

Christmas is over. But that doesn’t mean the giving is.

I did a little shopping yesterday… not to return anything, but to look around. It’s what I do after Christmas.

Shop. It’s much more fun to shop after Christmas than before. The stress is gone and the sales are still on.

And if something catches my eye like a towering stack of satin pink leopard print jewelry boxes…

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

… well, I’ll take a few extra minutes and look through all the designs.

And if there happens to be something like a super-cute cupcake necklace staring right back at me, then I guess you know what happens next.

Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Awwe…… How could I resist. It’s just the cutest little thing.

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

And it comes in the cutest little box.

Betsey Johnson Necklace

And then there’s all this cute dangly stuff to boot. Did I mention how cute this thing is?

But I didn’t get it for me. I thought I would give it to one of you. So who wants it?

Enter for a chance to win this cutie patootie
Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Just leave a comment on this post and finish the following sentence…

This New Year’s Eve, I …

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 29th at 5:00 p.m. ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck!

I didn’t expect to be so moved by the entries for this giveaway. These might just be some of my favorite ones to read to date. I usually don’t do anything on New Year’s Eve, so thank you for sharing a glimpse into your plans. The simple ones. The silly ones. The serious ones. You guys fill my heart with happiness.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And now for the winner…


Congrats anna p! It’s you!

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4,126 comments on “Gone.”

  1. This New Year’s Eve will be the best one yet, because I am alive, I’m healthy and my family loves me!

  2. This New Year’s Eve, I … I will try not to consume to much delicious snacky foods and watch the ball drop with my family. :-)

  3. This New Years Eve, I am going to spend at home with my husband and son. We will watch a few movies and have North Carolina BBQ Pulled Pork with all the fixings.

    Happy New Year!

  4. This New Year’s Eve, I will host a nice little open house for some neighbor’s and friends with some tasty munchies and sweet homebaked goodies, and holiday cheer. We will watch NY’s Rockin Eve, bang pots and pans at midnight, and everyone can WALK home!

  5. …hope to sit by the fireplace and watch a movie with my family, pop popcorn, and maybe watch it snow!!

  6. This New Years Eve, I will be going out to lunch to Mon Ami Gabi with my adorable husband.

  7. This New Year’s Eve, i will spend it with my family sharing a great meal and watching the countdown on tv.

  8. … am going to bed!

  9. You always have the cutest gifts and more importantly, the giving spirit… Hope your holidays have been peaceful and joyful. You always make me and my daughter joyful!
    This New Years Eve, my daughter and I will stay in and watch TMC with some home baked goodies, maybe cupcakes, and enjoy bringing in the New Year together….. another year of love and peace. Happy New Year to you and all your readers!

  10. will be spending time with friends and family ringing in the new year together.

  11. I will be watching the Disney Channel marathon, playing games, eating carmel corn & chex mix and trying to stay up til midnight.

  12. This New Year’s Eve I…..will spend a nice evening at home watching a movie with my husband after we put our 2 year old to bed.

  13. this new years eve… i will be spending the evening with friends and enjoying going to bed at 10PM. We are early birds in our house:)

  14. This New Year’s Eve, I… will still be enjoying the spoils of our Christmas feast, because leftovers last forever.

  15. I will be spending cuddling wth my son! :)

  16. This New Year’s Eve I…hope to make it to midnight without falling asleep over my Verdi!

  17. Am hanging out with my favorite person and making your cake pops!

  18. Going to bed early.

  19. I will be spending a quiet night with my hubby and our dear friends!

  20. This New Year’s Eve, I am going to spend it with my wonderful Hubby. We are going to bake some tasty treats and cook a nice meal.

  21. This New Year’s Eve, I…

    …will be spending my last new year with only my hubby. Next year there will be 3 of us!

  22. This New Year’s Eve, I… will probably get wasted with my husband and two of our friends and watch the fireworks of the neighbours, because we don’t want to buy any ourselfs. (We kinda like our fingers! Hey… I need them for baking!)

  23. This New Year’s Eve I am staying home with my hubby and three children and thanking God for His blessings!

  24. This New Years Eve I….will bake!

  25. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be staying at home – safe with my husband, pigging out on pizza and playing games. Hopefully we will be able to stay awake at midnight ! (lol)
    Saying goodbye to a rough 2009, hope 2010 will be better.

  26. pass it with lighter feeling after 2 years separation with my ex and just done the paper in the first week of December. 4 years spent the New Year Eve with unpleasant feeling, absolutely this year’s New Year Eve will be one of the best that I will spend with my parents, sister and of course, beloved 8 y.o little girl!

  27. will be awaiting the arrival of my sweet baby girl!

  28. This New Year’s Eve, I will finally call the boy I’m in love with and tell him that! Well, I might have to eat a lot of candy before and taste the pink champagne but, in the end of the night, my goal is that he will know… I’m already nervous! My god! I think I will have to bake all day before just to cool my nervs!

  29. I will be snuggled up with my 7-year old daughter! Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

  30. This New Year’s Eve, I hope i’ve met up and had a good catch up up with my best friend who i haven’t seen over 6 months by then :) && then go to a new years eve party go into the new year, new decade with some lovely people :)
    looks like its turning out to be a a good 2010 (hopefully) ;)

    Happy new year everyone :)

  31. will be spending a quiet night at home with my family. Looking forward to the new year, hoping it is a good one and being thankful for the blessings in my life.

  32. want to make a different in someone’s life. (and I want to get my manuscript done too!)

  33. ….. hope to stay awake til the ball drops!!

  34. might start making giant Nutcrackers to stand guard outside my garage next Christmas!

  35. hope everyone has a wonderful 2010 and I’m looking forward to more Bakerella!

  36. Celebrating ending the year cancer free and looking forward to a Happy, Healthy 2010!!

  37. This New Years Eve, I… will be cuddling on the couch watching movies with my hubby.

  38. will probably end up falling asleep early. oh yes and stop biting my nails!

  39. This New Year’s Eve I… will happily snuggle with my four year old and hope that pregnancy fatigue lets me stay up with the hubby to ring in the New Year!

  40. This New Year’s Eve, I…will celebrate with family and friends an end of a great year and the start of a promising New Year!

  41. This New Year’s Eve (like every other) I will be spending with my mother. It is her birthday and there is no other place I would like to be…

  42. This New Years Eve I will be celebrating with my wonderful friends who are always there for me whenever I need them. And, with my wonderful husband, our first anniversary is on New Years Day. We have known each other since 5th grade and he found me thru 34 years after we graduated from high school. He is the most wonderful, caring, supportive man I know. I am a very lucky woman. (He also puts up with all my cake related addictions….I watch many “cake” shows on TV!! LOL!!)

  43. This New Year’s Eve, I will be in in Utah with my family freezing my Georgia toes off! :)

  44. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be working so all the young ppl can go out and party.

  45. This New Years Eve I…. will be getting a babysitter and going on a date with my hubby :)

  46. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be thankful for winning this so I have a special early birthday gift for a special niece who is also a cupcake baking and decorating star!

  47. Bakerella – you’re the sweetest!
    This New Year’s Eve I hope to be cuddled with my sweety getting over our colds together!

  48. This New Year’s Eve I’m gonna sleep. I’ve school to go to! XD

  49. will be taking my daughter out to Enchanted Eve (local New Years Eve celebration) and enjoy spending time with her. I will also remember that it was New Years Eve 3 years ago when she took her first steps!

  50. This NYE, I’m staying home and snuggling with my son.

  51. This New Year’s Eve I
    Will be hosting our 1st annual Wii bowling tournament with (keep your fingers crossed) bowling ball/ pin cake pops! We are not bowlers in any sense of the word but the Wii brings out the best in everyone so I thought it would be fun.

  52. rockin’ out to Jimmy Eat World at their Atlantic City concert!!!!

  53. This New Year’s Eve, I will gladly kiss this very trying 2009 goodbye and welcome 2010 with a renewed hope for better times and well health and happiness for all. :) (that’s if I stay awake til 12!)

  54. Will try my best to stay up until 12:00pm

  55. This New Years Eve I will start learning Korean since my hubby just came home and told me the Army is moving us there this summer.

  56. Be working!!yuck

  57. This new years eve I will take it easy and promise myself that the next year will be less stressful and I’ll bake more cute cupcakes.

  58. New Year’s Eve I will be babysitting.

  59. This New Year’s Eve, I will probably go to bed by 10:00 – I have two small children under the age of 2 – staying up late hasn’t been in my vocab for awhile! :)

  60. This New Year’s Eve I……will host a make-your-own sundae ice cream party for my daughters! FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. This New Year’s Eve I’ll be going to NJ with my hubby and meeting some of my new in-laws for the first time!!! Love the necklace!

  62. This New Years Eve I….plan to make a first entry in an “I am Grateful” journal and will try to make a real effort to appreciate all that is good in my lifeas the year proceeds.

  63. This New Year’s Eve, I want to sleep!

  64. will be at home with my family… playing games and probably watching some football.

  65. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be with my family. :)

  66. This NYE I plan on quilting some (will be hand quilting) and watching movies with some friends. I have to keep my hands occupied.

  67. This New Year’s Eve…I’m hanging out with the best of friends.

  68. will be relaxing at home with two of my favorite people – my husband and younger son =)

  69. will be watching outside the fireworks.

  70. I will be spending it with my Pug, Husband, and family…and maybe going bowling!

  71. This New Year’s Eve, I will continue the tradition and partake in making over 100 rice balls. Our friends join us each year at our annual open house on New Year’s Day to celebrate the dawning of a year filled with anticipation, opportunity, good health and love.
    Happy New Year, Bakerella!

  72. I will be home with my family trying to stay up until midnight to see the ball drop and hug and kiss them and wish them the best for 2010!:)

  73. I will be spending time at home with my hubby! Recovering from the Christmas Season. :) Happy New Year to all!!!!

  74. get to start the year with my true loves.

  75. …I’ll probably sack out by 10pm after putting my 4, 2, and 1 year olds down…nerd alert!

  76. New Years eve I will be studying….

  77. will be tucking my girls in and trying to stay up with my husband to ring in the New Year…we are usually asleep by 10. Boo!

  78. will be spending the night with my husband. This is the first year in the 15 years of my marriage that my husband (he is a police officer) does not have to work on New Year’s. I am so excited!!!

  79. This New Years Eve, I intend on relaxing alone and going to bed early. It’s going to be amazing :)
    Welcome 2010…I’ve been looking forward to your arrival.

  80. I will put away the Christmas decorations while I watch a good movie, so I wake up to a fresh clean house in the New Year.

  81. Hi Bakerella, I love all you cute postings!!
    This New Year’s Eve I will be spending precious time with our beautiful18 month granddaughter while our handsome 3 year old grandson will be recovering in Children’s Hospital from his surgery!

  82. plan to go to bed early.

  83. I will be with friends, a bottle of wine and cake wishing for an awesome 2010.

  84. This New Year’s Eve I will enjoy with just my husband.

  85. This New Year’s Eve, I plan on spending time with my husband, daughter and our newborn son!

  86. This New Year’s eve my dh and I will be snuggling on the couch with a bottle of bubbly and a blanket…He’s actually off work for this romantic holiday and we can’t let that pass!!

  87. …am taking my boys to their first New Year’s Eve party, with a balloon drop at 9pm! :)

  88. This New years Eve I’m staying home. Just me, my husband, and our dog snuggled next to the fireplace watching Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve :-)

  89. this new years eve I’m going to miss my family while I’m working.

  90. Cuddle with the family and reflect on the past while ‘planning’ for our future…oh and watching Dick Clark!

  91. I always spend New Years Eve with my family. We watch the ball drop, hoop, hollar and jump around at midnight. Then kiss, kiss and off to sleep.

  92. This New Year’s Eve I’m a little lost for plans. Our friend’s planned dinner party went down the drain, as she had to see her mother in Austria, and all of a sudden, everyone had plans but us. So now my guy and I will have a couple over and eat and drink LOTS of food before New Years Resolutions of new, healthier lives in 2010.

  93. This New Year’s Eve I hope to get the “eat, drink, and be merry” attitude over and done with and look forward to a new year of healthy and smart choices.

  94. This New Year’s Eve, my hubby and I will be at my parents’ house and try to stay up late to watch the ball drop…there will be baking involved this weekend, and I’m pretty sure PW’s cinnamon rolls are on the To-Bake List!

  95. I will reflect on the past year and count my blessings.

  96. This New Year’s Eve, I will be celebrating with my boyfriend and some close friends. We’ll party low key but bring in the new year with style ;)

  97. This New Year’s Eve I don’t have to work! My office is on Times Square and I want to get as far away from the craziness as possible! We’ll spend the evening with friends until the kids collapse from exhaustion.

  98. This New Year’s Eve I will most likely be spending a quiet evening at home with my husband and 3 children.

    Oh my goodness, I need all day to spend looking at all the goodies on your site. Amazing!!

  99. …will be with my hubby, watching the ball drop and staying warm (since it has been snowing and it is freezing outside).

  100. will be at home asleep. I am a morning person, can’t hang with the night owls.

  101. This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending time with dear friends and celebrating my 31st birthday!

  102. This New Years Eve I will nt have a 2 week old child. Hopefully I will be able to stay awake past 8pm.

  103. This New Year’s Eve, I……don’t know yet what I’m doing. But I will definately be staying up to welcome in the new year!

  104. will be starting last years resolutions all over again.

  105. This New Years Eve I will be in bed by ten. I just can’t stay awake, even for New Years.

  106. This New Year’s Eve, I will be at home with my fiance.

  107. will be at home, relaxing with my husband!

  108. This New Year’s Eve, I… will be spending the evening with my family at a friend’s house. It’s the first time that we’ll be doing something for New Year’s as a family, well, ever! We’re very excited (especially my son)!

  109. …will probably not make it up past 10:30! I am such a sleepyhead, and I have kids that will STILL be up by 6:45 even if I stay up late and want them to sleep in too.

  110. This New Year’s Eve, I will be having the time of my life at a slumber party with my best friends! :]]

  111. This New Year’s Eve I will be with my husband, lover, and friend, have a wonderful dinner and watch TV and probably both fall asleep by eight. LOL LOL Happy New Year everyone. Paulette

  112. …..will be home with my dog enjoying a lovely dinner and lots of chocolate and champagne!

  113. This new years eve I will…………count my blessings:)

  114. This new years eve I will be going to bed early. It has been a busy week, celebrating and visiting with family.

  115. This New Years Eve I … will spend and enjoy more time with my husband and 3 kids. Be grateful for the past Year and Hope that 2010 will be better year for everyone.

  116. This New Year’s Eve I will be at work. But, fortunately, that’s only til 8 pm, so afterwards I’m going to my boyfriend’s house to celebrate with his family [with dessert of course! ] =]

  117. will hope for a year filled with positive energy, renewal & good health.
    happy 2010 bakerella!

  118. …will be with four of the people who I love the most in the world: my husband, daughter, and my parents. It won’t matter what we do because we’ll be together. Thanks for the chance to win this super cute giveaway, and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  119. …I will be spending time with the most amazing children in the world, playing games and having lots of fun as we stay up late and bring in the new year.

  120. will take it easy and celebrate on New Year’s Day. =) Happy 2010

  121. This New Year’s Eve, I will be with my husband and kids merrily ringing in the New Year.

  122. This New Year’s Eve, I will be hanging with my sisters and lady friends, while husband mingles on behalf of both of us in the larger crowd. That, and mourning the loss of my poor oven, which has recently exploded :( No baking for me for a couple months…

  123. …will spend a quiet evening with my husband, waiting for our teenage son to arrive safely home.

  124. ..will be working, unfortunately. But my 17 year old daughter, Caroline, who loves anything “Betsey” and adores cupcakes would love this necklace.

  125. ….hope to have visitors over.

  126. This New Year’s Eve, I will be with my boyfriend of three years in south Florida. In past years, we have been in different places, so were unable to spend it together. I am looking forward to having my first New Year’s Eve kiss at midnight! :)

  127. This New Years Eve, I will enjoy my life much more than ever, I love my husband, my baby, my parents, we’re happy together…How lucky we are..
    But during this New Years Eve, I’ll be thinking of people who are unluckier than me…May God bring you Peace, Health, Wealth and Happiness

  128. This New Years eve I will spend the early evening in the company of my husband and his family…. but the ball drop I will only be sharing with my six year old daughter… hubby has to work at 6 am… :(

  129. This new years eve, I’ll be in the kitchen cooking the turkey in my freezer I din’t feel like making for Thanksgiving or Christmas! New year and I’ve got to empty out the freezer!

  130. This New Year’s Eve, I … look forward to ringing in another year with the person I love. :)

  131. This new years eve I will spend time with my familie, make good food, see a movie and go outdoors around midnight to see firework and wish my neightboors a happy new year.

  132. This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending with my boyfriends family

  133. This New Year’s Eve I…
    will be looking forward to all of the memories I will be making with my daughters in 2010.

  134. This New Year’s Eve I…will be wondering what happened to this past year – it’s passed too quickly!

  135. This New Year’s Eve, I will celebrate the New Year with Caprioska’s and great friends!

  136. This New Years Eve I will be home with my husband and two young daughters…wouldn’t want it any other way.

  137. This New Years eve, I will be ringing in the New Year in London(1st time ever!), with my family, eating delicious Primrose Bakery cupcakes! YUMMY! :)

  138. This new years eve – i’ll be hanging out with good friends that have been on my side every year!

  139. This New Year’s Eve, I will be celebrating my birthday! I’m going out to eat noodles, see Swan Lake and then hang out at a friend’s house.

  140. This new years eve.. i will be working :(.. BUT.. hopefully there will be cupcakes at the end of the day when i head over to my cousins place for the family get together :)

  141. This New Year’s Eve…I’m baking up a little romance!

  142. This New Year’s Eve I will be asleep by 8 because we’re getting up early the next morning for a road trip down to Phoenix for the Fiesta Bowl – woooooooooooooo!! Happy New Year!!

    Betsey Johnson has the coolest stuff….with all the details….all the great packaging… She’s kinda like you – only in jewels instead of cake – heh.

  143. this new year’s eve, i’ll be spending my time immersing in a new culture and having a nice dinner with my friends!

  144. This New Year’s Eve, I…

    will be trying to get pregnant!

  145. this new years eve, i’m going to be laying on the couch, watching tv with my husband, and be relieved that 2009 is over and hopeful that 2010 will bring us some good news!

  146. sorry folks, didn’t read all post right away.

    This New years Eve, I’ll be at my favorite places,1st chuch for a New years fellowship then home, with my favorite person, my hubby and our three doggies. So many things to be thankful for.

  147. This new year’s eve I will be making a rainbow cake. :)

    See my blog:

  148. will be spending it in Tampere FINNLAND! We try to play whole night. What’s going to happen? I don’t know… :D

  149. This New Years Eve I . . . will be celebrating 2010 before ALL of my family and friends – thanks to our move to Australia!!

  150. will hope for a fantastic new year!

  151. This New Year’s Eve, I will be staying home with my husband and my 100 lb puppy dog, drinking a glass of wine, eating pizza, and watching movies.

  152. am looking forward to hanging out with my family and some some really great friends. We’ll play games, eat good food and have lots of laughs!

  153. Rough Christmas week for me. Hubby had emergency surgery on bladder and we get results this Thursday. Praying it isn’t the worst but ready to deal with whatever God wants us to. He was home for Christmas though! My best gift! Miss after Christmas shopping- my favorite too- but don’t need anything. Each new morning is a blessing. 2010 will have lots of new challenges. I’m ready. Happy New Year everyone.

  154. …will be in my favorite place of all ~ snuggled up with my babies and hubby! Happy 2010!

  155. This New Years Eve… I will be curled up on the couch, with my Honey and a glass of Champange, reflecting on what an AMAZING year 2009 has been, and looking forward to what the new year will bring!

  156. Will celebrate the newness of the New Year!

  157. This New Years Eve I will be at a friend’s party, secretly wishing that I was home curled up on the couch with my fiance watching a movie!

  158. ….. will try to stay up until midnight, unlike last year. Only 26, and I already struggle to make it long enough to ring in the new year.

  159. This New Years Eve I will be at church with my family, thanking God for the many blessings of the past year, and celebrating the hope and blessings of this upcoming new year.

  160. ACTUALLY be able to spend it with my husband, I dont have to work! yippee!!!!!!!!

  161. I will count my blessing for my three lovely boys and wonderful husband, but be thankful that 2009 is over. It was a TOUGH year!

  162. This New Year’s Eve… i will be with with my amazing friends and celebrating the end of a wonderful, action packed year

  163. will be staying home with my family. I wouldn’t want to be any other place.

  164. This New Years Eve I….will attend a wedding for one of my closest friends, spend time with my kids and go to a family friendly party to end the night. I can’t wait!

  165. This New Years Eve I…
    plan to eat so many cupcakes that i fall into a deep sleep where visions of cupcakes will dance in my dreams.

  166. This new year’s eve, I am spending the time with my immediate family. We’re having appetizers, and we’ll watch the ball drop on t.v.!
    beck underscore t 78 at yahoo dot com

  167. I want to stay up past midnight!

  168. will be spending it with good friends and family and ringing 2010 in early so the kids can celebrate with us.

  169. will be nestled in on the couch by a fire with my sweet husband and our daughter, enjoying snacks.

  170. This New Years Eve I…will be cuddling on the couch, with finger foods, and champagne!! :)

  171. This New Year’s Eve I will be making Pioneer Woman’s black eyed pea salsa, and probably some delish dessert too, and drinking some Prusecco I got for Christmas with my husband…

  172. This New Year’s Eve, I will quietly spend it at home. Not even sure I’ll make it to midnight, but I’m looking forward to welcoming 2010 and all the wonderfulness it brings!! Happy New Year, All!!!

  173. This New Years Eve I will be spending it at home with my hubby celebrating his Birthday or with friends. Plans are up in the air. Today is my birthday, and his is the 31st, so tomorrow is “our” birthday lunch at Red Robin!

    And of course going to pick up our daughter from her New years Eve party!!! Quiet, probably, but that’s OK, as New Years
    Eve with my Husband is always the best no matter where we are!

    Wishing you a Safe & Happy New Year Bakerella!!!! Absolutely ADORE your blog!!!!

    Lisa Sturgill

  174. This New Years Eve I am taking my grandmother and my mother to a girls night out!

  175. This New Year’s Eve, I …will have steamboat with a bunch of friends :D

  176. This new years eve, I would like to stay home, make homemade pizza’s, watch movie’s and relax with my hubby and kids. Not that I don’t want to spend time with friends and family (because I LOVE spending time with them)…but just to stay home and relax and not travel for one night would be glorious!

  177. This New Years Eve I…’ll celebrate with my loved ones!!

  178. will be celebrating the birthday of my best friend

  179. …will be safely at home relaxing, trying to stay awake to see the ball drop!

  180. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be twirling around, showing off my new Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace, telling everyone how a lovely lady from across the water sent it to me :)

  181. Son’s birthday is January 1st so we will be having a New’s Years eve/ birthday party to ring in the new year.

  182. This New Years Eve I ….will be spending it with my girlfriend and friends with great food!

  183. This New Year’s Eve, I will be near the sea around my daugthers! I hope to “jump” 7 waves (brazilian tradition for new year). :D

    Have a wonderful and delicious 2010, Bakerella!

  184. This New Years Eve I will be celebrating my first NY with my boyfriend of 3 years over a hot cup of hot chocolate in cold, cold England. I can’t wait :) Hope you have a lovely NY too, however you plan to celebrate it!

  185. This New Years Eve I…..will try to focus my life on working and trying to get my baking/crafting business going! :D

  186. This New Years I will be spending with the man who was once my best friend but is now becoming more; I’m so excited!

  187. I will spend as always with my daughters. We will probably finish up the book we are reading together – The Christmas Hope – and then set off sparklers at midnight!

  188. This New Year’s Eve I will listen to the top 2000. It’s a big thing in Holland(where I happen to live): it’s a list of the 2000 best songs ever, and everyone can vote. It’s a tradition in my family:)

  189. This New Years Eve I…begin a fight with Breast Cancer! With your gift being PINK it is the appropriate color! Myself at present waiting on a pathology report and a friend in the fight already. Both of us born again Christians know the LORD is with us and it is our prayer to be a testimony in this NEW YEAR of His Graces. Our theme song: I Believe to see the goodness of the LORD!

    Happy New Year!


  190. This New Year’s Eve I will be together with my boyfriend (who is studying abroad this year, but has come to visit) and our closest friends. I’m so happy!

  191. OK, so part of my message was cut off:

    This New Years Eve I will be spending with Family and close Friends

  192. This New Year’s Eve, I’ll go hiking with friends and we’ll make a bonfire and have bread on a stick.

  193. This New Year’s Eve I…Am going to spend it dancing the night away with my husband, who has been deployed the last two /new Year’s Eves, and will be deployed the following. I will also look back at how fortunate we are and be thankful of the blessings to come.

  194. This New Year’s Eve I will be spending it with family and some great friends. Hopefully, I’ll get to spend time with that adorable necklace sometime in the future. I love Betsey Johnson and cupcakes!

  195. w Years will be spent with family and close friends :-) Wishing you a safe and Happy New Year!!

  196. This New Year’s Eve, I will be celebrating with my in-laws and siblings playing games and having great food!

  197. This New Year’s I will be watching what I eat…esp because I just found out we’re pregnant!!!!

  198. This New Years Eve I…..will sleep. Boring….yes, but I need it.

  199. I will spend it with my amazing husband and kids, but probably won’t make it past 10PM….and that will even be a struggle!

  200. This New Year’s Eve, I’ll be alone with my boyfried… a romantic 2010 is approaching :-)

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