
Paper Pans


A few weeks ago, my friends over at Cake Art gave me a sample pack of some paper pans in a plethora of shapes and sizes. They thought I might like them. But, I don’t. I love them. You can bake and then turn right around and take your goodies to someone special. Either that or display them at home and turn your kitchen into a coffee shop which could be fun, too.


These tiny ones make me happy. The size. The color. The slightly scalloped edge. Happy.


And so do these tee-niny ones. Eeeeek!


They have cylinder-shaped baking molds and regular muffin cup styles, too. Both of these are sturdy enough that you don’t need a muffin tray to bake them in. Just arrange them on a baking sheet and go.


And look at these cuties. They have lids. Perfect to bake and take.

Since I had all these pans, I had to put something in them.


I went for blueberries and bananas…


… and made some yummy muffins.

Blueberry Muffins
Yield: 12-15 muffins

Yummy Blueberry Muffins

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup butter, room temperature
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (or two medium-sized bananas)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (rinse and pat dry)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line tray with muffin cup papers.
  2. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together with a wire whisk.
  3. Add butter, eggs, bananas and vanilla. Mix on low until just combined.
  4. Toss blueberries in a little extra flour and then fold into batter. Reserve some blueberries to place on the tops.
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Serve while still warm with butter.

Add a little butter while they’re still warm and your tummy will say thank you.


Then tear right in.


I had enough batter to try them out in all of the smaller size pans for fun. The large round paper cake and loaf pans would have to wait for another day.

But you don’t. Cake Art was sweet and gave me a second sample pack. So who wants it? Anyone?


Try and control your excitement and enter for a chance to win a bunch of paper. ; )

Just leave a comment on this post and answer the following question.

What is your favorite muffin? (I know. Tough, huh.)

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, June 1 at 5 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

P.S. Cake Art has pans available in large and small quantities. Sorry, they don’t have photos… just descriptions. But here’s a site with more pan options and pictures.

Wow. I really didn’t expect so many people to want to win paper pans. Super surprised. And now I wish I had scored more sample packs from Cake Art. Maybe I’ll get more the next time I make a trip. Until then, we have a winner. I’m excited to announce this one too, because finally a low entry number one. Low like commenter #5! Yay!



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5,953 comments on “Paper Pans”

  1. My favourite muffin comes in many varieties. Just as long as it is homemade, still a little warm and moist…. I really really love it.

  2. My favorite muffins are blueberry – with fresh-picked Jersey blueberries, of course! We always double the amount of blueberries called for in a recipe – yumm !!!

  3. apple and cinammon muffin…probably still bad for me but it sounds healthy! :)

  4. at the moment i would make rhubarb muffins…and i really could use those paper pans because the ones they sell here are really poor quality

  5. fudgy chocolate chip, definitely!! And chocolate chocolate chip is even better ;)

  6. all time favourite muffin – chocoffee @ mocha muffins with chocolate chip and walnuts…accompanied with vanilla latte choice for a good kick-start early morning…=D

  7. this is easy. blueberry muffins = best muffins ever. they are my absolute favorite.

  8. I love chocolate chip muffins, or boo boo muffins as we call them in our family. It’s a perfect excuse to have chocolate at breakfast!

  9. Oh my goodness what fun the paper pans look! Fun to use and Fun to share :) My favorite…..ooooo too many too choose from, but would have to be zucchini muffins.

  10. My favorite muffin is hands down raspberry streussel.

    I love to bake and give some of the goodies away. So those paper pans would be so perfect for doing that!

  11. Blueberry for me! And I’d love to try your recipe in the same muffin papers you tried!

  12. Pumpkin Praline muffins of course. I won a ribbon in the Canfield fair for them. Yum. That’s my favorite. Paulette

  13. Anything with something sweet and fruity in it – apricot , stawberries, rhubarb. Yum !!!!

  14. strawberry and white chocolate has to be the best! my mum makes the most amazing versions of these – they don’t last 10minutes :)

  15. I’m a classic blueberry muffin type of girl. Had it everymorning in high school :D

  16. double chocolate chip muffins! :)

  17. Two things in life that I like alot are paper and baking …wow now I can have my paper and bake too! Pick me …pick me !!! You never disappoint me ! Love ya !

  18. I love chocolate chip muffins! Sometimes even banana chocolate chip…

  19. OMG my favourite? can I only have one?! choc…no….bran…….no…..toffee……no ok ok I have it White chocolate and Raspberry, yeah thats the one!!

    I haven’t seen these in any cake shops over here in England.

    Lots of love x

  20. My favorite muffin is chocolate and peanut butter chip muffin! Yummy!!

  21. Corn muffins!!

  22. I’ve been wanting to try these for ages…
    my favourite muffin flavour is orange poppyseed…yum!

  23. I love these! I love these! I love these! Also… banana chocolate chip.

  24. i love poppy seed muffins & chocolate muffins (of course chocolate) !! :]

  25. Blueberry of course

  26. Wow! 571 comments already, mashallah! That was fast.
    I say BlueBerry Muffins <3

  27. My favourite muffin has to be white chocolate & rasberry. I used to get the best out of a local cafe which homebaked them. They were amazing! But they closed…so I have to perfect the recipe! :)

  28. Banana muffins are my favourite!!!

  29. Ooh loving these tiny cases, I often bake for my 18 month old so they would be perfect for him! Our fav muffin is cheese & brocolli! Yum! ESP just out of the oven x

  30. Banana Nut muffins from Costco mmm.

  31. Blueberry…I need to make those Banaberry muffins; they sound heavenly!

  32. My fav is chocolate with a chocolate caramel baked in – do you have Rolos in America? Then when you bite into it you get the squishy choclatey caramel surprise …

  33. Must Have Them! They are the cutest things. Can’t wait to fill them!

  34. Probably raspberry and white chocolate or Banana muffins with caramel icing. but I’m probably more of a cup-cake person.

  35. They are so cute!…..

    I love banana nut muffins. =D

  36. Double Chocolate Chip muffins are my favorite… yummy..

  37. orang poppy seeds

  38. Blueberry muffins are definitely the best!

  39. my favorite is double choc chip but no. 36 lemon and ricotta sounds lovely xx

  40. Classic Strawberry Muffin is my favorite, with a little pat of butter :)

  41. my mum’s homemade banana muffins! :)

  42. My favorite muffins are definitely blueberry. Well, sometimes orange poppyseed but I guess I shall say blueberry for today. :)

  43. I’m not really a big sweet muffin fan but give me a courgette and bacon one any day of the week and I’ll be happy. Give me three and I’ll be even happier!

  44. My favorite muffin is a toss-up between Chocolate cherry cheesecake muffins and lemon poppyseed. Another favorite is pineapple coconut with glaze and coconut shreds.

  45. It may be boring, but I love me some blueberry!

  46. My absolute favourite muffins are just simple chocolate chip muffins! But I really like almond or hazelnut muffins too!

    Those paper pans are really cute indeed, I love them!

  47. My favorite is blueberry with streusel topping!

  48. Peach and Raspberry or Blueberry… Mmmmm :)

  49. Pumpkin cranberry is my all-time favorite. Lemon blueberry is a close second.

  50. Mmm…. banana and date with a bit of cinnamon.

    also zucchini muffins are pretty awesome. :)

  51. Is there ANY chance of me getting chosen? So many fans of your Bakerella! It’s my birthday next month???? June 30th???

    Ok. My favorite muffin has to be chocolate chip! I know??



  52. Peach with a cream cheese centre….yum!

  53. Fudge brownie – with a gooey chocolate center! Or maybe raspberry and white chocolate chip. Difficult to decide!!

  54. I love blueberry muffins! :)

  55. I LIVE for blueberry, but my husband has sort of addicted me to almond poppyseed. Either way, super yum.

  56. blueberry are the best!!! yum yum :-D

  57. I love rhubarb struesel muffins! Yum! I freeze rhubarb when its in season just for muffins….

  58. Hmm…I’d have to say puffins! The chocolate chip pancake muffins that were posted a while ago…yuuum!

  59. I have to say I really love Raspberry and White Chocolate muffins the best…. mmmmm delicious!

  60. I adore the muffin take on B&J’s Chunky Monkey.. Banana, chocolate and pecans.. YUM!!

  61. Blueberry with butter! Yum!

  62. Hmm, my favorite? probably choc chip? or blueberry muffins?

  63. Ooh those pans are adorable! Especially ones with the lids! What a good idea!!
    My fave muffins have to be either blueberry (especially in the morning mmm) or cranberry and white chocolate!!!
    However ur recipe looks delicious and after baking it tomorrow could be my new fave!!

  64. Blueberry is my go-To muffin… But I also like anything with a crunchy top, like coffee cake…

  65. I love Costco’s choc.-choc. chip. However, I also love a poppyseed muffin.

  66. These need to be worn by my sinfully cinnamon muffins! (well, not mine–King Arthur’s Flour has the recipe!)

  67. Banana and Chocolate Muffin with Streusel Topping

  68. Currently, my favorite muffins are the Healthy Carrot Zuchini Muffins (you can Google them)! I add a banana and use whole wheat flour. They’re perfect for my toddler son and they’re so yummy and moist that I’m eating them too — guilt free!

  69. just banana….hhmmm.

  70. Raspberry and white chocolate! *DROOL*

  71. A Peanut Butter Muffin with a generous dollop of cream cheese icing !

  72. simply blueberry!


  74. hmmm i think i’d have to say chocolate or blueberry muffins! :D

  75. I love love love lemon poppy-seed muffins! The light citrusy taste is perfect with a cup of tea in the morning. Oooh, now I’m going to have to bake tomorrow morning!

  76. My favorite muffin?? Vanilla muffin with chocolate chips, simple and delicious!

  77. that IS a tough one, but I’m going to go w/ a applesauce/spice variation

  78. Oooh that is toughy……
    Either traditonal blueberry ( the taste just reminds of home baking) or rasperry & White chocolate yum yum!

  79. I think I like chocolate, chocolate chip muffins best, but I am all about trying new flavors to see if there us something I would like better. :)

  80. I love either blueberry or triple berry muffins. Yum! :)

  81. I like banana nut and chocolate chocolate chip

  82. Chocolate-Chocolate Chip!

  83. Every time I look at your website you have more & more wonderful things to make, but living in the UK it’s very difficult to source all the amazing ingredients you use. BUT, Bananaberry Muffins are going to be no problem, especially as it’s a rainy (!) bank holiday Monday & I have 2 very willing helpers aged 2 & 4!!! Thanks for another great recipe. xxx

  84. i love carrot and raisin muffins!

  85. my favorite muffin is probably blueberry….but then again, apple cinnamon is yummy too! :]

    (i’m re-posting my comment again because i forgot to put in my email! oops :]

  86. My favourite would also be a carrot cake muffin that is packed with full of nutty, cinnamony goodness . and some crunchy walnuts :) xx

  87. my favorite muffin is probably blueberry….but then again, apple cinnamon is yummy too! :]

  88. my favorite muffin is, believe it or not, a Passover muffin filled with jam. They are amazing and I make them all year round!

  89. My favourite muffin would be a dense, moist chocolate muffin with rich chocolate chips embedded in them.

    and perhaps a drizzle of rich chocolate icing on the top….

  90. ooh.. this is a tough one. i’d say my favourite is an oldie but goodie.. apple cinnamon with oats =)

  91. hmm, I don’t really have an absolute favorite muffin but I do like muffins to have a crunch to them. Nuts, dried fruit and oatmeal are great. I’m not too big on chocolate in muffins. That’s more a cupcake to me.
    Thanks for the chance to win these great paper pans. They’re quite pretty and definitely handy.

  92. Blueberry!! I bought tons when I went to London(UK) a few weeks ago! :D

  93. Uhh tough one! I’m crazy about muffins! But I think Dark Chocolate chip ones. Or apple and spice.
    I definetly want to try your Bananaberry’s Muffins, they look delicious!

  94. Lemon chocolate chip. Bit weird, but my mom made them some time ago, and they are just divine!

  95. caramel…

  96. lemon poppy seed, or chocolate chip!

  97. I love chocolate and strawberry mufins

  98. Triple Chocolate Muffins!
    They must be nearly liquid in the center…

  99. Nothing tastes better than my mum’s chocolate chip muffins, they come with all the sweet memories of “helping” her in the kitchen and after school playtime :)

  100. Lemon poppy seed muffins own my soul.

  101. Chocolate chip, or banana choc. chip. are my favorite muffins!!! Cinnamon chip is really good too!!!

  102. My favorite muffin is blackberry dark chocolate chunk, an invention of my own. Very tasty.

  103. Raspberry lemon zest or chocolate chip, depending on the mood. Banana muffins are pretty good too.

  104. i’d die for a muffin with lemontaste <3 i LOVE lemon!
    Does red velvet muffins excist? i would love them even more i think ^^

  105. My favourite muffin of all time has to be Blueberry Chocolate Chip!

    I first had one when I was about 17 and I thought I’d gone to heaven. I’m a blueberry freak anyway but the surprising combination of that with little dark, sweet chocolate chips was enough to make my taste-buds sing!

  106. Oh it’s got to be orange cranberry, but the home made kind. Ooh lah lah! Thanks for sharing, always love your posts and appreciate how much I learn from you. Happy Memorial Day!

  107. oh my gosh! these are the cutest little paper pans I’ve ever seen! My favorite muffins are vegan pumpkin muffins with macadamia nuts and grain sweetened chocolate chips. don’t knock it till ya try it!

  108. lemon poppyseed

  109. I love nuttella muffins. They have a secret nuttella spred centre that is hard to ignore.

  110. carrot muffin with lots of icing!

  111. Banana Choc Chip and Walnut… mmmmmmm

  112. my fave muffin have to be blueberry! I cant wait to try ur recipe!!

  113. When I was younger my mom and I always went to Starbucks and she would get the same muffin every time: Banana nut. I would always ask for half because, well, she was my mom. And that muffin just stuck with me :)

  114. I love me a blueberry muffin. le sigh.

  115. My favorite would have to be pumpkin spice for sure!!!!!

  116. Oooh our local grocery store has these apple muffins with a crumble top and a caramel filling – I would do bad, bad things for those muffins.

  117. This is just awesome! I love it that the cups are sturdy enough to be placed on a baking tray to bake cos my muffin tins always rust up and I’d feel so guilty baking in them. Yes, a weird idiosyncrasy. Or not. :-)

    Anyway, my favourite muffin is banana. Actually anything fruity.

  118. i LOVE lavender muffins, they smell oh-so-nice and taste exceptionally good :)

  119. Chocolate chip or anything with a streusel/crumb topping!!! So yeah…the super healthy kind. : )

  120. Quadruple chocolate here ..all the way. Dark, milk and white chocolate drizzled in hot fudge sauce…

    What weight issue ?

  121. Chocolate banana muffins!

  122. Those are super cute! I don’t know if I could pick just one favorite…..probably chocolate chip with orange zest and grand marnier.

  123. Blueberry, of course!

  124. Pumpkin…maybe with some chocolate chips =)

  125. Lemon anything!

  126. Apples and cinnamon. In every combination. I just love this christmasey flavor, so why just have it once a year?
    No. Nononononono, apple cinnamon muffins are way too yum for being just a christmas treat. Even too yum for being a christmas-and-autumn-treat. You need them the whole year. I need them the whole year. This is a good world…

  127. Banana chocolate chip…eaten while the chocolate chips are still warm (of course!)

  128. awww to sweet! i have a slowly growing collection of cutesie baking cups that have been given on birthdays and Christmas’s past and i want these to add to it!

  129. My top 3 faves: apple cinnamon, pumkin, chocolate chip

    But If I had to pick only one.. I’d say chocolate chip!

  130. Raspberry and white chocolate! Yum!

  131. Oh GEE!!! I love all sorts of muffins regardless the flavour. Even jz a plain one will make me SATISFIED, YUMMY!!!!

  132. zuchinni walnut!

  133. Almond poppyseed

  134. Apple muffin :D

  135. No hesitation, it is chocolate chip!

  136. I think my favourite muffins are the double chocolate chip ones. I used to get the jumbo versions from the grocery store, and gobble them up in one sitting!

  137. My favorite muffins are easily orange-cranberry! There is just something magical about the combination of those two

  138. I am sad… I dont have a favorite muffin, in fact I never tried muffins , I am more a cake type person. But as I see these lovely pans, I need to try those muffins
    they are great

  139. I love banana chocolate chip the best!

    These pans seem great for a picnic or brunch–just in time for memorial day.

  140. I really love Poppyseed muffins!

  141. That’s easy for me its Banana nut.

  142. My favorite muffin would have to be apple spice with a yummy buttery crumble on top!

  143. Chocolate and chocolate chips!! YUMMYY!!!!

  144. blueberry muffins with crumbles on top

  145. I’d have to say chocolate chip. There’s just always something so decadent about getting to have chocolate at breakfast!

  146. If I have to chose, Blueberry with a crumb topping… oh, wait, chocolate, no cream cheese, or poppy seed almond, no banana nut, or cherry… or I can’t decide!

  147. A goof blueberry. Mmmmm.

  148. oh wait,

    i compLeteLy forgot about the pumpkin chocoLate chip. and then there’s the cLassic bLueberry and the poppyseed…

    oh man…there’s too many!

  149. Blueberry!!! But I will be baking your recipe tomorrow.

  150. banana chocoLate chip! soooo gooooooooddd!!

  151. My favorite is carrot muffin. But anything that had fresh berries steals my heart.

  152. hmmm, I think it would be white chocolate with raspberries……..mmmm,,mmmm,,,mmmmmm

  153. mummm…. muffins! i love Cranberry Orange Muffins! I have a bunch of bananas in my freezer and i think you just inspired me to bake tomorrow!! I know i don’t have blueberry’s but i have strawberries- cant go wrong with that combo! Thanks!

  154. Muffins with Lemon Curd. Yum! Ok. Banana’s, Yum! Or blueberry?
    Or all together! ;)

  155. I have always been a sucker for blueberry muffins.

  156. My favourite muffin is banana carrot with fresh ginger and spices!

  157. Blueberry! Yummy

  158. my favorite is banana nut and blueberry with a streusel topping. yummy! :)

  159. Cinnamon streusel!

  160. I love banana crunch muffins! and in 2nd place would be, banana peanut butter chocolate chip :)

  161. My favorite is banana nut, and sometimes I make a crumb cake topping and dump that on before I bake ’em…YUMMM!

  162. I love a good carrot muffin!

  163. I’m swimming in ripe bananas right now! These I’ll have to try!

  164. i’m really boring & my favorite muffins are double choc-chip & cappuccino :)

  165. I once made cranberry struesel — they were great! Double chocolate chip really rocks, too.

  166. mmm… Mixed Berry from my favorite bakery.

  167. My all time favorite muffin is the buttermilk spice muffin with a little sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top. It must be eaten warm with a little butter melted on top. Delicious!!

  168. My favorite muffin would be almond or lemon poppyseed! Yum!!

  169. Favorite… chocolate chip chocolate muffins =D And no, there is no such thing as too much chocolate =p

  170. Banana Nut is my favorite!!

  171. I’m going to have to stand firmly behind apple cinnamon with brown sugar and crumbles…

    It’s go time…I’m probably going to make these shortly…

  172. Be still my little heart. I think I just died and went to baking heaven (where everything of course is calorie, carb, and fat free, but taste like they’re all in there). I’d have to say my fav muffin is probably carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and little marzipan carrots (<3 Martha)….or maybe chocolate…or apple spice with goat and cream cheese frosting… Oh geez, now I deffinitly have to bust out the bakeware, but jealousy abound because I have no paper bakeware. lol.

  173. My favourite muffin are really the blueberrymuffin. I used to like chocolate, but something happened. I don’t know what.

  174. Really tough question ‘cos I have trouble deciding for one. Haha. I love banana with choco chip muffins. Nom nom nom nom.

  175. I like them all…lemon poppy seed, is one of my favorites.

  176. Warm fresh baked blueberry muffins are my favorite! Mmmm :)

  177. Carrot and orange muffins rule!

  178. Oh my goodness, these are darling!

    I love lemon-raspberry muffins, though of course I’d never say no to chocolate, either….

  179. I like making Gluten-free berry muffins!

  180. I love carrot muffins, they are SOOO yummy!!!! :D
    but I also like blueberries and bran :P

  181. Blueberry! I don’t know why, but I love blueberry muffins even though I don’t like fresh blueberries.

  182. So many options, so little time! LOL I think my favorite are apple cinnamon muffins with streusel on top. Yummmmm.

  183. My favourite muffins are white chocolate and raspberries. I make them with raw caster sugar so they have a lovely golden colour ,mmm.

  184. Lemon-blueberry. Fresh and sweet at the same time.

  185. Choc Banana…. mmm tasty! *drools*

  186. I love Blueberry muffins warm out of the oven with a little bit of butter melted on top…mmmmm, I’m gonna hafta make me some of those!

  187. lemon poppy seed for sure. i love the tiny round cups!

  188. Blueberry muffins!!!!

  189. Blueberry!!!! With lemon glaze! :)

  190. OMG, I would so LOVE LOVE LOVE THESE! I have been on a baking frenzy, ask my neighbors, co-workers, my friends recent graduate friends – I have been showing up everywhere with baked goods in tins – these would be PERFECT to surprise everyone with – THANK YOU for the GREAT share!

  191. Lemon poppyseed!

  192. Muffins are the probably the only time in life when I lean towards the healthier option – I love raisin bran.. Fresh, warm – with a bit of butter – they’re divine!

  193. I’d have to go with pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.

  194. Chocolate chip with nutella! The Best!

  195. Raspberry lemon! Or lemon poppy seed!

  196. There are very few muffins I don’t like but I think my favorite has to be lemon poppy seed! I think I need those pans so I have an excuse to make them!!!!!

  197. Super cute!
    My favorite muffin is anything CHOCOLATE! mmm!

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