
Icy Cakes

I received the sweetest email a few days ago from a reader named Ella.
Her note was short but really spoke to me in so many ways.

Ella is from Stockholm, Sweden.

(And, can I stop there and just say, Wow! This whole blogging thing is still so surreal to me. It’s hard to believe the little things I make, reach out to people in so many places. Some near and some so very far away from my ordinary kitchen. But, I’m glad they do. It wouldn’t be the same around here without all of you.)

Ella’s six-year old daughter, Emelie has celiaki, which I can only assume is the same as what is called Celiac’s Disease in the U.S.

I have to admit, I’m not very familiar with it. I don’t know anyone that suffers from it. But in a nutshell, she cannot have anything that contains gluten which makes baking a little more complicated. Ella is having to learn a new way to do things for her little girl.

And thanks to a lot of snow and cold this Christmas in Sweden, Ella and Emelie came up with this fun food alternative.

Presenting Delicious Icy Cakes from Emelie.


I think this is just the sweetest thing. These little cakes made of colored ice really warm my heart. Notice the coordinating doilies? Swoon.

I about teared up when I saw these and how much it reminds me that the best memories can be from the the simplest things.


I wanna play.

I know I wasn’t this creative as a child. Not at all.


These little lawn figures make me happy. So whimsical. It feels like a scene straight out of a fairy tale. Don’t know which one, but definitely a sweet one.


I could only be happier if Emelie’s face was looking at the camera here. I know she would be smiling with pride.

Emelie, with your lovely red locks, you rock!

And, since I’m not much help, if anyone knows any good baking resources for those with Celiac’s Disease, please share. I’m sure Ella and others would appreciate it.

But if you don’t know either, just give a shoutout where you’re from. I’d love to hear.


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630 comments on “Icy Cakes”

  1. aaaw i loved this kid
    as i read the comments i believe she’s gonna enjoy baking with her mom

    well i dont have anything to add.. just wanted to tell u that i’m a huge fan of urs
    and that i’m from SAUDI ARABIA <3

  2. I have a neighbour whose college-age daughter was recently featured in Fitness (I think) for how well she manages to live a very full life with adventurous foods with Celiac’s. She’s a pretty cool girl!

    “From” is a very hard question, you know!

    I live in Georgetown, a suburb of Austin, TX, but I was born in the UK, spent 8 years in England and Scotland, followed by 10 in Bangladesh. I’m a dual citizen of the UK and Bangladesh. My husband’s American, half Caucasian, half Mexican. This all makes our kids quite the mix. Or “mutts”, as my husband prefers to call them. :)

  3. aweeeee your blog is aweesommeeee!
    im just starting out with my own baking blog,
    i love your ideas. you should come leave me a comment or something im trying to get myself out there.
    :) keepp up the baking.
    im from kansasss!

  4. Love yout blog! I’m from Stockholm Sweden!

    She has a section with Gluten Free Recipes since her daughter can not have Gluten.

  6. Another great blog dedicated to gluten free eating, and one i’ve recently discovered:
    The gluten free pink champagne cupcakes are wonderful.

    Cheers(again) from Vancouver, CAD
    (no snow this year to make frozen treats…just lots and lots of rain)!

  7. dear bakerella and other readers!!!!

    if you have the time you can go on in community/ cooking then in recipes and tips you will be able to find posts for celiac/ gluten free recipes.

    have a nice day!

  8. Celiac disease runs in my family, so I have had quite a bit of experience with it. When my mother first found out that she had it, about 10 years ago, she didn’t have a whole lot of options. But in the last few years, so many more people have begun to learn about it, and because of it there are now endless numbers of wonderful resources. Everyone has their own preferences about flours and mixes, I prefer to do most of my baking from scratch, but Pamela’s Products makes some versatile mixes that are great for people who are learning or may not have much baking experience. Bette Hagman, of course, was a pioneer in gluten free bread-making, her books are great resources, with lots of information on different types of flours. I was just given a book by Elizabeth Barbone, called Easy Gluten-Free Baking, which is laid out beautifully and has fairly simple recipes. It would make a very good beginner’s book to gluten-free baking.

    Good luck to Emelie! I know what a struggle it can be at first, but with so many support groups, products, and information out there, it does get easier!

  9. I Love your Blog.. I read it & try to bake some of your recipes in my kitchen in Beirut Lebanon (yes middle east!)… Love the Ice cakes.. I will try it once it starts to get warmer again :D

  10. I’m from Germany but have been living in Sweden in 2007 and 2008 which was such a great experience. The people there are amazing.
    As your blog is amazing too! I really love to read every post, it’s as if you could see how you enjoy to take pictures and share your recipes with us which makes us to want to try to bake too!
    Greetings from Koblenz (:

  11. Check out a book called “Babycakes”. It is gluten free cooking – and it is gooooood!!! There is a couple of recipes that wouldn’t be suitable because they call for spelt flour, but there is so much good in it that it is well worth it.

    I hope Ella and Emelie can get it and enjoy experimenting with it!

  12. I’m from the Netherlands.

  13. Love your blog! You are beyond creative. I am up here in Milton, Georgia. I have the bake store’s mapquest directions in my glove box. I will go soon. FYI, a lot of autistic kids do well on gluten free diets.

  14. I wish I had some advice on eating tips, but I don’t. Looks like enough people have already helped.
    Here from Sunny Southern California.
    You are amazing Bakerella, what a neat talent you have!!

  15. I’m not sure if anyone already mentioned this, but I actually *just* read Julia from Dozen Four’s ( most recent post, and she mentions a book titled “Flying Apron’s Gluten-free & Vegan Baking Book.” No clue on the quality, but finding one title usually leads to finding 10 more…

  16. My husband has celiac disease. There are lots of gluten free blogs that are very helpful. One of my favorites is glutenfreeeasily. Once there, Shirley has a lot of other gluten free blogs to link to that have some great recipes. We live in Conyers, Georgia, so we aren’t very far from you Bakerella! Thanks for the post about the ice cakes and the little girl with celiac.

  17. I love

    These women have a cookbook for sale on the site – Life Tastes Good Again – and it’s by far my favorite cookbook I’ve found.

    I also just visited NYC and bought the Babycakes cookbook. The desserts there were delightful. Such a treat for those of us who can’t eat them!

  18. Oh, I forgot to add that recipes are also vegan. Celiac messes with the immune system and can lead to the development of other food allergies, like to egg and dairy, so her recipes are extremely helpful for those of us who REALLY have to modify their baking!

    I found out I had a gluten sensitivity when I was in culinary school,studying in the Baking and Patisserie program (of all things!). I started reacting to dairy not too long after that, so I just decided to go vegan.


    This is my favorite place to get GF recipes. Her GF bread and foccacia are to die for! She also has chocolate chip cookies! Gluten Free Girl I find to be a bit hyperbolic, and the recipes are few and not impressive.

    Pamela’s has a line of baking mixes that are supposed to be really good (too broke to try them just yet!)

    There is also a gluten free magazine called Living Without that has some awesome recipes!

  20. I have alot of family who are coeliac (as it’s spelt here and in the UK!) and I always make this amazing cake.

    Everyone loves it and many people have said it’s the best chocolate cake they’ve ever had!
    Due to the almond meal it’s more like a brownie than a cake!

    Oh and by the way I’m from sunny Melbourne. Australia. We’ve just come through a heatwave (Monday night the temp didn’t go down at all and around 1am it was still 35C (95F)!!!) so seeing these lovely ice cakes is a welcome relief! :)

  21. Right, another great recipe came to my mind.

    Cardamom muffins (about 12 medium size muffins)
    4 dl gluten-free flourmix (have used only Semper finmix, so don’t how other flour work..)
    1½ tbs minced cardamom
    2 ts bakingpowder
    2 eggs
    2 dl sugar
    1 dl running margarine
    1½ dl natural yoghurt

    Whip eggs & sugar into consistent foam, mix flours and cardamom in a separate bowl. Pour margarine and yoghurt into eggfoam gently and mix. Then gently add mixed flour into foam and make sure all ingredients are mixed together. Spoon to 12 muffinmoulds and bake in the middle of the oven, 225C for 15-20 min, until they are lighty goldenbrown.

    These muffins dry pretty easily, so freeze them or enjoy while they are warm!

  22. Mmh, as Emelie and Ella were from Northern Europe, here some tips from eastern neighbourn. For example cakebaking (european-style, a bit different from U.S.. :)) in Finland & Sweden well equipped markets sell ‘Semper gluten-free flourmix’, different kinds and the best for baking would be finmix. Altough, if man can’t find that in stores, white potatoflour could do.
    Simple recipe for cake: 5 medium size eggs, 1 3/4 dl sugar, 1dl Semper finmix gluten-free flour and 1 dl potatoflour OR 2 dl potatoflour, 1 ts bakingpowder (Whip eggs & sugar, mix flour together and mix gently with eggs, pour into 24cm mould and bake in the bottom level of your oven, 175C for about 35 min)

    And this kind of cake can be filled, iced and decorated just like a normal cake :) Hope someone understands what I mean..

  23. This little girl is an inspiration. Don’t let anything hold you back from being yourself and having fun :)

    oh and i’m from Sydney Australia

  24. I’m from Wollongong, NSW Australia. It is about an hour south of Sydney. We have been having weather pushing 40 degrees C for the last week. No ice here!

  25. I don’t know anyone who has to eat gluten-free but both the Sweetbay and Publix supermarkets in my area have entire aisles of gluten-free goodies.

    Oh, I live in Tampa, Florida where those sweet little ice cakes would be pretty colored water in about 5 seconds!!!

  26. Love you Bakerella….from Caledon, Ontario Canada!!
    (just outside of Toronto)

  27. Those are AWESOME — and what a great mom Ella is to think of that! So sweet. I’ll have to file this idea away — SO cool :)

  28. Hi,

    Wow I made a lot of “mud pies” in my childhood, but never thought of ice/snow!! What cute pictures!!!

    I’m from Nebraska!

  29. so pretty. great outdoor activity. almost like building sand castles but in the snow. fantastic!

  30. Hi there,
    Our best magazine in Canada is Canadian living. On their website,, there are dozens of “tested till perfect” baking recipes for those with celiacs. Just type gluten free recipes in the search box and you will find many like fudgy brownies and gingerbread cookies. My family has been baking from this magazine for years with tremendous success. Hope that helps!

  31. Love the blog.

    Sorry, but I have no advice.

    And I’m American, but live in China right now!

  32. Great post. And, I think you can tell from all of the posts that there are a lot of gluten-free resources online to help. The gluten-free blogging community is a very knowledgeable and supportive group. You just have to jump in and start trying new ways to cook, and new flours for baking. Good luck! You can find some of my favorite desserts here:

  33. been lurking well over a year from Houston,TX -a mom of five and your site just makes me smile

  34. I just wanted to say I love your blog! I’m checking it out from Caracas, Venezuela. :)

  35. Hi from Queensland, AUSTRALIA


    Metropolitan Detroit.

  37. My mother is a Celiac so I’ve spent a lot of time trying to turn our favorite family recipes into gluten-free treats.
    There are tons of great gluten/wheat free recipes out there to be ‘Googled’.
    Some excellent substitutes for flour are: potato starch flour, tapioca flour, and brown rice flour- a combination of these three are great for baked goodies (with a pinch of Xanthan Gum added).
    Best to just experiment- I’ve had great success with cupcakes/cake, especially if you add chocolate!
    Thanks for this post!
    Cheers from Vancouver, CA :)

  38. I’m from Cincinnati, Ohio. Think I found you from the Pioneer Woman’s website. And i made Reindeer and Christmas Tree cake pops for Christmas and they were so cute and delish!

  39. I’m from Sweden aswell :) Do you know if there’s any websites where you can order ingredients? Cause I don’t know where to find it, and there’s no store in my town where I can buy special baking stuffs. P.S. I love your blog ;)

  40. ?? from Guangzhou, China! I learned about your blog through Pioneer Woman and just recently started reading it. Love what you do with sweets! So cute and creative. :)

  41. Pittsburgh, PA–home of a gluten-free bakery called…
    wait for it…

    How great is that??

  42. Tampa, FL! Freezing!

  43. check out I believe its… then there are links from there. I also have a friend with celiac and I am going to ask her for any tips, etc.

  44. Hi,

    It’s not a recipe but I think this would help Ella’s daughter, Emelie, to get healthy again:

    I’m from Budapest, the capital of Hungary, Europe.

    Have a nice day,


  45. Hi Everyone,

    My daughter was diagnosed at 16 months with Celiac Disease. She was very ill and we were in the hospital for 5 day. It took about 3 months to figure out what was wrong with her. I feel very fortunate that is only took 3 months. When I went to the Celiac convention last year I spoke to people and they told me it took years and years to figure out their problem.

    I use alot of mixes. I am not the most creative person and not the best cook. I also go online to find alot of my foods. I have also found that alot of food that I thought had gluten doesn’t. My daughter is now 2 and she is wanting to explore food for herself now and it is starting to make things more difficult.

    One thing that I make for my daughter is corn tacos. She loves them and it fills her up.

    I find alot of my mixes at Whole Foods. I like the 365 brand of all the gluten free mixes. Good luck to everyone who has Celiac Disease.

  46. These photos are beautiful! Hello from Kansas City, where there’s been enough snow already this winter to last me a lifetime, I think!

  47. So mostly I don’t know if this has been posted because I am *not* going to read through all 552 responses (or whatever the number was…)

    is great because not only is it gluten free but also vegan! So if you have a lot of food allergies (ei: wheat, eggs, dairy, nuts etc…) you can still bake tasty things.

    Oh! and YUM! in MN is hiring. I think I might apply.

  48. I have a daughter who was diagnosed at age 3 with Celiac. I like and Gingerlemongirl has a great and easy chocolate cake recipe that I like when semi sweet chocolate chips are added. New Mexico

  49. My niece is a celiac and it has made me more aware of all the resources over the years. What her mother could only buy in special stores and order online are now available right in big chain grocery stores. The products are usually found on the organic/healthy aisle.

    A great resource for baking is the land-o-lakes website. I baked up a bunch of gluten free goodies for my brother’s family so she could share with them for a change!

  50. Caracas, Venezuela.
    Great blog!

  51. Probably have this already in your 500+ comments, but … (gluten free for ella)

    I went to an expo on gluten free products, and it’s hard to find, but pamela’s has a cornbread mix that’s fab. And they have base mixes that can be used for pancakes and several other staples with some small changes. She might find some good things for her daughter.

  52. I found you through Tartelette’s blog. Very lovely story. Past recipes look very sweet and scrumptious. I’m looking forward to trying these wonderful looking treats!

  53. I don’t know if anyone already added this, but I just got the babycakes book last week, they are a vegan,glutenfree (mostly), and sugar free (mostly) bakery in NYC….yummy stuff!

  54. Beautiful! How creative; thanks for sharing! :-D

    Hi from central Ohio!

  55. I’m an American living in Australia. Since moving here, I’ve met a lot of people that need to eat gluten-free. They say that they basically swap the flour for a different kind of flour not made of wheat. Almond meal, Soy flour, things like that.

  56. So precious! Bakerella you have such a big heart! <3

    Oh and I'm just from Texas, but HI!!! ;)

  57. Love your blog – thanks for the inspiration!

  58. Adorable and extremely creative! I love how they made lemonade out of lemons :D

    I’m back in the USA right now (Massachusetts), but not that long ago I was reading your blog from Taipei, Taiwan!

  59. Please, be aware that Gluten Free Girl’s recipes do not work! She has admitted this on her blog.

  60. *Waves at ya from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  61. I live in Rosario, Argentina.
    Celiac’s Disease is quite big here, but there are not many baked goods and cooking products that Celiacs can use…
    Very interesting resources everyone!

  62. This is adorable!

  63. Wow! I know a few people that suffer from that disease, but, i dont think its too hard to find things.. if i find something i’ll be sure to post here… by the way, i’m from brazil :)

  64. Hi, I’m reading from Devon in the UK.

    Anne from Anne’s Food makes a wonderful clementine cake which is GF. She blog in Swedish and English:

    Clotilde at Chocoate and Zucchini also makes a lot of GF recipes (and dairy free too).

    I don’t often have to cook for coeliacs but some of the best cakes I’ve made are GF, especially the clementine cake above!

  65. I live in sweden as well, in saltsjöbaden wich is very close to stockholm :)

    Thank you for a wonderful and inspirational blog.

  66. She should try Baby Cakes cookbook which is a vegan (mostly) but totally gluten-free cake, cookie, tart, cupcake, and every desert cookbook from a Manhattan bakery. Yummy!

  67. Those ice flowers look so cute, if the ice was like that hee i would’nt have minded falling so much to day. I’m from Portsmouth, England.

  68. I don’t know much about gluten free recipes but if you ever need dairy free ones I know tons. I know that most places have gluten free recipes if there is dairy free recipes. I’ll look around though!

  69. One fan from Tallinn, Estonia :)

  70. I’m also from Stockholm, Sweden! Though I lived in Raleigh, NC for 13 years…

  71. Seing all those lovely ice cakes made me stop and think. Would it be possible to make jelly (english!) jello (american) cup cakes. If they were set in pretty moulds then turned out and decorated, maybe even with somethings set inside the jelly.

    They still wouldn’r be cakes but they would be very cute and certainly suitable for coeliac.

  72. That is the cutest thing ever! Ella, you are lucky to have such a wonderful, creative Mom! I am from Biloxi, MS which is on the Gulf Coast and I wish we would get a little snow. About the only snow play we get is to make snowmen on the beach. We make sandmen! Thanks so much for sharing this.

  73. Thanks Emelie and Ella for the best idea! After seeing these lovely cakes, I pulled out all my candy molds, took a pitcher of water to the deck and filled them–even putting in lollipop sticks. This morning we have a lovely assortment of ice pops as well as pretty cakes…We’ve got to work on our coloring though–ours are all just icy white. What a fun thing to do in the snow in Kentucky!

  74. Miss Bakerella, I am from right here in the Atlanta area, Conyers. Love your blog and visit just about every day or so.

  75. I’m from Berlin, Germany and here it’s as well cold enough to make some of those cutie ice-cakes. But since there are tons of snow everywhere I might form a big snow-cake instead (maybe tonight, mmh, just an idea…)
    Your blog is fantastic! It gives me so often new ideas and that’s what I love about it.
    Thx and cheers! :-)

  76. Antwerp, Belgium, probably cold enough here to make a few of of those beautiful cakes.
    I love this blog! Sometimes it can be frustrating to see all the awesome ingredients used, since they can be a bit tricky (or impossible) to find here. Too bad Wilton doesn’t ship internationally :p

  77. Hello, just want to say I’m always amazed at your creativity and the beautiful things you realize. Oh, and I’m from Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates!

  78. I just love your blog:)
    Iasi, Romania, Europe, Planet Earth

  79. So sweet. It makes me want to make things here in lil’ ol’ Ontario, Canada. :)

  80. Oh I LOVE Babycakes! They are a little shop out of NYC (just opened one in LA too) but they have a book w/tons of recipes. Its called “babycakes” and it has some AMAZING recipes! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! I wish I could just stay home and bake everything in it all day!

    Best of Luck! Happy baking! :-)

  81. wow fun idea. First time im here. Great blog.

  82. This is really really neat. Reminds me of something I would have totally done as a kid (hell, I’d probably still do it now!)

    Not one to spout knowledge on gluten free, but looks like many other readers have so many of those bases covered.

    Los Angeles raised and Dallas residing. ;)

  83. Check this out:
    Best site I have found and very inspiring!

  84. My mom became gluten intolerant about eight years ago, but she’s also contending with lactose intolerance and some bad acid reflux (so no wheat, no dairy, no coffee, no chocolate, no alcohol — she generally ignores the last three though!). I’d love to be able to bake some real Christmas cookies for her, but first I’ll try out some of the websites, thanks to everyone who’s added some :)

    My mom’s down in Los Angeles, CA, and I’m the college daughter up in San Luis Obispo, CA.

  85. Those are so very cute!! i like the molds that they used.
    Also, I am from Maryland!!

  86. My nephews have Celiacs. I use a Gluten-free cake mix and make cake balls for them every time they visit. They are a major hit! Betty Crocker has a new gluten free line of cake mixes that are pretty good. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this blog, but the crockpot lady has a TON of gluten free recipes… her address is:

  87. Greetings from Fairbanks, Alaska. I enjoy making ice luminaries during the winter, and today’s newspaper featured a local resident who also colors his luminaries – – I am inspired to try this now, especially after seeing Emelie’s creations!

  88. i found this and imediately though of emelie:

  89. I found this website today:

    Its a gluten-free bakery, but she has a LOT of gluten-free baking resources and a few recipes in her blog.

  90. Greetings from Oregon! I recently found myself purchasing a gluten-free book for treats “babycakes” by Erin MckKenna (owner of babycakes bakery in New York City). I don’t consider myself gluten intolerant, but I wanted t try something new, and healthier. I must say the recipes in this book have me excited to bake treats!! I recently made the vanilla cupcakes and they are most delicious!! It’s an option for recipes, for fun cakes and cookies, and even some muffins and quickbreads.

  91. Posting fron Houston! I have heard of a flourless chocolate cake that is said to be fantastic. You know Elizabeth Hasselbeck form “The View” has gluten allergies, I bet you can find info from her!

    I love Bakerella!

  92. Just checking in from Norman, OK. I read a gf blog called Gluten-Free Mommy. Here’s a link:

  93. I’ve got friends who have Celiac, and I may have it myself. Baking is definitely a challenge, but I find that the more kinds of flour I mix together that are gluten free, the more the baked goods turn out like regular.

    Oh, and you should check this out if you haven’t already (I can’t remember if you had written about it once upon a time or if I just ran into it). There is a book called Babycakes written by a fabulous baker in NYC.

    She’s got some recipes that are free of gluten, flour, non-vegan and a few other things. A great mix of stuff. Every recipe is absolutely to die for, whether or not someone is on a restricted diet. I highly recommend it.

  94. How creative! I’m in SLC, UT.

  95. Jerome, Idaho where my husband ranches (raising cow calf pairs) and we are raising 4 kids.

  96. I love this, so sweet!!!! I never in a million years would have thought of doing this, kids are so amazing! It makes me want to bundle myself and my two girls up, go outside and make our own frozen-fest.

  97. what sweet cakes!

    I bake gluten free, Ive even made modified your cake balls! I’m working on putting more of my recipes on my blog. Here’s the last cake recipe I posted

  98. i am coeliac, and i love cakes .. i post about all the cakes and treats that work for me and my children on my blog

    I recently found an idea for a gluten-free red velvet cake – soon to be tried!

  99. My neighbour across the road has twin girls, one is a celiac.
    She makes her own mixes of flour :)
    Its really not that hard to find good recipes for celiacs, Google is a wonderful resource!
    I’m in Deep River Ontario Canada, love your blog <3

  100. My mum’s gluten free but baking stuff is awful! I can never seem to get the right consistency…but hey I keep trying! I live in England and they make gluten free flour, but it’s not the same. Doesn’t have the right texture. They say Rice flour is better but I haven’t tried it.
    Love the creativity going on here. Someone’s got real inspiration!

  101. Oh, and Red Mill makes gluten free all purpose flour which you can use as a substitute in regular recipes. If you do however you probably need to add xanthum gum. I think its about 1/2 t per cup and a half of flour.

  102. Hello from Finland! Here is so cold now, -25 C today!

    I have the recipe for coconut-cookies, and those are gluten-free of course:

    about 25 cookies

    50g butter or margarine
    80g sugar
    1,5 tablespoon coconut flour
    100g desiccated coconut
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1 egg

    Melt butter and add sugar, flour, desiccated coconut and baking powder to it and mix. Add egg carefully and mix again. Put small spoons of dough to the oven tray. Dont put cookies too close to each other, because they are going large in the oven. Bake 7-8 minutes in 200C (400F). Cool on the oven tray before moving.

    I hope that you can understand my recipe. Those are so easy to do and so yammy!

    Cold Greetings from Finland!

  103. go to and use the recipe sifter and click on free of… gluten. This also works for other dietary restrictions. It has been a lifesaver because my mom can no longer eat anything with dairy or gluten.

    Oh, and I am from Atlanta but currently go to school in DC

  104. Unfortunately I got no idea but wanted to leave a Happy New Year here anyway!

    & I am from Hamburg, Germany.

  105. Those ice cakes are immense! It’s that cold here in the south east corner of the UK that I think I could probably make some tomorrow!!

  106. I just recently made these Gluten-Free oreo truffles. They were amazing. And there are, as you know, many a ways to cute-ify them ;) But, basically I just found these Gluten-Free oreos at Whole Foods and replaced the regular. Its really surprising how many people world wide this disease effects. Because of that I think its becoming easier and easier to find alternatives.

    The recipe is so easy and delicious.

    Happy Baking.

    And those ice cakes are sooo freakin precious.

  107. Love those ice cakes!! The colors are wonderful!
    Reading you in Milan, Italy.

  108. My sister was recently diagnosed and she is a big cake/cookie/cracker junkie. It makes things a lot more difficult! But we still oogle all your delicious cake pops anyway and use gluten-free brownie mix!

  109. Hey!
    I’m from Portugal. =)

  110. I’m writing from Canada and I just wanted to say that this girl is soo creative!!! THey look so pretty and cute!
    You are right! It seems like it should belong in a fairy tale! Or like treats in Harry Potter! So Magical!!! :D
    This is good! Never give up Emelie :] find things to go around obsticles!

  111. Too cute, I love their imaginations.
    I’m from waaay up in northern Alberta Canada, a city called Fort Mcmurray and I have to say your cake pops made an appearance at our Bachelor finale party and they were a hit! Now everyone is making them :)

  112. Fabulous ice cakes, great responses and a fantastic website!

    Hi from South Bend, Indiana

  113. This is exactly why you have all the people who read your blog regularly, because you value them.
    I have this wonderful recipe for gluten free chocolate cookies, no one in my family needs gluten free diet, but I make these because they are so rich and chocolatey…

    Flourless Fudge Cookies

    Ultra-chewy, rich chocolate cookies with no added fat? And no gluten? Impossible! But it’s true: these flourless chocolate cookies get their texture from egg whites, and their flavor from cocoa powder (which represents the only fat in the recipe). Plus they’re easy to make: Just stir together a few simple ingredients, scoop onto a pan, and bake for 8 minutes. You won’t believe the delicious result.

    Ingredients :
    • 2 1/4 cups confectioners’ sugar
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon espresso powder, optional but good
    • 1 cup cocoa powder, Dutch-process (European-style) preferred
    • 3 large egg whites
    • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract*
    • *For gluten-free cookies, be sure to use gluten-free extract.

    1) Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease two baking sheets. Or line with parchment, and grease the parchment.
    2) Stir together all of the ingredients till smooth. Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl, and stir again till smooth.
    3) Drop the dough onto the prepared baking sheets in balls about the size of ping pong balls, about 1 1/2″; a tablespoon cookie scoop works well here.
    4) Bake the cookies for 8 minutes; they should spread, become somewhat shiny, and develop faintly crackly tops.
    5) Remove the cookies from the oven, and allow them to cool right on the pan.
    6) Yield: 16 large (3″) cookies.

    Tips from our bakers
    Want to make more, smaller cookies? Drop the dough in 1 1/8″ balls (about 2 measuring teaspoonfuls) onto the baking sheets; a level teaspoon cookie scoop works well here. You’ll make about forty 2 1/4″ cookies.
    Add up to 2 cups of chocolate chips or diced walnuts to the batter. You’ll lose the cookies’ “no added fat” attribute, but make some very tasty cookies. With 2 cups of add-ins, you’ll make about 24 large cookies, or 48 smaller cookies. Note: For larger cookies with add-ins, increase the baking time by 2 minutes, to a total of 10 minutes.

    Pasted from


    This is another source for Gluten free recipes.

    the best thing is the recipes are rated, and have reviews…


    I wish the best for Emelie, and all the people with special needs.

  114. I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this already since there’s so many comments! But there is this great book by a baker who founded this bakery in NYC called “babycakes.” The official website is: They make vegan baked goods, and their ingredients, I believe, are good for anyone with allergies! It’s pretty exciting, but the ingredients are a little difficult to find. Love your blog, it always makes my day & helps get my creative juices flowing :) I’m from New York myself.

  115. I haven’t read the other comments, so this may be a repeat.
    She has a TON of recipes, and every single one of them is gluten-free as her daughter has Celiac Disease. They are crockpot recipes, therefore not “baking” but she has some baked goods recipes in there….some cakes, brownies, cobblers etc that you can do in the slow cooker.

    By the way, reading Bakerella from Yorktown Indiana!

  116. Hi Bakerella!!

    I have THE BEST recipe for gluten-free chocolate chip cookies, which I got from Alton Brown (love that man). I made them a few months ago for my bridal shower cookie buffet, because one of my bridesmaids has Celiac’s and I didn’t want her to be left out. I actually had to stop people who didn’t need gluten-free from taking them, they were that good! Here is the link to the recipe:

    I also have some additional links for people who need to go dairy-free as well, since around 50% of people with Celiac’s also have a sensitivity to casein (the protein in milk and other animal fat byproducts).

  117. Big fan from Norway :-)

  118. Hey Bakerella, Just wanted to let you know I bake for lots of people living with Celiac. The BEST flour on the market comes from Australia. It’s called Orgran. Their AP flour which is gluten-free, vegetarian, GMO-free, etc, etc, acts the same as regular AP flour. You don’t have to add any xanthan gum or anything else, you can use it one to one. And, I have even made your cake pops with this flour and it holds up structurely great! You can order it online at Amazon or many other sites. This flour is absolutely amazing. No aftertaste like many of the other gluten-free brands. Give it a whirl. I’ll even send you a box if you’re interested in trying it out. It can be pricey, but worth every penny!!!!! Let me know if you want a box! It would be great to see gluten-free on here!

  119. JÄTTEFINA TÅRTOR, EMELIE! VAD DUKTIG DU ÄR! (Beautiful cakes, Emilie, you’re really good!)

    Christel, Swedish lady in Las Vegas.

  120. I love your blog. I’m in Louisville, KY. The cold snap has hit here, not as bad as in some places. The little girl in Sweden and her story is wonderful. Keep up the good work and stay warm!

  121. so sweet,,,

  122. That is so sweet!

  123. So….tomorrow I will be adding food colouring to snow and making ice cakes with my 2 year old! I’m from Hampshire, UK.

  124. and they are gluten free –

  125. Dr. Lucy’s cookies are AMAZING and will be available in Starbucks soon

  126. I come from Slovenia. It’s a small country in the middle of Europe. It has only 2 million population but it’s very beautiful. I love your posts and I only wish to be so creative as you are.

  127. Oh yeah…all the snow showed on Emilie’s photo made me a little bit colder because here in Rio de Janeiro is hot!! Yeah, what do you think? You have a big fan here in Rio. I discovered your blog through Pioneer Woman’s one. And I love both! Congrats.

  128. The only gluten-free cooking blog I know is I do know that Bob’s Red Mill makes a lot of gluten free products, including baking mixes which I’m sure could be adapted for lots of different purposes!

    I’m from Washington State. :)

  129. this is just too sweet :) I’ve been checking this blog from Pärnu, Estonia.

  130. I’m from the east coast of England – currently covered in snow and very cold!

  131. My friend’s brother is on a gluten-free diet for autism (so I guess it’s similar, in this case, but not as extreme). They usually sell special gluten-free products, like ice cream, at places like Whole Foods. I dunno anything about Sweden though. :(

    But those ice figures are darling! I love them to bits. x3

  132. I’m from New Zealand! and a lot of my friends check up on your blog as well.

  133. I have a friend with celiac. Over Thanksgiving and Christmas she used a gluten free baking mix to make hot rolls and pie crust that she could eat. They were both yummy! I have recently found lots of gluten free mixes and products at my local health food store, too.

    From Conway, Arkansas and love, love, love your blog!

  134. Dear Bakerella
    Checking your blog twice a week from Switzerland! And I even found Oreos here- so I could make some Oreo truffles.
    The iced cakes are a tradition here, but we use forms like these
    for it, and also put mistle toe or other christmas related stuff in the water. Then we light a candle inside.I don’t have a pictue (yet! I’ts 9am on a Saturday morning) but they look a bit like this:

  135. tell Ella to purchase her BabycakesNYC cookbook by Erin McKenna. She will not be sorry. the book contains delicious recipes for people just like her! please please please tell her!

    i tried out the recipes since xmas and they’re all so much more delicious than regular baked goods. :)


  136. I’m from Nuevo Laredo, mexico… but currently living in Irapuato (also in mexico) since 2007.

    Cute post!

  137. I am a Guam, USA native living in Colorado! This is such a great idea for winter fun. Thanks for sharing I just love your blog!!

  138. With all due respect “Higgy”, the woman has got 441 comments on an entry the same day she posted it. Can you imagine how many emails she must get a day? She can only respond to so many. Perhaps a nicer tone would have gotten you the response you desired.

  139. I remember emailing you for advice about my sons first birthday. I got nothing in return, nothing. Oh if only my son was born with some sympathetic disease then maybe I would have gotten a response. I guess the only emails you respond to are the ones you can blog about, it’s nice to see how little you care about your fans.

  140. Texas native living in Chicago – how do you people deal with this much snow and cold?!

    I have a gluten intolerance, which is similar to where I can have a small portion but I need to watch my gluten intake as it can make me really sick. I cut gluten out of my diet wherever I can – using Bob’s Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Flour or corn (I don’t like rice pasta – as it can be a bit mushy) pasta.

    This poor girl at is allergic to pretty much everything (egg-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, and soy-free), but I’m continuously impressed by her ability to adapt. Thanks for sharing!

  141. My little one has a milk allergy, which we are hopeful she will outgrow, but I’ve been on a milk free diet while nursing – and I love to bake. You see the issue, obviously. So, I’ve done my fair share of searching for milk free things, which often lead to the discovery of gluten-free items. My favorite so far, though I don’t believe the brand is available overseas, are mixes from Cherrybrook Kitchens:

    Also, if you just read the box, at least in terms of milk, many mixes are okay (the absolute best is the Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate Muffin Mix) and Fleischmann’s Unsalted Margarine is milk free. I’ve done lots of baking this way. Good luck to everyone out there. Its difficult but it can become a fun puzzle to figure it all out.

  142. I luv, luv, luv your blog and your cake pops are awesome! What an inspirational story about Ella & Emelie! As for me, I’m just trying to keep warm in this 2 degree weather in Charleston, West Virginia :o)

  143. Down in sunny Florida here! And…for the record – you rock girl :)

  144. Amazing, thanks for sharing these icy, creative cakes that the little girl made. I know Elisabeth Hasselback just wrote a book about Celiac’s disease with menus/food items that you can eat since she has it and hasn’t seen too many books on the subject. I’m sure you can find on

  145. Bakerella- your blog always makes me smile! What adorable icy cakes. I am right down I-75 from you in Dalton, Georgia!!

  146. Tasty Kitchen has a whole gluten-free section she could definitely check out!

    Hi, from Houston, Texas!

  147. Are you going to try to make a gluten free recipe now?

    This recipe for Pineapple Upside Down cake was a revelation for me after suffering without cake for so long! It is lovely and fluffy and delicious!

  148. I was diagnosed with Celiac last October (at 44yrs of age). It’s a challenge but there are lots of delicious food choices out there, especially if you don’t have to avoid dairy, yeast, eggs and soy like I do.

    Here are some helpful blogs:

  149. Forgot to say, I am from Kalamazoo Michigan!!

  150. Flourless Chocolate Cake II

    * 4 (1 ounce) squares semisweet chocolate, chopped
    1/2 cup butter
    3/4 cup white sugar
    1/2 cup cocoa powder
    3 eggs, beaten
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract


    1 Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Grease an 8 inch round cake pan, and dust with cocoa powder.

    2 In the top of a double boiler over lightly simmering water, melt chocolate and butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, cocoa powder, eggs, and vanilla. Pour into prepared pan.

    3 Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely. Slices can also be reheated for 20 to 30 seconds in the microwave before serving.

    Hungarian Flourless Hazelnut Cake

    26 Apr

    Posted by Anonymous in Birthday Cakes, Cakes with Nuts, Gluten-Free Cakes, Hungarian, Sponge Cakes

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    This cake was traditionally a birthday cake in my friends home. Her mother is from Hungary and only has this recipe in her head! Now it will be preserved . . . Note: hazelnuts may be toasted or un-toasted. The skins may be removed or left on.
    Hungarian Flourless Hazelnut Cake

    * 12 ounces hazelnuts
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    6 egg yolks
    5/8 cup white sugar
    6 egg whites
    1 pint heavy whipping cream
    1/8 cup chopped hazelnuts, for garnish


    1 Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9 inch springform pan. Grind hazelnuts until very fine. Add baking powder and set aside.

    2 In a large bowl, whip the egg yolks with the sugar until pale yellow in color. Beat in the ground hazelnut mixture.

    3 In a separate CLEAN bowl, with a CLEAN whisk, whip the egg whites until stiff. Quickly fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the yolk mixture, then add the remaining whites and fold in until no streaks remain.

    4 Pour into a 9 inch springform. Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 75 minutes, or until top of cake springs back when lightly tapped. Cool on wire rack.

    5 When cake is cool, slice horizontally into 3 layers. Whip the cream until stiff, and spread generously between layers, on top and on the sides of the cake. Sprinkle chopped hazelnuts on top for decoration.

    hope it helps!

  151. No help with gluten-free food. I’m sorry. I live on the coast in North Carolina!

  152. I’m a Dallas, Texas native currently living in Nashville!

    My sister used to work at a bakery in Fort Worth where the owner does gluten-free goodies (I think her son had a dietary requirement for them?) as well as vegan baked goods. And, she uses as many organic/natural ingredients as she can get her hands on. Good stuff!

  153. I’m from Brazil, city of São Paulo (pretty far away…). I found your site when I was looking for a recipe for cookies. Since I found your blog, I can’t get enough! I am only starting to learn how to cook (just got married 4 months ago), but I already made your basic cookie recipe 2 times (and the third time will be tomorrow, since my husband’s birthday is Monday, and he LOVED the cookies). I had a hard time finding those cute chocolate chips (they are not very common here, you can only find them in a couple of places), but not I have enough for 10 recipes! =)

  154. Copenhagen – Denmark

  155. I have seen a lot of gluten free recipes on I love just scrolling through and looking at the pictures, and it will say on the description that it is gluten free. Then you can just click on the picture and it goes to the website with the recipe!

  156. No Celiac’s disease resources here, I’m afraid- but hi from Izmir, Turkey. :)

  157. Hey Bakerella,

    I’m in north Alabama.

    Emelie’s creations are adorable!! Her mom might look to for some recipe ideas; I have seen several gluten-free recipes pop up lately.

  158. Oh my this are amazing, how sweet.

    I’ve recently went on a sugar and gluten free diet and my favorite resource is

  159. Great ice cakes – too bad we don’t get much snow in Victoria, BC, Canada!

  160. What a great post! Emelie’s ice cakes are too cute! I’m from Arkansas.

  161. I think all the good gluten-free sites are already posted. So I’ll just say I’m originally from Kingsport, Tennessee, and going to school in Provo, Utah.

  162. I am reading your blog from a small place called Bergen, in the cold country Norway! I love your recepies and your creativity, it is amazing!

  163. Am I the only one from Saudi Arabia? :o)
    Love your blog. I check it weekly!

  164. Amazing story, thanks so much for sharing!

  165. Not sure if this one has been shared yet;

    HTH :D

  166. How cute! I’m reading from Richmond, KY!

  167. Plymouth MA :)

  168. Lovin it ! – all the way from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

  169. Icy Cakes are great.
    I’m in Ankara, Turkey.

  170. I have wheat/gluten issues and the best gluten-free stuff I’ve tried thus far is:

    I live in Fredericton, NB Canada. They have product across the US & Canada and will ship as well.

  171. My daughter’s birthday cupcakes needed to be gluten free last year due to a classmate’s allergies. I found a cake/cupcake mix at our local healthfood store (and we live in a small town), but just recently, Betty Crocker has come out with gluten free baking mixes as well.

  172. Thank you for sharing this with us, it is a fun creative way to get the kids outside to play in the winter.

    Checking in on you from Ottawa, Canada

  173. From Browns Flat, New Brunswick, Canada. I love your posts bakerella! My mom has Celiac’s disease, but she makes delicious, scrumptious food none the less. One of my favourite things she makes when I visit is PW’s Apple Cake in an Iron Skillet, simply replacing the flour with gluten free baking mix, which you get at the grocery store. So delicious, rich, fantastic… you would never know it was gluten free!

  174. I’m in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I’m a long time regular lurker. :)

  175. Wow what great resources there are out there. Thats what is great about the internet is people from all over are meeting in one spot to help a little girl and her mom. Thanks Bakerella. From Utah

  176. Down here in Texas :) We have a glutten sensitive person here and it is a challenge to find “GOOD” baked goods for them. There are box mixes but..ugh. I am always checking out new ones.

  177. I’m reading the blog from South Wales, UK :).

  178. I don’t have any recipe suggestions, but I just wanted to say we’re reading from Heidelberg, Germany (although we’re Texans).

  179. That’s funny, I’m also from Stockholm, Sweden and I can confirm we have loads of snow at the moment with some proper cold to match. We usually don’t get all that much snow as Stockholm is too south in Sweden for that, so this is a nice and cold surprise. Temperatures two nights ago were as low as -22 degrees celcius, which in Fahrenheit is -7.6.

    Thanks for your excellent blog, I make sure to check in at least once a week to read any updates.

  180. What a great post. There will be over 70 raw, vegan, (and always) wheat- and gluten-free recipes (including delicious baked goods and treats) coming in about 8 weeks at:!

  181. Wow–beautiful–she is very creative!

    Commenting from South Texas….

  182. I’m from Tulsa, OK, btw.

  183. I’ve been following you since Thanksgiving – so inspiring (and must admit – a bit intimidating!) LOVE your stuff – LOVE it! I marvel at your steady hand, patience and ability to be SO DARN CREATIVE.

    This is so precious – I love that she shared it with you and you passed it on to us!

    Bless you!

  184. Loved this post!

    ~Dayton, Oh

  185. My son has Sensory Integration and I happen to be looking at a possible tie between diet and the disorder when I happened upon this site.

    If you scroll down to Dietary Information there are a whole list of gluten free websites and recipe sites. I hope Ellie finds something helpful here.

  186. how sweet – what a doll! love it, and thanks for sharing : )
    I live in Belarus, but am currently in Germany for just a few days before heading back to Belarus. I can’t wait to get home! ))))

  187. Columbus, OH!

  188. She should definitely check out the gluten free girl; I use many of her recipes as I have a few celiacs in the family.

  189. just up the road in Mt.Airy,GA. The weather is cold enough to make ice cakes today but the grands are in Atlanta so no fun to be had.

  190. Shout out from South Charleston, West Virginia. I don’t anything about gluten-free baking and cooking, but I have to say that this mom rocks. Love the snowman pops. Can’t wait to try them, if I could ever dig out from the snow to go get the supplies.

  191. This post is so sweet! Kids can be amazingly creative :0) You should for sure try out some of the gluten-free recipes people have posted here; I personally enjoy gluten-free snacks even though I have no gluten issues. Oh, and I’m in Aurora, CO. I was born in Denver, moved to Findlay, OH for a few years, then came back to CO.

  192. Hi Bakerella, my 12 yr old daughter and I both love your blog – we are from warm and sunny Western Australia.
    Never seen snow , can’t imagine making cakes like these :)
    any time soon.

  193. People have already listed the sites i’m aware of….hopefully they help! It’s great to see a little one with so much creativity! Warms my heart.

    I’m in Northern Illinois-about an hour from Chicago.

  194. You have the bestest readers! something about children that brings hearts together, thanks for sharing.

  195. Beautiful post, thanks for sharing! Love from Austin, TX!

  196. These are the cutest and sweetest little ice cakes I ever did see! Would you mind if I did a post about Emelie on my blog? I would love to share her story!

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