
The last five signings and some gift sets, too.

The last five book and kit signings were such a blast. When I started the book tour the end of last year I had no idea how much fun they would be and how much I would miss meeting you guys when they were all over. Thank you so much to everyone that came out to one of the 20+ signings. Along the way I have tried to get pictures of everyone that came by to say hi and also recap each city on the site. This time I combined the last several cities in one big giant post.

San Francisco, Orlando, Phoenix, San Diego and Austin.

There are a few photos from each city below as well as slideshows of all the photos from each. Feel free to use any of the pics from flickr if you find one of yourself.


It was so great starting off the signings at Chronicle Books Headquarters in San Francisco. Say hi to Emily. She designed the kit and the notecards box sets. So so cute.


There’s nothing like watching the excitement on little ones faces when they look through the book. It’s still such a gift for me to see.


There were lots of fun and friendly faces in San Francisco.


Like sweet Melissa of Best Friends for Frosting. She did a little interview with me while she was there.

Here’s the San Francisco Slideshow…



The Barnes and Noble in Orlando brought more friendly faces.


Like my friend Robyn from Add a Pinch. She lives out of state, but made time during her family Disney vacation to stop by. She really is the super sweetest.


And here’s Julie from The Little Kitchen. So glad to see your smiling face!


I just want to take a minute to thank everyone at all the signings over the last year or so that brought such sweet gifts to share.


You guys made me feel so special through your many talents and your kind words. I can think of several right now that even brought tears. Sweet happy tears.

Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my happy heart.

Here’s the Orlando Slideshow…



The Phoenix Barnes and Noble was a lot of fun, too.


These girls were a blast. They were a great group of bloggers that all came to the event together.


Cute suede shoes. Guess which ones are mine.


I met Amy of Amy Miller Designs. She makes faux cupcake ornaments and shipped some special cake pop ornaments for me a while ago. And look at these Muppets she brought to the signing. They are faux Muppet Cake Pops. And they are fantastic! I need to take a better pic and share it on Twitter.


This is Jennifer. Check out her site if you make lots and lots of cake pops at a time. She has a cake ball roller that could help you out.


It’s Phoenix. We had to have some cactus cake pops of course. Excellent use of white jimmies, Arianna!

Here’s the Phoenix Slideshow…



San Diego. Yay!


Check out Kris. She makes the fantastic hot air balloon cake pops and much more.


And look at these Marshmallow Treats by Alejandra. Amazing.


Look at this cutie pie!


Hi there little one. So glad to meet you and your mom and learn what we have in common. Big big hug!


And sweet Julie from Jaybird Quilts. My mom and I had the most fun talking with you.

Here’s the San Diego Slideshow…


The last book signing was in Austin at Book People.


My friends Georgia Pellegrini, The Girl Hunter and Marla of Family Fresh Cooking came with me to the signing. Love you guys! We all had plans with several more bloggers the next day for a fun Girl Hunter Getaway hosted by Georgia. More on that soon.


There was lots of signing. And some note taking, too.


There were hugs…


And even some extraordinary chickens.

Here’s the Austin Slideshow…



That’s it for the signings. For now anyway. ; )

Oh, and big thanks for the awesome marquis sign, Book People. That was a nice surprise.

If you are near any of these stores (addresses here), I left behind some signed books and kits if you want to give them a call and see if there are any left.

If you aren’t near any of the stores, that’s ok, too. I thought I would do an end-of-the-year giveaway to anyone that wanted a chance to win some Cake Pops stuff.

I’m giving away five (5) Cake Pops gift sets that include:


A signed Cake Pops book, the Cake Pops Kit and the notecards set, too.


And if you’ve managed to make your way this far down on the post, that’s not all.

Did you know that Cake Pops is available on the iPad? That’s not very helpful unless you have an iPad though.


So one (1) of the five winners will also win a brand new 16 gb WiFi iPad. Yay!


Enter for a chance to win a Cake Pops Gift Set that includes a signed Cake Pops book, a Cake Pops Kit and a Cake Pops Notecard Set.

  • Five (5) winners will be chosen at random to win a gift set. One (1) of the five winners will then be selected at random and will also win a 16 gb WiFi iPad in their choice of white or black. (That means 4 gift set winners and 1 gift set plus iPad winner.) Yay!
  • To enter, just leave your answer to the following question in the comments section of this post.
  • What is the most recent gift you’ve purchased for someone?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 20th at 8:00 P.M. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winners announced below.
  • The five winners will be announced sometime Tuesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Note: This giveaway is completely sponsored by me. Thanks y’all!

Here are the winners of the Cake Pops Gift Sets. Each of you will get a book, a kit and a notecards set. And one of you is going to also get the iPad. YAY!

giftsetwinnersShannon T, Fenny Chandra, Alicia, Jennifer B and Tara. Congratulations on the Cake Pops Stuff!

Now for the big winner. After a random drawing, Shannon T – you win the iPad, too!

Hope you have fun with it.

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5,646 comments on “The last five signings and some gift sets, too.”

  1. The last gift I purchased was a specialized bike shirt for my husband. He rides a recumbent bike to work almost every day. I hope it gets here on time!!

  2. Makers Mark and Cigars!

  3. I bought Merry Christmas and Happy New Years bibs for my cousins new baby!

  4. I did most of my Christmas shopping yesterday which included pjs and bath and body works stuff for mu mom! Merry Christmas!!!

  5. Legos for nephew and beauty salon gift cards for neices.

  6. The latest thing was Dunkin Donut gift cards for the teachers at school…

  7. A very hungry caterpillar tent for my niece! Super cute!

  8. I just purchased a Peyton Manning jersey for my son!! He is going to be so surprised!! I can’t wait to see him open it :)

  9. the game “taboo“ for my brother and his girlfriend :))

  10. I did almost all my shopping in one fell swoop (hooray for Amazon Prime!). The very last thing was a computer bag for the boyfriend.

  11. Bought a gift card for a shoe store. Some people still need the basics.

  12. The most recent gift I purchased was a watch for my husband. It’s our 5 year anniversary on Thursday and we won’t be together, but at least he can wear his new watch and think of me!

  13. A pair of rubber work boots for my Dad!

  14. An iTunes gift card for my uncle.

  15. Love, love love love (love) your book and designs!! Last gift I bought was a bottle of wine for my boss.

  16. The last gift I bought some very cute clothes peg in bird-like form for my best friend, it’s from a french brand that she loves very much

  17. I bought portable speakers for my son.

  18. Looks like a super fun trip! The last gift I bought would have been an iPod for my son. We don’t celebrate x-mas but celebrate our anniversary in November as a whole family, not just as a couple, and that was his gift. The last gift I was given came yesterday. A brand new baby boy! Yeah!

  19. I bought a set of vintage dominos for my husband. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. I bought a new KitchenAid mixer for my hubby! :)

  21. I bought a “For Santa mug and cookie plate” for a friend’s little girl. Merry Christmas to all!

  22. Gifts for the two women I work for. They both get gift cards to their favorite stores. Christmas is right around the corner. I need to finish my shopping.

  23. I just bought some books for my kids on :) Although technically I went out and bought myself a wool coat at Old Navy last night, so that might be the most recent gift purchase….but it’s for myself! :)

  24. I bought some crocheted push pins for my best friend. She just started a new job so these will be perfect to help jazz up her office!

  25. I bought a money clip for a friend.

  26. Playmobil School for my little sister

  27. Clip on earings for my daughter

  28. I just bought a last minute xbox game for my boyfriend!

  29. I bought supplies to make my girl’s teachers Hot Cocoa Bar kits to enjoy on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Nothing like some chocolatey goodness while watching everyone open gifts :)

  30. I had just went to the mall yesterday to buy my cousin some clothes for Christmas! :)

  31. Today I bought a pair of shoes my daughter wants for Christmas and I am just about done shopping, woo hoo!

  32. I bought some running shoes for my daughter.

  33. A Christmas dishtowel, snowman figurine and red and green m&m’s for a secret santa exchange.

  34. The last gift I bought was a, “Call of Duty”, T-shirt for my husband. Not his most exciting gift but the last one I bought! :) Thank you for a chance to win!!! Merry Christmas to you!!!

  35. A microphone for my daughter (who sings non-stop) and an Ohio State Brutus pillow pet for my son. Hmmm? that’s an idea for a cake pop, Brutus the buckeye!

  36. I just bought the most adorable outfit for my 1 yr old grand daughter from Zulily.

  37. A stapler. And my husband will be thrilled about it!

  38. Wooden Building Blocks for my granddaughter. Thanks for another year of great fun & creativity!

  39. A planner for my mom.

  40. Good morning Bakerella, from sunny St. Thomas!

    I recently purchased some coloring books and girly gifts for my friend’s two little girls. Everyone needs some frill in their life. Congratulations on your success!

  41. What FUN! I am sure all that travel is tiring, hope you are taking care of yourself :)
    Hmmm, most recent gift I bought was for my kids – new lunchboxes and backpacks! Not terribly exciting, but we’re trying to be a bit more practical this Christmas :)
    Hope you have a VERY Merry Christmas, Bakerella!

  42. I just bought my dad picture frames and added the pictures of my sons and myself for him to have. We live in NC and he is in MI. and misses “his boys” alot:)

  43. A pair of sweet black shoes with bows for my daughter!

  44. I bought a Hello Kitty kitchen set for my 2-year-old daughter. She loves Hello Kitty and learning how to bake. :)

  45. I bought my dad a remote control airplane yesterday :)

  46. I bought my husband, the roller coaster enthusiast, a K-nex roller coaster builder set! Even grown ups need toys at Christmas. :)

  47. The last thing I bought was a set of red glass tumblers for my brother…

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  48. I bought my kids their special Hallmark ornament of the year.

  49. Legos! Legos and more Legos. The kid can’t get enough of them.

  50. I bought a set of animal stamps yesterday for my four-year-old to take as a birthday party gift.

  51. The last of my gift buying was yesterday, when I purchased a collage picture frame for my daughter and son in law to put pictures of my grandchildren in it.
    Best of good health to you and your family.

  52. I just bought new ear buds and a video game for my son. Happy Holidays!

  53. I bought a Taylor Swift CD for my niece and enclosed a donation for her “computer fund!” Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for all the wonderful ideas! You have made my Christmas baking so much fun!!

  54. The Kindle Fire for my dad :)

  55. Family Crest t-shirts for my whole entire family!

  56. The last gift I bought was a set of drinking glasses, which I have now etched with a University of Texas logo for my dad.

  57. Being my firsrt day of Christmas shopping (yup, you read it right), I got LOTS done! The favorite purchase was a cute pink clutch for my daughter!

  58. A digital camera for my Mom:)

  59. A trainset for our local Toys for Tots!

  60. I just bought an adorable onesy to give my friend tomorrow, who is a new mom to a beautiful baby boy! Thank you Bakerella for another awesome giveaway!

  61. Espns film collection

  62. A blue wii remote for my son.

  63. A micro plush/Sherpa blanket for one of my sons. I love your blog and have been following you since I saw you on Martha Stewart. Great give away!

  64. The last gift I bought were pajama pants for my nieces…but those will not be the last gifts I buy!

  65. Last thing I bought were random odd flavored jellies for my Aunt. Things like corn cob and dandelion. Hope they’re yummy :)

  66. A video game called “Dead Island” for my husband! Good thing he doesn’t read this blog :)

  67. Bakerella, I wish you could come to Europe some time soon. We are crazy for your Cake Pops too :)

    Last week I bought a silver Nail Polish for my best friend. I hope she’ll like it.

    I wish you all the best for 2012!!

  68. I bought 10 5lb gummy bears on a stick for some of my girls friends.

  69. Bought a beautiful red sweater for my daughter to go with her dress for her choral/band concert on Tuesday!

  70. I purchased two Kiehl’s gift sets, one for my boss and the other for hubby’s boss!

  71. a nerf gun for my son :)

  72. A gift card for my son in law.

  73. The most recent gift that I bought is a North Face jacket for my best friend. Please come to DC and VA for book signing!

  74. I just came back from India with saris, bracelets, anklets, and home decor items for my family!

  75. I just bought my sister christmas tree salad tongs. So cute. I was going to put together a cooking basket for her, maybe I will add the cake pop kit!!

  76. I bought some gift cards for my sister and her boyfriend :)

  77. Rapunzel and Maximus plush dolls for my daughter. I can’t wait to see her face when she opens the bag! :)

  78. A set of 4 wineglasses (red with clear stems) for my sister-in-law.

  79. Last gift purchase (on Friday – I’m done!) was Sagan’s Cosmos DVD set for my husband.

  80. I bought stocking stuffers for my twin boys. They are 15 and LOVE cake pops. They have helped me make cake pops and always ask when we are going to make them again!

  81. The last presents I bought were some restaurant gift cards for my sister and her husband.

  82. I just bought a $10 gift certificate, for a friend that swears we aren’t buying gifts for each other this, at Goodwill! She is a thrifter and $10 at Goodwill goes a LONG way! :)

  83. A Nikon s8200 camera. My hubby better love it :)

  84. I just secretly ordered my kiddoes some legos!! Hope I can surprise them-it gets harder to do as they get older!

  85. Yesterday I went on a holiday Christmas shopping spree. The last stop was at Trader Joe’s to pick up my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins favorite TJ’s candies.

  86. I bought a small scrapbook which I am going to make into a book for my Dad. Yay Christmas!

  87. I bought my son a play kitchen.

  88. Since Santa is so busy I picked up Monster High Dolls for my daughter.

  89. I bought my husband a Cake CD ;)

  90. The last thing I bought was actually a cake pops book for my mom for christmas!

  91. Photos by a local photographer of the place (swing bridge) where my late grandfather used to work. I am framing them and giving them to family for Christmas.

  92. Backup camera for RV…For my husband. Ordered it Sat. Hope it gets here in time! Merry Christmas to you! Love your Blog!!

  93. I bought my mom a lovely rolling pin from JosephJoseph, hope she will enjoy it!

  94. i bought my dad a laminator so that he could preserve his guitar chord charts and stuff. shhh. don’t tell him, its a surprise.

  95. I bought a DVD for my husband.

  96. I bought a Kindle for my daughter who LOVES to read

  97. A kitchen set for my daughter!

  98. I bought my husband flying lessons for xmas. He has wanted to fly planes since he was little so he is going to love it.

  99. Every year I buy my best friend a pair of tacky Christmas socks – but this year she’s preggers so I bought her tacky Christmas baby socks!
    Love love love all of your beautiful sweet treats!

  100. Camp chairs and a firewood holder for the hubby :)

  101. The last gift I bought was a warm turtleneck for my mom and tones of sweets for the Christmas gift bags I am giving this year….Angie, this giveaway is utterly amazing!

  102. The last present I purchased was for my husband. We are running a marathon together (his first) and I wanted him to be able to document it so I bought him a mini video camera to attach to his hat. We had to find a way to burn off all of the cake pops…but they are so worth it!

  103. I actually bought a needy friend of my grandson an outfit Saturday. Loved the amazed look when I said… “we need one more outfit to spend enough to use this coupon!” The good deed made me feel so much better too :)

  104. An advent calendar for my daughter and son-in-law’s first Christmas together as husband and wife.

  105. We bought some fisher-price toys and matchbox toys, for our friends two children!

  106. I bought a filter funnel, so it’s easier for my friend to filter and reuse the oil from the fryolator I got him this summer for his wedding.

  107. I purchased a new cell phone for my father in law. I can’t wait for it to arrive. I know he will be THRILLED!

  108. I just bought a stargazing book and chart of the night sky for my son. Merry Christmas!

  109. thank you for a great giweway ;)

    The most recent gift I’ve bought is a muffin pan and cupcake liners for my boss who just discovered the joy of baking!

    Merry Christmas to all of you ;)

  110. I brought the cutest jewelry beads off of etsy! I’m making my sister in-law and my girlfriends all fancy looking earrings for christmas! They are going to love them!

  111. I just bought my family 2 Guitar Hero controllers on ebay. Yes, we’re about 3 years behind.

  112. i recently bought the graphic novel “maus” by art spiegelmann for my younger brother! and i’d SO love the cake pop set for myself!!

  113. I bought a peluche for my little cousin!!

  114. The last gift I bought was a Vtech Ride and Learn Giraffe Bike for my son. Thanks for the giveaway and have a great holiday.

  115. We bought a really unique salt and pepper shaker for my in-laws.

  116. The last gift I purchased was a wallet for my youngest son. He just grew a few inches, making him taller than me and he’s so proud of it! A wallet is a ‘grown up’ gift that he’ll be able to use all through high school.

    Thanks for the giveaway. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  117. I bought 2 pairs if earrings for the giving tree at work.

  118. We’re down to last minute stocking stuffers here, so the most recent gift would be some maple candy…

  119. The last gift I bought was a whole fistful of Cowtails candy for my husband’s stocking.

  120. I have just about all of my Christmas shopping done, so the LAST thing that I bought would have to be… stocking stuffers — you know, like gum, mints and things for my kids.

  121. A book for my boyfriend! About 3 weeks ago … I haven’t started my Christmas shopping yet. I’ll be over there in that corner, hanging my head in shame now.

  122. I finished up my Christmas shopping with a necklace for my sister in law. She’s so hard to buy for so I hope she likes it!

  123. A pair of pie plates for my daughter-in-law. She makes fabulous pies and never has enough pie plates.

  124. The last gift I bought for someone was a 32 inch television for my daughter for her birthday!!

  125. Most recent gift I purchased was a tiara for my grand daughter’s tea set!

  126. The last gift I bought was a ‘Vintage Tea Party’ book for my sister x

  127. I just bought my mom 2 gift cards (booooring, but it’s what she wanted). 1 for Dunkin Donuts for her coffee & the other for JCPenney so she can buy some new curtains! Happy Holidays!!

  128. I bought baby doll triplets for my daughter.
    Thank you for the chance to win, Merry Christmas!

  129. I just ordered some books on B&N for my kids – gotta love being able to shop at 5 a.m. from home in your jammies

  130. I bought a nintendo ds game for my son

  131. A Christmas gift for my daughter – a little alien toy that she asked for a month ago! And it was officially the last gift! I am done shopping and on to wrapping!

  132. I just bought a vest for my husband yesterday. He really wants one for Christmas! (he wants an ipad, too!)

  133. Currently unemployment so I’m not buying gifts this year but I just made cake pops to give as gifts to a local majorette group.

  134. I bought books for my kids!

  135. I bought my college age daughter an Angry Birds hat. , it’s like a ski Hat and it’s the red bird. She’s going to love it!!

  136. This weekend I finished my Christmas shopping. I bought our youngest “The Clapper” because he is afraid of the dark, but the lightswitch in his room is on the other side of his room, so he has to walk into a dark room to turn on the light. :)

  137. I bought a cupcake-macaroon-whooopie kit for my sister !

  138. What a great surprise giveaway, just in time for the holidays! I recently purchased a scarf for my mother for Christmas…I hope she likes it!! Happy Holidays :)

  139. A wireless mouse for a teacher at my school. =)

  140. I actually just got back from buying my Christmas gifts! The last one I bought was an xbox for my boyfriend, though everyone keeps telling me I’ll come to regret this once he starts spending more time with it than with me! I can’t wait to see his face though, he’s going to love it :)

  141. The most recent gift I purchased was a page a day calendar…love those things!

  142. I just bought my mother in law nordic walking poles. Merry Christmas

  143. An apron and set of Le Crusuet ramekins in orange for my sister-in-law, so that she can get her bake on!

  144. I bought itunes gift cards for my kids and dad and Glee season 2 for my son.


  146. Most recently purchased swim training gear for my husband and his exercise goals. He is going to love it!

  147. Woha! That’s a great giveaway!

    The most recent gift I purchased was a cute little handmade rubber stamp, formed like a leaf. I’ll give it as a Christmas present to a friend of mine who loves decorating her flat with stamps.

  148. I bought bowling shoes for my husband.

  149. Cork gasket material. I know…it sounds awfully industrial for a Christmas gift, BUT my dad has been bugging me to find him a replacement rubber gasket for for the ceramic countertop kitchen composter I got my parents ages a go. (Somehow theirs disappeared). I don’t think he realizes that they just don’t sell those replacements. So, after much hunting, I found this sheet of semi-thick cork, which he can then cut to size to fit on the composter. I think he’ll be tickled pink about it! :o) Happiest of Holidays to you, Bakerella!

  150. A Dunkn Donuts gift card for my 7 year old.

  151. The last gift I bought was a ps3 for my boyfriend!

  152. the last gift I bought was a jewelry making kit for my niece. We gave it to her yesterday and she loved it. Merry Christmas . here’s to a healthy 2012!!!

  153. Easybake oven for my daughter! She loves to cook, bake and make cakepops!!

  154. The last gift I bought was a toy kitchen for my daughter. I still have some shopping to do this week. :)

  155. I purchased loads of material and have made 5 quilts for Christmas gifts. Hoping to keep my loved ones warm this winter.

    Congratulations on all of your signings! Any chances of an Iowa visit soon??

  156. Snowshoes for my daughter.

  157. The last gift that I bought was an electric milk frother for my hubby who is truly obsessed with his morning coffee!

  158. “A Christmas Story” slapwatch!

  159. A Thomas the tank engine set for my son!

  160. A watch for my daughter.

  161. I bought a model train scenery book for my dad.

  162. I bought a Williams Sonoma cookbook for my Fiancé. He loves to cook! Happy Holidays!

  163. The most recent gift I purchased was a gift card and all sorts of baby stuff to create a congratulations on your pregnancy basket for some friends of ours; it’s their first baby. Also, in that treat will be pink, blue, yellow and light green cake pops!!

  164. I recently just bought a Spongebob pillow pet for my little sister :) She’s going to love it, can’t wait to see her open it!

  165. I bought a curly hair Laloopsy doll for my 5 year old. Tried so many toy stores and they had sold out but finally came across one.

  166. i purchased a felt horse pattern, to make for my daughters birthday!

    Thanks for all the inspiration and creativity, and this super duper giveaway!

  167. On Friday night I purchased small gifts for the 45 children in the after school program that I direct. I wanted each child to get at least one gift! Yeah Target for great deals! ;)

  168. I just bought my mom a vacuum on Saturday and cannot WAIT to give it to her! :) Merry Christmas Bakerella!

  169. I bought some wonderful bath salts and lotions for my sisters..

  170. Yay! Just bought a nice warm North Face jacket for my husband.

  171. Wayfarer sunglasses for my brother. They’ll look great on him!

  172. I just bought a mew smoke alarm and carbonmonoxide alarm for my daughter.

  173. A beautiful deep purple pashmina scarf fr my niece. This color makes her skin look like porcelain and I know it will bring a smile to her face….

  174. I purchased 4 pullovers for my husband. Total cost $140. After applying discounts and coupons the sale came to $3.11. Hey, it is the thought that counts!

  175. I just finished making a photo book of my kids for my parents.

  176. I just bought stocking stuffers for my kids….that makes it official, I am done shopping! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  177. Whew, just went Christmas shopping today. But the very very last gift I purchased was an outfit from Oshkosh B’gosh, girls skinny jeans & a cute top. For my little cousin.

  178. The most recent would have to be raspberry balsamic vinegar for my boyfriend, who always does our salad dressings. Now he’ll be able to make an easy raspberry vinegraitte! Totally selfless gift, I know. *g*

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  179. The Beatles White Album Re-Mastered CD Set for my Uncle.
    Happy Holidays !!!

  180. While visiting a friend in Brussels this weekend, I bought a selection of nougats at La Cure Gourmande for my mother.

  181. Great, fun photos. Thank you so much for all your great ideas. The last present I bought was a flying quail radiator cap for my Dad’s 1931 Model A Ford Sport Coupe!

  182. My Mom is a huge fan of the Grinch, so when I found a shirt with him on it, I picked it up for her. She’ll be happy :)

  183. I went to the mall to get an exchange gift for one of my nieces and I ended up buying myself a pair of shoes instead.

  184. Guess what? I just ordered 4 cake pop makers from, and 4 “Cake Pops” books from as Christmas gifts! :) Can’t wait to receive them!

  185. A fancy flashing Christmas necklace for a teacher at school!

  186. My husband loves spaghetti bolognese and he is a big time spaghetti twirler (he uses a fork and spoon when eating it) and so I bought him an electric fork that twirls the spaghetti for you. I’m sure he’ll find it hilarious (I think it’s meant for kids) and I plan to put it in his stocking.

  187. The last presents I bought were a North Face jacket and beer of the month club membership for my husband :) Merry Christmas!!

  188. I ordered “Just Dance 3” for my daughter — my very last Christmas gift bought!

  189. I just bought the Autobiography it Mark Twain for my 16 year old daughter – she’s a Tom & Huck fan! Happy holidays!

  190. After 6 months of no sleep, I bought my new daughter Lily a white noise cd for her 6 month birthday! ….yeah it’s a made up birthday….but it works amazingly! ….and it gives us an excuse to eat cake :)

  191. I recently bought an electric toothbrush for my boyfriend. He was never so excited about brushing his teeth! lol

  192. I bought a camera for my son!

  193. I just bought my sister-in-law a set of cookie cutters shaped liked cameras! They are so cute:)

  194. December 20 is the first night we light the candles for Chanukah. We will be having latkes and playing draidel with our three grandchildren who live in Arizona by us. The last gift I purchased was for our 10 year old granddaughter who has diabetes and must count her carbs…a box of no carb flavors to put into her bottle of water that she brings to school with her to give a little something special in her lunch.

  195. A portable ping pong set for my husband and son to play together:)

  196. Bubblebath for my mum! (and I made her a fridge magnet too!)

  197. What a generous giveaway! And truly some radiant pics.

    We got some olive oil bottles yesterday (yay to open sundays) and started to make some syrup for my cousin and her husband.

    All the best to you for Christmas and 2012.

  198. I bought four fruit baskets and sent them to family members around the country. Something healthy to eat over the holidays.

  199. Cake Pop Kits. I bought 4 for each of the neices and nephews. But I forgot to buy one for me :-(

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