
Paper Pans


A few weeks ago, my friends over at Cake Art gave me a sample pack of some paper pans in a plethora of shapes and sizes. They thought I might like them. But, I don’t. I love them. You can bake and then turn right around and take your goodies to someone special. Either that or display them at home and turn your kitchen into a coffee shop which could be fun, too.


These tiny ones make me happy. The size. The color. The slightly scalloped edge. Happy.


And so do these tee-niny ones. Eeeeek!


They have cylinder-shaped baking molds and regular muffin cup styles, too. Both of these are sturdy enough that you don’t need a muffin tray to bake them in. Just arrange them on a baking sheet and go.


And look at these cuties. They have lids. Perfect to bake and take.

Since I had all these pans, I had to put something in them.


I went for blueberries and bananas…


… and made some yummy muffins.

Blueberry Muffins
Yield: 12-15 muffins

Yummy Blueberry Muffins

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup butter, room temperature
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (or two medium-sized bananas)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (rinse and pat dry)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line tray with muffin cup papers.
  2. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together with a wire whisk.
  3. Add butter, eggs, bananas and vanilla. Mix on low until just combined.
  4. Toss blueberries in a little extra flour and then fold into batter. Reserve some blueberries to place on the tops.
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Serve while still warm with butter.

Add a little butter while they’re still warm and your tummy will say thank you.


Then tear right in.


I had enough batter to try them out in all of the smaller size pans for fun. The large round paper cake and loaf pans would have to wait for another day.

But you don’t. Cake Art was sweet and gave me a second sample pack. So who wants it? Anyone?


Try and control your excitement and enter for a chance to win a bunch of paper. ; )

Just leave a comment on this post and answer the following question.

What is your favorite muffin? (I know. Tough, huh.)

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, June 1 at 5 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

P.S. Cake Art has pans available in large and small quantities. Sorry, they don’t have photos… just descriptions. But here’s a site with more pan options and pictures.

Wow. I really didn’t expect so many people to want to win paper pans. Super surprised. And now I wish I had scored more sample packs from Cake Art. Maybe I’ll get more the next time I make a trip. Until then, we have a winner. I’m excited to announce this one too, because finally a low entry number one. Low like commenter #5! Yay!



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5,953 comments on “Paper Pans”

  1. My favorite has to be pumpkin, with the streusel topping. So delish!

  2. Tough question! I think I’m going to have to go with pumpkin though…

  3. They are soo cute!! I’d love to get hold of them but I don’t think I can ever use them! I’ll probably put them on display! Haha!

    I love banana nut muffins!!

  4. Raisin bran!

  5. My favorite muffin is raspberry-blackberry. I sometimes like adding blueberries or cranberries as well. Yummy :)

  6. Wow, cool pans! Paper? Great idea.

    My favorite muffin is orange oatmeal with cream cheese glaze. Yum!

  7. hmmm…either banana nut or bluberrry!!!! yummy! thanks for the contest!

  8. OMG they are soooooo cute! I love Chocolate chip I know traditional but always a good right? I love adding m&m’s in sometimes instead of choc chips and for a twist a tablespoon of peanut butter!

  9. Bananaberry of course !!!
    I am anxiously waiting for your book !! Congrats !!!

  10. This is an easy one!!! Blueberry

  11. what a great idea!! looks so much nicer then those aluminum pans, and so many sizes!! very cool

  12. Blueberry with fresh blueberries, mmmmmm!!

  13. Blueberry muffins are my favourite!! Yummy

  14. Our favorite muffin flavour is banana coconut lime… With a tiny bit of rum coconut/lime topping! Mmmmmm

  15. Favorite muffin is pineapple coconut with struesel topping. And WHEN will I learn not to click on your links??? :-) Those shaped cake pans are just too cute! I see lots of baked gifts ahead of me………………

  16. Zucchini walnut – especially in the summer when the squash is exploding in the garden. What else can you do but bake?!

  17. Oh how awesome! My favorite is the bakery style blueberry, really moist ones with the cinnamon/brown sugar crumble topping on top and lots of blueberries!!! Yummy

  18. gotta have some apple cinnamon muffins with crumble topping!

  19. I get the most excited in the fall, when pumpkin muffins starts showing up everywhere!

  20. I’d have to go with cranberry pumpkin muffins. Making my mouth water!!!

  21. The best muffin I had recently was a pumpkin muffin. The sugar cinnamon combo on top made it feel like they were melting in your mouth!

  22. That’s a *really* tough one, but I’m going to go with banana pumpkin.

  23. Blueberry!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Chocolate chip muffins – always a favourite around here!!

  25. banana nut

  26. It’s so hard to choose! Muffins are one of my favorite foods. I really like pumpkin spice with dates and walnuts, or banana with blueberries. Your recipe looks great. I’ll have to try it.

  27. Blueberry! Mmmmmm….

  28. Either Blueberry Muffins or Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. Mmmmmm! Yummy! :)

  29. oooh… i don’t know. i’ve been on a blueberry muffin kick lately… but it’s hard to beat a good oatmeal chocolate chip muffin.

  30. Lemon and blueberry :)

  31. Those are super cute!!!!
    My favourite muffin is hands down Carrot Cake. I adapted an old carrot cake recipe and figured, it would be much nicer to have carrot cake “on the go” in muffin size :)
    Since then I have not baked the carrot cake in its intended form again..

  32. Blueberry is always a classic!

  33. It would be a toss up between lemon cranberry or raspberry struesel. I like my muffins with a little bite.

  34. Hmmm…favorite muffin? That’s a hard one…I’d have to say something with berries, nuts and chocolate! I’m a muffin lover so anything works for me!

  35. My favourite muffin is actually a nice moist blueberry or raisin bran.

  36. Banana chocolate chip!

  37. Cranberry Oranges are my favorites:P

  38. Bran muffins! I love the paper pans! :)

  39. Cranberry Oranges are my favorites. I love ’em:))))

  40. My favorite muffin is chocolate chip :) Classic, but sooo good!

  41. Blueberry! Though recently made strawberry that were to due for. Yum!

  42. banana chocolate chip!

  43. Strawberry-cinnamon muffins!!! Sweet and chic : )

  44. rhubarb!

  45. Favorite Muffin has to be…… zucchini chocolate chip!

  46. carrot bran with raisins and walnuts!

  47. this is so hard to choose! Banana Walnut for sure is at the top and I also love buttermilk muffins with chocolate chips! yum yum!

  48. double chocolate chip muffin with chocolate ganache! yummy :)

    **My comment does not appear, this second: (

  49. Favorite muffin?
    Poppy seed!

  50. I have never met a muffin that I didn’t like, but I think my favorite is the tried and true banana nut!!

  51. Ok Bakerella…I don’t need something else to be obsessed over…paper pans!! How cute!!!!!!!!!

    I love pumpkin chocolate chip muffins…mmmmmm….


  52. My absolute fav muffin to eat and make are the Banana Crumb Muffins found on Allrecipes. If you like a crunchy streusel top with a soft and moist banana muffin….that’s the recipe for you. My boyfriend always request them!

  53. Blueberry lemon!

  54. When I first read your question I immediately thought of the muffins my grandma used to make…chocolately goodness with a cream cheese center oozing out the top. I realized I didnt know the name of these so upon doing a little researched I learned they are in fact not muffins, but cupcakes. Hmm…a cupcake is just a sweeter version of a muffin though, right….right? Anyone…? HAha : )

  55. I think my favorite muffin is Apple cinnamon with a crumb topping.

  56. Orange cranberry- sweet with a little tart thrown in

  57. pistachio muffins rock!

  58. My all time favourite muffins are made by a bakery in Edmonton, Alberta Canada; the bakery is called Bee Bell Bakery, and they make fabulous banana chocolate chip muffins. All their muffins are HUGE and they are low in fat and calories…and did I mention they are DELICIOUS? I bring boxes back with me when I go out there to visit family.

  59. I am a fan of blueberry and banana nut…nothing fancy.

  60. I’ m a blueberry addict. I love muffins with blueberries. ‘Never enough blueberries’ is my motto. Will try your recipe today…after our outdoor picnic!

  61. hmmm….I think I am in love with all of them….just got a new cookbook with 250 yummy muffin recipes!! Wouldn’t it be a dream to have these new paper cups and pans to put them in!?!?!

  62. Blueberry made with tiny Maine berries!

  63. That’s a toughy! Usually I choose something with cinnamon. However, lemon and blueberry together is a great combination.

  64. My all time favorite must be Banana Walnut.
    Gotta get me some of those pans!!!

  65. Chocolate chocolate chip! Mmm, my tummy is happy just thinking about them :)

  66. Orange cranberry with a crusty sugary top. Yummo!

  67. Banana Chocolate Chip

  68. My fave muffin is my dad’s homemade blueberry muffins — mostly because he likes to get up early and make them for us :)

  69. My childhood neighborhood bakery used to make a pineapple upside down bran muffin that was soooo good!

  70. I’ve become quite partial to strawberry muffins

  71. I’ve wanted to try these for a while- and maybe bake some sour cream apple muffins in them!

  72. All time favorite is peach muffins from a bakery where we used to stop at before work. Had to get there early because they always sold out!

  73. I love lemon blueberry muffins with crumble on top!

  74. I love triple chocolate muffins. Chocolate muffin with dark and white chocolate chips. Om nom.

  75. Actually my favorites are blueberry and banana, it’s always a tough decision. I think your Yummy Bananaberry Muffins may be the tiebreaker. Can’t wait to try them :)

  76. Favorite muffin — coffee cake: pecans, vanilla, brown sugar, sour cream….mmmmmmmm…….

  77. I’d have to say I love blueberry best. Slathered with salted butter, all melty and nommy and OMG,

  78. Chocolate chip…yum!

  79. Oh no! My favorite is… banana & white chocolate or blueberry or triple chocolate… :)

  80. any muffin which is homemade has got to be my fav…love blueberry, rhubarb is good, banana nut, almond poppyseed….the list goes on.

  81. mmmm has to be Choc Mint Mud delicious

  82. corn muffins…mmmmm

  83. Cinnamon chip or Blueberry Mandarin, tough to decide!

  84. i love banana nut muffins they freeze well and you can just nuke them one at a time for breakfast!
    fresh blueberry muffins rock too!

  85. My favourite muffin is triple chocolate!
    But any muffin that is sticky on top is good, too ;)

  86. blueberry muffins with a brown sugar crumbly thing on top… mmmmmm

  87. Corn muffins! Especially when they’re a little sweet and salty. Mmmmm…..

  88. Wild blueberry, with the crystally sugar on top. YUM!

  89. Oh double chocolate chip!!

  90. I just love a warm, gooey, buttery oatmeal-apple-cinnamon muffin!!

  91. I LOVE blueberry muffins. So traditional, I know, but they are just so delicious. Mmm. I’d love to make some of my own blueberry muffins in these sweet little pans!

  92. Banana Nut or pumpkin. yum-o

  93. lemon poppyseed! mmmmmmm

  94. a good corn muffin is my favorite – been a long time!

  95. Orange Almond Muffins, they are the best. mmmmmmmmm

  96. I don’t think I’ve met a muffin yet that I didn’t like, so most anything goes- especially a fruit muffin like cherry. Yum.

  97. That is a tough one, I would have to say blueberry crumb with cream cheese. . . yum!!

    BTW those are too cute!!! I love them!

  98. That’s a tough one. I think I’d go with blueberry with lots of butter!

  99. Poppy seed muffins!
    ~ Kathy C (Oregon)

  100. Banana nut!! Definitly my favorite ;)

  101. baked: new frontiers in baking: banana espresso muffins…super yum!
    thanks for including me in this giveaway…cool!

  102. I like blueberry or lemon poppy seed muffins, but those blueberry banana muffins look awesome! :)

  103. Muffin? Did someone say muffin? (ears raised and at full attention) Why yes, my favorite muffin is pistachio, with banana-nut a close second. Something about the nuts. I just love, love, LOVE these Cake Art paper pans!

  104. Ouhhh tough one… I’d have to say blueberry and white chocolate. Eggless of course- And no skimping on the white chocolate! Yummo!

  105. My favourite type of muffin has to any be containing cinnamon! Here in the UK we only seem to deal in 2 different types of muffins, unfortunately: chocolate & blueberry! *sigh* But occassionally I stumble across a cinnamon & apple muffin and my tummy jumps for joy :D <3

  106. blueberry muffins, plain and simple!

  107. I think my favorite is a warm banana muffin, I love to bake them in a homemade parchment wrap, Nigella style ( but only for special occasions because they take to long to make ! )
    I have also made my own ‘ pans’ with pop/ water cases cut and shaped to whatever size I want and then wrapped in tin foil to bake ( inside and out ) . Not as pretty and presentable as these though!

  108. Wow, loads of comments!

    I don’t eat a lot of muffins, but there is a white choc raspberry one at a coffee chain in Scotland that I love, I’m sure it’s made with cream cheese or sour cream or something equally decadent. I ate a bunch of them when I was there!

  109. I absolutely love these paper pans! Favorite muffin…coffee cake for sure…lots of yummy swirls of cinnamon, with chunky sugar crystal topping.

  110. GAWD is that EVER CUUUUUUUTEEEE me want them!

    and of course i’d go for trple chocolate and triple glaze! ahhhh!

  111. Love anything with blueberry’s in it so my favorite just may your recipe posted! Thanks for always having something fun to look forward to!

  112. My favourite muffin would have to be cinnamon doughnut muffins!

  113. Lemon bran muffins with glaze. Muffin tops are so good! OM NOM NOM!

  114. Fruit Explosion – the best – from Tim Hortons!

  115. blueberry

  116. Who wants some? Who WOULDN’T want some? :) They’re adorable! I want some!

  117. Eh, double triple or quadruple chocolate methinks! Loves :)

  118. definitely BLUEBERRY muffins!! :D

  119. How can I choose just one! I guess if I had to I would say banana nut! Mmmmmm!

  120. Chocolate Chip…..It’s breakfast and desert!

  121. My favorite muffin would lemon poppyseed.

  122. There was this pumpkin cream cheese muffin they used to sell at Starbucks……YUM!!

  123. Sour cream muffins with blueberries and lemon in it. Can’t resist! Thanks for the post on the paper pans..just saw them and was wondering how they worked. Now I’ll try them.

  124. I love date bran muffins. So sweet yet so good for you too!

  125. french puffs- mini of course.

  126. Favorite muffin has to be apple cinnamon. Oh so yummy!!:)

  127. apple walnut. yum

  128. Blueberry muffins… yummy!

  129. Cinnamon streusel… hands down. No questions asked! There’s nothing like breaking apart a warm, cinnamon-y sweet muffin on a lazy weekend morning with coffee to start my day! Scrumptious!

  130. my favourite is for sure orange and chocolate… and cherries too…

  131. I LOVE a banana nut or cranberry orange muffin…the top mostly, but if you twist my arm, I WILL eat the whole thing ;)

  132. I love all muffins, but if i had to choose…..blueberry! :)

  133. Raspberry crumble buns without a doubt! xxx

  134. chocolate!

  135. Homemade blueberry muffins!

  136. My favourite muffin would have to be Apple & Spice. I remember once, I think we were about 10 at the time… my friend and I decided to make apple muffins. Did we know how to bake? Not really. Did we have a recipe? Not at all! We just dumped a bunch of ingredients into a bowl and hoped for the best! I must say, those were *the best* apple muffins, I have ever had! (even if they were a little dense…)

  137. Bluberry muffin with a really thick crumbly top!

  138. My favorite muffin is one with loooooooads of chocolate :)

  139. Blueberry with a crunchy streusel topping – yummmmm

  140. Awesome pans!

  141. Pumpkin muffins in the fall/winter.
    Blueberry lime in the spring/summer.

  142. lemon and poppyseed muffins are my favourite. light and classic but with the perfect sweet/sharp flavour, especially with a little drizzle of light lemon-sugar icing!

  143. I LOVE love love banana nut muffins! Yum I think i’ll go make some :)

  144. I LOVE chocolate muffins!

  145. banana streusel

  146. My favorite muffins, by a mile, are Giada DiLaurentis’ Nonna’s Lemon Ricotta Biscuits. Even though they are called biscuits, they are super muffiny. And super irresistible.

  147. Blueberry Muffins are my favourite, a classic for a reason! :) x

  148. …my favorite would have to be Pumpkin Nut…but then, I wouldn’t turn away the offer of another flavor…Mame

  149. This is an easy one to answer: good ol’ banana! There’s a recipe we’ve used for decades and it’s delish!

  150. Favorite muffin, huh? That’s a real tough one….hmmmmm. Banana chocolate chip or blueberry. Or mango, or really, any fruit added muffin. Or corn, that doesn’t have fruit. See? I’m an equal opportunity muffin lover. My hips can prove it ;)

  151. Chocolate chip pecan, blueberry or raspberry creme. Mmmmmmmmmmm. :)

  152. Close tie between blueberry and bananna nut!

  153. My favourite muffin is a Peanut Butter Muffin. I’ve been making/eating this recipe since I was a kid! So yummy!

  154. It is so funny this post came up because I’ve been searching for fun banana combos to bake! I love bananas but really wanted something different to make with them besides banana bread (wonderful tho it may be). Thanks for the link, too. I love CakeArt! I do damn near all my baking for others and this is perfect for the bake and give! :)

  155. I just love your blog!! And my favorit is appel and cinnamon muffins.

  156. My ultimate favourites are Apple Cinnamon. Always nice and fresh and good for any time of the day :)

  157. Hello I’m Michal and I am from Israel.
    It is the first time I’m writing to you, but I must I am a big fun of you!
    My favorite muffin is defently with kokonut!!
    Loved your post.

  158. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate I just loooove chocolate muffins!

  159. Chocolate chip muffins. YUM!!!!

  160. Raspberry and white chocolate muffins with crumble topping – yum!

  161. Love oatmeal WITH coconut or maybe it breakfast time?

  162. I’m a blueberry muffin kinda gal. Muffin tops are the BEST! (Only when they’re on muffins of course, not on me! :P)

  163. choconana – banana and chocolate chips….i procrasti-baked them the other day when i really should have been studying for my trig exam that was the next day…oh well they were yum and i was happy : )

  164. Chocolate muffins with chocolate chips are my favorite…

  165. With raspberries and honey. Thanks.

  166. I like bran muffins the best…or maybe carrot muffins. It depends on my mood.

  167. Hello from Australia! I love the site!
    My fave flavour muffin is…ummm….raspberry & white choc :-)

  168. Chocolate muffins please!

    This is a great giveaway, thank you!!

  169. such a great way to share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  170. My favorite muffin is a bran raisin muffin. I don’t mind them without raisins, but with raisins are my favorite.
    I also like carrot, and blueberry, and banana chocolate chip a favorite in the household.

  171. Those are sooo cute.
    For me, it’s totally easy to decide for a favourite muffin: Blueberry. Blueberry, blueberry and blueberry forever. So, your recipe looks like something I should try.

  172. my favorite muffins is.. the dirt bomb! It’s a thick dense muffin that tastes like a donut… you dip the tops and bottoms (if you want) in butter then roll around in cinnamon and sugar! OMG! Delicious!

  173. Favorite muffin? Cinnamon sugar with a gooey dipping sauce! How can you not start the morning off right when your lickin’ your fingers :o)

  174. yay! paper! my favourite…hmmm…. banana chocolate chip is definitely up there, but it would probably be blueberries using fresh picked berries. mmmmmm….blueberries….. :)

  175. I’d have to go with poppy seed! Yum

  176. My favorite are banana walnut. Thanks for the giveaway.

  177. OMG! They’re absolutely adorable! My favorite muffins would have to definitely be blueberry! I love the soft perfectly-textured mini blueberry muffins. Ugh, I’m starting to crave for some already!~

  178. Awesome paper pans. Reminds me of the included cardboard pan that I used to get in the Dr Oetker Cinnamon Hazlenut loaf mix. With that said, my favourite muffin of all time is raspberry oatmeal with little chunks of cream cheese inside. Mmmmmm

  179. Mmm, your blueberry muffins and bread look delicious.
    Right now my favorite muffins are strawberry, just because that’s what’s in season, but I love most any kind.
    Great giveaway – thanks for the chance to win these awesome pans.

  180. Tamarind muffins, hands down. They’re even better with a crumble on top!

  181. banana muffins are my fave……………..i just love the yummy smell when they come straight out of the oven……….

    but i will have to try your bananaberry recipe…….like right now….the bananas are right there in the fruit bow waiting to be used……

    bakerella….has anyone told you………you are the best??????? lol can’t wait to get your popcake book

  182. Plain old chocolate chip. Done well, they are delicious.

  183. I love the Cranberry muffins delicious ! I hope I win ! Thanks for the opportunity !

  184. Blueberry, no question!

  185. Carrot and walnuts muffin with cheese lime frosting… fabulous! :-)

  186. My favorite is the Morning Glory Muffin from the Macrina bakery in Seattle… Good for you stuff nEVER tasted so Bad for you :-)

  187. Chocolate with chocolate chips.

  188. That looks good! I will make them sometime soon…

  189. Pumpkin. Fresh from the oven pumpkin muffin with a slab of butter? Probably one of my favorite things ever. Sometimes I’ll even cheat and make cream cheese frosting to slather on it but no one’s supposed to know about that.

  190. Pumpkin cream cheese muffins!!! Those paper pans are too cute! I hope I win!!!!

  191. Carrot!

  192. I think my favorite has to be blueberry! Yum, I think I’ll go make some now!

  193. Raspberry and white chocolate for sure!

  194. Definitely blueberry – warm and smothered with butter!

  195. My favourite is triple chocolate. Njam! <3

  196. My favorite are banana walnut, but someone else’s comment about strawberry chocolate chip has me drooling and looking for a recipe!

  197. It’s not exactly a muffin…but one of my favourites are Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache are veryvery delicious! Honestly I would say everything that looks like a muffin is perfect – I just love all baked and doughy things!

  198. Banana nut with lots of pecans! My favorite give away gift.

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