
They Got Me

The other day I was doing a little impromptu shopping. I had already spent more than I wanted and I was about to pass the Williams-Sonoma store. I said to myself. “Walk faster. Faster. Don’t look in. You don’t need anything else. Whatever you do…

…don’t stop…

Don’t look in the …”


Dang. They got me.

I really tried not to go in, but how could I be complete without these Star Wars Cookie Cutters. I knew if I left empty handed, I’d wish I had bought them in the off chance someone I know wants Boba Fett cookies one day. So I went in, telling myself the whole time I would just have a peek. I can resist.


I can resist so well that I only bought two. One for me and one for you. Okay, one for one of you.


Now, I like to bake to go along with a giveaway if I can, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to make and pipe these this weekend and I just couldn’t wait to show you these cutters. Plus, my piping skills might deter you from wanting to try them. Piping royal icing is a skill I need to work on, but the way to go if you’re up for it. They’d still be super cute just like this photo from the back of the box, though.


The cutters have plungers that make impressions in the sugar cookie dough as you cut shapes.


You can whip up some Storm Troopers…


A Dark Lord perhaps.


Maybe some Boba Fett’s just so you can say the name over and over.


And you have to make Yoda, of course. Make him you should. And eat him you shall.

But… but wait… where’s Chewbacca and R2-D2? What’s up with that? I want to nibble on a little Wookiee. And maybe a little Harrison Ford.

They need a second edition. Fingers crossed.


The set comes packaged in a cute box with a recipe for cookies and icing.

Besides the kiddies going gaga for these, I think it would make a great gift for Daddy’s Day. Well, it might make some Daddy’s Day, not all.

Find them at Williams-Sonoma or…

You can enter for a chance to win a Star Wars Cookie Cutter Set here:

• Leave a comment on this post sharing something about Star Wars. Your favorite character? Favorite movie? How many star wars figurines your son has? Or maybe your husband? Or you? Whatever works.

• Deadline to enter is Saturday, May 22 at 12:00 noon ET. Sorry, Time’s UP. Winner Below.

• One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday.

May the force be with you.

Oh man… your Star Wars stories were a real treat to read. So fun. Thank you for sharing. Wish I could give you all a set of these cutters. But I only have one set to give away and that one is going to Commenter 3034.

shannonwilli – congrats and tell your husband to brush off his yoda costume. Fun times ahead.


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4,812 comments on “They Got Me”

  1. OMG. I ? these! My husband is a huge Star Wars fan, I like wookiees.

  2. I remember watching all the Star Wars movies with my Dad when I was a kid. He was a big fan which had me growing up as one. I’m glad to see that I am not the only femail Star Wars geek out there! These cutters look super cute and would be great for a Star Wars themed party :-)

  3. wow…these are just to cute! I have 3 girls, but who cares. I just want these because I can resist!!!!!

  4. Ever since my childhood I have been OBSESSED with Star Wars. Keep in mind – I was an 80’s baby – so when I was 5 and could spout out Star Wars – my classmates just thought I was crazy – if only I’d been born in the 70s!

    Oh and have you seen the bobbleheads out there? I bought a wookie one for my brother at Christmas — I never need to worry about what to buy him – either it’s Star Wars or Will Ferrell related :)

  5. My daughter is a Star Wars fanatic! She would love these! I purchased the Star Wars cookbooks for her birthday…they were a big hit…especially the “Wookie Cookies”.

  6. Soooo cute! Last year my husband went on a Star Wars watching craze, and watched all six movies in the span of a few days. THREE TIMES. I watched them once with him, but that was enough for me!

  7. I have 3 boys and we love us some Star Wars! I will have to just break down and buy them if I don’t win!

  8. My son and husband are such Star Wars fanatics! We have about 30 Yodas in the house including 1 life size Yoda. Lives in my son’s room he does.

  9. Star Wars was my favorite movie as a kid, my dad was a tech geek so we had one of the first VCRs and he got me the videos on VHS and i would watch them during my nap time every day as a little kid. I even remember seeing Return of the Jedi in the theater when I was 5.

  10. My kids love it, I think my son watched Episode 1 four times one Saturday and I attempted to make a Death Star cake last year (it would have looked better if I had had more than 1/4 hour to decorate it, I think).

  11. “Oh Harrison, I mean Han, I love you………”
    “…..I know!”
    He had me at scruffy looking nerf herder.

  12. My nephew is a Star Wars nut with a capital N U T. It is fun watching his face and he tells about the movie after he’s seen it for the second or third time. While I enjoy Star Wars, his facial expressions are much more fun to watch!

  13. Oh goodness those are WONDERFUL!!! Too bad they didn’t add Chewie. He’s my favorite!

  14. I could not stop smiling as I was reading this post. My husband is a hard core Star Wars JUNKIE! In fact, I grew up in a house of all girls and didn’t see any star wars except the first one (and spaceballs but that doesnt count) until my honeymoon… It was a “necessary” thing(so my hubby said) to have a movie marathon of all the good I’d been missing… and wow, I was missing out! I absolutely LOVE these awesome little guys! Thanks for not being able to resist going in “just to look”… I simply LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

  15. What do I like about Star Wars? A lot! But my absolute favorite thing overall is John Williams’ incredible score. I have never heard such amazing background music in any movie I have ever seen. I just about wore our libraries “Attack of the Clones” soundtrack out listening to it over and over. Especially “Across the Stars” That is my favorite piece in the world. Why doesn’t someone arrrange it for violin and piano? (I’m a violinist) I would buy it the minute it came out. I can hear it in my head right now…
    And my favorite characters are Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker. But why’d Annie have to turn to the Dark Side? It makes me so sad=( All in all, I think I like Star Wars. A lot.

  16. OMG. I ? these!

  17. omg – my boys, 6 and 8, would be so thrilled if I made these cookies for them. Star Wars is their all time favorite thing – Star Wars figures, Legos, the Star Wars Lego Wii game, and using their bats or a stick at baseball practice to pretend to be Yoda. If you’ve never seen 6 year old pretending to be Yoda, well, it’s adorable. :)

  18. I LOVE Star Wars but my hubby totally isn’t interested! Weird, huh!

  19. Honestly, I don’t like Star Wars at all but there is a lady at my work who is obsessed with Star Wars. She would love these!

  20. Oh wow. these are really cool! Enter me please! My son looves star wars and hubbie does too… and in the past few years as my son started his love I decided I needed to watch all the movies so I would know whats going on to play with him and I fell in love with them too. They really are out of this world. :)

  21. Confession. I have never seen an entire Star Wars movie. However, I know someone who would LOVE these cutters. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. My Dad owns a Toy Store but before that he used to do conventions – I have a Return of the Jedi storybook signed by a bunch of cast members because of this. Two of the Ewoks brought their baby daughter with them while filming and Lucas had her made up as a baby ewok – When her parents signed my book we asked if she would too (she was with them at the convention that day – and so we got the first ever baby ewok autograph!

  23. I didn’t see any star wars until I was into my 20’s and I love them!!!!

  24. My husband has a patch that says “Revenge of the Jedi” before they changed the name to “Return of the Jedi.” Maybe one day we can sell it to some collector for a million dollars? Probably not likely, but it’s still neato.

  25. My son will just go nuts when he sees these. Contest or not the will be my home someday :-)

  26. My husband loves Star Wars, although I couldn’t tell you what his fav movie is. I never saw these until about a year ago. There was a marathon on and he made me watch all 6 episodes in one weekend. He loves them, and I’d love to make these for him for our 1 year anniversary… It’s a month away!!

  27. Wow, these are the greatest cookie cutters EVER! My favorite movies are the Empire Strikes Back and the Revenge of the Sith, but I really do love all the movies. My favorite characters are Darth Maul and Obi Won Kenobi, my husband’s will always be Boba Fett. If I don’t win, I may just have to buy these anyways cause he would love this.

  28. Well, these are so cute…makes me want to get ready for Halloween. So cute….

  29. love Lando – he was so hot back in the 70’s

  30. I always considered myself a fan until I met my husband. Now we have a baby son who wears onesies that say things like “Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?”

  31. My husband is a little too obsessed with Star Wars, I however haven’t watched since the 80’s when I was forced to by my brother… But my husband likes to provide everyday analogies to Star Wars and/or Harry Potter (which I can handle HP references, but I don’t quite get the SW ones)!

  32. I’m not a big fan of Star Wars, but my husband LOVES it! I do however love to bake and these would be so awesome to have since my husband loves Star Wars. : )

  33. Who thinks of all of these ideas. How cute are these. My whole family loves Star Wars. They would love me to make these cookies…

  34. My favorite character is Princess Leia!

  35. those are great! i always end up having to make star wars cakes, those would be a great edition! so cute :)

  36. What I love about Star Wars is that it reminds me of brother, who passed away 6 years ago. Growing up he was all Star Wars all the time and anything Star Wars will forever bring a smile to face and remind me of him!

  37. I just found a Star Wars Pez collection while going thorugh stuff at my parents…I am mailing it to my brother this weekend. I’d love to follow up with some cookies and be the best sister ever!

  38. I only watched star wars for the first time 2 years ago. My boyfriend was amazed by this fact, so he made me watch it haha. I think he would appreciate these though.

  39. What fun!! These are definitely some of the best themed cookie cutters to come out of W-S in a long time! My fav Star Wars movie is The Empire Strikes Back – it’s the only one of the original trilogy we owned when I was a kid and I thought it was the only Star Wars movie – imagine my delight when I discovered the other two!!

  40. I’d love to make some of these for my husband and my nephews! What fun!

  41. Wow! These are great! :D My mom has a ton of the figurines and all. :) We love the movies. Favorite character might have to be Hon. ;) He is so funny, love all his lines in the movies. I like Luke a lot too, and R2-D2 (what am I saying, I love them all! Lol!). :) This would be so much fun to win! :D

    Rachel Phillips

  42. I’ve loved Star Wars ever since it was re-released in the 1990s! I was in fifth grade, so obviously wasn’t around for the original releases. I saw these cookie cutters in the WS catalog a few weeks ago and anticipate some Star Wars in my future. May the force be with me!

  43. I love these cookie cutters! My son would go nuts over them.

  44. These are absolutely awesome!!! Would love to have them!

  45. Return of the Jedi is my favorite for multiple reasons 1) super cute ewoks, 2) Princess Leia’s Jabba the Hut prison outfit 3) it’s just all around awesome!

    My brother would get a kick out of these since when he was a kid he was obsessed and got me obsessed with Star Wars. A couple of years ago he was the model for the box of a toy for the new Star Wars: Forces Unleashed line. Pretty cool, but I want the cookie cutters for me :)

  46. Oh, my brother loves star wars, adult brother! It’s his birthday tomorrow and would be so cool to win this for him, though my mom would be the one using them, haha!

    I’ve always love Princess Leia, makes me think of the friends epsiode now!

  47. ahhh…how cute are those!! A must have for sure! As for your piping skills…. ” Do or Do Not…There is No Try.. -YODA
    Love him, I do….

  48. my husband is OBSESSED with star wars! he even DVRs The Clone Wars animated series on cartoon network… somehow i get sucked in to watching them with him. this would be perfect for father’s day!

  49. I was raised on Star Wars! I think my favorite is Yoda.

  50. I have 3 boys who are Star Wars crazy. They would love it if I made these!

    My oldest (14) has initiated his younger brothers into the ‘coolness’ of the force :) and they enjoy watching the movies together while they build Star Wars Lego.

  51. My favorite saying…”May the force be with you!” My husband has about a million figures including a GIANT Death Star and bedding set (with curtains) from when he was a kid. No, we do not have them on a bed, but I am sure he would if he could! These cookie cutters are TOO CUTE!!

  52. To be perfectly honest, I have never seen a Star Wars movie to date. However, I always bake for my friends children (make all their birthday cakes and bake just for fun) and they are obsessed with Star Wars and I’ve had to pull off a few Star Wars treats here and there. Would absolutely love those cookie cutters – would put a big smile on their faces. Love Love Love Your Site and can’t wait for your book to come out. You Rock Bakerella!!!

  53. I love star wars! My husband and I do movie nights with star wars, and I would love these to make a cute snack for those nights

  54. I have a stuffed Ewok that I sleep with every night. I made Star Wars cookies for a party once, and I cut them all by hand…these cookie cutters would have been very nice to have! =]

  55. Love Princess Lea, especially her hair buns.

  56. My fiancee loves Star Wars…how fun it would be to have some for our wedding events…hmm…rehearsal dinner…cookie pops…

  57. Oh. My. Goodness. :D My family would LOVE these!!!! We are HUGE star wars fans…my mom and brothers especially. ;) We have the entire series and have gone to see all the new ones in theaters of course (parents went and saw the first 3 – 4,5,6). :) Yoda is my favorite…but I like Chewy as well. ;) Yes, really, you’d think they would have put more cookie cutters in the package with more characters. :( *sniff* A second edition would be FAB! :D I can’t decide which movie is my favorite, but I like all the old ones, and then I like the number 1 movie with little Anikan. ;)

    boy, I hope I win these! *crosses fingers* My mom would LOVE this as a birthday present! :)

    ~Miss Rachel P.~

  58. I have 3 sons and a husband who adore Star Wars. My 2 year old can even sing the Darth Vader song.

  59. Win them from you I will.

  60. I’m an Ewok fan through and through. I still have the McDonald’s Happy Meal toys they gave away when the movie came out!

  61. I enjoy the older Star Wars but not so much the newer ones. Chewbacca and the Ewoks have always been my favorite! :) the cookie cutters are adorable!

  62. I always wished I could have one of those cute little Ewoks as a pet. Cute cookie cutters!

  63. I saw Star Wars when it first came out, and I fell madly in love with Luke Skywalker. When I saw it 20 years later, I thought, how could I be so attracted to that baby faced character when Han Solo was obviously the better looking of the two? My, my, how taste changes in a couple of decades! I also like vegetables more now, too.

  64. my favorite line was princess leah in reference to Chewy! “Get that walking carpet out of my way.”

  65. my brother is THE biggest Star Wars fanatic…and a budding cook! i just know he’d LOVE to chow down on cookies using these cute cutters!!

  66. OMG!!!! My nephew is a BIG FAN, his dog is named Leia so go figure… Did I say this won´t be selling in South America like NEVER?!?!? I´d love to make cookies for him with this ones…

    Thanks for this opportunity!!!

  67. I had never seen Star Wars until my husband and I were first dating. Episode 2 was in the making, and he was super excited about it… until I said the dreaded words I will never forget… “What’s the big deal with Star Wars?” Wow – I shouldn’t have said that! The next Saturday he made me sit and watch the original 3, and ep. 1. I’m still not a fan of the movies, but I am a fan of my husband, so I suffered through the marathon, went and saw ep. 2 with him. Toted my own green lightsaber when we went to see ep. 3 when it came out, and promised that if we ever have a son, we can do the nursery in Star Wars. ; )

  68. I never cared to sit through an entire episode of Star Wars until I was married. I guess it was my destiny to now have four boys and a husband who talk about Star Wars through dinner, in the car, nonstop… These cookie cutters would make me the coolest mom in the galaxy.

  69. My daughter and I created a R2D2 cake for a friends birthday party, these cookies would have gone so well with it.

  70. Boba Fett is my favorite, no question!

  71. Star wars was the 1st movie I saw in the theater back then.

  72. My fave thing about Star Wars is Han Solo’s cheeky grin.

  73. I grew up with Star Wars! The original 1980 version of Empire Strikes back was always my favorite, along with Luke Skywalker. My sister and I had Star Wars underwear when we were very young. I remember there was only one pair of undies and one undershirt, so we had to take turns wearing them (we are 14 months apart and were the same size throughout most of childhood). My mother would wash them every single night so that the next morning, one of us could wear them.

  74. The fight scene with Darth Sith was one of the best fight scenes EVER.

    The Emperor’s March gets stuck in my head for days.

    Two misc. Star Wars tidbits from my life. These cookie cutters are cute!

  75. My husband and I had our first son a little over a year ago and he wanted to name him Jedidiah Irby Robinson and then he would be Jed I Robinson. Um, can you say VETO! :) I would so LOVE those cookie cutters for him and my son. Thanks for the opportunity.

  76. My husband and my three boys are big fans of star wars!!! They would love cookies shaped like that! They look awesome!!! No wonder you couldn’t leave them there :-)

  77. These are so cute!! My husband and I plan on visiting Hollywood Studios at Disney for the Star Wars Days this month. I’m excited!

  78. My first thought when seeing your post was, my son would flip for these. He is 10 and he has been a “superfan” since he was 5. Every year I think he will grow out of it but he just loves Star Wars more, and more. When he talks to me in his “Star Wars lingo” it is like a different language. He has been collecting the Lego Star Wars sets. He has seen the movies a billion times and now he is addicted to the Clone Wars as well. He would be over the moon about these cookie cutter. Thanks for the chance.

  79. OMG! OMG! OMG!
    I wan’t them so much!
    Star Wars was a big part of my childhood!
    And would make my boyfriend the happiest man alive!

  80. My boyfriend thinks he’s Darth Vader. He drives around wearing the Darth Vader’s mask and finds it absolutely cool. These cookie cutters will definitely make me convince him to get those mask off!

  81. This is funny to me because I just watched movie number 3 this week, wrapping up my first time to see the whole Star Wars series. My husband found this out about me and promptly put 1-6 on our Netflix list.

  82. My husband loved all the SW movies when he was a kid. This would make a great Father’s Day gift for him!

  83. Hoo boy would my husband love these! I myself am not the biggest fan but he is. We have star wars christmas ornaments, a darth vadar piggy bank and he even bought my son yoda and darth vadar dolls. He presented them to him at 7 mos old and pondered which one he would choose first …the dark side or the good side…

  84. My favorite character is Yoda but I also enjoy yaddle.
    But, nobody knows who Yaddle is. That is because some people think Yaddle and Yoda have hollow heads!!!

  85. I like the original Star wars Movie.
    Who can go past Harrison Ford.
    Or Favourite Yoda is!

    I come from a nerdy family and I could use these so often. In fact while DD1 and I were shopping tonight Hubby and DD2 watched star wars No2 in the new series.

    So Pick Me! Pick Me!
    May the force be with Me!

  86. These are fabulous!! It would be great if a second set was released though as my favourite characters are the ewoks!! I loved them in the Return of the Jedi and I used to watch the animated series of them all the time!

  87. My boys love star wars. I have four boys under the age of 6, and for the joint birthday of my 5 and 3 year old back in November, we did a Star Wars theme. I dressed them up as Darth Vader, R2D2, Yoda and an Ewok.

    My three oldest can also hum the theme song :) My boys would LOVE these :)

  88. We are a total Star Wars family! I still have many of the original toys from my childhood, and my kids LOVE them. These cookie cutters are so cool!

  89. Oh My Gosh! My husband and sons would love these! Every time we visit Grandma the boys have her pull my husbands old Star Wars characters down out of the closet. The little plastic vinyl suitcase with individual spots for each character!

  90. My 13 year old pointed these out in my W.S. catalog. He started watching the movies at 6 and loved them. He had his grandpa make him a shelf to store his collection. He collected everything Star Wars – figures, watches, pez, even cups. Everything has been stored in his “Keep Forever Box” and replaced with trophies. These cookie cutters would bring back some great memories for our family.

  91. One of the kids I used to watch would watch star wars over and over and rewind and over and over again until I made him go outside and play, he was 5!

  92. I remember watching the first three movies when they first came back, way back when. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten too much into the newest movies but my plan is the rent the set and do a Star Wars marathon to catch. I guess Hans Solo is my favorite character (always did have a thing for Harrison Ford).

  93. I love the Yoda one!! Perfection! You know, I have NEVER EVER EVER made a good sugar cookie. They always are too thin and stick to the pan…

  94. I adore the original three movies. Especially the one with the Ewoks. I love them and want to be their queen. I have tried to talk like Chewey, but it just sounds like I am gargling mouthwash. So much for being queen :-(

    If I win these cookies, I am hosting a Star Wars party just so I can make them!

  95. I wanted (okay, I still want) to be Princess Leiea. Brave, daring and incredibly beautiful. I hope a cookie cutter for her is in the second edition with the robots and Chewbacca! :)

  96. Love these cookie cutters!

  97. I love Star Wars! Han Solo is my favorite. :)

  98. My favorite movie is Empire Strikes Back. Between me & my husband, I don’t know who would want the cutters more. I’d want to use them & he would want them on display.

  99. I know the movies are awesome AND the ride at Disneyland is so fun! :)

  100. I love me some wookie cookie’s..LOL!! Star wars is the bomb!

  101. My favorite is Han Solo – I love Harrison Ford.

  102. I’ve only seen Star Wars once. So if I win I’ll have to go watch it again!

  103. LOL those made me laugh… I’m a lifelong Star Wars fan… and my Mom still has my Darth Vader carry case filled with all of my beloved figurines… and my Millenium Falcon etc etc… she kept a whole dresser filled with Star Wars so that someday we can retire on it… LOL. For the last Star Wars movie that came out, I was at the first midnight showing with all the people that dressed up, and I cried my eyes out at the end… OMG. I would love to get a set of these, but you’re right, where’s C3P0 and R2D2??

  104. These cookies would be perfect for father’s day! I would love to take a bite of Yoda’s head! My husband talks like Yoda from time to time and we BOTH would get a kick out of these!

  105. I am not a huge fan, but I have nephew who is. If I won this set, I would give it to my sis so she could make up all the Bobba Fett helmet cookies that little booger could eat. He’s a fan … a huge fan!


  107. I would have to say my fav is Chewbacca and R2-D2. Those cookie cutters are just fab. Thank for the chance to win.

  108. Love Chewy,R2D2 and Yoda. Bought the movies,hope to have a Star Wars Weekend at the Lake. Cookies would be perfect. Louise

  109. I am SO running out to Williams Sonoma tomorrow night if I do not win these. My son is a HUGE fan…(saving up for the Lego Death Star) and would love to have his momma make these cookies!

  110. Thank you for showing me that these exist! my nephew LOVES star wars. I made him an R2-D2 cake for his birthday — it was stacked 8 layers high. if i don’t win, i will go out and by them!

  111. Eek! These are AMAZING! I grew up in a Star Wars/Trek household (I’m talking “we went to conventions” fans, haha – only slight embarrassing now). One of my favorite things about our Star Wars memories is that my Grandad started buying the action figures for my brothers when the movies came out (I wasn’t born yet). They ended up with almost the entire original collection. A few years after Return of the Jedi came out my Grandfather passed way. Those toys still mean so much to my brothers (and even me). I can’t even imagine the look on my dad’s face if I could bring him a batch of these cookies for Father’s Day. Thanks for the giveaway!

  112. I love these! Loved Star Wars as a kid and now it is so exciting to me that my kids love it as well. They love all the little figurines and I know they would love to be surprised with these cookies! Thanks, Jeanette at thealldays(at)msn(dot)com

  113. My 7 yr old son ADORES star wars and still has to dress up like Obi when watching. He makes me enjoy Star Wars.

  114. These are great…..I have spent hours and hours putting together every Star Wars thing Lego has to offer. Still amazed how a whole new generation has become part of “The Force”…these will become part of the collection!

  115. I love these! My husband would go crazy for them, as would my brother-in-law…and my mom. :) My husband’s birthday is coming up, and it would be neat to make cookies for it with these!

    As for my favorite Star Wars…I just love watching the movies. Period. I went to midnight showings when they were re-released in the late 90’s and it was SUCH a blast!

  116. I am a fan of the original 3 movies and all of the amazing puppetry. Would love to make these cookies and watch them all again back-to-back!

  117. Like many other posters I don’t know the first thing about Star Wars. Star Trek, maybe… if we’re taking the recent movie with Chris Pine! Oh, and I looooved Spaceballs growing up. Same thing, right?! :)

  118. I have completely lost track of how many Star Wars “guys” are spread out on my family room floor, end tables, bookshelves, stuck in the couch, and hiding in my candles, window sills, and lamp shades. We have t-shirts, jammies, backpacks, lunchboxes, dishes, water bottles, kooky pens, cars, DS games, and LEGO guys. We really really really need those cookie cutters in our ever growing collection! :-) Thanks!!!

  119. My husband is a Star Wars geek. I recently made him Vader cupcakes for his 33rd birthday. He is contemplating being the Death Star for Halloween this year. Yes, he’s a nerd… I would love to make those cookies for him though. :)

  120. OMG – how did you know my husband had 200 star wars figures. Thankfully they are in storage boxes packed away. Of course in their originally packaging. Unfortunately he didn’t start collecting until the second coming (1,2,3) and since the movies were so bad their value is nothing and now just take up space.

  121. My husband teases me relentlessly….I once had a boyfriend in college who was obsessed with making a Boba Fett costume….and one day I said “um, you need to get your Boba Fett stuff out of my house!” Things you never thought you’d say! My kids are little and oh so scared of Darth Vader, we haven’t watched the movies yet. I want these cutters though!

  122. Awesome! My son wants a Star Wars birthday party this summer. I need! I need!

  123. These are too cute! My boyfriend and I love R2-D2:) He would love eating these cookies too!

  124. These are awesome! I’d like to see how to actually ice them…looks like a challenge! I didn’t see any of the Star Wars movies until I was an adult & I love them. Favorite character? Gotta be Yoda, with a young Harrison Ford in close 2nd! LOL!

  125. My husband is a HUGE Star Wars fan and has almost every single Star Wars Lego set available. I saw these cookie cutters yesterday online – they also have pancake molds! – and was thinking about getting them for his birthday next month. He’ll be 30 but he’s very much a kid at heart!

  126. My dad and I watched one of them together when I was in 3rd grade. All I remembered the next morning was watching two robots walking together in a desert….after that I fell asleep! Many years later, and I still haven’t watched them in their entirety!

  127. The original Star Wars movie was the first movie I ever got to go to without my parents! My brother and I and a couple of friends got dropped off, for a matinee, and the 4 of us saw it. I thought we were the coolest! Great memory – very cute cookie cutters! Would love them – thanks for the opportunity!

  128. This couldn’t have come at a better time! I just spent half my night “doing” a 4th grade book report with my son on a Star Wars book. I personally learned how to draw a storm trooper. I am so proud of myself. I love Chewy! My husband and I whenever we are in a hurry to get somewhere, I’ll say “Punch it Chewy” and then he make that Wookiee noise. It’s awesome and I’m pretty sure our kids think we’re awesome too!

  129. These are awesome and my nephew will die when he sees that we can bake Yoda cookies! I may need some right away – especially if it slips that these cookie cutters are out there! LOVE THEM!!!!! My favorite was the Ewoks, and, of course, Hans Solo. :)

  130. I LOVE these cutters!! I want to throw my son a Star Wars 4th birthday party (May the Fourth be with you…) Do I have to admit that he’s not yet even 2? It means I’ll have 2 years to work on my piping skills!

  131. These cookie cutters are fabulous! I’m a fan of the original three movies–LOVE them all! I’ve introduced Star Wars to my 8 year old daughter and she would love to help me make these cookies!

  132. I have had a crush on Harrison Ford since 1977. I even own my own Han Solo action figure…given to me by my wonderful husband who has endured this lifelong crush. : D

  133. My husband and two sons LOVE Star Wars! My oldest son had a Star Wars birthday party this spring. They would all love to have Star Wars sugar cookies and I would be a hero for making them!!!

  134. Star Wars on my list of all-time favorite movies. The first movie was a revelation to me when it came out when I was 12. When I was younger, Luke was my favorite. Now it’s Han Solo. Yes, I would like to nibble Harrison Ford.

  135. Not a huge Star Wars fan myself, but my son love Star Wars and has a bunch of storm troopers lined up along his bed railing at any time. I do enjoy the Star Wars movie with those adorable Ewoks.
    My son would just die if I served him Star Wars cookies!

  136. My 4 year old son Luke is asking for a Star Wars birthday party!! These would be so great to have!!

  137. I would have to say that Yoda is my favorite character since I’ve done cakes of him twice now.

  138. I’m an actress and every time I see the Star Wars movies it reminds me how much I want to be a part of them

  139. When i was 8 years old I use to sleepwalk. It scared my parents because I would sleepwalk out of the house and over to the neighbors in the middle of the night. Then Star Wars came out for the 1st time. My dad promised me to take me to Star Wars if I stopped sleepwalking….I did. Weird. But after that I never sleptwalk again. Now….25 years + later my 9 year old is obsessed with Star Wars. Everything in his room is star wars. These would be great to surprise him with.

  140. If you love Star Wars, you really need to watch Fan Boys. Hilarious!
    Also, I want R2D2 :)

  141. I would LOVE to win these cookie cutters! My 6 year old nephew is obsessed with Star Wars, and with a birthday coming up next month, I would definitely win the “Best Aunt Ever” award if I brought these cookies to the party.

  142. My brother used to have tons of figurines. I think I have the sole remaining one in my possession. I think I hid it away because my sister used to like to bite the heads off of the figurines. Sigh.

    LOVE the cookie cutters! Thanks for the giveaway!

  143. I remember Star Wars coming out when I was a kid & now I get to enjoy it through the eyes of my 6-year-old as well. Some things are just timeless ;)

  144. I love star wars. Oh my mind is going wild with all the things i can make. please pick me Mr. Random

  145. OH OH OH! I want these!! I think the coolest thing we own is an inflatable pod racer my husband got back in ’99. His dad was a grocery store manager and they received these very exclusive pool floats for use in their store displays.

  146. I grew up with a brother whose entire room was taken over with Star Wars memorabilia. When he graduated and moved on to college, he was able to sell some selected pieces for quite a pretty penny! I would love to be able to recapture the memory of those early childhood days with these cookie cutters…. but I would probably send them to my Sister-in-Law so she could brighten my brother’s day.

  147. Star Wars are a secret obsession in our house. Favorite movie is the IV. My little brother would faint if I made these. I’d be the best sister in the world. :D

  148. My hubby and the boys love Star wars! I”m sure my boys will not mind sinking their teeth into one of these !!!!!

  149. My little boy, who is almost 4, LOVES Star Wars. He actually answered the phone the other day like this, “Hello, this is Qui Gon.” He would love these!

  150. Me please!!!!

  151. my brother LOVES star wars. and he loves cookies. so he’d probably be pretty excited if i won these!

  152. my favorite Star Wars moment is not a Star Wars moment at all but actually when Stephanie from Full House wore princess Leah hair buns to cover up her pierced ears. I loved that episode because it was so clever.

  153. My 5 year old son is absolutely obsessed with Star Wars. He bought the Lego Star Wars game for Wii and would play it all day if I let him. He reads the books, really anything he can ge this hands on. He has even commented that he wishes his dad and I were Jedis so we could read his mind. He would go nuts over these!

  154. Like most movies, my boyfriend has to twist my arm to get me to watch them. Star Wars was one of them. Do I have a favorite? Not so much, but I dig them all, except now when we watch them we end up cracking jokes from the Robot Chicken Star Wars episodes. ;)

  155. OMG! How awesome are these? I have made SW cookies before, but I had to make my own templates to cut out the dough. This would have made my life A LOT easier! Oh, I hope I win…fingers crossed…May the Force be with ME!

  156. Those are just. Amazing. Empire is my fave. And now I think I’m going to have to watch it again. I am so excited about these cookie cutters!!!!

  157. May the force be with you too! Gotta get these for a friend who is a Star Wars junkie. Love em!

  158. Oh my goodness!! Love these!! Wish they were around when I gave my son his Star Wars birthday party last year. My husband
    so loves star wars that he was so excited to share his joy with my son. So at the ripe age of 3 my son got to see the trilogy. Probably the youngest kid ever. And since then he has a huge love of the characters.

  159. Return of the Jedi . . . because of the EWOKS! Seriously, I LOVE them . . . totally had a dream about them last night! See, I NEED these cutters :) Thanks for the giveaways!

  160. I’m 31 years old and I’m getting ready to watch Star Wars for the very first time with my kids. That’s right…I”ve never seen it. Wild, huh? But we sure would love those cookie cutters! We’re going to make a big production out of seeing the movie all together. :)

  161. When my husband and I got married 9 years ago, from the very first day we moved in with each other we discovered how in many ways we made a perfect match, I had the game console, he just had the video games with no console to play it, I would have music he always wanted to have but did not know the name of the artist, and I would have it, I was an undercover metalhead but was always embarrased to buy some cds, and he had tons of Carcass, Matallica, Slayer etc.. The best is when we completed our DVD collection of Starwars, we both had an incomplete collection, but when we married we completed our collection with no duplicates. And he also came with a huge toy collection of Starwars action figures including spacecrafts like the Millennium Falcon, which now accompanies other spaceships that now hangs from my son’s bedroom ceiling. These cookie cutters would be a wonderful add to our collection of things my whole family loves, and especially for our love for anything Starwars, which brings back memories of the start of our marriage and love affair that to this days rages on…

  162. I have always liked the Stars original and recently my son of 4 has discovered the Dark Side, he loves Darth Vadar and has taken to breathing like him.

  163. Oh my gosh, I love these! I saw them on GeekDad. I have a house full of Star Wars – and cookie – loving boys (and man). My husband and I went on our first date to see Episode 1. And my middle child had the nickname Bobo when he was really little, so now we call him Boba Fett – it is a fun name to say over and over! I should make these for his upcoming birthday.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! If I don’t win, I might have to go buy some!

  164. My husband is appalled that I have not actually seen any of the Star Wars movies. He just suggested yesterday that we watch them all in the order they were filmed. These cookie cutters would make it so festive!

  165. those are awesome

  166. I love the ewoks :o)
    My friend shannon is a HUGE star wars fan, I’d love to bake some of these for him.

  167. Luuuuuuke, I am your father… and a cookie.

  168. Empire Strikes Back is my favorite movie.
    these cookie cutters are adorable.

  169. Star Wars rocks and these cookie cutters would be awesome to use on the long summer days ahead!

  170. These are so awesome!

  171. These cutters are amazing! When I was younger around the time Episode 1 .came out I could not get enough of star wars! Today, my boyfriend is a fan and these would be perfect for a special treat ehrn he gets home from work! =)

  172. I have fallen sleep EVERY time I’ve tried to watch a Star Wars movie, but hubby and two boys love them.

  173. Yup. Those are amazing. My favorite picture from when I am little is me in a frilly white dress smiling proudly in front of my Empire Strikes Back poster. I wanted to be princess Leia. Still kinda do.

  174. My husband lovessss Star Wars, these would be so cool! ;)

  175. I must have these!!! I am a bit of a Star Wars freak… fortunately my husband doesn’t mind much. I decorated my room in Star Wars stuff when I was 16 – I used figures still on the card to cover the walls. I really wanted to do the same thing when I bought a house of my own, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Currently staring at me while I type this are 3 different Darth Vaders – one stuffed, one bobble head and one super-deformed – a Mace Windoo, General Grevious, Boba Fett, Jawa, Storm Trooper and a Watto – all toys I’ve collected from various kids meals. As for favorite characters, it’s hard to say. I have more Vaders than anything else (can’t resist!), so I guess I’ll go with him. I own Star Wars Trivial Persuit and am currently undefeated. The Holy Trilogy came out on DVD the week before my husband and I married, so we saved them and took them on our honeymoon to watch in the hot tub! ;)

    Word of advice – I have similar cookie cutters from William-Sonoma (Halloween ones a few years back) and if you use the plunger to make the cut-outs, beware – when in the oven, the dough spreads out and you might have to recut everything after they’ve come out! I tried to use them for a Halloween party I had last year and I ended up so frustrated that I threw the cookies away. The dough just spread too much for the cut-outs to work. :(

  176. The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite Star Wars. When I was growing up, I always ended up with my siblings hand me downs. The good news is I ended up with their Star Wars trading cards and other Star Wars goodies. From this my collection took off!! I have so much Star Wars stuff, that my husband thinks I’m nutty! Yay! I dig the cookie cutters super bad!

  177. love the movies…….and i could be persuaded to actually roll out cookie dough if I had these…….

  178. My husband has way too much Star Wars stuff… and these would be perfect for him!

  179. Way too cool!! My favorite movie is Return of the Jedi. I remember watching all of them in the theater. I can remember thinking that I wanted Chewbacca to come and live with us!!

  180. These are super cute… the things they come up with. Hopefully I will if not at least you have told us where to purchase them… Good luck everyone!!!

  181. These are so awesome! Thank you for looking! My Star Wars thing to share is that I have a 2-year-old, and we have tried to get him interested in the original trilogy, but they seem to put him to sleep. Oh well, we’ll keep trying … Also, I love the Jawas.

  182. My nephew loves Star Wars! He would absolutely go nuts for these cookies!

  183. Are you KIDDING ME? If I made Star Wars cookies, I would have my husband, my father, and most of the males bowing down to me in admiration. I need these cookie cutters. Have win, I can? Hehe.

  184. I LOVE these cutters! It’s about time. My husband and I watched all three movies (the original 3) on our first date. I was house sitting, and there was nothing else to watch. Watched the movies we did!

  185. Oh my Nelly, my son would be over the moon for these. He is a 6 year old Star Wars Nut, with pretty much every star wars figure there possible could be scattered on the floor of my house. He loves Boba Fett!

  186. I want to make a storm trooper army with Vader leading it… I can see the display on my platter now…

    I’ve seen all of the Star Wars movies in the theaters numerous times, and make things from the cookbooks on a regular basis. I absolutely LOVE these!

  187. May the force be with me.

  188. Oh my – my husband’s favorite movie of all times!! These would be awesome for Father’s Day!!!

  189. I have never been able to actually sit thru one of the movies yet – maybe one day.

  190. OMG! with all the males in my home (with the exception of lil ol me ) they would DIE if I put these cookies on the table !! I can just picture it ….over the kitchen table…THE POWER IS GREAT WITH THAT ONE! …nooooo LUKE ! I AM YOUR FATHER !!!….*giggle* oh their faces !

  191. These cookie cutters are the cutest! I love Yoda because even though he’s small, he’s one tough cookie! :P

  192. My oldest just watched Star Wars for the very first time, and it is now ALL that he talks/thinks/dreams about! I would LOVE to make these cookies for him. The force is strong in him!

  193. I still have a vivid memory of standing in line at the theater to see “The Empire Strikes Back” with my grandfather…and how shocked we were afterwards that Darth Vader was Luke’s father!! I have a brother who is a rabid Star Wars geek. I need to make him some cookies with these!

  194. Love starwars, and so does my husband- he’s still sore that his mom gave away his toy Millennium Falcon when he was a kid. Gotta love Han Solo though! These cutters are adorable!

  195. Awsome!!!! My son would go crazy for these cookies. He is into the starwars legos and not to mention reading every book on starwars. My daughter also reads all of the books. Thanks for telling us about these

  196. Ahh!! These are a perfect idea!! My husband is a fanatic about Star Wars. He has everything from the video games, to shelves of books, to the movies themselves. He’s a nut. SUCH a great idea for him for Father’s Day. He’s the hardest man to buy for! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  197. man those are sweeeet …if I don’t win I am buyin!!

  198. Oh, these are so cute! My son is too young to appreciate them now, but I’m sure he will in his future as Daddy is a Star Wars fan. These would be cute to make for Daddy’s day!!!

  199. Happy birthday “The Empire Strikes Back”! Now, if I got these cutters, I could make some cookies to celebrate!

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