
It’s been a great year!

It’s been a fun first year. Thank you for sharing it with me.

And, just yesterday I got the coolest present to round out the year.

THE Pioneer Woman blogged about making my Halloween Cake Pops. I couldn’t believe it. I look at her site all the time in amazement and I couldn’t believe she was talking about me. (She’s like some kind of super-human. If you aren’t familiar with her, you should check her out.) I’ve been secretly wishing her family would adopt me so I could live on the ranch and cook and take pictures of cows with her all day. So here’s a little photo just for her. I think she would like it.

Cow Cake Pops

Anyway, I can’t wait to see what next year brings. More sweet stuff for all of us I hope.

And now, for a Blogiversary Giveaway!

This is a celebration. And what’s a celebration without presents. So I’m giving away some Bakerella t-shirts from Three of them!

  • If you’re a bakerella at heart or simply like the site, enter for a chance to win.
  • Just leave a comment and share which celebrity you had or still have a crush on.
  • Make sure to leave an email address or a link to your blog so I can contact you if you win.
  • The cutoff to enter is Monday, November 3rd at Midnight. The winners will be announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Find out who won!

* Winners will be chosen at random, using’s integer generator.

Oh yeah, Happy Halloween, too!

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756 comments on “It’s been a great year!”

  1. Congrats on 1 year!! You have a great blog and are very talented!! You should be really proud!!

    I am so jealous that you got to meet “Bo” he was also my boyfriend when I was 6 or 7!

  2. Hey, being so much older than you, and sharing crushes, I had a big crush on Mickey Dolenz from the Monkees. So long ago…
    Love your blog and your creations!

  3. As a teen I was in love with New Kids on the Block. I still smile when I see or hear them today :)

  4. My celebrity crush is Dante Basco aka Rufio from Huck.

  5. Holy Cow!!! You have 589 comments! That’s amazing. Congrats on your one year anniversary with Bakerella. You’ve accomplished amazing feats. My secret crush growing up was Shaun Cassidy and used to kiss his lips on the poster of him hanging up in my bedroom. Yikes! What a hoot.

  6. Congrats on your one year!

    My crush was Donnie from NKOTB growing up, but now I’m in love with Wentworth Miller. HOTTIE!

  7. Although my all-time favorite crush of childhood was Shaun Cassidy (yes, I even had a pillowcase with his BEAUTIFUL face on it and that winged hair…oh my!), I, too, loved Bo. My brother dressed as Bo 3 Halloweens in a row…now that I think about it, I should have dressed as Daisy!

  8. Russell Crowe and all his sexiness!!!!!!

  9. Another Harrison Ford as Han Solo/Indiana Jones fan! The man is still hot after all these years.

    Oh – and Jon Bon Jovi. Wow. So stinkin’ cute…. too bad he knows it.



  10. Ok, *Swoon*…I totally had a crush on Bo Duke, and can still sing the entire Dukes of Hazzard theme song! I’m a total dork!

    I made your cupcake pops for my sister’s birthday, and just did the pumpkin ones for Halloween. They were a huge hit!

    Thanks so much for teaching us how to make fun things like that! :)

  11. Congratulations, Bakerella! I myself have just today entered the blogging world. YIKES! You have set the standard high.

  12. Hi!
    Robyn from Idaho
    C. Thomas Howell
    Still occasionally ‘Google’ him.
    Thanks for the chance.

  13. Happy 1st Blogiversary, Bakerella!!! What a great year it has been! I love your “01” cupcakes, and the wonderful story behind them. I read a lot of blogs, and yours is by far my most favorite. It makes my day everytime I get a notification that you’ve posted a new entry. :)

    So now for my crushes … when I was younger, I had huge crushes on Michael J. Fox and Kirk Cameron. Now that I’m all grown up and happily married, I have big crushes on James Spader (from Boston Legal) and John Cusack. Yummy!! :)

    Here’s to many, many more great blogiversaries!! :)

  14. Ah. I forgot to leave my name. I am the previous poster who talked about Matt Damon, Taye Diggs, and Halloween treats. Yummy all around

  15. Congrats on one year and going strong! Matt Damon and Taye Diggs are my cuties of choice. Also, I wanted to let you know that I made your Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie and Red Velvet Cake Balls (in addition to Buckeye Bars and Dirt Pie) for a Halloween party. Big hits!

  16. i just wanted to say 'happy blogaversary!' i began my blog the same week as you, & found yours maybe 2 months later.
    i'm so happy for your success over the past year!

  17. John Cusack is a one of my secret crushes! And Duff Goldman from “Ace of Cakes”. That laugh gets me every time. And think of all the free cake!!!! :)


  18. My secret crush is Duff Goldman from Charm City Cakes (Ace of Cakes). That laugh gets me every time!

  19. congrats on the 1 yr! :)


  20. I don’t really have a current one, but when I was little, I really liked the guy on Square One.

    eisbeckers (at) yahoo (dot) com

  21. I think Rupert Grint is lovely. :-)

    Also, love your blog!

  22. I have a crush on Jim Carey, probably because he makes me laugh so hard.

    Your blog has helped me to release my inner “Bakerella”. Thank you!

  23. I loved David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman–boy, I feel old!

  24. My huge crushes were Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp! How cool to meet Bo Duke! Happy 1 year Bakerella!!

  25. LOL! I, too, had an enormous crush on Bo…err… I mean John! In fact, when I came home with straight A’s on my report card in the 6th grade my reward was an 8-track-tape of John Schneider! I was in 11-year-old heaven!

    Shortly thereafter John was overthrown as my #1 hearthrob by none other than Rick Springfield. Yep, to this day I wish I WAS Jesse’s girl! *sigh*

    Thanks for a year of fun blog reading!


  26. Congrats on one year! I love the picture- too cute.

    My best friend and I had a huge crush on Heath Ledger ever since we saw 10 Things I Hate About You. Still miss him!

    Can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

  27. Cute pic of you and your boyfriend! Hee Hee! Your blog is so wonderful, I can’t believe it’s only been a year of Bakerella awesomeness. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next year…Congrats!!!!

  28. My first tv crush as a kid: Murdoch from the A-team (I know, weird)

    My teen crush: Javier Lopez of the Atlanta Braves

    My adult tv crushes: Michael Vartan of Alias, Matthew Fox of Lost

    I just recently discovered your site and LOVE it! I am a Bakerella at heart and have begun dabbling in catering small events this last year. Thanks for all your wonderful ideas! Happy Blogerversary!


  29. Paul Newman in “Cool Hand Luke.” Ah, so sad. But his blue eyes will always be the apple of mine!

  30. I had a crush on leo dicaprio when i saw titanic ten years ago. i hate to admit that! love the site!

  31. Brad Pitt has always been my number 1. He dropped points when he left J. Aniston but he is still gorgeous. =)

  32. I need to leave more comments. A little jealous you have a picture with Bo and Love love your blog

  33. My newest crush is Simon Baker, I think he is so handsome.

  34. matthew mcconaughey oh so fine…

    can’t wait for your 2nd year of blogging

  35. I love your site~ as does my husband! He made cakeballs the other day!

    My celebrity crush is….tyler florence–yummy!

  36. I met the other brother, but the blonde one was the better looking one!

  37. Yay congrats!!!

    I have had a crush on Paul Newman ever since I saw him in Cool Hand Luke. He was super talented and gorgeous. <3

  38. I’m not sure if my comment posted so I am going to comment again – just to be on the safe side!

    My sister had her 11th birthday party last week and we all went to see High School Musical 3. I loved the movie – which I maybe should or shouldn’t be ashamed to admit? But regardless – I loved the star of it even more.

    Bottom line – Zac Efron is a hottie.

    I’m 21 – same as him – just to be clear. I’m not some old woman getting all hot over some young guy. But I am also married – so I guess I can’t really pine after him for to long… my husband might get a little jealous.

    Anyway I love LOVE your blog – and I love the pictures more than anything! Congrats on 1 year – and I hope that you keep on going for much longer than that!

  39. Happy Anniversary!
    Just ordered a tshirt! Can’t wait.
    Hope this next year is as wonderful as this past one.

    Take care,

  40. Oh, dear…LUKE Duke was my boyfriend. We could have been cousins-by-marriage. =)

  41. I’m sure there were many… Rob Lowe is definitely among them.

  42. Well I have to admit – which may be something I should be ashamed of – but I went to see High School Musical 3 with my little sister and I loved it. What I loved even more was the star Haha. Ok, Zac Efron is seriously seriously HOT! I’m 21 – so don’t worry I’m not some old lady with a crush on some young guy… we are the same age. I’m married though – so I guess I can’t pine after him for to long. Haha.

    Anyway – I love your site… and I love looking at your pictures they are always amazing! :)

  43. I’ve always admired Mrs Butterworth.

    Thanks for all the great ideas – have a blessed year!

  44. Well, I would have to say John from Chips…so dreamy…


  45. Wow! This is only my second time visiting the website, but I have to say your baking is AMAZING! I’ve never seen anything quite so… artistic with food. I love baking myself, but I’m not even a smidgen as talented as you are.

    I still, STILL, have a crush on Jordan from the New Kids on the Block. I’ve been in love with him since I was about 4. No joke. It’s kind of pathetic, I know, but I don’t really care.

  46. I have a ton of crushes…LOVE Harrison Ford, LOVE Julia Roberts, LOVE Rachael Ray and Giada Delaurentes…and LOVE your site too…

  47. Kevin James from King of Queens. haha

  48. Kevin James from King of Queens. haha

  49. Kevin James from King of Queens. haha

  50. Kevin James from King of Queens. haha

  51. Kevin James from King of Queens. haha

  52. Kevin James from King of Queens. haha

  53. Kevin James from King of Queens. haha

  54. Kevin James from King of Queens. haha

  55. I have a crush on Bruce Willis. My husband makes fun of me because he is older or a lot older than me. But I still think he is hot and his voice is to die for!


  56. Congrats Bakerella! What an amazing year you had!

  57. happy anniversary! i come to your site regularly to see what amazing creations you have come up with. i think you are fantastic!

  58. Congratulations on one year… many more to go- MANY! Otherwise where will I go to sit slack jawed and drooling?

  59. I love your site. My childhood crush was Michael Landon from “Little House”.I wished he was my father and as I got older my Daddy!

  60. Gosh…there have been so many celebrity crushes….

    I guess the biggest was on John Taylor from Duran Duran. They were at the height of their popularity when I was in Jr. High. That is prime celebrity crust time, of course.

  61. Well, I just loved Dean Cain as Superman. Yum-o!

  62. I have a huge crush on Christian Bale. Oh lord almighty.

  63. Happy Blogiversary! Fantastic cupcakes and photo angles!!!

    Oh, I have had (and continue to have) so many crushes, but I must say Blair Underwood has been my honey bun since the 80’s and he continues to be to this day…part of the reason I love watching “Dirty Sexy Money”!

  64. Michael J. Fox. Back to the Future and Family Ties, I can’t remember what exactly drew me to him, but my brother still makes fun of me for it.

  65. Happy Anniversary! YOU Have a fun website – inspirational.

  66. Happy anniversary! I don’t know why this was so hard to decide, but my crush was probably River Phoenix. I’m sure there were others though. . .xoxo

  67. Ever since highschool I’ve had a crush on Johnny Depp. hubba hubba.

    Congrats on your blogiversary

    So jealous you met Jon Schneider. The cakes are fantastic.

  68. You are such a cute girl, I love your blog. Im a Bakerella wannabe.

    The gorgeous Leo Dicaprio; Delicious. Enough said.

  69. First crush was Shaun Cassidy then knight rider – david hasselhoff.

    I am so glad I found your blog. This is the best.

    Happy Anniversary

  70. tina @
    I've got some Bakerella love and I want to show it off! <3 :") Thanks

  71. oh, definitely Pierce Brosnan. The accent, the face, yeah, YUM! can you make a cupcake for him? :D

  72. John Schneider, so cool! My maiden name was Schneider, so I liked him for that (the cute factor helped too). My real childhood crush was *Erik Estrada*. Yes, I was a 4 year old with a crush on Ponch.

  73. I’m new to your site, just subscribed.

    Loved David McCallum from Man from U.N.C.L.E. I saw him a number of years ago walking alone on Columbus Ave in SF when he was there doing a show. Wish I had stopped and talked to him.

  74. I’ve always had a huuugee crush on Torri Higginson ^^

    Congrat’s on your 1 year blogaversary!!
    I tried making your cupcake pops and they turned out sooo yummy! thankyou for sharing the recipe :) :)

  75. Tom Wopat, the other Duke brother had my heart :)

    Great blog, always such fun to see what you come up with. After seeing the cow pops, I want to make some piggy pops. Oink!

  76. Big Dukes fan here. First crush was Bo.

    Did I mention one of my boys is named

    melaniesworld00 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  77. I found you through Pioneer Woman!
    I love Keanu Reeves.

  78. I was too busy being on love with my brothers friend, Tom, to waste my time being in love with someone famous! When he got married to someone else, I had to move on…..

    I love your cake balls! I had them once at a friend house and she got them from Oklahoma. They cost $1 each…now I can make them for her next celebration! Thanks for the recipe!

  79. I have always had a crush on Jake Gyllenhall…

    Happy one year anniversary!!! :-)

  80. i think simon baker, who’s on the show “the mentalist”, is cute.

  81. curtis stone, celebrity chef. hot. shhh. my boyfriend doesn’t know. =/ hahaha.

  82. Hmm … Yeah, total crush on Jon Bon Jovi when I was about 9 years old! I wanted to marry him even though he was 16 or so years older than me!

  83. Josh Duhmel- I know he’s Fergie’s, but he should be mine! :)

  84. For me, it has always been about Mr. Darcy: the way Colin First did him. Oh, smoky! Don’t get me started.

  85. I had a crush on Jonathan Crombie from an old movie Anne of Green Gables. Gilbert Blythe! Haha, yes but Happy Blogiversary! :D

  86. Oh those shirts are so hot.. I would look good as a wanna be bakerella???

    I’m not a crush type person.. I always knew they wouldnt give a hoot about me.. and most famous people arent worth your time… that said I did like River Pheonix and Keanu Reeves as a teenager

  87. I thought Robert Sean Leonard in Dead Poet’s Society was adorable! And now the crush can continue with his role on House!! Yeah for the eye candy!

  88. Happy Blog Birthday to You!!

  89. Sean Connery. Sigh. My husband knows that if SC were to walk through our door he would be in trouble! :-)

  90. I had a huge crush on Erik Estrada back in the day…

  91. Well, I’ve always liked George Clooney!

  92. congrats on your anniversary!

    as dorky as it sounds, i had a crush on quincy from quincy, m.d. always loved the brainy type!

  93. Oh, and hey! Congrats on being featured on Her step-by-step photos are pretty incredible.

  94. Does Gavin Newsom count as a celebrity??? =) I have a massive crush on him. I’m stalking him right now!

  95. Well the first one didnt go through so mine is Patrick Swayze.

  96. I so love Patrick Swayze. I have had a thing for him since Dirty Dancing. He’s getting old but still has it going! hehe

  97. I always had a crush on Dr. Kildaire….I would run home from grade school (sneak home actually) at lunch time to go home and watch Dr. Kildaire on our (1st on the block), colored T.V. Now thats a way long while ago!!

  98. Well, I have a crush on Mike Rowe of “Dirty Jobs”. Wierd, I know, but he’s so funny and witty!

    Your site is fabulous! Keep up the great work!

  99. Happy Blogerversary! I found your site through pioneer woman! And from what I have seen so far, it’s totally cool!!! LOVE the cake pops!!!

    Anyway, I never crushed over boys when I was younger, but there were plenty of girls that I thought were totally awesome! Laura Ingals Wilder and Alyssa Milano (Who’s the boss).

  100. Well, I have been in love with Brett Favre since I was 9 years old. When ever I talked about him I said my boyfriend and now (29 years old) I speak of him as my other husband.
    Congrats on the one year! I have been reading/watching/and trying out your creations since I found you on here pre-martha! :)

    jamie Lumsdaine

  101. i love both of your blogs & congrats on a great year!

  102. In my youth, I loved Jonathan Taylor Thomas of “Home Improvement” fame. These days, I’m more of a Jim Krasinski (Halpert) fan. Dreamy and a little nerdy. :)

  103. Jack Black. I even named my Chihuahua after him :) My fiance wasn’t thrilled about that choice :)

    Fantastic Blog!! Happy Blogiversary!

  104. Happy Blogiversary!
    I discovered your blog thanks to The Pioneer Woman. I ran right out and bought cake mix and frosting to try some of the cupcake pops. I can’t wait

  105. I use to have a crush on Devon Sawa. LOL.

    End date is mine and my boyfriends 10 year anniversary o__o.

    Thanks for another giveaway!!

  106. I don’t see my comments so I wil try again. Tom Selleck….sigh. Still. I also heart your creations and your blog. Congratulations on ALL your milestones and anniversary!

  107. LOVE the General Lee!! My husband will be uber-jealous!

    My TV crush was always Joshua Jackson who played Pacey Whitter on Dawson’s creek. I’m still totally in love with him. Oh, and at the height of x-files I dreamed of David Duchoveny almost on a nightly basis.

  108. I’m in love with Mike Rowe, the “Dirty Jobs” guy :) Those eyes!

  109. Tom Selleck. It is so embarrassing but he was the only celebrity I really had a die-hard crush on (maybe after Shaun Cassidy). Congratulations! I’ve been following you for ages now and I love your site!!

  110. I still have a crush on John Travolta!

  111. My teen crush was Rob Lowe! I too had many a Teen Beat pics of him.
    Love your site and your creativity!

  112. I sort of have a crush on Shane West right now. It seems like it always changes. Congrats on your 1st year! You are amazing and my best friend and I love your blog :). Plus, way to go on a picture with hot Bo!

  113. Oh gosh, Kirk Cameron waaaay back in the day!

  114. Made my way here from Pioneer Woman, and I love your blog! Definitely added to my bookmarks.

    My celebrity crush is on Dolly Parton… I just love her and would freak. out. if I ever met her. Other celeb crushes: Jake Gyllenhal, George Clooney, Tina Fey.

  115. When we were young my big sis and I loved Donny Osmond. She had huge poster of him (in a purple pageboy cap) over her bed and we would drool over that cute dimpled smile of his.

  116. Harrison Ford in television and movies…watched The Fugitive a dozen times.

  117. I was all about Ricky Schroeder! He kind of went away, didn’t he?

    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  118. Congratulations!

    I would have to say Donnie from NKOTB growing up…but now, Wentworth Miller.

  119. My “celebrity” crush when I was little was Disney’s Robin Hood! Yes, that’s right, I had a crush on a cartoon fox.

  120. Happy Anniversary! I’m showing my age, but I really liked Davy Jones of The Monkees:)
    P.S. I now am the happy owner of a camera like yours(newer version) :)

  121. I loved Sean Astin. When I was growing up I would kiss a picture of him every night before bed. *sigh* He’s still cute to me.

    Of course, I like Bo too, but Luke kind of won my heart over the years.

  122. Luke Perry from 90210!!! In younger years it was Joey from New Kids on the Block and I actually get to see them in concert in 3 weeks! YAY! Happy 1st Birthday!

  123. Okay, I was in LOVE with Rex Smith! I’m sure no one else remembers him….but the tv movie “Sooner or Later”….ahhhhh what a dreamboat! He also did a musical Pirates of Penzance. I have all his albums…yes vinyl….I’m really starting to date myself. Anyway…love your blog Bakerella, thanks for sharing your talent and keen sense of style and humor!

  124. Johnny Depp..ever since Edward Scissorhands.

  125. Celebrity crush is something I do well. Too well. As a kid I was sure I would marry Joey McIntyre of New Kids on the Block. My tastes have changed…now I’m all Vin Diesel and Andersen Cooper. Oh! And I’m going to a Tyler Florence book signing tomorrow. That man could make me pancakes any time he’d like.

  126. i love zac efron now because of high school musical 3, present day c’mon! haha um…who else…lots more…hhaa
    congrats on the anniversary/birthday blog! =)

  127. Bobby Sherman! Such a dreamboat!

  128. Ah! I have a lot of love for Gary Sinise for some reason. And I used to kiss the pages including Christian Slater, but those days have passed!

  129. Congrats on your one year anniversary!!
    My crush when I was younger was Michael Jackson during the Thriller years! He was soooo cute!!!

  130. I guess I can tell you about my boyfriend. You may know him as Mr. Darcy, but most people know him as Colin Firth. BTW, love your site. Happy Blogiversary!!

  131. Happy blogiversary! I have a crush on Justin Timberlake…it started back with NSYNC…and I yeah…it’s still there!! hehehe I was…and am…a boy band sucker!

  132. LOVED this post! Happy Anniversary!! My crush was (IS!) Mark-Paul Gosselar…Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell.

  133. My favorite celeb was Kirk Cameron! Altho I did have the hots for the Duke boys as well. My brother is an avid collector of the DOH things! Happy Anniversary!!

  134. I always have loved Ethan Embry… I will stop what I’m doing and watch any movie he’s in.

    Seth Green too.

    I love nerdy guys.

  135. I just love Joaquin Phoenix!!!

    Congrats on your year anniversary!!

  136. I had a huge crush on Daryl Hall from Hall and Oates. Still love their music today, but I’m over the whole crush thing!

  137. Longtime crush: Michael Damien. Since he was on the soaps!

    Several years ago he was playing Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I knew, through friends, the woman playing the narrator. So, we got to go backstage and hangout–and of course he came by to say hi to her. I was very nonchalant, acting as if I was backstage all the time–but inside I was freaking out!

    On the way out of the theater we passed him signing autographs for some older ladies, I broke my super cool cover to ask him to sign my Playbill. He smiled at me so nicely and said he would have done it backstage if he had known I was a fan. Then he leaned over and kissed me on my check! Ahhh!

    Happy Blogiversary!

  138. I have a crush on Patrick Dempsey!

    ravenwins @

  139. Oh, girlfriend…I can only DREAM of being a Bakerella. I will just happily drool over your magnificent creations for now thanks. :)

    Congrats on your first year – it has certainly been a full and successful one!

  140. Eric Estrada–Chips. Total crush. My sister was in love with Sean Cassidy. Those were the days. Thanks for all of the fun ideas on your site and happy blog-o-versary!

  141. I love to make stuff that is really unique and my friend tipped me off to your site because I wanted to copy her amazing pops she mad. Also I used to have a crush on JTT (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) but now ( don’t tell my husband,) have a crush on Patrick Demsey.

  142. What a fantastic 1st celebration. I love the story of Bakeralla and Bo’s Romance.

    I had way too many T.V. loves growing up so I’ll just name a few: Mork from Ork, Hawkeye Pierce, Capt Kirk and Mr. Spock, Thomas Magnum, Alex P. Keaton, Sam Malone….oh, make it stop!

    Congrats!! I love your site!!

  143. Hmm, Karate kid! and johnny depp! Love the piggy cupcake balls! I have made them for the girls at work! Love your blog!

  144. Oh gosh, which one to choose! I’m embarrassed to admit this, but this is a recent celebrity crush I’ve got, I mean I had. Charlie Sheen in Hot Shots and Hot Shots II. Wow. And when I was younger, I had a total crush on Dmitri, from the animated Anastasia. Yeah, I was crushing on a cartoon character, isn’t that sad? :-)

  145. Great first year! We read your blog here in Sweden!

  146. I had a crush, in my yonger years on Don Johnson in his Miami Vice role. But hubby is my one and only true love baby cakes crush forever.

  147. Pierce Brosnan. I huge a huge crush on him when he was Remington Steele!

  148. John was MY boyfriend!! =)

    My current cutie would be Val Kilmer…though Sean Connery and Patrick Stewart have always been in the running. I apparently have a thing for bald guys. I even think the weekend weatherguy on a local station is cute. I told my husband that and he said, “Of course you do. He’s bald!”

  149. I don’t know if i’ve signed up! I don’t think I have. I love your site. I’m glad you got a picture! It does look like your BFF…

  150. I am in love with Josh Groban. Mostly because of his gorgeous voice, but I wouldn’t mind his face serenading me to sleep either! :) HAHA!

  151. Wow! Just found your blog. I love your stuff and those cow pops are sooo cute.

  152. Wow how could he be your boy friend too…lol. Congrats to an awesome year and I hope you have many, many more. Really enjoy your blog and thanks for the chance to win a shirt.

    Debbie/Phx AZ

  153. I too, was a huge Dukes of Hazzard fan when I was younger but Luke Duke was my man…as an adult my new celebrity infatuation would have to be Paula Deen. I have moved on from cute boys to chefs. I have met her at a book signing and watched her live on her cooking tour. She is as down to earth as you would expect.

  154. I actually found your site through Pioneer Woman and instantly added you to my Bloglines Blogs! You are so creative!

    My secret celebrity crush…probably Will Smith but I’ve LOVED Duran Duran since 7th grade so I guess that’s probably more what you’re looking for :) Happy Blogiversary!

  155. Yep, Bo Duke was my Tiger Beat Crush too. I had the giant poster of him leaning against the car too.

  156. My crush since forever is Johnny Depp!!!! And the older he gets the better he looks!!

    and CONGRATS!!!!!!!
    Hope to keep reading your blog for many years t come!!

  157. Your creations are incredible!

    Happy Blogaversary!!

    I had a huge crush on Bo Duke!

  158. happy anniversary! I love you and your cake balls!

    My tv crush was Kirk Cameron.

  159. George Clooney is one hott celebrity! I just love your blog! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas-you are AMAZING!

  160. My boyfriend was definitely Kirk Cameron. He was the first McDreamy :-)

    Love your blog!!

    melissajhf @ yahoo . com

  161. I thought he was cute too.

  162. I had a crush on lance bass from nsync growing up xP

    now i have major crushes on some asian boy abnds xP

  163. Oh three are too many… Christian Bale in Newsies… Adorable!

  164. Happy Anniversary! I love your blog (even if I’m not much of a baker!).

    My secret crush for years and years was Mackenzie Astin (Sean’s little brother). Oh, my pre-teen heart would get all a-flutter over his posters! :)

  165. Christian Bale. For ever.

  166. I came across your site from Pioneer Woman, and now my mom and I are doing cake pops tomorrow!

    And as for my crush, i had a crush on Randy from Home Improvement! LOL! (hey, it was my generation!)

  167. I’ve been in LOVE with Christian Bale since “Empire of the Sun” (that’s 1987)! Love the tribute to Dukes and Happy Blogiversary!

  168. That’s awesome that you got to meet a celebrity crush. Isn’t that every girl’s dream? When I was in second grade I had a big crush on Joe from New Kids on the Block. Kind of embarrassing now… I love your blog! Can’t wait to see what this year has in store.

  169. congrats on your one year! that’s terrific–makes me about as happy as it makes you :D

    I had a crush on… Jonathan Taylor Thomas as a kid? And the nysync guys…. leonardo dicaprio… Now it’s like… Brad Pitt. Haha. I’m so typical.

  170. I am in love with Ed Norton and hooked on your blog!

  171. i heart Christian Slater. i did in jr. high and i still do now!!

  172. Hi! Yeah.. I have a crush on Zac Efron… I can’t help it!

    Thanks for your posts! Your blog is so entertaining. And I love your ideas.

  173. Congrats on the 1 year mark!!
    I’m pretty fond of Seth Rogen.

  174. that is such a great picture of you and “Bo” but I have bad news for you – he must have been a cheatin’ bastard back then cause he was MY boyfriend too! ;)
    I -need- a bakerella shirt. Please pick me random generator!

  175. I have become addicted to your blog and have tried most everything you do! Tonight I am making the pumpkin choco chip cookies to take to a friends for dinner!
    Okay, so my all time favorite celeb crush is Kenny Loggins (I suppose that dates me a bit!). I saw him for the first time when I was 15. My friends and I have seen him many times since then, but last year for my 40th, we went to see him again. This time I did some fancy talking after the show and I actually MET HIM! My friend had to step in because he couldn’t understand what I was saying, I talk fast when I am nervous! Anyway it was great, you are great, your blog is beyond great!
    Happy Anniversary! mps

  176. MMMM my celebrity crush would have to be Jeff Gordon… HELLO HOTTIE!!!

  177. Oh! I was glancing at your cake pops on the Pioneer Woman’s site, and wondering something: If one were to try and make turkeys out of cake balls, what could you use for the tail feathers? Fondant maybe? I just don’t know!!

  178. I've had so many crushes, but a favorite when I was younger was Shaun Cassidy & Parker Stevenson from the Hardy Boys. I was so sure they would come an help me out some time!

    Congratulations on your Blogaversary!

  179. Happy Anniversary! My favorite celeb crush is Tatum Channing.

  180. I had a HUGE crush on Joe from New Kids on the Block when they first came out. It’s a lasting crush, too, because I have every single one of his solo albums, and I still google him once a week to see what’s up! :D

  181. Justin Timberlake, by far. I remember watching him on the Disney Channel concert with *N SYNC and I decided he was my boyfriend then and there!
    He’s still my boyfriend, but Jessica Biel just doesn’t know about it ;)
    E-mail is flipper2388 at

  182. Teen Beat Magazine was kind enough to give me regular updates on my boyfriends C. Thomas Howell and Ralph Macchio. Sad, but true. Current crush would have to be vampire Bill from True Blood. Delish!

    Congrats on a fantastic year!

  183. I have always loved Ryan Phillipe. Even before he was Reese Witherspoons husband. He is a Hottie.Anyway Congrats on your site’s first year.

  184. Bill Pullman – While You Were Sleeping my favorite movie ever! Happy One Year!!

  185. I had a crush on Kirk Cameron – Mike Seaver from Growing Pains when I was younger and like you Bo Duke ranked up high on the list as well.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net

  186. Happy Blogiversary … Love your site !

  187. I’m a bakerella wannabe, I hope that counts. (not to mention a huge fan of this site)
    I had the biggest crush on Andy Gibb. (Ok, I know I just dated myself) But I did and I’m proud!

  188. Love Bakerella happy anniversary! I had a crush on Kirk Cameron when I was growing up….sheesh!

  189. Donny Osmond, of course! LOL Who could resist Puppy Love?

  190. Hi Bakerella, I am so envious – I had a huge crush on Bo Duke!

    Congratulations on such a great year! :)

    seanik AT

  191. Happy Blog birthday! I’ve always enjoyed your creations-I am such a big fan! My favorite crush? George Clooney and Mark Walhberg!

  192. Bruce Willis for sure! =)

    starsdontshine at hotmail dot com

  193. the cow pops are way cute!
    I had a crush on Tom Cruise especially in Top Gun and Far and Away!

  194. I had a crush on Zac from Saved by the Bell :)

  195. Congratulations on 1 year!! I love your blog!

    I think Gary Allen is a cutie (got to meet him once and he was even cuter and so nice in person)

    But I had a Dukes of Hazzard lunch box in elementary school!!


  196. So many crushes so little time…my current one is Jason Mraz!

  197. My first tv crush was actually Luke Duke (my sister had dibs on Bo). But I’d also have to include Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones (He was too shaggy in Star Wars). Thanks Bakerella for such a fun site!

  198. I have a HUGE crush on David Beckham, who’s not really a celebrity but almost :D

  199. I’ve been lurking and enjoying your blog for a while; happy blogaversary and thanks for all the inspiration and fun.

    I don’t know whether to be glad or feel a little lonely with the lack of others that had crushes on Rick Springfield… I used to play his record every morning while I got ready for school and would sing to his poster on the back of my bedroom door. :P

  200. OMG! John Schneider of course!

    Anyway, you look great and always looking forward for more updates! Happy Blogerversary Bakerella!

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