
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. my dad’s birthday

  2. I made a train cake for my son’s 5th birthday. It was chocolate cake with birthday cake ice cream layers and buttercream icing.
    The pedestals are beautiful, so are the cakes!

  3. St. Patrick’s Day – With a rainbow cake!

  4. Sad to say it was way back at the beginning of Feb. for my daughter’s birthday! Way too long ago!

  5. My last celebration with cake was my granddaughter’s birthday in December. I made the cake my self but I didn’t have a pretty stand to put it on.

  6. I have been checking your site weekly for ideas for cakes. My twin girls are turning 1 on friday and I am so excited/nervous to make their cakes!

  7. My Niece’s 1st birthday! Pretty in Pink, one of those pink pedestals would have been perfect!

  8. I made a flourless chocholate cake for a gluten intolerant student 2 months ago.

  9. Friend’s birthday… carvel ice cream cake. I love the little chocolate crunchies in the middle!

  10. Last Saturday, I made the red, white,and blue cake pops for a Fallen Marines who’s family was accepting a Silver Star he was awarded. Everyone loved them and thought they were really great. Thanks for the wonderful idea. I know I will be making more of them in the future.

  11. Last cake i made was the cake pops last month for no reason. This week for my spring break im making cheese cake pops. I wish i could win it. But im not that lucky. Oh well..

  12. Made a cheesecake a few days ago for a friend! And going to be making my grandpa’s 100th birthday cake next month!

  13. Wedding Shower on March 20, 2011 ~ Pink Cake Pops

  14. It was my husband’s birthday and it is our family tradition where I will bake a cake of their choice to celebrate. My husband chose carrot cake!!

  15. About 2 weeks ago we had a baby shower for a non-profit organization (The Mercy House-Kenya) that was in need of baby items. Our cake was in the shape of Africa!!! It was a great time!

  16. We had good friends over for dinner and I served teramisu!

  17. My husband’s birthday!

  18. My son’s first birthday!!! Very special day, with a very special cake, that i made myself!!

  19. Last Friday I had a “lunch party” with my first grade students. I invite the students that have behaved well and completed their homework for the week to a “lunch party” and I bake them a special treat. Last week was cupcakes!

  20. last time I celebrated with cake was a “kitty litter cake” I made for a co-worker’s birthday. It looked absolutely disgusting but very entertaining for the birthday boy!

  21. My dad’s 92nd surprise birthday party with 2 large cakes and 125 great friends and family!

  22. I just celebrated my bday a couple days ago. I really could have used these beauties for the cupcakes I made.

  23. I LOVE cake!

  24. a bridal shower last month!
    those are cute! i’ve been looking for something to display different sizes of cupcakes and cakes. ahhh! that would be the answer!

  25. for a co-worker baby shower, who had just adopted a bay from the ukraine i made a cake with pink teddy bear on top

  26. my daughter’s birthday in December…

  27. Thats easy! It was my wedding cake :)

  28. I made your best-ever moist yellow cake, with lemon zest for an added touch, with cream cheese butter cream frosting for my husband’s aunt’s 70th birthday Mar. 25; the entire cake disappeared wihtout even a crumb left! It would have looked even more beautiful atop a lovely pink platter…

  29. Made a St. Patricks Day cake. Yummy!!!

  30. My cousin’s wedding! The cake was red velvet with cream cheese filling. Seriously good. And my cousin is so in love!! :)

  31. Last night for great report cards, we had cake!

  32. the last cake i made was a carrot cake last week – for no occasion at all except it was tuesday and i wanted to bring my co-workers a treat!!

  33. I made cake balls with some red velvet cake last week!! And then I’m making your baby pops this weekend for a shower!! Lovin the pics and the fact your doing okay!! <3

  34. Only a few days ago for a friend’s baby shower!

  35. Mmmm. Cake… Oh, how I love thee!
    Last occasion celebrated with this sheer delight, my darling daughter’s 8th birthday (cake pops included).

  36. For my nieces birthday! she wants a taco cake:)

  37. Chinese New year!

    My grandson turned 14 today, and he ‘ordered’ a cake with the sketch figure from the Diary of a wimpy kid books. He and his sister absolutely love to read.

  39. Hmmm… the last was my kiddo’s 8 1/2 birthday – yes, present, too!! Next week is hub’s 40th!!

  40. My godson’s 1st birthday – nothing like a first birthday!

  41. The nurse I work with turned 74 on Monday, so I made her a German Chocolate cake- from scratch! I was proud and glad I could make her day.

  42. This past Sunday with Red Velvet cake. Just cause! Get well soon!!!!

  43. My sons birthday at the beginning of March! We had my latest creation…dark chocolate blueberry cake! One of his favorite treats is dark chocolate covered blueberries so these were perfect!!!

  44. A coworker’s upcoming wedding, with champagne and cake at 3 on a Wednesday :) Nice!!

  45. A suprise bridal shower for a co-worker yesterday. Wish I’d had some of those beautiful stands and pedestals. :o)

  46. I wish it would be me, but I’m not that lucky. I did enjoy the beautiful photos..thanks for sharing

  47. Oh My! And pink is my favorite color! This reminds me I need to get cracking on my Easter baking-planning~

  48. at our church auction…..a cakePOP!! :)

  49. Heather said…

    Do you need an occasion to bake a cake?! Ha ha. I made a tuscan orange cake today (to celebrate Tuesday) that was delicious but missing one thing…a beautiful pedestal to put it on. The pedestals are absolutely gorgeous!!

    p.s I love, love, love your site Bakerella!!

  50. My son’s birthday March 22! I made a cake shaped like a wrestling ring for his wwe party!

  51. It’s been awhile. Last November for my son’s birthday. But I’ve been eyeing a recipe for a flourless chocolate cake, and it might be making an appearance in my kitchen this week!

  52. These are fabulous! I live with 2 boys (my hubby and my son) and would love some pink fun in the kitchen! :)

  53. ooo… these are beautiful.

    the last event that I celebrated with someone else’s cake–
    my sister-in-law’s wedding last weekend!

    the last event I celebrated with my cakes–
    my sister-in-law’s bridal shower at the end of February!

    AND, I’m doing cakes/desserts for a pink & lavendar baby shower in a week and a half; wish I had these!

    thanks for the offer, Melody & Angie… err… Bakerella! :-D

  54. St, Patty’s Day…and there is always a reason to have cake!!!!

  55. Last time was when we had people come over for dinner, so i baked a cake!

  56. OMG!! So Cute!!! I hope you start feeling better really soon and your transplant goes off without a hitch!!! Love your site!! You’re amazing!!!

  57. My birthday!

  58. Made my husbands favorite locolate choclate cake like his mother and sister made him when he was little for his birthday.

  59. A few weeks ago my husband and I celebrated date night with a tres leche cake from a local bakery. Yum!

  60. We celebrated my daughter’s 6th birthday with a cake shaped like a puppy!

  61. I love cake stands! I had a yummy homemade banana cake cup cake today!!!

  62. We went to a wedding this past weekend. Cake is my favorite part about weddings!

  63. I baked a Buttermilk cake with cherry buttercream frosting for my daughter’s fifth birthday at the end of January. It was delish!

  64. Last time I had cake was last Friday for a girls night! We had better than “you know what” cake… YUMMO!!! =) Hope you are continuing to feel better and are hanging in there!!!!

  65. my friend’s 40th bday (chocolate) -minute to win it theme – the best!!!!

  66. Last friday, my 23rd birthday. My sister brought a cake to work and I celebrated with all my heavy duty mechanics that I supervise. They couldn’t have been happier.

  67. my birthday – this past week!

  68. We celebrated our 4 year-old’s birthday. He requested a “fish” cupcake so I made one with fish and a little fishing pole. He was quite happy!

  69. I celebrated surviving the first half of my last semester of my master’s degree… 61/2 weeks until graduation!

  70. The last time I had cake was to celebrate how much I love cake! I was at the Brewer’s Art in Baltimore which has the best desserts. :)

    Hope all is going well (Or at least, better than the last few weeks) with you!

  71. Yes….I need a ruffle cake and all of those pedestals…stat! I think the last cake occasion in my life was my grandpa’s birthday….over a month ago, so guess I better make some cake soon!

  72. I just finished off the last piece of my husbands 30th birthday cake. Yummy!!

  73. I just finessed off the last piece of my husbands 30th birthday cake. Yummy!!

  74. I made a buttercreme transfer of Scooby Do in a pirate costume for my nephews 4th birthday 2 weeks ago. Then we all played on the inflatable pirate ship slide! Fun for *big kids* too! ;)

  75. I’m glad your feeling good enough to blog again!

    My dad’s birthday was March 22nd and we had…. cake balls!

  76. I made Ree’s best chocolate sheet cake last week for a birthday celebration at work and everyone loved it!

  77. Last night, it was cupcakes though! they were amazing :)

  78. I made a yellow buttercream cake with lime green polka dots for a friend of mine at work. Everyone loved it (and it tasted great too).

  79. Wouldn’t quite consider it a celebration, but I have spent the last 2 weeks teaching my home-ec class how to bake and decorate cakes. I will be celebrating a 1st birthday this weekend and am making 2 cakes and some flower and butterfly cake pops.

  80. My baby’s 1st birthday party last week… I can’t believe he’s that big!

  81. my son’s first birthday!

  82. My birthday!

  83. The last one was for a co-workers birthday last friday. My birthday is next and I think I am gonna make some brownie pops! A ;)

  84. Oh my goodness! So adorable! The last time I celebrated with cake was my grandmother’s birthday….her 81st, to be exact!

  85. My sweet daughter’s second birthday

  86. We had cake that I baked for my Mom’s birthday at my house.

  87. I’ll be celebrating my Russian Blue’s 2nd birthday on April 11th :) He’s the cutest cat ever, and I know in his tiny kitty heart he appreciates his birthday parties.

  88. This would actually be yesterday; baked my coworker’s birthday cake.

  89. That would be yesterday when there was leftover cake in the break room!!! Partyyyyyy time!

  90. Last time was chocolate cupcakes with Irish cream frosting for a friend I hadn’t seen in a few years.

    But tomorrow I’m getting started on making a cake for my mom’s surprise birthday party!

  91. My dad’s birthday this month, homemade 5 layer ice cream cake :)

  92. My father in laws birthday earlier this month. My daughter and I made a fantastic white cake with chocolate mousse filling and whipped cream icing, Delish!! Thank you for the chance to win.

  93. My sister’s birthday last week!

  94. so cute! i made the most delicious double layer chocolate cake for the best reason of all- absolutely no reason!

  95. Lunch with my best friends today!! :)

  96. The last occasion I celebrated with a cake was Mardi Gras – with a King Cake of course!!!

  97. last week i celebrated that i went a month without baking cupcakes… so i baked cupcakes lol

  98. Last week-end for my daughter’s 5th birthday party. She’s a fan of reptiles and we were vacationing in South Carolina where she saw her first wild alligators… so of course the cake had a ‘gator on it.

  99. About a week ago, made a cake for no reason except to see the smile on my kids’ face.

  100. my baby’s 11month celebration on sunday the 27th :).

  101. Last weekend…just because!

  102. Yesterday was my nephews birthday and my sister in law made an incredible german-chocolate cake!

  103. I had to attend 3 birthday parties this past Sunday and enjoyed cake at all of them!

  104. went to my neighbors for steak and I brought cake! YUM!

  105. One feels as if they have walked into a gentler Mad Hatter’s Tea Party! I want to put on gloves, a pastel chiffon frock and hat and walk amidst an English garden. Oh, Martha … !

  106. The last time I celebrated with cake was two weeks ago at my daughter’s baby shower.

  107. My niece, Lacy’s, birthday this month. She turned 4 with a princess castle cake!

  108. Love these!! The last time I celebrated with cake was this afternoon at the grand opening of the new academic commons at the university I attend. Marble with buttercream frosting and oh so delicious.

  109. My last celebration with cake…my 1st blogiversary last week!

  110. The last time I celebrated with cake was my ack! 50th birthday last June. And 51 is rushing toward me way too fast. A pretty cake plate just might make it a little more palatable!

  111. My daughter’s excellent report card.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I hope you’re feeling well!

  112. Dinner with friends a few weeks ago – I made a Strawberry Shortcake Cake!

  113. We celebrated with a Green Velvet cake on Saint Patrick’s day – my kids loved it and thought it was sooo much fun to eat!

  114. My son’s Cub Scout Pinewood Derby race! :-)

  115. My daughter’s birthday party earlier this month.

  116. My nephew’s second birthday party in January! That means I am for due to make a cake really SOON… and I need these wonderful pieces to display my creation…

  117. My 30th birthday!!!

  118. The boyfriend’s birthday with his moms delicious Norwegian cake called “blotkake”

  119. My birthday, on Valentine’s day :)

  120. Last week actually. I made this BEAUTIFUL two layered chocolate mud cake, with chocolate buttercream centre, covered in dark chocolate ganache. Topped with fresh strawberries and surrounded the outside with corinthians.
    It was for a coworker’s farewell.

  121. My mom’s birthday was our last cake celebration.

  122. A co-worker’s baby shower.

  123. My birthday, in February. The next time though will be at the end of April when my husband graduates from law school, and again in the beginning of May when I graduate with my Masters. Yay!

  124. At a family party last Sunday.

  125. My son’s 5th birthday party last month. We made cupcakes with Royal Icing that the kids then decorated using paint brushes and gel icing to complete our “Painting Party Theme”. Then he took cupcake cake pops (his pick) to school to pass out to his class. But these pedestals would be perfect for the dessert buffet I want to do next month for my little girls 1st birthday.

  126. The last time I had cake was for my mom’s birthday-it was a chcolate hazelnut meringue cake…delicious!:)

  127. The last “occasion” was my nephews birthday, but I don’t believe that you need an “occasion’ for cake!

  128. A sweet little 2 year-old’s birthday on Saturday.

  129. For my girlfriends birthday last month we celebrated with a three layered cake – guava, lilikoi, and lime delish!

  130. These are JUST BEAUTIFUL! Last time I celebrated with cake was St. Patrick’s Day- chocolate stout cake with irish cream buttercream!

  131. I made a cake for my nephew’s birthday. I decorated it to look underwater, with fish and a sunken ship, and then the middle tier was a fishbowl complete with live fish for him to keep! He loved, and I loved making it! Who knows if his parents loved the fact that now they had to take care of the fish. . .

  132. The last time I celebrated with cake was at my sister-in- law’s baby shower.

  133. Oh, pink, they’re adorable!! My co-worker’s birthday last week – I made a Boston Cream Pie. :)

  134. I had cake for my husbands birthday!

  135. My son just turned 8. We had a super fun party and ate…cake! :) I have been following Melody’s blog for over a yr. So many goo ideas and so cute. She is very gifted.

  136. My work mates and I made your hamburger and Fries last Friday and instead of Happy Father’s Day, we used Happy Fry Day! Loved it!

  137. Last weekend, at the Wharton International Food Festival!

  138. I made a cake to celebrate the start of a weekend! I like to surprise people with cake for everyday can be a reason to celebrate!!

  139. The last time I celebrated with a cake was my mom’s birthday, and I made the cake! I love baking :)

  140. My Fiancé’s B-day. Mmmm, cookie cake…

  141. Last month, when my nieces had a Friday off from school, they spent the day with me and we made a rainbow cake. We baked a five layer vanilla cake and made each layer a different color.

  142. I recently took a cake decorating class so I am currently ADDICTED to decorating! So, the last occasion I made a cake for was Sunday. I made a cake because it was Sunday. What more of a reason do you need, really?

  143. I just made my mother a robot cupcake-cake for her birthday!

  144. My sister’s birthday a week and a half ago, I made a chocolate cake with cinnamon-chocolate cream cheese frosting and covered it in butterflies formed out of melting chocolates.

    (What? She likes chocolate.)

  145. We don’t really wait for speccial ccasions around here–anytime is a good time for cake :) At least, that’s what my husband thinks LOL!

  146. We celebrated a friend’s little boy’s birthday this past weekend and will be celebrating at a bridal shower this weekend for another friend!

  147. My son’s 9th birthday last weekend!

  148. My daughter’s first birthday last February. She had the exact same pink ruffle cake on her very special day. I baked cake pops too from scratch (in pink and purple) for the first time since I have your book. And oh boy! They were a hit at the party! Everyone loved them! I wouldn’t mind having the pink glass pedestal for her next party. That would be a bonus! :) Thanks Bakerella!

  149. We made red velvet cupcakes for our church youth activity a few weeks ago. Yum!

  150. we celebrated my daughter’s fourth birthday–chocolate cake, chocolate icing–her request!

    p.s. pink ruffles are to die for!

  151. The last time i celebrated with cake was on my birthday in Dec. Chocolate with chocolate frosting and chocolate curls…yum. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  152. Our family’s “birthday month” celebration!

  153. I made a homemade Italian cream cake for my sweet grandmother’s 90th birthday. The cake was pretty but the look on my grandmother’s face when she took her first bite, was beautiful!

  154. My family celebrated with cake this past Saturday. In honor of our kids school Global Awareness Fair, we made a sheet cake frosted in light green and decorated it in a darker green with the recycling 3-arrow symbol and wrote GO GREEN! across the top. What a fantastic event – we were able to have our cake and eat it too!

  155. We had a just because cake this week…I brought it to cure the Monday blues at work. We also had my son’s birthday a few weeks ago. I would LOVE, love, LOVE these!!

  156. this past weekend at a bridal shower. it was a heart shaped pecan cake. yum!

  157. Over the weekend. It was our annual ‘girls trip.’

    Amy from Chesapeake, VA

  158. my husband’s birthday!

  159. My brother’s wedding last Saturday. I made the wedding cake–my first try! These pedestals are soo beautiful! I love them!!

  160. The last time I celebrated with cake was my daughter’s 5th birthday ~ March 16th. She wanted to make ice cream cupcakes, so I baked in the cones and swirled cream cheese frosting on top. Then both my girls decorated them!

  161. Those pedestals are the cutest.
    Last time I made a cake was in the middle of March hubby’s birthday with his fav cheesecake! Oh yeah and in Jan daughter’s 27th birthday made Cannoli Cake.

  162. Made a strawberry cake for my hubby’s birthday in Feb. Making a tres leches cake next week for another party

  163. Haha, I have cake almost every weekend!! The last time was last weekend for my friend, Ricardo’s birthday. I made him a poker themed cake. It was dark chocolate with raspberry filling. This picture of all the cakes keep haunting me!! I recently got engaged and I have seen it in so many wedding magazines and websites! And now here with Bakerella! I think those pedestals are just adorable. I have been slowly collecting some for my dessert bar that I plan to have at my wedding.

  164. Celebrated a friend birthday last month with a bakery cake…but nothing that looked as good as those pictured.

  165. love love the white one under the ruffle cake… it my baby’s birthday!

  166. My birthday!

  167. So pretty. I’m drooling.

  168. oooohhh… i think it was a co-workers birthday celebration.

  169. The last time we had cake was on St. Patrick’s Day…Irish Cream Cupcakes! I am also planning on making my first tiered cake for my daughter’s birthday, which is in 2 weeks.

  170. Our team celebrated the last student leadership conference of the season on Friday, with your very own 14-layer cake. Best ever!

  171. it was my niece’s birthday! aquarius!

  172. I would LOVE to win! The pedestals are beautiful. The last occasion we celebrated was my husband’s birthday.

  173. Valentine’s Day!

  174. our last anniversary!

  175. Last Tuesday night! Just because.

  176. my mom’s birthday

  177. Last wk for my dad’s birthday! We had homemade saskatoon pie (his request) and mocha db chocolate bundt cake (my 3 yr old son declared that birthday’s need cake not pie!)

  178. A fabulous Cannoli Cake last Saturday to celebrate a friend’s 40th birthday!

  179. I don’t know what is prettier – the cake stands or the cakes! I had cake on Sunday for my family’s monthly dinner together.

  180. At a “sprinkle” on Saturday for my 2nd baby who’s coming soon.

  181. The last time i celebrated with a cake was for my brothers birthday.

  182. Amazing! Love the pedestals! The last celebration was for my niece’s birthday. It was chocolate fudge cake with thin mints cookies and cream buttercream icing…YUM

  183. Two days ago – my daughter’s birthday.

  184. soooo cute!

  185. Last time I had cake was on my birthday, a week ago. A homemade dark chocolate cake with a cinnamon cream cheese frosting and white chocolate butterflies!

  186. My birthday in feb, was the last time.

  187. Cupcakes from Crave in Houston at my nephew’s wedding three weeks ago. They were to die for!

  188. My father’s bitrthday at my home

  189. Love the pictures!

    I baked an apple crumb coffee cake (my first ever!) last week for my mum’s birthday :)

  190. My friend’s son’s birthday last week!!!

  191. recently had some chocolate cake with a friend. occasion? um, it was a thursday. :)

  192. We celebrated last Saturday night with red velvet cake for my daughter and brother’s birthday.

  193. At my neighbors birthday party….the best cake I ever had!!!!

  194. Chocolate cake for my Dad’s birthday!

  195. My boss’ birthday!

  196. Last night… just because I like baking!

  197. Last time I celebrated with cake was at my best friend’s little brother’s wedding!!

  198. My brother-in-law got married about a week ago, but their cake did not have a pedestal.

  199. Mardi Gras :)
    I made a home made king cake! It was delectable!

  200. Oh – those pedestals are beautiful!!! I’ve always been a sucker for platters of all different kinds —- maybe I have enough platters, and need to start collecting cake plates!!! The last occasion that we celebrated with cake was my niece’s baby shower!! And I also made cakepops for the table favors!

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