
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …


Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell POP!

It’s the right time to dip the night away don’t you think.

Cake Pops Holidays Cover

It’s here! It’s here! And I’m super excited Cake Pops Holidays is available online and in stores and even at scholastic book fairs, too I hear.… just in time for some fun holiday cake popping!

And I know you guys are gonna bring some serious cuteness this Christmas. I’m constantly blown away by the cake pops you all share on the Bakerella Facebook page. I mean super, super, super stuff. I often find my jaw dropping.

I hope the book continues to inspire you to make lots of people happy this holiday season. Lots of sweet smiles.

Christmas Cake Pops

The book is full of cute winter holiday cake pop projects just like these.

Elves, Santas, stockings, presents … and  gingerbread houses, Christmas lights, dreidels, wreaths and more.

Cake Pops Holidays

It has a wiro-binding like the first book.

Cake Pops Holidays

So you can lay it flat while you dip.

And to celebrate I’m giving away five (5) copies of the book.… Signed if you’d like.

(The book is available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and Target, too.)

But that’s not all.

Each of the five winners will also be getting something else.

Something fun!

And something to have fun with!

The Cake Pops Toy that’s available at Toys R US…

Cake Pops by Bakerella Toy

Cake Pops Toy

It comes with all this cute stuff to play with. And help little ones make real cake pops with.

Cake Pops Toy

A toy for tiny treats.


Enter for a chance to win Cake Pops Holidays and the Cake Pops Toy

  • To enter the giveaway, just answer one of the following questions.
  • How do you usually spend Christmas Eve? Or What’s your favorite part of the holiday season?
  • The deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s up! Winners announced below.
  • Five (5) winners will be picked at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Please note: The toy manufacturer is currently only shipping to the US and Canada. If a winner is chosen outside those countries, the winner will receive two signed Cake Pops Holidays books instead.

Good Luck!

P.S. I had my first book signing earlier today in King of Prussia and I want to thank all of you that came out to say hi. It was so much fun and I hope you enjoy your books. The first two signings were supposed to be in New York and New Jersey, but with the devastation from Sandy, we are going to try and reschedule. I hope all of you in those areas affected are safe.

Here’s the remaining Cake Pops Holidays Book Signing Dates. I’d love to see you.

P.P.S. I know there’s been a lot of cake pops on the site lately, but I’ll be back to regular baking too soon. I need a brownie or a cookie or 12.


It’s time to pick winners from all the comments? These were some of the best, feel good responses and oh my goodness can I come over on Christmas Eve? So many wonderful memories are going to be happening this year too. Hope you all have happy holidays!

And now for the winners…

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3,590 comments on “Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …”

  1. Christmas Eve is spent making cookies for Santa and reading The Night Before Christmas.

  2. I spend Christmas Eve, setting up the Santa Cookies and milk with my little one, then we snuggle and read a book in our new pjs. Once I get her to sleep (which is a task as she is soo excited) I get to eat the cookies and play Santa setting all the gifts out. Then I watch a Hallmark movie.

  3. Being a military family usually away from our own family we would invite the single Navy members to our home for Christmas eve dinner. I always enjoyed hearing how they spent their Christmases growing up. We are retired now but still have those wonderful memories.

  4. My grandmother hosted Christmas Eve until her health failed her. Then it moved to our house. But we still called it her party and did everything her way until she passed away in 2007. We usually have around 25 close and extended family. Everyone brings their favorite finger food to share and we open presents and visit. After they leave I put out Santa (they know it is really from Nana and Papa) for our grandkids and kids (I know, they are grown and have kids of their own), take pictures of the tree with the presents and go to bed around midnight.

  5. My favorite part of the holiday season is the Christmas lights, decorations, the holiday spirit and all the FOOD (especially desserts). At least once a week we would take a sleigh ride out in the country enjoying the crisp air and once we get back home, we would enjoy a warm mug of hot chocolate in front of a roaring fireplace.

  6. Christmas Eve is spent with my mom’s extended family, which is huge! She is one of 8 kids, and now all the cousins are getting married and having kids of their own. We have a big potluck dinner and a Christmas gift exchange. Its a lot of fun! Btw, the Cake Pops Toy is going on my Christmas list! :)

  7. My favorite thing to do during the holiday season is finding a bit of downtime & watching “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “A christmas Carol” (George C. Scott version) & “Charlie Brown Christmas” while knitting away. Or keeping up my grandma’s Christmas tradition, sipping wine & eating Christmas cookies while wrapping presents. It’s a toss up. :)

  8. Every other year, we go to my mother-in-law and father-in-law’s home to celebrate Christmas with the family. The other years, we stay home and I cook prime rib for supper and we watch “It’s a Beautiful Life”.

  9. We generally spend Christmas Eve with my family. It’s a low-key affair and we serve a big sandwich platter, chips and dips, and other appetizers; followed by a huge array of sweets. We open gifts and just enjoy each other’s company. We go by the in-law’s house on the way home, because Christmas Eve is also my MIL’s birthday!

  10. We spend Christmas Eve at Grandma’s house with all of our relatives. I bake dozens and dozens of various cookies and sweet treats for everyone to enjoy. We share a simple meal and all of the children get to open gifts from their cousins, aunts and uncles.

  11. My favorite part of the holiday season is getting together with family and friends. Christmas eve this year, we are hosting dinner for both of our extended families!

  12. We always spend Christmas Eve at my parent’s house so they can see the grandkids and we each get to open 1 gift…..that way, in the morning the kiddos get to spend the day at their own house and not trollop all over town!

  13. We always spend Christmas Eve at home- we get ready Santas cookies and milk and throw reindeer dust on the drive (oats and glitter- the kids love it!!!) then everyone puts their stockings at the end of the bed. Then we all snuggle down and watch a Christmas movie- usually miracle on 34th street. When it’s finished everyone goes to bed really excited!!!!

  14. We usually go to my sisters home on Christmas Eve then to my cousins home for a traditional meal of grilled hamburgers!

  15. I love the sense of giving and sharing during the holiday season.

  16. Christmas eve is spent with my husbands family in town.

  17. My favorite part of the holiday is putting the tree up with all the trimmings, and doing all the cooking for my loved ones…

  18. On Christmas Eve, my husband and I spend time with both sides of our family and go to church.

  19. On Christams Eve we all head to B&B’s house for a big party. When the kids were little, Santa would arrive with a police escort! Now that everyone is older, it’s mostly about bing together to celebrate the holiday and each other.

  20. I absolutely LOVE Christmas eve. We usually have a nice dinner but my favorite is when my little brother (15), my little sister (19), and I (28) snuggle up to watch The Muppets Christmas Carol. We’ve done that for as long as I can remember–even before my little brother was born. Its a tradition I hope we can continue even once we have our own little families.

  21. Usually my family spends Christmas Eve at my mom’s house and Christmas Day at my mother-in-laws house. This year will be extra special because we welcomed a new bundle of joy to our family this last August.

  22. I used to spend Christmas Eve with my immediate family; we always celebrated on Christmas Eve. Now I live too far for that.

  23. Visiting with family and taking a break to enjoy them!

  24. My family and I go to the four o’clock mass at our church, my three brother and my sister and my self sing in the church choir. Then after mass, we go out to dinner at olive garden with our grandparent. Once that is over we all go back to their house and exchange gifts, have sweets and just have a good time!! My fav. part about the Christmas season is the music on the radio, all the happy faces, and the light and decorated houses you see as your driving along the road. This is my MOST fav. time of the year!!!

  25. My favourite part of the holiday season is setting up my Christmas tree, baking Christmas cookies and spending time with my family and friends.

  26. favorite part of the holiday season – baking, christmas music, wrapping presents and this year making christmas cake pops!

  27. What I like about the holidays is. How the whole family gets together without any excuses everyone gets to catch up to everyone’s life and making jokes and forgetting about bad times. Seeing family that you haven’t seen in years. Making great foods.

  28. We’d go to my grandma and grandpa’s house and have the extended family christmas. The youngest gets to open gifts first!

  29. My whole family spends Christmas eve together singing, playing games, eating. It’s a total blast and my favourite part of the holiday

  30. I work retail, so Christmas Eve means insanity closing the store and then family time with my boyfriend’s family. Food, presents and cocktails: holiday awesomeness.

  31. I spend Christmas Eve with my husband and 4 kids at home. We relax and eat easy food (pizza, etc) and then go to mass in the evening. It’s very relaxing before the action of Christmas Day.

  32. Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

    One tradition we have as a family is to eat dinner together and we invite a lady that has no family to celebrate with us. Then after dinner, we open a present, which is always pajamas. Then we drive around and look at all the pretty Christmas lights.

    Jourdan (:

  33. On Christmas Eve we have dinner at my husband’s Aunt’s house. We all watch Christmas Story and then go home and the kids get new pajamas that were left for them magically. Then my husband and I drink some wine and enjoy the quiet.

  34. My Family and I go to the 4pm mass at our church, me my three brothers and my sister sing in the choir and then we go out to dinner with my grand parents. After that we go back to there house and exchange gift, have eggnog and desserts (I usually bring them!)

  35. Usually still wrapping til the wee hours.

  36. The favorite part of Christmas is, for me, eating the oh-so-Swedish lussebullar with a cup of glögg together with my family. It’s not Christmas without lussebullar!

  37. Every Christmas Eve we spend with my husband’s family. It’s a tradition his Parents live for. We spend all day and night there celebrating and enjoying each other. It’s really a day we look forward to!

  38. My best part about the holidays is the baking. I love baking cookies and the decorating of them.

  39. We always have our Christmas meal and gift exchange on Christmas Eve. It’s a holdover from when my late grandparents would spend Christmas Eve at our house and rotate Christmases among other relatives. (We were very much the youngest grandchildren. Many of the cousins were already parents not long after we came along.)

  40. My favorite part of the holiday season: Cuddling with the kiddos, with just the tree lights on, & reading favorite feel-good Christmas stories. Ahhh! Can’t wait…

  41. I love all the lights at Christmas! and baking lots of course!

  42. My favorite part of the holiday season is spending time with family and friends.

  43. Our Christmas Eve varies from year to year…either we are invited over to family friends where our kids get showered with gifts and we all get showered with a “December Birthdays” cake (both my husband and I were born in December)…OR…we don’t get invited and we order pizza!!! Both options are perfect!!

  44. Chritmas Eve is spent with th epart of the family that can’t amke it on Christmas day. Usually a fancy dinner and gifts.

  45. We spend Christmas Eve going to the candlelight service at church, coming home to let the kiddos open one present (Christmas pj’s) and then getting ready for Santa to come. It is my absolute favorite part of the Christmas season even more than Christmas morning.

  46. My Favorite: The Tree, The smells of sweet delights to eat. Singing, Laughter. Family!

  47. My favorite part of the season is baking yummy goodies and spending time with loved ones! :)

  48. How do you usually spend Christmas Eve? – My daughter and I always bake a batch of fresh cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. Nothing beats a fresh from the oven still warm cookie and Santa deserves the best. We also pack up a small bag of treats for Santa to take back to Mrs. Claus.

    We also, as a family we always hunt for the pickle on the tree (a special glass Christmas ornament) and the person that finds it wins a peppermint pig (which they break and share).

  49. We usually spend it with family and try to make it to a candlelight service when we are with my family.

  50. On Christmas Eve, we usually have a quick dinner and then head off to church for Christmas Eve services before hanging stockings and getting the kids to bed.

  51. So adorable of a baking kit. My fave for the holiday season would be the nonstop baking time which would be about 3 weeks for me. Greatest fun in the world is baking holiday cookies, gift cakes, mini treats for everyone to enjoy. I’ve never made a cake pop yet but I don’t have a kit or a book. Don’t stop giving us new cake pop designs I love it.

  52. I always look forward for all the seasonal flavors! Peppermint, pumpkin, gingerbread… yum!

  53. I have several favorites. One of my favorite things is being with my family, and seeing the excitement on my grandkids faces when they see the presents for the first time. Also, just sitting and watching the christmas tree lights when it’s quiet. Thanks for all you do, and the wonderful cake pops you make. You are the most creative person I know.

  54. every christmas eve, my kiddos get matching pjs that i make for them. we take some cute sibling pictures in front of the fireplace and then cuddle up in our new jammies and watch a movie as a family. i LOVE the holidays!!

  55. We go to our Christmas Eve service at church with family. Then head over to my parents house for homemade potato soup. By the end of the evening Santa always manages to make an early visit to bring our Christmas Jammies to sleep in that night.

  56. Christmas Eve is very special, our whole family goes to a candlelight service at our church, then we come home and feast on some delicious appetizers and desserts, play games, tell stories and laugh! :)

  57. We usually have dinner at my aunt’s house with all the aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. It’s a big celebration

  58. My family enjoys a traditional Swedish “julbord” minus a ham, because no one in my family really likes ham. It is a cozy festive evening :)

  59. I love decorating for the holidays, but making Xmas dinner with my mom and sister is the best part. My father leaves every year to Mexico so its just the three of us. The quality time with us three is lovely and I cherish it.

    We spend Xmas together and have Xmas dinner. Now I have 2 kids that love spending time with grandma

  60. Since I met my husband fourteen years ago, our Christmas Eve has consisted of spending the evening with the good food and company provided by his very large family (he is one of 12 children). It’s a lot of fun and a lot of chaos but we look forward to it every year!

  61. Christmas eve for me is all about eggnog and good times with friends!

  62. My favorite part of the season is listening to all of my favorite songs while wrapping a pile of presents.

  63. I love all the delicious food and drinks!!

  64. Unsurprisingly, my favorite part of the holidays is baking cookies and treats to share with family and friends!

  65. Christmas eve, as children, we would spend with the family, then go to midnight mass. After mass, we would eat a small early breakfast. The best part was being able to open one gift afterwards. We had to choose carefully! Now as a mom, we spend Christmas eve usually at my in-laws where we find out who our secret santa is and open up all our stocking stuffers.

    Thanks Bakerella for a chance to win again! If I don’t win, the book and the toys are on my wish list!

  66. I love decorating and baking creative goodies. What makes it pretty special is my oldest daughter was born on Christmas Day so we have two things to celebrate!

  67. I just love all the food.

  68. My favorite part is the Christmas music. We spend Christmas Eve at Christmas mass watching the children’s pageant.

  69. I love to bake goodies with my daughter. She would be SO excited if I won her the toy cake pop set.

  70. Christmas Eve we go to my in-laws to open up presents. Then it’s off to my dad’s side of the family for the same. Finally we head home and my husband and I exchange gifts and then it’s time for our daughter to go to bed.

    My favorite part about Christmas is getting gifts for others and watching my daughter open her presents.

  71. We go to Church, take a drive to see all the lights, and then have appetizers! We used to get to open one present (pajamas) as well!

  72. I have only recently discovered your site. My favorite Christmans Eve is playing scrabble and having cheese and smoked sausages. But this year I will add some cute cake pops!

  73. We spend Christmas Eve with my side of the family. We have white elephant gift exchanges, we have the kids act out the nativity and we have a delicious dinner. It’s been a tradition for years and everyones favorite part of Christmas! :)

  74. We spend it with family…..prepping for the next days feast!!

  75. I just love the atmosphere, how there’s joy and love and kindness all around. The look on their faces when they open presents, decorations and all that, and snow. But the feeling of Christmas is the best.

  76. Oh my goodness! How fun! My girls would love the cake pop toy.

    My favorite part of the holiday season is Christmas shopping. Every year for our anniversary (November 15), my hubby and I spend the evening shopping:) love spending time with that man;o)

  77. We have lots of Christmas traditions at our house. When my kids were little, they would act out the nativity story for us. Now that they are mostly grown, we have a fondue night on Christmas Eve and then watch a Muppet Christmas Carol. Then we play games and each person gets to open one present.

  78. My dad always makes thick Spanish hot chocolate around the holidays. It is so good.

  79. We always spent Christmas Day at my grandparents’ house, so Christmas Eve has always been with my parents and siblings. We go to church, have appetizers for supper – all kinds of snacky foods just for fun, and then open our gifts to each other.

  80. First, Christmas Eve church service, then our traditional dinner spread of snacks/appetizers with Christmas cookies and candies for dessert. As we’re snacking, we play board games and watch Christmas movies – like the original Miracle on 34th St. (my favorite) and a Christmas Story.

  81. We spend Christmas Eve driving around looking at luminarias (a New Mexico tradition) entire neighborhoods set them up and it is a beautiful sight!

  82. Our family spends Christmas eve together around the tree. It’s a night filled with laughing, singing, and eating!!

  83. on Christmas Eve, we usually go to church, have a big dinner with family and everyone gets to open one gift before going to bed and waiting for Santa to come!

  84. Hard to pick my favorite part of the Christmas season – seeing my kids excitement, the beautiful lights and decorations, the music…but I think the best part is celebrating the birth of my Savior with the people that I love!

  85. Christmas Eve is spent at my grandparents house. We eat pizza, pasta and salad (so no one has to cook) and exchange presents. It is low key and relaxed. We have all learned that it is best to wear layers to their house because at 6:30 the thermostat cranks up to 80°. :-)

  86. Bakerella

    You have forever changes the way I look at sprinkles, candy and treats. Halloween mix ghosts turned upside down are now shark teeth. Black dots are eyes… etc…

    Next to ellen you are my fav…

  87. Christmas Eve we go to 5 o’clock mass and then celebrate with my mom’s side of the family. Dinner, drinks and exchanging gifts. Head home and my son leaves a few cookies out, a few carrots for the reindeer and writes his thank you letter to Santa. The best time of year :)

  88. My favorite part of Christmas is bringing out the ornaments that I have collected over the years…some even from childhood..and putting them on the tree. It is a night full of memories of good times and family.
    But then my least favorite part is having to put them all back in boxes so they don’t get destroyed after Christmas!!

  89. We alternate every other christmas eve with my husbands family, or mine. We bake all morning, and cook all day for a special dinner with family. Then we have the kids put on the nativity play for us. We open one present on christmas eve and relish in the spirit of the season. I love christmas!

  90. I spend Christmas with my family looking for Chinese restaurants to eat at :)

  91. My favorite part of the holiday season is the preparation period (usually 6 weeks ahead) leading up to Christmas Day. In fact I am already gearing up for this occasion and are looking out for new ideas to contribute to the dinner table. Baking new flavour cakes n Oh yes! Needless to say, Christmas shopping! :) Indeed this is a joyous occasion to party and have fun but I am also reminded how Christmas Day comes about and to give thanks to all He has blessed me with. Giving out Christmas presents, to me, is an act of spreading God’s love and blessings to all the people I Wishing all at Bakerella and wonderful readers of the website a blessed holiday season filled with Love, Peace and Joy. :)

  92. Christmas Eve means matching pj’s for the kiddos, doing a family Nativity play, driving around to see the Christmas lights and good food!

  93. Love, love, love Christmas time. For Christmas Eve we begin by visiting family and then go to the special candlelight service at our church. After we head over to my in-laws for presents and food! We retire around midnight (or sometime there after!)

  94. My favorite part of the holidays is sitting round with all of my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandma and spending time together!

  95. We eat crab legs and maybe let the kids open just one present!

  96. We spend Christmas eve here at home, for supper we always have shrimp. My favorite day/part of the holiday is Christmas day, we have 25 family members for lunch & supper, it is a special day that we can all enjoy one anothers company!

  97. We like to watch White Christmas – I love that movie! I’m looking forward to starting my own family and creating new traditions, too. :o) Thanks for the giveaway!

  98. We don’t do this every year, but last year my husband got me out of bed not long after I went to bed and told me we were going on an adventure. He got me to put my coat and boots on and took me downstairs to a car he had rented. Inside, there were lots of treats. We stopped for hot tea and then went to see the Christmas lights in a couple of neighbourhoods that are popular for them. It was magical!

  99. I usually spend Christmas eve in texas with my cousins.

  100. I usually spend Christmas Eve at my Grandmother’s surround by family and lots of food!

  101. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to spend so much time with family!!

  102. To be honest i dont celebrate christmas. But i absolutely love everything about it. I love how all the shops and houses transform into something magical during that time of year.

  103. Our family starts off by making tamales, then we all stuff our faces, and we might end the night with some karaoke.

  104. My favorite part of the holidays is getting together with family and all of the great food that is always present!

  105. We usually spend Christmas Eve with my family eating lots of yummy snack foods and watching my sweet 3 year old niece open gifts. :)

  106. I love the baking, food, and presents!

  107. Christmas Eve is our big dinner and desert. My kids are still young (6 and 3) so the anticipation builds! We read The Night Before Christmas and tuck them in.

  108. To be honest i dont celebrate christmas. But i absolutely love everything about it. I love how all the shops and houses transform into something majical during that time of year.

  109. On Christmas eve, I love going to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at my church and celebrate the birth of Jesus!

  110. When I was a kid we always went to my Grandmas on Christmas eve. My dads parents lived far away so we never had to alternate visits there or anything. It was nice to have this same ritual every year. All the cousins were there and that was the onlu time I saw some of them. As an adult, now divorced , it has been difficult having the same tradition every year. One thing we always do when the kids are home is open 1 gift- usually pajamas. Of course, preparing parts of the Christmas meal is part of the evening as well! My girls are planning their after Christmas shopping strategy too!

  111. My favorite part of the holiday season is the abundance of baking and overall festive feeling everywhere you go! Christmas Eve is usually spent curled up with hot cocoa and treats watching movies with the family.

  112. My fav thing about Christmas is seeing my children’s excitement with every little activity we do.

  113. My favorite part of the holidays is watching the kids faces light up when they hear holiday music, see holiday decorations, and eat holiday treats!

  114. We spend Christmas Eve watching Holiday movies and eating snacks or pizza. Christmas Eve is my favorite night, love how excited the kids are.

  115. I spend my Christmas Eve at my grandparent’s house, having Christmas celebration with their side of my family. It’s great food and family memories.

  116. My boyfriend’s family and I decorate a little village next to the tree! With those ceramic houses with the lights inside them. Looks so cute!

  117. We used to have a big extended family gathering on Christmas Eve at either my dad’s or his brother’s home. But family changes and accommodations to new in-laws required some flexibility & that celebration was moved to after Christmas. Now we have a [relatively] quiet Chiristmas Eve, attending a short church service in the early evening, followed by a nice supper at home. Everyone gets to open one gift, and they all know what it is! Even the grown kids get new PJs on Christmas Eve. :-)

  118. i love the holidays, i celebrate hanuka and it is beautifull when you see the little lights in the windows

  119. Christmas Eve is spent at my In laws house; dinner, games, & presents for the grand kids!

  120. We spend Christmas Eve with our extended family and lots of good food!

  121. My favorite part is definitely seeing all the decorations! I love seeing houses decked out in their Christmas best and all the snow covering them. It’s so beautiful and sparkly and puts me right into the Christmas spirit.

  122. I just love the atmosphere! Christmas songs on the radio, decorations everywhere, lots of good food and time spent with family!!

  123. Christmas is our favorite holiday. We usually start listening to Christmas music long before November. This year Christmas Eve will be spent at my in-laws. We will have an amazing turkey dinner with all the lovely fixings. We will exchange gifts and go to Christmas Eve service at church. The next day I will host Christmas Day at my home and have fun dinner and treats for everyone as well!

  124. Christmas Eve is spent with all the family around the living room, eating tamales and crown roast (odd combination, but delicious), watching holiday movies, anxiously waiting for midnight to open gifts!! Its so fun to see the kiddos faces when they get the toys they want!

  125. I think I love Christmas Eve more than Christmas day. We go over to my cousin’s house and bring in food for dinner (pizza or bbq usually). We exchange gifts, eat some dessert and visit. As it gets later we will watch a typically raunchy comedy (Beerfest, Balls of Fury, Step Brothers are some from years past). I look forward to it all year. Sadly I no longer live in state and am not going home for Christmas this year… Time to start my own traditions.

  126. My favorite part of the holiday season is the preparation period (usually 6 weeks ahead) leading up to Christmas Day. In fact I am already gearing up for this occasion and are looking out for new ideas to contribute to the dinner table. Baking new flavour cakes n Oh yes! Needless to say, Christmas shopping! :) Indeed this is a joyous occasion to party and have fun but I am also reminded how Christmas Day comes about and to give thanks to all that He has blessed me with. Giving out Christmas presents, to me, is my little way of spreading God’s love and blessings to all the people I love. Wishing all at Bakerella and supporters of this wonderful website a blessed holiday season filled with Love, Peace and Joy. :)

  127. Christmas Eve is usually kept small with just immediate family, soups, salad, bread, dessert and playing games. It is pretty relaxing.

  128. My favorites part of the Holiday season is the twinkle of magic in the eyes of children.

  129. Christmas eve we have a big dinner with my side of the family at my uncles house with music and opening the presents early. lol then we rush to my in laws house before midnight to open the other gifts we have there. It’s always fun to balance our traditions with our kids.

  130. We usually spend Christmas eve at my in-laws’ house, eating of course! It’s a wonderful family tradition that I hope continues for years to come!

  131. I love holiday season! Best part of the season is when everything gets decorated and I love to dress up and wear festive colours too :)

  132. We have Christmas Eve at our house with all of our family. We track Santa’s stops throughout the night. After everyone leaves, my kids leave milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

  133. Christmas Eve is spent cooking and baking with my mom and daughter!

  134. On Christmas Eve we invite over several friends, we read the Christmas Story out of the Bible and let all the kids act it out as we read. The best part is they can go into the dress up box and pick anything for their costume. We have had some pretty funny Jospeh’s dressed up as a duck, or monkey.

  135. My favorite part of the holiday season is putting up decorations with my family while listening to Christmas music! =]

  136. I love to prepare all the desserts and cookies to share with family and friends on Christmas Eve.
    By the way, the book looks great. Congratulations!!

  137. Hi!! My Favorite Part about the Holidays is being with Family, Baking and Cooking!! Love Everything about the Holidays, from Decorationg to Opening Presents to Having a Feast on Christmas Day!! I Love making new Memories each year!!
    I even get my Boys to help with the Baking!! (I LOVE TO BAKE!!)
    Also, Christmas Eve, we usually Spend it with our family, Anxiously waiting for 12 mid-night to see our kids open their presents, oh the Joy that brings us to see their over-joyed faces !! P.S. Totally Love ur Site!!!!

  138. Believe it or not we decorate our tree…..only time we find the time…..and play records from my childhood

  139. Christmas Eve we go to our friends home and celebrate with our close friends and family. Delicious Food, Rich Desserts and lots of love and reflection on the past year. Watching all our children open gifts under the very well decorated tree. This has become our families tradition for many years.

  140. We usually have family dinner @ Christmas Eve. Now, it’s earlier ’cause of the little ones. We will watch a Christmas show/video with the little ones. Then, my husband and I play Santa when the lil’ ones are asleep!

  141. My favorite part of the holiday season is seeing people’s faces when i give them a box filled with something i’ve baked.

    I spend a lot of time baking at least 5 different things for each tin that i give special people (kids teachers, co workers) etc. Just seeing their faces is the best part of it all.

  142. My favorite part of Christmas is getting together with family and friends and sharing great food. Christmas seems to bring out the thoughtfulness and kindness of others and that’s what makes Christmas extra nice!

  143. What a great giveaway! My favorite parts of the season is the music, the lights, the joy, happiness and family focus during this time of year :)

  144. Hi. I definetly prefere christmas morning, when my kids run down stairs to see our x-mas table. While they’re sleeping, I’ve dressed the table with decorations, x-mas glasses made especially for them and a ton of goodies that I’ve prepared for hte last 4-5 weeks. They just go mad. That’s the memory I want them to keep from their choldhood x-mas.

  145. I LOVE the baking (and eating) and holiday food smells. Mmm.

  146. There are no small children for Christmas this year, so we’ll eat dinner and half of us will clean up while the others finish decorating the tree. Then we’ll pile into as few cars as possible and rush over to church where my Gram will play the midnight mass. Then back home to set out cookies for Santa, carrots for the reindeer, and put out the fire for the only night of the winter. I usually try to get breakfast set up before going to bed, too, because we’re 23 people and always have pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, and more coffee than the Columbia can produce in a single year.

  147. My favorite part of Christmas Eve is coming home after a big family dinner, putting on some Christmas music and dancing with my husband and kids in the light of the Christmas tree.

  148. My favorite part of the holidays is my Christmas Eve morning Ladies Brunch Gathering. Every year I invite all the important awesome women in my life, friends & family, over my house. We eat brunch, exchange gifts, bake together and wrap our remaining gifts together. It is so special to spend the morning with my ladies laughing and prepping for the day. It is the best way to kick off Christmas Eve!

  149. I love the holidays!! The family, the food, the music, the magic, the feeling of merriment. Plus who doesn’t love a reason to bake, all season long?

  150. I live in Brazil, and we have a huge party on Christmas Eve. We have turkey, with delicious stuffing and wonderful gravy, and we have a humongous honey/orange glazed ham, rice with almonds, delicious salads and gorgeous desserts. All with a lot of champagne, since it’s usually around the 90s, and we need to beat the heat. Every year I decorate a big gingerbread house, and try to make cake pops that resist to the heat. We already have the 1st book in portuguese around here, can’t wait for the Holiday Edition! Lots of love from Brazil <3 xoxox

  151. Christmas Eve is spent going to church, then having a family dinner at my mom’s house. After that we open gifts and spend the rest of the evening watching movies or playing games. My brother and SIL always fly up from SF to Portland, and we always have a great time. I love the holidays!

  152. Christmas Eve – eating yummy snacks/appetizers and watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (we never get bored with it)

  153. In recent years we spend Christmas eve finishing putting out presents, last minute baking and watching a movie. The kids are older now, so no last minute toy assembly…Yay!

  154. My favorite part of the holidays is baking cookies for Santa with my son.

  155. Christmas Eve there is no surprise each year for us. The kids open one present, always jammies, for Christmas morning photos!

  156. My favorite part of the holiday season is spending time with my family and friends. I love to see the excitment of my kids putting up the x-mas tree the lights and watch their joy opening gifts on x-mas day. This time of year is definitly my favorite. I already bought your book, but to have one signed by you is PRICELESS! Thanks for a chance to win. Hope you have wonderful holiday season!

  157. My favourite part of the holidays is getting to see my extended family! Oh, and the desserts :)

  158. Christmas Eve is always spent at my grandma’s. I love how her house is overflowing with love and laughter during the holiday season.

  159. My favorite part about the holiday season is the decorations and cake pops of course. Setting up our Christmas trees+ decorations tomorrow!

  160. On Christmas Eve my family will drive around and look at all the beautiful lights people put up. Then we go to a late mass at church and when we return we still open one present. The holidays are all about family and I truly enjoy that. :)

  161. On Christmas Eve my family drives around looking at Christmas lights and then my parents read my sister and I the same stories every year – even now that we’re 30 and 24 years old : )

  162. We usually spend Christmas Eve by finishing decorating our tree followed by a good home cooked meal. After we eat, we sit by the fire for some quality family time. We end the night by each opening one present from under the tree.

  163. Growing up, Christmas Eve was spent with family and then attending the late Candlelight Service. Now, as an interfaith family, we celebrate Chanukah, St. Nicholas Day and then spend Christmas Eve at a friend’s house where we bring dessert and appetizers, play games and do a gift exchange.

    My son and I make the “Chanukah” Gingerbread House to be eaten on the last day of Chanukah as well as other tasty treats throughout the Holiday season such as cakepops, sufganiyot, latkes, and hamantashen.

  164. I absolutely love the holiday season! I’m Jewish, but half of my family is Catholic, so I’ve always celebrated Christmas and Hanukkah. I love being that cultural bridge that links together family, good food, and good times to share. :)

  165. My favorite part is being with family.

  166. We spend the holiday season together with good family and eating and baking great food and desserts.

  167. Every year, our Christmas Eve celebration is a little different, with one exception…we are always together. Our family of 6 sometimes go out and look at Christmas lights, or we build a fire and watch Christmas movies together. We have even spent the night decorating cookies and gingerbread houses. As long as we are together, we are feeling the Christmas Spirit.

  168. I love baking cookies and delivering trays of goodies to our friends and neighbors.

  169. I just love the jingle bell pop – it’s perfect!

    Traditionally we have our good friends over on Christmas Eve, and have Chinese food and visit. We’ve been doing it for so long I don’t even remember when it started.

    My favourite part of Christmas is listening to the kids find their stockings and Santa gifts – we are always awake listening!

  170. I love getting things ready for my kids on Christmas Eve and anticipating their excitement the next day.

  171. We usually spend it with the in-laws. Just a small get together (about 25 people!) we share appetizers & desserts, along with Grandma’s Punch. Then onto church for midnight mass.

  172. We generally spend Christmas Eve with my mom’s dad’s side of the family.

  173. Christmas Morning is my favorite part of the holidays! But on Christmas Eve we spend preparing for Christmas Morning where I make a big breakfast and we all enjoy mimosas while opening gifts. We go to church on Christmas Eve and then come home and get in the kitchen and prep everything to make cooking in the morning a breeze!

  174. We spend Christmas Eve eating pizza and opening one present, which is always the new pj’s that I make for our kids. We also go around the town and look at lights.

  175. We go to church on Chirstams Eve and then go to an extended family celebration where I get to see my aunts, uncles, cousins and their children. We also try to drive through a few neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights on the way home.

  176. I am 53 and Christmas Eve has always been at my parents home. I am from a family of 8 and although not all of my siblings are able to make it, and we have families ourselves, we still gather there. My mom makes homemade spaghetti and meatballs. Yum!

  177. Christmas Eve is spent with my dad’s side of the family. We have a soup supper and everyone brings finger food.

  178. My Christmas Eve starts off with Mass, followed by dinner and presents with my side of the family then that is followed by more food and presents with my husband’s family, and finally finished off with me setting the table for Christmas morning breakfast and preparing the overnight casserole….usually a late night, but it’s all good :)

  179. Every Christmas eve we go to church and then to my parents for a little snack. I love getting ready for Christmas morning with the kids

  180. My favorite part of the holidays is getting together with family. It may not be on Christmas Day due to everyone’s schedules but we do get together at some point during the holiday season!

  181. My parents, brothers and nephews all live in the same town that I do. After we all go to our churches for Christmas Eve service everyone meets at my house for lots of yummy snacks, games and movie watching.

  182. We usually have lots of music in our house and my younger brother Scott actually plays in the band Sugarland so we have lots of fun around the piano with instruments with my mom.

  183. I usually spend Christmas Eve with extended family opening gifts. All the aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews open gifts and we have a big family Christmas dinner.

  184. We spend Christmas Eve at a candlelight service at church and then usually go play Rock Band at a friends house till REALLY late :)

  185. Christmas Eve is always spent getting everything ready for Christmas Day, and then we each pick one gift to open that night!

  186. Christmas eve we have family gather at mom and dad’s house and we all get to open one present (new pajamas!). I think the favorite part of that night is sitting around visiting and reminiscing. :)

  187. I love the music, decorations, and baking all the goodies. Usually spend a quiet Christmas Eve watching Christmas movies.

  188. My favorite part of the holidays is when we load up one evening and drive around looking at Christmas lights.

  189. My favorite part of the season is the food and being with my family. I love the holiday food and desserts. It’s even better because we all make a little something and have fun.

  190. Christmas Eve is always spent at my house where we have a family dinner and exchange gifts amongst ourselves. Its always very exciting for me despite being a lot of work…

  191. My favorite part about the holiday seasons is… everything!! I love the decorations, the Christmas music, holiday shopping, baking, the traditions… it is such a wonderful and magical time of the year!

  192. My tradition is two fold and goes back to my childhood and continues today. First off my mom and sister always spend one day together before the Eve to make holiday cookies. We did this as kids and now we do it as adults rotating each year across three kitchens :-). Also we never rush into the gifting part of Christmas. We have always taken time to have orange juice and champagne (for the adults) together quietly and talk about memories from years past and remember the meaning and joy of the holidays with family. This was painful as a kid but as I’ve gotten older this has become the best part of Christmas morning.

  193. My favorite part of the holiday season are the parties! I love getting together with family and friends and there is always an abundance of gatherings during this time of year.

  194. I usually spend Christmas Eve at my parents’ house. We bake cookies and eat dinner and open one present each. And Santa drives by on a firetruck. We never miss that. :) This will b my first Christmas Eve without them (I got married and I’m going to my husband’s family’s home). I’m already sad about it.

  195. We have our church’s Christmas Eve service. Sometimes we will do supper and presents with the in-laws that night. We give the kids new matching pajamas to wear to bed. This year, I’m also adding a new Christmas movie and popcorn to the pajama present.

  196. We spend Christmas eve having a wonderful meal together, playing a Christmas game with laughter and then opening gifts.

  197. We spend Christmas Eve with family!

  198. Usually on Christmas eve we go to a candlelight service and then I try to talk my Husband into letting us open 1 present (my family growing up we ALWAYS got to open 1 present on Christmas eve!)

    my favorite part of the holiday is definitely decorating. I like making cookies and having a party every year too but really decorating is the bees knees! ;)

  199. Christmas eve the kids and I bake santa some cookies before heading to nana’s house where we eat yummy Posole and chili and just spend time with family. Then we return home and read The Night before Christmas and leave out the cookies for Santa. It is so much fun.

  200. Christmas Eve is so wonderful. Food, family and fun at my Aunt’s house each year. Christmas carols by family members that can’t sing, kids eyes light up when they hear bells and see gifts and the desserts are wonderful!

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