


Earlier this year I posted a cute candy button display that my friend Julie made following a tutorial on a website called Bake it Pretty. And even though I had heard of and seen their site, I had not really looked around it all that much… until recently.

**Warning… enter their site at your own risk or else you might just leave it with a whole bunch of stuff you didn’t know you had to have…


… like these superty-duperty cute baking cups.

They sell lots of fun designs you probably won’t find in your local craft or grocery store…


… unless you can read this.


or know where to find these.


If you visit them, you might be tempted by shiny things.


Or these. I was forced to buy them in several colors…


… and sizes.

The website made me do it. I promise. I mean if I just bought one color, which one?

Red? Of course, but what about black? How often do you come across black gingham print baking cups? Or orange? Or blue?

You know… I didn’t even need any more baking cups. Like for the next couple of years … I’m good.


But, then there’s these. I mean how cute can you get?

It’s funny – right before I found them I was wanting to make some popcorn bucket cupcakes, but figured I would have to make my own wrappers because I knew I would never find any with stripes. So instead I made these flat brownie popcorn bags. Then, right after making them, voila – perfect little cups.

And now, I can’t bring myself to even bake in them. They’re so cute I don’t want to be without them. I just want to look at them. Is that weird?

Don’t answer that.


And the cute little poem doesn’t hurt either.


More baking cups. These, like the striped ones stand up on their own. You can place them right on a baking sheet and go.

However, I haven’t used these yet either. I have a problem.


I worked my way through all the sections of the site and couldn’t leave without having these tapes and twine in my life.


And look at these cute little twist ties in pink, purple and tiny hearts.


But they don’t hold a candle to these…


Dying over here. Plus, they’re kinda perfect for packaging cake pops.


You can even make your drinks look cute. Love these straws.

If you want to see them in action, check out how good they look with Tartelette’s ice cream sandwiches. Not that her pictures aren’t already perfection.


And look, a button mold.

I had to have one of these, too. You know – just in case I ever want to make my own candy button display like this one.


P.S. – I may or may not have also purchased these not exactly kid friendly candies. But, if I did – the website made me do that, too.

Want to pick out your own stuff?

Want me to foot the bill?

Okay, you talked me into it.

Enter to win a $50 gift voucher to

  • Leave your comment on this post.
  • Just tell me what stuff you can’t stop yourself from buying. Anything. I’m curious.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 27 at 5 pm ET. TIME’S UP. Winner announced below.
  • Three (3) winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

And the winners are…


YAY guys! Have fun shopping. And thanks everyone for sharing your shopping compulsions. I’m in good company.

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7,488 comments on “Stuffs”

  1. cute shoes for my little ones…so hard for me to resist! my four year old daughter can never have enough pairs of pink shoes. my 9 month son doesn’t need shoes…but that doesn’t stop me from buying robeez with pirates on them!

  2. Any and all mini cupcake holders!!!

  3. anything my son wants.. he’s spoiled! (at 15 months) all he wants is balloons though, so they don’t put too much of a hole in our wallets.

  4. for me it’s anything related to baking….sprinkles, cupcake liners, you name it. oh yeah and then there is all my “crafting” stuff….especially paper crafts. Love to do paper crafting….sigh…just not enough time in the day :)

  5. Cheezits. Can’t have too many Cheezits… :-)

  6. I can’t stop myself from buying baking/cooking tools. Which is quite bad for me, especially looking at all these cute baking supplies.

  7. I can’t pass on anything Mini. Mini things are just too cute:)

  8. Crafty things, cake mix, and clothes for my 3 little sweets. I’m a sucker for them. This site looks adorable!

  9. I can’t believe you would do this to me. There are soo many things on this page alone. I love all the designs of cupcake(multi use) holders, The ties are tooo adorable. I just made some stuff this weekend and I had the worst time findings ties. There is soo many things and not enough money. Always good to know they are there.

  10. I love the green Moroccan cupcake wrappers, the mustache lollipop molds make me laugh, and the pearlized lustre dust would be super fun.

    It would be super fun to win. Loving the blog.

  11. I cannot stop myself from buying miniature things or cupcake themed items! I literally go into stores and ask if they have anything related to cupcakes and I get the funniest looks of bewilderment. Oh and forget it if it’s a miniature cupcake! I’m obsessed! But it’s a cute and fun obsession!

  12. anything on etsy. i avoid the website altogether when i want to save money.

  13. oh my! So tempting. Fancy baking accessories are better then diamonds I would say.

  14. books,books, and more books!
    That edible disco dust is calling my name

  15. I loved loved loved the cupcake liners! Amazing!!

  16. Ok, can’t believe I’m going to admit this here….but my downfall…I can’t help but buy – those darn little half-size magazine cookbooks at the end of the check out stand at the grocery store! Yep….I’m a sucker for those! I Have TONS of them…and I’ve probably only ever used 5 recipes out of hundreds!! I just LOVE the pictures! : ) Ya, it’s really bad!

    Thanks for clueing us in on that website – off to check it out now!!

  17. Lately I’ve been obsessed with a cranberry crunch bread that a local bakery sells.

  18. I have a hard time passing up interesting used books. Just this weekend I picked up 13 new books at a library book sale.

  19. I can’t stop myself from buying clothes for my kids…it seems I’m not capable of leaving Target without a clothing item. I’m also pretty addicted to any and all things related to cupcakes.

  20. Oh my goodness! The gingham cupcake liners are absolutely darling!!! I almost can’t stand it!

  21. Ribbon. Grosgrain, Satin, Sheer, Organza…Polkadot, Striped, Floral, Gingham…1/4 inch, 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/2 inch, 2 inch…you get the idea! I am addicted to Ribbon! I cannot leave a craft or fabric store with any less than 5 new spools of ribbon! :)

  22. Even on a crazy post-college food budget, I can’t help but add to my spice collection!

  23. dessert is my weakness. can’t go in a bakery without buying something.

  24. I love the butterfly cookie cutters…and just about everything there! I might go broke buying things there!

  25. Art supplies. I just can’t stop. They take up so much room and they cost so much money. But anytime I see a really nice paintbrush, or nice bottles of ink, or even a pretty color of thread, I can’t help but buy them.

    And clothes at thrift stores and garage sales. But let’s not even get started on that. :)

  26. found the link to this site on bakerella the other day…the cupcake wrappers that look like lace are gorgeous! but the edible glitter makes everything look magical! and all the little toppers…sigh! everything i need for baking in one place that ships to australia! :)

  27. Need those popcorn liners for a baby shower…..ready to pop treat!

  28. I can’t stop myself from buying Lucy workout cloths, they are my latest obsession! I love making cupcakes and all the wrappers are so cute!!!

  29. Since getting engaged last year, I can’t stop buying cute dresses to wear to all the wedding events (shower, engagement party, bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, the other six weddings I’m going to this year….)! I’m a sucker for dresses with pockets!

  30. That site is pure heaven…or hell…depending on whether you’re me or my wallet.

    I can’t stop buying…fabric. I have sewed with exactly two fat quarters that I’ve bought from Etsy, but I keep buying it anyway.

    That, and cupcake liners. My excuse is that I can only get plain white ones where I live, so I need all the cute ones online IN CASE the occasion arises.

  31. beads, jewelry supplies & dollar items, to name a few!those baking cups are so darling, I would buy my own mini muffin pan to use them.(otherwise I just borrow my mom’s!)

  32. I’m a sucker for bath stuff. Salts, bubble bath, oils, lotions, soaps…you name it. As long as it smells good I want it.

    I have whole cabinets in my bathroom dedicated to my lotions and body sprays.

  33. oh my goodness! I love all of those cupcake liners!! That website would be trouble for me!!! ………Heading over there right now to check it out!!!!

  34. The baking cups are the cutest!!

  35. Children’s books! I was embarrassed to discover that my 4 year old has what seems to be a bigger book selection than our towns (small) library!

  36. I usually go on a rampage of whatever my favorite thing of the moment is… vintage clothing, crochet books, scrapbooking paper, gift bags, earrings…
    I like to collect (ie. hoard) way too many things to name.

    I wouldn’t want to use these cute items either!!

  37. I cannot stop buying Stamping supplies, I need to join SA (stampers anonymous)…can you imagine “hi, I’m julie and I’m a stamp-a-holic” LOL

  38. I need some fun/cute/new pastry tips and bags. This site is great, thanks for the link!

  39. I can’t help but buy things that come in great packaging. I love the JUMBO Elenor Green baking cups on Buy It Pretty. It is nice to find something other than plain white for a change in the larger sizes.

  40. Okay, I just have to have the butterfly cookie cutters.. and the honeybee chocolate mold… and the owl chocolate mold… and the teacup cake baking mold… but I love the Animated Valentine Cards most of all!
    Now I have to go shopping, I hope they ship to Canada!

  41. Sewing supplies – please make me stop:) I love all of those baking cups!!! How do you choose?

  42. extremely soft throw blankets & flip flops…you can never have too many of either!

  43. So pretty.
    I can’t help but buy kitchen and cake gadgets and gummy bears.

  44. I want it all but I think my favorite is the cupcake lines that look like they are made from tissue paper or the flower leaf looking liners. I love all the flexible molds.

  45. I would buy pretty paper – for embellishing cards, cupcakes and more! I’d alos like to buy cookie cutters and colored sugar.

  46. Jewelry from Forever21. I literally cannot leave the store without some sort of accessory item.

  47. Oh how do I love cute stuff, let me count them all!!! I can’t get enough of cookbooks and cute packages to give things away in, things to make cards, and tools for decorating cakes.

  48. I am constantly buying hair conditioner. If I see a sale on my fave brand I stock up.

  49. Anything baking is great to me. Honestly my true obsession is with Aprons.

  50. Cookie cutters and sprinkles!

  51. I have shopped at Bake it Pretty! I LOVE it!!! I could spend a ton of money there! I stock up on cupcake liners whenever I can. I don’t think I can get enough. It’s like I’m worried I’m going to be baking and run out. That would seriously be a tragedy! I want to shop!

  52. As of lately I find myself buying mass quantities of chocolate bark as I fear my grocery store will run out! I also can’t stop buying scrapbooking supplies, and now I am pretty sure my kitchen will have tons of adorable cupcake liners and wraps too!

  53. my addiction is jewelry supplies! i keep seeing cute beads and pendants and can’t help myself from buying them.

  54. What adorable baking cups! I cannot help myself from buying the amazing pumpkin loaf at my local farmer’s market! It is just pure heaven! :)

  55. I find myself having an obscene cupcake fetish. They are so dadgum CUTE! I mean, I love to eat them, but sometimes, you just want to look at them and all of their cuteness. I love those little popcorn cups! A-FREAKING-DORABLE!!!

  56. Love the cupcake holders

  57. So cute. I can’t think of what I can’t stopy myself from buying. I’m way too frugal :)

  58. Bath stuff from Lush is my biggest addiction. Bath bombs, bubble bars, shampoos, soaps, fun smelly things that I just can’t get enough of. Natural…awesome. Can’t stop.

  59. This store is adorable! I can not stop myself from buying any delicious baked good that is decorated beautifully. i have to have it. i have to try it and see if it’s as delicious as it looks!

  60. Bake It Pretty has a neat blog, too.

    I’m addicted to buying office supplies… cute post-it notes, pens, pencils, file folders. It’s a sickness! =)

    Oh, and makeup, too. My 15 y/o and I drool over Sephora’s website regularly.

    And this time of year, cute flip-flops. Love them.

  61. OMGosh. I’m going to have to go there now and buy stuff. Stuff that I probably won’t use but will need to have. I can’t stop buying books…and yet I go to the library weekly and pick up books. I have a stash of unread books from Barnes & Noble hiding under the bed because I promised my husband I would only get books at the library after we had to take a suitcase of books on an airplane ride to my mom’s. My faves are food mysteries!
    PS, I totally wanted to buy those gum cigs for wedding favors. I used to love those when I was a kid!

  62. Um, jeans. And shoes. (You didn’t specify it had to be baking-related, did you?!?!) Of course I have baking weaknesses too, like fun cupcake liners, sprinkles and toasted coconut from the local bakers shop.

  63. Yarn. I’ve been an avid knitter for a few years now, and I still can’t stop myself from buying more yarn than I’ll ever need. Yarn, and books. My personal library is kind of staggering, and it’s always growing because I love buying books so much.

  64. I can’t stop myself from buying baking supplies (especially cute pans) AND books. My wallet always suffers :(

  65. I love cupcakes so very much!! Those wrappers are the best!!

  66. Any of the seasonal items in Target’s $1 area – I love to decorate with seasonal/holiday rugs, towels, plates…you name it, I have to have it!

  67. craft supplies… I’m a sucker for good yarn, acrylic paint and modge podge. :)

    (oh, and shoes. but isn’t that every gal’s issue?)

  68. I can’t help myself from buying photo frames. Love them… now, how to use them all…

  69. I love all things pretty paper: cards, journals, stationary…I want it all.

  70. I can NEVER get enough of anything that has to do with cupcakes!

  71. I buy way too much fabric… and then decide what to do with it later! Love this stuff… so adorable.

  72. I want to make tea time petit fours with the tiny tea time chocolate moulds! Oh, and the fluted flower baking cups would look darling filled with mulberry muffins ( just picked tons of mulberries this weekend)…

  73. So cute! I love the popcorn bucket liners!

  74. I can’t seem to keep away from J.Crew. I looove their clothes, and every time a catalog comes in the mail, my husband tries to hide it from me. I just love it!

  75. I can’t stop myself from buying clothes, office supplies, or dishes for my kitchen. I just can’t help it, I love them all!

  76. Cookie Cutters!! Im obsessed! There’s no way in my life time i will ever use them all…even once!!!

  77. How adorable are those cupcake liners!! I must have some! :). Thanks as always for sharing great tips, Bakerella!

  78. I think I go a bit overboard when it comes to cookbooks. I buy them and more than half of them I haven’t even gotten to using yet. I also love cool little kitchen gadgets that are for one odd specific purpose. I might not use it in years, but for some reason I gotta have it. :)

  79. Scrapbooking stuff, even though I haven’t seriously scrapbooked in a very long time…

  80. shoot… a cheap skate……thats why the random picker should pick me……cause i never get anything new and cute!!!

  81. Food. The sweet kind. I can’t help it. I see candies, I want to eat them.

  82. Those are so cute!!

    I can’t stop buying:

    Books. I’m obsessed. I must always have a book to read!

    Cups. I have something about cute, pretty cups!

    Sweets. I love me some sweets. Cake, cookies, Brownies, candy… (I love baking items! as well!)

  83. I can’t resist books,42 boxes, cups, especially coffee mugs, over a hundred, and chocolate covered marshmallow Easter eggs. It isn’t spring til the eggs come. Though strangely i’m a knitter who can resist yarn, huh.

  84. I am currently LOVING books. I am so head over heels wanting the What’s new Cupcake book. I have the first book and the second one looks like more fun. I also recently could not hold back to buy a bunch of cookie making stuff. I am so excited for packages to start arriving anyday. LOL

  85. Definitely the cupcake liners–all of them!! But on non-baking notes I love to buy. . .um oh wait, I never go shopping because I have 4 kids. I really should order more stuff online like off these cute websites!

  86. OMGosh! Those popcorn liners are to die for! Too adorable.

    I shop a LOT! Most recently i can”t help myself from buying felt. (I’ve been making my little girls some hairclips) Pretty sure they have enough by now, but I just can’t stop!

  87. i am addicted to craft supplies, there is always something new i have to have. Love the giveaway – Love your blog!!

  88. I cannot stop myself from buying ribbon, fabric and other craft items!!!!! I have even started my own business making crafts…hair bows, tutus, purses. Almost anything really :)

  89. RIBBONS!! All sizes and colors~ To wrap my cakepops, of course! :D

  90. I can’t stop buying clothes and shoes – for me and for all the ladies in my family. But the good thing is that I only buy things that are on sale! I also buy way too many scrapbooking supplies and cooking/baking gadgets. More than I will ever need! Glad to know I’m not the only one with a problem here :)

  91. Bakerella, I cannot stop myself from buying Hello Kitty items!!! I love her! And I love everything on this website! So cute!!

  92. I can not stop buying those little bottle brush Christmas trees. I love them. I have them in all sizes and colors. I even found a pink one with little pearls on it this weekend that was 50% off as the gal said it was an Easter tree. My husband thought it was safe now with Christmas over…NOT…smile…

  93. BOOKS! I cannot NOT buy books when I come across a pile of them! And it’s any kind — mystery, children, how-to, history, educational, cookbook, biography – whatever! LOVE to read!!

  94. A few scoops of ice cream, which I can hardly ever resist in summertime, would look so cute in those striped cups!

  95. SO cute! I can’t get over the cupcake wrappers!

    I can’t stop myself from buying things at the craft store. It’s not safe for me to go in there ;)

  96. I love buying earrings! All kinds – I just can’t stop myself. Baking related: sprinkles! Anything cute or hard to find. Most of the time they just sit in my cupboard unused, but you just never know when you’ll need cute sprinkles :)

  97. Shoes. Actually, one particular kind: Black stilettos. They make my world go round…

  98. nail polish! i think i have almost every color, its terrible! these cupcake liners are adorable!

  99. After visiting the website, I am afraid I am going to end up on a hoarding show! I have to have it ALL!

  100. Oh dear I honestly GIGGLED while reading this post. It’s all so cute and your witte remarks didn’t help either.

    As for what I can’t stop buying… Well, lately I have an obsession with nailpolish. Preferably in candy-colours that are absolutely unappropriate to wear to formal events or different shades of the same colour (you don’t want to know how many reds I have, but I’m telling you; there’s a HUGE different between cherry and blood red. Duh.) It’s just that I’ve been biting my nails since I was a little kid, and this is helping me; I don’t want ugly chipped nailpolish now do I?!

  101. Thats soo cool! Thanks for the info, last time I was at the site I spent an hour looking around, definately heading back now

  102. i can’t stop buying summer dresses… no matter the season!

  103. books :)

    i’m moving soon and my new place won’t have a built in bookshelf so I’m unsure how to store them. there’s no way i can fit in just one bookshelf

  104. Love that website and only wish I had enough money to buy everything I see. I cannot stop buying kitchen/baking gadgets and cooking magazines……….seriously running out of room :)

  105. The two main things that I always seem to be buying are yarn and Reese’s peanut butter cups. I’ve been doing well on yarn yet – haven’t gotten any in over a month! But for the Reese’s…well I got some on Friday, and it’s likely I’ll be getting more tomorrow.

  106. I can’t stop myself from buying dresses! I can go in a store to just try them on with a friend and fall in love with one! I love to buy dresses because they make me feel beautiful!

  107. love the button mold. i think i just want everything you ordered. i’m scared to look at the site for too long for fear i’ll buy everthing!

  108. I can’t help but buying cute sprinkles and pretty stationary and packaging. I have enough decorated cellophane bags and stickers I don’t need to buy anymore ever again! It gets even worse when they are all in the dollar section at Target or Michaels.

    PS. I love Bake it Pretty!

  109. I make lots of candy, so candy cups, boxes, molds, and other things of that nature are what i normally buy from places. But Bake it pretty has even more cute stuff! it’s so hard to choose^^

  110. I can’t stop myself from buying cookbooks and baking supplies. Thanks for that link..I think!

  111. Well if we’re talking ANYTHING, I love love love buying pretty shoes although being a poor graduate student has seriously cramped my style. As far as baking supplies go I am always bringing home a new frosting tip, cellophane bag design, bag of colored twist ties, or candy mold.

    I REALLY want the shiny blue damask liners and I am dying to make pina colada cake balls which of course need pretty tropical liners to sit in on my serving tray. :)

  112. i just can’ stop from buying pretty notebooks,cute notebooks,lined notebooks,unlined notebooks,any notebooks!!

  113. Well there’s the obvious for this crowd…baking supplies. I can’t pass up a display of shaped cupcake tins, cake decorating supplies, sprinkles, etc. without feeling the need to buy something.
    I also cannot keep myself from buying bags. All sizes, shapes, colors, I have a serious problem. My boyfriend and mother mock me consistently. To make matters worse, my desk at work happens to face a display rack that usually consists of *adorable* purses and bags that I just have to stare at all day and eventually buy.
    Shoes are another addiction. In high school I had a goal to own a pair of converse shoes in every color. My goal has changed now, and I want to own a pair of heels in every color. Oh the life of a girl….
    (I also can’t keep myself from buying wedding presents lately, but that’s not self-inflicted. Everyone’s just getting married!!)

  114. either presents for friends or good flour when it’s on sale. I think we have 25 lbs in the pantry right now.

  115. Right now I’m on a sugar/sprinkle binge. I have a box, I can’t stop.

  116. I obsessively buy groceries… Not because I have to but because I always find stuff that I NEED and then don’t use until at least a year later.

  117. Such cute things! I buy my daughter entirely too much clothing. WAY TOO MUCH. I’m also a big sale sucker. If i think anything is cute and it’s on clearance it’s going home with me. Anything from jewelry to statues for our yard..which i have an abondance of also :]

  118. I can’t stop myself from buying chocolate chips. Every week I look up a new recipe on tasty kitchen and find something to use them in. Most of the time I give the baked goods away to raise money for March of Dimes, or I take them to gatherings. The best part of it all is the taste testing :D
    Every time I see a bag of chocolate chips at the market I feel a magnetic pull toward them!

  119. i cannot stop buying used books. every time i go into this used bookstore in town, i always buy at least one… or two….

  120. I have an addiction to buying baskets. Like Rubbermaid baskets and boxes!!! I have a need to have everything in a box!! And it also needs to have a label!!!

  121. oh my.. they have some really realy cute baking stuff….. pink polka dots mini cupcake liners :) ooh too cute..

    one of the things i cant stop buying is baby clothes.. i don’t have any kids myself, but a bunch of my friends do.. and i jsut cant help but buy theses cute outfits for their kids….

  122. I have been itching to buy stuff from this site for awhile, but have been trying to practice restraint! I would love to have all of the cupcake baking cups and wraps! So cute!

  123. I’m addicted to scrap booking and anything involving gourmet baking! Every time I see another cute and fun recipe I have to rip it out of the magazine I found it in.

  124. I HEART cupcakes- and I am planning a fantabulous cupcake assortment for my 10 yr old daughter who also loves to bake goodies with me! Pick me, pick me…

  125. they are sooooo cute >._> they are soooooooooooo amazing i cant resist :D also the satin fondant loooool and one more thing the WHITE PAPER cupcake cups loool it might sound boring but they sooooo practicle when u go crazy on the cupcake designs :D

  126. Books! And cupcake supplies! Both are my weakness :)

  127. I love anything baking related I have like a hundred candy molds and hundreds of baking cups all styles and anything in the sprinkle family I am all over. Just bought watermellon sprinkled yum yum

  128. I can’t stop buying whatever I need to create the recipe I am currently obsessing over……

  129. I LOVE that website! I can not stop myself from buying random kitchen gadgets. I LOVE them!

  130. ok, this is so wrong and strange…but magazines. I cant, CANT, cant say no to them. I have cut back no doubt and found yearly subscriptions for cheaper but for this reason or that one, I ALWAYS seem to justify the purchase to myself. Its not right, I don’t suppose.

    Oh and this bake it pretty place….A DELIGHT! I have several friends getting married who will be absolutely smitten! I hope I win!

  131. Oh, how I (as everyone else) would LOVE to be your random winner!

    What can I not stop buying? In general — PAPER! All kinds. Paper to print on, paint on, draw on, write on, fold, cut, score, stick, glue and embellish. Right now, I’m addicted to scrapbook paper…and I don’t scrapbook. I have to HAVE it, and I can hardly bear to use it — I just like to know it’s here. :)

  132. I can’t walk into a drug store or grocery store and only buy what I need I ALWAYS have to buy something extra.

  133. Anything blue or yellow that will match my kitchen! I just got a new yellow cookie scoop! So cute!

  134. Those are some adorable baking supplies! I’ve reined in my former yarn buying habit (I just couldn’t resist the colors), but have traded it for cute baby/toddler clothes. Yikes.

  135. I’m always forced to buy ribbon…all kinds, widths, colors, and prints. I swear i’m always going to find SOMETHING that I can use it on…my latest is to wrap around flower pots and to plant spring blooms inside…super cuteness. Oh, and I have a horrible obsession with Williams Sonoma. I mean horrible. I dream up all kinds of things i absolutely can’t live without! my poor wallet ;)

  136. Yarn, I cannot stop buying yarn!

  137. So freakin’ adorable!!!

  138. Those popcorn bucket cups might be the cutest things ever! Love them!! But I also like the polka dots, and the stripes, and the stars….oh my!

  139. Cute outfits for my baby girl! Oh, and doughnuts. My favorite doughnut shop is on the way to the doctor’s office and what a better way to keep the doctor away than an apple fritter?

  140. Clothes. Period.

  141. I can’t stop buying cute little bows and barrettes for my daughter’s hair. Every colour and style I can find!

  142. I don’t seem to have any control when it comes to buying books. I walk into a bookstore, thinking I’ll just look around…and I leave with a significantly lighter wallet.

    On Bake It Pretty’s website, I can’t resist the Bavarian Rose Baking Cups, the Red Parade Cupcake Wrappers, the Red and White Paper Party Straws and the Frosting Flavored Cupcake Floss. How cute is EVERYTHING on the site?!

    Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing it with us! (and for the chance to win)

  143. Oh my goodness! It’s all just too cute! Must have the button molds! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  144. Aak! Everything was just so adorable! I love those popcorn wrappers. I have a terrible habit of buying video games. I grew up playing Nintendo so a lot of it has to do with nostalgia for me. Plus I play a lot of video games.

    On the flip side, I also buy far more cosmetics than I need. It’s just fun to try something new and experiment :)

  145. Hm, I’d say I can’t resist buying coffee table books or cute journals! And basically anything I see in Target, haha.

  146. I love to back for friends, neighbors, co-workers, whoever! So I would go for the bakery boxes, because I also love the question that always follows: “You MADE these?”

  147. I’m a sucker for pretty fabrics and ribbon. I can’t get out of the hobby store without spending at least one hour in the sewing section.

  148. I need pretty much everything you showed, except maybe the candy cigarettes! I have been coveting those paper straws, beautiful twine, and masking tape. And I’d love to try cupcake holders that really do keep their beautiful colors through baking. It seems like most don’t (at least the cheap ones I buy.) I would love this shopping spree!

  149. Cookbooks! I just bought 2 more and I’m officially out of room on my bookshelf. Uh ohhhh…

  150. I LOVE everything you bought, I can’t wait to scour the site. I can’t stop buying t-shitrs. Plain, boring, solid color, basic t-shirts. I am so boring.

  151. Oh my goodness – what a fantastic find! The folded paper baking cups are divine! The twine, the gingham cups, and even the glassine paper bags are fabulous. I will be placing an order for many things (not needed of course), but gloriously enjoyed! Bakerella, you never disappoint!

  152. Oh my gosh, I love that site! Things I can’t stop myself from buying…sweets. Seriously, it’s a problem because I have a See’s Candy down the street from me. Thank goodness it closes at 6pm and I usually don’t think about wanting something until it is closed! hahaha I also can’t help myself from buying stuff for my 15 month old son…it’s also a problem!

  153. Fabric. It’s an illness of a ridiculous kind. I have far more fabric than I do time to make anything. I feel emotionally attached to it and just like to look at the big stacks of cute possibilities.

  154. Hi there :)
    couldn’t help myself from entering here, what cute cute stuffs! :)
    I cannot stop buying notepads, journals and pens. Even though I have got a gazillion of them, I still need to add new ones to the collection all the time, LOL :)

  155. I love to buy really good cook’s chef tools……because I love to cook for family and friends!

  156. Wow! I could do a lot of damage with that! I am definitely a sucker for cupcake liners even though I already have more than I can use. And I would definitely need the button mold because I’m determined to use it!

  157. I adore books. I have a constantly full shopping cart of amazon of different books. Sigh. I love them.

    What fun things…I am bookmarking the site so the next time I do a fun event I know where to go to get some FAB things!

  158. Panties! I have an addiction- I have more lingerie than I have shoes and dresses combined, but I can’t stop! They’re just so pretty sometimes!

  159. Love, love, love Bake It Pretty!
    My ultimate weaknesses (among many) are shoes/heels & jewelry. I can never have enough!

  160. I have a really hard time stopping myself from buying serving dishes and table linens. Love ’em!

  161. Well, I’m a sucker for cute or unique handbags, and natural beauty products.

  162. Can’t stop buying candy molds, even though I know I’ll never make them…oh well…someday.

  163. Oh my……what to choose???? I bake almost everyday so I will first order various pretty cupcake papers, then cakepop supplies and cookie cutters! I can’t wait to get things that can’t be found in stores! Love everything!!

  164. *sigh*..I’d like to say that things at Target – no matter now I come in, I always come out with stuff from target!
    But- my main buying addiction is anything paper related! I majored in Paper science and engineering…loved the paper and how it was made. Love journals and calendars and notepads. Love buying CARDS and scrapbooking papers…

  165. I may have a small problem with children’s picture books (I don’t even have kids yet) and scrapbook paper – that I would rather look at than use – plus also brads. the end. :)

  166. OMG!!!!! those cupcake liners are to die for!Ilooove everything!!!! please, pick me!

  167. The gingham cupcake liners are so cute. I would love to spend $50 on cute baking stuff.

  168. Gaaaahhhh, they are all so cute!

    I can’t stop myself from buying butter. I have to freeze it because I can’t use it as fast as I buy it! I have about 4 pounds right now.

  169. I can’t stop myself from buying scrapbook stuff or anything cupcake.I love them both so very much!=]

  170. I can’t stop buying… ribbon!


  171. I think I would buy EVERYTHING! It’s all so cute. I don’t know how you could ever decide.

  172. I LOVE bake it pretty! I have always wanted to buy something from them! I love buying crafty things, card making supplies, and baking/ dessert things!

  173. Fabric and anything cherry print! Seriously, I’m obsessed! Cherry print fabric? swoon!!

  174. I cannot stop buying soda. I tell myself I’m not going to do it. I’m done with soda. And then, they put it on sale for $1 for a 2 liter and I’m a goner. It’s awful and so not healthy for me. But I just can’t stop. Kind of like my obsession with McDoubles from McDonald’s. So not good for me, but I love those little burgers.

  175. i can’t seem to stop buying skeins of yarn lately!!! so many pretty colors!

  176. There is definitely a lot of stuff I can’t keep myself from buying! My biggest weakness is probably purses and tote bags. I also love anything craft-related…baking, jewelry-making, scrapbooking, tie-dying, you name it!

  177. I LOVE that store!!! It sucks you in, it really does!

    I collect sprinkles of all things! No matter where I am, if I see sprinkles that I love and don’t have yet, I buy them! On vacation, I found some gorgeous shades of sanding sugar, and walked around with 3 bottles of sprinkles in my purse for the rest of the week!

  178. I looove that site!!! I have an entire basket full of cupcake wrappers — and yet, I still seem to find more that I *need*. As for what I can’t help myself from buying — fabric and baking things. Did I mention my little problem with cupcake wrappers?!? My daughter (who’s 4) now has her own stash in her little kitchen. Oh my…

  179. I love ALL the cupcake papers.

  180. OMG. So adorable. I want everything on that site! Besides bakeware, I cannot stop buying yarn…

  181. I too am a fan of this website, I just recently purchased some emerald green baking cups to go with my wizard of oz themed cupcakes. It was a hard decision between the emerald green and the blue and white gingham. I think the green will make the yellow brick road icing and red ruby slippers cupcake pics really stand out…but then i see the blue gingham on your post…and well maybe I’ll do both! lol! Im also going to add a sugar rainbow behind the shoes! I love making all sorts of ‘almost too cute to eat’ cupcakes for my daughter. I would have to say I cant get enough of cupcake pics and pretty baking cups! I also just recently discovered that Pez dispensers make cute little cupcake toppers. I just remove the colored base and cut the inside plastic down to a point and it fits perfectly. I made a few hello kittys and my daughter loved them!

  182. Those baking cups are great!!! Especially the ones that can stand alone.

  183. This stuff is amazing! My weakness lately has been wedding stuff…and my excuse? “But I’m only getting married once!!” I mean, that’s legit, right?!

  184. I can’t stop buying kitchen gadgets. There are so many cool things you can buy to cook with!

  185. Pens. I have a drawer full of fancy, pretty pens, that I hardly ever use. What if I use all the ink and then I can’t find that kind of pen again? I keep telling myself I’m saving them for when I actually make myself keep a journal, but at this point, I have more pens than I could use in an entire lifetime!

  186. Scrapbooking paper. I absolutely can’t have enough of it!

  187. I can’t stop buying molds. I loooove using them to make little decorations for cupcakes and such. SO cute! That button one is precious! GAH!

  188. All of that stuff is cute! I love getting things for my kitchen, any kind of kitchen tool, cookbooks, little accessories for the house. Super fun!

  189. Wrapping paper. If I hadn’t donated some to my son’s school this past Christmas, I think my husband was preparing to stage an intervention…

  190. i LOVE paper and stationery/scrapbooking stuff, even if i just get them to STARE at! i love bake it pretty – i got the cupcake frosting tips, and LOVE them!!

  191. I can’t stop buying things from the GAP. I can’t figure out why I am so drawn to this store.

  192. I love this site! I love all the cupcake liners and the cookie cutters.

  193. OOPS!!! I forgot to say what I couldn’t stop myself from buying…cupcake liners, for sure :)
    HOLY HECK!!! What I would do for this…lol.
    I could so spend a fortune there…and then I’d never be able to use any of it cause it’s just too cute…ha ha ha. Oh, who am I kidding??? I would totally use everything and give away all baked goods just so everyone could see the cute accessories :)

    April 26, 2010 12:58 AM

  194. Ribbon! For some reason I can’t resist all the accessorizing options that pop into my head when I see a new ribbon pattern! Thanks for the chance to win!

  195. I can’t stop myself from buying cotton yarns. I use them to make hanging towels and washcloths for the kitchen. This year I’m planning to make a whole bunch to give to family and friends as Christmas gifts.

  196. Books and baking supplies!

  197. SQUEEEE!!! I LOVE Bake it Pretty! Thank you for doing this giveaway!!

  198. i want the entire bake it pretty website!! ohmygoodness.

  199. oh. my. goodness. those are the cutest freakin cupcake wrappers ever ESPECIALLY the popcorn ones!!! i am obsessed

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