so many people together; I truly Love my family and am so grateful for such a blessed life :)

  113. Love your site….our favorite part of Christmas is spending time with family!!! That’s how we spend our Christmas Eve …

  114. For Christmas Eve, I spend it with just my husband and kids. We have a nice dinner followed by a yummy cupcake. My kids exchange their gifts with each other before bedtime.

  115. I usually spend the Christmas Eve having family “reunion” dinner. The favorite part of the holiday is to spend time with my love ones, eating good food and sweet desserts !

  116. What I enjoy most about the Holidays, is baking for my friends and family. Baking is my passion and being able to share it with those I care for brings me joy. Every year I bake an assortment of cookies for my husband’s staff of 60 plus. It’s a challenging task, but one I look forward to!

  117. My favorite part of the holiday is the time I spend with my family.

  118. It is very low key. Very simple dinner. Then putting cookies and carrots out for Santa and the reindeer. I can’t wait to celebrate with my 2 1/2 Year old grandson. It will be magical.

  119. The evening is usually spent with family and friends, and then right before bed my boyfriend and I watch the video of Dick LeBeau reading ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas on the internet. Is it a little ridiculous? Probably. But we are two die-hard Steeler fans and it makes us happy! :)

  120. My favourite part is the whole atmosphere! The scents, the sounds, the sights… it gets me so excited!

  121. My favorite part of the holiday season is sharing in the awe, wonder, excitement and joy in my two little girls over everything to do with winter and Christmas!

  122. my christmas eve is spend my friends we do the pressie thing on christmas as we all have families that we spend with our families, we do have a lovely dinner on christmas eve

  123. My favorite part of the holiday season is baking Christmas cookies with my mom, brother, and sister. When we were really young we just helped “decorate” the cookies, but now we all contribute. It’s one of my favorite memories of being at home.

  124. Baking on Christmas eve is our favorite! What a darling book and kit! My girls would love this!

  125. I usually spend Christmas Eve going to the Christmas Pageant at my family’s church. Then, after helping with all the clean-up (my mother works at the church), we have delivered pizza and wings for dinner. And then everybody opens one present. That one present is always something somebody can “play” with like a CD, a video game, a movie, a book or a new gadget.

  126. My favorite part is spending time with my family! Some of my siblings live far away, so we don’t get to see them very often!

  127. My favorite part of the holidays is getting together with my mom to decorate her house while listening to Christmas music. It’s like a transformation into a winter wonderland.. And it really gets us into the holiday spirit!!

  128. I spend Christmas eve having dinner with my mum and dad… My dad’s birthday is the next day so on 26 we make a party with all the family, have lunch together, share presents… Fun days!! Love it!!
    I have your first book and its amazing, my cousins and I are enjoying it sooo much… It would be great to have this second one signed ;)

  129. We spend Xmas Day in Union Square in San Francisco to visit the tree in the square then back to the hotel for a fancy dinner with the kids. The next day we hit all the sales!

  130. I spend Christmas Eve baking cookies! For Santa of course ;) My favorite part of the holidays is gift wrapping. I love being creative!

  131. My hubby & I live very far from our families, so it’s just us & a few cherished friends. My favorite part of the holidays is the baking! I bake for All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Day. The goodies I make match the holiday so I’m always hunting for the right recipe each year.

  132. my favorite part of the holiday season is sharing my best recipe desserts with friends who’ve adopted me as their family, and talking and laughing about anything and getting dibs on who gets to carry their cute babies first! :)

  133. if my husband and i are spending christmas with my parents then we go to our church’s christmas eve service and then go to my parents’ house for dinner with my dad’s family

  134. Every christmas eve my family opens one present, which is always pajamas:) we all put them on and open our presents the next morning in them! This is now the first year I will have a Christmas in my own home with my own family and I can’t wait to continue the tradition, hmmm… that gives me an idea…. christmas pj cake pops? so many possibilities:)

  135. Best part of the holiday season: eating sweets with reckless abandon!

  136. What we usually do on Christmas Eve is bake some treats for Santa! (; Maybe some of those Jingle Bell cake pops this year? I’m thinking so. Or a pumpkin pie/cake pop? Hmm…

  137. We spend Christmas Eve at one of my sister’s homes. We have fondue and then read Christmas books.

  138. Favorite part of the holidays is the food and baking!

  139. When we were kids, we were always allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve, and it was always new pajamas that we’d wear that night. Now that I’m older, my hubby and I usually plug in some of our favorite Christmas movies and enjoy the glow of our Christmas tree.

  140. I love wrapping presents. It is my favorite part of the holiday. I think about each person as I wrap and say a prayer for them for the upcoming year.

  141. My favorite part of the holidays is the hot-cocoa weather, peppermint everything, and baking gifts for friends!

  142. Christmas Eve often involves hurredly wrapping presents (particularly those Kris Kringle ones that I forget!) and making the last adjustments to food for Christmas Day (including baking all the yummy yummy desserts!)

  143. I have always wanted to spend Christmas Eve completely relaxed. Maybe even go see a Christmas Movie with my family, but sadly it is usually doing last minute shopping and trying to get everything ready for Christmas Day….lol.

  144. My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with family!

  145. My favorite part of the season is decorating. I love to get my house ready.

  146. Christmas time is usually spent with my family. We all gather at one’s house to eat dinner and open presents. On Christmas Eve we sometimes go to mass and are allowed to open one gift. My favorite time of the holiday season is Thanksgiving because of the Macy’s Thanksgiving day Parade and all the delicious food!

  147. My favourite time of the holidays is when all of the presents are wrapped and our bags are packed for Christmas on Vancouver Island and our annual sunny holiday which starts on Boxing Day (day after Christmas) and we are heading across Georgia Straight on the ferry to my parent’s house in Sidney, BC. Its that feeling of being able to relax and look forward to all of our Christmas traditions–the lights at Buchart Gardens on Christsmas Eve, stockings on Christmas morning and time spent with family and friends. Thank you for the contest!

  148. I don’t know if the giveaway is open to outside the USA but if so I would LOVE a book, I have your first one, it’s just too cute! I wouldn’t dream of asking you to post the other items – beautiful as they are, it would be way too expensive, but a book, ohh lovely! xxBrenda

  149. Christmas Eve is always spent at my parents’ house, where we have a big, open-house style gathering of close friends and any family who might be in town. My Mom always makes way too many appetizers, and I inevitably bake (at least) twice as many desserts as we need, and we end up eating leftovers for a good week afterwards.

  150. My favorite part of the holidays is Christmas day with my extended family. It’s loud and chaotic and absolutely wonderful!

  151. My family, friends and I usually walk or drive (depending on weather and how far we plan to go) around to look at the christmas lights :)

  152. We read The Night Before Christmas and set out treats for Santa. The kids get their new pajamas and I take a picture of them by the tree. I love Christmas Eve!

    Congratulations on the new book!!

  153. My family does not celebrate Christmas. So, every year on Christmas Eve, we go out to dinner with my grandparents. It’s always a fun challenge trying to find a restaurant that is open late enough for us to have dinner. Haha

  154. I spend Christmas Eve with my parents most of the time. My favourite part of the holiday season is the “warmth” in the air as it is a season of giving and forgiving.

  155. My family and I spend Christmas Eve watching the movie A Christmas Story and eating Christmas treats then the kids go to bed and I spend the next few hours wrapping gifts for them!

  156. I spend Christmas Eve with my parents most of the time. My favourite part of the holiday season is the “warmth” in the air as it is a season of giving and forgiving.

  157. My favorite part is having the whole family together and getting into the festive season by decorating the house!

  158. Dear Bakerella,
    You are such an inspiration! I just made my first cake pops last month and I made pumpkin spice cake pops for Halloween. My favorite part of the holiday season is the delicious food of course. My family usually has three thanksgiving dinners in a row with different parts of the family. And I love making latkes for Hanukkah. I often give away chocolate truffles or rum balls near Christmas. I love your blog!

  159. Christmas Eve is a BIG party! The whole family has dinner together, we sing, read books, sample cookies and then half the group gets ready for midnight mass and the rest stay home and put the kids to bed, after leaving milk & cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer, of course.

  160. Eating all the great food is my favorite part of the holidays!!

  161. When I was a kid my favorite part was the anticipation for Santa. My grandparents used to load us up and drive us around looking for Rudolph, while listening to someone on the scanner (small town) report updated sightings. Now that I have kids I love seeing the same excitement in their eyes when we try to “spot” Rudolph and Santa on Christmas Eve!!!

  162. ghtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig44444444444dcv ….is my kitten’s favourite part of the holidays.

    On Christmas Eve my family drinks rum and eggnog and plays cribbage, and sometimes I bake something, or prepare cinnamon rolls to bake Christmas morning.

  163. spend w my family and extended family and lots of awesome food!

  164. My favourite part of the holidays is taking my kids home to my parents and having them totally spoiled. Nothing like spending time with family!

  165. Christmas Eve is spent with my sister’s family.

  166. My favorite part of the holidays are the snow , hot chocolate, and sweets. :)

  167. As a meal tradition we have a traditional meal, attend Christmas Eve Candlelight service and then come home and get into our coordinating Christmas pajamas for a family photo. Love everything about Christmas.

  168. My favorite part of Christmas is the children! Watching their excitement, hearing their dreams and wishes! It all reminds me that we all should stress less and just believe in the magic of the season…all year long!

  169. My favorite part of the holiday season is how my family can actually have time to come together and spend a day or two together without having to do work.

  170. We ride the local Christmas train on Christmas Eve night to admire the lights. Then we head home to decorate gingerbread houses before bed.

  171. I always spend Christmas Eve with my family, and we eat dinner and sharing stories, laughter and joy.
    My favorite part of the holiday seasons are: families and foods.

  172. We and our neighbors line our country roads (8 miles of them) with candles in bags. It looks so gorgeous!

  173. We always have a family dinner on Christmas Eve, where everyone makes one dish. It’s nice to cook together and eat together. We don’t do presents, as that’s reserved for Sinterklaas (5th of December), also a great part of the holiday season :-)

  174. I always spend Christmas Eve at the candlelight service at church, then it is home and the kiddos get to open one gift (always seems to be jammies… wonder how that happens????) We snuggle up and pick a Christmas Movie to watch as a family. I can’t wait… Is it Dec 24th yet? No? Whew – I would be seriously behind if it was! LOL

  175. On Christmas Eve I spend it with my friends and family giving each other our secret Santa presents and then we have to guess who gave who :) And of course baking cookies and cupcakes with everyone!<3

  176. When I was a kid, I always looked forward to presents. But lately, it’s baking cake pops for the family! They get excited like they are kids again, too. :-)

  177. every christmas eve is different, last year my mom and I baked, attempted macaron (don’t use coconut flour!). the year efore our family got together and did a gift exchange. I definitely love all of the smells at christmas time and decorations!

  178. We usually always have tamales, Spanish rice and homemade refried beans for dinner on Christmas Eve.

  179. Putting up the christmas tree with my husband, taking a photo for our holiday card and clinking glasses for a good night’s efforts is something i’m looking forward to ;)

  180. We usually go Christmas Light spotting and snuggle up together on the couch with the kids.

    Favorite part of the season is all the fun I have with the kids from baking to caroling to whatever.

  181. My favorite part of the holidays is listening to Christmas cds while baking goodies with my children!

  182. We usually spend Christmas Eve with immediate family, enjoying a simple meal, like lasagna or fondue. The rest of the evening is spent opening gifts to make room under the tree for Santa to deliver more!

  183. My favourite part of the holidays is going to the beach every christmas with the family ( I live in Australia).

  184. On Christmas Eve we have a wonderful service at our church and then we travel to another church for their midnight service. Lots and lots of beautiful music! And inbetween we snack on goodies and have family fun :)

  185. After church, we drive through the village to see the houses with candles in every window and luminaries aglow. Then we gather around the Christmas tree enjoying eggnog or champagne and Christmas cookies, of course!

  186. Every Christmas Eve, we host my husband’s family for a festive dinner of french dip, roasted red potatoes and green beans. This a tradition that has been is his family for 40 years and we are happy to continue the delicious meal….

  187. My fave part of the holidays is finding (or making) the perfect gift for everyone on my list. It’s too rewarding!

    And I can’t desire if I’m more excited for the toy or the book… they are both so cool!

  188. My husband and my 4 little girls spend Christmas with my parents, sister and her son. We have an amazing dinner and open gifts from one another. Its a wonderful time. I look so forward to it.

  189. Christmas Eve is spent eating kielbasa and sour kraut to carry on the family traditions that I grew up with! We always go to sleep early!! Can’t wait for the holidays to begin!

  190. Here in Finland, Christmas Eve is actually the main day for celebrations: Christmas dinner, possibly going to church, and also a visit from Santa and opening the presents. So the Eve is filled with all things Christmas-y :)

    (And if I am lucky, I’ll provide you with a US mailing address. The toy set is amazing!)

  191. We spend Christmas Eve with my husbands family. Eating good food, playing games opening gifts and our Favorite part… Grab Bag! Lot’s of Fun!!!

  192. I’m only starting Christmas traditions with my little family, my daughter is old enough now to get into the whole Christmas thing! So I’m thinking stories under the Christmas Tree and putting out a stocking. Then once they are in bed I can do all the fun Santa things! Boot prints and reindoor prints etc.

  193. My favorite part of the holidays is listening to Christmas cd’s while baking goodies with my children!

  194. I have to admit…my favorite part of the season is…BLACK FRIDAY! I love shopping at 3a for deals!!

  195. my favorite part of christmas is my adult children still pretending to be surprised by their christmas eve present of pajamas…and christmas lights…and being with family…

  196. My family always traveled to San Francisco for the holiday season. Some of my fondest memories are of me and my father sneaking out of the hotel at night to grab a holiday meal at Lefty O’Doul’s. :)

    What I love most about the holiday season is seeking how spirited everyone gets. People seem so much happier! I start playing Christmas music as soon as Halloween is over. Bring on the festivities!

  197. Being Mexican american, our traditions are mixed. On Christmas Eve we follow the Mexican tradition of Tamales, champurrado and bunuelos. On christmas day, we have ham, roast beef and all the sides. I get the best of both worlds.

  198. My favorite part of Christmas is watching my daughters open their presents on Chrismas morning. Growing up, my family opened gifts on Christmas Eve and I didn’t get to experience the fun of waking up excited on Christmas Day. I’m having so much fun enjoying it now through them.

  199. I usually spend it baking. I try to make sure everyone’s favourite’s are on hand during the holidays.

  200. Christmas caroling on the town square, Christmas Eve service, and pizza (every other year) at the neighbor’s house. We usually pass out plates of goodies to those who don’t bake for themselves.

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