

I didn’t bake anything this weekend. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I think I was still in vacation mode or something. So I guess this is as good a time as any to close out the “Where I Shop” series. This is part 3: PANS! And Cake Art Party Store has a ton of them.

I love this store.


The cake pan aisle just makes me smile, despite it’s overwhelmingly gray disposition. It just makes me happy. I like to think about all the talented people that walk through here in need of the perfect cake pan and the things they create with them. Take all these graduated cake pan sets for instance… I’m in awe of what serious bakers and wedding cake decorators can do with them.

But layer cake pans aren’t the only kind of pan Cake Art carries.

Loaf Pans

There are loaf pans…

Bread Pans

… not to be confused with bread pans.

Bundt Pans

Bundt-style pans in various designs.

Angel Food Cake Pans

Angel food cake pans.

Tartlet Pans

Tartlet pans. (Fat Daddio’s… they even have a cute name.)

Doughnut Pans

Doughnut pans. I should get one of these for the next time I try dougnuts.

Square Muffin Pans

How about some square pans. Or… regular, mini and jumbo-size muffin pans.

Small Graduated Pans

But, when it comes to cake pans, I love these little graduated ones that you can hold in one hand.

Graduated Pans

And, then there’s these. These are much, much bigger. I don’t know how big they actually go, but I’ve seen some as big as 18 inches wide and 3 and 4 inches deep. That is a serious cake. I think my oven would be scared.

Heart Pans

But, the graduated sets aren’t all round. There are heart pans, hexagon pans, square pans, and oval pans… all available in different sizes.

Teddy Bear Pans

But maybe you just want one pan. How about a sweet teddy bear? In pink, though.

Shaped Pans

What about a butterfly? Care Bear? Spiderman?

Ice Cream Cone Pan

Or maybe you want individual ice cream-shaped cupcake pans. Too cute!

Mini Pans

Or maybe you want a collection of itty-bitty, teeny-weeny, baby-size pans. I want one of each myself. For scale, that’s a container of sprinkles on the left. These ARE cuteness!

Cookie Sheet Pans

What?!?! You don’t want any cake pans? Well, they also have cookie sheet pans. So there.

Number Pan

And, if that weren’t enough, they have pans that try to tempt me to buy them – even though I would probably never use them. This one has blocks you can move around to let you make numbers and letters. I’ve seen it in a large size, but not one this tiny. Again, CUTENESS! I hate this store.

If that’s not enough, they have even more pans.
And, now for some fun.

It’s a Pick a Pan Giveaway!
  • Enter for a chance to win the pan of your choice.
  • Just leave a comment on this post and pick out the kind of pan you want from any of the above. That’s right. You get to pick. Need some jumbo-size muffin pans? Want to try out a set of graduated pans? Hearts? Hexagons? Or maybe you just need some plain old cupcake pans. I know, you really want an assortment of teeny-tiny pans.
  • Well, if you win, I’ll get it for you, or as many as I can get for you with a $50 bill. Sound like fun?
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win (either a blog link or email)
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, July 14th at 5 p.m. TIME’S UP! WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW. (recorded by the time stamp of your comment) The winner will be announced sometime Tuesday evening on this post.

* One winner will be chosen using the integer generator.

Good luck!

Man… you guys like pans! I didn’t think this giveaway would be that fun because it was so, well, so gray. But, I’m glad you had fun entering. Now for the winner…

Congrats Melissa! You’re definitely getting a set of graduated pans. YAY! And I’ll try to throw in a square muffin pan for you, too. I’ll see how far $50 goes.

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4,178 comments on “Pantastic!”

  1. I'm going to attempt a topsy turvy cake for my son's b-day in a few months, so I'd love a graduated set!! I'm glad we don't have one of those close…I'd be dangerous in that store!

  2. How could all that metal look … so… YUMMY~!~

  3. Oh my goodness. It is a good thing I don't live anywhere near a store like this. I think I would love an assortment of the teeny weeny pans. They look like a lot of fun.

  4. This store is amazing! I love looking at your posts and pictures, I must make the journey one day…

    On another note I so have the baking bug, just don't have the time or supplies! The time is coming and the supplies, well a cool pan would help (wink, wink) Your blog is such an inspiration to me!! I know flattery won't win me the pan but I've never left a comment before so I thought I would brag on you at the same time!

  5. Pans, pans, pans – too many to choose from. I would love to have some graduated square pans. I have the circle ones but I feel so limited.
    Can be contacted at

  6. I would so love to be in that store! What wonderfulness! I have been looking for some mini loaf pans!

  7. I love the round graduated pans, I would love to make "mini" cakes.

  8. Eeny-meeny-minee-MO! I want that one! Or maybe that one. I really need more square pans but I'm loving all the minis, they'd be a lot of fun at Christmas!

  9. So many pans… I was proud of my collection but I can see that I have far to go. I would love the mini pans, in various shapes.

  10. That store looks like way to much fun. I'd love to get my hands on a set of graduated cake pans!!

  11. gotta love the teeny tiny pans – would love to have a collection of different shapes – would be so pretty!!!

  12. Makes me want to go shopping. I'd love the teeny set of pans or the fancy bundt pan. Actually you could just surprise me if I'm the lucky one.

  13. I am so jealous that you get to go to this store. I am amazed by everything in it. I have a wish list there thats about $500 deep. I think if i had to pick a pan, i would like the bigger cupcake pan. and the square muffin pans are so cute. Those would be fun.

  14. I would love any size square pan or even simple round pans – I have one of each size but would love more

  15. I would love to try out those teeny square pans. Could you try to make petit fours with them? I always wondered how they were made. I could also use a pretty bundt pan.

  16. I would love the assorted heart shaped pans. My husband is deployed right now with the Navy and I would love to make him a cake when he gets back, in 4 months.

  17. I like any pan that's itty bitty!! I only have one pan that creates small treats. I love using my mini muffin pan for cookies and muffins. It's fantastic for my 4 and 1 year old. I don't feel guilty when I do have 1 or maybe 2 or 3 of a yummy sweet!

  18. omg how do you even decide? those little ones are super super cute! I really like that one with the mini squares in it…you could make a bunch of cute little cakes!

  19. A set of graduated pans would be excellent! What a great store!

  20. Wow, totally jealous of your shopping options!! I would really like some bundt pans but I cant seem to bring myself to buy them, so an assortment of those would make my month!!

  21. I'll have to check out the store for myself, I'm only 2.5 h away. Not a bad car ride from SC to GA. I go crazy for bundt pans and have been drooling over the stadium bundt pan for some time. I hope they have that one! If not, tart pans would be nice- any size.
    Thanks! (

  22. How fun – I wish we had a store like this – I LOVE to bake cakes – I like the ice cream cone pan or a hexagon pan or the mini square pan – If I win my Email is

    Thanks for the fun post!

  23. I really like the baby sized pans!

  24. I would love one of all the pans available!

    But if I had to chose just a few I would start with the Bundt pan in a cool design and then I would choose the ice cream shaped cupcake tin. I really like making cupcakes!!

    Oh, choose me!!!!

  25. Those tiny pans are unbelievably adorable for, you know, a hunk of metal. I'm embarrassed by how much I want to pinch their (non-existent) cheeks. The one with the moving cubes is clever, too. who'd have thought?!

  26. I love the heart pans-my little girls bday is on Valentines!

    Mari Topham

  27. OHHHHH I would love that store-i could just stand there for hours looking @ pans! if i ever win the lottery thats the FIRST place i'm going! I would really love to have the "giant ice-cream" cupcake pan or any other cute pans you find! THANKS SOOO much, oh here i almost forgot

  28. I would love to have the teeny tiny pans; though, yeah, I would probably never use them. The square pans are better for me as of now, I think :)

  29. I would love the little pans or a cookie sheet pan, Becky K

  30. There has got to be a star pan there somewhere! I love stars and would want them in all sizes! Thanks for the chance!!!

    my e-mail is in my profile!

  31. I spy a chicken pan! My sister's mother-in-law received a ceramic chicken as a gift from someone who thought she collected them. She doesn't, but now we think she should. Definately need to get that for her!

  32. Any Fat Daddio pan will do. I haven't tried them yet and this would be a great opportunity! Thanks Bakerella!

  33. I need some graduated pans to make a wonky cake for my friends 21st birthday…
    I love them all though!! hmmm…doughnuts!

  34. My friend introduced me to your blog and I love it! I have spent hours backtracking and reading all your posts. I would spend WAY too much money in this store! I love the graduated cake pans and think the doughnut pan is just awesome. Does that make them healthier if they're baked? ;) Thanks for the great tips and fun ideas!

  35. I would loove to try the set of graduated pans! I love making layer cakes and decorating them!

    mandy gross

  36. Oooo, more pans I don't have room in my cabinets for!! LOL I'd have to choose a new springform pan. I'm a cheesecake fanatic! But I also need to replace my poopy 8" rounds.


  37. I like the square muffin pans and the itty bitty pans:) TOO CUTE!

  38. Thank you so much for showing this amazing store! I would love to try some mini loaf pans or the ice cream cone cup cake pan. What fun!

  39. The ice cream cone pan is too precious! I have been meaning to try baking cupcakes in actual ice cream cones, but this would be much better.

    It was hard to choose between that and the graduated pans, (and the mini assortment which is too cute for words!) but until I get a new and more reliable oven my baking is limited.

  40. Thank you so much for showing this amazing store! I would love to try some mini loaf pans or the ice cream cone cup cake pan. What fun!

  41. You have such great ideas for giveaways!! I would love an assortment of tiny weeny, itty bitty pans…my kids would love to help me bake!

  42. How nice! I would love to have a doughnut pan. I think it would be so fun to have one, not to mention I love doughnuts!

  43. The little individual pans are just too cute! I can imagine all sorts of things to bake in them. I like the little square pan too. Love your ideas you share! Keep em' comin'!

  44. The graduated round or square pans would be wonderful. But I also need a new jelly roll pan and could always use more cookie sheets — where is my credit card?! You are such an enabler. Thanks!

    Diane Du

  45. Holy Heaven! If only I could find a store like that around here! I am in desperate need of cake pans. I don't have a single one since we moved. And with a 4 year old's birthday coming up I need to do something quick!

  46. I would want the cupcake pan that makes the cone bottoms, it reminds me of all the cup cake in a cones my mom used to make for my sister and my birthday.

  47. Ooh…I'd LOVE to get ANY of those pans! They all look so cool! Maybe a mini one… or a set of different sized ones for a tiered cake? Ooh! Do they have that Wilton one shaped like a GIANT CUPCAKE?

    Usually, I just use a standard, round cake pan. I've only bought myself two pans before: one that has indents so you can fill the cake, and one that has a diameter of 4 inches.

    Do they have the Wilton mini cake pan with indentations for filling? What about-

    You know, I should probably stop now, before this "comment" becomes a five-page essay on cake pans!

    Thanks for the fun giveaway; I love your blog!

  48. Oh oh oh! Pick me! I start pastry school next month and would love to play around with funky size/shaped cake pans! I'd be happy to share with you!

  49. Ohhh, I want them ALL!!

    But I would love that cupcake cone pan or some jumbo muffin pans!

    trying4two at gmail dot com

  50. I like the big pan with the medium sized square pans. That could make some interesting cakes!

  51. I wish I had a store like this close to me! I would be in heaven with any pan I'd ever need for my cakes. If I could choose, I'd like to get some graduated square cake pans! I've never made a fondant covered square cake yet.

  52. Wow! Who knew cake pans could be so awesome?! Oh, I just love those little tiny cake pans!! How fun!!

  53. Ohh I would love to win! I really want one of those giant cupcake cake pans. cassie at jmcgraw dot net

  54. i would love to have an assortment of the teeny tiny pans! second choice would be the individual ice cream cone pans!

  55. Can I be contrary and ask for a madeleine pan? I think it's one of the few things I always fawn over but can't justify buying myself!

  56. I love the ice cream cone pan – I love making these and of course I always lose a few because they fall over!

    I also just fell n love with the doughnut pan too. I've never made any but I would love try (especially since our Krispy Kreme closed)

  57. Oooh, wow so many fun cake pans! I know it's not too exciting, but I really do need a mini-cupcake pan. Just a regular-sized one that holds 24 cupcakes would be great. Fabulous contest!

  58. I love the miniature pans. They are so cute!

  59. Just the pictures make me smile. I love stores like these – especially craft or even home improvement stores: I'm not picky.

    I need a bunt pan. I've never gotten around to getting one for myself…but I'm slowing building up my collection of pans – and this is next on my list.

  60. I love this pan aisle!! Wish we had one where I lived. If I HAD to pick I guess it would be the graduated pans but my second choice would OF COURSE be the teeny weeny ones SOOO CUTE!! Love your blog btw it truly has inspired me to pursue baking so THANKS!!

  61. I would not be able to contain myself in a store like that! I think that I could have a lot of fun with the mini cake pans. With just me and my husband in the house we really don't need an entire large cake to ourselves! (though we could!)

  62. hook me up please oh' please. could use a good cake pan for the birthday's i have coming up. love the shaped pans

  63. Wow! This is so cool… I'd love to have some good graduated pans for a tiered cake… or a Wilton Dimensions pa, like the cupcake or ice cream shaped ones. Too cute! Thanks so much for the giveaway….I would be SO excited if I won this- and so would my family; usually I'm actually not the one who eats all my creations!

  64. I randomly came across an ad for those "ice cream cone" cupcake pans the other day and thought: "I want these!" and lo & behold I see them here today, too. It's destiny; I *must* have them. It would be even better if I were to win them! ;) Hint hint! I checked out the online gallery of other pans too, and the ones that look like 3-tiered cakes are totally darling too. Anyway, really enjoy your pictures and ideas, super cute stuff. (Should your random picker pick me, you can reach me at rosat006 AT mc DOT duke DOT edu)

  65. I wish we had a store like that in OKC. I would love the graduated heart pans or the mini loaf pans.

  66. Ohhhhh I LOVE pans and I LOVE a pan give-away! Awesome, thanks so much!

    I'm a cookie sheet addict, so those are my favorite, but those tartlette pans are mighty tempting.

  67. YOU can never have to many pans. I would love to have graduated pans! I have started a new adventure I will be blogging learninghow to cook and bake.

  68. Hello! I recently found your site (from Pioneer Woman) and i LOVE it! You are so talented and it makes me want to make fun and beautiful creations like yourself! Looking at those pictures, I'm in heaven. I would love that ice cream cone cupcake pan or a mini muffin pan…or whatever! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  69. I love the ice cream shaped cupcake pans!!! They are my favorite. The donut one would be fun too!!

  70. what a lovely idea! i love them all, especially the graduated heart pans, and mini muffin pans, and just about any of the fun shapes – teddy bears! how cute.

  71. I'm so jealous! My state has NOTHING like this store or the store you go for all of your sprinkles, etc! Lucky girl! I LOVE the cupcake ice cream cone pan! SO cute!! (

  72. Oh how I would love to have a set of the graduated sizes!

  73. Oh my goodness I LOVE that Wilton cupcake pan. How cute is that?!? I've made cupcakes inside ice cream cones but they get a little… warped or soggy, this is just awesome! I love the little pans too. Very cool.

  74. Good golly Miss Molly! I NEED some great big muffin pans–and more bread pans of the larger size…So much fun!

  75. I love the "graduated ones that you can hold in one hand." I just need some good old fashioned quality cake pans!

  76. I would love a set of graduated round pans! The nice deep ones! They would be incredibly useful and versatile.

  77. Wow-so many pans to choose from, but I really like the square pans!!

  78. I MUST have those ice cream cupcake pans…OMG, how cute is that!

  79. I love this store. I've been 3x since the first time I read about it on your blog. I'm addicted.

    So the truth is I want one of every pan, but I don't have room in my kitchen, so I think I'll go with some new cookie sheets. Because you can never have too many heavy duty cookie sheets. :)

  80. i'd like that pan that made the icecream cone cupcakes. didnt' they look cute!!

  81. I would <3 some graduated square pans. I have one set, but if I just want to make one of the cakes, it's a royal pain. Or maybe I need a neat bundt pan, or even the doughnut one…. sigh. My collection of pans grows, now my kitchen needs to!

  82. I never win anything, but I can't win unless I try! I feel so "unworthy" to bake because I have such ghetto pans! I would love a new set of the doughnut and/or round cake pans. I would genuinely be happy with anything. Thanks for this opportunity!

  83. I like the itty bitty pans!

  84. I love them all!! I would have to pick either the graduated cake pans (round or square) or some of tart pans. Although, the mini ones look like so much fun! It's a good thing I don't live near that store. :)

  85. I would love a mini muffin pan or a heart shaped cake pan!! Oh the possibilities!!!

  86. Awesome store.
    I would love to have a collection of mini tartlet pans.

  87. The ice cream cone pan and the tiny pans are so cute. I love your blogs. I just made your cupcake bites for my little one. HE LOVED THEM! And I'm so going to get to this store since I live in GA but it's so far from my house!

  88. I sure would love to have a set of the jumbo muffin pans. My husband, Keith, loves banana nut muffins in the JUMBO size!

  89. Those square muffin tins are absolutely ADORABLE. I could walk around a store like that for HOURS!

  90. Wow, I'd never leave that store. I'd have to build onto my kitchen to store everything, but eh, it'd be ok.
    The square muffin pan is adorable. Oh the cuteness that could come from that.

  91. ooooh the jumbo size muffin pan!!! I could have a great muffin on my way to work every morning :)


  92. so many choices!! I think either an angel food cake pan or a bundt cake pan! thanks Bakerella!

  93. ohh, i want some new cookies sheets because my husband uses mine to cook meat in the oven! help! thanks!

  94. I'd love some of the little ones!

  95. You're right. I do really want an assortment of teeny-tiny pans.

  96. I've been looking for a square spring form pan and I need an angel food cake pan too…Wish I had a store like this near me!!

  97. WOW! I could sure use some plain old cake pans since I just moved into my first apartment…although those tiny pans are adorable!

  98. Oh dear me (I tried this once already…hope I don't double post). I would DIE in this story. happy.

    I believe the graduated ones you can hold in your hand would be my choice. !

    Fun fun!

  99. I would love love love to win this little pan giveaway. I am in serious need of cupcake pans of various sizes. And to top it all, my birthday is tomorrow!! Maybe that will give me extra luck.

  100. You are too sweet-I love giveaways..and I am in love with this store. I only wish they had one in San Francisco so I could spend hours wandering the aisles. I've always wanted a mini-bundt pan, the one that has like six attached together. Keepin' my fingers crossed-thanks!

  101. THAT looks like a FUNFUNFUN store!!

  102. What a great contest! Thanks for the post. :)

  103. I love cake pans- anything unique or a bit different. Those mini pans are to die for.

  104. I would love more cupcake pans! Either in jumbo or mini size! :)

  105. I would love the ice cream cone pan to make individual cones. That would be so cute to make for a fun family treat.

    You can reach me at

  106. woah! so many wicked pans!!!!

    i really like the novelty ones, like the sunflower or the monkey or the rubber duckie or who wouldn't want the sweet dinosaur pans!! Or the little sized shapes!

    Although I could always go with the standard pans in many different sizes…. too many to choose!

  107. Who wouldn't love an assortment of teeny-tiny pans? I sure would! How fun that you such a cool store nearby!

  108. Wow! I'd love to get ahold of the graduated round pans. I have two dinky, sad, handmedown pans at home and it'd be amazing to bake in the ones I saw on your blog!

  109. I seriously think I own maybe three pans total – a cake pan, and two muffin pans! I would love to try making a cake witht he graduated cake pans. My email is kahra0233 at msn dot com. Oh, I made your blueberry pancakes yesterday! Delicious!!

  110. What an awesome store! I wish there was one by me…on second thought, maybe it's good there isn't! :) It's so hard to choose, but I think I'd have to go with the round graduated pans.

  111. oh a spring-form pan would be wonderful! Pick me!

  112. For whatever reason I'm drawn to the graduated pans! I think they are pretty cool

  113. Free baking pans,I'm in heaven!
    I would love the ice cream-shaped cupcake pans…oh the possiblities!!!

  114. I'd love to have an angelfood cake pan and a tart pan with a removable bottom. I see these tart pans on TV and they make serving look soo easy! The 4" cheesecake pans are also darling.

  115. Oohhh! I love them all, but especially the graduated square set pans and the ice cream cupcake pans! So cute!

  116. Wow! I would love those graduated heart pans. I'd have so much fun decorating those cakes. email is

  117. cookie sheet pans!!! PLEASE!!!

  118. awesome! i would love some great jelly roll pans and bread pans. how about a big variety! I love all kinds of baking and need all kinds of pans!

  119. Oh my goodness – what a tease this store must be! I think that I would love the cheesecake pan as I need one and I have been wanting to make a cheesecake, which I have actually never made. Thanks!

  120. That aisle looks like Heaven on Earth! I would love some graduated pans of any shape or a doughnut one. Yummy doughnuts!


  121. I love that cute ice cream cupcake pan! Fun I want to go there!

  122. I would love to get my hands on the Ice Cream Cone pan! I think I would just sit and smile in that aisle, and never come out, just daydream about all the cakes I would make.

  123. Oh my gosh, this store is downright deadly. I'm both depressed and thankful that I don't live within a hours drive of it! Wow, what kind of pan….Umm, I don't have an angel food cake pan, but then again I don't have jumbo muffin tins…Or the ice cream cupcake pan. Any of the above would make me one very happy little Bitsy Baker! Wait…did you mention that they have mini cupcake pans??? Man, I need some more of those.. ;P

  124. I think the donut pan sounds fun. I wish they had a store like that around here.

  125. The ice cream shaped cupcake pan stole my heart!

  126. I'd love to try the teeny tiny pans…they are so cute and adorable. If they had one, one of those pans that have the sides that come off for cheesecake would be nice, too…I use a pie pan and it just misses the point.

  127. As boring as it probably sounds, I love the graduated round cake pans. So many options for scaling your cake!

  128. Wow people sure do mean business when leaving comments. I cant believe how many you get. It's great! I would love an assortment of tenny tiny size pans. I think anything small is just cuter! Thank for all you great posts and the givaway. This is accually my fist time.

  129. I would love to go to that store. I would be happy with any cake pan, although I could use a new cookie sheet or the ice cream cone pan is adorable or the square muffin pans would come in handy or the graduated pans would just be wonderful. I would just love any of them!
    Jana Jackson

  130. Ooooh The teent tiny ones sound awesome!
    *crossing fingers*

  131. I'd have to say a springform pan for cheesecake or and assortment of min pans. They are too cute!!

  132. Like you, I'm a sucker for the little bitty pans. It would be so much fun to make each guest at a dinner party a little wee cake specific to them!

    I think I may have found a similar store near me, so I have to see if my mother wants to drive up and check it out, too – she is all about this kind of thing. :) I just hope it's even half as amazing as Cake Art looks!

  133. I have cake shop envy. The only cake decorating store by me is smaller than a seven-11, but I am still thankful for the stuff they carry. Um, the pan I would like most and I didn't see it but with all those to choose from I can't imagine they don't have one is a madeleine pan. Thanks for the give away and I love your site.

  134. I want to go to there! I would love love love a set of square graduated pans… a chance to replicate my wedding cake on a smaller scale :)

    jencatgirl AT aol DOT com

  135. I love looking at shaped pans, although never think I'll use them enough to purchase. But I have been wanting the sports ball pan, and circle cake pans in different sizes (6", 8", 10", 12").

  136. This is just the most wonderful shop! Thanks for sharing with us.

  137. Oh mercy, how awesome! The little ice cream muffin pan really got me with its cuteness…I'd be thrilled to pieces to get one :o)

  138. So many great choices, but I'm thinking those graduated round cake pans would be a great new addition to my collection as I work on perfecting my layered cake baking / decorating skills. Pick me, pick me!

  139. I'm so jealous that you have this store at your fingertips!

    I would pick the graduated pans, I've been wanting to try to make a tiered cake.

  140. These are awesome :) I would LOVE the cupcake/ice cream pan. It is so cute! I also could put to use a good cheesecake pan. Thanks so much :)

  141. Oh my, I wish we had a store like that in Colorado! I think I would love to have a jumbo muffin pan, or more cookie sheets, as mine are horrible.

  142. that store looks AMAZING. I would love to get a springform pan or a bundt pan!

  143. I would love some interesting cup cake size pans.

  144. Ahhhhhh how fabulous is this store?! I'd love a set of the graduated pans…I recently tried to make a tiered wedding cake with just a large pan, cutting it down to size for every layer. That's hard work! But I do love that last one that creates number and letters!

  145. oh dear! I would be browsing (dreaming) for HOURS in that store. ;-)

    I usually pick pans that make small, mini, bite-sized stuff. Lately, I have been drooling over mini-heart shaped muffin/cupcake/tart pans by Wilton, and the new mini square pans for doing individual brownies, etc.

    My favorite pans are non-stick, mini, individual, tart/quiche pans and mini springform pans… so cute and so fun to make these for people as surprises or for a bake sale.

  146. I have just recently started following your blog more closely and just love your ideas and postings. You really are an inspiration.
    I would love to get my hands on that last pan you showed where you can move the blocks around to create numbers. I have 10 nephews and neices and loving making cakes for their birthday's when their parents let me. :)

  147. 9" round cake pans!

  148. ooh, what an overload of awesomeness! i would love an assort of the teeny tiny pans! been thinking of making little cakes for christmas presents!

  149. OH MY GOODNESS I hope I win, I hope I win!!!!! I am so jealous of your cake store, I wish we had one around here. I would LOVE the jumbo muffin pans, I think I would make jumbo cupcakes with it. Those graduated pans are pretty spiffy too, though.

  150. That is an amazing store! I love the ice cream cupcake pan! How cute is that?

  151. I want some of those cute little pans. So fun.

  152. Oh…cake pans…in HEAVEN! I have a million, but not enough. I dabble in wedding cakes, but I don't have any square cake pans. My sister is getting married soon, and that's what she wants!
    *crossing fingers*

  153. Wow! That's a lot of pans! I want the giant square muffin pans to add to my collection!

  154. Oh my! That doughnut pan looks absolutely gorgeous!

  155. That ice cream cone pan is so cute, so are the graduated hearts and the tartlet pans! I want a cake supply shop in my town.

  156. So many pans…but I've been eyeing some tartlette pans for a while now as I've been itching to try my hand at tarts of all shapes and sizes. It brightens my world a little bit to know that there is a store out there as awesome as this.

  157. I have always wanted to have different shapes for muffins and little cakes. I really like the square muffin style pan!

    This is an awesome store!

  158. I would choose round graduated pans!

  159. Ooooh, the doughnut pans. I don't have any of those.

  160. I absolutely can't wait to come to Atlanta and go to this store. Praying that this Saturday is going to be the day! I love the itty-bitty pans, and the square cup cake pans, and well I just like PANS! You can get me at

  161. My head is swirling! There are more pans there than I could ever dream of!!! My choices in order would be the ice cream-cone shaped pan, then the graduated hexagon pans, then the hold-in-your-hand-small round graduated pans, and finally a bundt pan with a cool design!

  162. Oh my! What a hard choice, I love walking through there too. I'm tempted to be practical and say a few round ones, but I love the fun ones, especially the complex bundt style ones. But I reserve the right to change my mind HAHA!

  163. You're right, it is pantastic! I'm definitely going to make a visit next time I'm in the area. Those square muffin pans are so cool, and so are the doughnut pans.

  164. I feel so boring: I would choose sheet cake pans with 3 inch sides — at least a 13×9 (because that's what I need to replace right now); but a bigger one would be tempting (because then the 13×9 wouldn't get used for things it shouldn't be…)

  165. My oh my! I could spend countless hours in this store! Decisions, decisions……assorted mini pans are tempting, as is the ice cream cone pan, or the graduated square pans! I could go on and on here!
    And, thank you for your blog – it's so inspirational and a joy to look at every day!

  166. I trust you. You pick.

  167. Oh you've outdone yourself this time! What a fun prize to win!! I would LOVE the ice cream-shaped cupcake pans and the tiny assorted pans! I could have soooo much fun with these!

  168. I would love the graduated pans!

  169. Hi! Thanks for the contest.
    I'd love to try the Ice Cream Cup Cake Pan.
    Appreciate you!
    Robyn in Idaho

  170. I would like a springform pan for cheesecakes, and then also a bundt cake pan.

  171. I think I'd pick the pan that looks like ice cream cones. They look awesome!

    After that, I'd take whatever one you like the best.

  172. I am in LOVE with this post! So much pan cuteness! I am pregnant and all I can think of are the birthday parties to come… of course I'd love the number pan! So clever! Great contest idea!

  173. I like the ice cream cone shaped cupcake pans. Ice cream and cupcakes are two of my favorite things, put them together and it's like heaven!

  174. I miss having a store like that nearby! I would love the graduated round pans. The possibilities are endless!

  175. So fun!!! I love the teeny tiny ones!! Or maybe a bundt pan. I don't have any of those yet.

  176. Oh so many to choose from. I love the ice cream cupcake pan. But the practically side of me says, you need a new springform pan and 8-inch cake pans.


  177. That's so awesome! Do they have petit four pans?! Those make things so much easier!
    I want one of these stores SO BAD. But of course, I wouldn't have any money left after shopping here…

  178. I would have to go with the assortment of teeny weeny pans. I love mini cakes.

  179. I didn't know the letter/number cake pan came in a small size!!! WAY too cute. I want one!!! I can use it at school for special treats for my kids. Thanks for holding the contest.


  180. wow ! i would like, oh it's so hard to choose one! i would like the springform pan :)
    Anne pellerin

  181. I REALLLLLYYYYY need to find one of those stores by me. I've started drooling during each of these three parts!

    I think I'd really like to have the mini set of round graduated pans. (The smaller one you can hold in your hand!)

    I really want to start fondant work, I think it'd be really fun and something I'd want to learn – and a mini tiered cake would be a cool way to practice!

  182. I would love any any of the baby pans…surprise me!

    hlatiolais at mail dot utexas dot edu

  183. I made your "cold and creamy banana pudding" recipe this weekend and it was a hit! :) Love your site. If I could have any pans in the world, I'd want the mini angelfood cake pans and the ice cream cone cupcake pan.

    Keep the great pics and recipes coming! Thanks,

  184. Man, I want them ALL…but I'd settle for just a springform pan, or maybe an assortment of the little guys. So cute.

  185. Holy cow! What an incredible selection. I could see I would spend a LOT of money in that store!

  186. I love pans, too!! I decorate cakes ( and I would love to try that pan that can be changed to make #'s and letters. But, like you, I also love mini stuff. So any mini pans are way fun! Thanks for such a great blog! I love, love, love it!!!

  187. graduated squares for the win!!

    lauradustin1 at yahoo dot com

  188. That fancy schmancy bundt pan has my name allll over it. What an awesome store!

  189. That store looks so fun to play in! We don't have any specialty baking stores where I live. I love all the miniature pans!

  190. Hi Bakerella!

    I'd be totally hip with a set of square graduated pans. Thank you for wandering that store for us. Lord knows I wouldn't be able to find my way out of that place if I tried.

  191. omg I would love to have a bunch of round mini cake pans!! the little bundt ones are just adorable :)

  192. I would love love love love the number cake pans! That is the cutest thing ever!

  193. The cupcake ice cream cone pan intrigues me!

  194. Oh I want them all!!!

    Seriously though, if Mr. Random picks me I would love to have a Bundt pan (because I don't have one) and a Jumbo Muffin Pan – because I think Jumbo Muffins are divine! :)

  195. Those itty bitty baby pans are so cute! I'd love to have a collection of those! Thanks!

  196. I wish I had a store like that here, I would be in heaven. I made the hamburger cupcakes for a family get together and they were a HUGE hit. I would love the assortment of itty bitty teeny size pans. Just think of all the things you could do

  197. I *love* the teeny weeny itsy bitsy pans! Great giveaway… thanks :)

  198. I would love the little baby pans. Then I could finally try that 14 layed cake you made. It looks delish!

  199. I would have fun with the square cupcake pan! I love that! The ice cream cone pan is pretty cool, too, though!

  200. Ooooh, I'd definitely go for the tartlet/itty bitty baby pans. So cute! :)

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