
Nice Cream Giveaway


I’m giving away something nice today.

It’s silver and boxy. Short and sweet.



And it will help you make beautiful creamy creations right at home.

It’s the Cuisinart 2-quart ice cream maker.

Very Cool! Freezing, actually.

Want endless ice cream options? Sweet scoopable treats? Fun frozen flavors right at your fingertips?

I think yes. Because I know I totally want one, too. But first I’m giving away one. And to go along with it, a copy of Jeni’s Ice Creams at Home. I love this book and her ice cream, too! It’s soooo so good.

Here’s the scoop for a chance to win a Cuisinart 2-quart ice cream maker and the book, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home:

  • To enter leave a comment on this post and share something fun you’ve done this summer.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, July 24th, 2013 at 8:00 pm ET. Sorry guys…Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Good luck!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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And now we have a winner. Congratulations Princess! Looks like it’s party time for you guys.

P.S. Thank you all for entering and sharing your summer.  You guys are having way too much fun.  It makes me smile reading your responses. Hugs!


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4,508 comments on “Nice Cream Giveaway”

  1. My best friend since kindergarten is getting married this summer so we’ve been packing this summer full of wedding festivities.

  2. I had my first baby in march, so my summer so far has been full of fun firsts! First trip to the zoo, first dip in a pool, first stroller ride to the park and many, many more!

  3. We have a picnic shelter in the yard and we always enjoy those summer days when we have picnics with our friends and neighbors. Everybody brings something and I always get great new ideas for things to make and serve.

  4. went to the beach with friends, but we’re also moving in a few weeks!

  5. Went to Hawaii with my boyfriend!

  6. I have been planning for my first baby’s arrival at the end of September!

  7. We took the kids (3 and 4) to Sea World San Diego for the first time. They loved it.

  8. I just spent a week with my oldest and dearest and bestest friend – and we painted a dresser!!!!!!!! FUN!!

  9. I made my own Birthday Cake, my birthday is on The 4th of July, and i turned 30 so to celebrate I did a 3-layered cake, one layer for each decade jijiji and each layer with different flavor: chocolate, dulce de leche and vanilla. It was amaaaaaazing :)

  10. This summer my husband and I took a couple of days of mini-vacation to enjoy a little time without our sweet one-year-old son, who enjoyed some time with his grandparents while we were gone.

  11. I just moved to Seattle so I have been exploring and getting to know my new home!

  12. The most fun I’m going to have this summer isn’t until next week. I’m going to a Monkees concert. I’m so excited. I’ve had a great time so far trying new recipes, planning my daughter’s 3rd birthday party, and had a fun time swimming for the first time in years.

  13. I accepted a new job and start this Wednesday!

  14. I took a trip out to a lake I’ve been wanting to visit. Get those summer “to do” lists marked off!

  15. Time at the pool with my girls!

  16. We’re enjoying our town’s minor league baseball team. We’ve been to several games; they are so fun, especially when they have a fireworks show afterwards.

  17. Strawberry and blueberry picking with my two girls, sister-in-law and nephew!

  18. Hi Bakerella! I just got back from Comic Con! Was super fun! And I love Ice Cream! :-)

  19. I spent a lot of time out on the patio with a cool drink in hand. :-)

  20. I just hope you read my comment if I don’t win.

    This summer I did my first 5k. I was a couch potato weeks before the run day, and even though I walked the whole way I was still proud I went out and did something, also I had a lot of fun because I was with my family. Then afterwards we went to Leatherby’s ,a creamery, and had one of the best ice cream sundaes.

  21. White water rafting at lake George with my family and all cousins…it was soooo much fun!!

  22. Watched summer movies. :)

  23. Rode 7 roller coaster rides in Kings Dominion and then passed out at the closest cafeteria! Baked Kouign Amann the next day as a hangover.

  24. I faced my fear of heights and went ziplining in Puerto Rico…whew what a rush…

  25. It’s hot. Most fun thing has been the pool.

  26. I created a page on face book about my cake pops….I also made summer special cake pops like ice cream cone, margarita glass, beach ball and watermelon

  27. The summer has been full of fun- vacationing with my (new!) husband’s family, graduating college, playing a premiere of a piece, and just relaxing with family!

  28. Went to the fair and ate “bacon bombs” (fried gouda cheese wrapped in bacon” then saw a concert!

  29. This summer I’m planning my wedding! :)

  30. My college age daughter has decided we need to start doing more on the weekends then sitting around our house. So we have taken up hiking. Have done several nearby mountains, great fun and great exercise!

  31. That is so COOL!

    This summer I have spent quality time w/ my kids. We have gone to the beach. I have a chronic pain syndrome, CRPS, so it makes activities difficult, but we’ve tried to make the best of it by just being together and playing board games, baking…

    Thank you!

  32. We’ve been camping on the Oregon coast.

  33. I haven’t done much fun yet, but I am heading from the Pacific NW to Florida on Wednesday! :)

  34. just celebrated national ice cream day yesterday! also just came back from a sensational trip to vietnam and the philippines.

  35. I took my daughter to Montana to mine for sapphires. It was so much fun

  36. I spent 5 great days in NH’s White Mountains with my wonderful family and have had awesome shelves and cabinets installed in my daughter’s room which is now painted Barely Pink!

  37. I went to Maui and got Married!!!

  38. Spent time with family at the lake!

  39. I had a cousin visit us here in Puerto Rico from Chicago,IL. Hadn’t seen her in 15 yrs. She came with her three kids that are about the age of my three kids. Her kids do not speak a lot of spanish and mine’s do not speak alot of english but they all got a long very well and understood themselves in their own way. We had a blast togeher!

    Thanks for a chance to win!

  40. I went to Marble Slab Creamery, on my birthday, and had a large scoop of cheesecake ice cream with a large scoop of Dutch chocolate…super yum!!!!!

  41. We went backpacking to Brittany Lake! Gotta love a lake that shares my name! We were the only campers there and got to enjoy lots of fly fishing and swimming. Looooove summers in Oregon!

  42. This summer I started my own dance studio!

  43. Had a great vacation visiting the far eastern countries!

  44. We have spent a ton of time at the pool this year! This is the first year that both my boys LOVE the water.

  45. Me and my daughters moved into my childhood home. Such great memories.

  46. This summer has been awesome – we’ve been hitting the farmers market every Thursday and cooking with our finds all weekend long. Every monday, we go to an outdoor concert in the park with a picnic!

  47. Took a family road trip to Texas, sooo much fun!!

  48. Well it wasnt the most fun while I was doing it, but I gave birth to my son RJ (short for Richard James Easton V!) Since then the most fun is just getting out of the house on the occasional cool night for a stroll with my family!
    I love this contest! I want an ice cream maker so bad!

  49. Travelled all the way to Italy from Australia to fill my guts with gelato!

  50. I was baking lot of sweet this summer

  51. took my 10 month old niece to the beach for the first time…

  52. the most fun thing I did this summer was take a trip to Nebraska to see my aunt and buy an antique church pew!!!

  53. We’ve gone camping with the kids, which was a first for them and really fun.

  54. I went to Seattle and spent eleven days catching up with great friends. It was lovely.

  55. I went to Howe Caverns in the Catskills, New York to celebrate my 1st year wedding anniversary.

  56. Spent a lot of hot days swimming in the pool with my lil cutie pies :)

  57. My family and I camped and biked in Yosemite National Park. It was beautiful and a nice get a way.

  58. the most fun thing I did this summer was take a trip to Nebraska to see my aunt and buy an antique church pew!!!

  59. I got to spend a whole month at my favorite summer camp working!

  60. We visited a new (new to us) waterpark in Galveston, TX.

  61. I got married this June and went to a wonderful honeymoon in Jamaica! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  62. Love swmming with the kids…nothing beats a day at the pool!

  63. Went to some of the Harbor Islands in Boston and took some tours with the park rangers. It was awesome!

  64. Just been spending time with my awesome daughters! Since we live in Texas, this ice cream maker would come in REAL handy! :) Thanks

  65. Spending the summer decking out my new kitchen!

  66. we’ve been spending lots of time at the beach!

  67. This weekend I made chocolate chip cookies and made ice cream sandwiches with gold medal ribbon ice cream in the middle. They were unbelievable!

  68. Spent the past weekend at the lake after watching my son play in an outdoor concert.

  69. Built a new deck.

  70. We will start our first year of homeschooling on August 1st and are holding off on a big vacation until winter. We’ve mainly been swimming and going to the movies to avoid this hot Texas weather.

  71. Went on a road trip with just my husband across four states!

  72. I got a job and went to the beach!

  73. I haven’t really done anything special just relax at the pool with my kindle. but I would love to break that up by making ice cream!! :)

  74. We went to Maui and swam in the ocean! Would love an ice cream maker!! Thank you!!

  75. I retired so I have had the whole summer off for the first time since grade school.

  76. walked up a mountain for charity and stayed at a seaside holiday home with the family.

  77. My sister and I went to the Star Wars Identities exhibit and got to see original characters, costumes and storyboards from the film, so much fun.

    I’ve wanted that ice-cream book ever since the first post about Jeni’s!

  78. More swimming at the pool than ever!! Awesome!!

  79. We’ve had a fun summer as a family. Several short weekend trips!

  80. Entering! Going to Hollywood next week!

  81. Put together a cute baby’s room for my little one, who is on-the-way :)

  82. I just spent the weekend at a 2-day concert in Florida! I really could’ve used some refreshing ice cream in that heat!

  83. We have had a fun summer packed with bowling, library trips, science projects, reading books, picking blueberries, park and splash pads, and it’s not over yet! I’m not looking forward to school starting up again. :)

  84. This last weekend we had some of our best friends over for drinks, food, and games. It was soooo much fun!

  85. I ran through the sprinkler with my granddaughters :)

  86. Went to the lake with some of the kiddos and grand kiddos! :)

  87. I spent the last two weekends cooling of in the St. Lawrence River in the 1000 Islands!

  88. We spent a week or so doing nothing while the kids were at “Grandpa Camp”!

  89. Went on a mother/daughter cruise with my youngest daughter. We had a great time!

  90. This summer I paint my bedroom!!

  91. Helped conduct a dance and art workshop for children with disabilities in my organization in my university, fun, productive and fulfilling summer!

  92. I have been wanting one of these forever! I had the grand kids come and visit for two weeks!

  93. Dressed in ‘old fashioned’ attire with family & friends and attended a heritage church service & old fashioned ice cream social with homemade vanilla ice cream. Fun!. Wished I had an ice cream maker. Loving all the comments.

  94. The most fun memory so far we have done was the 5K Color Run. Never knew running in color powder could make running fun :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  95. I’ve had the most fun attending my husband’s little league baseball games and also my daughter’s softball games.

  96. I was finally able to see a friend I haven’t seen in a year and a half! It was a lovely time and I hope it won’t be so long as that before we see each other again. <3

  97. We haven’t done anything exciting yet, but in 3 weeks we’re headed to my happy place… Disney World!!

  98. How fun! This summer I have been happily enjoying my pregnancy from home. I am currently expecting my first child and have been craving ice cream! This would be so fun to win, so I can continue feeding into my ice cream craving, but from the comfort of home.. and of course, I would love to make homemade ice cream for my baby girl when the time is right! :) Thanks for the opportunity.

  99. I got engaged this summer! :)

  100. I taught summer school for Kindergarteners going into 1st grade. And this past weekend I did a 5K for cancer!

  101. I went to Disney World for a week! Literally 7 days in the second happiest place on earth (Disneyland is so much better)! But then I’m a Californian so I’m a bit baised ;)

  102. Went on a “babymoon” with my husband a couple of weeks ago to enjoy one last get away before our baby arrives sometime in August.

  103. I celebrated by father in-laws 70th birthday on the 4th of July, it was wonderful!

  104. I went to the river with about 30 of my closest family and friends. About 10 under the age of 10, and we all stayed in one house! It was awesome.

  105. Joined a project in my organization in my university that conducted a dance and art workshop for children with disabilities Very fun and productive summer!

  106. I don’t know if this is considered *FUN* but we had to move and are in the process of buying a home.

    Yeah. Fun times. hee

  107. I LOVE ice cream!!! We went to the beach for a week and loved it! Wish we could have stayed a month!!! Love your blog!!

  108. My husband was hospitalized with acute kidney failure at the beginning of the summer so we find fun where we can. Pool, family, more pool. Homemade ice cream would be such a treat!

  109. My husband and I planted our very first garden!

  110. We joined our friends for fireworks in the wife’s hometown of about 300 people. There were lots of cowboys and interesting hairdos. I’m pretty sure they blow the entire town budget on fireworks. It was awesome!

  111. I’ve had the summer off so I have enjoyed doing things on my own schedule, cooking good dinners for my husband, and spending time with family and friends.

  112. I work at a preschool and we have no AC so on one of the many hot days we had water day and an ice cream party, where we made our own ice cream sundaes. We also took the city bus to the store to cool off. We call them summer adventures!

  113. I became a mom of three and my husband and I packed them all (4 yrs., 2 yrs., and 5 weeks) into the minivan for a weekend away at the beach!

  114. Took my 6 year old son to his 1st concert. CCR! We had a blast!

  115. Vacationed at the beach!

  116. I spent a weekend on Martha’s Vineyard with my extended family. I am so glad my aunt and uncle invited me!

  117. We found a new waterfall to play in!!!

  118. I made country western themed wedding shower cookies!

  119. I’ve had a wonderful summer. Didn’t go anywhere. Stayed at home — in San Francisco — where I’ve been basking in lovely 60 degree F, gray skies everyday, weather. I love it! Honest. Sun blinds my eyes and I sweat. Soooo happy I live here.

  120. My kids and I have eaten lots of snow cones!

  121. LOVE this, need it!!!!

    i haven’t done it yet but….dominican trip to visit my best friend!!!

  122. I ran my first half marathon!

  123. I’ve worked my full time job while working to get my little cake decorating business a successful one.

  124. I love going to the beach.

  125. I enjoyed a visit with my sister from out of state!

  126. Went to Chicago for July 4th! So fun!

  127. The most fun thing I’m going to do all summer is just two weeks away… GRADUATE!

  128. Going to Bozeman, MT to visit my sister and nephew. I am sooo excited! I haven’t seen them in a long time. Who knows, maybe I’ll decide to settle there.

  129. We recently camped at our favorite lake. Swimming, swimming, swimming was super fun! Thanks for the chance to win.

  130. I had a baking competition with my brother :DD
    We have a rivalry as we think our brownies are the best..
    The first round was cupcakes
    Hehe It is still to be continued

  131. Love Jeni’s!!!!!!!!!!

  132. I went to a fabulous Obon Festival!

  133. I tried making ice cream in my 25+ year old manual ice cream maker. It was “fun”. It’s time for a new one.

  134. We are going to San Diego this weekend. Can’t wait to jump in the ocean and get out of the heat!

  135. Watched my 16 year old son try pole vaulting for the very first time! What a blast!

  136. I’ve been spending every free minute at the beach. Our 1 year old loves the sand and waves!

  137. I got a new bike and have been riding 4-5 times a week and am loving it!

  138. I went on a dream trip to New Zealand. It’s winter there! and gorgeous. I wanted to stay

  139. Saw the beautiful wild horses at Assateague Island, MD

  140. My summer has been recovering from total knee replacements on both of my knees. So haven’t gone anywhere. But have been blessed my awesome family who have been taking such good care of me. So new knees will let me have a lot of fun in the future!!!! Thanks for the give away!

  141. I finally graduated from college this summer! Wahoo!

  142. I went to the beach with some friends and we rided a roller coaster!!!

  143. What a fun giveaway! I would love to win this.
    I celebrated my birthday with homemade ice cream actually (although a no-churn option because I don’t have an ice cream maker). It was such a fun party and I love having birthday in the summertime :)

  144. We took our 1 year old for her first trip to the beach. The little swimsuits are just too cute! She wasn’t crazy about the water, but loved playing in the sand.

  145. We are going to Oregon on Saturday! Beat this az heat!

  146. we went to the mountains this weekend. I love Colorado!

  147. We haven’t done much fun this summer, but we are going on vacation in 2 weeks. So excited!

  148. Taking the family to Disney World! A first for the hubby and kids!!

  149. spent lots of time with my two little boys at the park, having water fights, amusement parks, picnics and baking together. im going to hate when summer is over and they are back in school full time again.

  150. I have made 30 cupcakes with purple and grey swirls on top for my granny’s retirement day at work.

  151. went to the Olympic Rain Forrest in Washington State.

  152. I was asked to make a very special cake to celebrate my Aunt & Uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary! It was a glorious day and they loved their surprise cake!

  153. The best thing I’ve done all summer is relax by the pool!

  154. Cannonballed into a friend’s pool!

  155. I’ve started my training toward becoming a Certified Personal Trainer! Yes, even though I’m a fitness nut, I still believe in eating ice cream, and frozen Greek yogurt, and sorbet. . .

  156. I went to the ocean in Delaware with my family!

  157. When I’m not at work plating desserts and doing dessert prep, I spend the majority of my days off relaxing by the pool!

  158. Well, I know it’s cliche, but I went to the beach with my family!

  159. My husband and I took our three girls on a Disney vacation. 4 days on the Disney Dream and then 6 at Disney World. It was magical!

  160. This summer I went the San Francisco Ferry Market Plaza and the Farmer’s Market there for the first time!

  161. Took my daughter and her cousin to the park to run around in the water. Boy was it hot out here in the vegas desert. Ice cream maker would be great to have.

  162. Blueberry picking with my girls! So much fun and we get to have fresh blueberries for all our baking! Blueberry ice cream would be a great summer treat!

  163. spendng time with the grandkids any chance i can get……ice cream we all scream…they love their ice cream!!!! thanks for the chance

  164. Rented a canal barge with my family and cruised the Erie Canal!

  165. The most fun day this summer was yesterday. My newlywed son & his wife came over after church & had lunch with us. Then his younger brother came home, with girlfriend over for the afternoon & we all played Apples to Apples. Then older son & wife left & the rest of us ate dinner together while watching the end of the Tour De France. A perfect afternoon & evening!

  166. I’ve spent this summer having adventures in the Rocky Mountains, going to baseball games and sippin in the sunshine!

  167. I painted my toenails blue!… I know, it’s been one of those summers… that’s as good as it gets.

  168. I love ice cream! I went to Norway and had the best pistachio ice cream ever!

  169. I’m going to visit with family I haven’t seen in 8 years next week!

  170. My daughter and I took a trip up the coast (west) and went bike-riding and horseback riding. So much fun.

  171. Skipped work and went to the water park with my 4-year-old. Best day!

  172. This summer we took a staycation and went to the Arkansas Diamond Field to search for Diamonds, we didn’t find any but it sure was fun and even better it was close to home :)

  173. We went to a drive in movie! In Carlsbad NM! We watched Monster University with the kids! So much more fun and less stressful than the theater with kids!

  174. Since it’s been too brutally hot to stay outside, I took my twin 3 year old sons to our local children’s museum where they were able to do woodworking, blow giant bubbles and stand INSIDE a giant bubble, learn about transporation, learn how disabled people get around in the world, build with blocks and other interesting things. We all had a blast and stayed cool!

  175. I downsized my apartment. It feels so much lighter.

  176. Me and my husband will go to a “Central Italy tour” to visit our relatives in Tuscany, Emilia, Rome and Abruzzi!
    Tnx for giveaway!

  177. Tons of outdoor activities with my hubs :D

  178. My boyfriend and I went to Italy and had the best week at a little B&B in the Tuscan countryside. So much fun and so nice to spend time in the sun.

  179. it’s pretty sad when you have to stop to think of something fun you’ve done and come up with “not much”. ha.

    hmm. my husband and I have gone to the Farmer’s Market at Colonial Williamsburg a few times. That’s always fun, especially people watching…and doggie watching. =)

  180. I went wine tasting.

  181. I just got back from a fun weekend in Santa Monica! Also took a weekend to Newport, RI… so many fun little getaways!

  182. I spent an afternoon painting with my aunt the other day, something I haven’t done in a long time! It felt awesome. I painted a picture of milk and cookies :)
    In my spare time I dream about ice cream sandwiches, so this giveaway is AMAZING! Thanks!

  183. We took our 3 1/2 year old strawberry picking!

  184. I went to Pakistan to visit my HUGE family and I had a lot of fun

  185. My family and I went to my sister’s house to go swimming. At night, we made smores around fire pit.
    We had a great time!

  186. After 10 years of wanting them, we finally bought four baby chicks. They’re adorable now, but I can’t wait until they start laying eggs!

  187. Run in a Ragnar!

  188. We spent a week in Lake Geneva, WI with the family!

  189. We took the whole family to a minor league baseball game. Super exciting to see my 2 and 4 year old little boys get so into the game. :)

  190. This summer I’ve been to lakes, oceans, and pools! Would love an ice cream maker to make cold treats at home : )

  191. I took my 15 month old son to the berry farm to pick berries. It was very fun for me and I think he enjoyed eating mounds of blueberries right off of the bushes!

  192. We are a military family living in Colorado right now which is far from our family and friends. We were lucky this summer to have our great friends and their two children visit us for a week. They flew from TN and it was their first visit to Co. We had a fun and exhausting week together trying to see everything we could, and also visit. I miss them and can’t wait to see more of our family and friends next year.

  193. I really want to try to make icecream!!

    Anyways, — I went tubing and bungee jumping with my friends(:
    Thank you!

  194. My husband and I took a fun short road trip to nearby towns. We found some hidden treasures in each town. It was a great time exploring what is close to our home.

  195. I have had fun just spending time with my kids! Not something we get to do too much during the school year.

  196. Lulu, my therapy dog, and I visited a school for children with disabilities and a residence for folks with spinal issues. Everyone had such a great time! Also attended and helped out at an event that raised awareness about teen suicide. Fun can be found almost everywhere, if you look hard enough, or bring it with you wherever you go.

  197. I’ve enjoyed my son this summer. We’ve gone on a few trips, to the beach and fishing.

  198. My summer fun has been visits to and from our 5kids and 10grankids. And I’m also finishing a quilt I’m hand piecing of hexagon shaped scraps I’ve saved since I started sewing in 7th grade. . . 45 years ago.

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