


Earlier this year I posted a cute candy button display that my friend Julie made following a tutorial on a website called Bake it Pretty. And even though I had heard of and seen their site, I had not really looked around it all that much… until recently.

**Warning… enter their site at your own risk or else you might just leave it with a whole bunch of stuff you didn’t know you had to have…


… like these superty-duperty cute baking cups.

They sell lots of fun designs you probably won’t find in your local craft or grocery store…


… unless you can read this.


or know where to find these.


If you visit them, you might be tempted by shiny things.


Or these. I was forced to buy them in several colors…


… and sizes.

The website made me do it. I promise. I mean if I just bought one color, which one?

Red? Of course, but what about black? How often do you come across black gingham print baking cups? Or orange? Or blue?

You know… I didn’t even need any more baking cups. Like for the next couple of years … I’m good.


But, then there’s these. I mean how cute can you get?

It’s funny – right before I found them I was wanting to make some popcorn bucket cupcakes, but figured I would have to make my own wrappers because I knew I would never find any with stripes. So instead I made these flat brownie popcorn bags. Then, right after making them, voila – perfect little cups.

And now, I can’t bring myself to even bake in them. They’re so cute I don’t want to be without them. I just want to look at them. Is that weird?

Don’t answer that.


And the cute little poem doesn’t hurt either.


More baking cups. These, like the striped ones stand up on their own. You can place them right on a baking sheet and go.

However, I haven’t used these yet either. I have a problem.


I worked my way through all the sections of the site and couldn’t leave without having these tapes and twine in my life.


And look at these cute little twist ties in pink, purple and tiny hearts.


But they don’t hold a candle to these…


Dying over here. Plus, they’re kinda perfect for packaging cake pops.


You can even make your drinks look cute. Love these straws.

If you want to see them in action, check out how good they look with Tartelette’s ice cream sandwiches. Not that her pictures aren’t already perfection.


And look, a button mold.

I had to have one of these, too. You know – just in case I ever want to make my own candy button display like this one.


P.S. – I may or may not have also purchased these not exactly kid friendly candies. But, if I did – the website made me do that, too.

Want to pick out your own stuff?

Want me to foot the bill?

Okay, you talked me into it.

Enter to win a $50 gift voucher to

  • Leave your comment on this post.
  • Just tell me what stuff you can’t stop yourself from buying. Anything. I’m curious.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 27 at 5 pm ET. TIME’S UP. Winner announced below.
  • Three (3) winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

And the winners are…


YAY guys! Have fun shopping. And thanks everyone for sharing your shopping compulsions. I’m in good company.

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7,488 comments on “Stuffs”

  1. Love the baking molds in star shapes, and floret shape…and heart… what a fun shop!

  2. oh my GOSH those are so so so cute! i can’t stop myself from buying ingredients! whenever i see a recipe for a new cake, or cupcakes, or tarts or ANY sort of baked good that just says “make meeeee”, it’s like a compulsion that I have to go buy the ingredients and make it as soon as possible. it’s kind of sick – but no one really complains because that means everyone around here winds up with some tasty stuff :)

  3. Cookbooks and clothes for my daughter. I also have a hard time saying no to crafty items especially sewing projects.

  4. I am in love with this post! I have two things I can’t buy enough of…ribbon (I have identical twin girls) for hair and scrapbooking paper….in pretty prints…I can never have enough of either of those things!

    Thank you for all the inspiration! You do an amazing job!

  5. I can’t stop myself from buying yarn, or roving since I started spinning. The bright colors and different textures just call to me!!!
    On the baking side it’s probably sprinkles or decorative toppings/wrapping. I just love making my cake balls and cupcakes pretty so this website is bound to only further that half of my addiction!

  6. Anything and everything baking related and fabric. I’m learning how to quilt and suddenly, I must own every piece of cloth I touch.

  7. I can’t resist books-all kinds!

  8. I absolutely looooove the red and white baking cups that look like little popcorn bags!! And the ones you can place directly on a baking sheet…

  9. I can’t stop buying craft/baking/sewing stuff…

  10. if i dont win these little cupcake liners – im totally buying them.. in bulk! too cute!

  11. I can’t stop buying cake pans in the shape of different things. Also don’t even get me started on kitchen gadgets. If it is out there I probably own it.

  12. Way cute. Thanks for all the great and fun ideas you put on this blog! I have many things to bake and I need more materials to do it!

  13. Oh my gosh!! I LOVE Bake it Pretty!!! I recently got some vintage nut bags and edible sparkle. The website made me do it too! I couldn’t help myself from buying just about anything from them. :)

  14. I love all things cake!! And would definitely love winning this prize!!

  15. I can not stop buying candy or hot chocolate…mmmm I love them both.

  16. I can’t stop buying big poofy flower pins to put on my coats and shirts and headbands and bags and…..i could go on forever!

  17. The sweet candy cookie cutter, and the muffin/cupcake one are must haves. I also have been meaning to pick up some nice foil cupcake liners. Gosh, while I’m doing that I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to grab some of the lovely mettalic damask liners, too (I like the shiny!) and maybe some country gingham and some of those fluted flower liners.

    It’s a great store, thanks for the heads up!

  18. I can’t stop buying cookbooks! Even with all the recipes available on the internet, I love a good cookbook with lots of pictures!!

  19. I can’t stop buying chocolate. I have sooo much chocolate just sitting in my pantry waiting to be baked into something delicious.
    And I love those cake liners! I need to have some!!

  20. cute, cute, and more cute! children’s books. I love them and can’t stop buying them for my son.

  21. I can’t seem to stop buying cookie cutters! I love BakeItPretty! My last purchase was the button candy mold and the Americolor food color pens.

  22. I’m addicted to buying fabric…even when I don’t have any time to sew!!!

  23. I am a sucker for cute little knick-knacks for my home! If it fits I have to have it!!

  24. I have a problem lately with buying kittens, books, and things that are marked “clearance,” whether I need any of those types of things or not.

  25. omg i want everything! i have a slight obsession (ok, maybe not so slight) with baking cups….

  26. I love any cute baking related item like those cupcake wrappers! Also, all sorts of gadgets for the kitchen!

  27. These are too cute! I’m a sucker for craft items – have always loved making things – the latest is yarn (some friends opened a knitting shop and it’s like heaven!). Oh, and of course, shoes.

  28. Gift wrap! I give about three gifts every year, but they are all wrapped in different papers I couldn’t stop myself from buying. Seriously, there’s an entire section of my closet devoted to gift wrap.

  29. Recently I can’t seem to stop buying yarn. Been on a serious knitting kick.
    And now I might be moving on to cupcake liners…

  30. Love those cupcake cups! OMG! They are soooo cute!

    I cannot stop myself from buying anything cupcake and shoes – love them both right now! I just had my birthday and received so many cupcake themed goodies – my friends must know me!

  31. Books are hard for me to resist… books and kitchen gadgets.

  32. I cant help myself when it comes to cheap colorful jewelery and things that smel good, like lotions, bath soaps, candles, etc.

  33. I can’t stop buying cookie cutters

  34. I freaking LOVE Bake It Pretty. Did you see the grinders? Those are what I can’t stop buying. The chili chocolate grinder is my favorite.

  35. I can’t stop myself when i see something cute for my kitchen or for my baking obsession. i have ordered from Bake it Pretty SO much that now my hubby just smiles and laughs when the packages arrive :-) Of course he gets all the yummy things I put in those super pretty packages!!

  36. I have a purse problem. I see a cute bag, and I must buy it.

  37. I love all the designs but my favorite is the I heart chocolate twisty ties! Cute cute cute!

  38. OMG Those animal print cup cake liners will be mine! I love them How CUTE!

  39. I can’t stop buying anything PINK. I have two boys and a husband…that’s all I have to say about that! :)

  40. Oh wow! I love the straws, the baking twine (in aqua of course!) and the little popcorn bucket baking cups. ADORABLE.

  41. Metal show tickets and t-shirts. Specifically scandinavian doom metal. I’m a 40 year old mother of 6, grandmother of 1 and am going to my 3rd show this month and see the Finnish trifecta of Finntroll, Moonsorrow and the 3rd time seeing Swallow the Sun. Metal!

  42. Lately it’s been stamping supplies. i got sucked in somehow! :o)

  43. Oh my goodness, you were right about warning us about that site. Incredible! There are so many cute things. It was hard to narrow down my favorite, but I think the Morocco baking cups are to die for!

  44. I love I love cupcake wrappers, cookbooks, shoes, jewelry.

  45. I can’t stop myself from buying clothes for my kids, and for me I buy LOTS of cake decorating supplies and scrapbooking stuff

  46. I’m all over those button molds. I’m making a cake for a baby shower that looks like a onesie, and so those buttons will be perfect, made out of a little chocolate tinted pink and placed in a cute row of three! Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this website – although my husband may have to disagree, lol!

  47. I love all of those wonderful baking cups!!

  48. I have a weakness for cooking/baking supplies. TJ Maxx, Hobby Lobby and Michael’s are my nemeses. I have so many different pans and tips and trays and measuring cups and… well, you get the idea.

    I’m right there with ya Bakerella on buying something pretty and then not wanting to use it cuz, well, if you use it you don’t have the pretty anymore. It’s a conundrum.

    And books… yeah… the sheer number of those… gotta love

  49. OMG I pulled up your blog with the specific reason to find the link for the website with cute cupcake wrappers! It would be my lucky day to be a random winner, but I’ll still order some for my daughter’s first birthday party if not

  50. Everytime I walk in Michael’s, my moral compass clicks off and I go crazy for baking supplies. Thank goodness for their coupons, though!

  51. OMG! That stuff is soo cute!! I want it all :) I can’t stop buying cute baby clothes for my 13 month old daughter. Seriously, they have such cute stuff that I just can’t stop!

  52. My addiction is books. I love books and read at least one book per week. However, I probably have enough unread books stacked up to last the rest of the year. And yet, I still cannot pass by a book store, or the book section at Target without at least looking…and buying just one more can’t hurt, right?

  53. I definitely need to have the Magical Forest Cookie Cutter set. Who doesn’t want to take a bite out of a cute little squirrel tail? I also really like the shimmery sugar pearls and the pink and green polka dot cupcake wrappers.

  54. 1. Any and all of the polka dot cupcake papers
    2. Damask cupcake papers in bulk
    3. Button hard candy molds
    4. Mustache candy mold
    5. Bakery boxes
    6. EVERYTHING!!!

  55. Hm… it depends on what you mean here. If you are talking this web site – I will not be able to resist the cute beyond words cupcake liners! It is like an addiction – you haveto buy lots of them so you will always have the perfect liner, but then are afraid to use them because you might not find them again! Other things I cannot resist are scrapbooking supplies – and it is the same there – buy it because it is pretty but then be afraid to use because then it will be gone.

  56. I can’t stop buying things in mini sizes! They are just too adorable!

  57. I can’t stop myself from buying baking chocolate. Just in case I need/want to whip something up, it’ll be in the house at all times.

  58. I can’t stop buying cards. I seriously have two boxes full of the nicest cards… Everytime when I am at a store, its like a magnet pulling me to the cards section. Sometimes I buy TWO of the same card, one to send to a friend, and the other one for myself to keep. If that isnt an addiction.

  59. I love everything you just showed us!!! How will I ever choose if I win!?!?! I buy a lot of books and picture frames!!! Way too many!! :)

  60. I absolutely and positively have a serious addicition/love affair with all things paper … letterpressed invitations I swoon for you … Papyrus birthday cards at $7.50 a pop, SO worth it … little note cards on extra heavy card stock for sending my little Gma an I Miss You note … love … sigh …

    I love love love them, which is why I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this give-a-way! Please pick me :)

  61. I love shoes!!! I love Bake it Pretty. I need some popcorn bags for my daughter’s carnival party and those popcorn cupcake holders! Too cute!!!

  62. I can’t stop buying clothes for my niece :)

  63. anything related to baking. i want it!

  64. I am a sucker for anything to help me plan theme parties. I love matching!

  65. I love the baking cups, bakeware and the cookie cutters but there is so much good stuff on there!

  66. Those popcorn bag cups are ADORABLE. I really hope I win that gift certificate because I’m probably going to end up spending a ton of money there…

  67. I buy dishes. I love them I just can’t help it.

  68. Anything that has to do with cupcakes!!!

  69. COOKIE CUTTERS! I have tubs of them. If you need a rolled out sugar cookie made, I’m sure I have the cutter. My husband thinks I’m crazy! I also have a shelf of sprinkles, I can’t pass them up!

  70. I am a freak over cookie cutters!

  71. OMG, all the stuff is adorable….I don’t know how I would pick!!
    I will take one of everything!

  72. I can’t stop buying eBooks. I got a reader for my birthday and now I am reading non-stop and buying books like it’s going out of style!!

  73. Music and clothes! Can’t get enough of either one!

  74. I can’t keep myself from buying baking pans! In any shape or form. I have footballs, hearts, stars, squares….you name it! :)

  75. Thank you so much for this post! I’m in love w/this site. I have to do a friend’s wedding in October and now I know where to go to look for the supplies I need to make her cupcake tower. You’re the best! Have a good week and thanks again.

  76. This website is addicting enough, now Bake it Pretty will be my newest time waster – but then again, is it really time -wasted- when there is so much COOL stuff to look at and wish for?! I think not ;)

    I can’t stop myself from buying things for my two (spoiled) pets – my 9 year old beagle, and almost 1 year old cat. And.. I ride horses and need all the proper gear to do so.. gloves, boots, socks, jeans, spurs, saddle soap, anything I can come up with! I’m currently trying to stop myself from getting new gloves but I really need them or else I get blisters! So they’re completely necessary the way I see it.

    Also, kitchen gadgets are fascinating. Especially silicone anything. Any item that makes cooking and baking easier is good in my book! :)

  77. flip flops. I have about 10 pairs and every time I see another cute design, I get them!

  78. Oreos and baking supplies. I want to learn how to make oreos and then my answer will be only baking supplies.

    Bake it Pretty is amazing. It takes everything you bake up a notch.

  79. oh my where to begin I LOVE EVERYTHING !! the little cupcake liners, books, the little things to add for an adorable touch to your yummies :)
    super cute !!!!!

  80. I am officially buying my Mother’s Day presents from this website! My mom and I are cake/candy decorating nuts! We are constantly buying new seasonal candy molds and cake books for fresh ideas.
    My private addiction is dresses… I buy a new dress at least once a month! I don’t opt for designers, just cute and cheap! I might need to attend some sort of cute-dress-rehab one of these days…
    Thanks Bakerella!

  81. I can’t stop buying things that I think I need, like dvds (I don’t need), clothes (definitely don’t need). I’ll go out for groceries (need, need, NEED) and come back with $50 worth of things I picked up along the way.

  82. I have a MAJOR book problem. I have more cookbooks than I have space for!

  83. Chapsticks. Colored decorating sugar and sprinkles. Fabric. I could go on and on!!

    Those papers are darling!

  84. I can’t stop buying cookbooks. Doesn’t matter what kind either but I do prefer baking cookbooks. My kitchen book shelf is over flowing with them.

  85. I LOVE the button molds!

  86. Groceries! For my six kiddos. They just keep eating and eating. You wouldn’t want to see my grocery bill!

  87. i can’t help buying kitchen gadgets. and pretty, colored things! i dont think you can ever have too many cute cupcake liners or sprinkles!

  88. I love it all. From boxes to bags . . . labels, and cupcake wrappers! I hope I win!!!

  89. Usually I have pretty good restraint, but I don’t know if I can resist Bake It Pretty. I guess my one weakness would be buying my DD shirts with cupcakes/cookies on them…haven’t turned one down yet!

  90. It’s not food/baking related.. but I can’t stop buying books. Seriously I don’t know where to put them anymore! Can’t help myself :)

  91. I love that site but haven’t worked up the nerve to buy anything yet. Right now I just stare and drool over my keyboard.

    What can I not stop buying? Anything cupcake related, for one. I recently started my own feeble attempt at a cupcake blog and I’m obsessed! Other than cupcake things? Anything in the stationary aisle… I love pens, papers, notecards, markers… you name it, I want it!

  92. art supplies…………….i can’t stop!!!! and i include baking supplies in that ……and thing that you can MAKE

  93. My biggest compulsion buy is home decor…I just can’t stop myself if I see a cute candle set or picture frame…Anything to spice up a room! =]

  94. I can’t stop buying anything associates with sugar and kitchen!! Now I’ve also gotten into the scrapbooking stuff.

  95. I love the popcorn cups. Perfect for cupcakes with butter favored jelly bellys on top.

  96. Right now, it’s vintage sheets and wool sweaters to felt from the Goodwill. What a ridiculously cute baking site!

  97. Lately I’ve become obsessed with party planning, and I’ve been buying up every cute thing I see on Etsy! I’ve ordered from England, Australia, Kansas, you name it.

    But more than that, ribbon! I can’t stop buying ribbon – plain and wired and satin and grosgrain and plaid – anything with bright colors or preppy patterns, I’m scooping it all up!

  98. I can’t stop buying any craft supply, whether it is fabric, cooking supplies, or general crafty items.

    That being said, I could spend a whole paycheck at Bake it Pretty…there are just too many things that I want!

  99. Oh my…I would love some of the cupcake liners and straws, we use a lot of straws here :o) What a fun site! I really didn’t need to know this :o)

  100. It seems like I can’t stop buying clothes for my girls. Granted..I shop at thrift stores, but still. :-)

  101. Cookie cutters. I love having all sorts of cookie cutters though I always have my favs. :-)

  102. Love the popcorn holders. So cute!

  103. Purely Decadent Coconut Milk ice cream. it’s a problem. in a good way.

  104. Yarn. Always needing more…

  105. I cannot stop buying ‘Create your own’ flavour Aeroplane Jelly packets.
    I have about 15 in my cupboard right now and you can bet i will buy more.
    I experiment with foreign soda’s to make new flavours.

  106. oh my goodness!!! How stinking cute! I want it all!

  107. Yarn! It is so pretty. I love to knit and purchase yarn.

  108. Those are absolutely fabulous!

  109. butter. it disappears faster than anything else in my house!

  110. those are so sweet they almost hurt my teeth! i can’t stop buying anything that has a high cuteness factor…a pack of gum, even! paper products like cute notepads and napkins are my biggest weakness.

  111. Eeeeeek!!!! I just went on a mini shopping spree at Bake it Pretty!! I didn’t know all of these other lovely things existed!! They are must haves :)

    I have a major addiction to buying scarves and costume jewelry earrings!!

  112. I LOVE the striped cupcake liners and cannot wait to make “popcorn” cupcakes for a movie party. Thanks for sharing these are great just like your blog.

  113. i can’t stop buying gadgets… drawers full of gadgets for the kitchen. how many zesters does one need? ice cream scoops? grapefruit spoons? don’t ask!

  114. Ballpoint pens, the cheap ones that leave your writing hand covered in smudges.

  115. ‘Special food items’ aka things I can’t get at the supermarket. I need to stay far away from asian, Italian or delicatesse shops ’cause I’ll come home with loads of things I really don’t need but buy because they look interesting.

  116. I like the twine ! Go figure, I don’t even know why. But then there are the baking cups that look like popcorn containers, or the cool twisties.

  117. Wow! I went to the website and I am in love! Thanks for introducing me to the site and a chance to win the gift certificate.

  118. I have an addiction to storage containers. Doesn’t matter what size, any type of plastic box with a lid is such an attraction. I will even buy them with stuff inside. Walmart or Target is a nightmare!

  119. Flip flops, sandals, thongs…..whatever you want to call them. I love them dearly and can’t resist another cute pair. Paint my toenails pink, slip on some sweet flip flops and I am a happy girl!

  120. I have major problems with buying office supplies. Pens, pencils, markers, pads of paper, notebooks, etc. I couldn’t possibly need anymore and often times I have no use for them when I do buy them, but I just love them.

    Of course, I also have problems with books, fancy ingredients, chocolate, little boxes, etc.

  121. Love this site bakerella, thanks!!!!
    I can’t stop buying candy melts thanks to you :)

  122. Shoes..and bags… and everything for cake and cupcake decoration!

  123. I am loving the straws – so cute! And of course, the floral baking cups are a must-have, too!

  124. Ok, amazing! You’re not doing my bank account any good you know! I am a baker at heart, but also a paper crafter, so currently I am addicted to crafty stuff, particularly acrylic stamps. That’s my downfall at the moment…

  125. Well, I’ve been dreaming about an opportunity to make those candy buttons ever since you posted about them, so the mold is on my wish list.

    And I’m drawn to anything with hearts, especially jewelry.

  126. ummmm, wooden spoons, and spatulas!!! looove them!!!

  127. I am a sucker for adorable stationary or tea party supplies…. not to mention adorable clothes for my kids….

    So wanting those cupcake liners!

  128. I may, or may not, telling myself no when buying almost anything!! I love saying no to things for my house!

  129. I have an addiction to Handbags. Any style/any color/any fabric/any size. I have to have them. Ironically, the last one I bought was called Chocolate Cherry Cake. :)
    Anyway, I might visit BakeItPretty and fill all of my handbags with goodies! :)

  130. I would love to get some sticks and/or cute colored twist ties for our Relay for Life Cake Pops we will be making in a few weeks. How long does the delivery take I wonder?

  131. I love their website! I want it all. But I have been dreaming of divine twine, so many fun colors and I absolutely love the gingham baking cups. I love those twist ties, I will need to get some for the baby shower I am planning. And I love, love, love the sweet spot baking cups too! I would take one of everything if I could afford it :)

  132. I cannot stop myself from buying unique grocery items, especially when they’re on sale. I love the adventure of trying new flavors and experimenting with new looks. I’m just addicted I suppose.

  133. Shoes! cannot have enough of them.

  134. Anything baking related…on second thought maybe I shouldn’t be entering this ;-) ! Bake it Pretty is an awesome site…very addicting!

  135. Love your pictures!! I can’t stop buying fabric…please help me!!

  136. Ribbon! I have so much of it for future projects, and I can’t seem to get enough!

  137. OMG how adorable are hose popcorn bucket ones…I have a problem with buying patty cases and I dont really use them as I mostly ever make the kids mimi cupcakes and I use a silicon mould as they pop out better so the kids dont have a wrapper(they will eat it..the paper)

    Anyway its awesome to see another site I may never have found

  138. I can’t stop buying yarn, it’s a sickness!

  139. I love her site! I got sucked in by the button mold, and of course could not resist the cupcake liners— only a scrooge could!!!!

  140. Shower products. Anything for the shower! I have way too much stuff…

  141. Love these! There are so many adorable things. Thanks for the link!

  142. I can’t stop myself from buying paper crafting supplies – could be paper, stamps, paper punches, etc. I also can’t stop myself from buying desserts – whenever my hubby and I travel to a new city – I always scope out the bakeries in the area for new treats.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  143. I want it all! Although I’d probably never be able to use them as well, they’re just too cute. I would probably decorate my kitchen with them!

  144. I am going to have a hard time keeping myself for buying those gingham cupcake liners as well…. perfect for a country girl like me!

  145. I can’t stop buying anything cake decorating related, and of course CHOCOLATE!!!!!

  146. I’d love to try the edible glitter. But I love all of the cute baking cups. It would be hard to just pick one thing! There is sooo much amazing stuff on that site!

  147. My newest obsession is Brown Bag Shortbread pans. I have a wedding coming up in October and I keep thinking of more goodies I canhave everyone take home. I’m going to have a take-away coffee bar for the guests and I think I’m going to make Scottish shortbread to wrap up and send them home with (it’s a Celtic theme).

    I have not bought one yet, but almost daily I go onto the brown bag website ( and look and keep changing my mind about which one I want to use for our gifts. I’ve been through thistles and shamrocks, Celtic knots and the British Isle pan. I just can’t decide! They are all soooo pretty!

    No matter what I pick out for the wedding, I think I’m also going to go home with the high tea one also. Sooo cute!

  148. I absolutely love cookie cutters, baking cups, and any other thing that requires the storage space that I don’t have in my little studio apartment! All of that stuff is too ridiculously adorable. Want it all! :)

  149. I WANT IT ALL!!! Awesome stuff. I predict their sales quaduple this month, thanks to amazing you.

  150. The cakewich pan is AWESOME!! I love it!!

    I have a problem stopping myself from buying new shirts. I love new shirts and once I find one that I really like, I need it in every color.

  151. Anything that has to do with Cupcakes some how just jumps into my arms and I have to take it home! :o)

  152. I can’t believe the cuteness of it all! I just hosted a bridal/birthday party with tons of cupcakes. (My personal favorite were the ninja and pirate cupcakes) I don’t think I would of thought baking could be such a crazy cuteness overload until I stumbled onto this site! <3 <3

  153. I am addicted to cookbooks. It’s not funny, I can’t help myself. And worse even if its a bad one I can’t part with it. I may need to start my own library just for cookbooks. :)

  154. Lipglosses! They tend to be in the same color family…how many do I need?

  155. I have a two year old, and just about every time we go out, I buy him a Hot Wheels or Matchbox car. I think that I like picking them out more than he does!

  156. I LOVE Bake It Pretty!! Cupcake liners, sprinkles, ribbon…just to name a few of my weaknesses.

  157. I love their store, I could buy it all. I have a problem with CDs and DVDs. Always have…*sigh* Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  158. Thanks for the giveaway! I must admit that I’m addicted to Coach purses and can’t stop buying them! lol. my husband is even having my birthday cake this weekend made as a sculpted coach purse. sad…i know hehe.

  159. This stuff is too cute! I can’t stop myself from buying scrapbooking paper. I’m addicted! Also, books for my kids. Whenever they send the book order home from school every month I can not resist buying several titles!

  160. Hmmm….that’s a tough one. Earrings. Love ’em. Embroidery floss. Every time I’m at the store I pick up some. Yarn. Nail polish. I’m creating quite a large collection. Jut love the colors.

    I love those baking cups. So adorable. i would have a hard time using them, too!

  161. I can’t stop myself from buying anything cupcake related and these cups are TO DIE FOR!!!

  162. Wow, that stuff is irresistible! My weakness is soap making fragrances and colorants from I have more than I can use because I can’t stop buying stuff. My other weakness is Vera Bradley bags, but the prices keep me in check. Still, I have more than I need.

  163. i can’t stop myself when it comes to fun cupcake liners. too many supplies not enough time to use them.

  164. I can’t stop purchasing cake supplies, cupcake liners, and earrings. Thanks for having this giveaway! I have been really holding back from buying anything from that website for a loooong time!

  165. I can’t stop buying cookie cutters! There are soo many cute ones!

  166. Shoes! It’s a problem :)

  167. Love that site, great stuffs!!! I can’t stop buying stamp stuff…always. Paper, stamps, inks, you can never have too many!

  168. I absolutely cannot stop myself from buying cooking equipment. As a college student, I had the best stocked dorm room ever :-)

  169. I can’t stop myself from buying anything craft related. I just filled a new cabinet with tons of fabric, paints, baking supplies, cardstock. Anything pretty or cute. Also a sucker for cupcake themed items!

  170. Sharpies and post-it notes! I passed this on to my 7 year old daughter! Also, cute dish towels!

  171. I could do a lot of damage on this site! Although I would like one of EVERYTHING on the site I’d have to say I’d go for the cookie cutters. I collect them, and there are some I’ve never seen before-particularly the mustache, (come on…awesome!) the onesie cookie cutter (great for baby shower favors or a gift for new parents), and the old fashioned milk bottle cutter. That one puts a whole new spin on cookies and milk :)

    Thanks for putting this site on my radar, I will def be passing it on and saving it as a favorite!

  172. Can’t pass up a cute rubber stamp – that’s my thing, stamping. Cardmaking, Love it. And I spend waaayy too much money on my addiction.

  173. Cupcake cups!!!

  174. I can’t stop myself from buying flip flops. I’m too ashamed to tell you how many pairs I have.

    And salsa. I buy salsa everytime I go to the store, just to make sure I never run out. I’m too ashamed to tell you how many jars of salsa I have too. I need help.

  175. I am addicted to buying childrens books, rubber stamps and things for my kitchen. I would love to win this contest (my husband would love it too), since I am going to have to do a little shopping now.

  176. Oh, I’d be happy happy happy with ANYTHING from that sight. I thank you for sharing, but my pocket book (and husband!) might not!

  177. I can’t stop myself from buying themed nordicware cake and muffin pans, and cookie cutters, especially when they go on special.

    I think my children now expect shaped sandwiches and cheese as a birthright.

  178. Love the twisty ties! So many uses….
    I have an overabundance of kid’s crafty stuff…two little ones go through a LOT of puffballs and googly eyes. Or maybe it’s just me…

  179. I can’t stop buying books!! I’m so bad that I have a list of books to buy that is two pages long (typed!!) Also craft supplies — especially stuff that’s on clearance — who can say no to 25 cent craft stuff!!!

  180. I can’t help but buy children’s books, I have a problem. Even though I am an elementary teacher and have an excuse, I would still buy them even if I wasn’t! It’s so nice to bring myself back to my childhood!

  181. I can’t stop buying nail polish and mascara. I’m a sucker for any new color or formula.

  182. Those popcorn wrappers are THE CUTEST!!!
    Fingers crossed!

  183. My current obsession? The TeaCupCakes baking molds. How cute are those?!?! Only two more weeks until I’m home from college and can bake all day long!

  184. I’m completely obsessed with pretty much everything – it’s amazing how I can go to that site for just one thing and then think I need it all!! I really love the designer cupcake liners, especially the paisley ones – great colors!

  185. So cute! Love it all! I can’t stop buying pajamas! I have more than enough, but they’re so cute!

  186. Cookbooks! I buy every cookbook I see! Makes for issues with storage….. :-)

  187. This is going to sound weird — but I can’t stop buying BUTTER. I love to bake and when you bake you need butter. So when it’s on sale, I buy BUTTER. When my husband opens up the fridge, he says, “Why on earth do we need all this butter? Seriously.” Because we do…
    And oh my goodness, those cupcake liners are beyond adorable.

  188. Oooh such cute stuff. I can’t stop myself from buying cookie cutters and card making supplies.

  189. You’re So generous! Those turquoise damask looking baking cups are divine!

  190. LOVE this post! Such cute things! I think I would hesitate to use the popcorn ones too – they’re just so adorable!!!

    The one thing I cannot stop myself from buying is shoes! I am addicted to shoes! I have so many, but I always find more that I just have to have! There are other things too, but mainly shoes!

    Also, just want you to know you are such an inspiration! I just love your site!!! Recently I bought a book of cupcake recipes that I absolutely cannot wait to try – So I could definitely use a bunch of those adorable liners!!!

  191. The is just too much to choose from, but I would have to get the little popcorn box wrappers since I am already planning on making popcorn cupcakes for my son’s carnival birthday party. I would also have to get the twine so i can make the cupcake ornaments that they have a tutorial for on the their website, and who knows from there the possibilities are endless.

  192. This stuff is amazing. I hope I win. Fingers crossed.

  193. I would most definitely have to buy the cute lil’ popcorn cupcake wrappers. I love cupcakes. And those are too cute to handle.

  194. cookbooks. I have hundreds of them :)

  195. I’m making my own cupcakes for our wedding cupcake buffet… so I’m always on the hunt for different blue cupcake liners! They have quite a few on that site that I don’t have yet! So exciting!!! =)

  196. I can’t stop buying PANS! I am addicted to different kinds of cake pans from mini to extra large to different kinds of cupcake pans. Oh and molds too! Can’t have enough of them!! MUST HAVE MORE STUFF!!

  197. cute cupcake decorating items, or anything to decorate cute cakes for my kids, like mickey mouse figurines for my 3 year old’s mickey mouse clubhouse cake :) my 7 yr. old wants your wii cupcakes in june, so i’m going to have to start now and practice if i want them to look half as cute as yours!

  198. I can’t stop buying anything mini, mini muffin cups, mini cake pans, etc. They are so not practical but soooo cute!

  199. I love all the baking cups! I have trouble not buying every little baking gadget or tool I come across.

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