
Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Heart Cake Pops

I made mini and many cake pops for you this past weekend. I had this idea I wanted to try just using basic round pops and color to make a sweet little display. So I set out to dip enough cake pops to get the job done. That turned out to be 350 plus. Yikes. Not quite sure what I was thinking … Around number 70, I was really starting to reconsider. I thought … oh my gosh I have to make five times that many. But when I start something I can’t let it go until I get to the end and see how it works out. I know this project doesn’t help you much for this year, but I thought the heart display could totally work for a lot of other things besides Valentine’s Day.

So keep reading below for the how to… or check out my big “mini” giveaway at the end of this post. It’s a mini way for me to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Okay, here we go.

You can’t tell in the picture, but these cake pops are tiny. Like Cake Dots instead of pops. So tiny that you use a toothpick to dip them with instead of a lollipop stick. Yes a toothpick. The cake balls are actually about the size of a penny. But they are small for a reason.

  1. Regular size cake pops would take up a lot of table real estate.
  2. The lollipop sticks would be much taller and people would have a harder time viewing the design from above.
  3. I figured the proportions out so they would work on a pretty standard size piece of styrofoam to make it easier to recreate and transport.
  4. I only had to make one cake. Score.
  5. Mini is major cute.


I based the display design off of a template (see below) I made so that it works with a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam you can find in craft stores. Then I worked backwards to figure out how many cake pops you’d need to make the the shape look right. Once I had that, I knew how big to make the cake pops. Or how little.

  • Crumble cake and mix with frosting
  • Roll into tiny cake balls. (basic cake pop instructions here) You can use the circles on the downloadable template as a guide for the right size. They should be slightly smaller than the circle so that when you add the coating they will still fit together nicely.
  • Keep rolling and rolling until you have enough
  • Dip a toothpick into melted coating and then insert into a chilled cake ball.
  • Dip entire cake pop into the coating and then sprinkle with non-pareils. They are tiny and will be the best size for these tiny treats.
  • Place in styrofoam to dry.

A couple of things to note.

  • Use a small plastic bowl to melt the coating. You can work with a smaller amount of coating when dipping. Just melt the coating in batches as you go. Then you can take breaks and watch the Walking Dead marathon on AMC in between.
  • Buy more than one sheet of styrofoam. You’ll need more room than the display size so they aren’t touching each other as they dry.
  • Invite a friend over to help you. It will go faster and maybe your neck won’t hurt like mine does right now from looking down and dipping for so long.
  • I’d try Mercken’s candy coating for this project. It melts nice and fluid – you don’t want thick coating on these. It will add too much volume.
  • I’ve probably discouraged you already. Kind of like I felt as I was starting making these. But I had a feeling they’d be cute when I finished so I went on… like I’m going to do now. And by the way, these completely make me giddy when I see them finished on the table (looking at them now), so I guess it was worth it. And it will definitely be worth it if one of you decides to try it out some day. Hope you do… with a friend.


Use multi-color non-pareils for the second candy coating color. Minus the static.

Baby Cake Pop

Super cute.

When all the pops are done, prepare your display.


  • Wrap a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam with paper. I used the 19X25 inch single sheets you purchase at the craft store. You could also use wrapping paper though.
  • Packing tape worked best on the styrofoam to tape the paper down.
  • Print out the template provided centered on an 11X17 sheet of paper at somewhere like Kinko’s. The design is created for a 12X18 surface area but it is set up on 11X17 paper since that is a standard size to print. You’ll notice that some of the circles on the template are getting cropped off when they print, but that’s okay, you’ll have enough information to figure out where the pops on the perimeter should go. I hope that makes sense.
  • Tape the template down temporarily and use a safety pin to poke holes into the paper.
  • Remove the template and start arranging the cake pops using the template as a guide. Start in the middle and work your way out from the center. More than likely some of your pops will be bigger than you think and if you start at one end, left to right, they will start to tilt too much to make room as you place them in position. But if you start in the center, they will angle out equally all the way around. Again I hope that makes sense.

Heart Mini Cake Pops

Full of heart.

Mini Cake Pops on Toothpicks

But you can also rearrange them for a different look …

LOVE Mini Cake Pops

And spread a little love…


… Or some sweet hugs and kisses.

Here are the 11X17 inch templates for each.

LOVE Cake Pops

And because I love you guys and all things mini, here’s a little giveaway for you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me who your Valentine is, what your plans are (or were) for the fourteenth or just say hi.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.
  • Winner will receive a 16GB Wi-Fi iPad mini.

Good Luck.

We have a winner! YAY!

Congratulations to Brenda! Hope you and your Peanut Butter Man enjoy the mini iPad!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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5,451 comments on “Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. My Valentines are my husband and my son. I’ll be trying my hand at making a strawberry cheesecake for the first time. It’ll be extra special, because I’ll be using a heart shaped cheesecake pan. I’m going to make spaghetti for dinner. We’ll be staying in.

  2. I love this idea SOOO cute. How do you keep the cake pops on the stick when you are dipping in the chocolate?

  3. My valentines are my husband, Tim and five young kiddos- Ryan, Andrew, Matthew, Kevin and Isabella! The kids woke up to a special gift and then were off to school. Bella and I will spend some girl-time together today and my husband and I will go out for a quick drink tonight. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

  4. My valentine this year would be my golden retriever Bella :) My plans are just to relax and enjoy the evening.

  5. I have three Valentine’s this year, my husband, my son, and my daughter. <3

  6. These are adorable!

  7. Hugging my family tight today!

  8. No plans but I love minis!

  9. My sweet hubby! We will be married 10 years in May. And our two beautiful daughters! Love this idea for mini cake pops. Might try it for y daughter’s birthday. Perfect for little kids.

  10. OMG, this is just too cute!!

    My Valentine is my husband! He’s my best friend, and he’s awesome. :)

  11. Love the mini pops! Such a great idea! My valentine is my sweet hubby, nearly 12 years and still totally dig him.

  12. My Valentines are my husband and our two sons, 4 and 18 months. Since my birthday is so close to Valentine’s Day we celebrate those together. We’re going to a Japanese steak house for dinner (or the fire place as my 4 year old calls it).

  13. hey, my valentine’s my wonderful boyfriend. he truly is the best ! but unfortunately i don’t get to see him today. too bad.

    thanks for the idea, that’s quite a bit of work!

  14. Happy Valentine’s Day Bakerella!

    My valentines are my hunny bun husband and little 10 yr old man. Nothing special tonight, just dinner at home and eating up the left over red velvet cupcakes I made a for my son’s class. I can’t wait!
    Enjoy your v-day!

  15. My Valentine is my husband. We are staying home – he is making dinner. Made your mini maple pancake muffins for breakfast for the kids and husband – yum-o!! Everyone loved them. :)

  16. My Valentines are my two beautiful daughters, ages 2 and 4, while my husband is forward deployed with the United States Navy. Same as he was last Valentines Day!!

  17. This display is beyond adorable!

    My husband is my Valentine. Tonight I will make him a special dinner and Saturday night he will take me out to dinner to celebrate again. Valentines is so fun when you’re in love!

  18. You are so creative! I dont have a valentine but im going to be hanging out with friends tonight.

  19. My Valentine is my husband. We have been married for one year as of Monday the 11th. We went out to dinner on Monday and he had flowers sent to my office. :) we probably won’t do anything extra special today though. Maybe just some snuggle time on the couch with a cheesy movie.

  20. My Valentine is my daughter Kylie and fiance Marc Duncan :)

  21. My hubby of 18 years is still and always will be my sweet valentine :) These cake pops are so freaking adorable! You are so creative!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. hi i will like to enter please

  23. Spending the day with my three Valentines, ages 6, 10, and 45! Love the mini pops, too cute!

  24. My husband and I will be celebrating with our 20 month old twins and some pizza!

  25. My wonderful husband has been my Valentine for the last 18 years! No big plans, but he greeted me with roses this morning :0)

  26. I will be spending my Valentine’s Day alone. My husband has to work, but he left me a funny card and candy this morning. I will just spend time at home with my dog Larry. :) I love Larry!

  27. I am my own valentine and I will be making myself a dinner of chicken breasts with mushroom sage sauce, and drinking a few glasses of prosecco.

  28. Staying in with the hubby :-)

  29. My kids are my valentine this year I suppose. Although my husband and I are newly separated, we will still try to make it special for them by having dinner together as a family.

  30. My husband Mike. As his birthday is the 15th we don’t do much for valentine’s day, though I do normally get flowers and dinner out of it. :)

  31. My date is my seriously handsome 9 year old and our chocolate lab, Ridley. We will make supper together and eat chocolate and relax! No school tmr! : )

  32. My Valentines are my husband and my kids. We will just be hanging out at home tonight after I set up for the book fair at their school. I need the relaxation time before running it for the next week all day long!

  33. My plans for the 14th are just sitting at home with my kid, since I have no one else. We’re going to make some cake pops together later.

  34. I don’t have any Valentine’s Day plans. I might make some brownies and watch a movie.

  35. “I don’t have a present or plans for you on valentines day” my fiancé told me last night. So this morning I made a pot of black bean chili and will go to the gym after work. I guess there’s no better valentines day than eating healthy and getting in shape!

  36. A quiet night at home with my husband Joe and two sons. I’m sure there will be a sweet dessert but I don’t know what yet :)

  37. My valentine is my fiance`. We’re just going to spend time staying in and watching a few of my favorite romance movies.

  38. My Valentine is my husband and my kids. It is my hubby’s b-day today to so I always make whatever he wants for dinner and dessert and then he opens his presents. This year I also got v-day presents for my kids.

  39. Your patience continues to astound me! I’ll be hanging out at home with husband and 3 year old daughter, who I’m sure will be spending the evening showing off all her valentine’s! Perhaps the hubs and I will be wild and crazy and open a bottle of wine after she goes to bed :)

  40. Since the boyfriend and i both work today and not really having time after, we’re planning the weekend with our daughter <3

  41. I’ve been sick all week so my Valentine plans went kaput. My beloved husband is out of town until Friday so I hope, hope, hope I feel well enough that we can have a special Saturday night dinner and movie at home (our favorite thing to do). I bought fresh Red Snapper off the boat and have it in the freezer ready to prepare en papillote with orzo and fresh vegetables. I know it will make him happy. Now, if the germs will PLEASE depart my body! Happy Valentine’s Day to YOU!

  42. My husband is my Valentine and it is his birthday so we celebrate both together!

  43. The mini pops are cute!
    My boyfriend is my Valentine, but since he lives across the country, we can’t do anything together for Valentine’s Day. I sent him a card and we’ll talk tonight, but the rest will have to wait until I see him.

  44. I have two valentines: my husband and my daughter!

  45. Love those!!

  46. This single lady is loving her SIBS today. They’re the best!

  47. These are so cool. The patience you must have. I can barely make 30 at a time! My Valentine’s are my husband and 2 boys. The boys will get some candy treats but since Lent just started one of them will have to save his! We’ll all be relaxing at home, no school tomorrow!!

    Thanks for all that you do.

  48. We always have pizza, it’s a tradition that started when we were dating in college and very broke! The pizzas are fancier now and there are two more to join us for our Valentine’s dinner.

  49. Happy Valentines Day! I plan to spend it with my husband. The only plans I have involve cuddling :)

  50. This year my Valentine is me! I’ve spent so many years making big preparations for all my friends that I think it’s high time I had a “me” day for Valentine’s. I’ve even bought myself a (heart-shaped!) box of chocolates, and I’m watching all my favorite movies. Being single on Valentine’s Day is way better than people make it out to be :)

  51. I have two special valentines… My lovely hubby, and my sweet son who was a valentine’s day baby! (Happy 8th Birthday Luke!). And of course my two girls don’t get forgotten :) My day will be spent wrapping presents, cleaning (the aftermath of making crafts and cookies for the kids to take to school), and then making a special birthday dinner – he chose tacos with crepes for dessert!

  52. This is my first Valentine’s Day as a mommy- so happy Valentine’s Day to my sweet Ellie Cherie and her daddy that I love so very much!! We will be staying in and enjoying salmon & salad.

  53. My valentine is my husband!! It’s our first valentines day as a married couple! :D our plans for tonight are a surprise, i’m looking forward to tonight!

  54. My Valentine is my husband of 14 years, Kent Newton!

  55. I’m spending Valentine’s Day with my mum! I think we’re going to bake some cute cookies with red, pink and white sprinkles!

  56. Spending it at home with my boyfriend! <3

  57. My Valentine is my fiance :-) and he is taking me out for dinner!

  58. My hubby of 19 years is my valentine forever! Chinese food takeout and red velvet cupcakes!

  59. Your project is so cute! My valentines are always my two girlies. I’m not sure what is happening tonight; we are definitely last minute kind of people. THANK YOU!

  60. My husband is my Valentine. We scored last minute tickets to see Mumford and Sons tonight. So excited! Love the mini cake pops!

  61. Your talents amaze me! I’ll be sitting with my three sweet little valentines while we all watch our favorite valentine coach! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  62. my hubby. always has been and will be but I can’t forget our two little monkeys too.

  63. Happy Valentine’s Day! No special plans, just hanging out with the family and eating chocolate :)

  64. My Valentine is my super sweet husband. Our plans are red wine and couch cuddles after the kiddos are in bed :)

  65. What a beautiful display! My valentine’s are my hubby and 2 sweet little ones :) We’ll celebrate tonight at home!

  66. actually today is my dog’s 13th birthday… I picked him up from the shelter in Manhattan NY and he was already named Romeo and about 12 weeks old. I got him in mid May so thought it would be appropriate to also put his birthday on Valentines day. I will be spending it with my husband and daughter and pending son… but today is really Romeo’s day!!!

  67. My lovey lovey husband!

  68. My valentine is my husband! I made him breakfast and going to make a dessert later. I think he’s going to make dinner.

  69. My valentine hubby and I and our puppy Bella will spend Valentine’s day at home with Grilled Lobster Tails, salads, sourdough bread and homemade sour cherry pie! Yum!

  70. My valentine is my dear husband. It’s our first Valentine’s as husband and wife, so I’ve printed out 40 vintage Valentine’s cards, and written a reason why I love him on each one. I attached chocolates and hid them all over the house in places he will randomly find them :)

  71. LOVE the mini pops! Such a cute idea!! My Valentine is my hubby…..but we are spending the evening snow tubing with our kids. Our Valentine’s Day will be celebrated tomorrow! = )

  72. I have two valentines–my husband and my little boy. Both were surprised with boxes of chocolate this morning, and I am making a cheesecake for dessert. Later this week my hubby and I will go out for a nice dinner together.

  73. Love those!! So cute!! Well, my plans have been drastically altered by two sick children. :( But hubby and I will still order chinese takeout tonight and enjoy a dinner that I didn’t cook. I’m hoping to make some stained glass sugar cookies today also.

  74. My Valentine is my sweet husband. He’s my best friend.

  75. My valentine is my sweet hubs, my partner in crime. :) We’re making sushi with the kids tonight then we’ll go out this weekend. Thanks Bakerella! Xoxo

  76. My valentines are my husband and two sons (3 and 5). We need to save money for our trip in summer, so we will have a homemade dinner and spend time together.

  77. Gotta say, you have the best giveaways! And those mini cakeball displays are AMAZING! Very cute. My valentineS are my boys – my husband, my 3 year old and my 1 year old. No big plans for today, just eating lots of valentine treats :)
    Happy Valentines Day!!

  78. My valentine is my hubby. We plan to stay home and watch movies

  79. My Valentine is my husband of soon to be 41 years! He is working today so we will celebrate later with dinner and maybe a movie!

  80. I love everything mini!

  81. My little sister is my valentine this year!

  82. My Valentine is my husband of almost 31 years. We don’t have any plans but I know he will cook dinner for me since I will be getting home late from work and visiting my dad at the nursing home. Then just a relaxing evening together.

  83. My valentines are my darling husband and sweet little 6 year old. We are cooking a lovely dinner together and watching a movie!

  84. my valentine is my husband who always seems to be able to surprise me… he brought home a giant bunch of tulips yesterday, 2/13! My favorite flowers a day early, great surprise!

  85. I am taking our youngest son to have stitches removed. Then, it is a quiet evening at home with my hubby enjoying a homemade dinner and some togetherness. Along with my family, my valentine’s include the seeing eye puppy we are raising . . . love that fun little guy who will grace our lives for one year.

  86. My Valentine is my hubby and love of my life. We actually still don’t have plans for tonight other than renewing our gym memberships… Typically we make homemade pizzas and enjoy a night in. :)

  87. My valentines are my main squeeze, my 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter. I’ve made some cupcake chocolate box molds and filled them to the brim with candy hearts & valentine smarties! We will paint the ‘house’ red tonight with an evening of heart shaped homemade pizzas and snuggles.

  88. This is possibly the cutest Valentine’s treat display I’ve seen yet! My valentine will be … all of my girlfriends! We’re just getting together and enjoying some wine :) That’s what friends are for!

  89. Cake Pops make me so happy! These are just too cute! My valentine is my kitty cat Shadow. Loyal & cuddly. Thank you for doing this. Made my day!

  90. My darling valentine is my husband, Brandon. This is the first year since we have been married that I have not had to work so I am making him a nice steak dinner with cheesecake for dessert.

  91. My Valentine is my husband Ryan and I plan to make chocolate covered strawberries tonight and then spend the evening with him at home.

  92. This will be the first Valentines day me and my husband will have been married for! I am making him a special dinner and dessert and we are just going to have low key evening!

  93. My husband has been my Valentine, since I was 19 and he was 20. That was 24 years and two awesome sons ago – other than that, the only thing that’s changed is our loving eachother more and deeper today than we ever thought we could back then. Even so, should I win the i-Pad, it still goes to my sons – sorry, hon:-D

  94. My Valentines are my AMAZING hubby of 14 years and our two children. My hubby had a major spinal cord surgery yesterday, so I will be taking care of him today, but I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else :)

  95. My kids and I made Valentina’s breakfast for daddy and then I’m working the day away on a sugar rose and cake pop bouquet for a friend. Fun! Tonight, I’m cooking a Valentine’s day dinner for my parents!

  96. I always adore your projects and your creativity! Great work on the display!

  97. Who knew it was possible for cake pops to get any cuter? And lower in calorie, too? I am cake pop heaven!!

  98. My husband & two kids are my valentines. We will be spending the evening at home!

  99. My Valentine this year is my 4 year old Golden Retriever, Atticus! Not in a weird way, I’m just single right now and instead of saying “I don’t have a Valentine” – it’s him! :-)

  100. Hubby is my valentine – but we all went out for early Valentine’s dinner last night to beat the rush, and cause it was the only night the kids didn’t have to be somewhere else. Love the mini pops! Genius!

  101. My husband is my valentine. This year we actually have a sitter, so we are going out to dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant.

  102. I woke up extra early today and made a special breakfast for my 4 valentines, my kids and my husband. We had some beet pancakes in heart shapes. They loves them! I also made some heart cookies with surprises inside, YUM! It was really fun :D

  103. The plans I have for my husband of three months is to make him an awesome Valentine’s dinner. Keeping my fingers crossed that it turns out like I want it to :)

  104. Such a cute and yummy display! My Valentines are my husband and son who are getting homemade tiramisu for a Valentine treat tonight!

  105. Just making homemade pizza for my Valentines – my husband & my daughter.

  106. Super super cute, as always! Great idea for an anniversary as well ;) love you’re ideas! Happy valentines day ;)

  107. I have 2 valentines! My husband and my little guy! We celebrated yesterday (my husband has class tonight) with dinner at home and little valentines for everybody.

  108. My husband will be my valentine! :) I plan on cooking him a home cooked meal with decadent dessert :D

  109. My valentine is my husband of 19 1/2 years. And we have such a crazy week this week that it will probably be next week before we go out on a date.

    I did surprise him and the kids with cards and candy this morning and I cut my son’s sandwich in the shape of a heart and this afternoon I am going to make a roasted strawberry cake as a valentine’s dessert.

  110. My valentine is my husband who returns from traveling late tonight. So no plans!

  111. My Valentine is my husband. We’ll have steak, red wine and a molten chocolate cake.

  112. Happy Valentine’s Day! What a creative way to display your cake dots. Love them! My valentines are my husband and 3 kiddos :) I will be spending the day delivering yumminess to our loved ones and then the evening at home celebrating my godson/nephew’s birthday. A day full of love!

  113. I’ll be hanging out with some good friends and probably watching a chick flick :)

  114. My husband and my son are both my Valentines! We plan on going to a movie tonight!

  115. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    I’m lucky to have many Valentines this year…my hubby, my 2 daughters and my little pup – we’re making red velvet cupcakes today with heart shaped sprinkles <3

  116. My valentine is my husband! We have no special plans but that’s ok ;)

  117. My husband of almost 22 yrs is my Valentine. I always have high expectations for Valentine’s and something always goes wrong so this year I am expecting only the things I can control which is the love I have for him and all he does for us as a family and spouse:) And those mini cake pops just made me giddy…so so cute!!!

  118. I admire your dedication! And I understand the doubt that sets in mid-project… I baked 11 dozen cookies in one day to help out, but when everything started aching, I wondered if it was a good idea. Love the teeny-tiny cake pops! Happy V-day to you!

  119. Super cute design! You are far more patient than I…. :) My Valentines are my sweet hubby and darling 6 year old daughter (who is *SO* excited about the day!). I might make kheer tonight…. Rose water is romantic, yes?

  120. My valentine is my husband, David. We celebrated a little early with a lunch date out for chinese.

    Love the x’s and o’s design. So cute!

  121. My valentine(s) are my twins Max & Alexa who were born on this loving day six years ago! Well be speding the night at Chuck E Cheese for a birthday/valentine celebration! Then once they are in bed hubbby and I will snuggle up close! Happy Valentine’s Day! (and thanks for the chance to win!)

  122. My Valentine’s are my lovely husband and pretty little puppy!
    Love the mini cake pops!

  123. My three little valentines will be cozied up to bed after a yummy mac n cheese dinner and then it’s on to a quiet dinner with my big valentine.

  124. my Valentine is my bf John HOWEVER tonight it’s just me and the kids!

  125. So cute! My hubby is my forever valentine. But we celebrate it most with our super-duper sweet 4 year old daughter (who loves cake pops!)

  126. My husband, son, and grandson are my Valentines.

  127. This year my Aunt is my Valentine and we are going to enjoy a nice girls day with a movie and lunch. Happy Valentines Day, Bakerella

  128. My hubby! Love him! X

  129. My Valentine is my husband (and my pug). We will be making dinner and staying home. :)

  130. My Valentine is my Husband, Nick of 6 years. We are just going to spend the evening at home with a homemade meal and a movie.
    P.S. I love the mini cake pops!! Very cute!!

  131. My valentine is my husband of 10 years! My one and only love. :)

  132. hello bakerella! loved this tutorial! i have been blessed with 3 valentines-my husband and 2 daughters. my hubby is a fireman who is working on the 14th so he’s taken me out on a special date night and taken the girls out on a date to their favorite yogurt place earlier this week.

  133. Slurp slurp yum yum ! :) ciao bakerella!

  134. My valentine is my dad – ever since I was a little girl he always surprised me with flowers on V-day! :)

  135. My valentines are my hubby and 3 daughters. We are going to pick up dinner tonight and bring it home and enjoy some cake balls that he purchased for us after dinner. I think the mini cake balls (dots) are adorable and I am definitely going to try it our sometime!

  136. My sweet baby boy who is turing 10 today. He will forever be my favorite valentine. And my other two boys as well.

  137. My Valentines are my wonderful husband and our four great kids! We are planning on movie watching and popcorn eating!

  138. My valentine is my father. He was a family man and a hard worker. I’m proud to have a wonderful guy like him to be my father. I LOVE YOU DADDY!

  139. My Valentine’s are my lovely husband and pretty little puppy!
    Love the mini cake pops!

  140. Happy Valentine Day! You are amazing! Thanks for the inspiration and the giveaway!

  141. These are adorable..will definitely try them. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  142. My valentine is my high school sweetheart and now husband! Unfortunately, with our work schedules we won’t be able to spend Valentine’s Day together but we will definitely need to fit in a date night soon! Now, if only we could find a babysitter for our two toddlers, LOL!

  143. My valentines are my husband and my two sweet little boys. We exchange little gifts and have a nice dinner together. My oldest boy LOVES cake pops and we just may make some cake pops together on this Valentine’s Day!

  144. My valentine is my husband of 9 years and we’ll probably spend a quite evening in catching up on Bones and Big Bang Theory episodes

  145. My husband for almost 21 years. Special candlelight dinner. My kids look forward to this all year. I was going to have mini cupcakes, but maybe mini cake pops after this post.

  146. My husband is my Valentine! No special plans, but I am baking some cookies. :)

  147. Hanging with the family

  148. My husband! I am going to make a nice dinner for us tonight :)

  149. Homemade fancy mac’n’cheese baked n a heart shaped pan and roasted brussel sprouts

  150. I’ll be home cooking lobster tails, steak & shrimp for my new Fiance (as of last night!!) and our mini Valentine, our 1 yr old daughter and my Valentine Jr, my 6 yr old son! Best Valentine’s Day ever!

  151. I’d love to watch the new “Die Hard” in cinema today, but it was already sold out. xD I love those mini cake pops! <3

  152. My valentine sweetheart this year is my 11 year old grandson, Sam. He turns 12 on 2/15 and we are making him a Mincraft birthday cake on valentines day. He loves to bake with me and our tablet was in an accident so we are having to use a piece of paper with our recipes. This would be a marvelous replacement! hugs and thank you

  153. My boyfriend & I plan to have dinner tomorrow night to celebrate!

  154. Love the mini cake pops! My Valentines are my children!

  155. happy valentine’s day! these cake dots are adooorable :) i’m going out to dinner with my boyfriend!

  156. My plans are to fly to Florida with my beautiful daughters and soak up some sun for a week.

  157. Happy Valentine’s Day! :) My valentine is… my dog haha! I shall spend my day eating chocolate :) Thank you for the opportunity! :D

  158. My valentine is my wonderful, loving hudvand. He has been now for the last 10 1/2 years. I couldn’t be happier to have him in my life.

  159. My valentines are my husband and my pup. We’ll spend the day working out together and the grilling steaks :)

  160. These are too cute!!

    No special plans for today but I will be eating brownies haha.

  161. I am making a special ‘breakfast for dinner’ for my Valentines, my two girls. Brother is too young and Dad is too practical. ;^)

  162. that came out FANTASTIC!!! No plans for Valentine’s day (sad, huh!) I go to work as my hubby is coming home ~ I can wave to him on my way by! Made him a giant heart chocolate chip cookie…..

    Hope your day is SWEET!

  163. Happy Valentine’s Day to you! My favorite Valentines today are my wonderful husband and my sweet 18 yr old son. I’m making dinner for them and my son’s girlfriend tonight. We’re going to have a blast! LOVE the templates for the cake pops! Such a fun idea!!! Have a blessed day! ~H

  164. My valentine is my boyfriend. I work overnights, so we are going to go out for a fancy breakfast :)

  165. Valentines cookies are on our agenda and a nice dinner. We love love love the mini pops! You have the patience of a saint!!

  166. Love the cute idea and my valintine is my husband and 3 kids who this year all want to spend it with friends. lol one fishing, one at the movies and the other just hanging out.

  167. Hubby is my valentine!! Xx

  168. I will be hugging my Valentine of 20 years today, my husband, Greg. No plans as we have family in the hospital.

  169. My husband steals my heart, today, always, and forever.

  170. My 3 kids are my valentines. I am my Heavenly Father’s Valentine. My 1rst valentine’s day as a widow. Getting together for dinner w/ girlfriends tomorrow for dinner

  171. I will be celebrating with my husband at kids at home.

  172. My valentine is my adorable puppy. We will probably go for an evening stroll around the neighborhood and then catch up on our favorite TV shows with some delicious ice cream.

  173. I have 2 boys and a husband, they are all my favorites! I won a GC to Fannie May Chocolates. I got the artistic ones. They look like polished stones. They all got a box on the table this morning. Daddy made eggs in a basket with a heart cookie cutter. I’m so full!

  174. My valentine is my loving hubby. I am making him a lovely dinner tonight of steak, shrimp, & lobster tail. Trust me, he deserves it! :)

  175. My husband and my almost-two-year-old son are my valentines. No plans, just being together. But maybe they would like some of these tiny cake pops!

  176. I don’t have a date this year, so my valentine is my dad this year ! :)

  177. My perfect husband of 39 years. Every day is Valentine’s Day in my heart, and I love him more every. single. day.

  178. Hi! Love your post. My Valentine is my husband of 13 years. We are having dinner at home with our son because my husband is training for an Ironman race and needs to workout which is fine with me!

  179. Hello…I plan on baking sweets with my little guy after dinner and enjoy a movie.

  180. My valentine is my hubby! No plans for the 14th, but we have a day out planned on Saturday. Can’t wait!!

  181. Unfortunately I’ll be working on Valentines day. But my Valentine/best fiancé in the world treats every day like valentines day. I’m so lucky to have him!

  182. Happy Valentine’s day! I’ll be spending the evening having breakfast for dinner (a Valentine’s day tradition) with my valentines: my husband, two sons and daughter.

  183. My valentine is my husband, who is wonderful in every way. We are going to go out for dinner on Friday, because I have to work tonight. :( But, it will be fun and romantic!

  184. You are always so full of love and sweetness! My Valentine’s are my 3 loves:) My husband Manny, son Tyler, and Daughter Kira. Our best plan is no plan at all! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  185. My valentine is my wonderful husband. We’ll be waiting until Saturday to celebrate with dinner and a movie.

  186. Two of my good friends are my valentines! We are going out to the movies to see a good chick flick for Valentine’s Day together and eat chocolate!

  187. No big plans. Dh has a school thing and the kids all have stuff. Besides, he’s nice to me every day. Not just on holidays. I did make cute cookies and rice krispie treats for his class though. That was my valentine. Really cute mini cake pops. That gives me ideas for other holidays.

  188. Wow!!! Dinner with the hubby on Friday night-

  189. Valentines are my hubby (who surprised us with a Wii for Valentine’s day!) and my two kids.

  190. My 2 little girls are my Valentines. I’m going to make a heart shaped pizza for dinner and bake some heart cookies for them tonight. We’re going to just hang around and cuddle tonight.

  191. My husband and I did a little pre-valentine’s day brinner (breakfast dinner) last night since our work schedules weren’t going to let us do something tonight.

    Nothing says valentine’s day like some heart shaped pancakes with the man you love :)

  192. My valentines are my husband and my three little children – they’ve been excitedly prepping treats all week for their classmates, so it’ll be a fun day in this household!

  193. my valentine is my boyfriend, Steve. we can’t see each other today since he lives in MA and i’m in CT, but on our Valentine’s day, Saturday the 16th, we’ll be going to a wine tasting and out to dinner! :)

  194. Cute display but soooo much work! :)

  195. hi I want to win the ipad for my mom on valintines day and because she really needs it.

  196. My valentine is my husband, this is our 9th wedding anniversary! We are going to spend the day relaxing at home and playing with our 11 month old daughter!

  197. I didn’t think it was possible for cake pops to get any cuter!! love it! My Valentine will be my 3 little girls this year. <3
    Happy Valentine's Day Angie!

  198. I always have a nice Valentine’s dinner for my hubby!

  199. My Valentine is my sweet husband of 32 years. We are going out for a fun dinner tonight after work!

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