
Pick Mii out and Wii-n!

Wii Cupcake

I’m sure most of you guys have heard of the Nintendo Wii by now. But, before Christmas rolled around, I had never even seen the Wii and had no desire to play one. (Not a big video gamer.) I had heard all about it though. How you can create characters (Miis) to resemble yourself and play games like bowling and golf and tennis… all with a remote. You’ve seen the commercials, with everyone looking silly in front of their TV, punching at invisible objects. (That’s the boxing game, by the way.)

Then, for Christmas, my sister got one, my best friend got one and my aunt won one at her Christmas Party. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by cartoon versions of my friends and family bowling and playing tennis. All of the sudden, I had to have one. So, a few days and five stores later, I too was the proud owner of a shiny white box of fun.

And it is fun! On New Year’s Eve, we bowled for almost eight hours straight. We couldn’t stop. I’m sure there’s a bunch of you that know exactly what I’m talking about. And for the record, my niece rocks at bowling. She has a high score of 254 and she’s only seven. I’m… well…I’m not seven, but I can’t beat her for the life of me. (She likes to remind me of it, too.)

Anyway, we’ve had such a great time playing this thing, that I wanted to spread the fun. So here’s a little giveaway with a big prize.

The Wii:
Includes the Wii console, Wii remote, Nunchuk controller, disk of sports games and wires and stuff.

Win a Wii

Keep reading to see how you could win it.


Here are a bunch of Miis I made on the Wii for this giveaway.

Mii Cupcakes

And, here are a bunch of Mii cupcakes.

All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is…

Pick Mii Out & Wii-n!

Pick Mii Out and Wii-n Giveaway:

  • To enter for a chance to win a Wii, just pick mii out.
  • Guess the letter above that corresponds to the Mii character you think I use and leave your choice in your comments section below. Choose only one.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you (by blog or email) if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 24, 2009 at midnight.
  • Winner will be announced sometime Sunday, January 25th.

Note: The winner will be chosen at random using the integer generator. To win, you must pick Mii out correctly. If the winning comment does not pick Mii out correctly, I’ll choose another comment at random until one does.

Have fun and good luck!

Want to know more:
Nintendo Wii
Wii Games
Wii Accessories
Wii Fit (Curious… does anyone recommend this?)

Also, the cupcakes I made were from the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine… (a Christmas gift subscription from my mom.) I used the one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe… super easy and yummy. Thanks Mom and Martha!

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4,993 comments on “Pick Mii out and Wii-n!”

  1. A

  2. I’m guessing C!

  3. Hmm…I pick H :)

    Those are awesomely cute cakes, btw.

    You can reach me at www. rosy – lotus . blogspot . com minus spaces, of course

  4. Such awesome cupcakes! I think that C is the one!


  5. I think that you’re… H.

  6. Hey Bakerella! First time commenter, been reading your blog for a while. I love those cake balls (and so do my friends). I would like to guess C.

    Am I supposed to leave contact info here? If so, my email is

    Have a great day!

  7. What a great giveaway! My guess is G.

  8. It is Definitely “H” !!

  9. These are so cute! I pick C. email:

  10. C! I love your cupcakes!!
    Thanks for the chance!

  11. I pick G! Her smile is so sweet.

  12. D. You’re it!

  13. I think you’re “C”!

  14. I’ll guess C.

  15. I choose “H”

  16. I pick C…Cute Cupcakes!!
    Thanks for the awesome chance!

  17. is it C?!?!

  18. I’m going for H.

  19. Oh, if you only knew my 7 year old has been wanting a wii for two years!!!

    YOu have to be C!! Cupcake Cutie with a beauty mark!! Love your blogs!!! Love your work!!

  20. I’m voting G,

    I love your blog and you inspire me to try and bake things that I thought I wouldn’t be able to create. And they are really yummy!

  21. “C” for sure!!! Wow your talent is just amazing. Do you think you will ever write a book? Or teach a class – I’m here in the ATL too and would just love to put my apron on and learn a technique or two from you!!

  22. b :()

  23. I’m picking C – cause its my daughters inital and she would love this…

  24. I’ll go with C please. They’re all gorgeous!

  25. I’m guessing “G” – all so cute!!

  26. Hi, I pick C! I LOVE the cupcakes! Thank you for an awesome give-away and for having such an awesome blog – you are so talented!
    (I apologize if this is a duplicate entry, but I was having some computer issues and am not sure if my first attempt actually submitted).

  27. My vote is C. You are so creative!

  28. H! She looks like mii. ps. I have borrowed my ex-roomies wii-fit and I loved it! Its why I want a wii…oh and I want to play mario galaxy…and wii sports…and create mii for everyone I know etc…

  29. I’m going with D!

  30. For some reason, I think that yii are H. No rhyme or reason… :)

  31. I think you are C! I love all of your things!

  32. G…final answer =)

  33. I guess D. It was the lips that sold me.

  34. Originally I thought G because I usually seen your pics from Martha, but then I looked for the sideswept bangs, and that is so C. So, my guess is C

  35. I think its C. Gotta love that Wii.

  36. C! Love them all though, beautiful job!



  37. I pick C! :)

  38. I think it is “C”. I am now addicted to your site and spent today printing out any chocolate peanut butter recipes :)

  39. I’m gonna say “G.” She looks sweet and sassy!

  40. I say it’s H. And you should definitely get the Wii Fit. It’s awesome!

  41. My vote is for C!
    I hope I win so I can get the WiiFit to work off all these cupcakes!
    Thanks! :)

  42. I choose C. I saw you on Martha and that’s exactly what you look like – blonde and cute! :-)

    Thanks for all your inspirational baking ideas! Jennifer

  43. I’m gonna pick C, I hope!!

  44. I am going to say C… and thanks for the chance to win!!!

  45. I am going to guess D. Those cupy cakes are amazing (like everything else on your blog). I must get me one of these Wii’s now.

  46. I think it is C. I hope I am right. I love your cupcake pops. You are so creative and talented. Thanks for such a great give away.

  47. I’m going with c
    molliewobbles at gmail dot com

  48. I think it’s C!

    As for the Wii Fit, my sister got one for Christmas and I have to say I think it’s actually a worthwhile fitness tool! I watched my brother-in-law do the yoga on it and it’s not easy!

  49. I’m going to say C :)

    Cute cupcakes as always.

  50. I am gonna say C. These cupcakes are really cute.

  51. I think C! And those are ADORABLE! :-)

  52. I say you’re …. C

  53. I say you look like a ‘C’.

  54. C!
    love your blog…gorgeous photos :D

  55. I pick the “G” Mii!!!!

  56. Tag your it—if you haven’t already been tagged 5 million times before. this is for the Blog LUV award because I LUV your blog! Congrats

  57. I think it’s D and I hope I’m right!

  58. H!
    You are so talented! Can I have a just a Wii bit of your talent? Please?

  59. I think C. Thanks for the chance to win – I LOVE your blog!!!!

  60. I pick D and the cupcakes are amazing thanks

  61. H, definately H

  62. i guess D lady, she has very pretty eyes!

    aattorri at elon dot edu

  63. I pick D! Love those lips! Your cupcakes are WAY cute!

    jkhaki (AT)

  64. I’m gonna say A because that is pretty much the face I make when playing the Wii with my 4 year old grandson.

  65. i pick H.
    your work is amazing!

  66. C! WiiFit is absolutely amazing…good workout!

    mebeatty at hotmail dot com

  67. D! It is so fun!

  68. I pick C. She’s adorable. I love your great ideas. You are always such an inspiration to me!!

  69. C??? These are adorable!

  70. I’m going with B. she looks so nice.

  71. I guess ‘C’! I love your cupcakes!

  72. I pick “D” please! You are so cute!

  73. I’m guessing C!

    My e-mail is

  74. I am thinking C for sure!
    Awesome blog!

  75. Holy cow! You did an amazing job with those cupcakes! Although, I shouldn’t be surprised, I’m a huge fan of everything you’ve made.

    I’m going to go with C.

    Take care and happy baking!

  76. I pick C
    too cute!!

  77. I think H is the right mii!

  78. i choose “d”.
    she looks like a sassy little bakerella.

  79. D! Oh I hope it’s D! Please be D! And please randomizer gods pick me! I have been trying so hard to win a Wii! Please please please!

  80. Wow-These are FANTASTIC!!! I pick “C”! You are so talented~

  81. I think C! I think the fit is awesome.

  82. I’m gonna guess B, Thanks!

  83. Is it D? so cute:)
    alia247 at yahoo dot com

  84. I’ve gotta say D!

  85. I am definitely B!! And all your baked goods always look spectacular!
    P.S. I also love wii bowling, it’s the best!

  86. I guess G – she’s cute!

  87. I think you are G!

  88. I like H!

    Happy Baking :)

  89. I believe you are C.

  90. I pick Wii Mii number D!! You are awesome! :-)

  91. i hope it’s C.

    i love your blog!!

  92. I’m going to guess H.

    I don’t have a wii at all, but my friend swears by wii fit because it fattens her mii when she weighs in and it shames her into working out.

  93. I think C! They are adorable!

  94. I choose H. Nice job once again.

  95. I think C looks most like you! I’m glad you’re having fun with your Wii! I love how your Mii cupcakes came out, they look awesome!

    exoduslaughin -at-

  96. ‘g’…final answer.


  97. I choose D! Very cute!

  98. I say G- she looks like the picture of you and Bo Duke. I love Wii too!! Rockband is awesome!!!


  99. I’m going to try H!

  100. i think B is the mii you use. cute and sassy just like your cupcakes and cake pops.

    thanks for the great giveaway!

  101. I think C!

  102. Oh how fun,

    H for me please.

  103. hmmm… C??

  104. D, she is cute. Super fun lil’ cuppies!

  105. I pick B.
    The Wii Fit is fun, and perfect for beginner exercisers and people who want something different for a workout. If you are an elite athlete or a yoga master it is not for you.

  106. I pick G. Thanks for a great contest and for ALWAYS amazing ideas! We love your blog!

  107. I pick D!

    I have never seen the Wii, and don’t know anyone who has one to see it! :-(

  108. They’re so cute and tastii looking :) I’m gonna guess G because I love the eyelashes!

  109. I think F! These are so adorable.

  110. I think it is C!! How awesome!!

  111. I vote D. Love the cupcakes! Too cute!

  112. I’m going with A. Love it! Very cute!!

  113. I pick C…these are very cute!

  114. I say B!

    These are so cute!


  115. I choose “H”.

    Either way how cute are these, I’m ready for a Wii Party!!



  116. I choose “H”.

    Either way how cute are these, I’m ready for a Wii Party!!



  117. I say “C”! x-my fingers

  118. I’ll say “D” and the cupcakes are glorious!

  119. Oh my gosh — so many comments but please pick MIIII! I pick C and you can reach mii at

  120. I think you must be E! Anyway your cupcakes are the best.

  121. I think you are “G” I LOVE your blog it is such an inspiration

  122. I think D! Wii fit is fun. The kids love it too!

  123. “C” for sure. Great work, they belong in a magazine. :D

  124. These are just adorable–you are so talented! I am picking “H”, because I think her personality
    is you!

  125. I think it’s C!

  126. I guess B! These are so cute!

  127. Hi!
    I’m gonna guess your Mii is C.
    My friends have a Wii and I love playing at their house. They keep asking when I’m going to get one so we can play online… we’ll see!

  128. Without a doubt it is C. Awesome cupcakes by the way. You should definitely get the wii fit.

  129. It was hard to choose… but I’m going to go with G. You are so awesome Bakerella!

    lauradustin1 at yahoo dot com

  130. G! I think it’s G!

  131. C Please!!!

    I love the cupcakes! They’re adorable. Mmm.. Cake sounds really good right now.

  132. I’m going to go with H! All of the cupcakes are adorable!

  133. C, Definately C, and WII fit is cool! You can play it with other games besides WII fit, like WII Ski

  134. I think it’s B. I hope I win!

    Alicia (

  135. D Please!!! I hope I win!

  136. I pick D…

    just looks like it would be you!

    hope i win!

  137. I’m going with C

  138. I think you are G!!

  139. C and the cupcakes are great. I love the mii’s.

  140. I’m voting for G. She’s cute but definitely has her game face on.

  141. I pick C! =)

    Those cupcakes are SO. CUTE.

  142. I’m going to guess H!

    caitlancameron at gmail

  143. Brooke Nelson H Hopefully! =)

  144. I am going with D…She is cute :o)

  145. You did such an amazing job on those cupcakes!!

    I choose C!

  146. Random guess: B!

    And oh my god, those cupcakes are beautiful! I wish I had such skill with fondant.

    Contact –

  147. My pick is C! Love your Blog!!

  148. I say “C” , LOVE the cupcakes! You are so very TALENTED! I admire you:)

  149. I say C! Cute Miis

  150. I love these!(and Wii) Your creativity is amazing! If I remember right from watching you on Martha you are totally C!

  151. I pick D

  152. They are all equally adorable, however I think that C is your Wii Mii!

  153. I like D. She’s Sassy looking…

  154. I’m guessing “C.” Cute cupcakes!

  155. I think it’s B. I hope I win:)

  156. I want to say D or C…but I’ll go with D…she looks like fun! :)

  157. I choose “D” and my email is

  158. I pick H. There’s just something about her.

  159. I’m guessing H. By all accounts the Wii Fit is way fun. I’d love to find out for myself.

  160. I think you’re C. I love the wii. Pretty much everyone has one except mii.

  161. I pick D, sweet and sassy!

  162. C!! (and D is so super cute, but you already know that) ;)

  163. I think it’s C?

  164. C – so cute!

    erica dot rubin at gmail dot com

  165. I am betting on C!

  166. Is it B? The Wii is so much fun for the entire family!

  167. C. The cupcakes are great!


  168. I will choose “D” Thanks for the chance.

  169. i think C! too cute!
    amazing job!

  170. I vote for H ! I’d love to win the Wii for my best friend and her husband (a good reason to pick me-hahaha).

    And a big yes on the Wii Fit. We got one for Christmas thanks to the Wii deities smiling on us and my compulsive online searching for one and it’s really a great fun way to keep ourselves moving during this REALLY cold Midwestern winter.

  171. What fun! Great job…I guess cupcake H!

  172. C.
    Thank you for sharing your talents.
    I am inspired every time I check your blog.
    -Kathy S.

  173. These are so cute! I think you are C.

    But I just got a wii too, so don’t pick me. :) I just couldn’t resist commenting!

  174. If I had to guess, I’d would say “C” is your Mii

  175. I choose D. They are so cute!!!

  176. I am guessing D!

    What an awesome giveaway!

  177. What a cute idea. I would love to have the Wii for my grandkids to play. I picked “C” as my answer.

  178. I vote for C. What an AWESOME giveaway!!!

  179. My choice is C! And I love to play the Wii!

  180. I pick the Mii called C. Wii, this is fun. Yipii!

  181. C, C, C, C, C!!!!!! You should see the Mii I made on my kids’ machine. Now I’m looking to get myself a Wii. That boxing is a good workout! Thanks!

    K. Greer

  182. I think it’s C.

  183. I think you are C.

  184. I pick G :)

  185. I think G!

  186. I’m guessing the C Mii. Wii, this is fun. Yipii!!

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