
Nice Cream Giveaway


I’m giving away something nice today.

It’s silver and boxy. Short and sweet.



And it will help you make beautiful creamy creations right at home.

It’s the Cuisinart 2-quart ice cream maker.

Very Cool! Freezing, actually.

Want endless ice cream options? Sweet scoopable treats? Fun frozen flavors right at your fingertips?

I think yes. Because I know I totally want one, too. But first I’m giving away one. And to go along with it, a copy of Jeni’s Ice Creams at Home. I love this book and her ice cream, too! It’s soooo so good.

Here’s the scoop for a chance to win a Cuisinart 2-quart ice cream maker and the book, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home:

  • To enter leave a comment on this post and share something fun you’ve done this summer.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, July 24th, 2013 at 8:00 pm ET. Sorry guys…Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Good luck!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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And now we have a winner. Congratulations Princess! Looks like it’s party time for you guys.

P.S. Thank you all for entering and sharing your summer.  You guys are having way too much fun.  It makes me smile reading your responses. Hugs!


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4,508 comments on “Nice Cream Giveaway”

  1. I had a road trip to Silverwood Idaho theme park and camped for the weekend over there.

  2. Planning our October 12th wedding!

  3. This summer I have managed to find the perfect balance between work and play. I have been spending such quality time with my awesome husband and adorable kiddos. We have been cooking, traveling, doing crafts, reading books and playing until beyond exhaustion! Loving this summer and would love it even more with that ice cream maker! Hope you are keeping well!!!!

  4. I went down to London for my cousin’s hen do (bachelorette party) and we had a team treasure hunt in Hyde Park – so fun to see somewhere in a different light! What a perfect giveaway for this weather!

  5. Hi – love your page :-)
    It might sound simple compared to some of the above comments but in all honesty we just had a ball spending the day at the beach with our young family enjoying the gorgeous warm sunshine, building & decorating sandcastles with moats, bouncing in the waves then eating our packed lunch :-)

  6. I visited my sister in Toronto and then visited my brother and sister-in-law in Texas and met my new baby niece! She’s adorable and I’m looking forward to getting to spoil her. :)

  7. no summer here, but still went for ice cream at the best ice cream place on Main Road!

  8. My favourite day so far was sitting out in our new garden on a beautiful sunny day with my Mr and two little furry misters sipping drinks, listening to some music and having some nibbles. pure bliss!

  9. This summer I have managed to find the perfect balance between work and play. I have been spending such quality time with my awesome husband and adorable kiddos. We have been cooking, traveling, doing crafts, reading books and playing until beyond exhaustion! Loving this summer and would love it even more with that ice cream maker! Hope you are keeping well!!!!

  10. Went Phuket for a summer getaway and all I can think of is a nice ice cream to shook off the heat! :)

  11. Visited the beach a couple of times and enjoyed some nice bonfires with s’mores. Oh, and I got a new kitten and he is absolutely adorable!

  12. This summer I went to Big Bear for the first time in a while. I had so much fun with my family there and did a lot of hiking as well as cooking and eating. There’s nothing better than spending time out in the wilderness with family and food!

  13. Currently Busy in planning annual leave will be in two weeks. Vacation includes hiking and camping. Fun!!!

  14. Had a very nice summer break with my 8 yr old grandson. He is the light of my life. School will be starting back soon and I will miss him dearly during the day while he is at school. He loves getting in the kitchen with me….He would flip if we won the ice cream maker.
    This is a very “Sweet” and generous giveaway you are offering!!! Bakerella Rocks !!!

  15. I entered an entry for a decorative cake contest at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa, CA and won: 1st Place, Division Winner and Best Of Show!!! My summer is off to a good start and I couldn’t be happier! Would love to win this to make the rest of my summer just as amazing :)

  16. I met my goal of losing 60lbs! And, as a reward, my husband, 19 yr old twins and I had a magical weekend in Seattle. We attended Sir Paul McCartney in concert and saw him jam with 3 Nirvana band members!
    Thanks for inspiring us with your wonderful blog and impressing us with this FAB give-away, Angie!

  17. We are getting a late start on things, but my favorite moment so far is taking my daughter to her first Drive-In movie!

  18. Today I went swimming and made ice cream at my best friend’s house..was so nice to get a break from all this humidity here. The ice cream was so delicious I was actually thinking of getting my own maker, and then this giveaway came up! Thanks Bakerella!

    P.S. My friend’s nickname is actually Ela! :)

  19. Thanks to you I have discovered the art of cake pop making and have been baking away in the kitchen ever since :)

  20. My family and I have just returned from a sailing trip in Sardinia (Italy). What I enjoyed most wasn’t the sailing, but the snorkeling at the incredibly beautiful beaches with the clearest water I’d ever seen!

  21. I know to some this is not considered fun, but my family and I came together to paint the Big House, our family house, my grandparents (RIP), house. It needed some tender loving care. We’re also cleaning up the backyard. It’s fun because we are all together, hanging out, joking around. We BBQ at the end of each day. Its going on day 4. Hopefully we will be finished next weekend.

  22. Ran crazily and beat personal best !

  23. I spend most of my time working and taking care of my father with Alzheimer’s and making food and desserts for him but I have to say the best thing I have done this summer is reunite with family in NC after 25 years..:)…would be nice to use this to make my father some dessert and to make for when my family comes to visit… what a nice thing to do with this give away..very nice and I am sure someone will enjoy it..:)
    Thank you for all the recipes , tips and ideas.

  24. Made a cross country road trip with my kids, my sister and my niece as part of our move from OK to OR! So excited to live close to my family again!

  25. Had a baby! Our sweet baby girl decided to arrive 5 weeks early, and now we’re spending the rest of summer getting to know her!

  26. I planned and celebrated my 10 yr anniversary of my kidney transplant! It was such an exciting time with my best friends and family!

  27. I made strawberry champange popsicles this summer and it was a) fun making them and b) super fun eating them :)

  28. We’ve had our first trip to Turkey with our 2,5 years old son!
    He loved it! Espacially the “mango-ice” :)

  29. This week has been crazy! Firstly I made a four tier red velvet and white chocolate chequerboard sponge with fresh garden raspberries, for my sister’s 16th birthday murder mystery party (it was nerve-racking as she cut in, hoping the pattern would come through!). Then all my friends came round for a barbecue brunch the next day – my friend manned the barbie and proceeded to drop half the food on the floor (it’s alright, no one got food poisoning!). I saw Monster’s University with a friend (we may have been the oldest in the cinema…), and yesterday went for a 2 1/2 hr cycle ride with my mum, at the hottest time of the day. Although it was sweltering and we got attacked by nettles, the views were spectacular, and we enjoyed a much deserved barbecue when we got back home…

  30. we just got back from treking in MS- saw the petrified forest and alligators in their natural environment. A home made ice cream would have been lovely at the end of those 90+ degree days!

  31. I’ve just found a job in Spain, what is a prize these days in our country….that’s a perfect reason to prepare and invite everybody to have an icecream!!

  32. What a great giveaway! Homemade ice cream would be perfect over this hot hot summer. So far this summer, I celebrated 1 year since a major surgery and with the help of my sweet husband, made by first 5 tier cake for our niece’s Sweet 16.

  33. It’s been really hot where I live, like over 107 every day. There aren’t any pools open to the community and even though the beach isn’t very far away most of the parents work and aren’t able to take their kids. I am currently not working so I decided to make my large yard into a waterpark and invite all the neighborhood kids and their babysitters over to cool off. We had slides and pools for all ages. We also had water balloon and water gun fights. Each family brought their lunch and I provided lemonade and water as well as yummy watermelon. For dessert I made fresh strawberry ice cream in an old fashioned maker, rock salt and all. We have been doing this once a week and it’s a HUGE hit.

  34. My roommate and I threw a housewarming/Fourth of July party in our new flat, featuring my first attempt at my dad’s famous potato salad, red-white-and-blue cupcakes, and friends from all different parts of our lives.

  35. Its actually winter here is South Africa :) but that hasn’t stopped me from having fun (or making ice cream :)) I have been having a blast making things out of polymer clay!

  36. OMG my mother has this machine and I try to steal it whenever I can, it’s great!! This Summer I’m proud to say I played in my first roller derby game :) Go Foothill Foxy Flyers!!

  37. I learn how to bake “zebra cake” n successful ! YaY!

  38. Best thing this summer? Well, still not sure it was the best thing, but sold our bakery this summer. Wow… was that a fast transaction! Anyway, I’m surprised how much free time I have now…. to bake the things “I” want to bake!

  39. I loved all the cakes i was able to make this summer. and spending some much needed time with the kids.

  40. perfect idea since it’s so hot here!! thank you for this lovely thought :)

  41. I was in Dubai and it was soooooooooooo hot that we went to Ski Dubai to cool off and got to hug a real life penguin too!
    Doesn’t get much cooler than that ;)

  42. This summer I graduated from grad school and celebrated my sister’s graduation from med school. It’s been a great summer so far!

  43. I ran my first 5K. Well, I actually walked it because I broke my foot two days before, but I’m doing the same run again in September, and I’m hoping to get to run it this time!

  44. This summer I relaxed at home and spent my time making different baked goods.

  45. I took a cruise to Alaska to celebrate my Mom’s 81st BDay. It was an “Are You Related to Me?” cruise so I reconnected with distant cousin’s. FUN! (and chilly…like ice cream – hint!).

  46. I went for a 2 1/2 hr cycle ride with my mum yesterday, at the hottest time of the day! Although it was sweltering and we got attacked by nettles the views were stunning and we enjoyed a well-deserved BBQ with the family once we got home.
    On top of that, I made a red velvet and white chocolate four tier checkerboard sponge for my sister’s 16th murder mystery birthday party, delicious with fresh garden raspberries!

  47. I’ve had a blast hanging out with my kids. My baby is starting kindergarten this fall. Oh my! Where does the time go? We made chocolate chip cookies and cake poppers! We invited some of their classmates over and went hiking. Then I served them warm cookies and root beer floats. After that, they all had a huge water balloon fight in the yard. We ended the evening making s’mores. My kids and their friends had so much fun, we did it a few times over the summer. I also LOVE doing craft projects with my kids. I’m just enjoying anything I can with my kids because I know when they are in school full time, I’m going to miss these moments. We are going to Lake County Fair this week. Can’t wait!

  48. Had a sweet baby boy!!!

  49. Oh I would love a Ice Cream Maker! My daughter would too! She has been asking me to make her some homemade ice cream and I know that I can make it without the machine. I just feel like the machine does a better job at making it. I told her that we would have to see about purchasing one, but winning one would be the BEST!!!! The best thing we have done this summer is going to the beach and going to her dance competitions. We are in the process of planning a trip to Disney too! We are so excited!

  50. I’ve been on a crazy cake/muffin baking race. Not sure why I’m baking so much but it feels good being able to share it with my family and neighbour.

  51. So far this summer I ran my first obstacle run, and I am running a half marathon next month. I can’t wait! Great giveaway, thanks!

  52. My summer really hasn’t started yet because I have been ill and in the hospital for the past 6 weeks. I am learning to walk again and build my strength in rehab and can’t wait to go home. I love ice cream and need to make my diet healthier so believe I will have lots of fun with this new book of Jeni’s!

  53. I got engaged this summer in front of my whole family! :-D <3

    Thank you for having this giveaway!

  54. Our family took a huge family vacation – grandparents, kids, spouses, everyone – to Gulfport, MS a few weeks ago. It was amazing! Who knew MS was so beautiful?! Not me. Now we plan to go back again next year…maybe with an ice cream maker. ;)

  55. I get to volunteer at a hospice this summer, and one of the best things I find great about it, is that I get to make cookie baskets that get sent to various nursing homes. I bake the cookies and make cute little tags for them. Sometimes I think I’m so lucky that I found a job that fits me so well!

  56. A friend of mine from the UK came to visit me in California and I had a blast showing her around!

  57. I started a vegetable garden and am “enjoying” trying to steal my produce away from the pests. Grrrrr!

  58. What a perfect summer giveaway! Homemade ice cream sounds fabulous during these hot days. My highlight would be making my first 5 tier cake for our niece’s Sweet 16.

  59. I try out new local eatery — I don’t do that a lot so, it’s something fun for me to do :)

  60. Architecture/4th of July fireworks cruise on the Chicago river! So cool and a great experience!!

  61. My mom and I have been going on many walks together this summer! We have also been to the beach a couple times!

  62. A parachute jump! And I have submitted to this giveaway although I’m from Europe! Can you think of anything funnier?
    Lots of Love from Romania!

  63. I LOVE ice cream lol..and have dreamed of owning an ice cream maker!

    I haven’t done too much yet, this summer..but I am actually going to KRIS Jenner’s talk show taping tmrw lol(2 tapings)..I’m excited about that!

    I also went to the Hollywood Bowl for the 1st time last weekend to the Grease Sing-a-Long! VERY fun!!

    Thank you for the chance to win!!

    love your blog and have followed you for forever lol

  64. I survived my first 3h Cycling event after a 10h-workday :) It was so awesome and gave me a good feeling all through the weekend :)

  65. Icecream – my most beloved sweet stuff! Oh, how much i’d love to own this beautiful thing…

  66. I went to Palm Springs where I swam in the pool and ate ice cream with hot fudge every night! It would’ve been even better with homemade ice cream though!!

  67. I’ve done so much this summer, but the best of all is that it was all spent with my family!

  68. This is not so much fun, but something I’m really proud of: just yesterday, I managed to drive our car to the dog club and back home all by myself! Just me and the dog in the car! And I’ve only had my driving license for ten years! Yippee!

  69. I started and completed six different television series on Netflix.

  70. I went whale watching with my family! So fun!

  71. Spent a week in Tahoe with good friends!

  72. This summer I have had the chance to reconnect with a lot of high school and college friends and spend lots of quality time with my family….all while surrounded by beautiful weather. I love the summer! :)

  73. I spent one month to the Liguria see (Italy) with my two years daughter! Such a great time! :)

  74. I would so love to win this to make healthy ice creams as treats for my children :-)

  75. Cake. Multicolored cake with my cousins; it was a blast to make and share together.

  76. Just got home from Aspen/Snowmass Colorado with my hubby as 15 year Anniversary celebration and relaxation. So beautiful and fun!

  77. Our Alaskan cruise with two grandmas and a grandpa was great and we are enjoying our first full summer living in Northern California! Yay for ice cream! Thanks for the give-away fun!!

  78. My friend and I went to Penang Island by travelling in an overnight train ride. Spent 4 days walking around Georgetown for hawker stall food and unique coffee houses! So much fun and awesomeness! Thank you for this giveaway! ^_^

  79. I started and completed six different television series on Netflix.

  80. This summer has been awesome because it’s actually summer in Seattle this year. I just stayed locally so far! :)

  81. I’m having baby number 2! :)

  82. So far I’ve visited a friend for a few weeks. Amazing time, despite all the problems. Would have loved some ice cream at the time xD

  83. This summer I got my first job as a barista at Starbucks. It was exciting and was a great experience.

  84. Had an amazing day at the beach with our nieces and the dog. Best thing to do in summer :-)

  85. last summer we went to the beach and had a family bonding! we usually do this once a year. :-)

  86. We drove to Santa Fe, New Mexico for a weekend and it was just beautiful! On our way back to Colorado we stopped by Abiquiu Ranch and wished we had more time to spend there.

  87. Going to Las Vegas this week-end with hubby, four days of fun watching Fab 48 basketball … Good Luck OC Bulldogs!

  88. Going to a Giants game Tuesday! That should be lots of fun!

  89. The kids and I planted a salsa garden, tomatoes, onions, peppers and cilantro. We have it growing on our patio in big containers. We grew everything from seed, so we’ve had the fun of planting, watching it grow and now we’re making salsa together!

  90. My wonderful hubby and I took a trip to Hiroshima and Nagasaki this summer! The people were so nice, the food was amazing, and it was so nice to spend time together learning and exploring new places!
    Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

  91. I hiked through Timpanogos Cave! It was brrrrrrrr cold, but so, so fun!!!

  92. We have done a few summer camps this summer. Also finding new things locally

  93. I just received my Auctioneers license! Super excited!!!!
    Thanks for the chance!!

  94. I went to Ohio to eat the real Jeni’s ice cream (twice!) – oh, and to visit my family.

  95. My husband and I moved to Tokyo last year and have had fun discovering Japan and the last 3 weeks I have had family come visit and I was able to be a tour guide to all the sights. It was so much fun to show them the tourist and the not so tourist sights and to experience all the foods here. Sushi is big , but the bakeries blew everyone away-so Good!

  96. Just came back from the beach. Loved it so nice and cool, it’s at least 110 where I live. :-(

  97. My husband and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary with a trip to the beach! The weather was perfect!

  98. It is winter here but in the summer I went on a few road trips with the boy which was awesome!

  99. I moved back to my parents after finishing we would all need ice cream for a better mood.
    but the fun parts of the summer are here to come.. holidays are about to beginn in germany and i am going on a summer camp as volunteer.

  100. I’m pregnant and stuck at home most days so I have been spending them making some goodies from your website!!!

  101. Took my cute parents to dip their toes in the ocean!

  102. This summer I’ve gone to 3 concerts, ran a mud run and hosted some fabulous bbq’d. I’ve made it a point to live life & have fun!

  103. I went to Savannah GA and tasted all the local cuisine! Thankd for the giveaway!

  104. I watched my kids run through the sprinklers in our front yard, enjoyed Popsicles together and helped my son set up a lemonade stand. Good old fashioned summer fun!

  105. I took my boys to the beach just yesterday and went rafting the Saturday before that. It’s been a great summer so far!

  106. Just returned from 3 weeks in Minnesota with my family. I miss them so much!

  107. Whitewater rafting on the Snake river

  108. We had a drive in movie in my moms backyard to celebrate my sons birthday.All the kids had cardboard box cars that they got to decorate and each with their own personalized license plate I printed on the computer.They had popcorn and glow sticks and had a great time.

  109. Visited my 9 month son’s great grandparents! Was too much fun :)

  110. I have been volunteering at church and crocheting !!!

  111. I went ocean kayaking! Yay for ice cream giveaways!!!

  112. Hello everyone! This summer I ran a 5k Zombie Apocalypse Marathon! It was amazing! We ran a 5k obstacle course while dodging zombies in an amazing run held in Wisconsin!

  113. My fun for the summer has been spending time with family & friends! Waking up every day & making memories, couldn’t ask for anything better!

  114. I have been doing 1-3 fun activities or adventures a week with my 2 & 4 yo’s to keep us from getting bored…one of them was making home made ice cream in these round balls that you kick around. It was fun and the ice cream was great – but it would be WAY easier and much less mess (rock salt) if i had a machine!

  115. I went to go visit my friend in WI!

  116. This summer, I’ve gone to some craft fairs and have been motivated by some local LA artists :) (and also spent too much money on cute crafts, clothes, jewellery and of course FOOD) I also saw some cute animated movies :D and enjoyed plenty of ice cream and milkshakes to survive the heat :)

  117. Learned how to make french macarons!

  118. I just love ice cream and I have worked as a summer-baker in a little summer-cafe.

  119. Had a blast at the lake with our 18 month old. Camping, picnics, and water fun. Could have used some ice cream in the 108 degree heat!

  120. This is definitely a fun giveaway. Something fun I did this summer? I’m hosting parties and gatherings at my place quite often. For birthdays, family and friends gathering, etc. All fun and wonderful.

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  121. I celebrated my 2nd wedding anniversary by taking a boat trip to an island.

  122. Went Perth to visit my sister this summer! Love the laid back lifestyle there lots!!!

    Thanks for this giveaway!

  123. Lots off BBQ’s , ice cream and trips to the beach!

  124. I’m expanding my horizons doing Push-up pops. Lots of fun frozen options with a simple plastic tube!

  125. I am about to make my boss’s son a wedding cake, so a homemade ice cream break would really calm me down!

  126. I visited college friends in San Francisco this past weekend! So much fun :)

  127. I started a cooking page on youtube with my children this summer, we would love this for our show, soooo many things we could create with this!

  128. I showed my Aussie cousin the best of California- San Francisco, Pacific Coast Highway, LA, Disneyland! Lots of laughs and fun on the road!

  129. Enjoying every minute with our daughter before she starts kindergarten next month. Hitting theme parks, farmers markets, children’s museums and the list goes on.

  130. I celebrated my 60th birthday with two friends who’d also turned 60 this year at a dinner theater in a round barn.

  131. I had a baby! The actual having of her wasn’t exactly fun, but it’s definitely the highlight of this summer!

  132. My family went camping together! The kids really wanted me to go. This is real camping. No rv no cabin. Just a tent in the middle of the adirondacks! :)

  133. Mmmm I scream for ice cream… oooo a I cream maker!!!

  134. i got engaged!! <3

  135. I’m a monitor in a summer course for children and we have been having so much fun!, I’m giving a dance class and a handcraft class, with a little cooking, kids love it :)

  136. We’ve been boating on Lake Mead. Our favorite thing to do.

  137. Well I have been trying to keep myself n lil girl busy while my husband serves 71/2 months in afghan- yes its hard but still have to make it fun for my daughter I want to teach her sometimes you just gotta learn to dance in the rain so a few weeks ago we went to a theme park & suprised her with access to a live concert with connor maynard & lots of her favourite girl bands & I ll never forget that day when we danced laughed & sang
    in the sunshine some moments are priceless????? ~ we re currently busy planning a welcome home party for daddy in the garden & Erinn& daddys favourite of all time is Ice Cream oh my hahaha can just picture here face would be kike winning the lottery to her hahahah ??????????

  138. I got to spend a week with my parents and niece after not seeing them for almost 3 years. We hit the beach, the zoo and had some great dinners out.

  139. Ugh too many fun things to name. Going to Havasu for the fourth had of been the best this summer<3

  140. Been busy making cake pops for my family and friends.. That was fun, and thanks for the inspiration Bakerella (Angie) <3

  141. I took my 5 yo son to Hershey Park. You would have thought I was the 5yo. The water park brought the kid out in me.

  142. I went to Alton Towers!!! The most fab theme park ever- i went on the worlds first 14 looping roller coaster!!!

  143. Helped my daughter learn to swim :-)

  144. I went to Denver to visit my brother and his family. I love hiking the mountains!!

  145. We just finished a fundraiser for my brother and it was a huge success. There was so much love poured out on our family. So many willing and wonderful people wanting to help, it was something to see. Something money can’t buy and something you won’t ever forget. This summer was wonderful because of great people who love and care. It was a start to a better life and a longer one.

  146. This summer, I’ve seen Sara Bareilles live!

  147. I visited friends in Austin TX and finally got to see some Texas roller derby!

  148. This summer we went on vacation with the family to Puerto Vallarta and had some delicious guava ice cream !!!! Yummy

  149. I went skydiving!!! Bucket list check off!! and I made your yummy ice cream oreo treats! :D

  150. I’ve gone salmon fishing (unsuccessfully) and learned how to can!

  151. I’m volunteering at summer day camps with children! It’s really fun. My camp name is Minnie Mouse and I wear my Minnie Mouse ears!

  152. My friend and I walked by our local waterfall that is finally going again after lots of rain, so beautiful!!

  153. Like a dutiful girlfriend, I attended a wrestling show with my boyfriend. And it was actually fun, like a soap opera was playing out right in front of me!

  154. Had so much fun celebrating my son’s 5th birthday at The Little Gym this summer!

  155. I was in a Tug of war across the inlet of Bolinas lagoon between Stinson beach and Bolinas beach. It was so much fun.

  156. My friends and I planned a 4th of July pool party which has been one of the best parts of my summer. We made hot dogs and chicken, I even made some cute red white and blue choco covered strawberries, along with a USA flag made from fruit (strawberries, bananas, and blueberries). :)

  157. Had an 80’s themed party with friends we’ve known for 20+ years.

  158. I traveled to Rhode Island recently! I’ve been looking into getting an ice cream maker lately–I’d love to be able to make nifty vegan flavors–so this would be just lovely.

  159. this summer I moved to Hawaii!

  160. I went to the LA Food Fest with my family! I loved trying different foods and desserts. Fun = food. LOL!

  161. I’ve been helping my best friend plan her wedding that’s happening in two weeks.

  162. We have done lots of BUG CATCHING with our boys!! & I mean lots! This would be so fun for my baby boys 2nd birthday party! It’s icecream themed!! xo

  163. We toured the Swan House, built in 1928, in Atlanta.

  164. We have done quite a few fun things already this summer but the highlight for me was having my very first paid cupcake/cakepop order!!!

  165. I’ve been going to all the amusement parks in my area so Disneyland knots berry farm and magic mountain

  166. I’ve gone on a few hikes and made it to the coast!

  167. I went to Disneyland – what’s more fun than that?

  168. Working on visiting all of our local museums with my son this summer! 3 down so far!

  169. I have enjoyed my summer just being at home and going on playdates with my daughter!!

  170. I went to the zoo with my niece & sister’s family. It was so fun spending time with them and taking lots of pictures of all the beautiful animals & little ones :)

  171. We went frog hunting with all the cousins. The kids had a blast.

  172. My 3 year old daughter and I have been taking advantage of the weather and been hitting the pool all summer long!

  173. The best thing this summer was gong to Old Navy’s new Mickey line launch party at the Disney Studios. It was super fun!

  174. audition for america’s got talent with my dance school!

  175. Had a fantastic first summer with my sweet little girl!

  176. Took my girls to Disneyland and they LOVED it!

  177. I’ve done a few things I am particularly proud of, but one f my favorites had to be running my first 5k with my friend. The money went to a great cause and it was a lot of fun!

  178. Just last week I went on a family trip to San Francisco to see more family! We actually drove down and it was super nostalgic since we used to drive down every summer when we were younger to go see my grandma.

  179. Hiked for the first time! (But won’t be my last!)

  180. That ice cream maker would be amazing but the recipe book looks even more amazing! This summer I got to go on a real family vacation/honeymoon we never had after 16 years of marriage, to Kauai. Was so beautiful and glorious!

  181. I got married to the love of my life & got him to move from Europe to Asia!!!!! :)

  182. I go camping lots and I am a hugh fan of your work and a hugh fan of icecream. Yummys

  183. I have done a wedding cake and have been dabbling in painting this summer with family! I’m getting in touch with my inner artist/baker after 6.5 years of college.

  184. My son broke 4 bones in his foot this summer so we spent a lot of time going out for ice cream and watching our local fountain show

  185. Went hiking to a cool waterfall.

  186. We moved into our very first house :)

  187. I took my 1 1/2 year old to the park to fly a kite. She loved it!

  188. I enrolled myself to Pastry School this summer and a month into the program, I’m having the best time of my life!

  189. Went camping for my first time!!!

  190. I’ve been daydreaming about splurging on an ice cream maker all summer and making crazy favors like violet or basil ice cream from my exploding herb garden. I love love this give away!
    The funnest part about this summer for me was building and planting raised garden beds in the backyard with my hubby. I’m now impatiently waiting for tomatoes and zuchinis to ripen!

  191. My two daughters and I learned how to go Geo-caching! It’s super fun, great exercise and you find a treasure and leave a treasure!

  192. Oh man! Our summer has been PACKED! I would say the funnest thing we have done together as family was watching our towns fireworks show in the back of our truck. It was so much fun and I know our girls will always remember that night. :)

  193. I went to the beach and didn’t get sunburnt! Woo hoo

  194. Went up to our local mountain 1.5 miles away and played in the 50+ feet of snow on 4th of Jly.

  195. Spent two wonderful weeks in London and Paris with my family! And this would make my move into my LA apartment perfect!

  196. I saved some little kitties from a certain death; the momma had them in the engine compartment of a neighbor’s RV and the people were just about to go on vacation in it. Now I’ve got to feed them until our new no-kill shelter gets finished.

  197. Went to Paris for two weeks with my Mum on a girls trip for our Birthdays.

  198. Just returned from a few days on the central CA coast to get away from the heat here in the valley. Thanks so much for this giveaway.

  199. I moved to Texas. That was fun! It is hot so I could use that ice cream maker.

  200. I ran a half marathon and beat my personal best from the year before by 12 minutes! I am so incredibly proud of myself and would love a refreshing celebration ice cream ;-) :D

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