
Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Heart Cake Pops

I made mini and many cake pops for you this past weekend. I had this idea I wanted to try just using basic round pops and color to make a sweet little display. So I set out to dip enough cake pops to get the job done. That turned out to be 350 plus. Yikes. Not quite sure what I was thinking … Around number 70, I was really starting to reconsider. I thought … oh my gosh I have to make five times that many. But when I start something I can’t let it go until I get to the end and see how it works out. I know this project doesn’t help you much for this year, but I thought the heart display could totally work for a lot of other things besides Valentine’s Day.

So keep reading below for the how to… or check out my big “mini” giveaway at the end of this post. It’s a mini way for me to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Okay, here we go.

You can’t tell in the picture, but these cake pops are tiny. Like Cake Dots instead of pops. So tiny that you use a toothpick to dip them with instead of a lollipop stick. Yes a toothpick. The cake balls are actually about the size of a penny. But they are small for a reason.

  1. Regular size cake pops would take up a lot of table real estate.
  2. The lollipop sticks would be much taller and people would have a harder time viewing the design from above.
  3. I figured the proportions out so they would work on a pretty standard size piece of styrofoam to make it easier to recreate and transport.
  4. I only had to make one cake. Score.
  5. Mini is major cute.


I based the display design off of a template (see below) I made so that it works with a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam you can find in craft stores. Then I worked backwards to figure out how many cake pops you’d need to make the the shape look right. Once I had that, I knew how big to make the cake pops. Or how little.

  • Crumble cake and mix with frosting
  • Roll into tiny cake balls. (basic cake pop instructions here) You can use the circles on the downloadable template as a guide for the right size. They should be slightly smaller than the circle so that when you add the coating they will still fit together nicely.
  • Keep rolling and rolling until you have enough
  • Dip a toothpick into melted coating and then insert into a chilled cake ball.
  • Dip entire cake pop into the coating and then sprinkle with non-pareils. They are tiny and will be the best size for these tiny treats.
  • Place in styrofoam to dry.

A couple of things to note.

  • Use a small plastic bowl to melt the coating. You can work with a smaller amount of coating when dipping. Just melt the coating in batches as you go. Then you can take breaks and watch the Walking Dead marathon on AMC in between.
  • Buy more than one sheet of styrofoam. You’ll need more room than the display size so they aren’t touching each other as they dry.
  • Invite a friend over to help you. It will go faster and maybe your neck won’t hurt like mine does right now from looking down and dipping for so long.
  • I’d try Mercken’s candy coating for this project. It melts nice and fluid – you don’t want thick coating on these. It will add too much volume.
  • I’ve probably discouraged you already. Kind of like I felt as I was starting making these. But I had a feeling they’d be cute when I finished so I went on… like I’m going to do now. And by the way, these completely make me giddy when I see them finished on the table (looking at them now), so I guess it was worth it. And it will definitely be worth it if one of you decides to try it out some day. Hope you do… with a friend.


Use multi-color non-pareils for the second candy coating color. Minus the static.

Baby Cake Pop

Super cute.

When all the pops are done, prepare your display.


  • Wrap a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam with paper. I used the 19X25 inch single sheets you purchase at the craft store. You could also use wrapping paper though.
  • Packing tape worked best on the styrofoam to tape the paper down.
  • Print out the template provided centered on an 11X17 sheet of paper at somewhere like Kinko’s. The design is created for a 12X18 surface area but it is set up on 11X17 paper since that is a standard size to print. You’ll notice that some of the circles on the template are getting cropped off when they print, but that’s okay, you’ll have enough information to figure out where the pops on the perimeter should go. I hope that makes sense.
  • Tape the template down temporarily and use a safety pin to poke holes into the paper.
  • Remove the template and start arranging the cake pops using the template as a guide. Start in the middle and work your way out from the center. More than likely some of your pops will be bigger than you think and if you start at one end, left to right, they will start to tilt too much to make room as you place them in position. But if you start in the center, they will angle out equally all the way around. Again I hope that makes sense.

Heart Mini Cake Pops

Full of heart.

Mini Cake Pops on Toothpicks

But you can also rearrange them for a different look …

LOVE Mini Cake Pops

And spread a little love…


… Or some sweet hugs and kisses.

Here are the 11X17 inch templates for each.

LOVE Cake Pops

And because I love you guys and all things mini, here’s a little giveaway for you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me who your Valentine is, what your plans are (or were) for the fourteenth or just say hi.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.
  • Winner will receive a 16GB Wi-Fi iPad mini.

Good Luck.

We have a winner! YAY!

Congratulations to Brenda! Hope you and your Peanut Butter Man enjoy the mini iPad!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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5,451 comments on “Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. My valentines are my husband and two girls. Can’t live without them!

  2. Hi Bakerella!

    I’m having a girls night and going to see a live band with a girlfriend.

  3. My Valentine is my closest group of four girlfriends! Love them!

  4. Edward is my Valentine (Go ORIGINAL Team Edward!) We will go to lunch today and exchange $10 gifts tonight!

  5. going to a concert with my besties!!!

  6. Making dinner at home with my husband and three-year-old son.

  7. My wonderful husband is my Valentine! We will be staying home tonight & cooking dinner together. So excited to have a nice low-key night together.

  8. Happy V-Day! My valentine this year is my husband. We are newlyweds of 4 months (-: We are celebrating at our favorite pizza place

  9. Our big plans for tonight are to take our border collie to agility class! :) Then maybe eat some leftover chocolate lava cakes… yum!

  10. Another solo Valentine’s Day. But lot’s of great family and friends. So I’m never alone. I’m grateful and thankful for them.

  11. My valentine is my wonderful husband. We’re going to get take-out and relax at home with our two 4-legged kids!

    Happy Valentine’s day to you and your family. Thank you for all the sweetness that you bring to everyone!

  12. My favorite Valentines are my husband and my pups (they are my only kids)!!! I love to spoil all of them with homemade treats to just make their day a little extra special just so that they know that I always love them!!! It is fun to have extra special Valentines like them:) I am the luckiest girl in the world, I say!!!!!!

  13. My amazing husband of 14 years is my valentine! We will be celebrating with a fun heart shaped dinner with our 3 kids. Love the cake pop idea :)

  14. Um, those minis are amazing.
    Since I’m having twins in 5 days, my plans involve watching a movie at home on the couch with my husband, which is the best anyway because who wants to fight the crowds!?

  15. These are adorable! I am traveling today for work, so we will have Valentine’s/anniversary plans on Saturday when I get home. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Hi Bakerella,

    I will be spending valentine’s with my boyfriend (we just celebrated our one year and this will be the first real valentine’s together). We’re making pizza followed by molten lava cakes and lots of wine. Can’t wait for tonight!

  17. No plans, no valentine. I might make myself some cookie dough and watch netflix tonight…

  18. My sweet husband, Patrick is my Valentine. We will celebrate this weekend!

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

  19. My Valentines are my husband and my two daughters. We are going to cook at home tonight – and make strawberry hand pies for dessert!

  20. We had a family Valentine celebration last night at our home, and tonight we will be having a fancy dinner with friends.

  21. My Valentine is my most favorite person, Justin

  22. My hubby and I will be whisking our 2 kids off to a local indoor water park for some much needed family time and R & R. They have no idea we’re going so can’t wait to see their reactions: )

  23. My valentines started with a homemade breakfast bagel sandwich! MMM so good. Then a sweet surprise for my very special husband of almost 4 years (his favorite childhood movie – which we will watch tonight!). And of course, i could not forget my 4 legged valentine who recieved a very special treat this morning before we left for work!

    Happy Valentines Day!

  24. My Valentines are my husband and kiddos and I’m looking forward to a nice quiet evening at home. Love the very cute mini pops!

  25. Hubby is out of town so I’m celebrating Valentine’s Day with my two daughters.

  26. They’re so adorable! I’m not sure I’d have the patience to make so many cake pops, but I appreciate the fact that you do and that you are so willing to provide the eye candy!

  27. My valentines are my husband and sweet 4 year old boy.

  28. My Valentines are my husband and kids. They all drive me crazy, but my life would never be the same without them.

  29. My honey and I are having heart shaped pizza for Valentines with the kids, then on the 15th, we are going out for dinner and hopefully a movie. This is the anniversary of when we started dating…long story for another post…HI BAKERELLA!

  30. My boyfriend is my Valentine, he asked me this morning :) We plan on making our favorite meal together tonight at home.

  31. My hubby is my Valentine’s and we’ll be staying home and cooking together!

  32. Happy Valentine’s Day! :)
    My valentine is my husband of 21 years.
    We had a nice dinner together last night to celebrate and there may have been an exchange of some delectable chocolately yummies. (Cookies for him, peanut butter hearts for me.)

  33. My loves are my hubby and two kids, but we mostly celebrate the gospel that Valentine was imprisoned for sharing – God’s love!

  34. My Valentine is my awesome boyfriend :) We’re spending the evening with our epileptic doggy at home :)

  35. My valentines are my great husband, my two daughters and my parent. Ahh and my godson! No plans for today.

  36. My Valentines is my mum, we are in bed watching a movie whilst eating greek yogurt and blueberries! BLISS x

  37. Wonderful giveaway! My husband is in beautiful San Diego right now (leaving me in the east coast snow, lol), so we will be on Skype for V-day! But reunions are sweet. =) And so is Bakerella! Thank you so much for so many great ideas!

  38. My Valentine is my darling husband of almost 5 years! We’re meeting with some friends tonight but otherwise, it will be low key as it usually is which is fine by this preggo lady. ;)

  39. I guess my valentine would be my friend Tony. He is an awsome person, friend and father. I always have a good time whan I am with him even if we are just sitting across the table from each other talking. Just being near to him makes me happy.
    Happy Valentine’s day everyone!

  40. My Valentine is my husband. I baked him and our daughter heart shaped brownies. Our daughter already ate hers this morning! Grilling some steak for dinner at home.

  41. LOVE those cake pops — adorable! My valentine is my husband and we actually celebrated last week with dinner out at an Asian dumpling restaurant and shopping at Barnes & Noble. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  42. My husband is my valentine for the 16th year! Our plans for tonight include lots of cuddling our 2 precious kids.

  43. I always bake something pink and cute on the fourteenth!

  44. My valentine is my boyfriend, who is sadly working tonight. But kinda works out since I have a bad cold. Instead I have a hot hot date with a bowl of soup and project runway and Glee!

  45. Making dinner for my husband :)

  46. Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m spending it alone for some much needed “me” time!

  47. oh my goodness!!! SO cute!!! and yes, a lot of work. bless you!

    thanks for the chance to win!

    sam :-)

  48. going to work and sharing with all the people who come in a Valentine wish.

  49. Happy Valentine’s Day. I am going to make the puppy cupcakes today.


  51. My wife and I will stay in and watch a movie and drink wine this Valentine’s Day.

  52. Would love to win the mini! For V-Day, I made a bunch of strawberry hand pies and plan on sharing it this evening with a friend.

  53. My Valentine is my hubby, and we’re having a relaxed evening at home. I’m going to make some brownies for him though, and cut them out with heart cutters.

  54. My guy is actually going to cook me dinner served over candle light, and then we are off for a weekend getaway in the lovely snow capped mountains of Montana (his parents have a cabin there). Love V-day.
    Gorgeous V-day mini cake pops display. You have such talent and creativeness, not to mention endurence. I made three dozen normal sized cake pops for a bridal shower and it took me forever! I can’t even begin to imagine 350 miniature ones. But then again, I guess you are the cake pop wizard! Thanks for sharing your gifts!

  55. These are adorable…. My Valentine is my husband, always has been, always will be. Going out for dinner

  56. I am going to make Chicken Parmesan for my family for dinner, then spend a quiet evening watching The Big Bang Theory and Glee. (BTW I LOVE The Walking Dead, too!)

  57. My fiance! We’re cooking chicken parmesan at home tonight and watching a chick flick.

  58. I have baked some cute cupcakes for my work family. One of my coworkers birthday is today so I made A LOT of them. All decorated differently and above all with lots of LOVE. The day will be spent just relaxing enjoying the thoughts of happy people and cuddling with my three canine stooges! Love to bake for my peeps!!!!

  59. Hi!!
    Well my Valentine is all day. I baked him a cake, made 12 handmade roses and got him a stuffed frog, and 14 balloons and put them all in his truck lastnight so he would get them this morning!! Then tonight we are going to his favorite restaurant and a movie…

  60. My boyfriend lives in a different city, so our gift to each other was the purchase of plane tickets for me to fly out and see him :-)

  61. Hi! Your mini cake “pops” are so cute! What a great idea!

  62. My 89 year old dad will be my Valentine taking him some cookies and spending time with him, then taking some cookies to my jazzercise class. Thanks for the awesome chance to win the Mini Ipad

  63. My Valentine is my boyfriend. We plan on having a nice quiet evening at home with just each other.

  64. These are sooo cute!! My Valentine is my husband, we are going to the gym together tonight.

  65. My valentine is my husband. We don’t have plans today, but are going to The Melting Pot on Saturday.

  66. My Valentine is my hubby of eleven years. He’s swell!

  67. Going to dance and join One Billion Rising!

  68. My Valentine’s Day will be spent working the night shift in a community hospital, and my valentine is my favorite patient. He’s been there a long time, so I’m bringing him roses and balloons.

  69. My husband and our three boys are my Valentine’s! We will have a quiet family dinner at home :)

  70. Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for all the great ideas you post for us. Love them!

  71. Too cute! They would be great for a school class party.
    My wonderful husband has sent me beautiful yellow roses! We will spend a quite evening at home with our daughter.

  72. My Valentine is my sweet man :) I’m one lucky lady because he’ll be making me dinner tonight.

  73. The boyfriend and I don’t have any big plans; he’s a bit of a holiday fun-void, but he’s my favorite holiday fun-void. We’ll probably spend some quality time with our cat and watch some Doctor Who.

  74. I am lucky enough to have 2 Valentine’s. My amazing hubby and my sweet little girl. I’m so blessed!

  75. I will be spending today with my 2 cats (Romeo and Juliet)! Oh, and some homemade chocolates!

  76. Happy Valentine’s Day! My Valentine has been the same for 31 years, my hubster/best friend. My gift to him will be his favorite sweet combo…..a Big Red & a MoonPie! lol : )

  77. My valentine is my boyfriend (of two years as of tomorrow), Caleb. We are both working today, so we won’t get to see each other much. I plan on making him dinner and leaving it in the fridge (sometime I rarely do because he is capable in the kitchen). All the same, I’m thankful that we make it work despite our odd hour jobs.

  78. I plan on baking a bit since my husband is sick we cannot really do anything.

  79. My hubby and I are going to lunch while the kids are at school. It will kind of be a “mini” date. :)

  80. I hope to get a cupcake with the husband!

  81. Love all of your creative ideas! As for Valentines, I have a lot…my hubby, my children, and my pets. Who is your valentine? All the best to you!

  82. My valentine is my new husband!

  83. I always bake something pink and cute on the fourteenth!

  84. My valentines are my wife & 7-year old daughter, and we plan on having a “pizza party” at home tonight.

  85. My Valentine is my adorable hubby… he hired a personal chef to come to our home tonight… I can’t wait!

  86. My hubby and I will have a nice dinner at home :)

  87. My Valentine is my boyfriend (and my dogs). I’ll be making pink rice krispies treats today!

  88. My Valentine is Richard. We now have 2 little cupids(2 girls) and we always have a special home cooked meal made by my husband. And of course a special dessert…cake pops!!

  89. My sweet hubby is my Valentine!!

  90. My Valentine is my cutie-patootie wife of 17 years! And this post made me think of Mother’s Animal Cookies which are my favorite, and the fact that they are red velvet…even better!!

  91. Every Valentines Day, I bake something special for my husband. So much more meaningful (and tastier) than a card or flowers!

  92. My husband is currently deployed, so my two little ones are my Valentine’s today :) We plan on making mini heart shaped pizzas and watching a movie.

  93. I plan to have pancakes with the family. That is my kiddos favorite and thus my gift to them tonight!

  94. I have many valentines! My boyfriend of 5 1/2 years, of course, but also my mom and my dad, my sister, my friends at school…I am a blessed woman. :)

  95. Hellothere. Unfortunately not doing anything exciting for Valentine’s day :-( i have to work and i will not see my hubby of 20the years until sunday. Sundy we will have a nice dinner together.

  96. It’s a school night. Maybe make something nice for my four valentines.

  97. My valentine will be my orgo exam -__-
    But I made cake pops last night to share with everyone! :)

  98. my valentine is my dog, max, who i adopted from the shelter four years ago today!

  99. My Valentine is my dear hubby. I’ll most likely wait till this weekend to make something and spend tonight just together at home.

  100. Awww!! Love this post. Hope you have a great love day!

  101. My valentine is Gigi…my first, my last, my everything :) And Valentine’s day….is every day! <3

  102. My Valentine is my boyfriend, Max!
    We’re celebrating the holiday on two different continents this year, but have still managed to fill the day with sweet surprises and lots of love.
    <3 <3

  103. My hubby works in a restaurant, so no hope for a night off! I will be spending the night with my mini-valentines snuggled up watching movies, eating popcorn<3

  104. My wonderful hubby is my valentine. No special plans, just a regular night with our 6 kiddos!

  105. Happy Valentine’s Day! My Valentine’s is my wondeful hubby. We’re going to spend the evening with our little girls since they’re our Valentine’s too. :-)

  106. My valentine this year is my french bulldog puppy Teddy! He is 6.5 months old and the best valentine anyone could ask for :)

  107. Spending everyday of the year (not just today!) giving away love as fast as I can gather it ;-)

  108. Spending the evening with my adorable husband and then going to Philly for the weekend to go to dinner and the Franklin Institute Titanic exhibit. And then brunch at Parc. Excited! :) Happy Valentine’s Day!

  109. Love the mini cake pop, Bakerella! Very squeee-worthy.
    My valentine is my partner Mike. I made him a bouquet of heart-shaped cake pops and we plan on staying home and watching the Big Bang Theory.

  110. My valentine is my husband Sean and our 5 furkids. We’re just going to hang out at home and relax for the day.

  111. Beautiful roses from my Valentine for 38 years, and a nice dinner at home… all the best.

  112. My hubby is of course my valentine, and we are sneaking in a lunch date while the kids are at school!

  113. My valentine’s are my husband and to sweet children. We are going to spend the evening at home and have a special valentines dinner with cake pops included!! :)

  114. This year I have two Valentine’s – my husband (my rock) and my 1 year old son (my dearest love). Our plans are to spend the evening together, at home, with the fireplace going! Stay warm and love on each other!! Thanks for the chance to win.

    Happy Valentine’s Day! You and your treats are such an insipration…keeps me challenging myself in the kitchen! :-)


  115. The hubs of eight years and I went to the P!NK concert last night for our V-Day celebration. It was absolutely AMAZING! :) So tonight will be spent loving on our three little valentines.

  116. I’m so lucky to spend my Valentines Day with my adorable niece, 4 1/2 months old. All day, I get to spend with my love bug. Am so blessed, even though I may not have my own special someone to celebrate Valentines Day with.

  117. LOVE the mini cake pops! What a great idea. I have Jury Duty today, but I did get to go to breakfast with my husband! Thanks for the chance to win.

  118. My Valentine is my husband, but he’s on the road and won’t be home today. Maybe we’ll celebrate this weekend! Love the smaller size cake pops and can’t wait to make some!

  119. My husband and i usually stay in and make a special dinner complete with champagne and oysters.

  120. For Valentine’s day, we’ll be trying a Red Velvet Cheese cake tonight then going to burn all those calories giving a Zumba Fitness class!

  121. The Hubs is my Valentine :) Nothing exciting going on tonight. I’ll cook and we’ll snuggle up on the couch with our pup!

  122. Have you ever heard the song “Cry (Just a Little)”? – If not go listen to it right now. If I were to make a song for Bakerella it would be to the tune of “Cry” and it would go a little like ” I die just a little, everytime, when I see a new Bakerella idea.” Corny, I know, but seriously your cute cake pops and fun ideas are ‘to-die-for’!
    My Valentines this year will consist of celebrating, or commiserating S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day). Valentines day is so cliche, don’t you think? Overrated? I agree. Overload of expensive chocolate and chick flicks sounds good to me. :) And now, thanks to Bakerella, I may even have a productive S.A.D. day by making Mini Cake Pops! S.A.D.? Oh, its just another one of those ‘Mini’ ways to celebrate Valentines day! XOXO BAKERELLA

  123. This is adorable! I wish I had your patience. :)

    My Valentine is my sweet husband. I made dinner reservations at our favorite restaurant for tonight, and made him a homemade vanilla bean white chocolate cheesecake. Then tomorrow we took the day off to be together and go get a couples massage. VERY excited.

  124. Holy Cow! That is a lot of cake pops. Turned out really cute! I’ll be hanging out with my family tonight high on sugar:-)

  125. Love the mini’s!! Will definitely be trying these out soon, I think I mini cake pop party is in order for me and my friends! haha

    My hubs is my valentine, at 8 months preggo (also with a two year old at home) we have plans for a quiet night tonight (take out anyone! no cooking for me!) But we have plans to go out on Saturday to get dinner, while Grammy has a sleepover with the peanut! Ahhh Sleeping in I cant wait!

  126. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  127. And I thought I was the ‘MAKE WORK’ queen!
    They’re wonderful!
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  128. Love everything about this post! Hi *waves*

  129. I will be spending my day making valentines with my kids and then having a yummy dinner!

  130. spending the day and evening with my hubby and our baby girl!

  131. My valentine is my husband. We are celebrating our second Valentine’s Day as a married couple. We probably will have dinner tonigh somewhere, but have a weekend getaway planned for this weekend!

  132. For Valentine’s, I plan to spend the evening with my children. Taking them to dinner and giving them their Valentine’s presents.

  133. My valentine is my boyfriend of 10+ years. We’re going to celebrate with sushi and a movie night at home.

  134. I plan on making homemade heart shaped mini pizza for dinner tonight with heart shaped chocolate chip cookies for afterwards for my two Valentine’s; my wonderful husband and our beautiful daughter.

  135. My Valentines are my wife and kids. We are having dinner with a special dessert then bedtime for the Kids and movie time for us.

  136. Happy Valentine’s Day! Strawberries, whipped cream and waffles for breakfast- Great start to the day!

  137. My youngest is my Valentine…and has been for the last 22 years! Born twenty-two years ago today! I will be making banana cream pie…his favorite!

  138. What an adorable display!! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your love :) I’m blessed to have four Valentine’s… awesome hubby, and three awesome sons :) We are beside ourselves today with NO SPORTS PRACTICES OR GAMES to attend tonight – so we’ll spend our Valentine’s Day evening at home enjoing ourselves :)

  139. My Valentines this year are my cutie pie kids… though 4.5 and 2 year olds don’t make for a romantic day/evening they sure give the best kisses (especially after giving them pink pancakes, balloons and candy!)

  140. My valentine’s are my roommates and I couldn’t be happier. we were talking about making heart shaped food for dinner tonight. I love it!

  141. I am so blessed to have the most amazing Valentines in my husband and two little girls. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

  142. My plans are to stay home with my husband and kiddo’s and cook a wonderful dinner and make cookies!

  143. I actually have two Valentines; my husband and my 13 month old son. My husband had to work today and my son and I are going to spend the day making daddy cute heart shaped cookies that say things like “i love you like, marge loves homer, smoke loves fire, etc.” I hope he likes them. :)

  144. Oh my gosh! These are amazing! My hubby and I don’t have any plans…we have two sick kiddos so we will be sharing the love at home! :-)

  145. My valentine is my husband… my love.

  146. My heart goes to Jesus today. No big plans, no earthly love at the moment. Planning to go to the gym for a little self improvement and journal for spiritual connection.

  147. My valentines are my husband and my three daughters. We will be spending the evening at home with a heart shaped pizza and heart shaped cookies.

  148. My Valentine is my sweet wife, Linda and we are celebrating as a family with our two boys, Noah and Jayden.

  149. Oh my word those are adorable. I love that they are more bite size- I could pop those all day long.

  150. my husband is my valentine, but we don’t have any plans. We are trying to save all of our money to go to Hawaii in April.

  151. My valentine and I are having a simple stay in Valentine’s Day, good supper, yummy dessert and great company.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  152. My husband and I went out for dinner last night so we wouldn’t have to brave the crouds tonight. We don’t have anything special planned for today, but I’m planning to take my girls to see Disney on Ice this weekend.

  153. I don’t have any big plans for today, but I have baked some sweet cupcakes (pink velvet cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting) for my friends! They becomed popular and they liked them very much and I agree on that point. The cupcakes was superyummie :D

    (Can I compete if I live in Finland?)

  154. I love this idea! I think I’ll try it for other images as well.

  155. My valentine this year is my husband and my unborn child! I’m about 8 weeks pregnant and I’m so excited to be sharing this Valentine’s Day with my child :)

  156. CUTE mini cakepops!!! My valentine is my hubby of 17 years. :) We’re having lunch together. :)

  157. My valentine is my wife of just about 10 years. We aren’t doing anything today but we are going bowling tomorrow.

  158. My Valentine is my husband and our 2 kids. Plans involve sushi take out after the kids are in bed and probably watching something horror-centric :)

  159. I don’t have a valentine, so I’m here just to say hi! The mini cake pops are adorable and you’ve given me an idea on how to use them for another occasion! Thanks!

  160. My Valentines are my girls Sadie 3 & Cay 2 :) we are baking cookies and watching a movie

  161. My hubby and 5yr old son are my Valentine’s. Tue. was the hubby’s bday and our parents are coming to visit this weekend so we’re just cleaning up and laying low this evening. happy Valentine’s Day!

  162. hi Bakerella!
    My valentine is my sweet fiance, we will be spending this evening baking a ricotta-cheesecake together and obviously eating it!
    This post looks amazing, I can’t believe that you not only made this, but also had the energy to rearrange them to spell LOVE and XOXO! you are incredible.

  163. My Valentines are my wonderful husband, my 11 year old daughter & 6 month old son! Tonight its just me and the kids, my husband is a firefighter so he works 24 hour shifts so we wont see him until Friday morning. I will probably make a special dinner for me & Amber and my baby boy will get some Gerber lol Then we will make some sweets to take to my husbands work for the guys <3

  164. My Valentine is my husband. We have no plans to my knowledge.

  165. So so cute! This idea could work so great for a birthdayparty too :D
    My valentine and I are going to spend the evening at home tonight with a homecooked three course italian menu followed by a Hitchcock-classic. So looking forward to it! Happy Valentine! :)

  166. My Valentines are my two boys, Christopher and Marcus! They will be at home tonight with their dad and sister and I will be at school!

  167. Hi! Just made Red velvet and Strawberry cake balls for my co-workers and they loved it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  168. I have two valentines this year! My sweet husband and my beautiful baby girl!!! <3

  169. You never cease to amaze me with all your cake pops. They look so delicious. I made special valentine cookies to share with all the family.
    I would love to win the giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Have a great Valetine’s Day!

  170. My valentine is my adorable, sweet hubby!! :)

  171. This is so cool!

    I will be spending this Valentine’s Day with my sweet boyfriend. Both of us are working late tonight, so we plan on getting a pizza after work, guzzling down cheap champagne, and indulging in sweet treats =]

  172. My Valentines are my husband and my two wonderful kids. We are having a family dinner and I have a scavenger hunt planned for the kids after dinner. Such a cute idea with the mini cake pops. I’m going to have to remember this for next year.

  173. I will spend my valentines day with many, now mini, cake pops, a huge mug of hot chocolate, and a movie night with my family!

  174. My Valentines are my two kiddos. Couldn’t possibly love them more!

    Thank you!

  175. My husband proposed 18 years ago on Valentine’s Day…today we will spend it with our 2 wonderful kids at a family dinner, prepared by moi!! I Love my hubby and kidlets!! There might be chocolate treats involved!!!

  176. My little girl is my valentine.

  177. My Valentines are my husband and 2 kids (2.5 & 1 years old). We will be home–going out to dinner is no fun with a 2.5 yr old boy.

  178. My nephews are my valentines! I’m going to be taking them to see ‘ABCD’ – a Bollywood 3D dance movie! :D

  179. We are in the middle of a huge house reno so we’re spending our Valentines Day going shopping for tile and bathroom fixtures! Romantic…

  180. My Valentines are my sweetie Ryan and my kidlets! We will be cooking dinner together at home to celebrate.

  181. My husband and I are taking a sunset harbor cruise in Newport beach,ca and having a nice dinner afterwards. :) <3

  182. My valentine is my sweet husband!

  183. My Valentine is my husband of 13 years. We are having dinner at home tonight with the kids and will celebrate on a date this weekend. :) Happy V-Day!!!

  184. My hubby is my valentine, but he’s working late tonight so I’ll celebrate with my dogs.

  185. Have you ever heard the song “Cry (Just a Little)”?(If you haven’t, go listen to it right now. Smile.) If I were to make a song for Bakerella, it would be sung to the tune of “Cry” and would go something like: “I die just a little, everytime, when I see Bakerellas new idea.” Corny, I know, but your cute pops and blog post are to-die-for! I don’t know how you just continue to come up with so many fresh ideas using the same inspiration: Cake Pops! You are so very fresh and creative.
    This Valentines I am celebrating “National Singles Day” and will be hangin’ with some girl buddies, eating loads of chocolate, watching tons of chicka flicks and wallowing in pity because all of our boyfriends dumped us, OOPS!, I mean, celebrating our singleness! -But after seeing your cute display today, I think we shall have to add that to the list of ‘Singles Night-In To-Do’s’.
    Again, your ideas are just too darn cute for words (or songs)!

  186. My DH is my special valentine! However, I have 3 mini valentines…our 3 sons! :) We’ll have heart-shaped pizza and plenty of chocolate tonight! This is my favorite holiday and I love to go all out!

  187. I’ll be spending Valentines with my husband and kids at home.

  188. My valentine is my husband and we exchange cards for Valentines Day.

  189. I’m obsessed with anything mini!! Dinner, movie and heart cake pops for my Valentine!

  190. My husband and 2 girls will celebrate Valentines with crab cakes and chocolate covered strawberries. On the weekend my husband and I will go to a glass blowing studio and make glass hearts. Can’t wait!

  191. My husband has been my valentine for almost 14 years <3 today I'll spend the day baking then I'll make a healthy dinner for us and our 3 little loves and a yummy dessert. We'll celebrate together on Saturday when he's off work :) thanks and Happy Valentines!

  192. My Valentine is my oven. I will be baking this evening.

  193. My Valentine is my husband, though we’re not big V-day people so we’ll just be hanging out at home tonight…though I may surprise him with a special dessert!

  194. My valentine is my boyfriend of one year. Unfortunately he’s on the road travelling for work today! But we’ll celebrate when he gets back. :)

  195. Those are just the cutest little cake pops ever! I may just have to make some with my two little girls, who of course I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day with, along with my hubby. I stayed up late making pretzel hugs for my girls to take to school today for their friends! Maybe next year I’ll make mini cake pops! So much fun!! As always, thanks for your inspiration!

  196. Today we will be celebrating my hubby’s 40th Birthday-he’s a Valentine’s baby so that always takes precedence :-) I’m going to make him a shrimp dinner tonight and end with a boston creme cake. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  197. My Valentine is my boyfriend! We went on our first date 7 years ago today. Tonight I am making him PW Macaroni and cheese and chocolate dipped strawberries! Yum!

  198. Happy <3 Day. Today I have 4 Valentines…my biggest boy, Chris and our 3 not so smaller boys, Jake, Sam and Nick. I'm surprising them with homemade buffalo chicken bites tonight.

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