
Cake Pops

It’s real. It’s printed. It’s on its way to warehouses and bookstores and stuff. And, it’s crazy. When I started this blog I would never have thought of myself having a book. Ever. Especially one about cake on a stick. I mean really. It’s crazy. Crazy wonderful. I can hardly believe it.

But it is real. My publisher sent me an advance copy to prove it… and I was just plain giddy when I opened it. I gave it a big hug. There was a significant amount of squealing, too.

I really have to thank all you guys. When I first started making the cupcake pops I didn’t realize how popular they would become and especially how quickly. So many of you had questions and were excited to make your own that it inspired me to want to keep making them for you. And then I wanted to make them better and see just how far I could take them. I made so many that after a while, it just made sense to put them together in a book. A book that would also hopefully help answer some of the questions you’ve asked along the way. So thanks for inspiring me to push myself.

Want to see?

Just a little maybe?

Okay. You talked me into it.


Look at the cute, colorful cover.

Hardcover. Yay!


And here’s the spine…


…with wiro-binding inside!

Pink wiro-binding which is extra awesome.


It makes everything prettier when it’s laying flat.

Oh yeah… there’s also a bunch of pop projects inside. Some from the site and just as many brand new.


And look… there’s even some step-by-step stuff. I hope this helps.

P.S. That’s me pretending to be a hand model.


Pages. Real pages and lots of them.

All that rolling and dipping and decorating. The writing and photography and editing. Hours and hours at the computer. Did I really do all that? Was that me? So much work, but so worth it to see it all finished.


Plus, when I look inside … it just makes me happy.


I hope it makes you happy, too. Especially all of you who’ve made cake pops. Give a shout out if you’ve tried them before. I’d love to hear.

Cake Pops available in September or you can pre-order from the following…


Barnes and Noble


Chronicle Books

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992 comments on “Cake Pops”

  1. It’s so fun to hear how excited you are about your book! :)
    Congratulations!! I am so anxious to get one for myself, as I’ve been bitten by the Cake Pop bug!! I made the Lambs for Easter, cause they were just to darn cute! And my sister made the Chicks! We had a ball calling each other while we were in our seperate kitchens, creating them!!
    Thank you so much for your ideas!! :)


    I’ve made a few cake pops (non on sticks, yet) and they are so yummy and cool to make. My kids think they’re great, and one day I’ll let them help ;)

    I’m going to be dropping some huge hints for a Christmas gift this year. I hope it works …. unless, of course, I buy your book myself first!

  3. Congratulations on your book… you have given so many of us inspiration and joy from your blog… you desire every success on your book!



  4. Good for you! Isn’t it wonderful when great things happen in your life – and they bring you such joy! For all of us that have ever said “I wish I could …” you have become an inspiration, whether it is a cake pop, a quilt, a 12 course dinner! When you do something with love it just all works out!

  5. Congratulations on your book!! I am totally addicted to your site and I have pre- ordered my book from amazon. I look forward to getting it in the mail.

  6. Congratulations – I am so buying this when it comes out!!!!!!

  7. Holla! I’ve made them (sans “pop”) and given them as gifts in cute gift boxes. People love them! Congrats!

  8. Oh yay for you! Congratulations! I am so excited to purchase this book, and very happy for you.

    I might have to buy two, one to look at and one to use. My Pioneer Woman cookbook has food stains all over it and it makes me sad :-)

    Well done and much deserved!

  9. looks amazing! congratulations!!

  10. Congratulations Bakerella! I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on a copy. I’ll probably just drool over the pictures but maybe one day I will even give them ago :)

  11. congrats on the book! can’t wait to get it this fall :) love your blog and i’ve gotten quite good with the cake balls and just tried cake pops for the first time!

    however, i still have one issue to iron out….how do you store the cake balls and cake pops when finished? i’ve been letting them set on the counter after dipping, but find that the inside is mushy so i usually refrigerate them, but that makes them sweat a little….any advice??? and do you ever freeze them?

  12. Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your great accomplishment! I have made many, many cakeballs since I have discovered your site – they definitely keep my boyfriend around!

  13. Congrats! Can’t wait to get the book! CAke pops are delicious!!!

  14. I’m so happy for you!! You have been over the top generous with your ideas and have given countless people happiness…through the glorious, marvelous, creative and very fun cake pop. I’ve made them for my grand daughters parties and a friend’s little girl’s b-day…(I think I made 75 for her, yikes!!)….the Martha Stewart ones. They were each and everyone yummy!

    SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! I’m ordering mine ASAP!!

  15. yes I have made them and loved them!! Congrats on the book. I will be ordering one for sure!!! Dreams do come true! :-)

  16. Congrats. You should be so proud of yourself. I preordered mine over a month ago. I love that I will be able to lay the book flat when opened. Designed by someone who actually bakes/cooks!

  17. I can’t wait to receive this book and make some cake pops with my girls. Congratulations!!

  18. Thank you so much for your cake ball recipe. They’ve been a hit everywhere I’ve brought them. :) Congratulations on your book!

  19. Congratulations!!!! So fun and exciting!! And from the pics… it looks gorgeous!!

  20. Of COURSE I’ve made cake pops– and they’re always a hit! The book is on my Christmas list this year, and I was sold before I even knew about the pink wiro-binding. :D It looks so pretty!

  21. Awesome! I can only imagine how thrilled and excited you must feel. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing all the new, creative ideas you’ve dreamed up for this book. :)

  22. WOW!!! How exciting for you!! I can’t wait to get that gorgeous book in my hot little hands!!

  23. I am so happy for you. You have a true talent and it’s nice to see that all your hard work has paid off. Congratulations!

  24. A big congrats, Bakerella! I look forward to your book. It’s a must-have. I’m so happy to see a robot on the cover; my favorite.

    I read your Tweet about being an organ recipient. So happy for your 18-year anniversary.

  25. I made cake pops in the shape of frogs for my Sister-In-Law’s birthday. They were so cute and so yummy! Everyone loved them!

  26. oh my god ! it is soooooooo cute, it’s awesome :) i’m so happy for you !! congratulations from finland :) !

  27. I know what everyone is getting for Christmas this year.

  28. ah congrats ! it looks beautiful; i am so buying it when it comes out !

  29. I preordered it a while ago and can’t wait!! Thank you, Bakerella, for sharing your wonderful ideas with us!

  30. Can hardly wait!

  31. I love cake pops! I love the idea, I love how they’re bite-sized, and I LOVE how cute/adorable you make them! Bakerella in general is so inspiring and I love reading your blog. Now, even better, I can read YOUR BOOK! Congrats! So exciting!

  32. I can’t wait to buy this book! I’ve made your cupcake pops and some cake pops just dipped in chocolate. Everyone loves them! They’re such a great treat to bring to parties!

  33. Hi !
    I’m french and i read your blog everdy week in my RSS feeds :)
    Your creations are amazing and wonderful ! Congratulations for your book that i’m going to buy right now by internet !
    Keep cooking ! It’s so beautiful !

  34. So happy for you! I made cake pops–a double batch, 1/2 of the batch went to my son’ preschool graduation party, the other half I did for a fundraiser that a bunch of us moms put on to raise money and awareness for our town’s American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life walk. I copied your colors and let me tell you, they were the talk of the night. They turned out fabulous and now everyone thinks that I actually have some super baking skills–soon my secret will be out though! Congratulations on your book!!!

  35. woooooohoooooooooooo!!!!!

    Just today a friend asked me to tell her how to make cake pops – we’re going to have a girlie evening and get sticky. What could be more fun?

    I simply cannot wait to own your book! xxx

  36. I pre-ordered today!

  37. Your pops have made my grandkids smile and they love to help make them. I will be buying your book! Congrats!!

  38. mine is already pre-ordered!! Can’t wait!

  39. Congratulations, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. And yes, I have made cake pops! I did pumpkins at Halloween. I also made the mini pumpkin pies with the pumpkin shaped pastry shells you did last year. I just love your stuff, can’t wait to try more after I get the book!

  40. So happy for you….can’t wait for it to come out!! Some of my favorites are German Chocolate and Red Velvet!!!

  41. Totally cool! I am so excited for you!
    Off to pre-order right now…maybe they will send me an autographed copy?! :-) Oh wait… when is the book tour?!

  42. I WANT IT…..

  43. I just pre-ordered it at german amazon. I can’t wait!

  44. I made them for a fundraiser at my husbands work last year. The employees have talked about them all year and so this year ALL they want to sell is your cake pops!!! And I’ve been elected to make them. ALL OF THEM. Bake sale fundraiser all depends on me! But I’m excited for the challenge. I’m going to mix it up with some ice cream pops, hamburger cupcakes, congo bars and brownie candy cups too! It’s this weekend, so wish me luck :}

  45. YEA! I just pre-ordered. I can’t wait to get it.

  46. I’ve been a visitor to your site for awhile now, but never commented, but I just had to this time! Congratulations! You deserve all the good things that are coming your way! Look forward to reading your book!!!!

  47. Oh yes! Made lots of cake pops. Sesame Street was probably my fav that I have done. I have a pending order for cats and dogs as an appreciation gift for a Vet Clinic. Yah! Already pre-ordered your book. Can’t wait!

  48. YAY! Can’t wait to buy it. I made the chick ones at easter and they were great. Congratulations! ! ! ! ! !

  49. Congratulations. i am a new Bakerella subscriber and I love the cake pops. i just pre-ordered my copy. I tried the cake balls last weekend and my husband loved them. i am going to attempt the cake pops when I receive my book!

  50. Congrats on finishing the book! I have to say I love cake pops, but mine never turn out as lovely as yours, but they certainly taste delicious! Thanks for all of the baking inspiration.

  51. This is wonderful! Congratulations! I can’t wait to see it on shelves!

  52. Congratulations! Can’t wait to devour the book! It releases on my birthday !! woooo!

  53. CONGRATS!! IT looks beautiful!

  54. Two words: You ROCK!!!!

    Thanks for all the time you devoted to your book – can’t wait!!!

  55. You should do a give away for one or two of the copies!!! That would be fun! :)

  56. Congratulations!!!!!

  57. CONGRATS!! I’m so excited for this book!!!!! I already have it preordered. I make the cake pops all the time, my nieces love them and love to help make them so it’s become a great family thing. I hope you go on a book tour and come to Portland, OR!! The only thing better than a cake pop book is a signed cake pop book from Bakerella!

  58. I just made the cake pops for the first time last week.
    I took them to an art camp that I volunteered at. They were a HUGE hit with the kids and the adults.
    I made one funfetti cake, and one gluten free chocolate cake – the gluten free one had a richer gooer consistency that was liked by all.
    Thanks for the idea. I took pictures with my phone – and I am not sure I can email those to you for the pop art section. Any ideas?

  59. Congrats I can’t wait to get your book I think I am going to buy one for my mom and my sisters for christmas, I made the cupcake pops a couple of time and then I made those cute raindeer pops and just the plain round cake pops I am always trying to find excuses to make them, I love them, your amazing

  60. Kudos to you! That is fantastic. Are you sleeping with it under your pillow?

  61. oooohhhh Fantastic!! Have just seen that you can get it on UK Amazon too ! Hurray for you and your book ! Can’t wait to have a go myself!

  62. Congrats!! That’s an amazing accomplishment! I have tried your cake pops and they were so fun to make! Thanks!

  63. Congrats! I can’t wait to check it out.

  64. Congratulations! Is there a book signing in New York area?
    I’ve seen you in Martha and tried your cake pops on my daughter’s 11th birthday party. It was such a cutie.

  65. Congratulations!!! What an incredibly cute book! I can’t wait until it comes out!!!

  66. Awww, you didn’t have to show us the book, we will buy it! Congrats on your first of many books. Great job and be proud of yourself!

  67. I pre ordered weeks ago, it comes out in Canada before it does in the USA. August 16th for me!

  68. I’m so excited for you…with all the work you have put into your cake pops and all the variations…you deserve a cookbook! I have made them and they are so much fun and good! My little granddaughters love them and love to help make them! I had a family baby shower for my daughter and made cake pops to decorate her cake!

  69. Congratulations! It’s so wonderful to see someone’s hard work pay off – it’s inspiring! This is definitely a book I’d like to add to my collection.

  70. I just have to say … CONGRATULATIONS!!! I will be on the list of the first to buy a copy! :) Happy day!

  71. Congratulations! I’m so excited for you to get published. I think back fondly of the first cake pops I ever saw!

  72. Heaps of congratulations coming your way!

  73. Looks fantastic! I can’t wait until mine arrive arrives at my doorstep!

  74. Congratulations!!!

  75. September? I have to wait until September?! <>

  76. Oh, WOW! Congratulations!!! I am a translator and it feels great when you hold a book with your translation in your hands, but how much more extatic must the feeling be when you hold your OWN one. Just amazing and I am so happy for you! And of course can’t wait to hold your in my hands as well :)

    I’ve made your cake pops, and in about 2 weeks I will make so much more. It’s my best friend’s wedding and I’ll make the dessert table. Of course the pops will be present :)
    Just not as cute as yours. I am stil training.

  77. That is soooo amazing! And you sooo deserve that!
    Can’t wait to get my very own copy!

  78. you’re so talented it’s awesome.

  79. Pre-ordered the book for my sister, since she’s oven-challenged lol. I love cake pops, and they were a huge hit last year the first time I made that for a Derby party. It was the first time ever in my family that red velvet cake didn’t sit around and collect dust. Every time we have a family function I get asked to make them. So thanks for the wonderful idea, and good luck with the book! It’s going to be a big hit!

  80. You have completely inspired me! And l look forward to heading to Amazon right now to place my pre-order! Bravo!

  81. OMG! WIRO-BINDING ME LOVE! *attempts to hug book* TTwTT I hope they send some here to the Philippines!

    And congratulations on the book! ^^

  82. Congratulations! I can’t wait to get my copy!

  83. isn’t it wonderful when dreams come true?!

    sue :)

  84. Congratulations!!! The book looks so beautiful and I can’t wait to get it :)

  85. So happy for you! Congrats! The book looks awesome! I can’t wait to buy it! :)

  86. The book looks great!! I can’t wait to get my copy, and gift it to a few friends. I was watching Fabulous Cakes the other day and watched them throw away large chunks of cake while they were “shaping” the cake (okay, they send it to a pig farm, but still). My husband leans over and says, “couldn’t they use that to make those stick cake things you make. Why are they being so wasteful?” I could have kissed him! Apparently the cake pops have made an impression! I can’t wait to do them for more gatherings!

  87. Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you! I’ve done a few cake pops for various things at church and at my son’s preschool, and everyone’s loved them. I’m still working on cupcake pops. Something’s up with those on my part.

  88. SO impressed. Congratulations, am going to pre order mine today!

  89. the pops are great, no question. The book design, is fantastic, from the color, binding and photography…great job!

  90. Angie, I am SO PROUD of you! A BOOK! And it’s all your creativity in one beautiful package. So so happy for you!

  91. Congratulations, your book looks great.

  92. The book looks awesome! My son LOVES cake pops! Mine don’t come out nearly as cute as yours, but they taste pretty good. :)

  93. Thank you for sharing your spesial moment with us!

    I just can’t wait for the book to come in the mail.

  94. Congratulations! I’m so excited to check out the book. I’m sure it was worth all the effort!

  95. YES, I have tried Cake pops and LOVE them! I am the little cake pop queen in my neck of the woods and make them often! Thank you so much for all your hard work and sharing such sweetness with all of us!

  96. Congratulations! It is so much more real looking seeing all of these pictures.

  97. WAHOOO! Congrats on your book…. It looks beeeyoutiful. So much to be excited for, your hard work looks like it paid off.
    Can’t wait to check out your book!

  98. Congratulations! Wow, what an amazing accomplishment to finally have the finished book in your hands. It looks absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to get my own copy! Your pops are beautiful and so cretive, I have made several versions of your pops and they are always a hit wherever I take them!

  99. Congrats! That is so exciting! Can’t wait to get a copy!

  100. Felicidades!!!! me da un gusto enorme que hayas logrado todo esto, que Dios te bendiga y sigue adelante!

    solo tengo una peticion… quiero tu libro en español !!!!

    saluditos, Lily Alvarez.

  101. Congratulations! What an accomplishment and labor of love. I pray God blesses this endeavor in your life and that it brings you great joy!!

  102. It’s so great I hope they deliver in France, or I would be obliged to go to USA to buy it, it seems very nice
    BRAVO §§

  103. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to have a copy of this AWESOME book. You deserve all that this hard work will bring you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    When are the book signings? Dallas, Texas

  104. Congrats – I hope you sell a million!

  105. So excited. It looks just like it should look.

  106. Congrats on your new book! :)

  107. Congratulations! You deserve it, your designs, photographs, and all around creativity all contribute to your much-deserved success. I enjoy your blog and will sure enjoy your book!

  108. Oh Yea! I made them and we love them. I think the family is becomming addicted to them. My Ds said to me the other day can we have cake pops for my birthday. The Theme is Harry Potter Legos. I said yes. DD wants them too and her theme is carousel horses. I don’t know how I will do that one.

    Congratulations. I hope the book has tips on dipping. That’s my hard part.

  109. How exciting. I know what will be on my Christmas list this year! Congrats!

  110. Super awesome! Congratulations!

  111. Congrats! So happy for you… love trying the cake pops recipes on your site, and can’t wait to try the new ones in the book!

  112. I love it! You know what will be on my christmas list for sure!!! I have made your cute turkey cake pops and can’t wait to try lots more!

  113. I can’t wait to get my copy of your book! Congratulations! Cake pops are my granddaughters favorite and she loves to help make them even at 3 years old.

  114. So VERY exciting!!! Congratulations! I see what they say about finding your passion and going with it. You have clearly found yours, and look where it has led you.

  115. Congratulations Bakerella! I’m so excited to see your book.
    I know you must have had alot of long hours and sleepless nights, but this makes it all worthwhile. You are so very talented and I hope that you do a book signing tour. Keep us posted.

  116. Congratulations! It looks terribly cute :)

  117. The book looks awesome! Can’t wait to get it!!!!

  118. Congratulations – what a beautiful book!!

  119. Yee haw! This is great news! I love it! Congrats!

  120. Bravo! Congratulations on this wonderful accomplishment. I can’t imagine how it must feel to have your work in print. Wishing you much success with the book…and thank you for sharing what you do. You are a true inspiration.

  121. That is sooooo cool! Congrats…can’t wait to get a copy! :D

  122. Can’t wait to get my hands on the book – and one for my nieces, and my sister, etc.

    I have indeed made the cake pops – just regular chocolate is my fave. I also made the Pikachu pops out of yellow Peeps! Thanks so much for all the inspiration!

  123. Congratulation on your book!! Soooo Coooool!! I want it I want it I want it!!!!
    Does your book have an ISBN number? So I can order it here in The Netherlands.
    Thank you!

  124. I’m from france, and i read you everyday.
    I’m waiting for your book with impatience !
    Even in france we really like your food and your creativity !
    Congratulations for your book, and thanks for us to teach us how to create all that lovely food !


  125. I also will give it a big hug

    just can’t wait to buy it

    Congratulations dear

  126. Congratulations! Looks like a beautiful book.

  127. Congratulations!!! You should be so proud and happy… what a great accomplishment!

  128. congratulations! :)

  129. i’ll really enjoy see all your creativity. i hope that your book is coming to brunei… congratulations…

  130. Just coming in to say congrats!

  131. Congratulations! I’m incredibly happy for you. I can’t wait to get my copy.

  132. Love it! Been waiting for months now, I was too excited about this that I pre-ordered about a month ago! One for me and one for my friend. We are very excited!

  133. Warmest congratulations, Bakerella! I e-visit with you almost every day and I am always glad I did. You are an amazing lady who I truly admire. In the year since I “met” you, I’ve made over a thousand pops for friends and relatives. I was honored when you made me a Pop Star (twice) and I will be honored to keep your book, which I pre-ordered the first day, ON my kitchen counter!

  134. I am so excited for the book! Good for you. You should be so proud of yourself.

    I’ve actually never made cake pops, if you can believe it. The first project I ever made from Bakerella was the cake truffles, so I guess that’s pretty close? I made them for Halloween, and they were a huge hit. I dyed the insides orange. I made them again somewhat recently. We used a bit too much frosting so they didn’t hold together too well during the candy-coating. They may not have been the prettiest, but they were damn tasty!

  135. Way to Go! That is so awesome! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!

  136. Congratulations!! That is such a huge accomplishment… I am off to pre-order it now, too bad I have to wait till September!

  137. I am anxiously waiting….I have it on pre order with Amazon….Looks great….and Congratulations!!!!!

  138. That’s so super exciting! We wish you so much success with this book!

  139. CONGRATS! You deserve it! :)

  140. I scream. I am so excited about this book. Congrats Bakerella on the book and all your success! You’re so talented and you deserve it! I’m going to go lurk around the local Borders now and wait for your book. I’ve done so many of your projects and I keep going out to get sprinkles and candies to make all the cakepops, balls, bites on this site – which impress all my friends. Ok, going to the bookstore now…

  141. I’m so excited for this book!! I’ve made cake pops a few times over the past year or so, and I am definitely putting your book on my birthday wish list!

  142. Congratulations! I can’t wait to get my copy and brush up on some tips so my next cake pops turn out better than my last ones. I think mine were too big (so, too heavy) and I had trouble keeping them on the sticks.

  143. So exciting! I love cake pops and bites and have had so much fun making them for my daughter and her school friends. Now I need the book to get tips on how to make the chocolate so smooth and perfect!

  144. I am very excited about your book. ..Just like reading your blogs..
    Congratulations and when are you going to start on book 2….?

  145. It looks WONDERFUL! How fun! I’m going to put that on my gift list for sure. We’ve had so much fun making cake pops and cake balls. Such a great thing to let kids get creative with. Thanks for sharing all your ideas and giving us inspiration.

  146. I’ve made them, and they were a HUGE hit! And yummy, and I want to make more…book looks like fun!

  147. Congratulations!! I will be giving some for Christmas presents!!

  148. I am so happy for you, because I have been fallowing you’re work, tried a few things with success an enjoy it… and when you have a “Gift “like you’re creativity, you have to share it, so everybody can admired it. Hope to see many things more.
    Take care
    Laura Zatarain

  149. I am so excited for you. You have totally inspired me. Now I bring cake pops to work for all special occasions. I am a nurse in a very busy unit so it is hard to stop and have a whole piece of cake, so cake pops are the answer. The first time I brought them in the other nurses were so impressed. I also made your whoopie pies. My husband who is chef loves them and asks me to make whoopie!! Thanks for sharing your joy for yummy, pretty things.

  150. Of course we’ve made cake pops! How could anyone not make them with so much cuteness to encourage and inspire? Though truthfully, mine never do look quite as good as the ones in the photos… but they still taste good! :) Congratulations on the book!!!!!

  151. Oh this is a must-have! Congratulations on having your book printed! Three cheers for bakerella! :)

  152. Congratulation. You have inspired many bakers and bloggers with your cake pops. Here’s to your continued success.

  153. Wowza – so absolutely thrilled for you! Can not wait to buy a copy!!

  154. Congratulations Bakerella! It’s often said that any work done with passion is a labor of love. Your passion for “cake on a stick” (that cracked me up) shows in every post and NOW it will show in your book. Follow your heart, achieve your dreams. :-) Can’t wait to share your book with friends and family! Way to go!!! Pam

  155. Congratulations! I have made cake balls several time and my mom and brother make them too. Everyone that tries them loves them. I can’t get the coating as smooth as yours but I’m working on it.

  156. I can’t wait to see it in person. So much goodness inside :)

  157. Congratulations, I’m so happy for you. I can’t wait to purchase the book :)

  158. Congratulations- that’s so exciting!!

  159. Congratulations on your book. It looks awesome. Dreams do come true.

  160. Oh my goodness, I cannot wait! It looks so good, you must be very proud! Begin the countdown!

  161. I placed my pre-order today — CAN’T WAIT!!! :)

  162. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing all your hints with us. I used your instructions to make pops for the Halloween carnival at my son’s school. We decorated them like bloodshot eyeballs — they were a great hit!

  163. Oh baby, I’ll be using my Barnes Membership card and adding it to my cookbook shelf. Baking ones are my favorites. I love to bake. And I love colorful, fun books about baking as much! I’ve enjoyed your blog, as much for your delightful spirit that shines through your writing as for the yummy treats and fun pictures. You are darn tootin’ right to be so excited about such an accomplishment!

  164. Congratulations Bakerella! So happy for you! Can’t wait to get your book – I’m sure it’s amazing!

  165. I LOVE it!!! I can NOT wait to get my copy!! Congrats!!

  166. Congratulations! and many blessings! I pre-ordered a book for myself and for my sis and I am so excited to add it to my special collection and to surprise my sis with her copy-I know she will be equally thrilled!

  167. I loooove cookbooks with wire binding, and I looooove cookbooks with lots of pics, and I especially loooooove cookbooks written by my favorite bakers! Congrats, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer gal!

  168. this is so amazing. i just wanted to say congratulations to you! the book is super cute (especially the pink wire binding) ill put this on my wish list of books :)

  169. Congratulations! I have no doubt that it’s going to be a stellar success! Your work is so detailed, so awe and smile inspiring, and at the same time so accessible. I’d wish you luck with the book sales, but you don’t really need luck when you have that much talent!

  170. AWESOME !!! Can’t wait to get one ^___________^

  171. Congrats!! I can’t wait to see the book!

  172. A super huge congratulations to you!

  173. OMG congrats bakerella!! Your creations are just so amazing and with the book thanks in advance for the inspiration! i plan to get the book for my mom…hope she will try some of the recipes hehehe

  174. Congratulations… I went today to Barnes&noble and ask when they would have it in store and they told me on sep 8… Yeah i will be there picking up a copy… Cant wait to see more….

  175. I already added the book on to my amazon wishlist!

  176. Congrats and many, many thanks for all your inspiring ideas!!

  177. Congratulations that is SOOOOOO exciting!!!! I cannot wait to see your creations! You have inspired me and a friend to start our own baking group and we meet every month or so to test out our own creations! Enjoy this moment!!!

  178. I made cake balls once. They looked horrible, but they were SO Delicious! I had to make them again :)
    I love the sneak peak of your book and can’t wait to read it!

  179. My first attempt at making them was for my sister-in-law’s prom two years ago. They were a hit! Now they are on my “sure to impress” list. I haven’t come across one person that didn’t like them. Congratulations on your book!

  180. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you! You deserve it!!!

  181. Yay! Will you be going on tour to autograph copies???

  182. OHMYGOD!!!


    I’m really really really happy for you girl! It looks amazingly beautiful and Bakerella..

    congrats again :)

    lots of love from Argentina!

  183. Congratulations!!!! The book looks beautiful- can’t wait to see it in person :)

  184. How exciting! I’m mostly just a lurker here but have to post today to tell you how thrilled I am for you! It must be so satisfying to see the fruits of your labors! Congrats to you! I hope it is wildly successful in sales! :)

  185. Congratulations! Well done!

  186. Wow, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! Congratulations, it looks great :-)

  187. we made cake pops in our art class! the girls had so much fun making the little yellow chicks. they also made some of there own creations. i am super excited to have class again. one of the girls lied about doing homework that day and had to go home early for being naughty. its ok we will totally make some more and i will warn her before that class ;)

  188. Congratulations on your book! It looks great!

  189. Congrats! I am looking forward to holding the book in my hands!

  190. Huge congrats, to you, Angie. I can not even imagine what I must feel like to hold your own book in your hand.

    This book is coming out just in time for Christmas. Woot!

  191. Congrats!! Can’t wait to get my copy :)

  192. So EXCITED!!!! I love making them. Everyone loves eating them. I know what I am getting all my friends for Christmas. HEHEHE

  193. Congratulations!! You have so many “friends” that are so happy for you. Count me in. And yep, I made the cupcake pops for my daughter’s 1st birthday. What a hit! I’m sure you’re book will be too!

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