


Earlier this year I posted a cute candy button display that my friend Julie made following a tutorial on a website called Bake it Pretty. And even though I had heard of and seen their site, I had not really looked around it all that much… until recently.

**Warning… enter their site at your own risk or else you might just leave it with a whole bunch of stuff you didn’t know you had to have…


… like these superty-duperty cute baking cups.

They sell lots of fun designs you probably won’t find in your local craft or grocery store…


… unless you can read this.


or know where to find these.


If you visit them, you might be tempted by shiny things.


Or these. I was forced to buy them in several colors…


… and sizes.

The website made me do it. I promise. I mean if I just bought one color, which one?

Red? Of course, but what about black? How often do you come across black gingham print baking cups? Or orange? Or blue?

You know… I didn’t even need any more baking cups. Like for the next couple of years … I’m good.


But, then there’s these. I mean how cute can you get?

It’s funny – right before I found them I was wanting to make some popcorn bucket cupcakes, but figured I would have to make my own wrappers because I knew I would never find any with stripes. So instead I made these flat brownie popcorn bags. Then, right after making them, voila – perfect little cups.

And now, I can’t bring myself to even bake in them. They’re so cute I don’t want to be without them. I just want to look at them. Is that weird?

Don’t answer that.


And the cute little poem doesn’t hurt either.


More baking cups. These, like the striped ones stand up on their own. You can place them right on a baking sheet and go.

However, I haven’t used these yet either. I have a problem.


I worked my way through all the sections of the site and couldn’t leave without having these tapes and twine in my life.


And look at these cute little twist ties in pink, purple and tiny hearts.


But they don’t hold a candle to these…


Dying over here. Plus, they’re kinda perfect for packaging cake pops.


You can even make your drinks look cute. Love these straws.

If you want to see them in action, check out how good they look with Tartelette’s ice cream sandwiches. Not that her pictures aren’t already perfection.


And look, a button mold.

I had to have one of these, too. You know – just in case I ever want to make my own candy button display like this one.


P.S. – I may or may not have also purchased these not exactly kid friendly candies. But, if I did – the website made me do that, too.

Want to pick out your own stuff?

Want me to foot the bill?

Okay, you talked me into it.

Enter to win a $50 gift voucher to

  • Leave your comment on this post.
  • Just tell me what stuff you can’t stop yourself from buying. Anything. I’m curious.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 27 at 5 pm ET. TIME’S UP. Winner announced below.
  • Three (3) winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

And the winners are…


YAY guys! Have fun shopping. And thanks everyone for sharing your shopping compulsions. I’m in good company.

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7,488 comments on “Stuffs”

  1. i can’t stop buying fabric for quilting. it’s a small obsession!

  2. I can’t stop buying food! Grocery store visits are almost daily now, there’s just too many recipes and too little time!

  3. kitchen utensils and baking cups! I love them and I can’t stop buying them… but I’m currently unemployed so no much money to spend… Anyway, even if I don’t win this contest I will check their website for baking cups :-)

  4. I’m glad i’m not the only one who has a weakness for pretty, small things. The smaller, the better! Thanks for the warning about the site, I think I will hold off until I get my tax refund so that I can go nutty. I know how you feel about not wanting to use anything though – cause then it will be GONE! Then what would I do…. BUY MORE!

  5. I can’t stop buying bags. Oh what I cute bag? I could use it for (insert random reason here)!!

  6. Those are so cute.

    Personally I can’t stop myself from buying cookbooks. But I don’t go for plain ol’ cookbooks, I have to have foreign cuisine or books about the science of cooking (a la Alton Brown).

  7. omigod…….. these are jusssssssss cute!!!!!!! love u bakerella!!

  8. I can not stop buying things to make cakes!
    I love making cakes (by the way, thanks for your site! You make me happy) and I want to try any kind of form, material, ingredient! Everything!

  9. How fun — I have a “thing” for bowls — love em in all the “different” varieties, my husband just wishes I would actually USE them all.

  10. I want every single chocolate mold! And the cakewich pan

  11. I have a hard time saying no to baking and craft supplies. The Wilton tent sale does me in every year!

  12. Oh my goodness! I made a purchase from Bake it Pretty a few months ago and I know exactly what you mean about “the website made me do it!” I bought so many cookie cutters just cuz they were so darn cute, which reminds me that I need to bake up some cookies!

  13. The table saw… is FAN-tastic! I don’t know why I am so taken with it but I am. :o) So unique!!!

  14. while everything is so adorable, my boys would flip for cupcakes in the skull liners. :)

  15. i *heart* bake it pretty & have been a fan of amanda’s for some time now…but, i MUST HAVE the “i *heart* chocolate” ties & i think that the twine is calling my name…

    thanks bakerella for including me in this fab giveaway…
    & how’s your book coming??

  16. Dishes, well serving dishes. I love cute plates to serve my baked creations on. I need help because I am running out of room!

  17. Cosmetics, I have 2 bathroom drawers full, and also a wicker basket in my closet that is starting to fill up lol.

  18. Hhhmmmm . . .to share only one obsession? I cannot pass up cute clothes for my kids – I can ALWAYS come up with an excuse or a place to wear them!

  19. I don’t think my last post went through for some reason, but I love the Pink Parade cupcake liners

  20. Cupcake cups that stand up on their own!!!!! I can barely BREATHE!! When did this happen? Simply amazing. I must have them. And those shiny silvery blue ones? Just about the prettiest things I’ve ever seen!!

  21. Toys for my baby!
    Not my fault, I always try to resist, but I always find things too pretty for him on the internet! Like the wooden toys from Sweden, or the train from Germany, or the bears of cloth from France …

  22. I’m hoping my name gets randomly selected because these items are way too cute and I’m afraid I’ll end up visiting the site with or without a gift certificate!! I can’t stop buying movies! My husband and I have a huge DVD collection and everytime I see a good deal (like a going out of business video store or garage sale table) with DVDs for 2-3 bucks, I always buy more than I should!!

  23. omgosh!!! soooo many cute things!!!!
    i have 2 things i can’t stop buying: chocolate chips (i must have 10 bags on hand at anytime!), and t shirts! ooh maybe 3 headbands for my daughter!


  24. Oh, how to choose…I definitely want the Pink Parade cupcake liners. So cute!!

  25. sprinkles! and bags :)

  26. The last time you mentioned Bake It Pretty, I saw a serious dip in my bank account. Now, I don’t know what to do! :P I’m a sucker for exotic or nostalgia candy. Anything really unusual, unique or totally retro gets me weak in the knees. Those candy cigarettes, btw, I grew up with them when my mom sold ice cream and treats at my middle school. And last Halloween, I was a cigarette girl and found a supplier for candy cigarettes to give away in a real cigarette packs. Those bad boys are dangerously addictive on their own! :P

  27. I can’t stop myself from buying old typewriters. Weird, I know. :D
    Well, that and cupcake liners.

  28. The baking cups…and the cookie cutters…and the baking cups! I’m having guests next Saturday and am now wondering if I can get some here in time to make cupcakes for them!

    Here are some recent cupcakes I made:

  29. cake decorating supplies, fabric, yarn, wool, embroidery/cross stitch supplies, kitchen gadgets, and books!
    (although with a new baby i have hardly any time to use anything )

  30. I love cupcakes and cant stop myself from making them so I love love love these paper cups

  31. I dont know if you are from sweden or not, but the baking cup’s package says “party baking cups”, even if it sounds better in swedish.
    And the text under is a recipe for plume cupcakes (if i spelled right). :) They are very cute!

  32. I can’t stop myself from buying clothes for my daughter!

  33. Many little things I can’t resist! In the kitchen, it’s sprinkles and mini-cupcake liners. Like you, I have a problem using them!! But I’ve been a hero on two occasions recently due to my liner stash, so now I can say I’m collecting them on behalf of others.

    In the craft room . . . glitter and different kinds of adhesives. Vintage notions. Fat quarters. Yarn.

    Then . . . place mats, napkins, dishcloths, hand towels, faceclothes of a seasonal nature. Whew!

  34. Cake pans and baking cups! I have a cake pan of any shape! Circle, heart, bear, castle, flower, cake, sunflower, tea cups, etc. etc.. For every occasion there is the right shape!
    And I also love baking cups … any kind and any colour! Dots, stripes, flowers, hearts, animals, tissues … I love them, are too cute!

  35. I am so addicted to your site that I tell EVERYONE about it. I can’t imagine being addicted to another, but I will give it a try.

  36. Oh how perfect! Those stripy cups are the best, I think I’m going to have to have some of them! What can I not stop myself from buying? Anything and everything – Let me loose in a craft shop though and it’s tickets! I am also a sucker for Christmas decorations, my tree is always laden and I still don’t think I have enough ;-)

  37. I can’t stop myself from buying really nerdy t-shirts! Love them.

  38. I keep buying mini cake pedestals, but I don’t bake anything to fill them with : )

  39. I can’t resist buying good books…but I need some cupcake wrappers so that I can munch on pretty cupcakes while reading.

  40. i always buy patty pans (is that what you call them in America? thats what we call them in Australia) nope i just checked you call them backing cups.
    but patty pans is so much cuter! no?
    so i get then with spots and stripes and flowers
    i recently went to japan and in Tokyu Hands (they have everything) they had a backing level and i bought every type of patty pan you could buy…but dont want to use them! they are too cute
    oh, and i recently found cupcake flags – flags for cupcakes for they look ultra retro and school féte-ish

  41. i always buy flour. It doesn’t matter if i need it or not, I always know that I will bake something with it soon!

  42. I’m thinking the baking cups would looks so pretty on the muffins I have to make for an upcoming brunch:)

  43. Holy Cats! I have died and gone to heaven!! I sat reading this entry and was thinking I’ll put chocolate in those & for the party….. dear lord help me! This new site is dangerous to my bank account!

  44. Spices. I can not stop buying spices. I have an entire drawer with all kinds of spice imaginable, from more conventional like pepper or curry to those strange as turmeric, cardamom, coriander, mace … I love hearing new flavors, and every time I travel I carry with me a spice of the country where I was, to always remember the flavors of the holiday!

  45. Love everything you purchased!

  46. oh, this could be DAN.GER.OUS. how stinkin’ cute are all those goodies??!?!?!? must check out that site!! (as soon as i have a job and a paycheck again – dang layoffs!)

  47. Right now I can’t stop buying–clorox wipes! my daughter has the stomach bug!! yikes!

  48. I’m a sucker for anything pretty apparently, because I had no idea I needed those cupcake liners.

    I also can’t stop buying books for me or my kids and dresses for my baby girl.

  49. Oh my goodness, I love everything you highlighted…I love adorable baking cups for my kids’ school treats or family gatherings.
    I can’t stop buying scrapbooking/stamping supplies, and I’m just like you, some of the items I just don’t want to use because it’s too pretty, and I don’t want to be without it! It’s a sickness I tell you….
    Thanks for a wonderful giveaway opportunity!
    the.k.krew at gmail dot com

  50. anything that glitters or has a ruffle….it’s sick, i know.

  51. Unfortunately, I can’t stop myself from buying clothes. Especially cute boutique clothes from Decatur. M y hubby had to put me on a budget which works sometimes…

  52. I can not stop buying decorations for my cupcakes!
    I already know Bake It Pretty, I love the hundreds of decorations that it proposes (and ideas, too …)!

  53. I can’t stop buying seasonal ramkins/baking pans! i mean, you can only bake so much for one holiday! also, i can’t stop buying less conventional baking ingredients (i’m vegan), which always happen to cost a small fortune, but well worht it.

  54. ooh how lovely!
    ok, i can’t avoid to buy supplies for jewelry making and crochet o.O i’m a crochet-aholic, it’s like a drug, and really lately i’ve been throwing money on cottons and such. that is!
    cheers from italy!

  55. i nearly had a heart attack looking at the bake it preetyy website!! soo many cute things!!! okay about me, there is one thing i cant stop buying is stickers! i dont use them and i have like thousand unopend and unused stickers i put them in a box and everytime i see them at the shops i will just stop and buy them! my husband thinks i have a problem!

  56. i love those baking cups! I can’t stop buying anything to do w/ baking, whether it be cupcake liners or pretty ribbon to wrap up my goodies with…the list could go on forever.. I hope I win!

  57. I cant stop buying cake pans! I am obsessed. I have so many, and love to experiment. I also cant stop buying cook books!

  58. These are just great! Pick me, pick me, pick me! :)

  59. I love everything on her site,, but truly my favorite things are the no pan required baking cups. I bought them and like yourself, can’t bring myself to actually USE them (cause then they would be gone and while I know intellectually I can buy MORE……). So, maybe if you pick ME, I could bake and buy!

  60. Me encantan las bolsas para empaquetar, sobre todo de papel (yo reciclo todas ;), también me encantan las etiquetas, las pegatinas, me gusta y me compro de todo ;)

    Salu2, Paula

  61. Kitchen gadgets! Even if I think I’ll only use something once, I buy it. My drawers are stuffed with these gadgets, but I just can’t stop!

  62. These are absolutely adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  63. I cannot stop buying buttons and, this is new thing by the way, baking cups.

  64. I love it all! oh my goodness!

  65. OMG! it’s been quite sometime since i last baked something but these are just too cute!! :D *brings out all my stuff* LETS START muahahha xD

  66. Books! I love buying books. Books I never have time to read. I am now using my library though! Breaking the habit!

  67. control? what does that mean? who has a dictionary any more!

  68. I’m in love with the chocolate molds! Must have!

  69. I can never stop myself from buying craft supplies and baking supplies. I love pretty paper, journals, notebooks, boxes (yes, you read right, boxes), wrapping paper, ribbon and the list goes on and on. As for baking supplies, one of my biggest weaknesses are cookie cutters!

  70. Oooooh! I would need to have some of those fabulous colored candy melts, and the adorable penguin candy mold! I’m also loving the folk star and heart cookie cutters. Yep, I could easily blow $50. :)

    As for other stuff, I can’t stop buying . . . ummm . . . lots of stuff! Clothes for me, clothes for my kids, yummy food to cook, scrapbooking supplies—lots of stuff.


  72. office supplies – cute paperclips, fun pens, pads of paper, binder clips in all different sizes, post it flags, etc. etc.

  73. I really can’t stop myself from buying action figures. I have quite the collection.

  74. So many cute colourful things. Love it.

  75. If I don’t win, I might just have to order stuff anyway! Oh, and I’ve always had a weakness for cute cupcake wrappers. When I see new ones in the store that are adorable, I snatch them up!

  76. I get crazy over any kind of baked goods containers. Especially at Christmas. This site will ruin my budget but I love all those things. So cute!

  77. Ooo..anything related to baking, like seriously! I could spend days (or for that matter, live) in shops that sell anything remotely related to baking and decorating baked goods! yum!

  78. Books, Etienne Aigner purses and baby clothes for my great-niece. And since I’m now addicted to baking, I’m afraid to even visit that website! Lord knows, I don’t need another addiction.

  79. How fantastic! I’ve been looking for a container to serve flavored popcorn at a reception. The specialty cupcake holders in the circus stripes are perfect!

  80. Wow, those baking cups are adorable. I have a few things I cannot stop myself from buying. Baking paraphernalia (especially things I don’t necessarily need) are always top of the list but I’m also addicted to books and sweet treats. Dessert, chocolate, cupcakes, anything that’s going to appease my insanely sweet teeth makes me happy.

    My perfect day is the 2nd hand bookshop to pick up fiction and several more cookbooks (I really don’t need) followed by any kitchen stores & charity shops for vintage crockery to pretty up my blog and finish at the bakery/coffee shop for something sticky & sweet with a coffee.

  81. i cant stop buying cute cupcake liners, i have like loads of mini-souffle cups, mini muffin liners waiting to be used but I cant bear to use them. HAHHAHAA.:D

  82. i cant stop getting pretty moulds for my fondant!! ^^

  83. Oh wow – ALL of those things are just so amazing and cute and of course belong in the “have to have” category.

    Me – I cant stop buying quilting fabric – you can never have too much quilting fabric…..

  84. I’m really into sewing right now so I can’t leave the fabric store without yards of pretty fabric (usually from the sale rack). I’m not even sure what I’m going to do with it all. Maybe one day I’ll make a quilt of all my impulse buy fabric.

  85. HI! (ROOM HI)

  86. Bridal magazines. Even though they are pretty much all the same and they cost a fortune and are mostly really pretentious, I just can’t stop!

  87. Oh My Goodness!! If you have a problem then I am right there with you!!! I want everything you got and more:) I am off to see her site now. Keep your fingers crossed that there are things left for the others to buy once I get done:)

  88. Cereal. If I see a new cereal in the aisle, I have to try it. I HAVE to. I can’t stop myself. I get to the check-out and I’m like, “Where did those eight boxes of cereal come from? Do I really need Cupcake Pebbles in my life?”
    The answer to that last question is yes. Yes I do.

  89. Woowowowowowo, this is absolutely dang dang cutey., jus the kinda stuff that has me jelly n donuts and woot woot…they ship world wide…..
    Am already making a list of all the things i m so muc in love with from BAKE it PRetty, absolutely cutest pretty site and if i win , am sure mom will add in something too ,so can order a whole lod of goodies galore….wowowowowow…i love them all…seriously i do….the fairy cupcake kits, the cup cake wraps and all the cutest stuff u have picked here above, ofcourse u do pick all the best stuff around as always:-)
    thnxxx a ton lods for yet another delicious giveaway,thanxx a ton lods!!!
    a super sparkly day to u Joy!!!

  90. I love it all!! I can’t stop myself from buying cooking magazines!

  91. Wow! Oh my gosh. It’s all so super cute. I wish there were shops like this near where I lived. Or would that be a terrible idea?

    The things I can’t stop buying are books and cookie cutters and cupcake cases and sprinkles… OK there are a multitude of things I can’t stop buying but I think books would be at the top of that list.

  92. Oh my! How gorgeous were those little cups and twines?!

    I wish the stuff I can’t stop buying are little cups and twines, which are small enough… instead of bed linen and towels. Seriously, if we live in a bigger house, I’d probably fill one whole room with just bed linen and towels –as storage!

  93. Their website is like potato chips, you just can’t have one!!
    Love your site.Great

  94. Cookie cutters, tiny icing decorations, packaging supplies….
    Love Bake It Pretty and love your site!!

  95. ANYTHING on sale……if I even think it’s a deal I gottssss to have it!! lol

  96. Oh those cupcakes cases are so cute, I would love to try some of them out! And the straws too, completely adorable!!!

    I love to buy pretty cupcake cases and then I love to look at them like you!!! Can’t bear to use some of them!!!

  97. I’m OBSESSED with this website! I really want the button mold and rainbow candy melts!

  98. I can’t stop myself from buying toys at second hand shops & garage sales these days. You can’t have too many when they are so cheap can you?

  99. I can’t stop myself from buying cake tins and cookie cutters. Whenever I see something new or something I still don’t have, I buy it…even when I’m traveling my suitcase is full of new cake tins! :)

  100. Makeup! I’m not even all that great with eyeshadows and the like but that doesn’t stop me from thinking I need a little pot of powder in every color EVER!

  101. Okay, pretty much everything. I really love the frog molds and the polka dot liners though!

  102. I can’t stop myself from buying crazy things at AC Moore and Michael’s. There is something about a craft store that makes me forget about the concept of money. I just keep picking things up one after another. It’s a BADDD habit.

  103. Everything is too cute!! Thanks for sharing this wonderful site – and thanks for your awesome site too… love them both!!

  104. Cookbooks, sprinkles, baking pans – and for some reason, cooking utensils :lots and lots of long-handled spoons!

  105. I can’t stop buying fabric. I don’t need any more but everytime I see something with a cute print I HAVE to have it. Have so many huge tubs overflowing! :D

  106. Cupcakes, and anything associated with them… and I blame you!!!

  107. Cookbooks are my obsession, but I also like kitchen gadgets.

  108. I can’t stop buying books (cookbooks in particular) and craft items.

  109. I love all kinds of cookbooks!!!

  110. Oh so nice to share with us ! For me, it’s everything related to cooking: it’s true, we can’t have everything to cook properly, so when i see something i don’t have, i buy it. Logical, isn’t it ?! Thanks for the contest sweet Bakerella ;)

  111. I can’t stop buying pretty dresses!!

  112. I can’t stop buying cooking stuff ! I mean, if i’m in a cookshop, i will take everything i don’t already have. My last crush was a cupcake heart mould, but i also bought cupcake moulds, and a kind of tartelette moulds ! it excits me to cook with them now ! It would be fun to win, xoxo !

  113. OH MY Bakerella! I think you need to start putting a warning label on your website! You have found the most superty- duperity goodies this time!
    I would buy all the superty-duperty muffin cups, the really cool pop sticks, the twisties that say “I love chocolate”, oooo, and I really love those little button chocolate molds. Please be my fairy Bakerella! I hope I win =:O

  114. I can’t stop myself from buying earrings – and I have lots of them (which is quite nice (; )

  115. hi amy,love the shinning bite size cupcakes cup.would really love to av twins daughters birthday is 16th of may,the girls will b 3yrs.would love to do smtin unique for them n since i cn’t get them in nigeria,it will b a blessing n lots joy to get them from u bakerella.u inspire me kidding.lots of love n hugs.

  116. i can’t help buying more and more baking supplies! cupcake liners, sprinkles, food coloring… anything i can use up. but somehow, my collection is growing faster than i can go through it!

  117. I LOVE these little cupcake accessories! I love love love to bake! And these little cupcake liners are rocking my world! And the sprinkles….LOVE THEM! I could get into serious trouble on this website!

  118. Oh. My. God. This is like heaven for me. So many cases to choose from. I want them all!

  119. I´m from germany and I love your blog!!

  120. How delightful are those cupcake papers?

    I love buying cosmetics. Especially those silly sets with about 10 eyeshadow colours that I will only use two of.

  121. I am in tears. HOW did i EVER live for 27 years without these???!
    I’m speachless

  122. Well, it really depends on the day but kitchen gadgets from TJ Maxx followed by office supplies, mostly at Office Max… I know, it feels weird even typing it…..

  123. Woooow, these things are all sooooo cute.
    Actually, I think there’s nothing I really can’t stop myself from buying, but it’s really, really hard to walk past a baking tin I don’t have. (Recently, I found out in a shop that I don’t have a pie pan. How can you not have a pie pan? Now I have one.)

  124. Since Christmas I’ve been on a BUNDT PAN binge. All the different designs, shapes and sizes. And then decorating the results, wow, just so fun!

  125. Presentation is everything! These are great little ways to spice up your baking goods.
    I can’t stop myself from buying anything cupcake related! I love icings and little candies and am always making cupcakes for birthdays and holidays! I will go to 10 shops to make sure I have the right pieces to make Santas or creepy spiders!!

  126. I also love cupcake wrappers! And NO its is NOT weird to just look at them! ;) I have a small collection – but would LOVE to add to it with some of these BEAUTIFUL wrappers!! xoxox

  127. Your “STUFFS” is just too cute. We (you and I ) must have been seperated at birth…because I too have a hard time using cute stuff…and just liking to look at it!! I bet you even bought more your NOT showing us …hmmmmm?? Very nice . Happy baking.

  128. Oh that recipe on the back is in Swedish – and so am I! :)

    Plum cupcakes
    Whisk 100 gr melted, cooled butter with 2 dl (200 ml) brown sugar. Add 2 eggs while whisking. 1.5 dl creme fraiche and 3.5 dl regular flour mixed with 1 tsp cardamom and 2 tsp baking powder. Split, seed (not sure about the translation there, sorry) and slice 2 plums. Stir into the batter.

    Pour into baking cups and sprinkle wtih nib.
    Bake for 12 minutes at 225 degrees CELSIUS (not fahrenheit!)

    Oh and to answer your question – I love all printed adorable baking cups! They make baking even more fun!

  129. Well, I’d start with the sweet candy and mustache cookie cutters, then I’d get the seven deadly sins spices (hilarious and tasty), then I’d get some snow flurry quins, then I’d get a surprise grab bag for fun, lastly I’d get the Garfield cupcake toppers. I may have to buy them all even if I don’t win. :)

  130. Cook books. And at the minute anything to do with the garden. I’m obsessed!!

    Katie xox

  131. Stuff from the local art fairs that come around!

  132. Cupcake liners!!!!!! Love them! Last June we went to Sweden to the wedding of our exchange student. I bought the black embroidery looking liners in Sweden! The only memento I bought for myself! Also on the label, Sverige is the Swedish name for Sweden!

  133. Pens. For some reason, I love buying pens. I use them too, I love handwriting things and keep several journals. I think I just might have a lifetime supply of pens by now, and there’s no hope of slowing down. :)

  134. I can’t go into H&M without buying at least one thing. It’s like I’m under a spell when I’m in there!

  135. oh my, divine twine, I want the vintage valentines too!

  136. Wow. And wow some more. I didn’t know shops like that existed. My credit card is cowering in fear…

    I can’t stop buying cookie cutters. I have more than anyone could sensibly need, but when i spot a new on I suddenly think of the precise occasion I might really need it, so it would be foolish not to buy it, surely?

  137. Oh my God..I am jaw dropped at the collection you’ve got!! I’d love to have those cupcake liners too..all sizes and all types!!

  138. I love things on sale. It’s terrible!! If I find something with an awesome price I have to get it. And if the price is really good it’s usually more than one. Most of the times it ends up becoming presents for someone else. I also love scrapbooking supplies, craft supplies and fabric. My other splurge is on Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bags! I love things cute and pretty, that is why I love this blog!!

  139. Well this is perfect for me, I can´t stop buying cupcake liners. I have sooooooo many of them, just in case I need them, you never know, somebody may need a 1000 of them ;)

    But the problem is, I don´t like them.. they don´t have that something special.. but your do!!! I NEED to have them!! :)

  140. I’ve had my eye on their giant icing tips and cupcake icing kit forever!

  141. I’m additive to beautiful cupcake liners too. Can’t help to buy extra when I see new designs sold at my local. If I were the winner of the contest, I surely jump high…:)

  142. Baking stuff! Cookie cutters, cupcake cases, baking tins….even boxes and cake boards! Oh and do’t foget, toppers, sprinkles, non–pareils, dragees, so much cuteness and can’t use them fast enough. Im runnng out of space too!

  143. Hi Bakerella,

    sob sob…my country didn’t sell this cute little cupcake casings…i am so jealous of you…sob sob…

  144. I can’t walk into bookstores. If I had the space, I would have a house with a library. There is always a book that I want – and we make weekly trips to the library too!

  145. There is quiet the list of things I can’t help from buying but here are a few. Anything cute for my son, yarn, books, shoes, patterns for said yarn, things for my husband (usually weights and other work out stuff), things for my dogs ( bones and toys), and sometimes even clothes for me!

  146. I can’t stop buying cookbooks… I think I’ve purchased 4 in the last month alone!

  147. I am obsessed with cake decorating books and cake tins. If I’m out with my husband and I spot something he literally has to drag me past to stop my buying it!

  148. I can’t help but to buy new drinks when they come out. Or magazines…they’re practically my achilles heel. From BIP though, I really like the little chef picks on there and I’ve been practically craving their paper straws for my wedding. They’d look amazing!

  149. Oh my lord. The red plaid cupcake cups. Those are just absolutely adorable! And I don’t say that about things usually.

    Since I love love love to bake, just about anything cupcake related is at the top of my list. Or pies. However, I can’t stop myself from buying books. Maybe one day I’ll have a bakery and bookstore.

    Holy crap. That fleur de lis cake pan is amazing as well!

  150. I can’t stop buying school supplies. School has taken over my life and there’s no time to bake or do anything crafty. I especially like to find unique school supplies like smelly erasers/pens/markers, colored staples, different shaped paper clips, etc…

  151. I live in Sweden and speak swedish, so I can read the recipe! Need translation – dont hesitate to mail!
    Any who – I cant stop buying cooking/baking books. I dont even know how many I have. Love them all, but especially the old/vintage ones. I love my baking book from 1953!

    Have a great day!


  152. I tend to buy an over abundance of sprinkles, bake wares and cupcake wrappers(cups) Even now as I looked at your post and was the Popcorn cups (So cute!) my fiancé was face palming knowing what I’m thinking!

  153. Craft supplies. I’m addicted. especially paints!

  154. Oh my goodness! Those are the sweetest things ever! Little gasps of delight!

    I promise I will use their products for charitable bake sales, thoughtful gifts, and the occasional sweet self-indulgence.

  155. This is unbelievably adorable stuff. I don’t even have a kitchen to bake in right now but the heart eggs and pancake shaper is too cute for words. Think of the surprise breakfasts I could make! Sigh. I better win that gift certificate or I might go broke on this website. Chances are looking slim… you are so very popular. For obvious reasons (you and your blog are amazing), but still.

  156. Yarn!

  157. I can’t resist buying special treats and toys… for my dogs. I am not one to really dress my dogs up, (one is a golden retriever and the other is an English bulldog) but it doesn’t stop me from buying them fancy collars and bowls and anything else I “squee” over.

  158. Right now I can’t seem to stop myself from buying anything that is spring related ! Food, clothing, decor… everything ! :o)

  159. Show me any Cook or Baking book! I will find sth. in it what I cant live without and will buy it! So Cookbooks are definitely my Weak Spot.
    And if it comes to special Bakeries, like we have a new one in Munich ( I cant refuse to buy a piece of every offer just to make sure I know them all.. ,-))

  160. Oh, I can’t stop buying cookie cutters, I must have hundreds!

  161. I love this site so much, I pimp it out whenever I get the chance!!!! Those gingham baking cups may be the best thing I have ever seen! But on to your question….

    Mint Chocolate.. Oh Holy Mother of Pearl, I will buy/try/cook/bake anything mint chocolate. It doesnt even have to be homemade, anything at the store that catched my eyeball will get snapped up like there is no tomorrow! Its scary! Mint Aero Chocolate Bars are the worst because you can only find them in specialty candy stores (sometimes!), and I cant have them shipped because I live in Florida.

    There should be a law against it.

  162. It depends on what craft mode I’m in… A month ago I couldn’t stop myself from buying baking supplies; this week it’s fabric for sewing. Those gingham cupcake liners are to die for!

  163. These are so awesome and so is her site! I can’t stop buying souveniers. Sounds crazy but everywhere I go, I have to have a souvenier from my experience!

  164. I’m having a super nerdy Super Mario themed party and I would love the mushroom mold to make cute little mushroom chocolates AND the star cake pan AND everything else, too!

  165. Cutest stuff ever! Right now, I can’t stop buying baby girl clothes!

  166. Cookbooks. Baking gadgets. Jack Daniels. Discounted fabric remnants. In that order.

  167. WOW. 800 over comments? you go girl. but i wonder how do you ever finish reading every single one of them! (:
    anyway, everything i see in this post is so pretty!

  168. My name is Andrea and I am a bake-a-holic. I can’t stop myself from buying chocolate molds (have the button one), cookie cutters, icing tips…. I’ve got a great collection. I love buying cupcake papers and cake tins… the list goes on for quite awhile!!!!

  169. I can’t stop buying cute tote bags! I have a sensible purse, so tote bags are where I put the pizazz on! I always carry more stuff with me than I really need, but I have to be prepared! I also love buying storage containers that are cute, pretty, or colorful and not something you’d normally use to store things with. Craft and paper supplies are also my weaknesses. I love pens too-got that from my mom-there’s a funny story there too. Fabric is hard to walk away from too-you know, for those quilts I’ plan on making some day. I have a few more, I’m sure, but I’ll stop here. I love everything you show us. Thank you!

  170. At the moment, I can’t stop myself from buying Naked juice. Orange Carrot is too good to resist. And it always makes me want some carrot cake afterward…teehee.

  171. I love the pirate party cupcake kit is fab and so cute, I’d love to have a pirate party! yarrrr!

  172. Can’t stop buying BBW stuff! It isn’t sold here in Europe (I’m in Spain) so I’ve got a super big box full of soaps, lotions,…way too much!

  173. Those are adorable. I love the popcorn cups. I can’t stop buying batik fabric. I’m living in Indonesia – have to go back to US soon :( and handmade batik is so inexpensive and beautiful here. I won’t bring clothes back only fabric.

  174. I absolutely cannot stop buying things for my kids. I have 2 daughters 4 & 1 and there r too many cute and fun things out there for kids now that I can’t resist!!! And right now it’s all about Hello Kitty and Disney Princesses!!!

  175. The cupcake recipe on the bottom of the papers is:

    Whip 100g melted, unsalted butter with 2dl brown sugar.
    Add 2 eggs. Stir in 1½dl creme fraiche (or sour cream works, too) and 3½dl all puropse flour blended with 1tsp cardemum and 2tsp baking powder. Dice 2 plums and stir into the batter. Divide evenly into muffin forms (makes about 15). Sprinkle with coarse sugar and bake at 225 degrees centigrade for 12 minutes.

    On a side note, I love that the Swedish name, Plommonmuffins looks a bit like Omnomnom muffins. And that I’m fluent enough in Swedish to translate this recipe :D

  176. Wooow ! I love them all !! I can’t stop to buy cupcake baking cups ! they are my addiction , sadly in my town you can barely find them !

    I also love to buy any sort of beads , jewelry is in my soul ^^

  177. I’m blown away at the cuteness of those.. WANT!

    Anyway, I can’t stop buying hair care products. And school supplies (You heard me!).

  178. I cannot stop myself from buying vegan cookbooks and cake decorating supplies! I’m hooked!

  179. Bakerella is my favorite website. I absolutely love all the creative baking ideas, you are awesome! The baking cups and other wrapping accessories are so cute, I love baking and presentation is just as important to me, these would look great with my baked goods!

    Thank you Bakerella!


  180. Omgosh!! I can’t believe how pretty it all is!

    My uncontrolled buying .. clothes for my daughter, lol.

  181. I just spent all of my money!!!
    I love everything!!!
    I want to live there!!
    Oh please tell me how you could chose??? Lol!

  182. I can’t stop buying food…hahahahah…I heart food! I also can’t get enough of crafty items such as rubber stamps, scrapbook paper and other craft related items. And what else?? Makeup! I heart it all!

  183. everything to do with cupcakes – cupcakes cups cupcakes stand and the colourful sprinkles i bought a box full of it from japan and havent even used them all! i guess im like you i just loveee looking at them! :)

  184. i just caaaaan’t stop buying cookiecutter! and: books about baking and cooking.. though i don’t cook that much and though i haven’t baked 1% of all the receipes i have… ;) just love to have them! and i always have to buy china on fleamarkets…

  185. Hi ,
    i can’t stop buying backing spulies and cookbooks,
    and would love thouse lovely cupcake liners that are very hard to get in this part of the world!
    love your blog

  186. I love to buy yarn. I have a closet full of it. Waiting to be knit and made into adorable little things – but mostly I just love to buy the yarn.
    I would also love to buy the entire stock from Bake it Pretty. Cupcakes are my favorite to bake, and everything looks so cool!

  187. wow. everything! i especially love the cute cupcake papers that look like lace. or the edible glitter! i want to have a fairy party…for myself :)

  188. I can’t stop buying pretty, retro-style sundresses!

  189. WOW! so cute!~ I might have to peek around the site and find me some cute baking goodies! :3

    I’m really addicted to buying bright colored makeup! I love makeup that stands out color wise. Purples, blues, vibrant whites, pinks, ect. Not a fan of yellow/orange though :[. Also, cute fabrics from the fabric store…I have to avoid going there or there goes my whole paycheck! haha~

  190. ummmm books too

  191. i’ve been very good lately, but the one indulgence i allow myself is socks. lots and lots of fun stripey, polka-dotted, cute knee socks!

  192. i really really would love to have those stripey red ones. the ones used for popcorn stick. i mean i wish i could jave them all………alas

  193. I can’t stop buying Baby Legs! I have bought nearly 18 pairs in the last 9 months for my son and I’m CONSTANTLY buying more! They keep offering BOGO if you’re their fan on Facebook. I’m addicted. Seriously. I had to hide their posts from my newsfeed or I just would have kept on buying.

  194. I keep buying lipstick when I clearly don’t need anymore!
    I’d love to win!

  195. I know it’s such a cliché, but shoes! those have relentless power over me… mean shoes! :)
    Oh love those baking cups, too!

  196. for me it’s pretty notebooks and pens

    and cardigans :)

  197. anything cupcake related, ESPECIALLY if I dont need’em! :)

  198. It would take a lot of discipline to stop me from buying bags. I have too many!

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