
They Got Me

The other day I was doing a little impromptu shopping. I had already spent more than I wanted and I was about to pass the Williams-Sonoma store. I said to myself. “Walk faster. Faster. Don’t look in. You don’t need anything else. Whatever you do…

…don’t stop…

Don’t look in the …”


Dang. They got me.

I really tried not to go in, but how could I be complete without these Star Wars Cookie Cutters. I knew if I left empty handed, I’d wish I had bought them in the off chance someone I know wants Boba Fett cookies one day. So I went in, telling myself the whole time I would just have a peek. I can resist.


I can resist so well that I only bought two. One for me and one for you. Okay, one for one of you.


Now, I like to bake to go along with a giveaway if I can, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to make and pipe these this weekend and I just couldn’t wait to show you these cutters. Plus, my piping skills might deter you from wanting to try them. Piping royal icing is a skill I need to work on, but the way to go if you’re up for it. They’d still be super cute just like this photo from the back of the box, though.


The cutters have plungers that make impressions in the sugar cookie dough as you cut shapes.


You can whip up some Storm Troopers…


A Dark Lord perhaps.


Maybe some Boba Fett’s just so you can say the name over and over.


And you have to make Yoda, of course. Make him you should. And eat him you shall.

But… but wait… where’s Chewbacca and R2-D2? What’s up with that? I want to nibble on a little Wookiee. And maybe a little Harrison Ford.

They need a second edition. Fingers crossed.


The set comes packaged in a cute box with a recipe for cookies and icing.

Besides the kiddies going gaga for these, I think it would make a great gift for Daddy’s Day. Well, it might make some Daddy’s Day, not all.

Find them at Williams-Sonoma or…

You can enter for a chance to win a Star Wars Cookie Cutter Set here:

• Leave a comment on this post sharing something about Star Wars. Your favorite character? Favorite movie? How many star wars figurines your son has? Or maybe your husband? Or you? Whatever works.

• Deadline to enter is Saturday, May 22 at 12:00 noon ET. Sorry, Time’s UP. Winner Below.

• One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday.

May the force be with you.

Oh man… your Star Wars stories were a real treat to read. So fun. Thank you for sharing. Wish I could give you all a set of these cutters. But I only have one set to give away and that one is going to Commenter 3034.

shannonwilli – congrats and tell your husband to brush off his yoda costume. Fun times ahead.


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4,812 comments on “They Got Me”

  1. My husband loves Star Wars and I would love to make these for him. I have actually been looking for something like this for a long time. And, his birthday is coming up!


  2. My husband is a star wars fanatic! So, when I was literally in the hospital in labor with our baby girl, it was only fitting when the TODAY show came on & said that May 25th was the anniversary of the release of Star Wars. Of course… His first child WOULD be born on Star Wars Day!!

    She was yoda for her 2nd Halloween. Cutest yoda ever.


    May the Force be with you!

  4. While I have never seen Stars Wars my Daddy loves them, he even has an R2D2 that follows him around!! I need to buy these for him:)

  5. OOo we used to watch Stars alot as a kid. These are just too cute. Pick me Pick Me!

  6. These are so adorable! My co-workers would love them! We all dressed up like Star Wars characters for Halloween one year. The pictures are hilarious, and we looked awesome!

  7. I LOVE it! I myself am not the hugest fan, but my son (5 yrs old) loves all the charecters. and I would love to get a set for a friend of mine, he made sure to have his wedding date on a star wars anniversary so he would be able to remember the date. :)

  8. I’d just like to share that everyone young man in my acquaintance would die for such cookies. My nephew walks around with his finger hooked by his head. This is his Boba Fett impression.

  9. I dont know if my husband could even pick his FAVORITE movie because he loves them all. Anytime anything about Star Wars is on tv- even though he has probably seen it a million times- he still MUST record it and watch it a couple of times! I think my favorite thing about Star Wars is when my 4 year old tells me how he loves “Star Wars” because it sounds like he says “I LOVE STAR WHORES!!” hahahaha

  10. How fun!!! Luke definatley!!

  11. I have really been wanting to do Star Wars cake pops for my sons birthday, or I should say he wants me to. Have you done those before? If so can you share?

  12. Hands down yoda kicks but :)

  13. Harrison Ford cookies, yes, I’d have to say Han is definitely my favourite flavour…er, character! :)

  14. These would be perfect for my 3 little Star Wars freaks. I mean fans. :o)

  15. Williams Sonoma gets me every time too! My son…Luke (yes, we were influenced) is 8 and plays with his Dad’s Star Wars action figures from the seventies. He and his sister have been allowed to watch all of the movies except for the last one (some of the scenes are just too gory or scary). These cutters would qualify me for coolest Mom on the planet, and would be perfect as favors for his birthday!

  16. We love Star Wars and my nephew is a huge fan. He would love cookies shaped like the characters!

  17. You have totally just made my day!! I have a 7 1/2 year old son the is Star Wars crazy….we have a zillion figures, lego ships, books, stickers, coloring books, pajamas, shirtsyou name it we got it!! How fun would it be to make these??? I would be the coolest mom on the block if I had these as treats for all the kids….I am so going to have to get these!!

  18. My son loves star Wars and the cookie cutters are to cute. I think it could possibly be a crime to just walk past William-Sonoma without stopping. Thanks for the blog and great giveaways I check yours and before I check my e-mail for the day!

  19. I made a Darth Vadar cake for my grandson’s fourth birthday last year. It turned out great. My grandson is a huge fan of Darth Vadar. He was Darth for Halloween. He would love these cookie cutters.

  20. They could not be any cuter! My 6 year old lives and breathes Star Wars! I am so glad you decided to walk into that store and I love the awesome things you find to share with us!!! Oh and Yoda is my favorite….he’s just so cute…in an ugly kind of way….LOL

  21. My brother got this Starwars video game for the GameCube about 3 years ago and I swear we play it everyday until we defeated the whole things! Him and his friend would flip if they saw these cookies. Great Giveaway!

  22. I would like to share that I have NEVER seen a Star Wars movie (sad, I know), but my 9 yr old son has and he would love these!

  23. I love Return of the Jedi. Who doesn’t love a good Ewok party? Hm, I could go for an Ewok cookie cutter if they make a second edition. Oh! Not to mention one of the currently very hip Admiral Ackbar. I bet he would look pretty scary as a cookie. XD

  24. all three of my boys LOVE star wars, oh yes also my husband we have everything from legos, movies and action figures. These would be so fun to make…..

  25. I worked behind the concession counter at our local theatre when Star Wars came out…it played for MONTHS, so I saw it just a few times… :0).

  26. Those are the coolest things ever! I was obsessed with Yoda when I was little. I might still be a tiny bit :P

  27. I started dating my husband during the rerelease of the original Star Wars movies. My favorite character is C3PO, probably because he reminds me of myself. Poor misunderstood C3PO. My son has recently discovered Star Wars and enjoys R2D2 more, however the cutest thing is that he calls Darth Vader, “Dark Vader”. Too cute!

  28. Oh my gosh, I cannot even BEGIN to express how excited my fiance would be if I made these cookies. He just loves Star Wars so combining that with some amazing cookies would make his day!!!

  29. You have no idea how popular these would be in our house… My three little boys LOVE Star Wars. I think we have seven or eight light sabers floating around our house. :-)

  30. How could I possibly win this with two thousand plus entries?

    May the force be with me!

  31. I’m not the Fan, my Bff’s husband is.
    Dont get me wrong, i love ewoks and r2d2 as much as anyone else. Im just not the insane wait in line for days kind of loyal fan that. Warren is. He probay was on a waiting list for these cookie cutters. I know he will never bake but l Sure will! This box set gives me the gift that would keep giving to warren for years!

  32. I like the original 3 the best!

  33. Not only would my husband think these were awesome, but my 7yr old son who knows Star Wars better than most any adults and my 4yr old daughter who actually plays star wars with her brother, would freak out. Lets hope the force is strong. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  34. I never knew I would know so much about Star Wars after having two boys . . . they would LOVE these!!!

  35. I have three nephews who would go crazy for this…and maybe one husband too! I heart Williams-Sonoma! I have to tunnel vision to get past it somedays too!

  36. My family just watched all 6 movies last weekend! Kids have all figurines, spaceships, Halloween costumes, lego, etc….The guys in my family would love these cookies…I might even get them in to help decorate….

  37. My son is addicted!!! Has all the star wars bedding and decorates with the lego sets. Oy.

  38. I saw those at WS and went back and forth about getting them. Unfortunatly I decided Not to get them… Boo… I personally don’t know much about star wars but my 7 year old son is OBSESSED! The other day he decided to quiz me on star wars. He wrote out a test with about 6 questions. Good questions too, because I didnt know the answer to ANY of them! So, of course he had to give me a little lesson on star wars. It was very cute…

  39. Those are so cool!!! Darth Vader cookies would complete my life. I got engaged watching Star Wars in the theater when I was in third grade, but then he lifted my skirt up in the parking lot and I broke it off.

  40. A coworker’s son is obsessed with Star Wars. He was be ecstatic to eat some Star Wars cookies!

  41. I remember going to see the original Star Wars in the theater. It was the first time we had to stand in line for a long time to get in. My Mom kept telling us to not be disappointed if they ran out of tickets, because she would bring us on another day. Thankfully we got in, but there were other’s who didn’t. The movie was worth the wait. I think the first one is still the best one.

  42. “Do or do not… there is no try.”~Yoda
    Come to the darkside…we have cookies!!
    Love them! They are too cute!!

  43. Growing up with my brother who had everything Star Wars was hell on my Barbies. ;)

  44. I thought I was the coolest girl in America when I got my Death Star carrying case to hold all of my Star Wars collectibles. Wish I hadn’t played with them so much – they’d probably be worth a fortune now! I’d love to play with these cookie cutters now!

  45. Oh my goodness these are so wonderfully awesome!!! WANT! PLEASE!

    ~ giggle ~

  46. We are Star Wars fanatics at my house! My son went as a clone trooper for Halloween. Empire Strikes Back is my favorite, and my boys love everything Darth Vader!

    I have a soft spot for Boba Fett myself.

    Want these cookie cutters!!!

  47. I always wanted to be Princess Leia

  48. My husband loves Star Wars! And he would love Star Wars cookies!

  49. My husband has been OBSESSED with Star Wars his entire life!! He has boxes upon boxes of valuable collectables in his parents basement, and every poster from every movie! lol

    His groom’s cake at our wedding was even Boba Fett!!

    I would L-O-V-E to surprise him with some of those great cookies!

  50. Oh my goodness! Let me first start by saying my friend showed me your site and we LOVE it and now are doing weekly baking tuesdays based on alot of your ideas and recipes! YUM!! I saw this post about “they got me” and my mouth dropped…and I thought I have to have these to suprise my husband!! I know geeky right?? He has had BOXES of star wars figures for a LONG time and has been debating about selling them and keeping a few choice ones for our future kids. Needless to say we still have them, and now I am fueling his fire by wanting these cutters myself! My fav characters are CP 30 and R2D2! Luke and Leah are probably my husbands fav’s! Great idea!! Can’t wait for the next post!

  51. My 7 year old son, Reid, is a GIANT fan of Star Wars and he loves making sugar cookies. He would freak out if he saw these neat cookie cutters! Thank you for all your great ideas, I’m officially addicted to Bakerella!!

  52. I would love to win these for my brother! He loves Star Wars, and he loves to bake!

  53. Oh my! My 2 little boys and the one BIG one that reside at my house would love it if I whipped up some Star Wars cookies!

  54. Well, I have to admit: I am not too big Star Wars -fan myself :) I guess that’s mainly because I’ve never really watched them… Guess I’ll have to sometime, sooner or later. But I have a friend who’s head over heels for Star Wars and she would seriously DIE if I showed these to her! It was her birthday just a week ago so I think this would make the perfect present, haha.

  55. My boyfriend is a HUGE Star Wars fan. He has 6 tattoos, 5 of them are Star Wars related and on Thursday he is getting his 6th!!! And you should see his collection. My goodness. A small fortune has been spent on his love of Star Wars. He saw these cutters and he wants them so bad.

  56. I grew up on Star Wars. It was one of the few movies we had, and we had it on VHS, Laserdisc, and DVD. One of the only specific dad&me memories I have is going to see the special edition of one of the Star Wars (I know, 4 extra minutes with Jabba), but it still sticks out in my mind.

    My dad absolutely loves Star Wars, especially Yoda. If I don’t win these, I’ll buy them at the local William-Sonoma — they’d make a perfect Father’s Day gift!

  57. My 6 year old son would adore these cookies! He and his dad went to Star Wars in Concert this week.

  58. I have really never been into Star Wars but when the Dallas Cowboys Stadium was built they had a huge orchestra illustrate the Star Wars movies and my husband and I went! I am now a fan! I’m sure it helped that it was in the new stadium, but it was such a cool experience!

  59. I once kicked teenage-boy-butt in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit at a birthday party. I then proceeded to parallel park in a space two feet longer than my car. Pretty much the best night ever!

    I have a gingerbread recipe that would love to meet these cookie cutters!

  60. OMG! My brother was the biggest Star Wars fan when we were little. Our dog’s name was Wookie. He had EVERY figurine and even the bedding set! If I were to win, I will make him these for his birthday.

  61. I don’t have a fav character, but my hubs loves the movies and this would be awesome to win for him. Of course I do the baking, so I’d make them for him. This would make a great birthday present or even Father’s day gift!

  62. My favourite movie is still the first one (from my childhood), which my kids jump all over me for, saying that it isn’t the first one, it is the fourth one. Yeah. Whatever.

  63. Before taking exams in high school and college, I used to say “may the force be with you” to my classmates. I was such a dork!

  64. Oh my gravy! I must have these! If I don’t win them, I may have to buy them and I’m on a serious budget, so please let me win them! My hubby and I are huge geeks and both love Star Wars (even if Annikin and Luke are a little winey). I agree that there must be a Chewbacca and R2D2 – they are some of the best characters!

  65. I have been a fan since the original came out. Saw every single one on opening day, the latter at midnite. Empire Strikes Back is my favourite and Happy 30th Anniversary to it today!

  66. OMG! I hope I win these, ’cause if I don’t I’ll be buying a set for Father’s Day! lol

    LOVE your blog!

  67. DUDE!!! Do you know how happy these cookie cutters would make my siblings???? They would get me MAJOR big sister points if I were to make cookies with them and then give them to them. Oh yeah. :D Okay . . . Star Wars is my favorite babysitter trick with my siblings – they will sit there for hours and do a Star Wars movie marathon – I kid you not. :D

  68. so so awesome!!! I would love to win these!

  69. My dad worked on the Empire and Jedi. These would be a great addition to our baking. :)

  70. Win … I hope to

  71. The classic quote of “There is no try. Only do or do not.” Or something like that. I love.

  72. My husband LOVES Star Wars. Our 3-year-old is just starting to get into it, which means my husband gets to live out his childhood all over again. :) These cookies would be perfect for Father’s Day at my house!!

  73. I saw these! they are awesome! I would be tempted to get the matching apron if I won these =)

  74. The children I babysit are OBSESSED with Star Wars. If I won these I would give them to the kids and we would make cookies together! :)

  75. I’ve always loved the strong female lead of Leia! But I”d also love making the fun characters included in the set.

  76. Love Star Wars! A Hans Solo cookie cutter would be awesome, too! Your giveaways are great and thanks for the find!

  77. I’m entering for my 7 year old nephew who is a huge fan….and he talks about it like an expert…and his analysis of Star Wars is amazing…makes you go about creativity! I know he has a collection but which ones I’m not sure…I would have gone over to my sister’s house and checked it out but can’t because she lives in New York and I in Illinois:P I would have called and had her enter the contest herself or get the info but they are on vacation. Should I have waited to enter…after all she will be back before the contest deadline….nope, can’t wait!! I get excited entering contests…so here I am:D

  78. I wasn’t around when the movies were originally released (alas), but I did maybe go see the re-release (in the 90s sometime?) of the first one SEVEN TIMES in the theater. I promise I’d appreciate these things! Oh, and my husband is also a huge geek and this might get him interested in baking with me! Pick me!

  79. OMG!!!!! They are soooooo cool!!!!! My best friend’s son (he is 35) LOVES anything Star Wars. I actually have Mr. Potato Head Star Wars figures that I got at Disney World Star Wars Weekends. We love Star Wars!!! Would love to make these cookies.

  80. I used to work at Disneyland where they sell some Star Wars toys and I bought a Yoda and a Chewbacca backpack. My friend and I would wear them around the park and we would compete to see who would get the most compliments. My Chewy won. :D

    Those cookie cutters are adorable and I hope they come out with more. R2-D2 cookies would be awesome!

  81. I SO need those! My son, who will be five in July, just announced to me this morning that he wants a Star Wars themed birthday party. These would be perfect!!!

  82. oh these are a must for the men in my life….Star Wars fanatics all three!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  83. These are great!!! Always been a Princess Leia fan. Came home after seeing the first movie and put my hair into those giant hair buns! Didn’t venture out of the house with them though.

  84. Ok, so here is my story, you can laugh! In high school, we won’t talk about when that was but it was back when there was an underground band called SuperNova and they had a 30 second song called Chewbacca and all it did was have a beat with the wookie sounds and say CHEWBACCA…OHHHHH WHAT A WOOKIE!!!!! OMG it was hilarious and we LOVED it! In fact i have to go find it and download it now. But that is how Star Wars was such a “cool” thing in high school back in the uhm..time i was in high school and no star wars were popular! lol

  85. I am a fan of the classic trilogy. I grew up watching them every New Years Eve. The trilogy prequel…I have mixed feelings. Yoda is the best part ALWAYS!

    My kids have become fans of the Clone Wars animated series. I’m trying to ease them into it. ;)

  86. Oh, my goodness…you’re going to get me into trouble (fun trouble) with these. I remember going to see the first Star Wars in high school, and it’s still my favorite. My 8-year-old daughter and I have declared this to be “Star Wars Summer” because she wants to see all the films.
    May the force be with us all!

  87. my puppy looks like an ewok :)

  88. I love Star Wars to the max…but also want to mention a movie called Fan Boys which is about Star Wars fans…its one of the funniest movies I have ever seen!

  89. I didn’t see Star Wars until I was far too old but now I love it. Love the little teddy bear guys!

  90. nibble on a little wookie and harrison :D you’re funny!
    Yeah…what about Leah & Luke? Definitely need a 2nd version.

  91. I had all the Star Wars figurines growing up, and that Han Solo is one hottie!

  92. These are adorable!!
    I remember the very first Star Wars Movie I went to see, like it was yesterday. I was 4 or 5, and I remember the old movie theater that was close to our home, with the sticky floors that your shoes stuck to, and the grape soda that I had with my popcorn. (My mom never gave me grape soda because they made me hyperactive).
    The movie was so amazing. No wonder I remember it 30 years later.
    Now, the theater has been torn down and replaced with a shopping mall, but man was that exciting.

  93. OMG OMG OMG!!! I have to have these! LOL Big Star Wars fans over here… of course, hubby is more of the nerd when it comes to the Force… :)

  94. My husband is a huge fan of all the movies. I think it is safe to say he would love these cookies for fathers day! They are so fun looking!!

  95. My husband is just getting our three-year-old son into Star Wars! He loves Yoda!

  96. I used to watch Star Wars with my dad. It was one of his favorite movies. I love the orginal version of the first one!

  97. When I was little my dad was OBSESSED with the movies, I loved watching them with him.

  98. I LOVE EWOKS!!!! When I got my wisdom teeth out, I watched all 6 movies from beginning to end.

  99. I didn’t watch Star Wars until I was in my 20s (not that long ago, but long enough!). Best part was, I got to watch all the episodes back-to-back, and boy was that a treat!

  100. Star Wars – My son loves Star Wars (even though I don’t let him watch because he is only 5!!!) Marketing…it gets you every time!!!

  101. I’ll have to be baking Yoda cookies for my husband everyday for the rest of my life.

  102. HARRISON FORD! Almost as yummy as your cookies look! :)

  103. Please, oh please can I win these? My husband’s birthday quickly approaches, and they would make the perfect addition to his Star Wars figurine collection which now stands at 79 at last count!

  104. I love Star Wars….my brother owns EVERY Star Wars figurine and ship and toy there was to own back when the movie was re-released in the 90s. He even breaks the stuff out to entertain his niece and nephew (and the electronic noise toys still work)!!! I would LOVE these cookie cutters and may have to go get them anyways if i don’t win!!

  105. I love all of the Star War Episodes. I had bought my step son(now 35) pretty much the entire colloection(1 per week.) before I became handicapped. I came home from a business trip one weekend and he had sold them all for $5.oo when he was about 14. Now he understands why I was upset. He wishes he had them now! Yoda is my favorite charachter. I even had a Yoda doll that my exhusband gave me one CHristmas. These cookie cutters are a must have for me— great memories too….

  106. Wow , just looking at those cookie cutters brought bake so many memories of my teenage years .
    I used to go with my boyfriend , he loved them .
    Now we have been Married for 19 years , with 3 children who grew up on star wars movies . hopefully when it is time for grandchildren they will enjoy then too .

  107. My nephew would DIE is I made these for him! He’s in LOVe with Star WArs!!

  108. Secret confession: the only one I have seen in its entirety is prequel 1. What was that? Phantom Menace? It stunk.

  109. Who cares about boys having Star Wars toys, I have tons! I’ve collected Star Wars stuff since my dad sat me down and we watched all of them on VHS when I was a little girl. I’d love to bake him some Star Wars cookies for Father’s Day.

  110. i love them. i love star wars. i love return of the jedi. i collect star ward christmas tree ornaments

  111. I actually never saw Star Wars and my boyfriend has SHOCKED by this. So we sat down and watched them….all of them. oh lord!

  112. I love Star Wars, mostly the original 3 I mean come on Harrison Ford (Yummy). I need these cookie cutters!!!!!!

  113. Help me make these cookies!…. you’re my only hope.

  114. My husband LOVES Star Wars and has passed that love to my five-year-old daughter. She loves the movies. When she was three, we went to a friend’s house and she was terrified of my friend’s son’s Darth Vader costume, complete with helmet and cape. She kept calling Darth Vader, “The Black Hat.” I will always, always remember her saying, “Mommy, I’m ‘cared of the Black Hat!” Funniest thing ever. I think it would be awesome if she could quell her fears by biting into the helmet of a cookie Vader and vanquishing the Dark Lord!

  115. If I could win these and the star wars bedding from pottery barn kids, my two boys would be elated. They are still too young to see the movie, but they already know they love it!

  116. As soon as I saw these, I had to tell my husband. Finally, our two loves meet in one! Mine with baking and his with Star Wars. (Though I love the movies too.) My house is already adorned with every Lego Star Wars set known to man, I’d love to throw some Star Wars cookies into the mix. :-)

  117. My favorite character is R2-D2. My 4 year old son loves playing with his Star Wars “robots”.

  118. I love Yoda, there’s just something so cute about him!

  119. Han Solo cookies, we need Han Solo cookies!!!! When my husband went through all his star wars toys to see what to keep, what to give away, he made me a super special Han Solo combo!!: action figure, trading cards, poster, anything you can think of! I thought that was a super sweet detail from my hubby!
    Did I mention I LOVE Han Solo?? ;)

  120. My husband loves Star Wars! He would go nuts over these cookies for Father’s Day. His favorite character is Vader.

  121. waouh you really find great stuff!!!

  122. My dad loves Star Wars sooo much that he bought the Clone Wars DVD in Portuguese, even though he doesn’t understand it. Guess who had to watch it with him while translating… Worst of all is that I loved it!!! So I’m pretty sure that he would loooove these (a me too lol!!!)

  123. I’m with you on the lack of poor R2D2! My dad loves him! At home, he has two R2D2 cookie jars (one from the “original” 30 years ago and one from the more recent series) and these cookies would be awesome in them! I do hope they make a 2nd version.. but Yoda will do for now. :)

  124. When I was in middle school, in my english class, we had 20 minutes of journaling time three days a week. We could write anything: a response to the prompt the teacher gave us, free-form journaling, or creative writing. My teacher hinted that she’s love someone to write an on-going story (she collected the journals every other week… didn’t read all of them, just checked to make sure something was written). I’d just seen Star Wars for the first time that summer. So I started writing her serialized Star Wars sequels. And throughout high school, I wrote them into three full length screenplays. They’re kind of terrible (to read now), but I still think that level of commitment is a huge accomplishment. It kept me going in college when I thought that I couldn’t possibly write one more sentence on Jacobean theatre… I’d remind myself that I’d written 360 pages on Star Wars.

  125. These are SOOOOOOO DANG CUTE….in a boyish/bring me back to my childhood playing starwars with my cousin days
    My son is just getting into these movies and If I step on another piece of his STARWARS LEGO….OMG!!! He would be excited to make these as my son all of a sudden has a LOVE FOR BAKING!

  126. After visiting DIsneyland my sons are completely obsessed with Star Wars. They did the Jedi training and were hooked! These would be so fun for their bday parties! Thanks Bakerella!

  127. My little ones LOVE Star Wars. Especially my 6yo little boy. He has dozens of the little characters and loves the movies. He recently has gotten into the Star Wars Legos. Hundreds of little pieces and not one can be misplaced. He had surgery earlier this week and the first “prize” he asked for was more Star Wars Legos. He loves Darth Vader and Obi! We are huge bakers at my house and without a doubt these cookies cutters would be used!!

  128. No wonder you went in!! How could you not! And to only buy two sets? Your self-control is inspiring.

    We are HUGE Star Wars fans, so I will own a set of these either way. THANK YOU for letting me know they are out there!

    And crossing fingers here, too, on a second edition!

  129. I waited 2 hours in line to see Star Wars when it first came out. But, honestly, I love Williams Sonoma more than Star Wars!

  130. I love everything about Star Wars. When my sister and I were little (and before Episode One was released) we’d try to have Star Wars marathons and watch episodes 4-6 back-to-back. We never made it. And does it make me old if I say when we watched these it was on VHS?

  131. Ahhh…yes….I think a little Hans Solo nibbling would be a great idea! I’ll cross my fingers also! May the force be with us!

  132. I’m not a big Star Wars fan, but I think Chewbacca would have to be my favorite character :)

  133. When my brother and I were little, we didn’t have a ton of money. So, our parents took us to the library for entertainment. Every week we would each either get a Star Wars movie or an Indiana Jones movie. I looooove Star Wars and would looooove to make those cookies! :)

  134. I grew up watching the Star Wars movies, generally at the drive in theater in my hometown. Now my seven year old son is becoming interested in Star Wars. He has several of the Star Wars lego sets and of course some light sabers to battle with his brothers. I love the Yoda cookie cutter, so cute. Thanks for the giveaway and I hope I’m lucky enough to win!!

  135. I’m from Israel and i love star wars.
    You have an amazing blog.
    Cant wait making star wars cookies
    Don’t worry you wont have to send the cookie cutter to Israel.

  136. Embarrassingly enough, I didn’t watch the first Star Wars movie until well into my 20s (and I’m still in my 20s!)

    Thank you for sharing these adorable cookie cutters!

  137. Those are the cutest!! I have 2 sons and a husband who are all Star Wars fans….. wouldn’t they think I was cool to whip up a batch of those cookies!! :) May the force be with you…. ;)

  138. Oh man, I love the original Star Wars trilogy SO MUCH. My brother and I had all of the action figures when we were little. One vacation trip proved unfortunate for Princess Leia, though – she took an unfortunate dive out of the car window when we were going over a bridge. Whoopsie!

  139. My favorite character is Yoda!

  140. It’s really difficult fing those in Spain, and I will love having them! (…and I have a shipping address in USA.)

    Thank you very much for sharing.

  141. Do, or do not. There is no try.

  142. I’ve been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember. I was in 7th grade when they were re-released, and a group of my friends and I got out of school early on each of the opening days , saw the movies, then had Star Wars themed sleepovers. I wish we’d had these cookies for the sleepovers!

  143. I am a HUGE Star Wars geek. When I got married, we took pictures posed with toy lightsabres!

  144. My husband LOOOOOOVES star wars, and so do I. He’d flip for cookies like these. His favorite character is Boba Fett. I am more partial to Han Solo myself. Maybe it’s the Harrison Ford I’m partial to, but Han is a pretty awesome character.

  145. I was not born yet when episodes 4,5, and 6 were released but I went to the very first midnight showing of episodes 1,2 adn 3! That may seem a bit crazy but you should have seen some of the fanatics in full costume! So cool.

    Oh and too bad you didn’t find these a couple of weeks ago on National Star Wars Day – May 4th…. “MAY the 4th be with you!”

  146. My whole family loves Star Wars even the extended family. So much so that a cousin wanted to have a Star Wars wedding when he got married and have everyone dress up in character. His wife did squash the idea but sounded fun.

  147. I love Harrison Ford in Star Wars…so handsome! The movie is great too.

  148. My favorite character is Yoda because my pug looks like Yoda:)

  149. Hi Bakerella :-)
    One of our “part time” sons (all of whom are now in their twenties) is so ‘in’ to Star Wars, that he belongs to this Star Wars club. The members of the club dress in full cast costumes and get booked to voluntarily work different charity gigs. Club memebers will even take time off of their regular paying jobs for the chance to wear their costumes and ‘work a gig’.

    When that ‘son’ first started coming around, I use to get confused whether he was ‘in’ to Star Wars or Star Trek. Oh was it ever a bad thing to say the wrong one!!! Mercy!!!

    Now however, these seven years later, it has become our joke for me to say the wrong one. However, I am the ONLY one allowed to do so!!! Which makes it rather a heart warming thing then. o;-)

    I chuckled so-o hard over your line about nibbling on Harrison Ford. Yummy!!! I bet the number of entries you get would quadrouple if you really could include that in your drawing o;-p

    Seeings how temptations for cute things to purchase seem to find you at every turn, perhaps my wish for you should be “may the force of resistance be with you” ;-p

  150. Love them! My favorite Star Wars movie was the Empire Strikes Back – but my favorite costumes in a movie were the Phantom Menace. My story is that when the original movies were re-released to theaters I went with my then boyfriend and the college boys behind us were playing a drinking game where they drank everytime Luke whined. They were so unbelievably drunk…I almost felt sorry for them! But they surprisingly stayed pretty quiet throughout the movie.

  151. I love Ewoks a little too much. They are the cutest things about Star Wars, besides Harrison Ford ;)

  152. My son is crazy for Star Wars, but I have to admit that I still have some Star Wars trading cards from when I was a kid (1977). I would love to surprise him with cookies made with these cutters. So cool!

  153. My nephew is a huge Star Wars geek with no small help from my brother. In fact, when my brother got married last month, my nephew carried a light saber as ring bearer. I may have to hunt these down anyway!

  154. These are so cute! My husband and I love Star Wars. I soooo need to make these and then have a Star Wars movie marathon….

  155. This will out me as a major geek, but my husband and I chose to use music from Episode 4 for our wedding ceremony. I’m thinking, anniversary cookies…

  156. My husband is a HUGE star wars fan- he would LOVE these cookies:) pick me!!!

  157. my boss is hilariously obsessed w star wars!! we work at a video store, and its ALL he watches in the store. i would love to surprise him with something cute like this!

  158. I remember standing in line with my brothers to see The Empire Strikes back…three times. I was a die hard R2 fan as a kid. So cute with all the boop-ing and beep-ing!. I love that General Kenobi from the last three though. Or that would be thre first three, I guess. Anyway, these are awesome!

  159. Oh My!! I was just working on my son’s Star War’s theme bday party favors….This would be perfect for it!! The original Star Wars that came out in 1970’s would be my favorite~

  160. Well…I’m not a MAJOR fan who goes to conferences and dresses up, but I do love the films! (Only the originals, of course). Whenever my brother and I come home for school breaks, we have Star Wars movie marathons and try to watch all of them in a row. We still haven’t suceeded, but maybe snacking on SW cookies while we watch would help!

  161. I grew up watching 4, 5 and 6. My favorite was always Princess Leia and everytime I got in the pool I had to do the “cinnamon bun” hairdo!

  162. Star Wars kept my children entertained for MANY hours, for that I am grateful. :)

  163. I LOVE IT!!!! Star Wars rules in our house! And I am a cookie cutter Addict! With the 30th Anniversary of the Empire Strikes Back, this couldn’t be more perfect! We even enjoyed Star Wars Weekends at Disney World last year! AMAZING! Planning on returning next year too! These would be the best addition to our collection and have so much fun baking with my boys too!

  164. The Empire Strikes Back! oh, what a crush I had on Harrison Ford :-)

  165. Since I’m a twin and girl, I felt very deep connection to Leia, obviously. These cutters are so awesome!

  166. OMGoodness…My son would sooooo love these…he is a HUGE Star Wars fan – Star Wars legos, SW books, SW clothing, well, Star Wars just about anything….and this would so add to his SW obsession! And I am all about making the kiddos happy and feeling good!!!! = )

    Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  167. Favorite Star Wars blurb…my future step grandson, age 7, arguing with my brothers, ages 49 & 50, about the coolest Star Wars characters. At the end of the discussion Trevor turns to me and says…”you’re one brother…he don’t know nothin’ bout Star Wars…but the other brother, the one with glasses…he’s knows a little.” Priceless.

  168. I have loved Star Wars since I saw the very first one in theaters way back in the 70’s, Now my kids love them, Crazy how something can be past down. Chewy was always my favorite, I think because we have the same hair!

  169. Just started my grandson on the Star wars stuff. So wouldn’t it be cool for Grandma to make Star war cookies for his huge sweet tooth.

  170. I love yoda. But my husband is the real fan. I think he would like the to eat the cookies while he watches the movies over and over and over..

  171. How fantastic! Those look like so much fun. Who can resist Han Solo? Leia: “I love you” Han: “I know” :)

  172. I like the newer Star Wars movies…only because I never watched the older ones until my hubby made me!

  173. Star Wars is the best!! My husband, son and grandsons LOVE the movies and of course love each character!!! Our whole family would love a set of these adorable cookie cutters. Thanks for the chance of winning!

  174. favorite star wars memory? Back in the 70’s, newlyweds buying our first home, we met our next door neighbors, who were also newlyweds. Our first “double date” with them was to the theater to see this movie! The first of many outings with our new friends!

  175. The day episode 3 came out at the theater for a midnight showing, 3 friends and myself skipped a day of school to have a Starwars viewing party. every episode in order of production for close to 24 hours. im not sure my mom know :)

  176. Ok,so I’m like #10,254 to leave a comment, but its worth a try. The thing I love about SW is sharing it with my kids- we can sit around on a rainy day and watch it together.- and I wouldn’t mind nibbling on Harrison Ford either.

  177. Not sure which one it was, but my favorite has always been the one that starts out in the snowstorm. And I love Eewoks!

  178. My 8 year old nephew is a HUGEEEEE fan! He’d love this cookie cutter set. He takes after his dad who is a huge fan too.

  179. My guys LOVE Star Wars (all 3 – my husband included). The little boys like baking, too, so I think this would be a winner for us all the way around!

    I also love saying Boba Fett!

  180. OMG! They are so darn cute. My son LOVES Star Wars and is turning 9 soon. Would love to make these cookies for him! (and me, too!)

  181. So cute! My boyfriend would definitely bake with me more if they were Star Wars cookies!

  182. Love it! Love it! Love it! I must have them!

  183. I wore my hair like Leia more often then not :)

  184. Yoda is my favorite, he is. *Ü*
    My sons are always playing with their lights sabers! My youngest was Darth Vader for Halloween. Star Wars is a definite video game favorite at our house!

  185. Star Wars is a favorite in out house with my two boys and my hubby. They would be so excited about these cookie cutters!!

  186. My favorite character is of course r2d3..but I’d love these cookie cutters anyway!

  187. My husband and 5 yr old son are Star wars fanatics. Our house is over run with movies, memoribilia and toys. After watching the movies SEVERAL times I must say the Ewoks are still my favorites.

  188. OMGosh, my daughter would love these. She is 34 but loves anything Star Wars. She even paints little wooden star wars people for her etsy store.

  189. To be honest I didn’t watch the star wars trilogy again until last year since when I was a little girl my father watched it and i was terrified of the guy getting his arm but off and also the ton ton getting sliced open. however my boyfriend being a huge star wars fan finally convinced me of the greatness of the movies and I have to admit for the time they were created they are well done :D He would freak if I won these cookie cutters lol

  190. I love to see the joy my husband gets in sharing Star Wars with our children. He shares (most) of his childhood toys with them and patently shares with them the story line. We have 6 light sabers under our bed and now my son has 2 under his bed!

  191. I remember waiting in line with my brothers to see The Empire Strikes Back…three times. I was a die hard R2 fan as a kid. So cute with all the boop-ing and beep-ing! I love that General Kenobi though from the last three…well, I guess that would be the first three. ;) Anyway, these are awesome!

  192. My favorite is Return of the Jedi, I loved it as a kid the first time I saw it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  193. I love the Ewoks! They are adorable!! I also like Yoda, because he is so little :) Oooh! Can you maybe make Star Wars cake pops! :)

  194. I love star wars. my husband and I have marathons (i’m 24, so I never saw any in theaters) and I have my own lightsaber :)

  195. I absolutely love these, even though I’m more of a “live long and prosper”-kinda girl! :D

  196. Yoda is my fave but these would surely go to my friend who is OBSESSED to say the least!

  197. These are so cute. I just wish that there was an Ewok shape. Remember the Ewok movie “The Battle for Endor” starring Wilford Brimley?

  198. I love the Ewoks! I had a stuffed animal Ewok when I was little. We even saw one when vacationing on the west coast! :0)

  199. I absolutely ADORE R2! Easily my favorite character :)

  200. We my Favorite part of Star Wars are the Ewoks!! I mean really dont you just want to pinch them? I do!! :) Also my Nephew is OBSSEDED with Star wars so is my Older brother! They have all the legos you can name of star wars!! I would love to get these for my Nephews birthday coming up!! :)

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