
Trick out Your Treats with Cake Pops Halloween – New Book and a Giveaway!

Cake Pops Halloween

Surprise! Surprise! I have a new cake pops book out tomorrow… September 2! YAY! YAY! YAY! And, I’m super excited to share it with you today. Inside you’ll find sweet and spooky cake pops including brand new designs and a few of my classic favorites, too! I think you’ll scream for some of the new ones. I’m talking adorable black cat candy buckets, very cute vampires, bubbling cauldrons, scary sweet monsters and more.

There are also printable templates to help make your treats, gift tags for your cake pops, and garland for your get-togethers. Download the tags and templates from here right now.

Happy Halloween early! Hope you enjoy the new book and use it to help get ready for the most deliciously spooky night of the year.

You can get the book two ways.


Make the most of the Halloween season with the eBook – no wait for shipping or trip to the store, with all the info, ingredients, recipes, and the like right at your fingertips, wherever you are on the device of your choosing. Find the digital format from your favorite e-tailer below:

Apple iBooks

Amazon Kindle

Barnes & Noble Nook

Google Play


Print Book

Get your copy of the print edition exclusively from my publisher, Chronicle Books. Cake Pops Halloween started out as an eBook only, and I’m thrilled that Chronicle has made it available in a printed book format as well during the fleeting Halloween Season. Grab your book before the candy is all gone.


Now let’s celebrate with a giveaway…

First prize: I’m giving away Cake Pops Halloween in the book format and also the eBook format – along with a big fat iPad mini with retina display (wifi 16 gb) to view it on … all courtesy of Chronicle Books. The first prize winner will also receive a kitchen stand for the iPad PLUS the eBook versions the original Cake Pops and Cake Pops Holidays, too!

Second prize: Three (3) runners-up will receive the print version of Cake Pops Halloween.

Enter for a chance to win the Cake Pops Halloween Book Spooktacular Giveaway:

  • Leave a comment on this blog post and tell me your favorite costume to dress up as OR candy to enjoy on Halloween. Eeek! That’s easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Friday, September 5, 2014 at midnight ET.  So sorry. Time’s Up! Winners announced below!
  • One (1) first prize winner and three (3) second prize winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime on Saturday September 6, 2014.
  • Good Luck!


YAY! It’s time to announce the winners! I hope you all enjoy the books and Sara … I hope you enjoy your brand new iPad mini.
I accidentally chose winner 1992 instead of 1922 above so, I’m giving away four books instead of three! YAY!

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2,056 comments on “Trick out Your Treats with Cake Pops Halloween – New Book and a Giveaway!”

  1. I am a candy corn addict.

  2. Twix has my vote for favorite candy, and since my daughter has Celiac and can’t have Twix because of the cookie component, I end up eating all of her Twix’s from trick or treating! It’s a win-win!

  3. This year my husband, two daughters and I are going to dress up as a deconstructed s’more! My husband and I are going to be the graham crackers, my 4 year old is going to be a hershey’s chocolate bar, and my 18 month old is going to be a cute little puffy marshmallow. That way when we hug, we’ll make a s’more!! Can’t wait!!!!

  4. My favorite costume is a spidery witch!

  5. I love caramel popcorn!

  6. My favorite Halloween candy is the flavored tootsie rolls, especially the green ones.

  7. I love Twix!!!

  8. I love dressing up as superheros! My favorite treats are Twizzlers and Milky Way’s.

  9. I love rocky road that I make every year with dark chocolate, gummies and cranberries :) little bit strange but yummy

  10. Mounds bars – yum! I once dressed as a mermaid – hard to walk in that costume – :)

  11. My favorite candies for Halloween are Candy Corn and black jetty beans. I can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks, too.

  12. My favorite candy to give is any non-chocolate. As a kid, I was always disappointed most of my candy was chocolate. I wanted a good caramel, or chewy candy which lasts longer than chocolate.

  13. Fav Halloween candy is mini Twix bars!

  14. I liked to take a normal costume and zombify it especially if it’s a Disney princess!

  15. Favourite candy- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!

  16. I love almond joys on halloween, always have to get a second bag for me XD Such an awesome looking new book, can’t wait!

  17. Each years costume tops the last for me. Last year me and my boyfriend were Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s World :)

  18. reeses peanut butter cups

  19. Candy corn, It’s fall when candy corn appears. You can decorate with it, eat it, decorate cakes, it’s endless. I would love this prize. Halloween is always a blast!

  20. My favorite candy at Halloween is Bit-O-Honey.

  21. My favorite costume has been chewed up gum under a shoe. Giant shoe pinned to a frizzy pink wig, all pink clothes. Easy and hilarious

  22. reeses peanut butter cups – individual ones, so I can eat more without feeling so guilty ;)

  23. I love Kit Kat and Gummy Bears!

  24. I love your cake pops! I made the jack o lanterns, and they were so cute. My fav candy to receive was usually and kind of fun size candy bar, Almond joys was the absolute fav one. Kids now don’t seem to go for coconut very much :-(

  25. My favourite costume, that I enjoyed wearing, was that of a blue crayon.

  26. Kit-Kats are my absolute favorite, followed closely by Mounds or Almond Joy bars. Love some coconut :)

  27. I loved dressing up as Tinkerbell one year! So hard to pick just one favorite candy, but ill have to say blow pops are my favorite! :)

  28. Me and a friend made homemade Mario and Luigi mariokarts last year for Halloween!

  29. Smarties and the peanut butter kisses that no one else likes.

  30. Kit Kats and Nestle Crunch! Halloween is my time to indulge in those chocolates! :)

  31. My favorite Halloween candy is peanut butter cups and twix bars!

  32. My favorite costume ever was an apple my mom helped me with one year – a huge chicken wire and fabric monstrosity, with a long green sock “worm” over one arm. I couldn’t sit, but it looked amazing!

  33. I always like the simple costumes, I usually just go for some kitty ears and draw some whiskers on my face.

  34. My favourite ‘snack’ during Halloween has got to be caramel apples

  35. Kit Kats! Love me the kit kats. And I freely pilfer from my children’s stashes. As for the costume. I have devil horns, small but noticeable that I start wearing all the time mid-October. I get a kick out of seeing who mentions them at school dropoff/pickup and who pretend they don’t see them. Good litmus test to see if I want to be friends with new people!

  36. I love anything dark chocolate!

  37. Love the kit kats and mini snickers! Yum

  38. Hands down love the mini kit kats and snickers.

  39. I’m a sucker for candy corn! I look forward to it every year. :)

  40. My favorite halloween candy is full size twix bars! The houses that give out full size candy bars are the best.

  41. I love the “candy” you can’t get other times of the year…caramel popcorn balls! Fav costume is the homemade mummy costume!

  42. This year we are dressing up as The Incredibles!

  43. my fav … candy corn


  44. Halloween is the only time of year when candy corn actually tastes good (but only if you eat each piece one color at a time!)

  45. Candy corn – I loooove it!

  46. Reese’s peanut butter cups!

  47. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups or Smarties.

  48. Hi there!

    I live in Holland (europe) and we don’t really have a holiday like halloween… However, my sister dicided it was finally halloween-time for the Dutchies here and she threw a halloween party. I dressed up as a minion :)

  49. My favorite costume was a blow up sumo wrestler!

  50. Unfortunately we don’t really celebrate Halloween over here but for carnival I once dressed up as a chef armed with a sign to cook children for free :)

  51. Chocolate! Anything chocolate!

  52. My family knows that if they get an Almond Joy they better watch out because mom may sneak into their treat bag!

  53. Twix is the one I can’t help sneaking out of my kids’ bags!

  54. Snow white

  55. Snickers………I love me a Snickers bar!!

  56. My fav costume was when I sewed baby doll arms to my top coming out of my belly and attached a mini jack o lantern to the hands as if the baby was trick or treating.

    I don’t know if that bothered my daughter more or the fact that I had cut the arms off a doll!

  57. Of course it would have to be Candy Corn!

  58. I like candy corn!

  59. Best costume was last year when I dressed my daughter as Shirley temple. She looked just like her!

  60. Chocolate candy corn!!

  61. I used to love dressing up on Halloween in my Daddy’s winter Navy uniform…:).A good memory…miss my daddy.Loved getting the full sized candy bars in our bags.

  62. My favorite Halloween candy is when they put Junior Mints in the little boxes!!

  63. My favorite candy would be Snickers.

  64. My favorite Halloween candy is Kit Kats!
    nom nom nom

  65. Ahh how fun and awesome! I really love those caramel apple suckers! The green and caramel ones! Yum!

  66. I really really like those chocolate caramel bit size stuff such as delfi and rolos.

  67. Here in Holland we don’t celebrate Halloween as much as you do in America, but when I was a kid I always dressed up as a witch. And as for sweets…anything chocolate! That’s my craving now I’m pregnant. :D

  68. Favorite has to be marshmallows! And sour power candies!

  69. I love all of your creative creations. I would love to get this book. My daughter’s birthday is on Halloween and she will be turning 16 this year. It would truly be an honor to win. Thank you for all your posts. They are inspiring.

  70. My favorite candy on Halloween is twix and milkduds. And my favorite dressup as a child was a cat :)

  71. I like to dress me like a bloody veterinary to scare everyone… hihihi…

  72. I love kit kats and Reese’s peanut butter cups! Thanks for the amazing giveaway and congrats on the book!!!

  73. My favorite has to be candy corn and peanuts. :)

  74. my favorite Halloween candy is twix!

  75. My family wasn’t as wealthy when I was young so during Halloween Night I made myself a ghost costume out of plastic bags :) The best thing was making it!!

  76. I always buy a bag of my favorite as soon as the Halloween candy appears in stores – Heath snack size.

  77. 3 Musketeers or Milky Way

  78. I like any candy with caramel in it and my husband likes candy with peanuts in it, so snickers is our candy of choice.

  79. I love Hershey chocolate dipped in peanut butter. I once dressed up as Wonder Woman when I was a little girl! That was my favorite costume after all these years.

  80. I love to have twix and milky ways for Halloween! yummy

  81. Kit Kat! Just love them!

  82. Of course my fave candy has to be candy corn :)))) how can you not like that sugary goodness :)))

  83. Reeses pumpkins. YUM!

  84. My favorite costume was as a loaf of wonder bread! Complete with the twist tie!

  85. Anything chocolate!

  86. Ummm … cake pops, are of course our favorite Halloween treats! The little Dracula on the new cover is my new fave!

  87. My favorite movie as a child was Wizard of oz so I have been Dorothy more than a few times…

  88. My favorite Halloween costume was when my 2 coworkers and I dressed up as Roller Derby people and wore roller skates all day long!!

  89. I love candy corn!

  90. I like candy corn (in small doses!)

  91. My favorite costume was when my husband and I dressed up as a disco couple. Loved it. We had so much fun that year.

  92. I’m pretty equal opportunity…If it’s made of chocolate, I’ll most likely eat it!

  93. My favorite is Coffee Crisp!

  94. My absolute favorite Halloween candy is candy corn! yummy!

  95. Fav costume…a chicken! Orange leggings, white boas! ????

  96. I love having reeces peanut butter cups!! Oh and caramel apples of course

  97. I made Bonnie and Clyde costumes for my husband and me complete with painted bullet holes! I’m addicted to candy corn.

  98. My favorite candy on Halloween is Whoppers.

  99. My favo is snack size Milky Way!

  100. My favorite costume is a kitty cat!

  101. I love Reece’s cup pumpkins!!

  102. Since our last name is Valiant, my husband and I along with our little girls dressed up as The Royal Valiant Superheroes. I made our costumes and love them.

  103. My favorite candy at halloween is flavored tootsie rolls! Also all the tart candies.

  104. Mini Mr Goodbars!

  105. Last fun costume was a gypsy :)

  106. My favorite candy on Halloween is a snickers bar, especially if it’s a full size one!!

  107. Reese’s peanut butter cups. Yum!

  108. Love dressing up as a witch!

  109. My favorite candy is Reese’s peanut butter cups – preferably dark chocolate!

  110. My favorite Halloween candies are twix, gummy bones and kit cats :)

  111. Gummy worms and fun size Reese’s peanut butter cups!

  112. I love Fall and Halloween. My favorite candy would have to be mini M&Ms and I always enjoy dressing up as a “good” witch ;)

  113. I have never dressed myself or my child as candy…excellent idea!
    I love Indian Corn…and it seems difficult to find this year!!

  114. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I’ve been everything from a witch to a pirate to a Snow White to a Greek Goddess. Love those Kit Kats and Twix bars. More of them end up in my bag than the kids :p

  115. I’m always a witch of some sort or another, and my favorite candy is Reese’s PA cups.

  116. I love Twix! :)

  117. my favorite candy is jolly ranchers

  118. my favorite costume to date was the year i dressed as Brunhilde complete with winged helmet and 3′ braids!

  119. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!!!

  120. KitKats helloooo

  121. My favorite was Belle from Beauty and the Beast

  122. I loved the year I dressed up as an 80’s girl. It was fun to get all my old clothes and jewelry back out and tease my hair! I will horde all the white chocolate Kit Kats in the treat bin!

  123. I am addicted to mellowcreme pumpkins! I didn’t like them as a kid but now I can’t get enough of them!

  124. I was a Christmas tree (with real pine branches!) for Halloween when I was five. Double the holiday spirit!

  125. My all-time favorite was a “Real Housewife of [Insert Your Hometown Here]” — I wore pajamas, crazy curlers in my hair and fuzzy slippers. It was the ULTIMATE comfy costume.

    As for candy, I wanted to hug anyone who handed me a Hershey’s Special Dark bar (so rare) or a Midnight Milky Way.

  126. Hi! My favorite candy at Halloween is candy corn! I know it’s not a fave for many, but they’re so cute!! :)

  127. kit kat!!

  128. My little family likes to dress up in themed costumes and my favorite so far was our Toy Story theme. I was Jessie, my husband was Woody, and my son was Buzz Lightyear. When trick-or-treating, I always hope there is a house giving out Twix.

  129. My father made a Phantom of the Opera mask from a white plastic mask years ago. It is still my favorite! Halloween means candy corn and lots of fun treats made with them.

  130. Reese’s peanut butter cups and Sweedish fish!!!

  131. I love the chocolate gold coins!

  132. reeses pieces and bottle caps!

  133. Anything that comes home in my kids treat bags. :)

  134. Growing up my mom made all my costumes. My favorites were Tweety Bird and a Bag of Jelly Beans. I just remember the balloon jelly beans falling out of y bag’s leg holes and leaving a Hansel & Gretel like trail.

  135. My old standby costume is one of a Renaissance girl, and last year I dressed up as Jessie from Toy Story. This year I’m really excited to be Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck It Ralph!

  136. My favorite Halloween candy has always been Musketeers!!

  137. Costume would be: Charlie Brown ghost.
    Candy: Snickers, peanut-butter cup, three musketeers.

  138. Love Rolos,Kit Kat, Kissies, and every ohter choclate you can think of!!!

  139. As a kid they stuck me in a brown paper bag one year and glued paper plate eyes on the front. Instant owl or just a kid with a sack over her head… :)

  140. I have a Carmen Sandiego costume in the works this year. I’m a big fan of costumes that have jackets built in, so I don’t have to cover it up if October is cold.

  141. It’s impossible to pick just one favorite—Kit Kat, Twix, Skittles, Peanut Butter M&Ms….. The list goes on!

  142. Kit Kat Bars

  143. My favorite candy on Halloween is pumpkin shaped candy corn!

  144. As always, your cake pops look so cute! Anything chocolate is what I enjoy!

  145. I love, love, love candy corn!

  146. I love candy corn on Halloween!

  147. I eat what my kids won’t :)

  148. Candy Corn!! But I don’t discriminate… really I’ll eat any candy!

  149. Favorite costume is the Queen of Hearts!

  150. I love to dress up for Halloween. I would have to say my favorite Halloween candy is Willy Wonka’s BottleCaps. I donate my time to help out with a function in our town called “Treat Street”. This keeps children off the streets, where they can safely “trick or treat” through a spooky decorated events center. The whole town participates. Every year we do a different theme, so I love coming up with a new costume every year!

  151. As odd as it may be to some people.. .my favorite Halloween candy is candycorn.

  152. I love Reese’s Pieces but will settle for anything I can sneak :)

  153. I always stick to the classic costumes – witches, ghosts, etc! This year i’m gonna go all out with my costume and absolutely can’t wait!

  154. My favorite Halloween candy is chocolate! ;-). It’s hard to pick just one. I love your new cake pops!!!

  155. I love having reeces peanut butter cups!! Oh and caramel apples!!!

  156. Costume: Margot from the The Royal Tenenbaums

  157. I looove blue clouds. Congratulations on your book!

  158. Love Snickers!

  159. I love kit kats and twix!!

  160. My favorite candy is reese pb cups.

  161. Anything dark chocolate … Especially with fruits, nuts & marshmallows … Yum!

  162. Kit Kats and candy corn!

  163. Reese’s cups and the minuture Hersey’s were the best to get while trick or treating!

  164. I absolutely adore candy corn!

  165. I was the green m&m once, super cute even with the knee high white boots :)

  166. Peppermint Patties!!

  167. I never did it, but I used to threaten my kids that I would dress like “Kramer” from Seinfeld. Alas….and now they are all grown. But the grands know who Kramer is……heh heh. My fave trick or treat candy is good old Snickers, Milky Ways, and Kit Kats. Yum!

  168. I love Mr. Goodbar candy bars! I would totally love to win the First Prize package! But if I don’t, I’m totally buying the print book for sure. Yay, I love Halloween.

  169. I like crunch bars or jelly beans.

  170. My favorite candy for Halloween is chocolate covered marshmallow pumpkins!

  171. My favorite halloween candy by far are mellowcreme pumpkins. If you stick them in the freezer for a bit they have a wonderful texture!

  172. My favorite costume to dress up as is Medusa and my favorite Halloween candy is sweet tart rockets.

    The new book looks awesome!

  173. My favorite Halloween candy is twizzlers! Also Laffy Taffy!

  174. My favorite candy is Reese’s Peanut butter cups!!! MMMM anything with chocolate and peanut butter!!

  175. Peanut butter cups!

  176. I still love getting yummy old fashioned candy apples!! But my favourite chocolate treat is for sure cold Reeces Peanut Butter cups!!! <3 yuuuuuuummmmy!!!

  177. An exhausted stay at home mom….wait that’s my everyday look :-)
    I also love the Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins…and the sour apple caramel suckers.

  178. My favorite costume is a witch’s outfit. Favorite candy is peanut m&ms.

  179. Ohhh. Favorite candy is Reeses! I don’t dress up in costume, but I love to over-decorate the house for Halloween, especially our halloween village that is slowly overtaking every flat surface in the house each year!

  180. Once when I was younger me and two other friends dressed up for halloween as “Rock, Paper, and Scissors” (I was paper.) We made our them out of bristol board and everyone thought we had the coolest costumes ever. As for candy, my all time fav has to be Mars Bars. Hopefully there’s a recipe with Mars Bars in it in that cake pop book!

  181. My fav is Milky Way

  182. I like Red Licorice

  183. My favorite costume this year is penguin.

  184. I love Butterfingers

  185. I love Candy Corn!

  186. Favorite costume is anything with a wig b/c wigs are awesome. Favorite candy – oh man… well they now do Cadbury “scream” eggs so I can get that fix year round!

  187. I love York Peppermint Patties. And while I’ve had so many costumes over my childhood, my most memorable was when I was a bottle of Heinz tomato ketchup!

  188. I love any kind of candy corn way more than I really should.

  189. I love candy corn!!!

  190. I love to eat peanut butter cups and candy corn and kit kats and I could go on and on!

  191. My favorite candy is M&Ms! Kit Kat and Reeses are a close second though!

  192. Snickers……..I love a Snickers bar!!

  193. I love Snickers candy bars and Hershey Kisses!

  194. I bought a witch hat my first year in university and I’ve dressed up as a witch for 5 years. It’s my absolute favourite because the kids always like my hat when I hand them candy. I could eat tons of twix bars on halloween

  195. My faves are Kit Kat or Violet Crumble! =) Yummy-ness!

  196. I love all of the old stuff!! Mary Janes, $100,000 bars, and Baby Ruth.. Halloween isn’t the same without Baby Ruth.

  197. I have lots of treats I like near Halloween, but I’m going to go with caramel popcorn. Yum.

  198. candy corn and smarties.

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