


Earlier this year I posted a cute candy button display that my friend Julie made following a tutorial on a website called Bake it Pretty. And even though I had heard of and seen their site, I had not really looked around it all that much… until recently.

**Warning… enter their site at your own risk or else you might just leave it with a whole bunch of stuff you didn’t know you had to have…


… like these superty-duperty cute baking cups.

They sell lots of fun designs you probably won’t find in your local craft or grocery store…


… unless you can read this.


or know where to find these.


If you visit them, you might be tempted by shiny things.


Or these. I was forced to buy them in several colors…


… and sizes.

The website made me do it. I promise. I mean if I just bought one color, which one?

Red? Of course, but what about black? How often do you come across black gingham print baking cups? Or orange? Or blue?

You know… I didn’t even need any more baking cups. Like for the next couple of years … I’m good.


But, then there’s these. I mean how cute can you get?

It’s funny – right before I found them I was wanting to make some popcorn bucket cupcakes, but figured I would have to make my own wrappers because I knew I would never find any with stripes. So instead I made these flat brownie popcorn bags. Then, right after making them, voila – perfect little cups.

And now, I can’t bring myself to even bake in them. They’re so cute I don’t want to be without them. I just want to look at them. Is that weird?

Don’t answer that.


And the cute little poem doesn’t hurt either.


More baking cups. These, like the striped ones stand up on their own. You can place them right on a baking sheet and go.

However, I haven’t used these yet either. I have a problem.


I worked my way through all the sections of the site and couldn’t leave without having these tapes and twine in my life.


And look at these cute little twist ties in pink, purple and tiny hearts.


But they don’t hold a candle to these…


Dying over here. Plus, they’re kinda perfect for packaging cake pops.


You can even make your drinks look cute. Love these straws.

If you want to see them in action, check out how good they look with Tartelette’s ice cream sandwiches. Not that her pictures aren’t already perfection.


And look, a button mold.

I had to have one of these, too. You know – just in case I ever want to make my own candy button display like this one.


P.S. – I may or may not have also purchased these not exactly kid friendly candies. But, if I did – the website made me do that, too.

Want to pick out your own stuff?

Want me to foot the bill?

Okay, you talked me into it.

Enter to win a $50 gift voucher to

  • Leave your comment on this post.
  • Just tell me what stuff you can’t stop yourself from buying. Anything. I’m curious.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 27 at 5 pm ET. TIME’S UP. Winner announced below.
  • Three (3) winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

And the winners are…


YAY guys! Have fun shopping. And thanks everyone for sharing your shopping compulsions. I’m in good company.

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7,488 comments on “Stuffs”

  1. ahhhhhhh! These are ADORABLE . . . they make me want to have a party! However, I just spent $100 on makeup today that I didn’t need but wanted oh so badly, so the party will have to wait . . . atleast I’ll look pretty, right?!

  2. I can’t stop myself from buying popchips & yarn! yummy and I <3 knitting. :D

  3. Haha! Hey from Sweden!

  4. I actually caught one of your contests before the cutoff time! Amazing! :-)

    I looove Bake It Pretty and have been drooling over everything on here for months! I can’t even decide what I want the most. I do need more luster dust, but the things I want are more fun….

    Like the farmers market strawberry baskets….so cute! I seriously just want all the cookie cutters and baking cups!

  5. Truly, I am not much of a shopper so this is a really hard question!! I do love the muffin cups though!!

  6. I’ve long been drooling over the Bake It Pretty goods! Oh, how I would love the gift voucher!

  7. Wow what a great site…I can’t walk past anything retro…especially if its retro green with spots!

  8. ahhh man, thats a wonderful place to go! I saw all kinds of neat things. BUT, I gotta get some of those mint leaf candy molds and make cream cheese mints like they used to serve at weddings. I love to tell people about you and your fabulous blog, but now…. so much for my diet! ;)

  9. Kusmi tea, spices and mermaid figurines :-)

  10. Fabric is my downfall, and pretty cupcake making goodies, but they are so hard to find down under!!

  11. I can’t stop buying pajama pants. I buy them for myself and my husband. He always ends up wondering where his are because I steal them! Why do men’s PJ’s have to be the only ones with pockets?

  12. We always got those candy cigarettes when I was a kid. Thinking back, I cannot believe me [adamantly nonsmoking] parents stood for it. I am surprised you can still buy them!

  13. Fudge Brownies from Panera. Last week I bought three. On the same day.

  14. I cannot stop looking at the cupcake liners! I am obsessed with floral prints right now and they would be perfect to my collection of baking supplies!

  15. I want any/ALL of the cupcake papers! So adorable!

  16. So many adorable cupcake liners! When I step into a grocery store, without fail there is dark chocolate (bar/truffles/cookies) of some sort in my cart. Dark chocolate can be so divine! Love your site :)

  17. they have a gnome cookie cutter I NEED in my life.
    Things I can’t help but buy: 5 for 20/25$ undies. It always seems like such a good idea at the time and then I get home and have all this underwear.
    Nail polish, especially purple polish. Makeup of any kind. Clearance clothing sales. Flipflops.

  18. I can’t stop buying dresses! All kinds, but recently most vintage off ebay.

    As for whatever is on the Bake It Preppy website, I don’t think I can resist the straws.

    And, by the way, the recipe on the back of the baking cups is for plum cupcakes :)

  19. I’d probably buy a million cupcake liners…you can never have too many!

  20. My 2 favorite weaknesses, quilting and baking. I know you warned me, but how could I resist. The cute candy button molds were adorable. I just had to have the polka dotted cupcake liners. So many cupcake kits to choose from, it’s impossible to pick. I want it all!!!

  21. Oh, my – those popcorn liners are perfection. I had a carnival party for my kids last year and they would have been so cute. Now, I just need them.

  22. It’s all so pretty. I can’t stop myself from buying tea. I have many different types already but still want more.

  23. My problem is I NEVER buy anything for myself! I will seriously go and look for hours at a bookstore or a cute artsy store, but never leave with anything. I feel too guilty. But I LOVE overdoing it on holidays with other people. Giving gifts is the best! So please pick me random comment chooser so I can not only win something for myself, but have extra to make goodies in and give them away!

  24. If it’s something you can put on a cookie, cake, or cupcake, it’s probably in my cupboard. An entire shelf is dedicated to colored sugars, jimmies, non-pariels, and sprinkles shaped and colored in just about every holiday/birthday related item imaginable.

  25. OMG these are sooooo cute!

    I cant stop buying decorations and ingredients for cake pops! Seriously, I have never kept cake mixes on hand before and now 1/4 of my pantry is filled with them, every color and shape sprinkle, lollipop sticks, candy melts, etc! I guess I am ready for any occasion! :)

  26. Everything is so cute. I love it!
    I can’t stop buying stuff for making the cutest cupcakes. I almost died when I saw the cute baking cups. Have to have them!

  27. Cookbooks! Everyone needs a hundred or two, right? ;)

  28. Sprinkles, I never knew they made so much sprinkles. I have so many different themes for whatever cake, cupcake, cake pops or whatever I will ever need. Yet I still find more to fill my cabinets with.

  29. Ooohhh, man.. I’m addicted to foodie stuff, particularly cake/cupcake related items. And cake gadgets. And cooking gadgets. And display plates/stands!! And, well… The list could surely go on.

    I’ve been meaning to head to bed for the past 45 minutes, actually… I just keep getting distracted by all those pretty, shiny things on Bake It Pretty’s website.

  30. notebooks, i can’t stop buying notebooks. and i take all my notes digitally for years…

  31. I would buy the Americolor Gel Color Kit or some Polka Dot Cupcake Wrappers or some Super Star Baking Cases… Hmm, I might need more than $50! :-)

  32. chili cheese fries for sure! if i see them on a menu, i will for sure order them.

  33. (I’m not writing a comment to enter the competition) That recipe you can’t read is Swedish. If you didn’t already know I mean.

  34. I have a totally ridiculous collection of bandaids of all things! I have 2 small kids and it seems like I always need bandaids when I don’t have any so I constantly buy more. An entire shelf in my medicine cabinet is dedicated to bandaids in every shape, size, and cartoon character.

  35. Cute stuff :) Sad to say, but I always buy pens, any kind.

  36. This is all super duper cute! I love everything! I cant stop myself from buying pens!!! I have soooooo many… :)

  37. I’d probably say scrapbooking stuff. I buy SO MUCH of it! The only problem is…I DON’T SCRAPBOOK! But, someday…when I do…I’m going to have a LOT of cute stuff to get me started! :)

  38. I can’t stop myself from buying greeting cards and stationery. In a paper store, I buy cards by the stack!

  39. I can’t stop buying clothes for my son. There just so cute.

  40. BOOKS, especially cookbooks, especially baking books! And I LOVE anything cute for baking (have a cupboard full of little cupcake cups & goodies). Both thrilled and mildly cursing that you have turned me on to this website. Thank you! :)

  41. I have to buy anything that I think my sister might like. She calls herself Cupcake, so much of what I find follows that train. But it’s not limited to that. As soon as she mentions she wants something, I have to go out and look for it. It’s a disease, really. ;)

  42. I can’t seem to stop buying things for my house. I love anything cottage. My flower garden to my living room, I just have to have it just so cute and cottage-like and comfortable.

  43. I keep buying Lotto tickets. I like to dream big!

  44. I am a sucker for anything to do with paper. Seriously, if it is made of cute paper, I love it. Of course, now I really want to buy a lot of cute cupcake liners!

  45. I can’t for the life of me stop myself from buying books. Or plants. The books for an obvious reason, I love to read. But the plants? There’s no explanation for that torture. I want to keep one alive just to show I can, but my black thumbs best me every time.

  46. I can’t stop buying things forthe house! Furnture, rugs, curtains… ANYTHING!! I admit it!

  47. sprinkles…sugars…food coloring…everything to make cupcakes prettty!!

  48. It’s all about the cookie cutters…. oh my they have such wonderful ones.

  49. I can’t stop myself from buying nail polish.. it’s a weird addiction, especially since my nails are short! :)

  50. I can’t stop myself from buying t-shirts with flowers sewn on them. It’s a horrible addiction! I also am drawn to all of the packaging supplies on Bake it Pretty…can’t. get. enough. baker’s twine! :)

  51. I’m a pen, t-shirt, and post-its addict! It’s sooo bad! lol

  52. Bake It Pretty is perfect for getting all the cute things I need to set up my new dessert table business! (inspired by the fabulous Amy Atlas, of course.) I can’t stop myself from buying paper. Anything that has a great design, I’m in. And kitchen gadgets. And pretty dishes.

  53. I can’t stop buying Cadbury eggs during Easter time. There is a giant stash of them in the back of my pantry.
    Oh and sprinkles and cookie cutters. I don’t even use them that often, but boy are they cute!

  54. OMG…….. SO CUTE!!! And I can’t stop buying… sweets. Mmmm :)

  55. Makeup!!! I just can’t stop myself! All the gorgeous colors and textures, lipgloss, eyeshadow bronzer and blush! ohh my its all just so much fun! (:

  56. Loving those gingham print cups! I have a bag addiction, probably like every other teenager in the universe. I can’t help myself, I was ecstatic when I found a bag cake in Planet Cake’s cookbook, my two fav things combined!

  57. I have to say I adore that little button mold. I wonder, what else could I mold into adorable buttons? Soaps? Icing? Polymer clay?

  58. Chocolate! And anything that’s on clearance. Did I mention chocolate? :)

  59. I get all jittery when I look at cupcake items! I want all of them if I could! :D

  60. Glad & Sad! Im Glad that i found their site through you =) and saw those adorable stuffs…Sad =( that i found out its only in US and noway that i can have them =(… i waaannt & looove them speacialy the twine and sticks….can you hear me bakerella please? =)

  61. i would have to say books and kitchen tools… i just can’t stop myself..

  62. I can’t stop myself from buying anything and everything “kawaii”! I have a bunch of stationery, toys, accessories with adorable characters like Hello Kitty or Disney characters.

  63. I go through phases….books, fabric, paper, ribbon, cake stuff, or anything fun and cute for the kids :)

  64. OMGoodness! First, you make me want to move to Georgia for the CakeArt Party Store because of the endless possibilities I can achieve with what they sell there. And now this!! I would order all the flavor oils! To me, they are a must have. I have never seen anything more than 4 flavors here in Philadelphia! There’s always the normal flavors: cherry, mint, creme de menthe, and cinnamon! I bet my boyfriend would get a kick out of the cheesecake flavored one! :)

  65. Oh my gosh!!! I love love love and have stacks upon stacks of cupcake wrappers. I will have to check out the popcorn bucket one. Plus, I am a sucker for cookbooks

  66. OMG I love anything cupcake, cake, and cookie related! The cuteness is unreal! My mind wont stop racing with adorable themed parties that I need to bake for now that I have seen this cuteness!! WHY BAKERELLA??!!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?! LOLOL

  67. I can’t stop buying books. I just got a bookcase and I’m trying to fill it up with my favorites.

  68. I just love buying anything for my Canon camera & Mac computer. I can’t help myself. I also love your site as well :)

  69. Packaging and labels: DEFINITELY! I have the hardest time prettifying my baking to give away… but I would also have a hard time restraining myself if I had access to countless cup patterns to make my baking look distinct just on its own!

    I almost wish they *didn’t* ship to Canada; I guess I’ll just start forwarding my paycheques right to Bake it Pretty…

  70. Edible glitter…I think I have every color they make…and fun packaging for my CakeBites. It makes each new batch an opportunity for new creativity.

  71. WOW these are so cute!!

    I can’t stop myself from buying dresses and cookbooks!

  72. I can not stop buying baking supplies. Anything to do with baking like sprinkles, I love sprinkles.

    I also can’t stop buying hiking and outdoor gear. It is just so much fun.

  73. I’m an excellent shopper. No matter what store I’m in, I can find something I like. Something I have to have. Something I need.

    Which means I can’t stop myself from buying, period. I have to find the will to stay at home, else I’ll leave the store carrying things I didn’t know I needed.

    Like the other day, when my roommates were going to IKEA, and I asked if I could tag along (mostly because I love IKEA food), and I ended up leaving with a new desk, clothes hamper, cheese grater…


  74. I can’t stop buying cook books. I may never even use them but I have to have them!

  75. I have a thing for pink stuff but I really love glasses (drinking out of kind). My fav are my charleston etched wine glasses!

  76. I am a Hello Kitty fiend. I’ll spot her a mile away and then take her home with me.
    I also like buying bento supplies. Food picks, food liners (which these little cupcake liners would be great for!), and molds.

  77. What a fun site! I love everything red and white, and I can’t help myself….polka dots, stripes ties and ribbon :)

  78. I’m not a huge candy fan but I LOVE kit kats, I won’t plan on buying them but if they are in that aisle display during check out I have to buy them, it’s bad.

  79. Scrapbook stuff, I will never be able to use all
    the stuff I have, but yet I love to buy more
    for every new project. But I am starting a good
    collection of baking cups as well:)

  80. Can’t help it bags & shoes. Thanks for sharing those adorable
    stuff. Too cute :)

  81. About the age of 12 I started becoming obsessed with cake decorating, and for a girl with no allowance and no job it was expensive! I used to save my money forever and blow it all on tip sets and cake pans!

  82. Oh MY!! I am in love! I went to the site and all I can say is I NEED I NEED I NEED!!

  83. omg it’s all sooo cute! i really can’t stop buying cookbooks though, plus make-up and clothes.

  84. I have a pajama purchasing obsession. I can’t help myself! Cute, comfty new PJs scream “buy me, buy me!” at the store. I can not help myself. And I now own more pjs than regular clothes! :)

  85. I like buying different cupcake cups! However, I’ve been baking so much that I am almost out. I never thought that would happen. I guess I’ll just have to check out the website featured in this post!

  86. I love this post….adorable. I was just trying to find twist ties to tie up my last batch of cake pops. I cannot stop buying scrapbook paper. You name a pattern, I have it.

  87. I can actually read what those baking cup packages say! They are really cute, but so are all the others you posted.

    But I always find it hard to keep my hands of earrings. All sizes, colors and variations… It’s my addiction.

  88. I can’t stop myself from buying any kind of cookbook, even though I know I won’t use all of them. And of course I love buying baking stuff – ingredients etc.!

  89. I love the baking cups and the cello bags. They are so cute and colorful!!

  90. it’s a bit predictable but shoes. and cupcake ingredients, basically no food in my cupboards but cupcake ingredients and peppermint tea…..

  91. I must say “Scentsy” candles even though I’m an Consultant I’m buying stuff for myself & scrapbook supplies.
    I just love them both & can’t stop :)

  92. WOW!! What cute stuff! I’m almost afraid to head over to the website since I can’t really buy anything for another week or so! =) Anyway, what I can’t stop buying a lot of lately? Olives. Yeah, seriously. Every time I go to the grocery store, I have to pick up a jar. So far, my favorite are the garlic stuffed ones. I have a serious problem. I’m such a brine addict!

  93. I’m addicted to buying cookbooks. I find amazing cheap ones in second hand stores. My favorite is the old style cookbooks that a church or a town has put together that has tons of old fashioned recipes, or quick, cheap, easy ones. My other favorite thing to buy is artsy stuff. Stamps, stamp pads, beads, cute stationary, I love it all!

  94. I love camera equipment ;) I just want to much.

  95. these things are uh-maze-ing! love it all!

    I am compelled to but flowers, plants, shrubs, dirt, garden doodads, etc! I’m obsessed!

  96. I have a such weakness for baking acessories!! cupcake stands, twine, boxes, labels, etc…:)

  97. I could go completely overboard on Bake It Pretty! I have a whole stash of bakery boxes and twine and am always on the hunt for more cute additions! I have a rep at my congregation for the best dressed baked goods and with many a bake sale coming up, I’d love some Bake it Pretty goods to use this spring!

  98. The ‘suitcases’ in the site are adorable! I’m having this sinking feeling my next paycheck is probably going to go straight to this site…..

    P.S. I buy and consume way to many cracked pepper triscuits.

  99. I think i need to purchase every item on the specialty baking cups standard and mini sizes!!

  100. I can’t stop buying sprinkles! Sprinkles this, sprinkles that. Every holiday, every color. ! i just can’t seem to help it….they give a sparkle to any sweet treat!

  101. School supplies and cooking/baking utensils! Oh my goodness, I go crazy with them. Highlighters and spatulas litter my apartment. <3

  102. Baking cups of course!! And I didn’t see those popcorn cups until now. I’ve GOT to get some!!!

  103. Pipping tips!!! Cutters!!!! All types of cake decoration stuff… I’m a sucker for wedding cakes :D

  104. Anything on sale!!!

  105. omg, no, you can’t make me choose…it’s not fair… ok ok, i think it has to be cookie cutters, no wait… it has to be cake moulds, nope, sprinkles, yes, sprinkles…that must be it…erm.. oh well…i guess its just anything cute!!!

  106. clothes on sale, especially when we go out of town, i just can’t help but shop! would love some of those cupcake liners for my daughters upcoming wedding festivities!

  107. Cute as a button! Can’t get enough of that cute button mold!

  108. the blue and silver cupcake papers are SO my style. Love them! I’m addicted to buying different patterns of cupcake papers and love using them!

  109. I can’t stop buying ribbons. I love them. I love all kinds. That twine and tape will fit right in with my collection.

  110. aww that’s some cute stuff you’ve got there!! :O

    that weird language on is a recipe in swedish for plum cupcakes :) I can translate it for you if you want :D

    well… things I can’t help from buying… shoes… and I’m not the only one apparently xD buuuuut… so far, I’ve bought 7 spring shoes, like ballet slippers, and it’s not even spring in my country yet!! xD and I’ve also bought 3 pairs of stilettos xD

  111. I can’t stop myself from buying cookies and digital scrapbooking kits.

  112. Even tempted by the promise of all the sweets he can eat, my husband says I do not need to buy any more sprinkles. He just doesn’t understand how terribly wrong he is.

  113. I can’t stop buying nail polishes and cute stuff for baking. Yes both, I just move from one to another. Not my fault: too many nice colours and too many wonderful gadgets/tools for baking :)

    PS.: the curious thing is that I was digging Bake it Pretty last week and thinking about buying pretty cupcake liners for my birthday ;)

  114. Oh you name it! Craft supplies, baking supplies, fabric, kitchen gadgets, patterns, …. Seriously I need help!

  115. Oh man!!! What a site…

  116. I can’t stop myself from buying cucumbers at the moment. And I’m afraid to go to that website, I need baking cups anyway…

  117. Wow! Love Bake it Pretty!

  118. OMG! You’re warning was absolutely right… I had no idea there was so many wonderful adorable things that I JUST HAVE TO HAVE!

    Where does one begin on this site… it’s almost overwhelming! I love the cupcake wrappers though, especially the one’s that look like popcorn containers are so cute… but the ones that look like lace are also very beautiful. Who know you could jazz up a cupcake just with a lil extra paper? =)

    Also the Tea Cupcakes Silicone mold is adorable! Just an overall wonderful site! Thank you for introducing us to it, I am sure to frequent it often now!!

  119. I love stuff!!

    I can’t stop buying books… it’s ridiculous, really.


  120. yikes, I know milk is on that list, but not very fun…so instead I must say stationery. I do love having a card on hand that fits the bill at a moments notice!

  121. I’m a bit like you…..I like to buy stuff but then keep it instead of using it. My current addictions are stamps (for card-making) and Tupperware. :O

  122. I have a love for making cupcakes. I love buying cupcake liners, mini liners, sprinkles, anything that has to do with cupcakes.

  123. Work out clothes.. Even though I do NOT work out! lol :P

  124. I cant help myself from buying kitchen gadgets.

  125. Sprinkles…I love buying them… but gotta admit … I hate using them up…

    and on another note… I love buying bathing suits… I used to have 50 when I was in my 20’s.. now that I am 30– I have 20ish.. I can spend hours looking and trying them on… favorite one is a Juicy Couture one.. pink- vintage dress style…. it has 5 different ways to wear/tie up the top!!

    thanks for the give away!

  126. I love them all! I can’t stop buying cookbooks and yarn! I can never have too many cookbooks and there is always a project that I have to do.

  127. definitely cant stop buying scrapbooking stuff. I have soooo much!

  128. i love to buy anything bake related especially cupcake stuff! I just can’t resist. :)

  129. Right now, camera equipment! It’s kind of an expensive habit..hobby…and chocolate.

  130. Cake decorating supplies and baking stuff!

  131. I love anything baking related or anything having to do with cute crafts. Also, purses..

  132. I LOVE this stuff…too cute for words. I love anything related to baking but find myself unable to stop buying ribbon. I love it, any kind, any color, any ribbon! There’s a ribbon factory near my Mom’s house and they have a factory outlet. When I visit, I take an empty suitcase JUST to bring back all the ribbon I’ve bought. I buy it for my friends and family and if I stopped now, I would have enough for several lifetimes…but it’s soooo beautiful I just can’t stop!!!
    Perhaps there’s a 12 step program…must go investigate the possibility…

  133. I’d love to win so I can have a real tea party for my daughters 8th birthday!

  134. Oh no! I can tell I am going to be up very late admiring the CUTE baking accessories =] I have to say I have quite a problem when it comes to buying sprinkles. Cute ones, sparkly ones, big ones, small ones…But the ones I always have to have on hand…chocolate jimmies sprinkles…yummmy!!

  135. I have a thing for cute cake pans (i just feel bad leaving them in the store) and english toffee bonbons… the powdery sweet covered ones. Lemon strawberry or blackberry…

  136. I have a clearance shopping problem! Fortunately, I know to not buy cheap stuff I’ll never wear, but I go to clearance shops with my mom and just stock up – my walk in closet is PACKED full – a little embarrassing :)

  137. Spices… familiar and unfamiliar. I have spices from all over the world.

  138. I love everything you found! Right now my current obsession is buying cue little bird figures and vintage garden accessories for my daughters nursery (due in Sept) – I can’t help it, every time I see something that is cute, I just have to get it for her… now when I am not pregnant, I can’t help but buy curtains – I am always on the search for the perfect curtains, lol!

  139. I cant stop buying cute stuff like this o.m.g i love love love them
    I have like a million cupcake liners but i wont use them on my
    cupcake order , i just like the way they look

  140. I can’t stop buying Halloween-themed baking supplies. Maybe it is because it is my favorite holiday, or because I am sad that Hanukkah items are never as cute? Regardless, I have lots of scary stuff that I love to bake with in October. But I sure could use some new stuff that is versatile for year-round yumminess!

  141. I cant stop myself from buying books!

  142. Any miniature baking items, especially all small tart pans must be in my possession!

  143. Wowzers! Swoon! I do Muffin Tin Monday with my daughters and there are so many fun products that we could choose! Baker’s twine…love it!

    My weaknesses are for ribbon, Scrapbooking supplies, and kids books. Can’t have enough of them. Even when my kids don’t want to read, I will read them. ;) Pretty harmless, I suppose.

  144. Right now I can’t stop myself from buying ribbon. I started making bows as a hobby a few months ago. Now I sell them and have to have every color and style of ribbon possible. So addicting! But, I love to bake, too, and need stuff to make treats for my daughter’s 1st birthday so I would love to win this! :)

  145. I’m a total book worm and music nerd so I can’t resist filling up my book shelf with more stacks of both!

  146. Those little candy and cupcake cups are adorable.
    I can’t stop myself from buying pretty notebooks… I have way too many of them. I just see them in the store, and I convince myself I need it, because there’s so much to be written down… I love the potential of a clean, crisp (and usually colorfully covered) notebook:) So many options!

  147. oh if i had a million dollars… i love everything! the candies, the baking cups, the baking molds the icing kits, all of the kits, the suitcases… everything is so cute!

    i can never stop myself from buying hand sanitizing wipes. i am a little crazy with the germaphobia and if i see wet ones by the checkout counter i can always imagine a place i could use them.

  148. they are too cute and just looking at them. Make me too think twice who should i give and bake for the special person or special ocassion.

    just learning baking in a couple of months and my kitchen cabinet filled up all the baking ware and all the stuff up in very quick time and lucky kitchen belong to me. haha…

    baking is also a good way of releasing stress, that my personal feeling. how about the rest of cupcake baking lover, do you feel that?

    happy baking!

  149. I can’t stop myself from buying books. I’m absolutely hopeless in a bookstore, I spend way too much money, even though I rarely have time to read anything other than a textbook these days.

  150. I know exactly what you mean! When I’m at their website I just want to buy, and buy, and buy, and buy!

  151. Speaking of the devil…
    I have been admiring Bake it Pretty for quite a while now, but haven’t bought anything as i live in Australia, and the shipping price is mighty high!
    I cant stop buying cupcake and cake books (your pop book is already on pre-order on amazon), cupcake supplies, and pretty much anything with a cupcake on it.
    I have rings, tins, boxes, books, t-shirts, tools and utensils… name anything… yet i seem to never have enough???

  152. Anything related to eating…food, cookware, kitchen gadgets, wine glasses, books, meals out, magazines. Oh and did I mention food? Why am I so obsessed with food? Do I spend time doing anything else? Lordy.

  153. I would just love to win – those straws are the cutest! I can’t stop buying earrings – the chunkier the better.

  154. I love buying one of a kind items. Especially things that inspire me. Everyday is an adventure when I go shopping :) Especially online!

  155. Well, the better question is what wouldn’t I buy?! I want everything! If I had to choose, I would pick two cupcake stands, some of the japanese tape, small cellophane bags and
    some of the damask baking cups. Oh and maybe some piping tips and bags. I also really love the straws you pointed out! All of these would be perfect for my son’s 1st birthday next month! What a great website!

  156. Stars! Jewelry with stars, clothes with stars, shoes with stars, tchotchkes with stars, etc. Love them.

  157. oh goodness, i just found this site the other day and I’m drooling. I’d love to get some of the foil damask baking cups and loads of sprinkles!

  158. super!!!!

  159. Oh my. I haven’t browsed Bake It Pretty just because I know I would never be able to resist half the stuff on the site! Darn you. :-)

    I’m a pretty big impulse buyer. My biggest troubles are (1) on-sale jeans in my favorite brand, (2) books, and (3) small plates, forks, cups, utensils, etc!

  160. This website is amazing!!! I want to buy everything :) If I had to choose I would buy the Bake It Pretty Best-Ever Cupcake Icing Kit because I love baking cupcakes!

  161. cute as a button~I cannot stop buying coffee mugs and tumblers.

  162. I want them all, but I can’t buy them!

  163. Hello cutest cookie cutters in the world. My heart is skipping a beat!! And I love those tartan liners from the post…freaking adorable! Umm…I must indulge and keep browsing that site.

  164. I have always had a major thing for books. I cannot stop buying them :)

  165. Cookbooks, if I keep going at this rate I’ll never be able to cook through all of them in my lifetime :)

  166. Some would say that I have an unhealthy obsession with nic nacs and other items in my kitchen, I say being prepared for any kitchen emergency is half the battle.

    I just have a leg up of the competition, namely my seven year old daughter who has demanded that I hand over the reigns of kitchen management to her. I guess being a chef/ballet dancer/waitress/garbageman/1st grader trumps my 29 year old butt.

  167. ?’ll be lucky!

  168. shoes for my daughter. in sizes she can’t even wear yet. it wouldn’t be a problem if i remembered i had them all before her feet got too big. :)

  169. These are all adorable! I cannot stop myself from buying books, yarn, and fabrics — I’m a shopaholic!!

  170. too cute! thanks for sharing :) I especially love the gold leaf cupcake wrappers.

  171. I absolutely cannot stop myself from buying books! I have my own personal (and huge) library. I don’t know why, but even though I have a library just a few blocks away, I just enjoy buying my own copy more. Sometimes I like to highlight lines that mean something to me or inspire me. I personally think the library wouldn’t appreciate the yellow markings on their books.

  172. Lately I can’t keep from buying various kitchen gadgets! I keep coming up with one more thing that I can’t live without!

  173. i can’t stop buying clothes from ann taylor loft. ok, i did stop for about 9 months… but now that baby’s out, i can’t keep away

  174. Cute molds for things!
    Like rice molds (for rice balls for bento)
    Stuff to make boiled eggs in the shape of bunnies and bears,
    things to make pocket pies
    cookie cutters

  175. I’m pretty good about not spending money on myself…
    but if I have to answer I would say digi scrapping supplies.
    and chocolate!

  176. I love all the cute cookie cutters!

  177. I cannot stop buying trashy romance novels and wine!! I think that they pretty much go hand in hand. Also the occasional cupcake necessity! ;)

  178. I want them all !!!!

  179. non-food: purses….my boyfriend complains i have too many….I THINK i have too little

    food: cupcake pans!!!!….omg i love them!!!!

  180. I can’t stop buying crafty things…especially to make things for my new baby. Fabric, paint, ribbon…you name it!

  181. I can’t seem to stop buying bakers chocolate….and unsalted butter…

  182. pink pink pink i buy all baking things pink! i love them. i completely understand your problem with not wanting to use things…im the same way they are just so cute if i use them i will run out and then what! maybe we should start a support group. lol

  183. Realy cute!

  184. you have me hooked and all things bite size. having you pay for the pretty stuff to go with it would be perfect!!!!! I recently seem to need candy molds in all sizes as well as all the fun candy wafers in ALL the colors. I am dipping my cake balls in them even! Then of course i have to buy the candy cups to put the balls in and the boxes to hold them. LOL. One thing just leads to another :)

  185. Pretty much anything from the $1 section at target. Or the bulk foods section at Whole Foods. Those are serious danger zones!

  186. I can’t stop buying books – it can be an expensive addiction!

  187. I cannot stop buying clearance swimsuits from Target!!! I know… odd. But, they are just so cute and at $3.74 each piece, how can you not? I think over the past couple years, I have acquired about 35 swimsuits!!!

  188. Oh my, these are adorable. I think I need it all!!! And then personal lessons!

    What can I not stop myself from buying? Kitchen pans with sides {we call them jellyroll pans} and wooden spoons. Addicted!

  189. ALL the baking cups are SOOO Cute!! I especially like the popcorn buckets. Oh and the buttons!! Too much cutenesss

  190. oh paper products are my weakness. I buy dozens of notebooks in all shapes and sizes, and often leave them blank because i’m afraid to mess them up with my writing!
    i’ll use them eventually, but i’m unnaturally careful about how neatly i write in them! :)

  191. I can’t remember who said it; however, there’s a line that says I buy books when I can–and if there’s money left over I buy food and clothes.

    It would be perfect if the quote were only “I buy books–and cute, darling things such as the entire inventory of Bake It Pretty–and then food and clothes if there’s money left!” :)

  192. I can’t stop buying scrapbook stuff! I swear I have it coming out of every inch of my craft corner and yet I keep buying more. I have stickers and matching paper for pages I probably will never make, and yet I have to have it all. Then I got a cricut and my addiction just went downhill from there.

  193. ooooohhh! I love this! I love the baking cups, especially the striped ones and vintage looking ones and I OF COURSE would have to get a button mold too…and the sprinkles…HEAVEN!!!

  194. O-M-G!! All of this stuff is sooo cute! I have a bake sale coming up and this stuff would be perfect!!

    Right now I can NOT stop myself from buying earrings! I’m in the process of trying to convince my hubby to build me some sort of organizer for my ever expanding collection.

  195. sprinkles!!! I loooooove sprinkles, and I always need them because if I love one enough it will go on all of my goods… baked goods that is!! 0:) this post makes me crazy because we are buying a house so I can’t go CRAZY buying all the sweet stuff on this site!! So…. I hope I WIN!!!

  196. Fabric. Don’t tell my husband because somehow he hasn’t noticed the piles growing but fabric is my weakness.

  197. At the moment my fixation is plants. I have my first garden EVER and I’m trying to fill it with colourful plants, but I have a black thumb and when they die, I replace them with more. I’m hopeless, I really have to learn to keep the poor things alive.

    I do have the obligatory cookbook problem too though. Last count I had over eighty, and now I’m actually retraining as a chef it’s only going to get worse…

  198. These bake it pretty things are so cute! I hope that someday I’ll get some stuff from them. I can’t stop buying blog jewelry. I’ve been following jewelry maker blogs for almost a year now. XD It makes me feel great to support small business people. :) Earrings and necklaces are definitely my vice. Nail polish is also something I can’t keep myself from buying.

  199. Oooo… I remember the “not exactly for kids candies” from growing up too. Hehe! Thanks for the new baking site to browse+buy from! Lately I can’t stop buying fabric and cake supply stuff. I’m addicted!

  200. I love to buy books, new socks and Carters baby clothes :)

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