
Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Heart Cake Pops

I made mini and many cake pops for you this past weekend. I had this idea I wanted to try just using basic round pops and color to make a sweet little display. So I set out to dip enough cake pops to get the job done. That turned out to be 350 plus. Yikes. Not quite sure what I was thinking … Around number 70, I was really starting to reconsider. I thought … oh my gosh I have to make five times that many. But when I start something I can’t let it go until I get to the end and see how it works out. I know this project doesn’t help you much for this year, but I thought the heart display could totally work for a lot of other things besides Valentine’s Day.

So keep reading below for the how to… or check out my big “mini” giveaway at the end of this post. It’s a mini way for me to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Okay, here we go.

You can’t tell in the picture, but these cake pops are tiny. Like Cake Dots instead of pops. So tiny that you use a toothpick to dip them with instead of a lollipop stick. Yes a toothpick. The cake balls are actually about the size of a penny. But they are small for a reason.

  1. Regular size cake pops would take up a lot of table real estate.
  2. The lollipop sticks would be much taller and people would have a harder time viewing the design from above.
  3. I figured the proportions out so they would work on a pretty standard size piece of styrofoam to make it easier to recreate and transport.
  4. I only had to make one cake. Score.
  5. Mini is major cute.


I based the display design off of a template (see below) I made so that it works with a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam you can find in craft stores. Then I worked backwards to figure out how many cake pops you’d need to make the the shape look right. Once I had that, I knew how big to make the cake pops. Or how little.

  • Crumble cake and mix with frosting
  • Roll into tiny cake balls. (basic cake pop instructions here) You can use the circles on the downloadable template as a guide for the right size. They should be slightly smaller than the circle so that when you add the coating they will still fit together nicely.
  • Keep rolling and rolling until you have enough
  • Dip a toothpick into melted coating and then insert into a chilled cake ball.
  • Dip entire cake pop into the coating and then sprinkle with non-pareils. They are tiny and will be the best size for these tiny treats.
  • Place in styrofoam to dry.

A couple of things to note.

  • Use a small plastic bowl to melt the coating. You can work with a smaller amount of coating when dipping. Just melt the coating in batches as you go. Then you can take breaks and watch the Walking Dead marathon on AMC in between.
  • Buy more than one sheet of styrofoam. You’ll need more room than the display size so they aren’t touching each other as they dry.
  • Invite a friend over to help you. It will go faster and maybe your neck won’t hurt like mine does right now from looking down and dipping for so long.
  • I’d try Mercken’s candy coating for this project. It melts nice and fluid – you don’t want thick coating on these. It will add too much volume.
  • I’ve probably discouraged you already. Kind of like I felt as I was starting making these. But I had a feeling they’d be cute when I finished so I went on… like I’m going to do now. And by the way, these completely make me giddy when I see them finished on the table (looking at them now), so I guess it was worth it. And it will definitely be worth it if one of you decides to try it out some day. Hope you do… with a friend.


Use multi-color non-pareils for the second candy coating color. Minus the static.

Baby Cake Pop

Super cute.

When all the pops are done, prepare your display.


  • Wrap a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam with paper. I used the 19X25 inch single sheets you purchase at the craft store. You could also use wrapping paper though.
  • Packing tape worked best on the styrofoam to tape the paper down.
  • Print out the template provided centered on an 11X17 sheet of paper at somewhere like Kinko’s. The design is created for a 12X18 surface area but it is set up on 11X17 paper since that is a standard size to print. You’ll notice that some of the circles on the template are getting cropped off when they print, but that’s okay, you’ll have enough information to figure out where the pops on the perimeter should go. I hope that makes sense.
  • Tape the template down temporarily and use a safety pin to poke holes into the paper.
  • Remove the template and start arranging the cake pops using the template as a guide. Start in the middle and work your way out from the center. More than likely some of your pops will be bigger than you think and if you start at one end, left to right, they will start to tilt too much to make room as you place them in position. But if you start in the center, they will angle out equally all the way around. Again I hope that makes sense.

Heart Mini Cake Pops

Full of heart.

Mini Cake Pops on Toothpicks

But you can also rearrange them for a different look …

LOVE Mini Cake Pops

And spread a little love…


… Or some sweet hugs and kisses.

Here are the 11X17 inch templates for each.

LOVE Cake Pops

And because I love you guys and all things mini, here’s a little giveaway for you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me who your Valentine is, what your plans are (or were) for the fourteenth or just say hi.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.
  • Winner will receive a 16GB Wi-Fi iPad mini.

Good Luck.

We have a winner! YAY!

Congratulations to Brenda! Hope you and your Peanut Butter Man enjoy the mini iPad!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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5,451 comments on “Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Amazing-this will be the answer to all those who are watching their weight but still want to enjoy a little mini treat!????

  2. This is TOO cute! My Valentine this year is my sweet 10 month old, Emmett. :) And his Daddy of course! Thanks for the chance!

  3. I have a new little Valentine this year. My 9 month old son is still not letting me sleep for more than 3 hours at a time, but he’s the cutest and sweetest Valentine I could ask for.

  4. My Valentine’s are my girls.. Hitting the drive-up coney place on opening night.. Rudy’s is the best.. (next to cake pops)

  5. I LOVE all your Mini Pop displays! Today I am cooking lobster tails, shrimp and steak here at home for my 6 yr old son and my NEW Fiancé (as he asked me to Marry him last night) and father of our one year old daughter! Best Vday EVER already. Can’t wait to see him when he gets home from work! <3 God Bless!

  6. My valentine is my boyfriend and we’ll be making dinner after work today! Your blog has inspired me to make something sweet (and cute) for a treat!

  7. Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

  8. My Valentine is my husband of just over a year. We don’t really have any plans…just the usual dinner at home with our children.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. My Valentines are my husband and our sweet baby girl who just turned 14 months yesterday. We are getting take-out for dinner and while he is working today I’m making heart-shaped strawberry pies for dessert tonight.

  10. Love, love your mini’s?
    30+ years with my husband, my sweet valentine.

  11. I will spend my Valentines Day with my new “crush”. :-) I plan on making him dinner and giving him homemade sugar cookies!

  12. We’ve gotten a babysitter, and my hubby is deciding where we are going!

  13. No specific plans tonight, as I am among the dateless, but I’ve been thinking about taking my parents to the movies. We’ll see!

  14. Too cute! I don’t have a valentine. Thanks for this giveaway!

  15. My Valentines this year are my adorable nieces and nephews!

  16. My valentines are my husband and 2 little boys! We are having some Thai take-out at home with some sweet treats!

  17. My love is my soldier man. :) we are going out to dinner tonight kid free. :) can’t wait!!!

  18. My husband is my valentine and we will be enjoying a kid free weekend this weekend!

  19. Tonight, I will be going to spinning class with a friend, but tomorrow I’ll be having a Valentine’s Day happy hour at my work. I might just have to make some heart shaped cookies to share!

  20. My Newest Valentine is “Baby Rocco”
    He was born on Super Bowl Sunday.

    I plan on ordering out dinner for his Daddy and Big Sister Isabella.

  21. My valentine is my fiance, who doesn’t really like cake or sweet things (I KNOW, RIGHT) so we’ll probably snuggle on the couch with our laptops, catching up on DVR and eating takeout and pointing out funny things we’ve come across on the internet.

  22. My Valentine is my sweet husband. We celebrated last night with roses, perfume, and Disney Scrabble =) I have a bad cold so I didn’t get kisses or hugs though =( He will be out of town tonight so I will snuggle with my cat. She doesn’t mind my germs, lol!

  23. My Valentine for 21 years…my hubby!

  24. As much as I love my husband, my kids are always my valentines!

  25. I’ll be making a trip to the store, cleaning the apartment, and making shepherd’s pie and peanut butter chocolate fudge to share with my handsome boyfriend when he gets home from work. <3

  26. My Valentine is my hubby and our two beautiful children.

    I just wanted to say, you are one amazingly talented woman. I love everything you do and wish had the talent you do. I tried my hand at cake pops for the first time at christmas, and while very yummy, not nearly as cute as yours. So keep up the good work!

  27. my hubby of 11 years is my valentine. I’m not sure what his plans are for us. :)

  28. We will be chilling at home with our 6 week old daughter!

    Happy V Day!

  29. My hubby is my valentine. Making appetizers for our dinner with the kids tonight. Yum!

  30. Happy Valentine’s Day! What cute bitty pops! My Valentine is my husband and two pups. We are going to spend the evening together at home breaking away from all or regularly scheduled “busy-ness”

  31. Love, love, LOVE these mini cake pops!!! My valentines are my husband and children. I’ll be spending this romantic day at work and then as a mommy taxi from school to dance. :)

  32. Super cute! Thanks for sharing.
    No valentine, but your mini cake-pops have cheered me up!

  33. My valentines are my hubby and two kids! Thankful for them every day :) Happy V-Day to you and thanks for the giveaway :)

  34. Hi Bakerella! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. My husband and I will be spending the evening with our two little ones. I think we will have dinner at home then go to a yogurt place near our home that we love. Good luck everyone!

  35. My valentines are my family! I spoiled them with waffles and they went shopping for me. I enjoyed the sun at the lake and snow together with Andy.
    Hope you have fun too!

  36. no valentines plans :( so hi! :)

  37. We celebrated the Friday before Valentine’s with a family fondue! Everyone helped and it was a great meal. <3

  38. My Valentine this year is my sister and we’re going to spend the holiday at home with pizza, wine, and movies :)

  39. My Valentine is my dear husband. We are going to a movie tonight.

  40. Happy Valentines day! These are cute!

  41. My Valentines are my hubby and two sons. This year we will be staying home with a sick kiddo. Once everyone is healthy we will do something nice and I will bake something delicious to celebrate.

  42. These are awesome!!! Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday! I love all the pink, white, and red in the middle of winter gray! Starting off the morning with a special Valentine’s breakfast for my sweet girls! Have a great day! <3

  43. My valentine is my fantastic husband. We’ve been together through 10 years (married 8), me having cancer, 4 cross country moves, my parents living with us, us living with my parents, depression, layoffs and sadness and still they have been the best years of my life.

    We are planning to go to the Library’s screening of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

  44. My valentine is my hubby of course. Our plans are to spend the day together at home. Too much craziness out in public on this day.

  45. My hubby and kids and we will have dinner together maybe by candle light, Hubby is in charge of dinner so will be take out most likely Thai! :)

  46. Happy Valentines Day!! Love your creativity!

  47. I love Valentine’s Day.I have spent the last 38 Valentine’s day with one of the greatest husbands. there have been good ones and some Ok ones but every year the best part of the day is when he says I Love You. But every day of the year is great when he tells me he loves me. It’s corny I know but it’s true

  48. My Valentine is my amazing husband! After all the years we’ve been together, he still makes my heart flutter. :)

  49. Love all of the great cake pop ideas! Will have to share them with all of my Valentines :)

  50. When I think you have done everything , you come again with a fabulous unique idea…this is just lovely.. We are celebrating with a nice dinner for two this weekend..

  51. Love this! I will be spending Valentines Day with my two daughters and my husband of 7 years just relaxing at home!

  52. My valentine is my wonderful husband of 30 years who is taking care of me today as I recover from dental surgery yesterday. What a great guy I have! Happy Valentines to you.

  53. We won’t be doing anything significant tonight…but we’re going to see Zac Brown in concert next weekend!! The kids & I did wake up to chocolate and flowers this morning though.

  54. We are going to stay home tonight and enjoy dinner but go out tomorrow or Saturday when it is not so crowded so we can enjoy it better. We plan to exchange gifts tonight! Been married almost 19 years!

  55. My wonderful husband if 19 years! Love the mini cake pops! So cute!!

  56. Resting after decorating 60+ conversation heart cookies I made for my kid’s class parties. And watching Skyfall with my husband.

  57. Love the designs! My husband is my Valentine and we had a wonderful dinner at a local Italian restaurant.

  58. My wife with dinner postponed until next week.

  59. My valentine has to be out of the state this year, so we’re meeting on skype and watching a movie together. Making it work!
    Thanks for hosting another wonderful giveaway. And those cake pop designs? Amazing!

  60. I am going to make homemade heart shaped ding dongs and then tonight my hubby and I are going to see Jim Brickman with the Atlanta Symphony. Love to you on Valentine’s Day!

  61. My Valentine has been the same for 35 years…my one and only Dan!

  62. My valentine and I will be taking our little girls to their dance classes!

  63. My valentine is my sweet kitty Winston Churchill – but he’ll have to deal with a night alone because I’m going out to the movies!

  64. My husband has to work so we are going to get massages on Saturday :)

  65. My Valentines are my hubby and my 6 kids. We aren’t doing anything big for Valentines, but I’m going to make pink pancakes with chocolate chips in them for dinner. Everyone here loves pancakes. Maybe if I’m feeling adventurous, I’ll try to make them heart shaped. :)

  66. My Valentine’s for ever are my husband Mark and my daughter Amanda. They make life “sweeter” every single day!!!
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  67. My valentines are my husband and my sweet baby girl!

  68. My valentine’s are my wonderful supportive husband and my four beagles (we lost one on Christmas Eve – but still my valentine!) and our tabby cat! Nice romantic dinner at home this year for Valentine’s Day! LOVE the mini’s! Way too cute! Can’t wait to try them!

  69. My Valentines are my sweet students. They are all dressed in red and pink today and looking cuter than cute.

  70. I love these!!! So cute!!

    This Valentine’s I’ll be spending the day with my best friend, and husband, Thomas. He’s taking me to a musical (miracle!) and our favorite Italian restaurant. Sweet, sweet man!

    I’m making him heart-shaped cookie dough truffles so wish me luck!

  71. My valentine is my husband. We’re having lazagna, his favorite, if I can work up the energy to make it! Sick kiddos wipe me out. Glad we’re low-key valentines people.

  72. My husband of 14 years is my valentine and true love. But, our evening plans don’t include romance as we have kids and one of them has softball practice. Candlelight picnic dinner by the softball fields anyone?

  73. Happy Valentines Day! Staying in and cooking supper with my two fav guys!!

  74. Love ur website… recipes, pics, and writing.. all together a great page… it brings a smile when i go through ur page.. Happy Valentine Day..

  75. My husband and I don’t bother much with Valentine’s Day, but I’ll be running a couple school parties for my kids :)

  76. I will be working them taking my son to gymnastics for 3 hrs. Big plans this weekend though. My husbands birthday is the day after so we are headed for a fun relaxing weekend out if town for a couple of days.

  77. Love the mini cake pops. I will be having a nice and quiet Valentine’s Day with my kiddo and hubby.

  78. My valentine is my adorable husband Ryan. We are actually spending the evening with my in-laws. We typically have dinner with them one night a week, and tonight happens to work best for us.

  79. No valentine this year; plans include homework and a mug brownie!

  80. My husband is my valentine…we enjoy just time together since our anniversary is in 10 days. His gift will, therefore, be this iPad when I win it. ????

  81. Me and my fiancee are spending a fun night cooking together for Valentine’s Day!

  82. My Valentines are my husband and my son. We’re planning a lovely evening at home, just the three of us. LOVE the mini cake pops! This might be fun for a birthday I’m planning :)

  83. LOVE these!!! Super cute idea!!! You’re so creative!!

    My Valentine is my best friend and husband of 2 years! Relaxing this evening and of course sharing cake pops I made earlier in the week!! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!

  84. My valentine is my husband, in 20 years we have never been apart on Valentines day, today we’ll go to the theatre and then dinner with our beloved kids.
    Happy Valentines day for you!

  85. My valentine is my husband and my three beautiful kiddos. No plans. With 3 kids it’s hard to go out and do anything really special. Just a cozy night at home.

  86. Just a lot of studying to get done today, so I guess illbe spending Valentines Day with friends!

  87. My valentine is my darling son!

  88. Hi there! hows bout you give this heart broken woman an awsome gift to cheer her up! ;-)

  89. Love this. Ill be spending valentines day with my two girls an husband of 7 years!

  90. My Valentine is Eric (my husband) and my kids. We plan on dinner out and unpacking from our move! :)
    Thanks for the templates and cool mini pop ideas :)

  91. My Valentine is my new husband. We work opposite shifts so for our Valentine’s Day night we will only have an hour to spend together before he has to go to work. It’s okay, though, because just being able to see him for an hour will be the best gift to me. Our week has been busy so I have only seen him for about 15 minutes each day since Monday.

  92. My Valentine is my wonderful husband. We are planning a low-key evening at home. For dinner, we are having bacon wrapped filet, brussel sprouts and sauteed mushrooms. And something sweet for dessert. Happy Love Day, Angie!

  93. This is such a great idea! I love it! I will be spending my Valentine’s Day with my kids. They are and will always be the loves of my life!

  94. My valentine is my wonderful husband who made me a delicious dinner last night since he knew I had to work tonight.

  95. My husband’s birthday is valentine’s day and he has been my valentine ever since we met in high school 38 years ago. i plan to make these and spell his name out with them :)
    Thanks for a great post!

  96. Just spending time with my two children, no big plans, hope you have a great valentine’s day.

  97. My Valentine is my boyfriend – it’s also his birthday :) I plan on making him all of his favorite treats!

    P.S. – you have an incredible amount of patience.Those minis are adorable!

  98. My stand out Valentine is my 9 1/2 year old son because today is is half birthday and he left for the school bus wearing a crown (long pipe cleaner wrapped around his head with another pipe cleaner attached perpendicular with a heart on it) to let everyone know it !!

  99. My hubby!! We are going to relax!

  100. HI
    H V D (happy valentines day!)
    i just LOVE ur baking!!! wish i could do the same . . . . . .but i try!

  101. My valentine is my boyfriend of seven years that I have been best friends with since kindergarten. We are having heart shaped pancakes for breakfast because we both work tonight.

  102. Unfortunately, I have a date with a final exam on Valentine’s day, but afterward I’m treating myself (and probably my lovely sister) to some chocolate and wine.

  103. Spending valentines day working and then taking my daughter to gymnastics then maybe a quick bite. I did put a really cute card and sweet necklace in her lunch box. I think she will be surprised! 8 year olds LOVE surprises :))

  104. My valentine is coming back from a work trip tonight. Plan is to make a heart shaped pizza for dinner :)

  105. Really cute idea! Happy Valentines Day.

  106. My Valentines are my husband and three beautiful boys. Lots of hugs and kisses today! Happy Valentines to you! xoxo

  107. Happy Valentines Day!! My Valentine is my wonderful husband Scott. We are having a date at home this year!!!

  108. I love this idea, and ipads minis:>) We are taking my son to dinner and then math class and will have an hour to just talk together:>)

  109. This is amazing and such a labor of love! I love everything in miniature! How long did it take you to make all those mini cake pops?!
    And Happy Valentine’s Day! My hubby and my 7-yr old are my sweet valentines. I’m off to the class party at school and we’re enjoying plenty of chocolates and sweets today. : )

  110. Went out with my boyfriend this morning and had a wonderful breakfast together. Also made heart-shaped cookies for him.

  111. My Valentines are my husband and 2 children! I’m surprising my kids at school with special lunches today – they think they are buying! I am making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and a chocolate mousse cake for dessert. There will be Valentine’s cards for everyone at the table and now I want to make mini cake pops! LOL

  112. My valentine is my husband. We are staying home and having a fondue dinner with our two girls.

  113. dont have too many plans…maybe an ipad mini will help

  114. My valentine is my hubby of 7 years. We were able to celebrate last weekend with a couples only “breakfast in bed” event at my house. Not to worry, no bed involved lol, just a fancy breakfast but at dinner time and everyone wore there comfy flannel PJ’s.

  115. My boyfriend doesn’t live near me, but he is coming to visit this weekend and I am making your sweetheart cake! Tonight, I am getting Chinese food and watching a movie with my girlfriends :)

  116. I will do Cake-pops with my 2 little loves of 8 ans 12 years old.

  117. My Valentine will be my daughter today. My husband won’t be home all day because he is working and going to school, taking a late night class, 8:45am-11:00pm. I’m sad and venting a little, haha. Anyway, my daughter and I will be making plenty of goodies and crafts today so it’s okay :) We are going to stick this out!

  118. My husband and two toddlers are my Valentines. Tonight after the kiddos are in bed my hubby and I are going to make dinner together. Simple and sweet.

  119. I have many Valentines…first my huband and then my two sweet kiddos. We are planning to have dinner at home with icecream for dessert. YUM!

  120. Valentine’s Day (aka Single Awareness Day) isn’t a big deal for me. It used to be depressing, but I’ve pretty much gotten over that now. My students and my amazing children give me tons of love and full my heart. I’ll be babysitting my beautiful new grandson tonight while his parents paint the town red. It’s a good thing! :o)

  121. I made red velvet cupcakes to take to work and a simple cake for home. That, along with a special home cooked dinner, is my plan for tonight! Happy valentines day!

  122. Awesome Idea!!!!!

  123. My valentine is my hubby. We’re staying home for dinner with the kids tonight but will go out on Saturday evening.

  124. Blimey! That must have taken forever to do! My valentine is… me! I haven’t got anyone to give to so I’m just gonna give to myself. Happy Valentine’s everyone!

  125. My Valentine is my husband, Charlie. We are actually going to see my in-laws tonight to have Valentine’s with them. We have a wedding to go to this weekend near their house.

  126. Spekding V-day working but got great hugs from hubby and daughter. What more is needed. Love the minis.

  127. My sweet love is my husband of 19 years and we were engaged on Valentine’s Day 19 years ago today! We will be spending the evening together after the kids are in bed….alone and quiet! Can’t wait! Loving these mini pops, taking cake pops today to the teachers to “show them a little love!”

  128. My valentine is my husband and the plan is for fondue!

  129. The hubby and I will be hanging out at the house with our adorable 6 year old daughter.

  130. I’m planning on spending the evening home with my husband and daughter. Can’t wait!

  131. Happy Valentine’s Day. <3

  132. My valentine is my little baby Lucy who is almost 7 months old! Love her snuggles!

  133. My Valentine and I are both working tonight. We were lucky enough to celebrate Valentine’s this past weekend and hopefully continue the celebration this weekend as well.

  134. Hi! Thanks for sharing your creative ideas! Hope you have a Happy Valentine’s day :)

  135. I have TWO valentines! My husband and my 3 year old son. This is the first year my son is getting it about giving and receiving valentines and he was so excited to put them together last night. We’ll all be together eating candy tonight!

  136. I was lucky enough to get the day off, so I’ll be spending my day doing homework! …and running 14 miles :)

  137. My valentine is my awesome husband. He is my best friend and it’s our first V-day as a married couple. Planning a romantic dinner on Saturday to celebrate.

  138. This is super cute!!!!!

  139. So cute!

  140. Love it!!! My valentines are my 4 boys!!!

  141. My valentine is my fiancé and our dog. We will be cooking a nice dinner in, watching cheesy love movies and going over all the past valentines we have spent together. <3

  142. Well my husband has to work, so when my daughter gets home from school we’re going to go deliver cupcakes to all our loved ones!

  143. Love!! ???????????? I cannot wait to make these!

  144. My valentine is my husband who will be making me his über delicious pizza, in the shape of a heart of course!

  145. My Valentine is my wonderful husband Michael and my three little boys that are 7, 6, and 4. For Valentines today my little boys and I are going to make Valentines goodies and a Valentines dinner for us and my sister-in-law who just had an adorable brand new baby girl. There is nothing that says Love more than a beautiful baby.

  146. Happy Valentines Day! My Valentine is my sweet husband of 28 years and counting.

  147. My valentines are my husband and our 2 sons. Plans for today (the 14th) are to dance with my 3 year old at his Sweetheart Dance at daycare. Plans for tomorrow though are to have a nice quiet dinner out with my hubs as a late celebration.

  148. My Valentine this year is my sweet 10 year old baby boy. My husband is out of town working so tonight my son and I are going to dinner and then a movie at home with popcorn.

  149. My valentine is my hubby and 3 boys :) We will be hanging out at home but I plan to make a yummy meal and some cookies. I would love to try out this idea, it’s so cute!

  150. My fiance is my Valentine & this year we are cooking a delicious steakhouse dinner together in our new home! Oh and I have 3 little valentines, my nieces and nephew! Happy Valentines Day everyone! Enjoy :)

  151. hi

    i just stayed home and went to the mountain pool!
    i would LOVE a i-pad mini so . . . . . fingers crossed!

  152. Happy Valentines Day! Unfortunately I don’t have a VALENTINE but I will be making my friends valentines.(although they will be a day late). :)

  153. My valentine’s are my AMAZING hubby of 14 years and our two children. My hubby has a major spinal cord surgery yesterday, so I will b taking care of him today, but I wouldn’t want to b doing anything else :-)

  154. My Valentine is my sweet 15-month old niece, Claire. She brightens my day! Hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, Angie!

  155. This year my Valentine is my wonderful daddy, David. You see, today we will have the visitation for his funeral. My Daddy always, always remembered me with at least a card on Valentine’s day. I can never remember a time in my whole life when I didn’t get a card from him on Valentine’s day. He was like that about birthdays, too. He also always sent one to my mother, my brother, and my three boys. Today my whole family and the people whose lives he touched will gather to pay our respects to this wonderful man. I love you, Daddy. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  156. I love This!!! You always come up with some super cute ideas!!!!

  157. My Sweet Eddie is my Valentine :)

  158. Didn’t realize it but we actually have dinner plans with another couple tonight! Whoops! Valentines day always sneaks up on us but I’m thinking about making some sweet and sour chicken and perhaps some cake balls (my pops always fall off the stick!) to celebrate.

  159. My valentine is my wonderful husband. Giving him his card and sone reeses now and then having chocolate covered strawberries later! And maybe I’ll pick up some frozen yogurt for us too :) happy valentines and what a gorgeous display. Kudos for all the time you spent on it!

  160. Taking the kids somewhere to eat together–hubby’s out of town :(

  161. My daughter is my valentine. I gave her tickets to see Scooby Doo live on this Sunday so we will continue to celebrate then too! Love the minis!

  162. I love things that are mini :) hop i win!

  163. Wow this is an awesome and ambitious project!! Maybe next year I’ll make it with my valentines (my daughter and my husband).

  164. My valentines are my 2 little boys, and we are having a nice breakfast and doing crafts. Going to the bakery to order a cake for my youngest birthday tomorrow and to get something for their dad. Later tonight i will make dinner for everybody.

  165. My husband and I never do anything special for Valentine’s Day, but we do go out on the 15th for 50% off candy!

  166. My valentines are my wonderful husband and sweet daughter! We will be spending the evening at home. :)

  167. My valentine is my husband of, well, two years now! We will be having our gift exchange this evening after work as well as dinner and dessert. And hopefully champagne. ;)

  168. My husband and I will have a steak dinner with a nice bottle of wine at home this Valentines Day. Thank you for all the amazing yummy projects you bring to us!! Happy Valentines day!!

  169. my valentine’s is my boyfriend who is firmly against the holiday (he doesn’t understand why there’s one day dedicated to showing love when everyday should be valentine’s day)
    but we’ll be spending it in our pajamas and watching a movie
    it’s great!

  170. My daughter. Just relaxing and maybe catch a movie on TV…

  171. my Valentine is my boyfriend of ten years, my highschool sweetheart. we are staying home for a romantic homecooked dinner.

  172. My Valentine is my husband of 41 years! He has been ill this week so I know we will just spend a quiet evening at home tonight….doesn’t matter where we are as long as we are together!

  173. My Valentines will be shared with family because its also my brothers BIRTHDAY! Aww can you feel the love.

  174. My kids and my husband are my sweeties every day. Tonight, we’re doing pizza and a movie. And I’ll be ordering heart shaped pizza! So awesome!

  175. My Valentime is my forever fella, Mo. And our cat, Bruce. Two boys. Too cute.

  176. Hi! Happy Valentines day. Love what you made but lots of work and time. My husband and kids (we love them too) are going to one of our fav places to have dinner. I’ve made some heart shaped dessert for afterwards.

  177. My husband is my valentine! We are having a quiet dinner at home – big plans next week. I may take your idea to make a Minnie Mouse “cake” next month! So cute.

  178. My Valentine and I will be spending the evening eating our hearts out and laughing at the NBC comedies!

  179. My valentine is my husband. We’ll do a quiet evening tonight and then go out tomorrow night.

  180. Three valentines for me! Hubby, sweet little girl (just turned 3 last week!), and busy little boy (16 m)…so we’ll be eating a beautiful dinner in tonight. :)

  181. My valentine is my sweet hubs! We’ll be enjoying dinner together in our apartment (he’s cooking!), going for a walk, and grabbing an ice cream cone for dessert. Bliss!

  182. Happy Valentine’s! My hubby is of course my Valentine but I am thinking of my parents today. They have both passed fairly recently. Today would have been their 32nd anniversary.

  183. Hi! I’m working today…sort of. LOL Love the display and the tiny cake pops! Those are just awesome. Where in the world do you come up with all this creative genius? Wish I had some of it.

  184. Love your postings…Valentines day…a leisurely dinner at home with the most wonderful man, my hubby!

  185. Hi! You just gave me a great idea with this post!

    My valentine is my common-law partner of four years! I’m not too sure what we’re doing tonight, since he loves to surprise me! I’m pretty excited!

  186. Those are the cutest little cake pops I have ever seen! My Valentine is my husband. He is the best. We have absolutely no plans, except for snuggling on the couch.

  187. My valentine is myself. I decided I would be kind to me today. :)

  188. My husband, 2 year old daughter and I will have a nice dinner at home followed by some yummy cookies.

  189. My husband is my Valentine! I made him the BEST chocolate and sea salt caramel brownies! ( I almost didn’t want to share …)

  190. 10 yrs ago today my husband proposed to me and now here we are ten yrs later still happily married and with 5.5 yr old quadruplets! Been. a while ride but I love my 5 valentines:-)

  191. I have two Valentines this year: my boyfriend of 3 years and my grandpa who lives clear across the country from me, but has always been my pen pal & Valentine.

  192. I wish I had time to whip this up tonight — how pretty! My valentine is my fiance (our last Valentine’s Day before we get married!). He has to work tonight, but we will be celebrating over lunch today, and then going out for a nice dinner on Sunday. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  193. My husband is the most wonderful Valentine I could ever ask for. He surprised me with flowers and a special dinner on Tuesday night, since tonight won’t work for us to go out. We’ll have a fun night with our three little people and either end up playing cards (since they’re just learning how) or watching Little House on the Prairie reruns!

  194. LOVE these mini cake pops!!! So fun!!!
    Work, beach walk, then a glass of wine with my amazing husband :-)

  195. Well, my husband would be my valentine, but he’s travelling for work… so I guess my puppy? No valentine’s plans due to my husband travelling… so I’m bowling in a league (it’s every Thursday). Wow, that sounds kinda sad. Oh well, hopefully we celebrate this weekend!
    Hope you have a lovely valentine’s day!

  196. I am alone so I will do something with my friends! :)

  197. My princess and me will be making a Valentines dinner to celebrate with my son & my husband. The hubby and I celebrate Valentine’s every day :)

  198. My valentine is my husband of 4 months and we will spend the day cozy at home.

  199. My hubby of course! He’s surprising me at work today! I’m not supposed to know, but he’s terrible at keeping secrets :)

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