
Play Food

Play food

I made some tiny sugar cookie sugar cookies for you.


Yes, I love little and I kinda like to play with my food… But I’m sure you know that about me by now.

And you probably know that I made more than just baby cookies.

They’re cute on their own, but I really needed them to put on display.

Cookie Stands

On these 3-tier sugar cookie dessert stands I made.

EEek! Cookies on cookies. Key-ute.

Making Sugar Cookies

I love sugar cookies since they require a few basic ingredients that I almost always have on hand.

They can be baked in no time – especially with the recipe I’ve been using from my friend Bridget at Bake at 350. It’s been my go-to recipe lately. I love hers because nothing has to be set out to room temperature. And her dough doesn’t need to be chilled before rolling either. Equals Awesome! I hate waiting. So I love this recipe. When the dough comes together it will be crumbly, but don’t worry. Just grab it and knead it a bit and it’s ready to roll and cut. And it lifts beautifully, too.

Here’s Bridget’s recipe for sugar cookies and royal icing on some peppermint cookies I made a few weeks ago. And here is the recipe on her site.

But even better, Bridget has a Cookie Decorating book out. And I’m giving one away at the end of this post. YAY!

Decorating Cookies

Actually, I’m giving away a signed copy of her book, Decorating Cookies. Easy to understand instructions with tons of adorable cookie decorating ideas. You’ll love it.

Skip on down to the bottom if you want to enter. Wheee!

Or if you want to see how I made my cookies stand, then keep on reading. These aren’t in Bridget’s book… I was just inspired by her cookie creations and love for decorating and wanted to share it with you since I love using her recipe.

Hope you like them Bridget! P.S. I need a piping boot camp. I don’t know how you do it.

Rolling Pin

Roll your cookie dough out nice and flat. I used these rubber dough bands to make sure the thickness was even when I rolled.

Cookie Dough

Then cut out circles in graduating sizes. I used 3-7/8, 3, 2-5/8 and 2-1/4 inch sizes.

Cookie Dough

Before you bake, use a plastic drinking straw to remove the centers of each cookie. The straw collects the dough in the center. Convenient.

Freeze the cut shapes for about 10 minutes to help the dough avoid spreading and then bake.

And when they come out of the oven, use the straw again to make sure the holes stay the same size.


Use the dough scraps and tiny cutters to cut out shapes for your desserts to go on display.

A piping tip like the one on the right will make circles with rounded tops since the tip is cone-shaped.

Makes great mini macarons or whoopie pies. Just tap the tip on the counter to release the dough.

Cookie Dough Shapes

Lots of little shapes.

Cookie Cutters

Assorted shapes – around 1 inch wide.

Tiny alphabet cutters. XOXO

Graduated ovals – plain on one side and crinkled on the other.

And my favorite – I can’t live without – graduated circle cutters that I used to make the stands.

Graduated Cookie Shapes

You’ll want to use four different sizes to make the 3-tier stands.

Note: For the chocolate cookies, I swapped out 1/2 flour for 1/2 cup cocoa and used all vanilla extract in Bridget’s recipe.


After they are baked and cooled, and then comes the piping. This always goes smoother in my head than when I actually start piping.

Pipe first with outline icing and then fill with flood icing.

However for these I ended up using a royal icing consistency somewhere in between and piped and filled with the same consistency.


Ugh – wonky lines. Not what I’d hoped.

So after I filled and before the icing set completely, I piped dots all the way around. Camouflage it.

Much better.

Let cookies dry overnight. And after all the cookie decorating save leftover royal icing in an airtight container or in the piping bag with the ends tied off and cap closed for finishing up the project the next day.

Now comes the fun part.


Ice the cakes and decorate!

Easy details for major impact.

Luster Dust

Oh and those macarons, try painting them with a little luster dust.

Just mix some of the powder with a small amount of clear extract and you can paint right on the cookies.


Play food

Pretty dang cute!

Cookie Dessert Stands

And even cuter on display.

These were surprisingly easy to make stand up.

Cookie Sticks

Start with using cookie sticks for the support. These are bigger than the lollipop sticks I usually use for cake pops (lower right).

The sticks should be about 6 inches tall for the stands. Buy the 6 inch sticks or cut down the 8 inch.

Use a cookie stick to gently twist through each cookie opening to make sure it goes through before building.

And make sure your cookie icing is completely dry and set from the day before.


Sugar Cookie Stands

  1. Start with the smallest cookie shape. It should not be iced. Place on a flat surface and then insert the cookie stick. Slide the largest iced cookie on top. Having two cookies on the bottom will give you more support and keep the stick straight.
  2. Cut striped straws into 1 1/2 inch sections. Slide one straw piece over the stick and push to the bottom as a spacer/ledge.
  3. Slide second largest iced cookie on stick until it stops at the straw. Then slide another straw piece on top.
  4. Slide last cookie on top until it stops at the straw. Then slide one more straw piece on the very top. Wrap a piece of washi tape around the straw and cut out a triangle for a cute flag topper.
  5. Note: Not shown. Use the leftover royal icing to pipe in between the two bottom cookies and pipe dots around the centers of each tier to help secure the cookies in place as you build. Attach the desserts to the tiers with royal icing too. Then let dry and don’t move for a few hours. I skipped this step because I wanted to get right to taking pictures.

Sugar Cookie Dessert Stands

There you have it four cookies for 3-tier stands. Bridget’s recipe will make four stands with enough cookies to decorate.

And these can be totally scaled back? Two tiers? Just a cookie plate? Just the tiny cookies? Only one cookie shape? Choose how you want to play.

Cookie Stands

They’d be super fun and totally stand out for Valentine’s Day, for a dessert party or even party favors.



Now for the giveaway!

Decorating Cookies

Enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Bridget’s book, Decorating Cookies.

  • Just answer the following question and leave your response in the comments section on this blog post.
  • What did you do this weekend? Something fun I hope. I made a bunch of cookies : )
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 7:00 pm. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!


Thank you all so much for the sweet words on the cookie stands. I really appreciate it. And now for the winner of Bridget’s book.

It’s comment #917 – Becky P! Congratulations and have fun decorating cookies. And swimming too.


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1,910 comments on “Play Food”

  1. Those ittybitty cookies are adorkable!! This weekend we hunkered down Saturday to wait out the melting from Fridays ice storm. I cooked baked taters and a pkg of pork tenderloins. Suffered thru rough tar heel bball game saturday night. Sunday made a grocery store run. Thank you!

  2. I went to a wing war where a bunch of local restaurants competed to see who had the best wings. We got to try them all. It was fantastic!

  3. Loved the tutorial. This weekend I was planning for my upcoming cake:) and shopping with my family :)

  4. I love your teeny tiny cookies.
    My granddaughters would love them.
    This weekend I went to visit my friend on her birthday.
    We always have fun together and lots of laughs.

  5. I baked a few cakes for Cake Pops I’ll be making.


    I hope to win!


  6. I hung out with my baby boy! He will be 6 months old tomorrow. I can’t wait until he is old enough to bake cookies with me :-)

  7. These are adorable and just in time for Valentines Day! As for the weekend- I spent it on tearing down wallpaper. Now to the painting- the fun part!

  8. Beautiful cookies!!! This weekend I went with my family to our beach house and celebrated my son 10 months! Took all the family and has a great time…

  9. This weekend I explored making bread for the first time and it worked. I’ve always been afraid of yeast, which is normally why I stick to cookies and cake pops!

  10. The cookie stands are just adorable. I was finishing up a Dora cake for a little girls birthday. Can’t wait to try these. I have purchased the cake pop book and love it.

  11. Made a cake that looked like a Guinea pig on Saturday morning. Later, I took the cake to my grandson’s birthday party. Sunday, my daughter and I went to a book-signing. It was a very fun weekend!

  12. I made cookies too! They are for volunteers for a project I’m working on. They are not so pretty, but they are tasty.

  13. Not necessarily fun, but I bought a new new mattress set. It is heaven!!!

    And this might possibly be the cutest valentine cookie display ever! I am trying my hand at cookie decorating and would love the book. :)

  14. I cleaned and spent some quality time with my daughters.

  15. I had the family over for some hot soup, sandwiches and some ping pong!

    Adorable cookies and display stands btw!

  16. I cleaned the entire house and then friends surprised us and came over..I was so happy my house was clean!! The next day I made some greek cookies my 90 year old aunts (2 of em) had showed me how to make. I love baking and have to get all their recipes so their legacy will live on :)

  17. I celebrated my 10th Wedding Anniversary! I had a replica of our wedding cake topper made and we went to dinner & the casino! It was a great weekend!

  18. I threw a baby shower for one of my girlfriends, cleaned house and played with my 3 kids!

  19. To be honest I had kinda a crummy weekend, My husband worked pretty much all weekend, my one year was sick and picky all weekend, and my preganant self was exhausted the entire time! But it snowed a lot and it was very pretty!

  20. Love the tiny cookies!!

    This weekend, I hosted an awesome game night, and got to puppy sit :) It was great!

  21. Spent the weekend with my girls.

  22. We dug ourselves out of the snow a few times! That’s Utah for you!

  23. Oh my cuteness! Such great ideas!

  24. Absolutely adorable cookie stands! Love Bake at 350 too!

    IYB (International Young Basketball) tournament started on Saturday, so I spent the weekend with the family at my son’s basketball games.

    Thanks for a chance to win!

  25. I had my parents to dinner Saturday night. I spent a lot of time yesterday watching golf and knitting by a fire. Very relaxing!

  26. Oh.My.Word. SPEECHLESS! {amazing}

  27. Love the cookies!! I spent the weekend cleaning the house and went to my daughter’s basketball games. Went to church on Sunday and watched a few movies. Had a great weekend with my family.

  28. Celebrated my nephew’s 1st birthday. Those cookies are the cutest thing I have ever seen. You are so creative and talented. Thanks for sharing with us.

  29. We celebrated my nephew’s 3rd birthday.

  30. I spent the weekend catching up with a friend over a cup of coffee

  31. Ha! I actually made Mardi Gras sugar cookies :)

  32. Unfortunately, I had to study all weekend for my exams that ended up getting postponed due to snow! But I am very excited to celebrate later this week by making some beautiful sugar cookies!

  33. I made a Leprechaun climbing up a wedding cake to get his pot of gold (without a rainbow) as per the bride’s request..
    THANK YOU to all you wonderful creative bloggers…as a nwebie I would never have managed otherwise….
    We live in the middle of nowhere too.
    love to you all

  34. Adorable! This weekend I shopped around for vanities for a bathroom reno. Woulda rather been baking sugar cookies!

  35. So cute! I worked on perfecting my cake shots…. Both adult versions and kid friendly ones. :)

  36. Your cookies are adorable. What is it about miniature treats that I can’t resist?! I made chocolate doughnuts over the weekend…success!

  37. I went to my youngest daughter’s basketball game.

  38. Does mini cookies look so delicious!!!

    I made a big cookie this Sunday for a birthday girl, it was one of her best gifts that she received…

    I love baking!!!! :)

  39. I spent time with my wonderful little family–making meals, running errands, church-filled Sunday, naps. :-)

  40. Your work is wonderful! This weekend I went to the Zumba Party and had a nice day out with family at the national preserve.

  41. I decorated cakes

  42. These are absolutely adorable! What a fantastic idea!!

    I made some great homemade chicken parmigiana for a friend this weekend — but would have rather been baking, like you! This looks like it was really fun to make :)

  43. I made Valentine and St Patrick Day cards. Trying to stay ahead of the game. Thank you for the giveaway!

  44. This weekend I got together with my cousins and their children. We went bowling and pigged out on pizza, then in the evening just the adults got together! It was so much fun!

  45. I deep cleaned and organized my house. The only left is the filing cabinet… next weekend I will tackle that. :)

  46. The usual mom things on Saturday and on Sunday we stayed in our PJs all day and watched movies and I knit. So needed that after a busy week.

  47. These are adorable!! I need more time in the day to have time to play in the kitchen!

    We went shopping .. found a new bedroom set and finally got our android pad that we had been putting off forever.
    Then we cleaned up the bedrrom to take pictures of the old bedroom set to sell..
    and made Cici Macaroni (my husbands family recipe)!! MMM good!

  48. We had a movie night at our house Friday night and visited family Saturday, Sunday was church, lunch and a nap! Had an awesome time with my husband and 2 small children.

  49. I’d love to win that!

    We spent some family time. And I got a new phone! Also did some couponing :-)

  50. cleaned the house for a potluck we hosted, made a batch of bad cookies… I need this book!!!!

  51. Spent time with my cute little baby and bought myself an iPad – I finally have one and the Bakerella website looks great on it : )

  52. I gave a fun baby shower brunch. Just yummy food and chatting. Those are the cutest things ever. You amaze me.

  53. oh . em. gee. these cookies are waaaaaaay over the top adorable! i actually want one to varnish and keep forever! we had a bday party for my son over the weekend-but this weekend i will spend just staring at these cookies…

  54. Those tiny chocolate cakes are adorable!!!

    I went to my parents house and really enjoyed relaxing with them, my sister and my baby nephew :-)

  55. Love the cookies on a cookie display! Too Cute! This weekend I had all sorts of creative plans, both cooking and crafting–but I spent it sick and in bed instead! I was totally bummed out that I felt too bad to do all of the fun things I had planned on.

  56. I went to the supper dance and Ball for the Mardi Gras parade that I will ride in on Feb. 1. Had a great time with friends. then on Sunday cooked dinner for the family and made a White Chocolate Ameratto Cake. I have to do some baking every weekend.

  57. w e had our sons first pinewood derby! then we made peanutbutter balls for church!

  58. I had a wonderful weekend! Friday was my birthday! I had birthday breakfast, got a FREE birthday car wash, birthday dinner at the Melting Pot (my fav). Then Saturday, my family came to visit for a belated birthday lunch. And Sunday, I was just plain lazy. I hope I win this book.

  59. I went shopping with my mother in law yesterday-doesn’t sound fun but it actually was and got some great stuff! Also watched pitch perfect-adorable movie!

  60. I made chicken pie and knitted hats!

  61. My husband and I both fell in love with the same dog and almost convinced ourselves to adopt him, and then realized that we are trying to get pregnant and now’s not the time to get a dog. :( I’m still bummed.

  62. I got to try a few new recipes this weekend! And I pinned a bunch of Valentine cookies I want to make.

    Definitely trying these out this week! Thanks for the great pictures and directions.

  63. Last weekend, I brought my students out for a training. It was all about the outdoors…

  64. Thanks so much for the cute ideas. This weekend I made a three layered lemon cake for my mom’s birthday. Hope you had a great one!

  65. I babysat my nieces and nephews!!! It was alot of fun!

  66. love it!

  67. I did some shopping with my sister :) I love these miniature display of treats! I adore mini things!

  68. This weekend just blew by! It was cold nasty weather here, so I decided to finally take the time to try a new donut recipe, lol…Well I ended up making orange glazed carrot cake donuts, and they were soooo good that I ended up making “a few” more than I had after doing up all the dishes I had dirtied, I went out in the cold weather that I was avoiding and delivered donuts to all my neighbors, family and friends!!!

  69. Cleaned the house a bit, watched TV & played with the kiddos. Nothing exciting but it was still great.

  70. My sweet baby girl had to have mouth surgery on Friday, so I spent my weekend playing nurse and making sure she had everything she needed! :-)

  71. Cute little cookies!!! Love them ?
    This weekend I went to the movies on saturday and on sunday morning I went to IHop for breakfast.

  72. I was house/ dog sitting for a friend…. gonna have to catch up on my baking when I get home!

    Thanks Bakerella, and I recognize those cutters! Williams-Sonoma!

  73. I spent time with friends and ate delicious sweet cream ice cream.

  74. I spent the whole weekend reading, just bliss

  75. Very productive weekend, cleaned the house, attended my son’s basketball game and the boys had friends over for a sleepover!

  76. You are a genius.. love everything.. I need to start learning how to do this sugar cookies, specially if I am deciding on opening my business on small desserts..

  77. I made cupcakes!!!
    Caramel apple and Orange and Blue Berry and then went to dinner with the hubster :)

  78. looked up new baking recipes this weekend.

    love your work btw. everything is always so adorable. :)

  79. I spent the weekend packing. We are heading to California for Winter getaway!

  80. I would LOVE to win this book, thanks!
    This past weekend, I did laundry, played games with the family, had a date with my husband, and watched the Pro Bowl.

  81. Now those are really adorable! I started working on 200 up-side-down hearts for some non-valentine Valentine’s Day cookies. They are for an event & the customer gets what the customer wants! ;o)

  82. I went to a wine tasting party! Fun!

  83. Thanks for the great giveaway! I read this weekend and laid around the house!

  84. I stayed in bed with a migraine. :( But *this* weekend Is my grandmother’s birthday, so I’ll be baking- YAY!

  85. I baked strawberry cheesecake cupcakes, chocolate pixies, meringue and red velvet cupcakes for my niece’s 1st poodles-in-paris-themed birthday party.

  86. I went out with friends to elaborate a store project :)

  87. I perfected my Snickerdoodle recipe and made cookies for my husband to take to his team at work this morning.

    Question – can you elaborate or demonstrate sometime painting with luster dust. I’ve never have been able to figure this out. Thanks

  88. baked a 70th birthday cake and then took the rest of the weekend off for R&R with a girlfriend it was awesome!!

  89. I worked – and napped!

  90. How cute! I love making and decorating cookies but I’ve yet to do anything 3-D/free form yet. :) Love Bridget and her website!

    I made a “grand” meal for the family with trying a couple new recipes and they both turned out pretty well. My favorite was the crockpot apple dump cake – YUMMY! ;) Perfect for a snowy day. Then I watched some old tv shows with my siblings.

  91. What a cute idea !!!
    Went to the GA Aquarium with my family!

  92. I made a nice chocolate cake for my daughter and her friends this weekend. i love baking:)

  93. I did a lot, but the best was all the moments I just sat and enjoyed the pouring rain… going on three days of rain here in AZ is pretty unusual. And super awesome.

  94. I baked fresh bread (yum!) and played card games with my hubby. Good way to spend a frozen January weekend!

  95. oh i love these biscuits! soo cute! I love that they are mini biscuits on normal biscuits that look like cake stands! and so many wonderful details. you’re so clever!

    This weekend I set up a facebook page and website in German for gluten free baking and cooking to help raise awareness over here in Germany. I already have a blog and facebook page in English for my American and English friends about gluten free baking but I figured living in Germany I should practice my German and see about getting in on the coeliac / gf baking scene here! :)

  96. Went to a birthday party for a 1 year old, hung out with family and had friends over for dinner. It was great.

  97. I spent the weekend baking cakes! Cinderella & Mickey Mouse. Then spent lots of time with my family :)

    Love the cookies!!

  98. Went to WS and enjoyed their techinque class on Morrocan food then since it was near sixty in January (v. unusual for KS) we took the pups for a long walk, dinner with family, and watched Downton Abbey with DH (yes he actually enjoys it, though it took him beginning of season 3 to get on board, thank goodness the library dvds got him up to speed).

  99. I went to an early movie and then dinner with my husband and some good friends… home before the snow. Yay!! I managed to get in some cleaning but the Christmas Decorations are still waiting to be packed away….maybe next weekend. My most favorite part was whipping up some cake pops, well got them started…all shaped waiting to be dipped and decorated hoping to do that tonight. My daughter gave me your Christmas Cake Pop book so I want to try a few of your designs even though the season is over. Still fun to play and try things out and my husband does not mind being the ginnypig either!!

  100. Those cookies r adorable!!! What an idea :) I just hung out with my 3 mon old lil guy :)

  101. I finally put away our Christmas decorations :)

  102. So cute!
    I was in the craft room making cards, I did bake some muffins for my lunch!

  103. I spent the weekend at the family farm, enjoying some time with my nephews and working on craft projects.

  104. Oh my! So cute! Made rye bread this weekend for the first time. Can’t wait to slice and toast for breakfast. This book would be great for my 52 weeks of cookies project. Crossing my fingers.

  105. I made cupcakes!!! :) Ice blue buttercream with red roses and some with black mustaches! They were adorable! We delivered a dozen to a dear friend that had surgery this week! Hope you had a wonderful weekend too!!!

  106. One day I want to attempt sugar cookies, I love how they look and make any table look beautiful. These are amazing! But I do say all the mini’s is what really puts it over the top. Lots of patience went into this. Love it. Kim

  107. My Godsons can over this weekend since we were never able to have them over for our normal chrismas stay over. I just had a baby in October so it was extremely chaotic!

  108. I enjoyed watching my parents meet their 1st great grandson (my first grandchild) and celebrated my birthday with my favorite people!

  109. I made Chocolate Lemon Tart :)

  110. Those are so cute!!

    I had to spend the day indoors, it was freezing rain all day Sunday. So I got to bake all day.

  111. This weekend I went to a parenting seminar, hung out with my hubby, went to church, went to a singing with young couples from my church (after eating pizza of course).

    P.S. I am pretty sure your cookie tiers are the most adorable thing I have ever seen…and I’ve seen a lot of adorable things.

  112. I’m a sucker for cake stands anyway & these are way toooo adorable

  113. I made cookies and tried flooding for the first time, I definitely need practice! :)
    These cookies are just too cute!

  114. I made a batch of Seville orange marmalade mmmm

  115. I made bread this weekend, cause it was rainy! Then I decided we needed chocolate chip cookies too.

  116. Laundry, cleaning and snow shoveling, I’d have much rather been baking!!! I did look up recipies to make chocolate stout cupcakes for this upcoming weekend.

  117. My husband and I spent the weekend shopping. He’s a good sport! Love the cookies!

  118. I went on a mommy-son date with my 7 year old mini-golfing and to the arcade. We decorated Valentine’s Day cookies after. I love these little cookie stands… Cannot wait to try!!!!!

  119. This weekend I took care of everyone in my house since they are all sick

  120. Oh my! These are just darling! I love sugar cookies, and these take them to levels beyond!

  121. omg so cute!!!! my husband was away this weekend, so i dealt with the snow! play dates and basketball. yah fun fun
    thanks for the chance

  122. I went to a tour and brunch at the Corcoran Gallery.

  123. This is such a cute idea. I worked, played with puppies and went to Disneyland. Growing up near Disney I’ve been there dozens of times in my life, but somehow this year the magic was all new and I got to ride an attraction that is usually not running too. Then we topped the weekend off with a nearby Italian restaurant and the best cannoli ever.

  124. You are so creative! This weekend I had to work in the yard, then I watched a movie with my grown daughter.

  125. I made cookies and set up my new sewing machine!

  126. My son turned 3 on Friday and we threw him a ROAR-ING dinosaur party with cake pops (of course). He had a blast and I had a great (and exhausting) time prepping everything to be dinosaurs!

  127. I painted my brothers house with him and his wife! :) Very tiring

  128. This weekend I baked chocolate, vanilla and red velvet cupcakes with buttercream and cream cheese icing with weights made of fondant on each one and a Rose cake for a friend who requested these for a party she was having.

  129. I went to a tea salon in Osaka, just to eat some good cake with my friend, but for sure those cookies would be welcome to the party too :)

  130. I made a Xbox controller out of fondant for a friends birthday.

  131. Boot shopping. Moderately successful. :)

  132. Me and my husband had an argument, I cleaned the house, took care of the baby and made a new chicken pot pie recipe and chocolate cake :)

  133. We had an ice storm, so we were housebound Saturday. I baked cookies, muffins, and made a bunch of food to last us all week.

  134. The cookies are gorgeous!
    This weekend I went to swimming lessons and to have lunch with my sister on Saturday. On Sunday I catched up with lots of tv series!

  135. Oh my word, you are so clever… Definitely going to make these for my daughters birthday party. I spent my weekend sorting and organizing. But will be baking this weekend for sure..

  136. This weekend I did a lot of homework… oh the grad school life. Luckily, I crammed in some fun watching the SAG awards!

  137. This weekend wasn’t very exciting… My husband and I cleaned and organized our basement, then “we” moved all the furniture from our upstairs office and moved it into the basement… Now the upstairs office is empty and ready to become a nursery! Yay! :) hehe
    Can’t wait for my maternity leave to kick in so I can bake and cook and stock up the freezer! (You know before the crazy sleepness nights kick in! haha)

  138. This weekend I packed up some freezer meals and made shrimp gumbo!

  139. Love the teeny cookies and stand!

    I went to see “Wicked”!!

  140. These are so fantastically adorable – your abilities amaze me – these darling photos make me smile :)

    FYI for some reason a lot of your images are showing up for me as unavailable to view, I’m on Firefox if that’s of any help.

    Going back to look at the pics again – Patricia

  141. I always use Bridget’s recipes!! Mini Cookies – so creative and such a steady hand!! Great job!

  142. I bake a Led Zeppelin decorated cake!!! I´d love to have your book!

  143. I had a 10th bday party for my daughter

  144. I didit do much, made some monster cookies, cleaned the bathrooms

  145. LOVE these tiny cookies and stands, so cute. Baked with my son this weekend, made chocolate chip and blueberry muffins.

  146. I spent quality time with my boyfriend and planned a ladies night for next week. Fun! These cookie stands are adorable – I can totally see this as a fun mommy/daughter activity.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  147. Those are just adorable! Can’t wait to try them.

    I had a wonderful weekend with my new grandson!

  148. I laid in bed all weekend with the flu. Couldn’t even celebrate Chocolate Cake day, which was Sunday.

    I love this idea! It is so cute! Do you think the sugar cookie recipe would work at high altitudes?

  149. Stayed in bed nursing a sinus infection and a bad back…while enjoying a good book :)

  150. Just survived as our house was taken over by the stomach bug!

  151. I made valentine candy and chocolate covered oreos. Plus worked on my gumpaste roses needed for an upcoming cake.

  152. I prepared for the musical I’m in, opening night is this week!! And today I’m relaxing because school is off due to “bad weather” Btw these cookies look sooo cute!! <3

  153. It’s full summer here so no baking this weekend…pool days with friends!

  154. Love the cookies stands!

    This weekend I got my hair cut and colored, cleaned, did laundry and baked 3 different kinds of cookies for my friend’s son to take back to college. Oh and some for her other 3 sons still at home.

  155. So creative and cute!
    We made a quick trip to Austin for some car shopping. Didn’t get anything yet! And visited my daughter while there. Spent Sunday cleaning and getting ready for the workweek.

  156. We spent some good quality time with our kids! It was a great weekend!

  157. I did a whole bunch of nothing. I read a book and started another one but I’m off of work for knee surgery so there isn’t a whole lot I can do. I’m taking advantage of it while I can :)

  158. Very cute cookies and stands! I didn’t do very much. Recovering from a cold and an asthma attack.

  159. My 4 year old and I made Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins. He loves to bake with me. I think it is the fun of cracking the eggs and measuring out all of the ingredients that he truly loves.

  160. Was going to make banana ark chocolate raspberry bread but instead spent the weekend cleaning house.

  161. These are the cutest things I have seen in a looooong time! And I have pretty adorable kids, so that’s saying something!

  162. Those are absolutely adorable!

  163. We took advantage of a childcare night at our church to go out with some friends to a great new restaurant in town!

  164. I threw my back out doing chores. Not the best way to spend a weekend, but I got caught up on some of my DVRed shows.

  165. My husband and I took our 10 month old daughter to the park to swing. She loves swinging with Daddy!

  166. I traveled to Penn State for a convention with a few friends. This meant that we stayed up too late and got up too early. I’m not really sure how I’m functioning right now, but it was still fun.

  167. Haha! I spent the weekend trying to make sugar cookies! But the dough was not right – too crumbly and wouldn’t roll out). You are just in time with this recipe, and I will be trying again tonight!

  168. How creative!

    This weekend, I started drafting a pattern to make an A-line skirt.

  169. Made canadian flag shaped/colored cookies for a presentation that kiddo had at school on the canadian flag.

  170. I finally took down all the Christmas decorations….and attempted the chocolate peanut butter truffles.

  171. This weekend I had to work at the bakery… finishing up orders, and then I spent time with family and friends.

  172. These are tooooo cute! What a great idea! Can’t wait to use all my tiny cookie cutters (i actually use them for puff pastry decorations on beef wellingtons!)
    This weekend – I was under the weather – and stayed home making lots of gum paste flowers for my first cake competition!
    Fun blog! Thanks so much!

  173. These cookie stands and mini cookies are the cutest thing ever! It’s a great idea for a birthday girl or just a special day gift wrapped in cellophane and tied with a bow and a little hand made tag. Love it!

  174. I took my college quiz bowl students to a competition, which they won! I’m very proud!

  175. wish I could see the cookies but for some reason none of the pictures are showing. :-(

  176. Cookies are just too cute!!

    I didn’t do much…Costco to do some food shopping. Church on Sunday. That’s about it.

  177. I went on a road trip with all of my friends. We slept in a hostel in a village called Taanayel in Lebanon (Middle east). Our Rooms were very traditional so basically our beds were on the floor!

    lovely weekend very relaxing :)

  178. Chocolate pudding, a new pair of shoes and movie.

  179. My husband cut himself at work (he works at a meat market) so I was the good wife and waited with him and took care of him. I did not, at any time, view the wound though – that is where I draw the line!

  180. Had to do a work thing last weekend but I’m making yummy cookies and cupcakes for the Super Bowl party this weekend!

  181. My husband and I drove 9 1/2 hours to visit daughter and family in North Carolina. Having a wonderful time with family and grandkids.

  182. I didn’t do anything fun, just ran some errands and cleaned the house. I would have loved to bake and decorate some cute cookies!

  183. HI- I cleaned out my treasure room this weekend. I worked up an appetite for some cookies!! haha….

  184. Spent the weekend at the Hershey Jr Bears Winter Classic hockey tournament. Those boys love cookies!

  185. Those Cookie Stands are the cutest thing i have ever seen!!!!! Im going to try and do them some time :)
    This weekend I enjoyed the beautiful sunny and windy days of summer here in Costa Rica :)

  186. I took my girl to her speech therapy and then to her occupational therapy. She is doing great though and that makes mommy happy!!!

  187. This weekend I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies but I really want to try iced sugar cookies following your guidelines. Mine never look right. I also made two dresses, one for each grand daughter.

  188. I caught up on some chores and projects that I was too tired to deal with during the week.

  189. This weekend I went cake/cookie supply shopping!!! for all the valentine’s presents.

  190. How adorable are those cookies!

    I made Save the Date cookies for my wedding in July this weekend :)

  191. Those cookies are fabulous! You are the Master of Sweets! I would love nothing more than to make them…though my weekend, like many, are filled with hours of entertaining my beautiful 2 year old daughter! Playing Blocks/House/Dolly’s/Trains, Coloring, Painting, Play-doh, Reading Books…etc. REPEAT! Mixed in with meal prep & clean-up! After it all I’m exhausted but the happiest Mommy ever! One day I will get to bake sweet things…but until then I will enjoy life’s sweetest things! :) Keep up the great work Bakerella!

  192. Too cute!!! I judged a cheerleading competition all day on Saturday…was up before the sun and judged some great cheerleading routines!!! I did some baking on Friday so that I could relax and enjoy my Sunday!!!

  193. Super cute! I took my kids to a birthday party and had a sleepover for with one of their friends..and made an upside down Lemon Merengue pie!

  194. I really love that cookie stands! they are wonderful!…. this week I went to a pastry seminar with my mom! we really enjoy it! =D

  195. I love these cookie stands. What a genius idea. Can’t wait to try it out.
    This weekend I went to see Shen Yun (Chinese Classical Dance. Next headed over to Vacientes for dinner (Cuban food. yummy!). After dinner made my way over to the Detroit Auto Show. The new cars were awesome!!! Finally home to bed.
    Sunday i went to church and afterward went to my dance class. From there headed home for some much needed rest!!!!

  196. Oh my gosh, the cutest ever!!! Now, a question for you – did you eat your creation? :-)

    This weekend was fun end to end, beginning with a night out with a group of really terrific ladies from my church community group. Good food, good conversation and yep, good dessert. LOL

  197. Didnt do much fun, we had ice so we were stuck in the house just relaxing this weekend.

  198. Ohmigosh! ADORABLE! I love the mini cookie stands :) You are so creative.
    This weekend I took the itsy bitsy valentine class at Archivers and made some very cute valentine cards (if I had a blog I’d show the pictures….hmmm..) and I made cinnamon roll cupcakes – yummmers, cinnamon goo….

  199. Took my son to a track meet, cleaned house, took all my kids to a birthday party, picked up an extra Kid for a sleepover and vegged all day Sunday :-) Oooohhhhh..and made an Upside Down Lemon Merengue pie!

  200. So cute! This weekend I baked a chocolate bundt cake with a chocolate cinnamon pecan streusel for my mom’s birthday. It was delicious! :)

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