
Check out these chicks!

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Have you heard of these chicks before? I hadn’t until a few weeks ago. It was really kind of a weird little coincidence. I was in the bookstore picking up Pioneer Woman Cookbooks for a recent giveaway and my eyes locked in on a book called The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen. Loved the title and the design, but because I was over my limit on books for the day, make that month, all I did was thumb through the pages really quickly before I made myself leave.

But then, just two days later I received an email from none other than Serena, one of THE Farm Chicks. Seriously. Out of the blue. Two days later. Does stuff like that happen to you, too? Strange coincidences? It does to me all the time.

(Hmmm… The Pioneer Woman and The Farm Chicks. That’s kinda weird, too. Okay, I’m moving to the country.)

Anyway, it was a really short email message that said she wanted to send me something.

Curious, I said, ok. (I like surprises.)

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And boy was I surprised when several days later I received a package full of all of these sweet, sweet gift tags.

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Some with little cakes.

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And others with sweet messages.

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Plus there were all these fun recipe cards. (Forgive me for the extra blurriness. I was playing with different settings on my camera.)

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Some even had Christmas themes.

I had no idea they had all these cute products plus a cookbook. Impressive.

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Speaking of their book, I had to run out to the bookstore and get it right away.

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Wish I had seen this before trying to make a pie last week. Could have come in handy.

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The Farm Chicks love some pie. And the book has several yummy ones like this.

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Plus, it has fun, do-it-yourself projects throughout. I’ve never made scones, but if I do, I want a scone cozy to go with them. Cozy scones. Yes. I want my scones to be cozy. Adorableness. Cuteness doesn’t quite cut it here.

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Hi Serena. Thanks for sending me all the fun stuff. I love it.

Especially the necklace.

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys about the necklace. Well, it has a cake on the front of it and it’s just darling.


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And, since Serena sent me two of them… well…

Would you like one? Then, we can both look super cute, adorned in cake.

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I’ll even throw in some of my gift tags and recipe cards, too. I’m a sharer.

Enter for a chance to win some fun Farm Chicks stuff
(necklace, recipe cards and gift tags)

Just leave a comment on this post and let me know:

  • What’s your favorite sweet or dessert at Christmas?
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, November 30th at 7 p.m. ET
  • TIME’S UP!

  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck! Now, I’m off to read up about Farms and Chicks. If I’m not back soon, look for me in the country. I’ll be the one lost with lollipop sticks.

And, here’s the winner…
Wow, wow, wow, I am going to need the rest of the year to go through all of your favorites. So many things I like, too… especially fudge and so many that I have never even heard of. You guys should take a look through them if you get a chance and want some ideas for something new. Thank you for sharing. And the winner is… #2670… That’s you Heather. All you have to do to get your prize is send me some of your dad’s Keeflies. Just kidding. But really, I just looked those up and they sound great.


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3,171 comments on “Check out these chicks!”

  1. My favorite Christmas dessert is my mom’s bread pudding! No raisins or walnuts or anything–just a plain bread pudding with rum sauce! Now I’m craving it!

  2. Love the FarmChicks!!!!

    My favorite sweet at Christmas is something I haven’t had in many, many years. My Mom would make popcorn balls that were flavored with peppermint and had pieces of candy canes in them. Now each year I make standards and always add a new cookie/treat to my list.

  3. I love my grandma’s nutroll! I will eat it breakfast, lunch, dinner! I have never had anything close to it! Amazing!

  4. Since I was a little girl, my favorite Christmas sweet is Cornflake Cookies in the shape of Christmas wreaths. They’re very similar to rice krispy treats. Yummy!!!!

  5. I love divinity! Oh and I love peanut butter fudge! Oh homemade caramels! Get the picture, I love it all. Fortunately, I can make it, and give it away. Other people love it, but aren’t always inclined to make it themselves. Thanks for your site, it has so many neat ideas and twists on the old standards. I do so enjoy reading of all your different varieties of presenting an old standard.

  6. spritz cookies made from my great grandmother’s recipe. the best part??? every year my sister, my mom and myself spend an entire day baking holiday cookies together!

  7. Ooooh…Magic Bars. They are magically delicious!

  8. My favorite Christmas dessert is…hmmmm. Do I really have to choose a favorite? I love all the cookies and candies that my sisters and I make to give to all our friends and family. But if I really have to pick it’s Toffee!!!!!!!

  9. oh my goodness those are the cutest things ever!
    my grandmother makes this heath mousse cake dessert thing every year around this time that is just to die for!
    she claims it’s the easiest thing to make and i might just have to try it this year!

  10. I love, love, love butter tartlets! Oh, and the Farm Chicks are simply amazing as are you (:

  11. I have been making Swedish Oatmeal Bars for over 45 years.I found the recipe in a Farm Journal newletter .My family look forward to them each year as,I only make them at Christmas time.

  12. I’m crazy about homemade sugar cookies with thick gooey frosting!

  13. Gingerbread w/ fresh ginger!

  14. Oooh, cute :) My favorite treats at Christmas are my mom’s Christmas cookies, and my favorite of the billions of those that she makes is this chocolate chip shortbread. She dips them in chocolate and rolls them in nuts, but I like snagging some before she does that – I love the simplicity of the “naked” cookies :)

    Although, she said that this year, she’s going to make the Hungarian cookies that she used to make when I was a kid, and I’m VERY excited for that – she hasn’t made them in years, and I LOVED them.

  15. Gingerbread!! My grandmother used to always make candied orange peels as well that I looked forward to every year!

  16. FUDGE! This is the only time of the year I eat it and so it’s a real treat.

    Thanks for the post the cookbook looks darling!

  17. i love homemade hot chocolate over the holidays. i melt the chocolate along with a few peppermint tea bags on the store, served with a peppermint stick, whipped cream, and red sprinkles. deeeelish!!

  18. Fruitcake cookies…. I love them and only make them at Christmas

  19. Hi Bakerella! I love caramel corn at Christmas time! My mom always made it to give out to friends, and now I try to do the same! It is so yummy when it is homemade!
    tracystandage at gmail dot com!

  20. chocolate chip cookies!

  21. Definitely cordial cherries. Don’t ask me why, but it’smy absolutely favorite treat!

  22. Favorite Christmas sweet is Lebkuchen – nothing takes me back to the Christmases spent in Germany with my Oma like Lebkuchen!

    Thanks for the give-away!

  23. Overnight sweet rolls baked on Christmas morning — delicious with a cup of coffee and watching my nephews open their presents.

  24. I love pecan tassies.

  25. It’s tough to pick just one favorite sweet — so I won’t! I love peanut butter kiss cookies. I’m also a HUGE fan of a double chocolate mocha trifle! Here’s where you can find the recipe:

    It’s a hit at every gathering I bring it to!

  26. Gingerbread or Sugar Cookies!! I like then both under baked so they are still soft in the center.

  27. I love peppermint bark!

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway! :)

  28. It would have to be my Gramma’s Butter Cookies. She taught me how to bake and cook when I was very young…she was the BEST!! It was just a plain butter cookie with a piece of candied cherry on top, but they were sooooo good. She passed when I was in high school and I miss her very much. But, when I bake those simple little cookies it’s like I’m back in her kitchen. I get that warm fuzzy feeling.

  29. Apple pie is an all time favorite in my house. The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen is going on my Christmas list!

  30. my absolute favorite dessert for christmas are bunuelos!!! a mexican family tradition that keeps going! the best part about having bunuelos is making them with my mother and grandparents. ahhh!! love love love christmas time!

  31. gingerbread men – fun to decorate and yummy to eat!

  32. Some of my mom’s coconut Panuche. I’ve mastered all of her candy recipes but that one… it still needs mom’s touch!

  33. Pecan pie with vanilla ice cream… only homemade or Blue Bell ice cream will do!

  34. I love Christmas sugar cookies.

  35. I love those cards and well as always.. baking recipes drive me crazy which one to do first.. I have a mile long list of things I want to try out but seem to never have enough time between children and housework. :(

  36. My mom makes a homemade, hard toffee candy. It just tastes like Christmas!

  37. Date filled cookies!! My Mom’s friend used to bring them every Christmas. I wasn’t one to eat anything with anything else inside. These cookies looked completely plain and nonthreatening, and so I took one. The first bite was a complete surprise, and by the second, I was addicted. I was so surprised when I was told that they were filled with dates and nuts. Ew. Yum. I was torn. :) They are still my favorite cookie, 20 years later, and now I make them from the recipe of my Mother’s friend all those years ago.

  38. I adore my family’s recipe for bread pudding at Christmas (and any other time for that matter too!). It brings back memories of spending time in the kitchen preparing for Christmas with my grandmother, mother and all the girls in our family. Sharing this recipe with so many family members makes is special. There’s nothing like family, holiday gatherings and yummy sweet desserts to share! Thanks!!

  39. Pecan pie!

  40. I think my favorite christmas treat is a classic sugar cookie, decorated with sprinkles. I get all nostalgic thinking about how my sister and I would sit there and decorate each cookie differently. I’m sure my mom LOVED us taking hours per cookie sheet. haha

  41. Too cute!!! I’m so easy when it comes to desserts – but if I have to name names, it would be my mom’s fudge – outta this world!

  42. I’m a cookie girl. I love all the different assortments of cookies over the holidays. Add a glass of milk to dunk them in or a cup of hot chocolate and I’m good to go.

  43. Snickerdoodles! I love them and they are so easy to make. I also love iced sugar cookies, but I am still looking for that perfect recipe.

  44. The pies. I love all the pies that are made, especially pumpkin

  45. My Christmas must haves are a Winnie the Pooh’s House. A house-shaped full of nuts cheesecake with petit buerres and chocolate ganache, polish dumplings with blueberries & plum jam croissants. Love them all!

    strielka (at)

  46. Every year I make my grandmother’s homemade egg nog-it is like drinking a milk shake almost,it is so rich. I look forward to that, and also any kind of pie, and snickerdoodles, peppermint chocolate cake. I could go on and on

  47. Hands down it’s puppy chow for me! Can’t get enough of that stuff!!

  48. my favorite christmas sweets *have* to be my mom’s fig cookies and pizelles (she’s italian, can ya tell?). pair ’em with some hot tea or coffee with cream and anisette. yuuuuuummy.

  49. Thos recipe cards are so cute! I’ve added that book to my holiday wishlist :)

    And my favorite sweet is my mother’s sweet bread, baked every year for Christmas morning’s breakfast!

    Thanks for a chance to win!

  50. Wedding Cookies that my mom makes!

  51. Red Velvet Cake. It’s so good when made from scratch!

  52. I love Christmas treats, but my all time fav at Christmas is my Mom’s apple pie topped with french vanilla ice cream.

    frosgarecool at gmail dot com

  53. Pizzelle’s, now that I finally bought an iron last year. Love them and fun to make.

  54. my family makes peppermint ice at christmas, and i LOVE it, almost as much as all my friends!

  55. My husband makes THE most delicious Ginger Sparkle cookies-they look like something out of a magazine! MMMMMM!
    And someone really needs to come up with a better word for something to “cute” for “cute”!!!!!

  56. My favorite holiday treat is my Mimi’s cookies. They are a shortbread cookie with pecans in them. Then they are frosted with a simple powdered sugar frosting. We usually color the frosting red and green for christmas!

  57. Oh how I love the sugar cookies decorated so cutely! Of course the pecan pie I can never do without either!

  58. What a neat book. By far, my favorite Christmas treat is my homemade nut roll – baked them on Friday with my parents – all 42 of them!

  59. My fave dessert…..hmmmmmm, I think it would have to be fudge…..the fudge that I lick from the spoon and pan right after making it…..warm and gooey, and almost guilt free because really, I’m just cleaning up the dishes:)

  60. I don’t have just one favorite, but I love frosted sugar cookies at church.

  61. I love it ALL!! :o)

  62. My favorite Christmas treat is the homemade Candy Cane cookies my family has been making every Christmas since I can remember. It’s a cookie that must be made every Christmas =)

  63. I would say hands down my favorite would be fudge!!!! Love it….

  64. oh christmas, and all of your sweet goodies… Every year for christmas my mom makes candies. Toffee, fudge, chocolate turtles, gingersnap cookies, coconut balls, the works. So there are always munchies in the house around the holidays. It makes me pine away for the season of giving (and baking!!) hope this is my lucky comment!

  65. Cherry cheesecake!

  66. I love making peanut butter balls or buckeyes as some people call them. My daughters 7 & 2 love it too! They just love it when they can get in the kitchen with me!

  67. Chocolate Hazelnut cookies, i think.

  68. Chocolate Peppermint Snaps, an old girl scout recipe I make every year :)

  69. I love me some homemade shortbread-Gramma’s recipe and chocolate shortbread too. Yummy!

  70. I love making and sharing my Me Me’s cookies. I always get requests for the recipes all season long! I don’t live near family so it makes it really special for me to make them and give them as gifts. Brings back memories while making new ones!

  71. what a super fun surprise!!!


  72. These are adorable!

    I love to make pumpkin bread around Christmas – super easy & great to give away to friends..

  73. Red velvet cake, homemade, my grandma’s recipe

  74. chocolate chip cookies

  75. I like my Mamaw’s Coconut Cake. Unfortunately, my mother or I have to make it now but it still tastes like being at Mamaw’s house!

  76. Definitely moms homemade caramels!

  77. Wow, there’s so many to choose from. Pecan fudge has to be my favorite if I could only have one. I make about 50 pots of fudge every Christmas as gifts. I could make it in my sleep.

  78. Rum balls, yummmmy and so easy to make.

  79. I love the cream puffs that my mom makes during the holidays. YUM! :)

  80. I love chocolate crinkle cookies. My aunt always bakes them best… lots of crinkles & just enough powdered sugar! YUM!!

  81. Ow my god! Youve got sooooooo many visitors and paople who give a reaction!! God ive you dont feel flatterd now?? :) Well anyway, ive been reading youre blog the last months and i love it.. You really make me wanna bake!!!

    My favorite sweet or dessert at Christmas is Tiramisu!! mmm i love it, and ive i can be honest, mine is the best ive ever tried
    :):) Anyway, i really hope im a winner this time, ive entered ALLOT of give aways from all over blogland but never won :(


  82. My fave is lefse with butter and sugar. A rare treat!

  83. Do I really have to pick just one sweet or dessert for Christmas? I’d say cut out and decorated sugar cookies or gingerbread men (also decorated, of course!)….. or peppermint bark… or maybe even cranberry blueberry pie… I told you I couldn’t pick just one! Bring on dessert!!!!

  84. I love Pizzelle cookies and make them every Christmas for family and friends!!!!

  85. I LOVE CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I usually make a lot of cheesecakes during the holidays….this year I am making them for several banquets….and of course one or two will be made for the family.

  86. My favorite sweet at Christmas is Egg Nog Cupcakes!

  87. I love mint brownies for the holidays.

  88. Norweigan Potato Lefse, a staple at Thanksgiving and Christmas. YUM!

  89. MMMMmmmmmmm! I love me some shortbread and some shortbread dipped in chocolate!

    Have a wonderful Christmas season!!!

  90. I love my mom’s almond cookies. They are so good!

  91. Peanut butter balls! Yumminess in bite size form.

  92. mmmm…sugar cookies.

  93. The cake necklace is cool. I make some cool cakes i would to but some nice decorations on the box.

  94. Iced Christmas Cookies!

    If you can search out the perfect recipe you’d be a hero! My criteria are:
    light (i.e. not a brick in your stomach)
    don’t spread so you can’t see the shape anymore!

  95. ooooooh, I would have to say my favorite is Red Velvet Cake! I love the necklace and all the goodies!

  96. I love all the cookies! =)

  97. Pecan Pie!

  98. My favorite is chocolate chip cookies.

  99. Too hard to narrow down to ONE fav…must say I love Eggnog since I have learned (thanx PD) to make my own. and will only have it during th holiday season…so that would be my choice.

  100. My favorite Christmas goodie is our family’s sugar cookie recipe. It has been in our family for years and we get together and bake about 15 batches in early December. Then we sit around and frost them for about 5 hours! Too much fun!

  101. Polish Teacakes – People think they’re thumbprints when they see them, but they are NOT! They have jam (or seedless fruit filling) in the middle, but they are also rolled in pecans. The other difference is how delicate and melt in your mouth they are. YUM. I may have to make a batch today after writing this…

  102. My favorite Christmas cookie / treat is snowball cookies. I could eat them by the dozen. The powered sugar goodness. YUM!

  103. You don’t really expect me to be able to limit it to just one, do you? A childhood favorite was the almond-flavored candy cane cookies that we would make with my mom. I was also hooked on the marzipan that our German friends would send every year. Now? Well, now I have a serious addiction to Candy Cane Joe Joe’s from Trader Joe’s. And the dark chocolate peppermint truffles from Lindor.

  104. Too cute! Isn’t that the way it works. I feel that the spirits stay
    bonded. Alike people connect! That is what makes life interesting.

  105. Pumpkin pie, but my families are big on the desserts so there are LOTS to choose from!!

  106. My favorites would be my grandma’s cutout cookies that my sister and I always helped her make. I carry on the tradition now that she’s gone. It’s not Christmas without them. Such good memories from the kitchen!
    mowsquaz (at)

  107. Buttery Cresent Cookies

    Walnut or Pecan!

  108. I can’t chose just one! I love picking new things to make at every holiday that I’ve never tried before but I always make homemade sugar cookies for xmas. And this year is special because my little niece gets to help me for the first time. She’s picking all the shapes and decorations…it should be fun!

  109. I love buckeyes. They are my favorite thing about Christmas treats.

  110. My favorite sweet at Christmas time is the big basket of cookies my mom makes us. She makes a lot of different kinds and they are all delicious.

  111. I may be the only person in the world but it’s Fruit Cake. More fruit less cake, sliced and toasted!

  112. My fave yule time sweet is…….
    candy canes. I LOVE these sweet hard candies. But a will never pass by a slice of yule log either!

  113. Definitely Buckeyes! (aka Chocolate dipped peanut butter balls) They aren’t necessarily a “holiday” treat, but someone always makes some for family gatherings at this time of year. yum!

  114. My favorite holiday treat is a gingerbread house! Not so much for taste, but it evokes that holiday spirit in me!

  115. I love the sugar cookies my daughters and I make and decorate. They are grown, but we still make them whenever they are here for Christmas.

  116. I love to make and eat peppermint bark! I also make puppy chow for Christmas!


  117. My favorute holiday treat is lefse with butter and sugar! Yum Yum!
    jen_ann85 at hotmail dot com

  118. Actually my favorite Christmas treat isn’t a dessert at all. Chex Party Mix is my go-to. If I had to pick a dessert it would be Pecan Pie.

  119. Anything homemade and with chocolate at Christmas. I recently found a 4 ingredient recipe for peanut blossoms (the cookies with the hershey kiss on it) that are TO DIE FOR!!

  120. Sugar cookies! This is something my sisters and I have helped my Mom with every year since we were little. We help ice all the shapes (trees, stars, etc.), and obviously eat some along the way. Delicious!

  121. My favorite sweet at Christmas time is red velvet cake. Mmmm…

  122. My favorite Christmas sweet is a caramel with sea salt on the top.

  123. Our favorite holiday treat has become your cake balls. I made them for home and for gifts last year and they were such a hit that I am going to make them a regular tradition!

  124. Every year, my mom makes “Ritz Cracker Thingies”. We’ve never come up with a good name for them, but they are wonderful. Spread peanut butter between 2 ritz crackers, and then dip in chocolate. Divine.

  125. Buttermilk-Lemon cookies!!

  126. Apple pie!!! And pumpkin pie!!!

  127. Warm gingerbread cake with a dusting of powdered sugar. Everything about it says Christmas to me!

  128. Chocolate oatmeal cookies. Christmas would not be Christmas without them. :)

  129. I have a breakfast family tradition. Hashbrown casserole and I got the recipe from a southern eatery called The Cracker Barrell.

  130. Hmmm. My favorite dessert during the Christmas season is ……. It’s so hard to pick one.
    I would have to go with cheesecake. I love love cheesecake :)
    and I love your blog. It’s so interesting and full of creativeness.
    These gift tags are so cute :)

  131. Candy Cane bark is my favourite but a close second is most definitely gingerbread men!!! :)

  132. My grandmas marble fudge, I’ve never found anything comparable to it and it always reminds me of home and the holidays. :)

  133. I don’t know if I can choose one favorite. Probably cookies.

  134. I love turtles. Mmmmm my mom used to buy them from a sales man every year. So good.

  135. Chocolate pecan pie!

  136. homemade sugar cookies that my almost 3 year old daughter helps me make. she helped last year and they ended up being the best cookies EVER!

  137. Cut out cookies. And lemon bars.

  138. anything with peppermint bark! my favorite cookie is similar to a peppermint creme oreo, dipped in chocolate & topped with crushed peppermint-so delicious!

  139. Mmmm, peanut butter fudge. We only make it at Christmas time. Why is that? Oh now I remember, it’s so our butts won’t getting any bigger.

  140. I love nana cookies. They are a family recipe from my husband’s side of the family and we make them every year, all year long, but there is something extra special about them during the holidays.

    For Thanksgiving I made an apple pie, from scratch, and it was so delicious. I think it may just be one of my new favorites! Yum!

  141. Super cute stuff! I had never heard of them either. My favorite Christmas treat…. there are so many to choose from! Rock candy maybe? It makes me all nostalgic about spending time in the kitchen with my mom. Not to mention it’s pretty and delicious.

  142. My favorite thing at Christmas time is anything with peppermint!!!

  143. I love the gingerbread! It smells so warm and yummy! My daughter loves to bake cookies and decorate the gingerbread house.

  144. My mom’s chocolate chip chocolate covered shortbread. She’s been making it forever and it’s perfection. Thank goodness she only makes it this time of year, or I would be in trouble! :)

  145. I love these really paper thin flat dutch sugar cookies my husband’s grandma makes…. YUM! (she’s straight from holland….I must learn the way!) I also enjoy some yummy fudge and pretty much anything i can get my hands on! YUMMY YUM

  146. pumpkin bars-it’s a pumpkin cake with homemade cream cheese frosting on top..mmmmmm!!!!!!!!!

  147. Homemade marshmallows

  148. I seriously can’t pick just one! My mom, my kids, and I go crazy making tons of cookies. THAT’s my favorite dessert! :)

    babyleibnitz [at] aol [dot] com

  149. chocolate cake!

  150. My moms Cheesecake recipe. It is so rich and yummy! And Fruit of the Forest Pie….which is hard to come by!

  151. My favourite would be Lebuchken, especially if I’m making them with extra ginger and pepper.

  152. I am totally looking forward to butter spritz cookies decorated for Christmas! They’re my absolute favorites!

  153. I LOVE cherry pie. It’s my favorite!

  154. my mom makes this wonderful pound cake with decadent chocolate glaze that is soooo good!

  155. my Philadelphia Sticky buns! I better start making them now so I can have them ready for Christmas morning.

  156. My favorite is chocolate crinkle cookies. MMmmmm my goodness. My family only makes these around Christmas, which, come to think of it, is pretty silly, since they are absolutely AMAZING

  157. My favorite dessert at Christmas time is definitly the cookies. Just about any kind will do, but what’s Christmas without cookies? Have you ever been to Amish country at Christmas time…now they know how to do cookies!!

  158. I love all desserts, but nothing compares to my mother’s eggnog. I don’t care if it isn’t considered a traditional dessert – it’s creamy, thick, yummy, & best of all, full of rum! Delish!

  159. I love the Red Velvet cake that my mom makes evert year— the necklace reminds me of that cake.

  160. My mom and I make numerous date and nut breads each Christmas. Family members would complain if she didn’t serve it Christmas morning with cream cheese. It’s always been my job to chop the walnuts (cups and cups and cups of walnuts!).

  161. Every Christmas I serve Chocolate Brownies with Homemade Peppermint Ice Cream and Hot Fudge Sauce. Yummy and probably my families fav! But my favorite is Russian Teacake Cookies.

  162. Pie is my favorite of course! Any kind of pie!

  163. Fudge …or Toffee I wouldn’t turn either of them down!! Thanks for a chance to win these!

  164. My favorite Christmas dessert is a chocolate mint torte that my mom sends me every year, no matter how far away I live. Christmas just isn’t Christmas without it! I’m pretty sure you can’t go wrong with chocolate and mint ;)

  165. Rice Krispie Treat wreaths. I eat them until my tongue turns bright green. It’s an immature look for a 33 year old!

  166. Christmas just isn’t Christmas without the smell of gingerbread in the kitchen! Gingerbread men, gingerbread house, gingerbread cake… Mmmmm….

  167. I’d have to say my favorite dessert during the xmas season is Shapped roll out cookies or Spritz cookies. You can decorate them with such lovely designs and colors, and they make great gifts for everyone when you aren’t sure what interests they have, or if you’re on a budget.

  168. Oh my sweet goodness, I could just eat those scrumptiously cute gift tags and necklace! How cute! My favorite Christmas sweets are caramel corn, cherry bombs, and I can’t get enough of candy-inspired gift wrap, tags, cards, ornaments, and more. :-)

  169. My favorite holiday treat is peanut butter blossoms – fun to make and delicious to boot!

  170. I make dark chocolate cookies with Andes peppermint baking chips mixed in. They are soft and buttery but taste just like Girl Scout Thin Mints! And they look so festive with the red peeking out from the dark chocolate.

  171. I LOVE Cherry Balls (butter, icing sugar, coconut all mixed together with a cherry in the middle, then rolled in graham crumbs…) – they are a must in my house at Christmas time.

    LOVE your blog – I made your Cake Balls as the “groomscake” in my wedding this past September – they were a HUGE hit!!

  172. I personally love Kifles, which are a Hungarian cookie that my Italian grandma used to make. That’s strange, I know.

  173. It HAS to be chocolate peanut butter balls. All time favorite!

  174. Chocolate peanut butter balls :)

  175. You can’t beat a classic box of chocolates!

  176. cut out cookies!

  177. I love homemade caramels-my mother always made them and now I always (try) to make them. :)

  178. My grandmother is an amazing cook and baker. She could take any recipe and make it her own by changing a couple of things. On of my favorite desserts at Christmas was Pan de Rosca. Of course, her’s looked like a braid and had this amazing toping made out of nuts, sugar, and miel (honey). I have all of her ingredients for each recipes but without any instructions so I’m going to try and make each one and right down the instructions so I can pass them down.

  179. It would be so hard to pick just one. I loved a apple cake my mom made every year that had a cream cheese frosting. It was so moist and fit the season perfect but I’m going to have to pick some iced butter cookies because it’s a tradition my daughter and I have together making them and spending the quality time I love to have.

  180. I would have to say my fav holiday desert is pumpkin roll. I will make a freeze a few of them and take them to parties throughout the season. Yummy pumpkin cake with cream cheese filing all rolled together.

  181. My favorite Christmas dessert has to be a Buche De Noel. My family is from France so it just brings back so many memories of spending the holidays over there. And it’s so terribly yummy! I made one myself last year with marzipan decorations and it was delicious!

  182. grasshopper bars

  183. Grass hopper Pie! My mom’s recipe….or wait maybe it’s even my Gramma Merele’s? Hmmmm…I’ll have to ask : )

  184. I have to pick just one…oh my!!! Honestly…I love the Fruitcake that my mother used to make many, many moons ago. It was so labor intensive…but soooo yummy! Yes, there ARE delicious fruitcakes out there!!!

  185. Honest to God it’s the cupcake pops!

  186. Hello there!!

    I would have to say my favorite holiday dessert is Arroz Con Dulce (Arroz con Coco) CANDIED COCONUT RICE…it’s a very traditional Puerto Rican dessert and the Holidays just wouldn’t be the same without it!!


  187. I always look forward to sugar cookies at Christmas. So simple but so yummy! jreese4peace {at} gmail {dot} com

  188. Each Xmas I make chocolate bark with cashews and an assortment of dried fruits. I try to be creative with the packaging and everyone seems to love it.

  189. Hrm… persimmon pudding (a la the Joy of Cooking) with hard sauce. Our very favorite Christmas dessert.

    As for cookies, refrigerator date pinwheels are a not too sweet kind of cookie to have with your afternoon coffee, and a family favorite

  190. My Mom made Italian doughnuts for Christmas – it took herculean strength the hand beat that thick sticky dough with a wooden spoon, but my 4’11”, 112lb little Italian Mama did it every year until she was in her 80’s! None of us have found the courage to try it yet, but maybe this year I’ll give it a go – they were so good and sweet dipped in hot honey! Thanks for all the fun you share with us! Have a Merry Christmas!

  191. Chocolate Pecan Pie! I make it every year (especially) for my dad and brother. I like to do it with loads of pecans and not much “goo.”

  192. Wow! You get the BEST stuff! :D Aww, and sooo nice of you to share! ;D I LOVE recipes cards and gift tags and kitcheny things! ;) And cupcakes/cakes too! :)

    Hmm, I have lot’s of favorites, but I think my most favorite would be our molasses cookies! :) So soft and spicy! :) Or maybe the snickerdoodles? ;) I love that cinnamon! :) HeHe! So hard to decide, I love them all! ;)

    Thank you for the entry Bakerella! I just LOVE your blog dear! :D

    ~Miss Rachel~

  193. Fudge, all kinds of yummy fudge!

  194. This is the season to make my favorite ginger bread cookies! I love making them and sharing them with my family and friends this holiday season!!!

  195. Though I make a cake every year, the kid in me has to make decorated Christmas cookies. Every year, I say I’m sending them as gifts, but they don’t make it out the front door!

  196. Around Christmas time I LOVE peppermint-bark. I’ve tried making it myself but can never seem to get the chocolate layers to stick together. I wish it weren’t such a seasonal treat! Yummmmm.

    -Emily (

  197. Cranberry bliss bars!

  198. My very favorite is making cookies of ALL types with my friends and having a blast doing it. That is the start of Christmas for me. My favorite memory as a child was of my Mom making at least 8 different types of cakes. She wanted to be prepared for company and then they would have their choice of dessert. My Mom was my mentor and taught me to bake at an early age. It is one of my passions!!!

  199. My favorite desserts at Christmas would be anything covered in chocolate. I love doing little tins filled with assorted chocolate-covered stuff (pretzels, ritz crackers with peanut butter, haystacks….) and give them to my co-workers. =) Can’t wait!!

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