
Sweet Soldiers


My friend Cupcake Julie had her Christmas party this past weekend.

You may remember her gorgeous sugar-themed decorations.


Stuff like this.

(Here’s the post from last year if you want to see visions of sugar plums dancing in your head for the next few days. Make sure you check out the kids play bakery, too. It’s incredible.)

It’s hard to imagine, but this year was even more beautiful than last.


Colonel Cupcake was there again this year.


And so was this guy.


And this one.


And this little one. These guys were all over the place.

You may also remember seeing them from the Toronto Book Signing Post.

Teatro Verde is the only store I’ve actually seen them sold in. It made me happy to see them on display.

Anyway, I love ’em. So festive and sweet.

As a surprise for Julie, I made a few cake pops inspired by them to bring to the party.

Wanna see?


Cupcake Nutcracker guys.

She squealed. I smiled.

They’re double decker cake pops, too. Tricky and a little over the top, but I couldn’t resist.

I also made some Christmas Tree cake pops.


Much easier. But instead of doing them in green, I kept them in her holiday color scheme.

I really like them like this.

Speaking of trees, Julie’s party decorations this year also included two new ones.


This cheerful pink one covered in snowmen.


And this whimsical upside down tree.

Amazing, huh.


But that’s Julie.


Here’s her dessert table. Filled with tons of treats.


Cookies and candy.


Cake Pops, of course.


Mini cupcakes from Crumb in New York.


Macarons and much, much more.


Completely lovely. I wish you could have been there with me.

But since you weren’t … how about a couple of cute guys to keep you company?


I just so happen to know of two that are about ten inches tall.

I thought I’d part with these to share them with one of you.

Enter for a chance to win these two sweet soldiers.

  • Simply leave a comment on this post and tell me your favorite thing to eat on Christmas. Real food this time. Something non-sweet. I was on sugar overload this weekend and I need some ideas. I know you guys will have some great ones.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 21 at 7:00 pm ET. TIME’S UP. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

P.S. – If you know another store that sells them too, I’d love to hear.

Good Luck!

And the winner is………

Nutcracker-winnerYAY Amanda V! Hope you will enjoy them.

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3,780 comments on “Sweet Soldiers”

  1. We have chili every Christmas Eve. It’s easy and good!!

  2. This is a hard question for me because I look forward to the sweets!!! But, I do love the ham & dressing too!

  3. Fried Okra!

  4. sweet potatos…Yum!

  5. Always the same dinner on Christmas…spiral ham w/all the fixin’s! But my favorite is Christmas breakfast…same every year…cinnamon rolls and raspberry danish! Delish!!

  6. I think a traditional Christmas dinner with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie would have to be my favorite!

  7. I LOVE the nutcrackers. I collect German nutcrackers and these are too cute.

    My favorite dish to have during the Holidays is Julia Child’s beef bourguignon- YUM!! But if you don’t want to be in the kitchen all day, PW’s Roasted Beef Tenderloin. Super yummy.

  8. Omg these are soo cute.!
    Well where I live, P.R., we like yellow rice with ‘gandules’ and people love to eat pork, thats like the thing here. But for me? sorry, it would all be sweet lol.

  9. that is awesome! I cannot believe the work she does to make that happen. As to my favorite thing to eat I have many but one thing that I disliked as a child when we had it every Christmas Eve but now enjoy and make for my family is meat pie.

  10. None sweet favorites would be a toss up between the bacon wrapped asparagus appetizer or the side of carrots slathered in butter and onions.

  11. All the different salads that my sisters and I make are always my favorites.

  12. Oh my gosh! You never cease to amaze me!

  13. I had forgotten about last years post. I remember thinking I wanted to decorate like that. Now here we are 4 days before christmas and i just remembered. Oh well I guess there’s always next year!

  14. Sweet Bread French Toast!

  15. My Mom’s Corn Pudding. It reminds me so much of her and the holidays.

  16. I love to eat anything and everything. Holidays are usually a time for me to eat whatever I want and not feel guilty about it.

  17. My husband and I spend Christmas with a friend and her two daughters. Wonderful Christmas! On Christmas morning for breakfast, I make cinnamon rolls and she makes sausage bread. I am as excited about the sausage bread as anything else on Christmas morning!

  18. I love, LOVE, love the veggie tray. I can get so overloaded on all the sides, sweet snacks and everything else…I love to snack on the veggie tray to balance everything.

    (Happy Holidays to you and yours. Thank you for publishing such a fun and easy to follow book. My daughter and I have been having a blast making your cake pops.)

  19. Beef Tenderloin!! Nom nom nom nom nom!

  20. I love the color sceme!! Happy holiday to everyone!

  21. Yes! I remember the post from last year. I’m feeling really inspired after seeing the new pics. I want to go all out on my tree next year.

  22. Roast and mashed potatoes!

  23. Cheeseball with crackers. My mom makes a fantastic one every year and I always look forward to it.

  24. Ham on Christmas but my favorite is Christmas Eve “sticky spaghetti”. It’s been a family tradition every Christmas Eve but my soon to be 6yo son’s birthday is Christmas Eve so it’s really his decision what’s for dinner now.

  25. Fried Turkey is my favorite entree, Deviled Eggs are my favorite side dish, and bacon-wrapped green beans are my favorite vegetable (does it still count as a vegetable if it is wrapped in bacon?) Merry Christmas!

  26. Poppyseed bread! It’s tradition!

  27. I love stuffing – but it has to have been cooked inside the turkey!

  28. My husband works every Christmas, so when he gets home, which is usually around 10 pm, we go and celebrate at a little middle eastern deli that serves amazing chicken sharumas, gyros and fried zucchini. It’s our special thing, and it wouldn’t be Christmas without it. The kids and I look forward to it all day long!

  29. I really like “traditional”, the ham, potatoes, and veggies!

  30. I love the Hickory Farm’s meats and cheeses @ the little stand in the mall around Christmas time :P

  31. Lefse!! I’m in Minnesota and it wouldn’t be Christmas without it!

  32. My favorite thing is green bean casserole! =D

  33. My favorite thing is my Dad’s Potato soup. It’s my Great Grandma’s recipe and gets better and better every year!

  34. Wow these are great! and your cake pops are so cute. My favorite thing to eat during the holiday (non-sweet) would have to be the mashed potatoes! Love them!

  35. my mom’s chicken pot pie was always amazing! too bad we now live half a world apart

  36. My favorite Christmas treat is a tie between gingerbread men and homemade caramel.

  37. My favorite thing to eat during the holidays is my moms cheesy broccoli and rice casserole! The only time she will make it is during the holidays!

  38. It’s hard to choose a favorite. I let my husband and each child choose a favorite food. I make what they suggest and have it in the fridge for Christmas. This year we have Lemon Berry Trifle, guacamole, pumpkin pie, shrimp salad and stained glass jello as their suggestions.

  39. I love breakfast Christmas morning, an egg casserole with sausage, hash browns, cheese and eggs! Delish!

  40. I’m the one–it’s true! I love a good fruitcake!

  41. Cheeseballs, summer sausage & crackers! I’m a snack kind of person rather than a full meal person. I’d rather play all day in my craft room or outside with the family and it’s easier for me than having to prepare a big meal. :)

  42. Baked Ham made by my dad.

  43. Favorite would have to be shrimp etouffee with garlic french bread. Love the smell of onions, celery, and bell peppers saute-ing!

  44. Roast Beast (beef). YUM.

  45. Marinated Cheese appetizer… from Southern Living recipes of course! :)

  46. coquito is a puerto rican egg nog – it is the best with a hint of rum. every year it is tradition to take a shot of this egg nog

  47. Merry Christmas Angie.
    In response to the give away questionaire – my Favorite savory Christmas meal has to include a Standing Prime rib roast w/ Hasselback potatoes and grilled Asparagus!

  48. I think it would be easier to answer what I DON’T like to eat at Christmas!! But if I had to pick just one, I would say creamy, cheesy, rich & dreamy, scalloped potatoes!!! Ya ha hum um meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Nothing says comfort like potatoes!

    Merry Christmas and a VERY bright and shiny New Year to you and yours!

  49. Christmas morning Filipinos will eat a chocolate sweet rice porridge that we call Champurrado. If it’s cold outside, it hits the spot everytime. It’s a sweet treat, even though we eat it like oatmeal.

    Thank you for inspriring me and many others to bring such cute sweetness to the world. My sister and I just made our fist cake pops! (cupcakes and santa hats!)

    Merry Christmas Angie!

  50. I love eggs at Christmas brunch!

  51. Roast Beef. I know that’s weird, but my grandma makes the absolute BEST roast beef. She slathers it with butter, then sears it on all sides so the juices stay in while she cooks it slowly for many hours.

    It’s abosolutely delicious and calorie free during the holidays.

  52. There is nothing better than my Grandma’s Christmas ham! I have tried to recreate it, but just can’t get it as tasty.

  53. It has to be pierogies for Christmas dinner at my MIL’s house.

  54. Our family tradition is to make and eat, eat eat tamales! Pork, green chili, chicken, We have them for a week before chirstmas and as christmas dinner, it makes it super easy when people are stopping in to offer up a tamale

  55. I love BLT dip with some fresh warm bread and spinach and artichoke dip on toasted sour dough.

  56. Indian food but specifically, the fancy stuff that my mom only makes for special occasions like shahi paneer!

  57. My hubby’s family always does Ham Pot Pie for christmas dinner and it is wonderful!!! I look forward to it every year:)

  58. OMG! Too Cute! A good breakfast quiche to eat on Christmas morning is always a winner with me!

  59. My mom’s stuffed mushrooms- It’s the only time she makes them. Mushrooms stuffed with bacon, cream cheese, chives, and seasoned salt.

    There’s something about them, especially since mom makes them!

  60. Growing up in Australia it is always screaming hot on Christmas Day so we always had seafood for lunch. Prawns, oysters, lobster, Balmain Bugs as far as the eye could see. Now that I live in the US we have a more, Northern, wintry Christmas but I still miss an Aussie Christmas lunch. :-)

  61. All my favorite Christmas food is sweet. If I had to choose something, I guess I’ll say homemade pumpkin rolls. Delish.

  62. I love to have standing rib roast with blue cheese sauce and pop overs for Christmas dinner.

  63. I always look forward to the Christmas ham and mashed potatoes with yellow gravy!

  64. It’s so hard to choose just one! I’d have to say anything that my grandmother cooks for Christmas! But I won’t be able to eat any of it b/c I have to work on Christmas this year :(

  65. Every year it is a family tradition to have chicken courdon blue! We tried it just for an easy Christmas meal and loved it! I love alot of the food at Christmas but this is one of my favorites!

  66. That party looks amazing! My favorite Christmas food is probably breakfast. Along with Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon rolls, we will have a lovely frittata, an assortment of breakfast meats, and potatoes.

  67. Filet mignon and lobster tail!

  68. I love sweet potatoe streusel. It’s so tasty. Also shrimp cocktail. Now back to my Christmas baking.

  69. We always have some sort of crab dish since we are in MD. Last year it was jumbo lump stuffed canneloni in a homemade bechamel sauce. This year we are going out to Jerrys for a famous CRAB BOMB. It is a soft ball sized dish that is all crab all the time. YUMMO.

  70. Spiral ham, creamed spinach, and fried shrimp. I know, it’s a weird combination but it is delicious!

  71. I love my family’s apple pie. An old recipe of my great-grandmother.

  72. does a drink count as food??!!. Cuz I just love the punch my MIL makes every christmas. I could drink the whole bowl !

  73. Potato and mushroom casserole

  74. POTATOES! Mashed and roasted with lots and lots of gravyyyyyyy

  75. I like to eat turkey on Christmas

  76. My favorite holiday food is gravy. It’s good on (almost!) all foods and I just can’t get enough.

  77. Chicken and sausage gumbo!

  78. Sausage balls

  79. My favorite thing to eat that won’t send me to the dentist??? It would have to be my buffalo chicken dip … not utterly festive, I know, but oh so delicious … and I only make it for special occassions, so I guess that sort of counts, right?!!! Happy holidays, and best wishes for a wonderful 2011!!

  80. My favorite thing to eat during Christmas is tamales!!!!!! We only make them during christmas!

  81. I love me some good mac & cheese! :) yummmm

  82. My favorite is roasted pork, and rice with pigeon peas!!!

  83. Roast beef. The bone-in standing-rib variety. Prime Rib if I can get prime, but any good cut is acceptable. With popovers or yorkshire pudding if I can do it (rarely). Makes for a yummy Merry Christmas!

  84. First, WOW! and my fav thing to eat on Christmas is dessert!!

  85. My roasted prime rib is delicious! And, my neighbors are in love with my homemade chocolate dipped marshmallows.

  86. I love mashed potatoes and turkey… Nothing better than my moms mashed potatoes.

  87. I love my grandma’s broccoli and cheese casserole dish!! Yum!!!

    Merry Christmas!!!!

  88. My favorite Christmas food is Smoked Turkey from The Ozark Mountain Smokehouse….I could eat 5 pounds of it myself.

  89. Pumpkin muffins in the morning and chicken mirabella for dinner!

  90. What amazing cake pops! My favorite thing to eat at Christmas is my Mother-in-law’s little smokies. They simmer in a sauce made with equal parts grape jelly and regular yellow mustard. Little sweet, little sour.
    Merry Christmas!

  91. I love eating leftover turkey after christmas especially making turkey and mayo sandwiches. It is simply the best. I am flying all the way from Australia to Canada to make it home for Christmas..

  92. I love yummy homemade rolls! They are a must for Christmas! Nothing beats a good bread to make you feel all homey inside! :)

  93. My favorite thing to eat at Christmas is my mom’s homemade meat pie. We would have it Christmas morning.

  94. Fresh hot from the oven dinner rolls. YUUUUUUMMMMMM

  95. We each home-made Chinese food and watch a movie on Christmas — an old Jewish tradition from when I lived back East. I love to enjoy my husband’s own General Tsao’s chicken… and know that he loves us all enough to do it every year!

  96. I like velveeta cheese and rotel dip. Its not very christmasey but its delicious and the whole family will eat it up. :) Merry Christmas!

  97. Seafood! If I’m cooking I usually do crabs; this year my dad’s making lobster. Mmm!

  98. I am in awe of your talent and Julie’s house. SO amazing! Those nutcrackers are the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time! I would love to win them!!!

    My favorite REAL foods at Christmas are green bean casserole (which I make with cream of celery soup instead of mushroom and it is sooooo amazing), a cheese ball which I make into a snowman, and goat cheese balls mixed with spices. I make them into ornaments and they are a fun appetizer! I also bake them on a small mini pepper…so amazing!

  99. My grandpa used to make prime rib every Christmas and Thanksgiving. He was a professional chef and it was amazing!

  100. This year I’m making a roast. First I make a marinade out of fresh garlic and greek spices which I inject into the roast the night before into pockets in the meat. Let it marinade overnight and it is delish – with all the sides of course!

  101. Every year for breakfast we have a breakfact casserole with English muffins on the bottom and then for dinner we have a delicious stuffed beef tenderloin. I look forward to it every year!

  102. Growing up, my mom always made Waldorf salad, which only she and I love. We began calling it “Razzleberry Dressing” after our favorite scene from “Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol” – another holiday tradition.

  103. I like meat and potatoes, a prime rib with a nice crispy rub, and garlic mashed potatoes!

  104. My favorite non sugar item on Christmas has to be my Grandmother’s homemade dressing and noodles. My mother can make them both exactly like she use to make. She was originally from Germany and it is truly nothing like you will ever taste. Melt in your mouth good!

  105. That party is simply amazing!

    I love my mom’s creamed spinach. We ask for it at EVERY holiday – not just Christmas!

  106. I’d have to say green bean casserole.

  107. I love Butter Lemon Carrots, I have had them since I was a small child and they always make me think of family dinners, plus they are super yummy :)

  108. My mom’s scalloped oysters. She only makes it at Christmastime and in Maryland, you gotta have some seafood. Merry Christmas!!!

  109. My favorites are all the traditional German & Norweigen goodies passed down from my Grandmas. Krumkake, Pfeffernuese, romme grot, glogg. When calories weren’t an issue!

  110. I am an unabashed lover of stuffing/dressing, whatever you prefer to call it. I like em all .. cornbread, sourdough, whatever. LOVE it!:)

  111. Probably 7-layer dip. It’s not sweet, but it’s also not exactly ‘real food’. Fatty & delicious. :)

  112. Anything with potatoes. Yum!

  113. my grandma’s tamales are my very favorite thing to eat on christmas!

  114. My grandma’s stuffing!

  115. Funeral Potatoes AKA Au gratin potatoes creamof chicken soup soucream potatoes cheese onions, cheese….to die for….literally!

  116. We always make my grandmother’s recipe for traditional dressing. So yummy I could make a meal of it by itself . . . maybe I should make a test run of it this week?

  117. I am from Venezuela, and every day y I check up your page, every day it’s better, congrats

    Merry Christmas… Feliz Navidad

  118. steak on Christmas eve and turkey on Christmas day!

  119. My favorite thing to eat is all of it! On the 24th we have Prime Rib, pasta, asparagus and The Barefoot Contessa’s Cap Cod Salad. On Christmas Day we have ham, baked rice, green beans, baby greens salad, and amazing bread. Aside from the food being delicious, it’s eaten with the people I love the most in this world so really anything would taste great! Merry Christmas!

  120. My favorite thing to eat on Christmas, aside from cookies … i think I have to go with this salad that my SO makes with homemade mayo, red peppers, meat, etc. It may sound not so god, but it is delish – can’t wait to make it this year!

  121. Crabcakes are a wonderful Pacific Northwest treat that we enjoy on Christmas Eve. YUM!!

  122. Dressing, Mashed potatoes and gravy, Turkey or Ham! Yum!

  123. Well, I’m Cajun. So I always love eating some good gumbo or boudin at Christmas time!

  124. I love Christmas Eve because we have appetizers for dinner. It’s my favorite!

  125. We have friends over for chicken parm. My kids love mozzarella sticks. You should only eat fried cheese once a year!

  126. Jansson’s frestelse, which is a Swedish dish. It’s a potato au gratin with anchovies. Soooo savory and delicious!

  127. Roast beef!

  128. My favorite Christmas food is ham. Simple and traditional, but delicious!

  129. The cheesy potatoes that go with the ham or turkey or beef or whatever main dish we are having. Yum.

  130. My family has grown to become a mixture of of people from different latin countries. My immediate family was brought up with the Mexican traditions of tamales, be it red chile with pork or my personal fav of green chile and cheese. This year we will also include Panes, Salvadorean style, in honor of our new family members. Panes are pretty much a chicken sandwich with slaw. However, the complexity of the slow roasted chicken and the vinegar marinated slaw all on french baguettes is t o die for.

  131. Finger food!! Any kind : )
    We started that as our tradition years ago when the girls were little. It was to hard to get them to sit for a meal. So we just made a bunch of different finger foods and would munch between gifts : )
    Merry Christmas to everyone!!

  132. Breakfast casserole for brunch on Christmas day with OJ and homemade cinnamon rolls!!!

  133. My grandma makes pasta with homemade sauce every Sunday and Wednesday. Since we love carbs so much we also have it on Christmas-plus tons of other food of course. But pasta is definitely my favorite of the Christmas carbs. Merry Christmas!

  134. I usually only look forward to the dessert at Christmas. My sister always makes everyone stuffed sausage and cheese bread to have christmas morning. I guess that is a good treat to look forward to. Would love to win! Merry Christmas!

  135. My grandparents make this amazing spiced beef! No one can figure out how they do it… we went over to try and follow directions and watch them make it… they pretty much just put every spice in the cupboard into it. It is delicious and Christmas would not be the same without it!

  136. My mom’s from-scratch, old school, chicken and dumplings (the dropped kind), mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, green beans. The best comfort food and such a great departure from ham, turkey and all the usual holiday fare-food.

  137. My favorite savory Christmas Treat are Parmesan Rosemary Crackers. I’ll be baking them Christmas Eve to take as an appetizer for Christmas Dinner at my sister’s. Yum!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  138. Quickly evolving into a Christmas Eve tradition … raviolis and malfatti (a pasta-less ravioli) in meat sauce, made by an iconic Italian cook at a little shop in our town. Not homemade, but very home-y.

  139. My favorite thing to eat during the holidays is homemade chex party mix! I just love it!

  140. my favorite thing to eat on Christmas is EGGS Benedict…it’s the only time of year that we eat them and it just brings all the memories of Christmas back…love it!!!

  141. I love all the appies. Crab dip. Musroom roleups. Prawns….main meal maybe brussel sprouts!!

  142. Turkey Sandwiches from the leftover turkey from Christmas Eve’s dinner!

  143. My mom would make soup bowls every Christmas Eve- simple, not too filling, warm, yummy. She’s coming to spend Christmas with me this year! yay!

  144. Cheeseball, cream cheese, dried beef, seasonings, and crackers. I could just graze on it all day long.

  145. I love really good ham with really good ham gravy on Christmas Eve, with cheesy potatoes (aka funeral potatoes) on the side. Followed by homemade apple pie. Yum!!!

  146. Christmas Eve tradition of family get together and all appetizers! Hot ham and cheese dip, hot wings, shrimp cocktail, sausage balls, rotel dip with sauteed onions, home made salsa, home made egg rolls… I love junk food!!! ;)

  147. My favourite thing to eat during Christmas is tourtiere meat pie (I think this is a French Canadian recipe) – absolutely delicious – meat in a homemade pastry. We only have it during the holiday season and I look forward to it every year.

  148. my mom always made a goose and a standing rib roast for christmas dinner. the roast was THE BEST!!!

  149. My Mom’s cooked carrots with almonds, Mamaw’s chicken and dressing, Garlic mashed potatoes! Only to name a few!

  150. My favorite thing to eat is our Christmas Eve traditional dinner which is an hor’s d’oeurves feast. Cheese and crackers, shrimp, stuffed mushrooms,potato puffs and all sorts of appetizers. It started out from my mom feeding us all the leftover snack food from visitors and parties and now its tradition!

  151. I would have to say that my favorite holiday meal ever is this scallops in a cava sauce from a Bon Apetite magazine (Spain issue) that was published a long long time ago. Anyways, this dish is so yum, but instead of serving it on rice (like they suggest) we serve it on fettucini. I’ve finally started just making it on my own though because my mom likes to experiment at the holidays – so there’s never a guarantee that we will get it.

  152. Mashed potatoes! Love them!!!

  153. We love to have homemade tamales that my friend makes every year. They are so delish and can’t wait to have them again. Happy Holidays Bakerella, I love reading your Blog.

  154. Can’t have Christmas dinner without broccoli casserole or hash brown casserole…it’s a toss up! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  155. My favorite thing to eat on Christmas is turkey dinner with all the fixin’s :) I LOVE this casserole that my mom makes with broccoli, carrots and chicken with a creamy sauce with stuffing on the top… sooooo good!

    Merry Christmas!

  156. Scrambie eggs made with real butter in the pan and a wee bit of cream in the eggs… lightly salt and peppered, along with a strong fresh cup of coffee, and yummie crunchy toasted and buttered sourdough english muffins. So good to start the day off with protein before the sweets fiesta begins :)

  157. I make this awesome stuffed mini sweet peppers with herb cheese spread and toasted nuts and craisins and they are KILLER on Christmas.

    (and peanut butter cup cookies)

  158. Haaaaaaam!

    with grainy mustard.

  159. I love making (and of course eating) sausage stuffed mushrooms… ah-mah-zing!!! They are a delicious family tradition :)

  160. i love eating mashed potatoes and stuffing!!!

  161. My favorite food on Christmas is dumplings – something great about how my parents make them that I can’t seem to duplicate!

  162. I love to eat empanadas on Christmas :)

  163. Our family has prime rib covered garlic and horseradish every year. So delicious.

  164. I look forward to eating stuffing (my favorite) with some turkey and mashed potatoes with some yummy gravy. Love it!

  165. I love to make brisket and mashed potatoes for my son…his favorite:)

  166. One of the things I love to eat during Christmas is a dessert called “Sopa Borracha” You put on the stove water with sugar and some cinnamon sticks until you make syrup. When it cools down, you combine it with run. This mixture is poured on top of a cake made of rice until it is soaked. They work well together because this way you do not get too much sweetness nor too much alcohol.

  167. My husband’s truffled macaroni and cheese!

  168. My favorite thing is my Italian mama’s homemade pasta sauce with home made ravioli :) YUMMY!

    PS- All that decor is beautiful and has inspired me. I think I will decorate sweetly for Valentines day :) Thanks for sharing.

  169. It may sonds old, but turkey is my favorite !

  170. My favorite thing to eat is almost anything that my mom makes. I love, love home cooking/baking, so it’s all good. I’m usually in charge of the desserts, and I try to make several. My dad always gets a pineapple…so it’s not a holiday without a pineapple! : )

  171. Spinach Fritters are my favorite with memories of grandma cooking them and my cousins and I stealing them as soon as they were done!

  172. These two little men encompass the sweet joy of christmas! While the sweets are delightful I cannot deny my first love, a special type of rice called Congri. It’s a special rice and beans that my grandma only makes on special occasions. Adding a little latin food to your dinner will sure add flavor to your dinner:)

  173. Chicken and Dumplings!

  174. My favorite thing is our “German” Christmas Eve dinner! Delicious fresh baked rolls with butter, German Deli meats and cheeses. . . . . It is simple to prepare and has been part of my whole life and is the definition of Christmas Eve dinner for my family : )

  175. Christmas Eve was always “Sulta” and “Rice Pudding” Sadly my family will not eat either one!

  176. i need to say tamales!!!! mmmm delicious!!! really and torta de pierna (like a pannini)

  177. I love to eat southern dressing and gravy. Reminds me of family and Christmases past. Perfect.

  178. My favorite thing (non sweet) to eat on Christmas is my homemade mashed potato pie with mozzeralla and bread crumbs!!!

  179. Simple, soulful: French’s Green Bean Casserole. It’s not Christmas without it!

  180. We spend Christmas Eve at my Aunt’s house and everybody brings a few appetizers. I love the sweet/spicey meatballs and the veggie pizza-so simply but delicious

  181. I always love to eat the foods that make me feel at home – no matter where I am for Christmas! Ham, mac & cheese, baked corn, etc. Merry Christmas!!

  182. Spicy nuts (pecans are the best). A great cure for the sugar crazies. If that’s not your thing, go for protein! Roast beef, lamb, goose, duck,….

  183. Pasta and shrimp. Every Christmas.

  184. I will never get tired of good ol’ mashed potatoes and gravy on any holiday!! :)

  185. Honey Baked Ham is my favorite. I love it for Christmas Dinner and then again for a snack later on a yummy home baked roll. So good and salty…balances all the other yummy Christmas-y sweets.

  186. With a name like mine, of course I love Christmas time. I think my favorite treat has always been the sugar cookies! Enjoyed by all.
    Now talking about dinner (did you notice I did desserts first?) we are having lasagna,manicotti and meatballs,complete with all the other trimmings, salad, italian breads..yummy,,are you hungry yet ? ?
    Merry Christmas All ~

  187. My favorite thing to eat at Christmas time is cheese soup that my MIL makes…So yummy!

  188. We always have soup Christmas Eve so I have to say homemade chicken noodle soup!

  189. This is too funny. My husband and I were just discussing Christmas decoarations, and I mentioned that your friend had the most amazing decorations. I went to your site to try and find your post from last year, and you’ve just put up this post! Amazing! Thanks so much! My favourite thing to eat on Christmas is a butter tart from Canada.

  190. Hmmm…I think my Hubby’s turkey dinner is the most scrumptious holiday food! I wait ALL year for it. Turkey & stuffing& gravy & rolls & more turkey!

  191. My favorite thing to eat on Christmas morning is homemade blintzes with cream cheese and jam yeeummmm!!! 4 more days wahoo!!!

  192. My family was always in Japan for Christmas so we got sushi and prime rib (well it was kobe beef there, but our version is prime rib)

  193. My favorite thing to eat is simply turkey and gravy! Delicious! My in laws so fresh ones so they are nice and moist.

  194. Broccolli casserole made with Jalapenos!!!! My families favorite!!

  195. So I guess an “apple pie” answer isn’t going to cut it, eh?

    My DH would say turkey, but I’m not that big a fan.

    How about …. mmmmmm … stuffing! We do the traditional kind, in the turkey and nothing fancy like fruit and whatnot. Breadcubes (at least 3/4 whole wheat), lots of butter, celery, onions, poultry seasoning, butter, salt & pepper and perhaps something else. Very simple, VERY good!

  196. My favorite thing to eat for Christmas is beef tenderloin. It costs an arm and a leg, but it is OH SO WORTH IT! Ina Garten has an outstanding recipe! Our family will just demolish it on Christmas Eve while we all watch the original cartoon version of Dr. Suess’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas =)

  197. My favorite is pork roast with rice & beans and fried sweet plantains. The most delicious Caribbean meal.

  198. My mom’s egg strata, nostalgic and delicious!

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