
Hello, Cupcake Giveaway!

You guys have been so sweet and encouraging and you put a smile on my face everyday. So here’s a little fun to show my appreciation. I’m having a double, that’s right, I said DOUBLE Giveaway.

One lucky winner will receive a
copy of the book, Hello, Cupcake, courtesy of Houghton-Mifflin Books at Yummr (a community of people passionate about food and a place to share food-related experiences, recipes, reviews, photos, and videos.) This book is as cute as cute gets. Lots of great ideas that I wish I had thought of. And don’t worry, if you don’t win it here, you still have a shot. Yummr is having a “Cookbook a Day in the Month of May” Giveaway. You can visit Yummr to learn more.

Another lucky winner will receive a cupcake t-shirt from me at


HOW TO ENTER: It’s easy! Just leave your response to the following cupcake question in the comments section. (with an email or website link so I can contact you if you win).

Cupcake Poll & Giveaway!

Cutoff for comments is midnight, May 31st, 2008. I’ll announce the winners (picked at random) sometime on June 1. Good Luck!

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1,085 comments on “Hello, Cupcake Giveaway!”

  1. Bite-Size is definatly the way to go!! Quick and easy into the mouth on the way out (or into!)the house, car, bed!!!
    Thanks for the chance. Would love this book!!

  2. Definitely the handful!!!

  3. Enough for two for sure! Great giveaway…thanks!!!

  4. Go big or go home! The “enough for two” is my pick, but I dont like to share;)

  5. I like the bite-size because of the cake-to-frosting ratio!

  6. I love the bite-sized. They make such a nice little snack.

  7. It actually depends on the flavor for me…if it is something fruity like strawberry or lemon…I want a lot! If it is chocolate…bite size…I know…I’m weird! :)

  8. A handful…with the regular ones I always want just a bit more so this way I don’t end up having two. :D

  9. I love the bite sized ones. Why? You can have the illusion that you aren’t eating too many!

  10. I would say bite full, one bite is not enough and more than that and I’d have to hit the treadmill for an extra 30..!!

  11. I love the bite sized ones. Why? You can have the illusion that you aren’t eating too many!

  12. Id say Im a D-cup! Cant go wrong with enough for two! Eat half now and then half later! yum! Thanks!

  13. Definitely A!
    Although I like to eat 4 or 5 of them in a row :)

  14. i would reach for C so i could have the most cupcake possible without sharing:) thanks for your delightful blog and the possibility of winning these great prizes!

  15. so so cute — definitely the “A” size — that way, if there’s a variety, there’ll be enough room in my tummy for a sampling!

  16. I like size A filled in D. Oh so good!! Thanks for your wonderful ideas!!

  17. Oh, and you can reach me at monee2000 at

  18. I like a full C! Enough to where I won’t want to go back for another one! ;o)

  19. I have baby twins and two preschoolers … I definitely need the itty bittys! My kids love cupcakes!!

  20. B!!

  21. Itty bitty for me. Just enough for a variety.

  22. D all the way!!

  23. I have to say that the standard size is my favorite right now. However, this is subject to change minute to minute.

  24. Yum! Bite size please!

  25. Like my two-year-old would ever let me eat my own cupcake . . . Better make it Enough For Two for me!

  26. what a fun giveaway!

    The shirt or the cookbook would so fun fur summer afternoons!




  28. I’m a standard girl myself. Your blog is adorable. Keep up the yummy work!

  29. !!!!!!!!!!HANDFUL!!!!!!!!

  30. I like the bite size, so I can eat them in one bite and eat more then just one, besides if ti all fits in your mouth at once, it isn’t fattening, RIGHT??? :) … thanks for the great blog and all the FABULOUS ideas!!

  31. Handful for me…

    I recently discovered your awesome blog!! Congrats on all your success. I look forward to “attempting” some of your creations :)

  32. I like itty bitty.

  33. My size is enough for 2 but made for 1 :)

    Love the Bakerella blog! YUM!

  34. Im an itty bitty or bite size girl. :)

  35. You are too cute! I would have to say I was bite size. Then I dont feel quilty having 3 or 4!

  36. The handful has always been quite right. Don’t want too much or too little.

  37. handful is where its at!!! I love your blog by the way- it makes me want to learn to use fondant!

  38. I guess I’m really a “B”, although I have been known to add some padding and sport a “C” or “D” at times…

  39. When I’m baking I like the standard B’s, but if I’m buying cupcakes gimmie C’s!

  40. Snort! How funny is this! Depending on how many cupcakes I’m eating on a regular basis, I vary between bite size and a handful!

  41. I will go with bite-size. It’s the perfect size. Not too much and not too little.

  42. i have to agree with many, B- not too big, not too small, just right!

  43. I love making the bite-sized cupcakes so I have plenty to give away to family/friends!! :)

  44. I like the handful – just enough, without being too much! Mini-cupcakes are fun too though, multiple flavors, less guilt!!

  45. Unfortunately because of my sweet little cupcakes I now join the itty bitty bunch! Sad, but true. Cute giveaway!

  46. I like the itty bitty size – I feel like I’m eating more cupcakes in a short amount of time :)

  47. That’s kind of personal…

  48. Gotta go for the handful!! I LOVE cupcakes! Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  49. I’m itty bitty. Just enough to have a taste, wanting for more! Congrats on your success!!!

  50. Love the bite sized! And I LOVE your blog!

  51. Bite Size!! Perfect for my two little messy girls. Just enough to satisfy us and with less mess to clean up. ;)

  52. A handful over here!

  53. just a handful :)

    love your site

  54. Give me the handful! Thanks for your great blog!

  55. You are the best! Handful is what I love, just enough!!

  56. I would have to say B- bite sized is usually just right, although I can think of times when each of those sizes would be appropriate!

    Yummy yummy!

  57. I like the itty-bitty, so I can eat many but not feel guilty :P

  58. I’m an A & B girl! :) What a fun way to find out about people’s cupcake likes!! The book and tshirt are great blog candy gifts! Thanks for the chance to win!

  59. i love the little bite size cupcakes. They’re so cute and you can eat 2 or 3 of them.

  60. I like the A size for multiple flavor choices but the C’s are perfect snacks!!

    Made your Cupcake Bites both the old and new way … new way, MUCH easier! Thanks for all your great ideas!!

  61. I would have to say B….only because those are the only ones I can ever find!

  62. Handful!!Which ever your talking about. Definitely handful.

  63. I’m going to say C – handful! Thanks for the opportunity to win something this fabulous.

  64. I prefer the itty-bitty… the frosting to cake ratio is higher that way! :)

  65. Handful! Bite size would never satisfy me! Thanks for your fabulous blog, i love it!!

  66. I like itty-bitty…that way I can eat several and not feel guilty! Love your blog!

  67. bite size though a handful would be perfect! :)

  68. I love cupcakes so enough for two!!!

  69. Bite size for me! Originality is great! Cute stuff!

  70. D, enough for two – I’m getting married in June 14th but hey, who wants a wedding cake when you can have a large, delicious cupcake to share with your love!? :-D

  71. Is All of the Above a choice — no?

    OK, I’ll go with C. Handful.

  72. I’m a handful girl. Enough bites to feel satisfied and oh so happy not so many I feel like I need to be attached to the treadclimber :) I LOVE cupcakes! Andrea

    Sorry I can’t figure out how to sign in correctly, my email is

  73. definitely enough for two….so i can share with the one i love!!

    the book and the shirt are supercute!!

  74. What a cute question! My answer is definitely C~ a handful! The giveaways sound awesome! Thanks!


  75. I like the handful…can’t wait to see who wins!

  76. C is for CUPCAKE! It’s C for me…yum!

  77. B, bite size for me…Love your blog.


  78. It depends on the cupcake. Handful most of the time. If they’re really sweet then bite size, if they’re oober yummy then enough for two!! Thanks for a chance to win!

  79. Bite size although I’ve considered becoming a hand-full!

  80. Mini cupcakes are just adorable and are my favorite! You have inspired me to bake like crazy, so my family thanks you! All the best!

  81. I’d have to say bite sized. What a cute blog. I just discovered it today!

  82. Life is too short for itty bitty or bite sized….I will go for the big guns!

  83. i would always love to eat a handful! i always choose that to satisfy my cupcake cravings! and if there are special occasions, i eat 2 handfuls! hahaha

  84. Gotta go with C-Handful. I have been wanting that book since I heard about it.

  85. bite sized…. for sure… LOL

  86. Hmmm…I will go for bite size :D

  87. DEFINITELY D!!! (:

    I mean, why settle for itty-bitty (although I’m in LOVE with your cupcake lollies) when you can have GRANDIOSO cupcakes?!

    To be honest, I probably wouldn’t be able to finish it… but it’s the IDEA that I love. ;)

  88. Handful is all you get from Sydney Australia.

  89. Definitly itty-bitty for me. Perfect size and you don’t have to feel bad for eating two.

  90. Oh most definitely the “D” – enuf for 2!! I want to share my little cupcake loves AND I want to eat a lot of my little cupcake loves. Sometimes bigger really is better! :)

  91. b is for bite-size and it suits me perfectly! there is nothing like a cupcake you can hold with one hand and enjoy in about 4 bites. such the perfect treat! however…they always leave me wanting more. i’ll take 2 bite-size please!

  92. Definitely the handful :)Thanks for sharing your blog, you are an inspiration to me!

  93. Definitely the handful :)Thanks for sharing your blog, you are an inspiration to me!

  94. Definitely the handful :)Thanks for sharing your blog, you are an inspiration to me!

  95. Definitely the handful :)Thanks for sharing your blog, you are an inspiration to me!

  96. Definitely the handful :)Thanks for sharing your blog, you are an inspiration to me!

  97. Definitely the handful :)Thanks for sharing your blog, you are an inspiration to me!

  98. Definitely the handful :)Thanks for sharing your blog, you are an inspiration to me!

  99. Definitely the handful :)Thanks for sharing your blog, you are an inspiration to me!

  100. A–so I can have a lot!

  101. Handful, baby! But no way am I sharing.

  102. Bite Size…Definitely! I just how cute they are! And i love decorating them :)

  103. I’m going to say bite-sized, but I’m sure I’d eat enough to make a D-cup! Thanks for your fantastic ideas! I have linked to some of them on my blog.

  104. itty-bitty..that way i can try many different kinds at one time :)

  105. Well C of course! The bigger the cupcake, the more frosting! However, D is too big, I don’t like tummy aches.


  106. hmmmm…would have to be a handful
    thanks for inspiring us all to search our creative minds and to hone our skills!

  107. hmmmm… i suppose a handful.
    love the blog! :)
    keep up the great work, you inspire us all!

  108. Gosh – I wish I was a handful, even a mouthful……maybe just a snack size. Yep – that is just right for me!

  109. Uh, I’ll take “C”, and so will my husband…

  110. Oh….a Handful looks perfect!!!

  111. Itty bitty so that I can share with everybody! (and so that every bite will have frosting!)

  112. Ooooh – you are cheeky! I’d have to say enough for two!!! I’m not shy.

  113. A…bite size all the way! Just enough not to share :)

  114. Love your Blog! Handful for sure! Can’t wait to start baking using your great ideas! Thanks


  116. Itty bitty for me…so then I can have more than one =)

  117. heheheheee. C definitely :)

  118. Definately the handful!!!!! What a fun contest question – love all your creations and waiting to try some of your ideas !


  119. i prefer the bite size b/c then it means you can eat several different kinds/flavors. your blog is one of my favs! thanks for sharing all your great ideas!


  120. Ok, that made me laugh out loud! So clever. I’d have to choose Bitesize- lots of frosting on the perfect amount of cake! And I can’t stop with just one- yum! I think you are absolutely amazing- me and my friends are all addicted to your site and treats! Thanks so much for all your fabulous ideas.

  121. A- just enough for a taste

  122. handful so that my cake to frosting ratio is fairly even. Love this blog.

  123. C handful is my favorite cupcake size

  124. Just like me–a handful!! I LOVE your blog and mentioned you on mine a while back when I made cupcake balls (totally delish, BTW!!) Congrats on your huge success–you’re adorable!


  125. Definitely a handful, yumm-o!

  126. I love all sizes buuuuuuuuuut going to have to choose… C. A handful :D

  127. Oooh! I love the standard size because it’s the perfect serving! Just like a previous poster said, not too big and not too little.

  128. They are a handful right now thanks to being prego!!!!! Gotta love it!!!

  129. I’d say itty-bitty

    P.S. I stumbled across your site a couple months ago and i’m hooked. I LOVE your ideas!! Thanks!!

  130. Handful usually but I like bite size once in awhile!!

  131. Hilarious. I’d have to say, C a handful.
    Yummmy, cupcakes!

  132. C – Handful for me… The standard keeps me wanting more. Your blog is adorable and I’ve already made the truffles, flower Mom’s day cupcakes and cupcake bites. Huge successes! You keep me coming back for more!

  133. an itty bitty would be my size! thanks for giving me the chance to win!!

  134. Itty bitty – 4:1 ratio!

  135. Well, my hubby is always saying something about “the perfect handful”… but something tells me it has nothing to do with a cupcake! *wink*

    Thanks for the chance of winning!


  136. Bite size! I feel like I can get away with eating two of them. :-)

  137. I just know that I would keep going back for more if I said itty bitty or bite sized, so I’m going to have to go with “C”.

  138. A, please….so I can have a few and convince myself it’s the equivalent of one normal sized one…..and I like the cake to frosting ratio!

    Love the site and would LOVE the T-Shirt! It’s adorable!

  139. Itty Bitty is best, thanks!

  140. Wow, I miss a day and I’m 460! Anyhoo, I’m a B wishing to be a D!

  141. Bite size RAWKS!

  142. Itty-bitty for me! That size is just too cute and I don’t feel as bad for eating alot if them. :)

  143. Double D! Baby!

  144. Ooh! ooh! Pick me!

    My cup size is a B, so I can have 2 of them.

  145. I love them all! BUT bite-size cupcakes are perfect!

  146. I’m all about itty-bitty – that way I can eat LOTS of them and not feel guilty!!

  147. too funny…i would have to say C

    your blog is great! love all your cute cupcakes! i am dying to try out making your bite size cupcakes! thanks for sharing your creations with all of us out here ;)

  148. 450 comments!!! WOW that is crazy…you sure have become popular. I will take my chances at possibly winning.

  149. Handful please!

  150. D – big enough for 2, but I´ll eat it myself!!!

  151. A or B … I like lots of tiny bites!

  152. definitely going to say the handful,just the right amount to keep ya happy and kill the sweet tooth!

  153. B.
    I love a lot of icing and a little cake!
    Thanks for the giveaways, love the shirt!!!!!

  154. Great contest! I’m definitely a handful ;) Love the blog

  155. It would be a bite-size for me, that is for sure!!
    Thank you for a wonderful blog!

  156. That cup size one…….HILARIOUS!!!!! Thanks for the contest!
    dmv0909 at optonline dot net

  157. (C) A HANDFUL…like me. HA-ha!

  158. Hmmm…. More than a handful right now since I am still bfing my baby, but normally they are just bite-sized.

    Cute questionaire and thanks for hosting a give-away!

  159. Helena said…Hands down the Itty-Bitty’s so I can have many Bitty’s without too much guilt :b Thanks!

  160. “D” Enough for two, or the whole family. Great blog!

  161. The tiny one is great this way I can try a LOT of different flavors

  162. Yikes…I posted husband(s. I only have one!

  163. Definately D – enough for 2! It is always funner to share.

  164. MMM enough for two!! Especially since my honey will always try to sneak a bite of mine!

  165. I will have to go with “C”. My husbands say’s I’m a handful, and I really am. You know a handful to live with :) and a handful in size :):)

  166. The bit size is the best for me! This gives you room to try a couple of different ones. :)

  167. Definately made for two! What’s better than sharing a cupcake with someone you love!

  168. I’m going with itty-bity!

  169. I like bite-sized so I can eat 10 bites!

  170. D – Enough for two – it’s always nice to share.

  171. D – Enough for two. For the cupcake and otherwise.

  172. Is “all of the above” a good answer?! Okay, if I have to choose just one, I’ll say the C cupcake – a handful. I’m not ever going to pass up a cupcake, though!

    You can get me through my blog which is linked in my profile. :)

  173. I prefer D so I can share with my dh whom I love so much- I am more of a social eater.

  174. Enough for two….

  175. I love your blog. I’d have to go with the handful. The perfect size.
    You can contact me at for the chance to win!!

  176. Itty bitty all the way.. There’s just something about miniatures :)

  177. I like the handful since you it is the perfect size.

    Great blog :)

  178. For me…the bigger the better. And I bet I could eat it all by myself.

  179. c handful! =)

  180. I wish “itty-bitty” but eating “enough for 2” has left no room for a “handful”! Thanks – Love your stuff!

  181. D- enough for two…. then I can share if it’s necessary :)

  182. Before kids or after kids? :) I am happy to be a bite-size now!

  183. Definitely bite size… We like things itsy bitsy around my house! Love your blog and all the fun ideas! (

  184. definitely a handful! lol!

  185. I’m totally a handful kind of gal! I’ve become as addicted to your blog as I have to your cupcake recipes. Keep it up!

  186. I’m definitely a enoughfor two kind of gal!

  187. If we are going by cup size, I would have to say, enough for two. But my husban alway says everything over a mouth is wasted, so that would itty bitty. Either one is fine as long as it is chocolate. Thanks for the chance to win a cookbook.

  188. Itty Bitty, I love anything miniature! A little taste is all I need!

  189. Bite-Sized! They hold the right amount of frosting!

  190. I could go for the handful. Love, love, love your blog. Thnaks

  191. we are talking about cupcake liners, right? ;)
    i think a handful is perfect.

  192. I like the itty-bitty but I somehow always end up getting the bite-size.

    Love the blog.

  193. Itty-Bitty. That way I can have more than one. Two is better than one, and three is way better than two :)


  194. B-cup…As Goldilocks would say, it’s juuuuuuuuuuust right. MMMM…

  195. Itty bitty. So much fun, and a way better frosting to cake ratio!


    I have heard so much about Hello! Cupcake, read the blog, etc., and would love upon love to own it.

  196. I like the bite size, just a little cake with my icing!

  197. I’d say these girls are definitely a handful! I used to love them before but I guess what they say is true…once you turn 30, everything starts going downhill from there. :) I’m trying to embrace turning though. Thanks for the opportunity to win. You have a fabulous blog! You’re such an inspiration!

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