


Earlier this year I posted a cute candy button display that my friend Julie made following a tutorial on a website called Bake it Pretty. And even though I had heard of and seen their site, I had not really looked around it all that much… until recently.

**Warning… enter their site at your own risk or else you might just leave it with a whole bunch of stuff you didn’t know you had to have…


… like these superty-duperty cute baking cups.

They sell lots of fun designs you probably won’t find in your local craft or grocery store…


… unless you can read this.


or know where to find these.


If you visit them, you might be tempted by shiny things.


Or these. I was forced to buy them in several colors…


… and sizes.

The website made me do it. I promise. I mean if I just bought one color, which one?

Red? Of course, but what about black? How often do you come across black gingham print baking cups? Or orange? Or blue?

You know… I didn’t even need any more baking cups. Like for the next couple of years … I’m good.


But, then there’s these. I mean how cute can you get?

It’s funny – right before I found them I was wanting to make some popcorn bucket cupcakes, but figured I would have to make my own wrappers because I knew I would never find any with stripes. So instead I made these flat brownie popcorn bags. Then, right after making them, voila – perfect little cups.

And now, I can’t bring myself to even bake in them. They’re so cute I don’t want to be without them. I just want to look at them. Is that weird?

Don’t answer that.


And the cute little poem doesn’t hurt either.


More baking cups. These, like the striped ones stand up on their own. You can place them right on a baking sheet and go.

However, I haven’t used these yet either. I have a problem.


I worked my way through all the sections of the site and couldn’t leave without having these tapes and twine in my life.


And look at these cute little twist ties in pink, purple and tiny hearts.


But they don’t hold a candle to these…


Dying over here. Plus, they’re kinda perfect for packaging cake pops.


You can even make your drinks look cute. Love these straws.

If you want to see them in action, check out how good they look with Tartelette’s ice cream sandwiches. Not that her pictures aren’t already perfection.


And look, a button mold.

I had to have one of these, too. You know – just in case I ever want to make my own candy button display like this one.


P.S. – I may or may not have also purchased these not exactly kid friendly candies. But, if I did – the website made me do that, too.

Want to pick out your own stuff?

Want me to foot the bill?

Okay, you talked me into it.

Enter to win a $50 gift voucher to

  • Leave your comment on this post.
  • Just tell me what stuff you can’t stop yourself from buying. Anything. I’m curious.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 27 at 5 pm ET. TIME’S UP. Winner announced below.
  • Three (3) winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

And the winners are…


YAY guys! Have fun shopping. And thanks everyone for sharing your shopping compulsions. I’m in good company.

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7,488 comments on “Stuffs”

  1. I cant stop buying pans and tips! BUT, not just any pan, I love small pans, they are just so cute! But after visiting…well lets just say I may be drawn to alot more than I can afford :)

  2. OMG! Cuteness overload!!!

  3. I love all the cute cupcake cups. They make me want to go home and bake something to go in them.

    The thing I can’t stop myself from buying Cute Scrapbook items especially ones on sale. I don’t even scrapbook that often but I can’t help myself. I just tell myself that I will use it one day.

  4. I can’t stop myself from buying anything tropical. I live in the snowbelt of northeastern Ohio where we get over 100 inches of snow each winter and I’m hooked on anything that looks like sunshine and warmth and crystal clear waters.

  5. Cupcake accessories! Super cute wrappers, boxes, glitter dust…all for my little girls 1st birthday party! Cupcake themed, of course!

  6. I can’t stop myself from buying espressos!

  7. Im always lurking around three of my favorite blogs to find the newest and latest baking and cooking ideas so I can go on an adventure to find and buy all the great things I need to accomplish my goal. But my weakness in buying is kitchen gadgets. Occasionally I just resort to surfing the net , to do some wishful window shopping. LOL

  8. Usually I can’t stop myself from buying white tank tops & t-shirts. I wear them a lot.

    Oh my… I think I am in trouble with this new website!
    Thank you!

  9. This website is amazing! I can’t stop buying cookie cutters and sprinkles. My mom has even joined in on the buying fun, so my collection is really getting out of control!

  10. I LOVE this site! I would love a shopping spree too!

  11. I have two things I can’t stop from buying… Papercrafting supplies and anything cupcake for my daughter!

  12. Love all the cups to make gorgeous little cupcakes. I can’t stop from buying tea to go with all the delicious baked goodies!

  13. Wowie . . . You always find the cutest stuf!! You already got me addicted to cake pops – which my fellow teachers just love – we tried to have a cake pop class – but everyone’s schedule didn’t work out . . . I am gaga over all the neat things I could do with your freebie– thanks for all you do.

  14. I love the striped baking cups and the gingham. I also, totally understand the idea of not wanting to use them and just look at them!

  15. How cute! I have fallen for cupcakes in the past year. They don’t have to be edible either! My uncontrollable spending is on quilting stuff, fabric, scrapbooking and all things related too and last but not least clothes!

  16. Bags! I can’t stop buying them! :)

  17. Im addicted to homemade salted butter caramels. man, they have a hold on me and wont let go. *sigh

  18. I cant stop buyng stuff related to making cupcakes !! Im on a cupcake frenzy..but I think my family doesnt mind !! lol

  19. I can’t stop buying anything marshmallow related…I’m from Canada and go to the States to buy all different flavors of marshmallows! We only get plain and fruit in Canada!

  20. I would definitely have a hard time not spending all my money on the the sugar assortment! I love all the different colors! Love this website!

  21. My problem is the dollar section at target. I cannot seem to stop from buying little toys and books for my two boys. Even if I know it is going to break before we make it home, its ONLY a dollar. :)

  22. I am a complete Cupcake Addict and can’t stop myself from buying anything remotely related to a Cupcake!! Cupcake Liners, Cupcake ‘cookie’ Jars, Cupcake Stamps and Stickers, Cupcake Clothes for my unborn daughter, etc. It’s getting a little out of hand… ;)

  23. Yarn, I can’t stop buying yarn, that and cooking magazines. Oh knitting magazines too!

  24. I LOVE Bake it Pretty! My drawers are already overflowing with cupcake wrappers… I just can’t help myself. :)

  25. I love the popcorn cupcake liners and the I love chocolate ties. Love them!!!

  26. Lip balms–I have a bunch of them! Thanks for sharing.

  27. I’m a sucker for sprinkles, and cute cupcake liners. So pretty.

  28. I can’t stop buying red Kitchen Aid kitchen utensils whenever I find them. I LOVE them!

  29. oh my gah! Bake it Pretty is my crack. I am constantly shopping on there! I can’t stop buying kitchen things… Measuring cups in ridic shapes, every green colored kitchen item I can find, silly spatulas, fun shaped cupcake pans, you name it, if its for the kitchen, I’ll buy it :)

  30. I can not stop from buying cake decorating supplies. Or books.

  31. Right now I can’t stop buying fabric…and chocolate chips. I really need to start making more cookies at home. And after organizing my chocolate stash yesterday I realize I have an overabundance of dark chocolate candy melts. I have no idea what I’ll do with 5 bags (I’m a 1-person household…)

  32. OMG the straws. I have to have those straws! My boyfriend and I have been making healthy milkshakes lately (bananas + chocolate almond milk = delicious!) and those straws would make it even more fun!

  33. I can’t stop buying kitchen gadgets and candy/cake decorating supplies. It’s all your fault, btw! I just HAVE to try every recipe and have all my treats come out as pretty as yours. ;) I also can’t stop buying confectioners sugar and ghirardelli chocolate chips everytime I go to the grocery store…just in case, right?!

  34. I would love to have the animal print cupcake liners……some christmas cookie cutters…….or how about just 1 of everything from the site? everything is so cute!

  35. cupcakes 101 how fun!!!! cupcake frosting kit…..i could just keep going on

  36. I could spend the 50! I love the cupcake liners and cookie cutters. Unique looking!

  37. I can’t stop buying candy! And then eating it, even though i buy it to bake with!!!

  38. Cookbooks (bought one for sweet potato recipes this weekend), shoes (bought 3 pairs last week), and baking pans.

    Also, I LOVE Bake It Pretty! Thanks for putting it in the spotlight!

  39. i love scrapbook embellishments – so much that I have to create projects around what i buy instead of the other way around.

    i’m always at a loss for pretty cupcake liners and treat packaging – this site is awesome.

  40. I can’t stop myself from buying childrens books for my son, I used to work in a library and I just can’t help it, they’re so inexpensive. In fact, his first birthday party was based on the book “Hungry Little Caterpillar” and I of course went to Bake It Pretty and purchased the kit of fruit shaped cookie cutters and made fruit-shaped cookies to look like those in the book.

  41. That is SO funny, I JUST discovered this website when my best friend was up for a few days. We were just surfing the web and came across this website. We both about died of a cute attack! Thanks for the opportunity to win a gift certificate!!! Ok, something I can’t stop buying? Let’s see……well, stickers. Especially Hello Kitty and The Simpsons stickers. I know, I have an illness………LOL!

  42. I have a thing for candy molds. I have tons of them. I bought some for Easter, but time got away from me this year and I wasn’t able to use them. I also like all cute cupcake liners.

  43. Is there a 12 step program for scrapbook paper I see it I have to have it all colors textures some are so pretty that I can’t use them

  44. I cant stop buying craft supplies!

  45. Wow- Those are SOOO cute!

    My weakness is super cute hair clippies for my girls, with “bling”. I just can’t stop. :)

  46. It would have to be the cupcake liners, I have a weakness for those.

  47. Oh wow! Love all the crazy fun cupcake papers, the tapes and especially the popcorn cups! Would love a little shopping spree!!

  48. I can’t stop buying clothes at Ann Taylor Loft. It’s ridiculous!

  49. I absolutely cannot keep myself from buying sprinkles. Anytime I pass be a cute little display of sprinkles, I just have to have them. I want every kind of sprinkle ever made!

    They’re just so freaking adorable!

  50. I can’t really stop myself from buying chocolate. I always have to have some in the house. For eating. I’m probably addicted.

  51. Despite having far too many to begin with, and perhaps being a little “old” for them, I can’t stop myself from buying Lip Smackers, especially when a new flavor comes out!

  52. I have enough yarn and fabric to outfit my entire family for many years to come. That, and elbow noodles. Don’t know why but for some reason I have *five* boxes!
    I’ve been wanting to order goodies from Bake it Pretty ever since I saw the candy button display, but life gets in the way. grr ;)

  53. AHHHHHH! I saw these adorable button molds awhile back but they were out of stock – now here they are again! And the twine! And the popcorn cuppies! Oh Lord, stop me before I buy again!

  54. Wow – I don’t dare pass this along to my daughter. She’s a college student obsessed with baking cupcakes, her whole paycheck would go here and then I’d have to foot her college expenses. Thanks for sharing – I know where I’ll be shopping for special occasions. My shopping weakness is paper crafts!

  55. How adorable!!!! =) I’m addicted to buying kitchen gadgets. Little ones that really only serve one person or two. Sad, I know. My favorite is a tiny, mini-sized cookie spatula. I use it all the time!

  56. I can’t help stop buying books! Mostly I buy cheesy romance novels and cookbooks!

  57. Cupcake liners…in EVERY style!! and the straws!! too cute!!

  58. Ok, so this is all too adorable! I want some!!! I think my weakness is cute things…cute packaging, molds, colors, etc, etc, etc. I just have to have cute things!

  59. Good morning! This is absolutely cute!

  60. I love all the adorable cupcake liners!!

  61. Addicted to stickers, muffin papers (thank goodness for silicone cups – I am now mostly cured), and yarn. Wow, that felt good to admit ;)

  62. I love all the baking goodies…so much fun and so many pretty colors..I cannot stop myself from buying buttons and ribbon…I am an addict but I just cannot help myself. I see these pretty colors, designs and I just have to have it!!!

  63. Cookbooks and cooking magazines.

  64. Oh My!!! This website had me with visions of a carnival/circus party for one of my kids!

    I have an addiction to cookbooks! There are just so many of them with such yummy stuff! The pictures just sucker me in! I think I’m driving my husband nuts with all the cookbooks!

  65. Oh how I love those baking cups. How do you choose which colors to get. I would just have to try if I win!

  66. YAY! You Completely helped me with some things i was looking at! I Love these cupcake papers! I am making some cake balls for a wedding (but they are a little smaller than a baseball so they are individual portions) and I wanted to put them each in a little pretty paper! These are perfect!

  67. I can’t stop myself from buying cupcake papers, so bake it pretty is going to be a temptation difficult to resist! And fabric…I can’t resist pretty fabric either.

  68. I LOVE BakeItPretty! I’ve ordered from them a few times and everything is so cute and wonderful!!

  69. OOPS! I can’t stop myself from buying animal crackers! if i see them, i buy them! thanks for the opportunity :)

  70. I can’t stop from buying gourmet food. Never fails that we when we go on a shopping spree if there some sort of speciality food store I have to go in and buy something just to try it out.

  71. I can’t stop myself from buying new varieties of food products (especially desserts). It was all I could do to wait for Ben and Jerry’s to go on sale before trying two new flavors!

  72. humm!!
    i looove to buy cookbooks!!! :) and my wishlist at amazon always get new books!!!! :) i can’t stop! :)

  73. Hair products or MAC makeup

  74. These items are ADORABLE!

  75. cook books!!!….i keep buying them!

  76. Oh my goodness, how have I not discovered this site before. I love the little suitcases and snackboxes…adorable!

  77. I love buying sprinkles! And with a 4 year old in the house, we go through them fast!

  78. Everything is sooooo cute! Must have one of each : ) And a little chocolate never hurt anyone, right?!?

  79. I’m addicted to buying earrings; especially the unique hand-crafted ones from etsy…

  80. Be still my heart. I love it all. But with a limited budget I would HAVE to have the tapes and twine, I love chocolate twist ties and the button mold. I’m in love:) Thanks for sharing. My 30th birthday is next month and I just found new things to add to my wish list;)

  81. wow…edible DISCO DUST!!! Definitely on my must buy list. I also like their kits & samples to get me up to speed!

    Can’t wait to see what YOU make with their items!

  82. What do you use the tapes for? Did you see the gnome cookie cutter? Hilarious!

    I can’t resist buying stuff on sale. It doesn’t really matter what it is as long as I feel I’m getting a great deal on it.

  83. Sine I just started baking it’s hard to go into a baking store and not buy something!!

  84. LOVE the popcorn cupcake liners! The liners are so festive!!!

  85. Anything, anything at all with cupcakes on it! Love it! Gotta have it!! :)

    Thanks for sharing this adorable site!

  86. I can’t stop buying chocolate- but I’m going to have to blame this one on the pregnancy…
    Thanks for the give a away!

  87. I love the bakeitpretty site too. It’s hard not to buy out the whole store. I love to bake, but my biggest addiction is Srapbooking. All those small things add up. My biggest investment was an electronic die cut machine (Cricut). Now they are creating a machine that combines both of my passions – a die cut machine for cakes!

  88. I am dying over these little cupcake papers!!

  89. OH MY!!!! There is so much to choose from. Good thing it’s a $50.00 prize. I want one of everything!!

  90. I loved the cupcake holders…I dont know if I would want to use them they are just too cute…Me, I have an addiction to buying scrapbooking stuff…but after looking at all these adorable cupcake papers, I might have a new addiction :)

  91. I can’t stop buying cake sparkles and pearl dust! I must have everyyyyyyy color! You never know right?

  92. Cookbooks!!!! We have moved several times and my husband is always commenting about my 4 huge boxes full of cookbooks! But he never complains about his dinners! Love those cupcake wrappers and twine!!!! So cute:)

  93. I love books on decorating cookies or cupcakes. Those candy cigarettes take me back to the days when I visited my grandma and grandpa in Anselmo, NE. Gotta love the good ol’ days.

  94. All of these things are so ridiculously cute! I wish I had a birthday or some special occasion coming up so I could justify buying some. But I probably will regardless ha.
    Otherwise, I seem to be addicted to buying strange food/ingredients. Grocery shopping in general seems to be one of my favorite pastimes.

  95. The popcorn bag baking cups are the cutest baking-related item I’ve ever seen in my life! This and every site you turn us onto are dangerous but I love it! Thanks Bakerella :)

  96. paintbrushes

  97. This is beyond adorable. I have the same problem with books. (only they never seem to be pink or sparkly…)

  98. Hi Bakerella! I have loved that site ever since I found out about it from your website! We are renewing our vows next summer, and it will be a carnival themed affair, and I was just looking at those popcorn style cupcake papers yesterday because I want to bake my own cupcakes for the reception. LOVE!

  99. baking supplies. Usually different kinds of chips! I’ve refrained from the cutie cupcake liners thus far, but my resistance is weakening.

  100. Clothes for my girls! The baking supplies are calling to me though….. :)

  101. I don’t think I’d be able to hold back at a site like this!

    I’ve been planting my vegetable garden, so lately it’s been hard to resist purchases related to that. But I’m really excited about the shiitake mushroom log I just bought!

  102. Just let me say…I…totally…get…this! I am this way with fabric and craft supplies, or i was before my hubby staged an intervention. But now, looking at this website, I’m thinking about baking supplies…Ooooooh…this is not good!!!!!

  103. I can’t stop myself from buying things for my 3 kids!!!! Clothes, shoes, books, jewelry for my girls, cowboy boots for my son!!! I love to see their faces when momma has brought them something home!

  104. I can’t stop myself from buying fabric. Even though I have four 18 gallon totes of it in my basement, it never seems to have the exact right thing I need in it. So I am always headed out to buy more, and always buying cute stuff that I have no idea what to do with it, because you never know if you’ll see it again.

  105. I can’t stop buying stuff for my pug!! Not clothes and stuff, but toys and different cute treats (like he would care if his toy is shaped like a Blackberry or his trwats looklike cupcakes….)

    Anyways, thought i would translate the recipe on the back of the cupcakeliner-box for you guys:

    approx 15

    Whisk together 100 grams of softened butter with 2 deciliters of white sugar. Add 2 eggs while you’re still whisking. Stir in 1 1/2 dl of creme fraiche (i dont know if you use it in the states, but its kind of like sourcream, but with a milder flavour) and 3 1/2 dl of all purpose flour mixed with 1 tablespoon (i think european tablespoons are a lot smaller than american) cardamom and 2 teaspoons bakingsoda.
    Rinse out the center of 2 plums and cut in pieces. Stir in the diced plums into the batter and divide evenly into the bakingforms, sprinkle some pearl sugar. Bake in oven heated to 225 celcius for 12 minutes.

    (according to Google 1 cup = 2,84 dl)

    Happy baking!

  106. I must admit my purchases change all the time. One week I buy all the fun sprinkles I can find, the next week it can be shoes, dog toys, or even magazines. I guess it depends on my mood and what kind of retail therapy I am in the mood for.

  107. Wow! What a great website! Thanks for sharing it… I think… I see myself spending alot of money there in the future! I love the cupcake supplies! I’m always looking for cute baking cups and these are the cutest around!

    As for things I can’t stop myself from buying.. lately it’s all to do with cake decorating. I decided to try using fondant for the first time and spent a fortune at the Wilton aisle at Michael’s! I convince myself I “need” it. Now I need a bigger kitchen!! :)

  108. Cookbooks and cake pans are my weak spot.

    And sprinkles! I can’t resist different kinds of sprinkles! If I see a type I don’t have, I can’t resiost adding it to my cupboard.

  109. I love the cupcake sleeves…way cute!

  110. I absolutely cannot stop myself from buying dessert plates. I must have 300 of them. I only buy them in quantities of 4, but its a terrible/wonderful addiction! That cupcake stuff is just out of this world! Thanks for the post.

  111. OMG MISS BAKERELLA! There isn’t one thing I could say no too !!!!!!!!! You are too good for finding these things or this site! I would love to win the voucher but, should I not be the one, I will have to go there on my own and am afraid I may spend my rent there!!!!!!!!! thanks for this blog, LOVE IT! Love you!

  112. I just can’t stop myself from buying cooking gadgets of every kind. I have some of the most useless junk ever in my cupboards, but they looked so interesting at the time. Most of it will eventually end up in a yard sale somewhere, but until then if I ever need to poach an egg in the microwave or measure out pasta I’ve got just the right tools for the job!

  113. Oh dear. Plain and simple. Oh dear.

    I’m in deep you-know-what; after seeing the designer mini baking cups. Those little ditties are what I use to package my truffles.

    I gots to have ’em! And probably most of ’em.

  114. I’m digging the cupcake liners. So fabulous. Hilliary Paisley is my fav thus far.

  115. Whenever I see a specialty candy or chocolate store I havent been to – I ALWAYS buy something.

  116. I agree with you about the black gingham cups… Perfect for a summer cupcake picnic!

  117. I can’t stop myself from buying cute t-shirts.

  118. E-books for my kindle! It’s such an addiction and I’m saving trees!!

  119. These cupcake liners are so adorable!!! They make me want to start making cupcakes right now!

    There are so many things that I cannot control myself from buying…. Craft wise I would day any adorable scrapbook paper, stickers, cute ribbons, candy/treat bags and cupcake liners always get me too. I have a huge shopping addiction in general so going to a mall I’m bound to walk out with at least SOMETHING I can’t live without!

  120. The cupcake wrappers, I could purchase the whole lot. Anything beautiful, I have no shame ;)

  121. Roosters… the theme in my house is French Country Roosters.

    The funny thing is… I live in the city. I love to buy Rooster plates, cooking utensils, hot pads, any thing that red and yellow with roosters and esp. if I can decorate and bake with both!

    I wonder if the lovely site has rooster baking cups….
    Hmmm. I am going tohave to find out.

  122. I can’t pass up a cute cupcake liner. Or books. If I ever find a book-themed cupcake liner, I’m in trouble!

  123. Oh. My. Goodness. I want all the designer liners.! And the straws. I remeber these from my childhood. My latest shopping addiction is kitchen items. Just bought a great flexible spatula , an eight inch square baking pan . and a small measuring cup that measures in teaspoons! Love it all!!

  124. I’ve always said I have a bit of a disease when it comes to purchasing shoes. Go figure. But I love them and when I see a cute pair, especially on sale!, I just have to buy them.
    And then there’s office supplies..I went through a phase where I bought new pens on a daily basis. Luckily now I get to order the office supplies at my job so it satiates my desire and I get a paycheck for doing it :-)

  125. for me it’s cook books, I just cant’ stop buying them and they’re taking over the house AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  126. I can’t stop buying cupcake liners!! I think I could really do some damage at Bake it Pretty! :)

  127. Food court Chinese food – every time.

  128. I cant stop buying flipflops. I live in Houston and thats all anybody wears. i try other sandals, but I always go back to the good ol’ flipyflopy!! Brown,silver,gold,pink,orange…you name it, I probebly have it!! I would die over this baking stuff! I llove it!!

  129. Darn you, Bakerella!! All that stuff is so flippin’ cute and NOW all I will be dreaming about are turquoise and gold cupcake liners.

    Let’s see — what I can’t stop myself from buying is definitely any kind of kitchen utensil. I get misty-eyed over microplanes and chef’s knives and offset spatulas.

  130. I’m a little stuck on trying to pick just ONE thing……….lol. Yogurts in all flavors, flavored coffee creamers, Harley logo items (clothes, hats, coffee cups, etc….)

    And lastly – pretty much anything in the clearance section of whatever store I happen to be in :) Thx for the chance!

  131. I love the cupcake liners….they are so cute! I’m also a sucker for any kind of cookbook.

  132. I can’t stop buying cake decorating stuff. I always say, I might need it eventually. I love this site and it would be great to buy some goodies.

  133. I can’t stop myself from buying cooking magazines! I see them and they speak to me from the rack. With their pretty pictures and promises of gourmet taste!!

  134. I cannot resist anything in miniature form. One of my most exciting purchases was a 3 inch tall glass ketchup bottle. So unnecessary, but so cute!

  135. Wow these are amazing I would love to get my hands on some of them..thanks

  136. I can’t stop buying cute cake stands in all sorts of colors and cake decorating stuff.

  137. I’m going! I NEED cupcake liners. Really! I do!

  138. i cant stop going to whole foods and getting bread lately! who knows

  139. Wow, All that you pictured is super adorable. I can’t stop myself from buying vintage pyrex and fireking baking dishes, lol.

  140. So I just recently discovered Bake It Pretty too. I bought a GREAT baking tip and those red and white straws for a party I am planning. Their stuff is AMAZING and I could certainly spend $50 .. and more!

  141. This is exciting! There are so-o-o many pretty things to choose from! We love tea parties at our house, so I adore tea sets! Fancy English, simple, Asian, etc. We bought some in China and ebay has been my friend since:).

  142. tomatoes… we’re pretty frugal and stick closely to a budget, but tomatoes just make so many dishes good and I pick up a bag every time I go to the grocery store.

  143. wow! did you see the mini suitcases? love them! and the berry baskets? too cute! I guess I love packaging!

  144. I am addicted to shopping in this little cake decorating store. Just being in there frees my imagination and makes me want to give it all up and bake, bake, bake all day long. I also love to buy wine!

  145. I can’t stop buying books. I tried the library for a while, but it just didn’t give me the same feeling as holding a book that I know is mine. silly. :)

  146. I love their stuff. I have Purchased from them before and thy are great!!!!

  147. I can’t stop myself from buying quilt books and fabric. If only I could make the quilts as fast as I come up with ideas for them.

    I absolutely love all those cute cupcake liners. I really like the paperboard loaf and mini-loaf pans. I think those would be so great for gift giving.

  148. In the cake world, I can’t stop buying sprinkles. I hate using them because then I won’t have them. (I know, I am going to end up on “Cake Decorating Hoarders” or something like that….) Otherwise, I can’t stop buying refried beans or bacon. My husband has put me on a refried beans and bacon moritorium. I don’t even know if that’s spelled right…but I am on one.

  149. I too have succumbed to the cuteness that is Bake it Pretty. And I have struggled with making the candy buttons. My real weakness, however, is fabric. I…Can’t…STOP!

  150. Those popcorn buckets are adorable! I spent over an hour in the craft store the other day looking for the perfect cupcake cups for my daughters 1st birthday party, and now my sister wants me to make strawberry cake pops for the party as well. So of course had to buy some new chocolate and wrappers, too! Can never have enough sprinkles, I’ve got tons and always want more!

  151. Oh.My.Gosh. CRAP! WHAT DID YOU DO?! haha. Now, I have one more site to be on for hours :P

    Enter me!!

    So far I need:
    -Cupcake Bandaids (for my daughters, I promise!)
    -Stripes & Dots set of 3 suitcases
    -Garden Party mini cupcake stand
    -Vintage Paisley doilies
    -Princess party cupcake kit
    -Dinosaur party cupcake kit
    -Tweet Tweet party cupcake kit
    -Teacupcakes mold
    and the list could go onnnn and onnnn

  152. Money has been really tight lately, so there is nothing that I have been able to buy without abandon, but most recently saw a pair of shoes (on sale of course) online that I had to get right then, in case they sold out and I couldn’t find them later! This is SUCH a cute shop btw, I have been totally into making Martha Stewart’s cupcakes lately, so I am sure I could find a couple or 100 things to go along with those :)

  153. Striped straws, peacock cupcake liners, bakers twine. Where do you begin and where do you stop!!!!

  154. Please, please, please random number generator, PICK ME! I”m making cupcakes for my daughters end of the year party )100+) and could really use this free money! Love all this stuff!

  155. Anything baking related. I love trying new things. If its new. i buy it. I can’t help it, it’s beyond my control. :)

  156. Cadbury mini-eggs, semi-precious beads off etsy, and books!

  157. Cook books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have several that were my mom’s and my grandmothers. My goal is to cook something from each one.

    Scrapbook paper is also an addiction…..

  158. i’m addicted to baking cups & sprinkles! anything bunny will definitely spur a purchase out of me.

  159. Pastry books! Can’t help it! I just love to try new things and compare recipes

  160. Cupcake liners get me every time!

  161. I love everything!!! Can’t wait to get my stuff that I ordered.

  162. Oh my! I NEED those popcorn buckets!

  163. So many great items. Adorable. I love the straws.

  164. i cannot go into a baking supply store without coming out with at least box….i love boxes…cupcake boxes…chocolate boxes…all sorts of colors and shapes and sizes…

  165. I think I would need a lot more than $50 at this store – everything is so adorable!! I can’t stop myself from buying anything related to the kitchen…like that tomato corer, I will probably never use it but it is so cute and I might need it some day…

  166. I can’t stay away from fabric fat quarters in the fabric store. And no, I don’t quilt. :-)

  167. The liners and ties are sooo colorful!!

    COOKIE CUTTERS! I don’t think I’ll ever have enough!!

  168. This is all so fun!!!

    lip gloss is the one thing I can’t stop buying haha! So many flavors!

  169. I can’t stop buying cake decorating supplies, little boxes and wrappers for my finished products!

  170. I simply love the 2 pack of black/white cookies from starbucks.

  171. Peanut butter M&M’s. Target always has them at the check out. Yikes!

  172. I love nail polish and yarn, I always end up buying more when I have enough already. I guess I love pretty colors!

  173. I love, love, LOVE kitchen gadgets! Of course most of the gadgets will only be used once or twice, but that’s okay, they are fun to have “just in case”! =)

  174. I had to have the button mold too. And the vintage red dot cups, and the bright cups, etc. I want to do a berry sweet birthday party for my daughters 2nd birthday, so all of the stawberry items are on my list now. I really NEED those straws too.

  175. where to start … hmmm, I certainly cannot stop myself from buying anything that has to do with cake decorating (see website :) and I cannot help myself when I see anything (and I mean anything!) red/white at the moment. I’m doing my 40th party in June and it is a red/white theme and having now seen these cupcake wrappers in red/white – oh and the straws … oh and the twine and I’m sure there’ll be tons more … I’m going crazy – but happy crazy – thank you for showing me all of this lovely “stuff” – I’m a happy girl today :)

  176. I’m a sucker for sprinkles and decorations.. if i could have my way I would require a whole storage bin for such.. different types of chocolate chips are included in that. But I have to say I have a couple types of liners too.. now to have the TIME and money to do things with them all!

  177. Makeup. I could spend all day in Sephora and when I return home and my husband sees my purchase he says “Don’t you already have brown eye shadow?” And I will say “But this is a diffrent shade and sparkly.” At some point eyes are rolled. Some days they are mine, some day they are his. :)

  178. i’m a scrapbooker, so anything i can put on a page is fair game – i buy playing cards like they are going out of style. shaped cards, giant cards, teeny cards – can’t help myself!!

  179. Cookbooks! The less practical it is, the more I want it!

  180. Oh Why Oh why did I have to go look……I can’t stop buying things that inspire me to make or bake for the kids, cupckae book, pretty fabric, ribbon, sprinkles you name I have done it.

  181. gosh, how cute! Hmmmm…..go grocery shopping or look at cute little baking cups and such…….

  182. lately i cannot stop myself from buying M&Ms. I am addicted for some odd reason – I think it gives me an excuse to stroll down the baking aisle which just makes me smile. =]

  183. Notebooks, I work at an adorable stationary store and just can’t help myself whenever new stock comes in!!

  184. WOW, I’ve never seen such a collection of adorableness! I can’t stop myself from buying books. I’d love to be a library patron, but…

  185. Oh I so need all of that retro stuff for a shower I am hosting!

  186. Trail mix. iSn’t that a strange one? Trader Joes trail mix has me hooked.

  187. see this is why bake it pretty remains in my “only break in case of emergency” favoirte folder. I think i might just declare an emergency lol. Those baking cups are adorable!!. I love anything baking related seriously, the smallest thing can put a daft grin on my face. love love love books books and more books, all the gadgets/accesories…i am reaching the point of finally admitting i might have a baking problem. I am currently planning my daughter’s circus themed birthday party, and those popcorn cups are going to keep me awake, until i get them. thank you for enabling me :-). Please send search party if no one hears from me.

  188. Bake it Pretty’s stuff is so adorable! I buy anything kitchen or baking related– cookbooks, cupcake boxes, decorating books, cookie cutters, appliances, sprinkles, anything. I have to stay away from the baking/cookware section of stores because I always want to buy everything!

  189. I can’t stop buying apps for my ipod touch!! But I love to bake too! Thanks Bakerella!

  190. Hey there!!!

    OK so usually I can’t stop myself from buying jeans! And sprinkles!!!

    Can’t wait for your book to come out!


  191. I always buy lotto scratch tickets, especially the crossword and bingo. Whenever I have loose change in my wallet I just have to buy one or two or ten…! Love it!

  192. I love this kind of stuff! Thanks so much for sharing this website. Can’t wait to go shopping.

  193. I have a serious shoe problem. I just bought two more pairs over the weekend – hot pink and bright yellow open-toed pumps. But it’s too chilly to wear them today. :-(

  194. Candy! and Shoes! My two weaknesses :)

  195. i have a serious problem with bed sheets…if i see a cute pattern, i have to have it! also anything cupcake related…

  196. I love the stuff from Bake It Pretty. I can’t stop buying the stuff to make cutey hair clippies!!

  197. Cooks Illustrated magazine and these super cute paring knives from Kuhn Rohn that come in fun colors.. I love ’em!

  198. I can’t stop buying cake decorating supplies. There are a bunch that I haven’t even used yet, but yet I have to have all the new gadgets especially after I see it being used and see what it can do.

  199. That site could be dangerous.Everything is sooo cute!

  200. I can’t stop myself from buying cooking or baking magazines. I love to try different recipes and have my friends and family try them out,I have had a few hits and misses.

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