
Spring Bake

I’ve been in spring break mode lately. You might have noticed since I didn’t bake last weekend. I think it’s because I recently went on a vacation which I haven’t done in a couple of years and it felt awesome to just relax and do nothing. And now being back home I can’t stop enjoying the warmth that’s finally taking over. Spring is probably my favorite time of the year. Unfortunately, in the south, you only have about seven minutes to enjoy the season before the hot and humid heat of summer takes over. Okay, okay – I’m exaggerating a little. It probably lasts eleven minutes. ; ) So you’ve got to enjoy all of them while they last. And I’m trying.

Got Spring Fever, too? Take a break with me and enter this sweet Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid Stand Mixer… in one of the following pastel colors. Plus a white and silver choice in case springy isn’t your speed. Me? I have the pink one, but man, that aqua sky is calling my name. And the ice and crystal blue. too. I’m glad I don’t have to choose.

Enter the Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid 5-quart Artisan Series Stand Mixer

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post answering the following question.
  • What’s your favorite thing to do or place to go on vacation? Oh and pick your pastel, too.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, April 24th, at 7:00 pm ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good luck!


Okay, we have a winner. And the winner picked pink. I thought for sure ice or aqua sky would win. So many of you guys love that color. And me too.

The winner is …… Comment # 6625. Yay Veronica! You are getting a pink mixer! And now I totally want to go on vacation again. You guys have fun ideas.

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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13,790 comments on “Spring Bake”

  1. I love visiting places of historical value and have stories to tell. I specially love visiting forts, castles and other historical sites. Silver metallic is my fav color, so stylish.

  2. My favorite vacation spot is any beach.
    I’d chose the white..

  3. My family loves the Washington and Oregon coast. We like to eat fresh seafood and walk on the beaches and explore. Ice.

  4. I love to go to New Mexico right at the 4 corners! And I absolutely love the Aqua Sky Mixer.

  5. My favorite place to go on vacation is the German Rhineland– the river is beautiful and the wine is fantastic. I’ve always drooled over pistachio-colored mixers…

  6. The beach!!!! I love the Ice color :)

  7. My favorite place to go on vacation is San Diego! I love the crystal blue mixer :)

  8. The keys … Pink is my favorite

  9. We love going to Yellowstone Park & doing a lot of hiking and animal watching! Pistachio is my choice!

  10. I love the aqua colored skies of Australia with my family-wading in the ocean or walking on a beach…the aqua sky one reminds me of days in Australia….

  11. We live in Florida, so I think I’d love to see my family in California!
    Pink for my SIL!!

  12. My favorite place to go on vacation would have to be Vancouver, Canada. It is beautiful in the winter! And my favorite color would have to be the silver metallic.

  13. My favorite place to vacation is Florida! I love the warm weather and sleeping on the beach!

    I love the crystal blue color!

  14. My favorite place to go on vacation is anywhere with my family. My fav is the Ice color

  15. Wisconsin Dells! I love the Ice Color :)

  16. Turks and Caicos! I love the pistachio color!

  17. Silver has always been my fav, so take me to Oahu

  18. Favorite summer place is Hilton Head island. We try and go every year haven’t been in the last 3, due to medically fragile child.
    So my pick of colors would be pink in memory of said child:-)

  19. My favorite thing to do is garden, & my favorite destination is the Pacific Northwest. All of the pastels are beautiful. I especially like the pistachio color. Thank you!

  20. My favorite thing to do is go hiking on a vacation. You really get a feel for the area that way.

  21. I’d love to take a vacation to Thailand and Vietnam to see the culture and eat the food. Love the Ice color mixer

  22. My family loves the Washington and Oregon coast. We like to eat fresh seafood and walk on the beaches and explore. Ice.

  23. I love DC! And the silver metallic is beautiful!!

  24. My favorite thing to do is bake with my kids. My fav pastel is the silver!

  25. My favorite thing to do when I get a chance to go on vacation is RELAX with my wonderful husband & go to North Carolina up in the mountains & relax/kayak by the streams – its so peaceful !!! What i would love to do is go to Hawaii (on my bucket list one day) – My favorite pastel mixer color is the Pink – sp springy – I absolutely love it & it would be put to great use as i love to bake !!! This would be amazing =)

    Tiffany Cutrone

  26. Playing in my veggie garden. Majestic Yellow is gorgeous!

  27. My boyfriend and I enjoy vacations/trips where we can do excursions such as rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, etc. Most recently we fell in love with Squamish, BC. Simply breathetaking and untouched!

    Majestic Yellow to match my grey/white kitchen ;)

  28. My favorite place to go on vacation is Portugal in the summer… oh the yummy food, the gorgeous sun and beaches , and the not so bad looking guys ;)
    And I would love the pink mixer…

  29. I love to visit my granparents in Mexico! and I love the Aqua Sky mixer!!!

  30. I don’t necessarily have a favorite place- it’s simply wherever I am with my family that we can spend quality time together and relax. When we don’t all have someplace we have to rush off too. Being in AZ it is nice to escape the heat during summer.
    I love the silver metallic mixer :)

  31. We recently went to a cabin in the mountains and that has got to be my new favorite vacation spot. Peace and quiet, a hot tub and nature. Perfection! And I love the ice color. It’s my new favorite!

  32. I love to visit Seattle when I have the chance. It is such a beautiful place ! I LOVE the Pink color

  33. I love Kauai, just sitting on the beach and napping is pure heaven. I love the ice mixer.

  34. What’s your favorite thing to do or place to go on vacation? anything and anyplace with my girls, someplace with a waterpark.

    Oh and pick your pastel, too. yellow

  35. My favorite vacation place is Myrtle Beach SC And I really like the sunny Majestic Yellow color for the Kitchen Aid mixer

  36. A beach anywhere is the best vacation. Toes in sand, water lapping at ur feet, kids playing on water. Relaxing…….awwwww!!!!
    Also anyplace the family is all together!!!!

  37. Hawaii heaven on earth!
    Pink is fabulous!

  38. I love the Ice color :) It reminds me of the clear beautiful color of the ocean of Siesta Key, my favorite vacation spot <3

  39. My favorite thing to do is just relax & catch up on some reading and I’ll go wherever I can do that…tropical or winter wonderland. I don’t know what color to choose…white, silver, yellow or just suprise me. I’d be thrilled & blessed with any of them!!!

  40. I like the ice colored mixer so much! Would go perfectly in my kitchen! My favorite places to vacation growing up was Kiawah Island, SC with days spent in Charleston. Tropical trips to St. Thomas and The Cayman Islands rank at the top of my list as well! Anything with a beach and some relaxation!

  41. My favorite vacation spot as Crazy as it may sound is the Jersey shore. Im a jersey boy and Love going back with my wife to spend time with my Family & friends My favorite color
    is the white mixer

  42. The beach!! And love the crystal blue!!

  43. my favorite place for vacation is where ever the family likes as long as we can spend time together…..color for mixer is silver metallic………..and I really need a mixer……

  44. HOME to my couch :) love the yellow

  45. when I get to go on a vacation I plan to relax but I usually want to go explore the town when I get there. My favorite place to go is anywhere I haven’t been before. My favorite color is the Crystal Blue

  46. I love my vegetable garden! Being outdoors is a perfect day for me! Oh! But home in time for a movie and a glass of wine!

    Aqua Sky is my color!


  47. I just love vacationing at me no worries , no work, nowhere that I have to be is a vacation…i love blue…

  48. Well, this year I hope to go home to Boston on vacation. I could pick so many other places, But I would like to see my family.
    I like the “ICE” color mixer. Thanks

  49. I would love to win the Pink one – I love pink.
    My favorite place to go on vacation would have to be camping – Yellowstone specifically. So peacefully beautiful.

  50. Florida, anywhere in Florida, particularly in the wintertime.
    Silver Metallic

  51. My favorite place to go on vacation is Virginia beach.
    My favorite mixer color is the ice blue.

  52. Disney World will always be a special, top-pick vacation spot for me and my family.
    I love the new Aqua Sky color!

  53. I love to head down to the beach like south padre island and just sip on a bud light lime with my feet in the sand and sun on my skin… I love the ice color mixer my fave!!!

  54. I love to getaway to Ocean City, MD a local resort town and I love the Pistachio Mixer!

  55. My favorite vacations always include being with the people I love! I enjoy sharing the memories and times with family and friends! Oh and the crystal blue or white would match my kitchen beautifully!

  56. My favorite place to vacation is actually Iowa. I have family there so it’s always an amazing time. Everything is so simple and relaxed there and with family, it’s just perfect.

    I’d choose the Aqua Sky color! So cute.

  57. My husband and I love Traverse City, MI! And I live the silver!

  58. I love hitting the cabin (up north Minnesota) with my husband and sons every summer :)

    The Aqua Sky is amazing and my first choice for sure!!

  59. Hawaii. Because it’s home. Pistachio calls to me. :)

  60. My favorite place to go on Vacation would be Mammoth Mtns, California!

    Awesome lakes to relax at and great trails to hike during the summer + Best snowboarding in the winter!

    And for my favorite Pastel, I love the Ice colored Mixer!

  61. Any of the blue or green ones!

  62. Spain! Crystal Blue…I think…they are all so pretty it is hard to decide!

  63. My favorite vacation spot is Walt Disney World. The color I would choose would be the silver metallic.

  64. My favorite vacation destination is Kennewick, WA in the Tri-Cities area. Family there and wineries!
    Favorite color mixer is – Ice.

  65. My favorite place to go for vacation is Maui! Love the Aqua Sky color!

  66. I should say that my favorite place to go is my bed…..but, I must say that if I picked a vacation destination it would be the seashore in Maine. Lobster. Beautiful sunrises. Sea breezes. Can’t get any better than that. :-)

  67. We go to Oak Island, NC for a relaxing beach trip every year and it’s so peaceful and fun! My whole family goes and we rent a house on the beach and play board games, watch movies, cook meals, mix cocktails and go to the beach. It’s the best :)

    I am in love with the pistachio color!

  68. Florida! And I love white!

  69. The beach is one of my favorite places to go for vacation. I like the pink mixer.


  71. Hawai’i and silver metallic!!

  72. Best vacation for me is in the mountains of Montana. We pack the horses up and spend days a week trail riding and taking in our surroundings. No phones no facebook gives my husband and I time to relax from our jobs. I love the Ice colored mixer.

  73. New York City is my favorite. And I love the Aqua Sky color.

  74. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to the beach. The transformation from a busy stay at home mom to relaxing on the beach and making my husband watch our daughter is quite the vacation. Most of all I love the calming sounds from the ocean at night!!! And Of course I love the PINK mixer!!! :)

  75. I live in a place others tavel too to spend their vacation. Corpus Christi, South Texas. We have beautifull beaches on Mustand Island and spend every minute we can, Summer or Winter, at the beach.
    Colorado in the middle of the Winter wth deep snow sounds pretty good to me as a change of venue from our hot weather.
    Keeping it beachy I wouldgo with Aqua Sky as my favorite color <3

  76. Lognboat keys florida where they have crystal blue waters just like that beautiful mixer

  77. I love to go on a trail ride on a warm spring day! Would love a blue mixer the color of a sunny spring sky!

  78. My favorite place to go on vacation is anywhere the grandkids are. They make going away so much fun. I would love the ICE colored mixer but the practical side of me says Metallic Silver.

  79. I like Pistachio. My favorite place to go is a quiet place in the country.

  80. My favorite thing to do is to take a day and wader with my camera, photographing everything and anything. I want to repaint my kitchen and the Aqua Sky would match beautifully!

  81. I love trying out new restaurants and local spots. Preferably somewhere near the water. I found a great place in Florida last summer. My favorite color is the Majestic Yellow.

  82. My favorite place to go on vacation is the Rocky Mountains! Love Colorado, Montana, Wyoming…clean mountain air, more animals than people…Just LOVE it.
    I would love to win the pistachio mixer.

  83. I have old, cherished memories of vacationing in Lancaster, PA with my family. One of my favorite spots. I love the “Ice” color.

  84. I love to visit Oregon. We go to the top part/Portland area for shopping, bookstores and go hiking, visiting waterfalls and the Columbia River. We go to the coast for the ocean, shopping and ocean towns. We go to Central Oregon for the desert, mountains, athletic things to do and exploration. It’s so fun! I love the PISTACHIO mixer. Beautiful color, great mixer!

  85. I love to go to Disneyland for vacation I would like to go back to England though when I have a chance. I love the Aqua Sky color!

  86. Anywhere warm! You’ll find me asking the locals the best spots for delicious food. Oh, and I adore the Pistachio color!

  87. I love going to visit my grandparents village in Greece :) I love the pistachio one!!

  88. We love to go camping for our vacations. I would choose the Majestic Yellow Mixer.

  89. My favorite place to go on vacation is the beach, usually in Florida! My favorite color is Crystal Blue

  90. Oh, how I’d adore having different colored KitchenAids to correspond with the seasons! This Spring, I would be elated to bake away with ICE!

    My favorite vacation is one on which I can turn off my email and phone and enjoy some time with nothing to do.


  91. Anywhere in the mountains! with the my favorite color. . .Crystal Blue Sky!

  92. My family and I love to spend our vacations in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg TN. Nesteled in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains, our vacation spot has beautiful mountains, hiking, horses, shopping, waterparks and amusement parks, history, shows, and wonderful food! The Aqua Sky mixer for me please!

  93. My favorite place to go on vacation is my parent’s lake house. It’s in the middle of nowhere and so relaxing. My favorite pastel is crystal blue ;-)

  94. My favorite thing to do on vacation would be to relax on a white sand beach with clear water.

    I dig that pink mixer!!!

  95. I love to take my daughter to museums and caves and all kinds of geeky things like that! We love it! Crystal Blue!

  96. actually.. I also LOVE the Pistachio mixer :)

  97. Anywhere but Kansas! I love the crystal blue (and the pistachio and the yellow)!

  98. My favorite thing to do is Read!! I try to read a book a week, that doesn’t always happen, but I try. My color choice would Pistachio.

  99. I love Italy!!! Love the Pink!!

  100. My favorite vacation is anywhere near the ocean. Love the ice blue mixer !

  101. Love to spend any free time and vacation time oustside with my family. We love to go fishing. I love the pistachio mixer.

  102. The beach! Yellow would be perfect!

  103. My favorite thing to do on vacation is cook for my family! The Majestic Yellow mixer is such a happy color – I love it!

  104. Walt Disney World is my all time favorite. But I can be just as happy sticking my toes in the sand at almost any beach. And I have to say that the pistachio is my favorite! Blessings!!

  105. I love to go to the mountains in Montana for vacation. It is beautiful. I also love the crystal blue mixer!

  106. my favorite place to go on vacation is san diego and go to sea world, san diego zoo and safari park cant wait to go this summer and would love the crystal blue mixer

  107. So far my favorite vacation has been at Smoky Mountains enjoying a cabin with a lovely view and my family. Sometimes the best vacations can be just taking a few days off work to spend with your family right at home too!!! I love the pistachio color.

  108. Valleyfair!

  109. Love to garden, read, and love visiting Florida and Tennessee. They are all beautiful, especially love “Ice”.

  110. The Beach! Sandbridge Beach Virginia has become a favorite. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is nice. Playa del Carmen, Mexico is pretty. Waikiki and North Shore Oahu, Hawaii are beautiful!
    My favorite color mixer is Ice

  111. Las Vegas!!!!


  112. any SANDY beach… not a fan of the rocky ones :)
    I like the Pistachio…

  113. My favorite place to go on vacation is right in my home state, Charleston- Folly Beach South Carolina. I love the Crystal Blue. Thanks

  114. Cruise as long as it’s to a warm cliemate. Silver metallic is just so sleek.

  115. I love the beach…any beach. It’s the only place my soul is recharged. Love the Aqua Sky!!

  116. I love to read on vacation. I can never find enough time in my “everyday” life so I take several books on vacation with me so I can get caught up on my reading. It’s the perfect way to veg out & relax. I love the pistachio mixer! It’s beautiful.

  117. Eastern Caribbean cruise for vacation, and I love the Ice mixer!

  118. Sightseeing places far from Texas. My color? Ice (ice, baby).

  119. We love to go to Cancun and just relax, read and soak up the sun. The Aqua Sky mixer matches the water there perfectly!

  120. My favorite place to travel by far is to Paso Robles in Central Calif gorgeous landscapes, vineyards, beach and wineries ….and I would luv the metallic grey mixer ….. thank you for the chance to win !

  121. Beach…beach…beach…silver metallic

  122. I would love to go to Hawaii some day!
    The pitachio color reminds me of my Grandmother’s kitchen where she would bake wonderful cakes and banana bread.

  123. Lake Winnepesaukee in New Hampshier and I love the Aqua Sky color!

  124. camping is my fav to do
    pink is my fav color

  125. Favorite place is somewhere quiet with water! A beach or lake! And I love the ice!

  126. My favorite place to go on vacation is to Bishop in California, to go fishing and relax with family and friends. I love the Crystal Blue mixer.

  127. I love going to Asheville, NC. The San Francisco of the East.

    All of the mixer colors are beautiful but, I would go with the white. It would look nice in any kitchen in any home.

  128. I’d go to California and visit my grandparents (and the beach of course!). Ohh that crystal blue color is gorgeous.

  129. I would love to go to the beaches in Hilton Head again! It’s been years ago, but they were gorgeous! I love all the mixers! They are gorgeous too! If I had to pick though, I think I would choose the ice. ????

  130. I LOVE Maine!!

    I would like the “Ice” mixer.

  131. I love the pistachio!

    I live near the beach, so when I go on vacation I’m ready to ski or sightsee.

  132. I love the Northwoods of Wisconsin in the summer. And I love that silver one!

  133. My favorite vacation spot is Puerto Rico for two reasons, one is I get to see my Grandma (who doesn’t love that?), and two is the beautiful beaches! It’s so hard to pick a favorite color because they are all so beautiful, but I really do love the Pistachio!

  134. I love to go to the beach, anywhere in the tropics. I’m loving the Ice!

  135. My favorite vacation spot is a beach in Mexico!! And I love the silver metallic mixer!

  136. My favorite place is the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee! We have gone twice for Christmas week and LOVED it! Planning on making it a new yearly tradition! oh, and also.. I love the ICE BLUE! <3

  137. My fav place for a vacation is anywhere with my husband :) He has been away for work for the past 4-5 months and I miss being with him :(

    I LOVE the majestic Yellow mixer :) :)

  138. My favorite place to vacation is the Mountains.
    Color choice….silver

  139. Bermuda! Pink beaches & warm sun.
    Silver Metallic

  140. My favorite vacation place is New York City! I love the energy, the plays, the museums. I would choose Pistachio.

  141. My favorite place is actually my bee yard. Here I wrangle bees and steel their honey. Well there is actually much more to keeping honey bees and I do enjoy the tranquility when they just fly around doing their thing. It is very calming to hear their gentle buzzing. As for color I have to go with the yellow, or my bee girls would be disappointed. Support your local bees and plant flowers.

  142. My favorite vacation spot is Aruba. I love the snorkeling there. I think all the colors are beautiful but love the silver metallic. Thank you!

  143. My favorite place to go is Florida. The color I love is the pink mixer.

  144. My favorite vacation spot is the beach. And I love the aqua sky mixer!

  145. France! I’d love that Silver Metalic mixer. :)

  146. I love to walk and take public transit when exploring a new city – in Istanbul, I enoyed taking walking along the Bosphorus overlooking the Sea of Marmara while sampling street food from vendors, and just taking in life.

    If I won, I’d take the pistachio colored one :)

  147. I love to pack the car and our little A-frame Chalet camper and just head down the road. No reservations; no destination in mind. Just a departure date and a date to be back home. Then explore, explore, explore America and all the fabulous places in her.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pistachio color!!!

  148. My favorite place to vacation is the Turtle Bay Resort in Hawaii.
    White would be my color choice.

  149. Long Beach Island! In love with the Pistachio!

  150. Favorite place is the beach, any beach :) Ice!!

  151. My favorite place to vacation is Charleston, SC. I want the Majestic Yellow mixer!!

  152. I love vacationing at a beautiful and relaxing beach! I would love to go to an exotic island :)

    I absolutely love all of the colors!! Favorite would have to be majestic yellow.. then Ice!!

  153. Maui and ice!

  154. Vacationing on the beach at a luxurious resort in Santa Barbara w/ gourmet meals and as many massages as I want would be perfect! Aqua works for me! :)

  155. My favorite place to go on vacation is Virginia beach which I go with my whole family we all share a house and just have a great time together. Everyone takes turns cooking and we end up with a weeks worth of amazing unforgettable meals. I’d love the pistachio colored mixer so I could make some great meals at home for my family while we wait for vacation.

  156. My favorite place to go on vacation is any area rich in history. I really love walking through old cemeteries and appreciating the art and text of old headstones. I would love the Pistachio stand mixer!

  157. My favorite place to go on vacation it camping. I love to just sit back in the sun with my family and have a great time in the out doors….

  158. I love the beach, any beach!! Majestic Yellow!

  159. I love to go to Wildwood and Cape May, NJ. I used to go to the shore all the time as a child and I loved it. I eventually took my, now husband, and he fell in love with the town and atmosphere. It is just a place filled with happy memories, good times, and lots of family fun!!

    Aqua Sky or Silver Metallic

  160. Disney World :) and I would love the Crystal Blue :)

  161. My all-time favorite vacation spot is London! And I have to go with the Ice color — gorgeous!

  162. I’m a Disney-aholic! Walt Disney World vacations make my heart happy. As does that Aqua Sky mixer!

  163. Las Vegas!
    I love them ALL, but if I have to pick one…..Pink!

  164. I love reading and swimming on vacation!

  165. My favorite vacation spot is any beach where I can see the beautiful blue ocean waters, relaxing with an umbrella drink in hand & a great novel.

    I love the aqua sky color.

  166. Best vacation locations depending on what Im craving- relaxing beach getaway- South Carolina Beaches- Charleston area can not be beat. If I am looking to let out the inner child- Disney Word- any reason to pretend I am a kid with no worries :)

    I would have to go with the Silver or crystal blue

    Love your site!

  167. We just returned from a Disney Cruise. First time for all of us and I wish I could afford to do it again. It was amazing and memories to last a lifetime! I would love Pink so it’s my favorite color for anything.

  168. I love the beach anywhere anytime.
    I love the Ice Blue one

  169. I love to go hiking on vacations, so I would either choose Colorado or Arkansas.

    I love the pink pastel mixer!!

  170. Myrtle beach has been my favorite place since I was a kid!! I love the Ice KitchenAid mixer!

  171. I love to go to the beach and soak up the sun with a drink in a coconut! The Ice mixer reminds me of that. So gorgeous!

  172. Love the Ice color!!
    We just returned from Cancun, Mexico! It was awesome. The color of this Ice mixer reminds me of the ocean in Cancun.

  173. I love to go up into the mountains on vacation…I would like the Majestic Yellow

  174. My favorite place to go is a tie. Disney AND the beach. Thinking of booking a Disney Cruise to be able to enjoy both!

    My favorite is the Ice!


  176. I love sitting on a sandy beach, under an umbrella, reading a book and / or napping. Aaahhhhh…
    I like Ice!

  177. My favorite place to vacation is any place in Florida and I would love the Silver Metallic Mixer!!!

  178. We are definitely Disney people, though on occasion we’ll mix it up and head to Busch Gardens and Sea World. I don’t know what we’ll do after all the kids leave the nest.

    The color choices are all very appealing, Silver, of course, should be my pick but I really think I’d get the Pistachio. It makes me smile :)

  179. Kauai is the best place! The crystal blue is my pick.

  180. My favorite thing to do on vacation is to eat at all the local favorite restaurants! I love the classic white mixer!

  181. My favorite spot is Santa Fe, New Mexico! My fave Kitchenaid Color from this selection is Silver Metallic.

  182. Anywhere with a pool & sunshine!

    My favorite color is Ice!

  183. It’s a tie between Key West and Maui

    And Ice would be my color

  184. Best vacation ever was in Branson MO!! It was the last vacation we took with my folks before my dad passed……….PINK

  185. I love to take a road trip through South Dakota and Wyoming and end up out west in Oregon! I love the Ice pastel mixer!

  186. I love to cruise… matter of fact, just got home from one this past Saturday! I love the silver color!

  187. I love Jekyll Island, GA. It’s quiet, the beach is so clean, and it’s just a great place to relax. I love the PINK Mixer!~

  188. i love to eat while i’m on vacation/traveling. instead of shopping, my time is spent mostly seeking out the local flavors and buying snacks to bring home. the aqua sky color is gorgeous!

  189. I would love to go to the beach, to see the ships, and I love the Majestic Yellow mixer, It is so pretty.

  190. Favorite place would have to be Hawaii! And I love the mixer in the Aqua Sky :)

  191. Italy! I have been dreaming of Italy lately.
    My favorite color mixer is the Pistachio– I have a 1970’s KitchenAid that still works but is a bit noisy. I would donate my current mixer to the Southern Food and Beverage museum, if they want it, my mom developed her entire line of MamPapaul’s Cake mixes using that machine.

  192. I want to go back to California for another vacation! and I love the metallic silver mixer. :)

  193. My favorite place to go on vacation is the Smoky Mountains. I love the Aqua Sky color.

  194. My favorite place for vacation is the beach of cancun, but also traveling to rhode island and visit my brother!!
    looooovvvee the silver metallic

  195. What’s your favorite thing to do or place to go on vacation?
    >> I love the Florida Keys, so relaxing !! and within driving distance for me :)

    Oh and pick your pastel, too.
    >> Aqua Sky all the way!!

  196. My favorite thing to do on vacation is lay in the sun and be lazy. I like the crystal blue color the most.

  197. I love to go to Maui with my husband and kids! My favorite color is ICE!

  198. Disney, and white (it’s goes with any color).

  199. My fave things to do on vacation is to try out new spots on the Northeast coast. I love getting some time on the ocean and finding new spots in coastal towns.

    My pastel is pistachio!

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