
Sweet Talk Cookie Signs

Sugar Cookie Signs

I bought a little lightbox sign the other day that inspired these sweet message board cookies.

A photo posted by @bakerella on

Look how cute. And I’ve been playing around with different sayings to put on display in the kitchen so I thought it would be fun to say things with sugar, too.

Cookie Cutting

I used this awesome sugar cookie recipe and two rectangular cookie cutters to make the signs.

The big cutter is 2 X 3 inches and the little one is 1 x 1.5 inches.

Sugar Cookies

Once the cookies are baked and cooled, roll out vanilla fondant and you can use the same cutters to cover the cookie tops.

When rolling out fondant, keep your roller and work surface lightly coated in powdered sugar or corn starch so the fondant can be easily lifted and transferred.

Spread a thin layer of frosting on your cookies and then position the fondant in place. Gently press down and smooth out without making indentions in the fondant.

Making Cookie Signs

To make the signs, I used a mini spatula to press indentions into the fondant to create a border. The width of the spatula was also perfect for the middle horizontal lines, but you can also use any straight edge that works for you.

BTW, this mini spatula is one of my all-time favorite things in the kitchen. It’s from Pampered Chef if you want to track one down.

Cookie Sign Boards

I also tinted some fondant light pink for even cuter signs.

Cookie Writing

Let the fondant dry out a little and then use a black edible ink pen to write something sweet … or sassy. If you write right away, the pen may make indentions in the fondant.

Cookie Signs

When done writing your words, use the same edible ink pen to fill in the borders. Indenting with the spatula helps to make sure you stay in the lines.

But wait, don’t you think these signs should totally stand up?

Treat Yo Self Cookie Signs

I think so, too.

Cookie Triangles

Here, I used a small teardrop cutter to make triangle shapes by cutting off the rounded ends.

Cookie Sign Assembly

Then I attached the triangles to the cookie backs with melted peanut butter candy coating. You can use other colors, but the peanut butter wafers blended in with the cookie color nicely.

The sugar cookie recipe will make 24 cookies or 12 standing signs.


These are so cute… you’ll want to eat your words.


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26 comments on “Sweet Talk Cookie Signs”

  1. So cute! This is sweet art! I would try to do it,

  2. Oh my goodness these are cute!

  3. yum yum I like your recipe and i will soon try this. thanks for sharing :)

  4. This would be a fantastic idea for a baby or bridal shower! Super creative because you can write whatever you want and tailor them to the occasion. It’s one thing for cookies to taste good, but these look great too!

  5. Amazing creativity. I will definitely try this at home. Be creative and keep sharing new things here. People needs to learn lots of creativity from you dear. I like special creativity which stand your cookies.

  6. These are absolutely amazing!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! That’s some talent – we can’t believe you even found a creative way to make them stand. Sending you a dm!!

  7. These are absolutely amazing!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! That’s some talent – we can’t believe you even found a creative way to make them stand. Sending you a dm!

  8. OMG, I love that you made them stand on their own! How clever.

  9. Awww so adorable
    What an ingenious idea

  10. Awwww these are adorable.
    What an ingenious idea

  11. Hi Saadiya – there’s a link in the beginning of the post. It’s made by My Cinema Lightbox.

  12. These are so cute! I can’t believe how they stand on their own!

  13. I have that mini spatula and use it ALL THE TIME. Love it!

  14. Adorable! Thank you for continuing to share such fun baking ideas! Your desserts and photography never fail to bring a smile to my face!

  15. Just wondering were did you get the sign,I need it in my life! :)

  16. Oh my gosh! ADORABLE!

  17. These cookies are so much fun. I have one of those spatulas from Pampered Chef and love it too. Now I have another great use for it. If only my handwriting were as neat as yours!

  18. You always amaze me with your creativity and once again you’ve AMAZED me! These cookies are so clever, thank you for sharing!

  19. I like everything you make, but I love this!

  20. Love it

  21. You’re a baking genius

  22. Wow — they look just like the sign. Incredible!!!

  23. D’aww so cute for a movie themed party :D

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