
Check out these chicks!

Farm Chicks 1

Have you heard of these chicks before? I hadn’t until a few weeks ago. It was really kind of a weird little coincidence. I was in the bookstore picking up Pioneer Woman Cookbooks for a recent giveaway and my eyes locked in on a book called The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen. Loved the title and the design, but because I was over my limit on books for the day, make that month, all I did was thumb through the pages really quickly before I made myself leave.

But then, just two days later I received an email from none other than Serena, one of THE Farm Chicks. Seriously. Out of the blue. Two days later. Does stuff like that happen to you, too? Strange coincidences? It does to me all the time.

(Hmmm… The Pioneer Woman and The Farm Chicks. That’s kinda weird, too. Okay, I’m moving to the country.)

Anyway, it was a really short email message that said she wanted to send me something.

Curious, I said, ok. (I like surprises.)

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And boy was I surprised when several days later I received a package full of all of these sweet, sweet gift tags.

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Some with little cakes.

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And others with sweet messages.

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Plus there were all these fun recipe cards. (Forgive me for the extra blurriness. I was playing with different settings on my camera.)

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Some even had Christmas themes.

I had no idea they had all these cute products plus a cookbook. Impressive.

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Speaking of their book, I had to run out to the bookstore and get it right away.

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Wish I had seen this before trying to make a pie last week. Could have come in handy.

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The Farm Chicks love some pie. And the book has several yummy ones like this.

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Plus, it has fun, do-it-yourself projects throughout. I’ve never made scones, but if I do, I want a scone cozy to go with them. Cozy scones. Yes. I want my scones to be cozy. Adorableness. Cuteness doesn’t quite cut it here.

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Hi Serena. Thanks for sending me all the fun stuff. I love it.

Especially the necklace.

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys about the necklace. Well, it has a cake on the front of it and it’s just darling.


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And, since Serena sent me two of them… well…

Would you like one? Then, we can both look super cute, adorned in cake.

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I’ll even throw in some of my gift tags and recipe cards, too. I’m a sharer.

Enter for a chance to win some fun Farm Chicks stuff
(necklace, recipe cards and gift tags)

Just leave a comment on this post and let me know:

  • What’s your favorite sweet or dessert at Christmas?
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, November 30th at 7 p.m. ET
  • TIME’S UP!

  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck! Now, I’m off to read up about Farms and Chicks. If I’m not back soon, look for me in the country. I’ll be the one lost with lollipop sticks.

And, here’s the winner…
Wow, wow, wow, I am going to need the rest of the year to go through all of your favorites. So many things I like, too… especially fudge and so many that I have never even heard of. You guys should take a look through them if you get a chance and want some ideas for something new. Thank you for sharing. And the winner is… #2670… That’s you Heather. All you have to do to get your prize is send me some of your dad’s Keeflies. Just kidding. But really, I just looked those up and they sound great.


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3,171 comments on “Check out these chicks!”

  1. Warm Gingerbread with cream cheese frosting and shaved candied ginger on top!

  2. I think it would be sticky toffee pudding, with dates and ice cream!

  3. My favorite Christmas treat is fudge. One of these days i will succeed making it without marshmallow fluff or sweetened condensed milk.

  4. My husband is Scottish, so we always have trifle. I didn’t grow up with it, but it is a favorite now.

  5. My favorite Christmas treat is Hot Chocolate because in Florida that is about the only time you can drink it because it is actually cold enough for it.

  6. Cream Wafers OR Raspberry Thumbprints

  7. I heart the Farm Chicks!!!!! You MUST check out their blog…it rocks!

  8. Well, it’s incredibly hot for Christmas here in Australia, so my favourite is my icecream Christmas pudding. I started it when I was about 10 for my brothers who hated all the traditional stuff…it’s just vanilla icecream with red and green M&Ms, and other red and green lollies cut up and mixed in, moulded in a pudding bowl. In those days we couldn’t get special Christmas packs of sweets, so I spent a day picking through the packets separating the colours LOL! My They’re 22 and 26 now and still ask for it every year :-)

  9. I love just about everything… but last year a friend who is Canadian brought over some nanaimo bars… SO GOOD!

  10. I love sugar cookies at Christmas time. And, well, apple pie with lots of cinnamon.

  11. mmmmmm, definitely the chocolate mint cookies my mother-in-law makes. No, wait, maybe the almond cookies she makes… Or her sugar cookies…

    One Favorite? really? not happening ;)

  12. I love gingersnaps and eggnog. I wish I had some now. :)

  13. Christmas cake! It’s an English tradition, and it’s made with brandy…. need I say more??

  14. It’s not a homemade treat but my fave holiday sweet are Torrone, which are Italian nougat candies and are so, so good.

  15. Years ago my father would pick and shell black walnuts so I could make his favortie– dark chocolate fudge with black walnuts. My father passed away 10 years ago, but every Christmas I still make dark chocolate fudge with black walnuts & think of him. :-)

  16. I always make fudge to give to friends and neighbors- makes me feel like the holidays!!!

  17. My favorite holiday treat are my mom’s homeade cinnamon rolls, she has been making them every Christmas since I can remember!

  18. I love the panettone, i do it each christmas with the help of my daughters, and we eat it during all the holidays!!!;-)
    kisses from Italy

  19. Love the Farm Chick(s)! cute as a button necklace, too!
    You must make the Savory Sweet Potato Soup, stat! so warm and comforting.

    okay, my favorite sweet at Christmas is homemade hot cocoa and a plate of Christmas cookies, my biscotti recipe is my fave! Thanks Bakerella!

  20. We loooove any kind of gingerbread and peppermint hot chocolate! great sweet smells of Christmas ! :)

  21. I love all the different cookies!

  22. FLAN!!! My mom only makes it for the holidays and it’s absolutely the best flan out there (prize-winning even!!).

  23. Moravian Sugar Cake

  24. I’m a big fan of White chocolate Peppermint bark… My husband requests it every year!! :)

  25. My mom makes awesome cookies at Christmas. We just call them Christmas cookies. They are kind of cakey with icing. They are difficult to make – I have tried and failed!

    These are cute….I will have to check out their site and book.

  26. Five Pound Fudge, or the Best Reason Ever to Break a Diet! It wouldn’t be Christmas without a super-shot of chocolate and sugar ;)

  27. We have to have a favorite? I love all things sweet so that is hard….but I do love chocolate chip cookies. Especially when taken from the oven a minute before they are completely done so they end up a little chewy and melt in your mouth! Okay, now I’m off to make some…

  28. For the holidays I truly love homemade caramels! And I actually enjoy making them, too…double bonus!

    Merry Christmas!

  29. My favorite holiday sweet has to be pecan pie made with yummy Texas pecans. Of course I stock up on pecans in the fall and have this pie all year, but I still prefer it to all the other things during the holiday season.

  30. Chocolate Chess Pie Is my absolute favorite desert. It reminds me of home and almost no one outside of North Carolina has ever heard of it, so i always end up making it myself.

  31. Every year during the Christmas holidays we make “S” Cookies. They are butter cookies that we make into the shape of an upper case “S”. My husband’s family is half Swedish and the “S” Cookies honor that part of our heritage. We sprinkle red and green sugar on them and they are so yummy. A neat thing about these cookies is that only the women in the family know how to make them. I remember 34 years ago when my mother-in-law taught me how to make them; it was a very special moment for us. Of course, I’ve passed down the tradition to our daughter and then, most recently, to our new daughter-in-law.

  32. Meringues. So simple. So good. Why don’t I make these other times of the year!

  33. I love Christmas cookie. All kinds. I usually have one of everything on the platter.

  34. I love peanut butter balls and ritz peanut butter crackers dipped in almond bark. Both of those mean it’s Christmastime to me!

  35. peppermint bark! we make it every year and it is so yummy!

  36. Pumpkin Pie with LOTS of whipped cream!

  37. Cranberry Bars — I got the recipe from Gourmet magazine last year.

  38. I love to make peanut clusters. My mom always had them around Christmas time, and the tradition continues!

  39. Sour Cream Twists, it’s a family recipe from my hubby. His Mom gave it to me, and I believe I’m #3 or 4 to make it. It’s only made once a year but soooo good!

  40. loooove peanut brittle this time of year

  41. I love my mom’s Red Velvet Cake with sugar butter glaze on top. Way better than the run-of-the-mill cream cheese based icing!

  42. My mom has always made poppy seed bread at Christmas time to give away as gifts, and now I make it, too. We bake it in aluminum cans, so it come out in a cute shape. Then you drizzle it with orange/almond/butter glaze. Perfect for breakfast on Christmas morning.

  43. My favorite to make are Finnish Christmas Stars – made with puffed pastry and plum preserves. My favorite to eat are gingerbread cookies with frosting!

  44. Cheesecake!! I live on a farm and truly am a “farm chick” by her definition!

  45. Mom’s homemade fudge loaded with black walnuts. It’s the first thing I do on Christmas morning– eat three pieces of fudge before opening presents. It’s been that way since I was a little girl and I still honor that tradition. Mom’s gone but her fudge recipe remains and brings back lots of great memories.

  46. reindeer food (chex mix covered in peanut butter/chocolate and sprinkled with powdered sugar). I love to make it for friends and family but most of the time I have eaten half of the batch before I put it in the cute little packages to hand out.

  47. My favorite dessert is Christmas pudding with sauce.

  48. My favorite is my cut-out sugar cookies. YUMMM

  49. My fleur de sel peanut brittle! It’s not Christmas until I have a big tin ready for the munching!

  50. My favorite Christmas desserts are the peanut butter crackers dipped in chocolate. You can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate!

  51. My sister’s cutout cookies are my favorite holiday dessert. I visit her in North Carolina and we decorate them together. They are delicious as a dessert, a snack, or in the morning with a cup of coffee.

  52. Homemade toffee…that’s the very very very best!

  53. Date Nut Pinwheels are a favorite of mine. They are a little more work, but nothing else tastes like them. Dates were missing from the shelves for a few years in our area, but they are back and I plan to make them again.

  54. My favorite treats include peppermint bark, reindeer pretzels (sweet and salty…yum!), pizelles, cream-cheese brownies and chocolate trifle.

  55. Mmm, Chirstmas isn’t Christmas without gingerbread. Especially gingerbread with lemon sauce. :)
    Thanks for the chance to win some cuteness!

  56. I love homemade cream puffs! I’ve tried making a Croquembouche but just can’t get the spun sugar down. I’ll try again this year!

  57. I can eat gingerbread cookies til well the cows come home, but I will have to say my favourite by far is Sugar Pie. It’s a french Canadian staple – it is also one of those pies were you just have a little sliver, then return to the kitchen numerous times to just have another little sliver…
    oh we are talking a cake necklace and with cake I do believe I will have a proper slice!

  58. Platter of assorted German cookies

  59. HOT DARK CHOCOLATE FUDGE or FONDANT!! They’re the best, anything with dark chocolates are heaven! Best of all, it doesn’t even have to be during Christmas! :D

  60. I would have to say my favorite holiday dessert is pumpkin pie….and now the adorable little pumpkin pie bites that you have taught me to make. I love them! My kids love them too!

  61. My favorite dessert would have to be shortbread. MMMM.

  62. I look forward to the chex mix during the holidays but am also crazy over anything dark chocolate/peanut butter balls. Oh my gosh……….heavenly!

  63. Red Velvet cake at Christmas. Oh and yummy, nutty fudge.

  64. Do I have to pick just one? :) I like frosted sugar cookies!

  65. My favorite treat is the Jello poke cake I make, in red and green, with Cool Whip frosting. It’s so retro, and it’s what my mom made every year, so I make it to honor her, and it’s such a wonderful throw back to my childhood to taste it.

  66. My grandmother always makes pork bar-b-que for Christmas Eve which is soooo yummy, but I entice everyone with my cut out cookies. Homemade sugar cookie dough cut in adorable Christmas shapes, then sprinkled with colored sugar or icing. They are the first cookies to disappear from my cookie tray.

  67. My Yule log is yum! I can’t wait to have it this year!

  68. My family makes caramels to give away every year. They’re amazingly good, but cutting and wrapping them is a huge labor intensive process. They’re still my favorite, because I can remember making them with my grandmother. I still make them with my mother, and my son’s finally old enough to be drafted into service wrapping.

  69. My favorite holiday treat is Brickle, my family has been making it for years, made with crackers and chocolate. Yum!

  70. My favorite holiday treat is something called tiger butter. It’s an oh so good concoction of swirled peanut butter, white candy melt, and chocolate made into something fudge-like. Mmmmm….

  71. Favorite – the simplest slice and bake cookie that has been passed down from a great-grandmother and was my Dad’s favorite — made with brown sugar and walnuts.

  72. My favorite sweet dessert at Christmas is definitely egg nog. I love the creamy, rich, egg-yness of it all, and a little fresh grated nutmeg on top just gives it that wintertime finish. Yum!

  73. definitely peppermint ice cream! my birthday is two days after Christmas so I always have peppermint ice cream and birthday cake for my joint Christmas/birthday celebration.

  74. Favorite sweet at Christmas time would have to be Buckeyes…chocolate, peanut butter and easy pop-in size!!

  75. Christmas morning we always have Monkey Bread and hot chocolate :) My favorite

  76. I love baking peppermint cookies. Mostly I just like the process of crushing candy canes :D

  77. Hmmmm…that is tough. I would have to say my rainbow cookies…my family looks forward to them every year. I only make them for Christmas. :)

  78. I love pecan pie, but I’m not making it this year as I’ll be the only one to eat it and after one piece I’m good.

    I love baking cookies at this time of the year, this Saturday I’ve invitied several of my granddaughter’s Kindergarten classmates to come over for a cookie party – making some easy cookies and decorating them. I’ve never done this before so it should be fun.

  79. My grandmother’s candy cane sugar cookies .. . they are the bomb!! Love the cool stuff you got!!

  80. Mmmm! My moms Nanaimo Squares. But, after trying the Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie yesterday, I think it has taken over the #1 sweet spot in my house!

  81. cut out sugar cookies, decorated of course!

  82. Peanut Butter Balls. :) Creamy melt-in-my-mouth peanut butter balls are my absolute favorite.

  83. my mom makes something called ‘kuga’, a german dessert that’s been passed down for generations. it just tastes like christmas, to the core!

  84. Our family’s favorite is Candy Cane Coffee Cake. We have to make lots of them to share with friends and still have some for ourselves.

  85. For Chanukah we make traditional sufganiot (doughnuts!) which are incredible! For my friends and family who celebrate Christmas, I love making my super wonderful poppy seed rum cake. :-)

  86. It would have to be rugelach; traditionally a cookie served at Hannakah. I have been using the recipe from Rose Levy Berenbaum’s Christmas Cookie cookbook for years to treat my family at Christmas. The cream cheese dough makes a cookie that just melts in your mouth.

  87. chocolate walnut fudge!! I eat it until my teeth hurt!

  88. I love the smell of Christmas in the kitchen. Everything from the Russian Tea on the stove, to the chocolate chip cookies, German Chocolate cake, carrot cake, and breakfast casserole on Christmas morning. The entire of month of December the kitchen smells wonderful.

  89. My mom’s Christmas cookies.

  90. My absolute favorite holiday dessert is bischochos (Mexican sugar cookies). They are a family tradition throughout the Southwest and eating them reminds me of family, especially since I have lived many states away for over 20 years.

  91. Cookies, cookies and more cookies!

  92. Hard to choose a favorite treat at Christmas. When I make Christmas plates it takes the longest to choose what goodies will go on the plate and what I have to eliminate (probably longer than baking it all). Drives my husband crazy. But, with all that said, I think I still love homemade decorated sugar cookies the most!

  93. Def the home made sugar cookies!!

  94. Divinity!!! Love it and Farm Chicks. Great giveaway, thanks!!

  95. My favorite holiday dessert is pie. My Grandfather would make the most amazing chocolate pie, pecan pie and his specialty was coconut cream pie. He always let me help him make them. This year I am going to give it a go by myself. Hopefully he will be watching over me.

  96. Snickerdoodles and date bars remind me of Christmas.

  97. My very favorite Christmas treat was Grandma’s chocolate crinkle cookies. Like mini bites of pecan stuffed brownies and OH, her oatmeal cherries cookies. The best…..

  98. Gingerbread men and my mom’s fudge.

  99. I absolutely LOVE chocolate-covered cherries. Christmas is the only time of year that I give myself the luxury of eating them. And I do. Lots.

    Love your emails — and try your recipes often!

  100. So adorable!!!!! Words can’t express the cuteness factor. I would jump for joy if I won these! Thanks for the generosity!

  101. I love to make cookies during the holidays.

  102. Without a doubt my favorite Holiday dessert is my apple caramel crunch pie. Well lets just say it how bad could any pie really be!

  103. I LOVE red velvet cake!!! It is a family tradition and our Happy Birthday Jesus cake.

  104. My family makes an absolutely awesome peanut butter fudge at the holidays. I’ve tried to make it for myself, but I can’t get the hang of it quite yet. Oh well, I’ll keep working on it!

  105. One of my favorite sweet at Christmas or anytime of the year for that matter is RED VELVET CAKE!!! Must be the Southern Girl in me :)~

  106. I love love pecan pie! It’s the best thing to share with family during the holidays!

  107. I think my favorite is my mother-in-law’s homemade strudel. It’s the same recipe her mother (who was from Germany) used. It’s the one thing that is ALWAYS fought over at Christmas!!!

    Thanks for another great giveaway!!


  108. George’s favorite fruit cake cookies and Dulcie’s sugar cookies. Both are so good.

  109. An old fashioned dessert with an added touch: Bread Pudding made with croissants and chocolate chips…yummy and decadent.

  110. I love love LOVE my salted walnut carmels. YUM!

  111. I LOVE Buckeyes at the holidays! Can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate! I was introduced to them when I met my husband. They are a family tradition on his side. YUM!

  112. My all time favorite dessert is one that my mother made for every holiday called Butter Pecan Delight. It was A-Mazing! But unfortunately the Jello company no longer makes Butter Pecan pudding so we have to substitute with chocolate pudding and it just isn’t the same.

  113. I love this frozen mocha pie that my grandmother makes – it has a chocolate rice krispie crust, is filled with coffee ice cream and is then drizzled with chocolate – and it’s about a fott high. I would never ever ever make it for myself, but it’s something I look forward to every year.

  114. It’s not Christmas for our famiy unless we have “Jesus Cake”. It’s a layered cake-on bottom is yellow cake, then cream cheese and vanilla pudding mixed together, then cherry pie filling and the whole thing is topped with a tub of whipped cream. It’s delicious!!

  115. Christmas cookies!!!! i love them…

  116. Marzipan fruits are my favourite and winner at our local bakery during christmas time.
    anything doing with farms and chicks is me and anything with baking is always, always me
    your website is the bets bakerella & farm chicks

    And I’m 11 years old and in SA

  117. My favorite are my mom’s nut pinwheel cookies. Already looking forward to them!

  118. Nothing reminds me more of christmas then lace cookies and rum balls.

  119. it just isn’t christmas without my mom’s sweet rolls… cinnamon rolls doused in powdered sugar icing and shaped in the form of a christmas tree…
    Farm chicks? very clever

  120. My whole family loves my Great Grandma’s Butter Cookies. Not only because they taste so good, but they are fun to cut out and decorate with all kinds of sprinkles and colored sugars. You know it’s Christmas after the Butter Cookies are made.

  121. My favorite christmas dessert is pecan pie!! I love your website bakerella….you do an AMAZING job and inspire me to make new things!! Keep it up :o)

  122. My fav is honestly the cookies with the hershey kiss in the middle. I don’t know if they have a name, but dang they are good! :)

  123. I love everything in the tin of cookies I get from my parents for Christmas. Although I love baking, there’s something special about getting something that someone else baked for you!

    All of the Farm Chicks stuff looks great!

  124. my favorite christmas dessert is……..raspberry chocolate linzer cookies!
    and cheesecake!
    and the list really could go on and on….

  125. My favorite Christmas goodies are my oma’s cookie variety she gives to everyone at this time of year! We already devoured the triple chocolate ones!! :) I also recently got a cookie press and have enjoyed practicing with it!

  126. Ooooh, I love my Mom’s buckeyes. I know they aren’t hard to make and I’ve made them a million times but, Mom’s just taste better. Love, love, love them.

  127. My favorite thing at Christmas is an old family recipe we call “Nutroll.” It’s a bread, rolled like a jelly roll with a walnut mixture inside. Mmmm!!

  128. My favorite are clothespin cookies, but they always taste better to me when my friends mom makes them!

  129. my favorite sweet treat at Christmas is my Dad’s fudge. Not just any fudge will do, it must be his and the batch that he makes. I have tried many times to make fudge and it comes out plain gross. But Dad knows how to do it right. Hmm, maybe I can talk him into making me my own batch in a few weeks when they visit. :)

  130. I love Christmas sugar cookies!

  131. Bon Bons – coconutty, sweet chocolatey goodness!

  132. My favorite sweet at Christmas are butter cookies. My Grammy used to make them and now I make them every year. I don’t know why I only make them at Christmas–maybe because I eat so many?!

  133. My two fav’s are gingerbread cookies, and all of the specialty christmas lattes from starbucks, haha

  134. I love my grandmother’s Hummingbird Cake – it’s my very favorite!!! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

  135. My best souvenir of christmas is the “tarte au sucre” of my grand-mother,…. sooo good the best one! And also her “sucre à la crème”.. but now I’m making this one as good as hers! lol

  136. My favorite is gooey butter cake (can be pumpkin, chocolate or just plain)….. addicting…. addicting….might as well take a knife and rub on my hips, but DAYEM they are sooooooooooooo good!

  137. Candied pecans! With brown sugar and melted butter, a little bit of cinnamon, nutmeg, whatever you want… they are D.E.Lish!

  138. look forward to my mom’s christmas cookie collection every year… and those recipe cards are so cute, perfect for copying down her recipes! :)

    carolynell at gmail dot com

  139. Christmas Cookies! Anything that is cut out with a Christmas design and decorated with sprinkles or frosting…mm-mmm!

  140. I absolutely love baking traditional gingerbread cookies during Christmas. It’s just something everyone must try doing at least once! And it’s so fun decorating cookies with friends and family. It’s just a nice way to bring close ones together to have fun in the kitchen.

  141. The night before Thanksgiving I make Christmas wreath cookies, you know, with marshmaillows and corn flakes, for friends and family so that they know that the baking season has begun! It’s a tradition, and we all love it!

  142. I love me some pumpkin pie. I know it’s more of a Thanksgiving thing but I’ll eat it anytime!!

  143. I love making and eating all sorts of Christmas cookies but I have especially fond memories of my brother and I decorating cut-out sugar cookies. Our mom would bake them and once they cooled we’d delve into decorating mode, which would last hours and hours. We still do it when we see each other at Christmas now and are hoping to pass the tradition on to our kids.

  144. oh CUTNESS ALERT!!!!
    At home over the holiday sugar cream fudges ans queen elizabeth cake, oh and homemade caramel!!!Ton of goodies!!

  145. Gingerbread and peppermint bark! They are so uniquely ‘Christmas’ that I spend the whole year anxiously awaiting the holiday season so I can enjoy these delicious treats – even though I suppose there’s nothing stopping me from making them in June. It’s okay though… the anticipation makes them taste even better!

  146. It is a tradition at our house to make a coconut cake and homeade fruit salad that has a cooked sauce made from the pineapple juice that also has heavy whipping creme folded into it! Delicious!!

  147. I love Forgotten Cookies! and they are so easy so it makes them extra loved for that!

  148. Gingerbread, definitely. It’s the only time of the year I get to make it!

  149. These are super cute! And I love toffee!

  150. My Mom makes these wonderful almond tea cookies with cherries in the middle, that my sister and I look forward to every year. I know for a fact that my Mom has 14 dozen of them ready for our holiday visit this weekend. I can’t wait.


  151. My favourite christmas dessert is the apple pie that my nan makes covered in thick double cream (I think you call it heavy cream in the US). The pastry is the best ever and she adds a touch of cinnamon to the apples…in fact, it is my favourite thing ever whether it’s christmas or not!

    I especially love that my nan makes me my very own apple pie because she knows i love it so much. thanks nan!

  152. My grandma’s chocolate sheet cake. No matter the occasion, it’s always the perfect desert.

  153. Homemade peanut brittle, i get in trouble if I don’t make it.

  154. My Aunt Robin’s White Cake Cookies, without a doubt. I could eat the whole batch!

  155. It’s hard to chose just one!! But if I have to…sugar cookies!!:)

  156. Probably lemon squares, which aren’t very Christmasy, but it seems to be the only time of year that I make them!

  157. No unlike The Farm Chicks…
    I love pie….

  158. My favorite holiday dessert is pumpkin pie!!!!

  159. My favorite sweet at Christmas is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting! It’s actually my favorite at all occasions :)

  160. I LOVE me every bit of chocolate cake, apple pie, apple dumplings, berry pies, chocolate mousse, chocolate torte, caramel corn, etc I can find.
    (My family goes all out, it’s awful for the waist line)

  161. pumpkin loaf is my favorite, a pumpkin spice cake rolled with ice cream served with warm butterscotch sauce…

  162. MMMM, my mom used to make this chocolate swirl cheesecake, it always reminds me of the holidays.

  163. my favorite treat are my mom’s peanut butter blossoms! i eat the hershey kiss last =)

  164. Pumpkin Fudge! I know it sounds weird but it’s absolutely addicting!

  165. I love, just love, my mother’s homemade candy. Even though I’m almost 30, I still can’t make it the way she can.

  166. Peppermint brownies. Yum!

  167. My favorite Christmas dessert? As in just one? Let me ponder this for a while…

    I mean, there is gingerbread, sugar cookies, sugar and spice cookies, molasses cookies, blackberry pie, chocolate covered pretzels, buckeyes…

    Well, right now I’m rather in the mood for some gingerbread, so I’ll go with that :) With whipped cream on top…mmmm…

    I just had breakfast and now I’m hungry again!

  168. Gingerbread Cookies!! YUMMY!! They are so good on a warm cozy night with a glass of milk!!

    absolutely delicious! i’m really looking forward to being able as many as I want without feeling guilty!

  170. Oh, there are so many…

    my aunt’s decorated cookies just scream Christmas to me.

  171. My favorite all time Christmas treat is Candy Cane coffee cake, from Betty Crocker. Growing up, this was a much anticipated treat every Christmas morning. My mother would make batches and batches of these cakes for family and friends (they freeze great also!). The recipe calls for chopped cherries and apricots…which my mom did by hand for several years until she could afford a chopper! Talk about a labor of love. Helping her every year was one of my favorite things (other than eating them!). In my family, It’s just not Christmas without Candy Cane Coffee Cake!

  172. Starbuck’s CRANBERRY BLISS BARS! ahhhh I now make my own version and they are just as yummy!

  173. My favorite dessert at Christmastime are “Baby Jesus” cookies- I believe non-farm-chics call these Kolachees………:-)

  174. Favorite sweet treat: Rum cake. Family recipe that my mom started making when I was in junior high, and after I married the responsibility was passed onto me. 35 years of cakes. Beautiful, golden, rich, and better the second day. My husband makes one for work, we make a second for New Year’s Day. Just the best. Last year, Mom found a mini-cake mold (I’m talking super-mini, tiny-muffin-size) and made tiny tiny cakes that will never replace the original, but freeze great and oh-so-good with coffee.

  175. I can’t wait for my mom’s pumpkin rolls! Pumpkin cake rolled up with sweet cream cheese frosting! Heaven!

  176. Cheesecake! Any how or way. I made pumpkin cheesecake and it was INCREDIBLE!

  177. I love almond paste cookies!

  178. I love Christmas pudding with the sauce on top – can’t wait for it every year!

  179. how cute! I LOVE new cookbooks and browse the isles all the time… thanks for the great blog once again and for the opportunity to win cool stuff! xoxoxo Deb

  180. My favorite dessert at Christmas is my Grandmother’s Orange Cake! I LOVE the Farm Chick’s blog! Too fun! Thanks for a chance to win their lovely cookbook!

    :0) Terri from Texas

  181. Chocolate Pound Cake is a favorite around here. The recipe came from the study hall supervisor at the high school where I taught. There was always a crowd in the lounge when she brought pound cake to share!

  182. Every year at Christmas, we make a million cookies– chocolate chip, peanut butter, double chocolate, sugar, Spritz, jam thumbprints– you name it, we’ve baked it at Christmas. The best part, of course, is decorating the sugar cookies and getting sprinkles everywhere!

  183. I love gingerbread!

  184. I make a Rum Cake that is moist and flavorful- a celebration for your taste buds!

  185. I only make three-layer cookies (red, green, white) once a year. They line up on baking day to see what smells so good in the neighborhood :)

  186. My grandmother’s lace cookies!! They are definitely a favorite at Christmas time. Some of us have tried to re-create them but they’re just not the same. She makes them best! =)

  187. Mmm, my favorite is cheesecake !

  188. My mom makes mincemeat cookies every year. She had them growing up in Arkansas. It makes the craziness of December feel like Christmas to me.

  189. I love peppermint bark!

  190. I don’t know if I can just pick ONE holiday dessert. How about how I make them! My favorite way to make holiday desserts is my “mom day.” I take a day off of work, drive up to my mom’s and we spend the entire day from start to finish baking Christmas treats and candies for people. Then we create trays of goodies and walk them to people. That is my favorite holiday, day and goodie! :-)

  191. I love snickerdoodles and buckeyes at Christmas time. Oh, and red velvet cake with peppermint frosting. The list could go on and on, but these are probably my favorite!

  192. My favorite Christmas Desert is Trifle. I go against tradition and don’t use any alcohol but is still very yummy – and great on a hot day (live in Australia).

  193. My favorite… swirl together warm caramel & fresh cream on a plate. Place a slice of warm gingerbread on top and allow it to suck up all the sweet goodness. Top with fresh whipped cream. Super simple and absolutely delicious!

  194. My favorite holiday dessert… HAS to be the goodies that my friends and neighbors give me! In fact, my sister-in-law just gave me some sponge candy from Buffalo, NY and right now those are my favorites. As the season continues, it will be whatever arrives on my doorstep next! :)

  195. It’s gotta be home made terrys chocolate orange cookies, mmmm :)
    P.S Even though i never ever make scones (something to try?) i soo love that cosy :D

  196. OHHHHHH!!! Cute scrapbooky type graphics and baking..two of my favorite things, hmmmm wonder if that line can be added to the Julie Andrews tune???

    My favorite Christmas dessert will be if I can get my hands on their cookbook and bake some yummy scones…I miss scones in the South. I loved the Fischer baking mix for scones (I know not home made, but the taste was so incredibly close), can’t get it here. : (. But all in all, my favorite decadent dessert would have to be my mini chocolate chip cheesecake, incredibly rich, but ohhh so good!

    Thanks for posting about these gals! Going to check them out!

    Lisa Sturgill

  197. I absolutely love Peanut Butter balls, I make them every year. I still can’t quite get my mom’s recipe down, but they are close.

  198. My favorite dessert will always be my grandmother’s Lithuanian “bow-ties” – also known as Krustai…I am the last person in my family to know how to make them and I think about her every year as I make them…

  199. Mmm….that’s hard, as I pretty much love everythinng sweet…but I am a big gingerbread fan….or my homemade turtles or caramellows….mmmm.

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