
Tennessee and Toronto

I have Tennessee photos and some Toronto news.

How about Toronto first?

Okay, good.

I’m headed your way. Yay! Not today, but soon. Very soon and I’m super excited about it. I’ve never been to Canada. But, I’ve never been to many of the places on the book tour. That’s part of what’s made traveling so much fun. That and getting to meet all of you and see your smiling faces. I think I’ll be sad when it ends. But, on the bright side, I’ll have weekends free again to bake and make cute stuff and I’m just as excited about that.

Here are the Toronto details if you want to stop by and say hi:

Saturday, December 4 th at 12:00 p.m.
100 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON

Now, a few Tennessee photos. Then at the end, there’s a link to the rest. If you see yourself, feel free to grab the photo you are in.


The Cool Springs Mall made this sign. They partner with Williams-Sonoma often to promote their events. So sweet. I loved seeing it. I have to admit it caught me off guard a bit as I was headed to the signing. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself thinking about all the people who passed it thinking, “Who the heck is Bakerella?”


Then I walked right into this. Thank you all so much for coming.


And, thank you two for your cute tweets. They made me smile.


Hi Ladies. Love the tops.


Speaking of tops –  It’s like we talked the night before to coordinate our colors.


This little guy was so cute. Such a sweet big brother. But I have to tell you, all I could think was please scoot closer to the center of the table, and please don’t drop the baby. And smile.


This was fun for me. The necklace she is showing was the one I gave away on this post. I was so glad to see someone enjoying one of the prizes. Makes me want to do it more often. Give away stuff, I mean.


I wish the book in this photo wasn’t blocking her coat so you can see it better. As soon as I saw it I asked her where she found it. It’s a short wool peacoat. From Target. It’s a great dark pink with black buttons. And now, thanks to next day shipping, there is one in my closet.


These were so cute. She made little turtle cake pops. And they were swimming.


And Williams-Sonoma had Turkey Pops on hand.


Oh my gosh. I loved this young lady. She has an order to make cupcakes for a wedding. How sweet is that. And even sweeter, she wanted to convince her clients to let her make wedding cake pops. Adorable.


Just like these guys.


I have no idea what’s happening here, but I think I was amused.


These girls brought a copy of Entertainment Weekly by. You can’t see from the photo, but I’m #9 on their Must List.

Crazy talk.


It was a battle of the bangs… and I lost. These two had the best hair.


Double dork side wave.


More tears. I didn’t anticipate cake on a stick to be so emotional.


Here’s what happening in this photo. I made my first name mistake and I couldn’t fix it. So, I replaced Cassaundra’s book with a new one and asked her to sign her name for me on the messed up one so I could keep it as a souvenir.


Jennifer made Turkey Cake Pops. That was a lot of work. Please tell your husband I said thanks, too.


And Debbie –  Thank you so much for taking photos. Since I didn’t have anyone traveling with me to Tennessee, I really appreciate it.

Below is a slideshow to see more photos from the Tennessee signing. Thank you all so much. I had a great time and hope you did, too. Enjoy!

Also… yesterday was King of Prussia, today in just a few short minutes, I’ll be in the Short Hills Mall and tomorrow is New York. I’ll post those recaps all together as soon as I can.


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119 comments on “Tennessee and Toronto”

  1. I adore you sweater. You always look so stylish. Who is you sweater made by? It is the Orance with aqua trim and the brown and cream stripes. I love it. Also, I am praying that God will touch you with his healing hand and that you will recieve a miracle quickly.

  2. Do you have any ideas on how to make turtle cake pops or a sunflower?

  3. oohhhh ! Can u come to LOndon ? and Spain??????????/ x

  4. Just my luck, I had no idea you were coming to Tennesse. I had Division 1 State Band Competition in Murfreesboro and we went to the mall THE DAY AFTER YOU CAME!!! I was so stoked when I saw your sign, but then I saw the date. =[ My friends pointed me to the candy store to console me. haha. Maybe next time! =]


  6. SO EXCITED!!! I already tweeted about it, but I will be first in line to get my book signed. I had all my fingers and toes crossed that you would be heading north. Can’t wait to meet you!!

  7. Squeeeeeeeeeee!! You’re coming to the T-dot (Toronto!)

  8. I was THRILLED to see you made the Entertainment Weekly’s top 10 of the week. THRILLED!
    I’ve made and made cakeballs…love them everytime. :)

  9. Such beautiful pictures! Loving seeing your book tour. Still crossing my fingers that it’ll take you down to the Central Florida area. Have fun!

  10. I’m so sad that I missed you here in TN!!!! I just received your book as a wedding present so I will be trying out even more of your fun ideas — I first tried the Red Velvet Cake Balls for my Bridesmaids Luncheon and they were a hit! Thank you so much for sharing your recipes and happenings through your blog! Hope to catch you at another book signing sometime!

  11. when are you coming to Vancouver?!?!? :)

  12. Hooray for Bakerella coming to Canada!!! :-)

  13. I think it’s kinda funny that people would make you cake pops, when you are the queen of them!!

    I guess when someone does something that’s not on your blog or in the book, then that might be kinda cool.

  14. really exciting for you… but maybe more recipes, less pictures of random people? why do we read this blog?

  15. YES YES YES!!! I live a 5 minute drive from that Bloor Street Williams Sonoma!!! See you THERE! I can’t wait!


  16. Ahhhhh!!! (*squeal of excitement*) I’ve been reading all about your travels around the USA, wishing you were close enough to come meet! Toronto is still 5 hours away, but a 5 hour drive I am willing to make! See you in December :D

  17. No one CARES. You post more travels and advertisements now than you do creative baking. Honestly, this site USED to be great.

  18. so you asked about the pink jacket…so now i’m asking you :) that adorable orange cardigan with the teal?! Where can i get one!! :) LOVE IT!

  19. Hi Angie! It was so fun meeting you- so excited to try some more of these adorable pops! Thanks for posting the slideshow. :)

  20. Another fan chiming in for W-S in Calgary!

  21. Agree with Domestic Diva — You should totally go to the Williams-Sonoma in Calgary, Alberta. I live 7 hours away, but would totally make the drive to meet you! My 2 year old looks at your cake pop book with me for fun, and tells me which ones to make and all about all the pretty colors. :)

  22. I just got the book and I LOVE IT!! If you ever some to the Boston area, I’ll buy another copy just so I can get a signed one!!

  23. Toronto!! I’ll be there!! Can’t wait to see you and the book!

  24. You are such a rock star! So glad I got a chance to meet you at the Emmy’s. Congratulations on all your wonderful work, your book, and your fabulous blog!

  25. I was so thrilled to hear you were coming to Toronto!!! 2 seconds later, I was devastated when I realized I’m booked SOLID for Dec 4 and simply won’t be able to make the drive to Toronto with my insane schedule. :( Please come back really soon.

  26. omg!!!i have been following your blog for 2 years and you are comign to TO!!!
    can’t wait to see you!
    Remember to try our Tim Hortons!

  27. how about a european tour? ;)

  28. This is so crazy!!!! I live in India and I’m visiting my husband (who’s in Toronto on business). And can you believe it…I’ll be there on the week that you’ll be there!!!!!

    THERE IS A GOD!!!!!

  29. aww no way :( i have to face paint at a christmas tree farm every weekend…I can’t believe I am going to miss seeing you!!!! Ahhh. Please come back to Toronto another time. Pleasee! Your the best. :)

  30. EEEKSSS!!! i’m sooooo excited you’re coming to Toronto!!! but i’m sad that i’m gonna miss you that day :(

    Hope you enjoy your stay when you do come to Toronto! Make sure to check out the Eaton Centre and our giant swarovski Christmas tree!

  31. Very exciting! My mum and I will see you there.

  32. Any chance you are heading to Florida? Miami and Fort Lauderdale have wonderful Williams-Sonoma stores and the weather has been amazing lately. Surely you wouldn’t mind some time in the fabulous Florida weather?

  33. Can you please, please, please come to Arizona?

    Pretty please? With sugar on top?

    P.S. Great pictures – thanks for posting them!

  34. Yay – you’re coming to Toronto. I can’t wait to have you sign my book.

    I’m known amongst my friends as the cakeball/cakepop queen & I owe it all to you.

  35. Ahhh, Toronto. Great city, nice people but most of all CLEAN. People, like…throw their trash away in that city. I’d move there in a heartbeat.

  36. Yay Toronto!

    I will hopefully see you there!

  37. ZOMG! I am so excited! Can’t wait to see you in Toronto!!

  38. OMG so excited. I am from Australia, but my parents are travelling o/s at the moment. When I got a message that they had arrived in New York, I thought I would just check if by some amazing chance that you would be signing there while they were there. How happy was I when I saw that the very next day you would be there. I begged them to go to the signing for me and get me a book for me and one for my daughter. I already have a book , but a signed one… exciting. Amazingly enough, their hotel was just around the corner and they agreed to go. Now I can’t wait for them to get home with my prized possession. My daughter is very excited too, her own copy of Cakepops! She has already taken our other copy to school for sharing, I’m sure the signed one will go too.

    Mum and Dad confirmed what I had always thought, that you were lovely. Thanks, you made my year.

  39. Oh, I got excited when I saw you are going to Toronto! And yes, I can not be there because I live in Budapest, Hungary. But my best friend, Monika lives there. I asked her to go and sign a copy for me. Hope she’ll make it and your book will be under our Christmas tree in Hungary!!! This would be awesome!!!

  40. Hi,
    when can we get some more baking posts please?
    i can’t remember the last time there was a series of posts not on touring. i’m happy for you but i came to this blog for baking

  41. It’s already been said but I’ll say it again, come to Vancouver!!!

  42. It’s amazing that you are coming to Toronto!! Unfortunately, I cannot make it!! (I will be away on vacation in Cuba) I am soo sad!!! But hopefully, you will come again!! I will convince all of my friends to come for me! :)

  43. so sad I missed you!!

  44. So… when are you coming to Aus?

  45. Along with many others, I am also glad you are coming to Toronto. I can’t wait to meet you!
    I can take pictures for you if you like!

  46. Just wanted to say nice job on all the Anthropologie outfits. I work there so I feel special that you are wearing a lot of our clothes :-)

  47. I’m so sad. :( I’m from Tennessee. Wish I could have been there. I was in Florida for the last 6 1/2 years and was so glad to be moving back home this past summer. But then I got a job in Kansas so I’m out here in tornado alley, unable to go to your signing. :(:(:(

  48. Ohh how I wish I lived in Toronto. Lucky them.

  49. So glad you’re finally making it up north of the border, maybe one day you can make it to Montreal!
    But, in the mean time, I’m trying to get together a girls road trip down to Toronto. Hopefully some of my friends won’t think I’m crazy to drive the 7 hours to get my book signed!

  50. I’m so so so so happy you’re coming to T.O.! I wish i could be there, but I’m working nights… :( Hope you love my home town!

  51. So excited for the Toronto date, I can’t wait!! I just bought your book today at that Williams sonoma & I told about 3 employees that you were going there; guess they hadn’t heard the news yet?!

  52. I must ask, do you always shop at Anthropologie or are they sponsoring you on the tour? I’ve noticed all of your outfits on their website :)

  53. I’m jealous! Lucky Toronto!!! Maybe you could come to Calgary out west : )……. then your fans from Edmonton (like me) could meet up with you at the Williams Sonoma there : )

    Enjoy your time in TO.

  54. Looks like you had a wonderful time signing books and meeting your fans. That’s wonderful. Publishers don’t send nearly as many authors on book tours – so your publisher must be pretty enthusiastic to send you out.

    Have an amazing time in Toronto – and don’t forget to bring that pink peacoat from Target with the black buttons. It’ll be cold up there.

  55. i totally agree with ‘hawkfeathers’ comment……….you deserve the recognition…………you are the best !
    i love coming to see what you have written “everyday’…….and i am soooooooooooooooooooooo happy reading how many people come to see you. you just don’t know how many people you make smile ! dorky smile and wave……….LOVE it………bakerella signature wave ! yours only……….

    i hope your publisher reads your blog and sees that they need to tour you around the world……….come see us aussies !!!!!!!

    keep having fun sweetie……

  56. So very excited to hear that you will be travelling to Toronto! And very much wishing I still lived in Ottawa, so that I could make the trek to T.O. for your book signing. Lovely photos, looks like everyone had a blast!

  57. I can’t believe that you’re coming to Toronto! This is so awesome! I hope that I can make it in to see you.

  58. oooo… yes Domestic Diva. I would drive to calgary FOR SURE!!!

  59. you deserve all the accolades & attention that you are receiving from admiring fans!
    you have taken baking to a new level with your creativity!
    kudos to you!

  60. Happy you’ll be in Toronto, we’ll see you there! P.S. Do we purchase the book at Williams or can we pick it up beforehand?
    Thank you.

  61. Love the pics, love your sweater even more. Please do tell where you got it. It’s so cute!

  62. OH MY GOSH! Ever since I made your Hello Kitty cake pops for a friend who was really sick, I have fallen in love with your website and your book and you! :)

    I am living in Toronto and just said recently to my Fiance that I wish you were coming here, and now you are!!!!

    I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. Remember that there is a lot more to Canada than just Toronto :) Maybe on futur visits???

  64. I am moving just east of Toronto that same week after livlng in the city for my entire life…I’ll just have to let my husband do all the unpacking while I drive myself and my niece downtown just to see you! SO EXCITED!!

  65. Hope you enjoyed Canada! I’m so sad I couldn’t go see you. I bought your book though!

  66. I’m here by accident and I can’t just stop admire your work! I want to try so many of them! And this photos are amazing, just ravishing. I live in Europe and I wish I can be there, in Toronto or anywhere. Who knows, maybe one day I will. Thank you!

  67. i am not a big contributor when it comes to commenting here…although i read your blog often (bet that is the first time you heard *that* one)..

    Although I am moved to comment today-

    On a post very much like many others of recent (which i am totally loving) i might think nothing other than appreciation may spring to mind- but I really did find myself actually *moved* today reading your blog.

    I don’t ‘know’ you- but you get little insights into people- weather they be accurate or not is a guess at best- still You have struck me in the past as feeling insecure about being in photos and such- well ‘insecure’ maybe that sounds too strong.

    Still it is a feeling I can relate to ( being insecure that is)-

    I suppose I just want to say how very much I am enjoying seeing you in front of the camera for a change!

    I bake- and I can have moments where I wonder how much I am contributing to the greater good of the world on any grand scale-
    And you may think- cake on a stick- who’d a thunk it?

    but look how happy you make people- and how many of us get basic sheer happiness from something as simple as just-baking.

    dorky or not- it makes me happy to bake-..
    I am glad it makes others happy to bake..
    and you deserve to be acknowledged for giving people a venue to just be baker geeks and proud of it.

    no matter how much we ever hear it it is not always easy to love ourselves..but for the record- you seem to make an awful lot of people happy..

    and you really are a beautiful person!!!

    thank you!

  68. Awesome. I’m glad that you get to go to Toronto. I loved the city when I visited a few years back. I’m still gunning for you to have a chance to stop by the Boston area! I just cannot get to New York that often!

  69. I am beyond excited for your visit to Toronto! You have no idea how much joy this visit will bring me on December 4th. You are going to love Canada and Canadian people. We pride ourselves on being “a breath of fresh air!” Safe travels!

  70. You will LOVE Toronto!!!! It is so great there! Unfortunately, I can’t tell my family to go see you since they have all moved out west. Which leads me to reccommend what others have already, that you try to make your way to Vancouver! I absolutely gaurantee that you will adore it there! Go to TO and let that Canada bug bite you….then you will be begging to go to vancouver!!! Haha!
    Seriously though, enjoy Toronto. It is a lovely city! Canada is a lovely country!

  71. You’re going to Toronto…so just keep heading this way and come to Alaska!!! :)

    Congratulations on all this! It looks so fun!

  72. I’ll see you in Manhattan tomorrow! I can’t wait!

  73. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe YOU ARE COMING TO TORONTO!!!!!!! I will be there and I will be bring friends!!!!! Need a place to stay that is really homey??????
    Your fan from Port Perry…Lori :-)

  74. It was so great to meet you! Thanks for coming to Nashville!!!

  75. Ah it was so awesome meeting you. I feel bad I said nothing but I was slightly awestruck. (I was the one with the shortbread cookies and pumpkin cake balls) Have a safe trip!!

  76. Did you know how gorgeous Palm Beach is this time of year?? The Gardens Mall has the best shopping and would LOOOOVE to have you down here in Palm Beach Gardens!! Went to a church bizarre today and someone was selling some cake pops, so just know you’re loved down here too :)

  77. Your creations are fabulous! I’d love to meet and greet you in Indianapolis. Are you planning a trip to this great city on your book tour? You are an inspiration!

  78. OMG I am soo excited you’re coming to Toronto! I cannot wait to see you!

  79. Bakerella, some help, please! I try to make cakepops all the time but I cannot get the candy coating to stay smooth on the outside of the pop.

    I have tried wafers, & almond bark, adding Crisco or not. I’ve tried the microwave method and a double boiler but nothing works.

    Can you help?

    Thank you!!

  80. Bakerella, some help, please! I try to make cakepops all the time but I cannot get the candy coating to stay smooth on the outside of the pop.

    I have tried wafers, & almond bark, adding Crisco or not. I’ve tried the microwave method and a double boiler but nothing works.

    Can you help?

    Thank you!!

  81. Hoooooooraaaaaayyyyyyy! Toronto! I am so there! I hope you bring Julie!!!

  82. [IMG][/IMG]

    Thanks for today! It was my first book signing and I was a little nervous because I didn’t know what to expect – so fun! you’re awesome :-)

  83. woo hoo!!! so glad you’re coming to the t-dot :)

  84. Come to Alberta!! :)

  85. I used to live off Bloor St. with my and uncle!
    Please come to the Hampton roads area in virginia!

  86. the book is on my xmas wishlist, so you have to visit London soon so that you can sign it ;)

  87. hello.
    i live about an hour and half from the king of prussia mall in PA.
    i was there friday (11/12) looking around and saw this big cake in the back with cake pops sticking out of it. i asked a clerk if there was a book signing today and she said there was earlier – Bakerella. she didn’t say when the signing was so i assumed you were long gone. but then i saw you making your exit with that big williams-sonoma bag. darn, if i knew you were going to be there, i would have stopped in much sooner.
    hope you had a great turn out.
    p.s. the clerk gave me a cake pop – don’t know who made them, but very tasty.

  88. PLEASE come to Calgary, Alberta! We have a Williams-Sonoma and I would wait ALL DAY to see you!!! You look amazing and this looks like so much fun :)

  89. Ohhh man, I’m so sad! I just checked your book tour schedule and you were at King of Prussia yesterday! I could have gone! :(

  90. I’m so excited for you! Come to Philadelphia! :-)

  91. Hi Bakerella thats me your number one fun from Turkey :D
    I become so jealous. I wish I could be with you in Toronto but there’s Europe and a ocean between us. Why don’t you come to Turkey for this summer,winter next month…I’m sure you will have a wonderfull holiday and eventually I’ll see you. I’m reading your blog for nearly 2 big years and just watching your lovely cupcakes acrossthe ocean…. I hope I can meet you one day.
    Have fun
    love Zehra

  92. I will be there! I moved a couple hours from Toronto in Sept, but I’m making the trip! <3 I make way too many cake pops to miss this!

  93. Yay! I’m so glad you’ll have weekends free to bake again!

  94. are you coming to Vancouver at all???

  95. yay Bakerella! great job at the book signing! you look fantastic and this must be soo very exciting for you.
    hope you come to a city near me.
    p.s. LOVE your sweater! where did you get it!!!???

  96. Come to VANCOUVER! West Coast is where it’s at!

  97. Are you sure you don’t want to add Charlotte or even Concord Mills Outlet (Books a Million is there) to your book tour? Please?

  98. So glad you’re making your way to Canada. I really do love it there. I’ve moved from Victoria (just above Seattle) to London and bought your book over here. Please come to London (oh, and bring Williams Sonoma with you! I miss it!)

  99. I agree with Jennifer, you should absolutely come to Edmonton! We have the biggest mall in North America (West Edmonton Mall) and we would love to have you!

  100. Eventhough there’s no way I can manage to get my ” i want to be there butt” to Toronto :((, this made me squeal!! Ottawa is a pretty nice place for a stopover though :p

  101. I just found out you are coming to TO. I was super excited and already planning what to pack but that is the day of my 5 year old’s birthday party. My husband told me it is bad form to reschedule his party. So wishing it was another day. I just love your stuff!

  102. I just moved to Toronto and my brain pretty much broke when I read this post! Can’t wait to see you on the 4th!

  103. you seem to have a LOT of fun at your signings (:
    i wish i can have my copy autographed..! :]

  104. Thank you for coming to Tennessee! I’m so glad you posted the slideshow! Since I forgot my camera and now I have a pic from your slideshow! Thanks! My kids thought it was so amusing that I was so excited to see the pictures!

  105. Yippee!!! I’m totally going to be there. :)

  106. HOW EXCITING FOR TORONTO!!! We will give you a warm welcome!!!

  107. OH-MY-GOODNESS! Rich and I are so excited to finally get to meet you! We will definitely be there! Wahoo!!! You’re gonna love Toronto…and Bloor Street is in the heart of the city. We can’t wait!

  108. YAY! I am so excited that you’re coming to Toronto!

  109. Dear Bakerella: PLEASE,PLEASE COME TO LAS VEGAS FOR A BOOK SIGNING! We’d LOVE to have you here!

  110. I had planned to come to the Nashville event (I’m 10 minutes away!), but my son was sick and I couldn’t come. So sad!

  111. Since you’re coming to Canada you should look into coming to
    Vancouver! We also have a Williams Sonoma…pretty please?

  112. Those turkey cake pops look adorable and I’d love to make them (I’m hosting Thanksgiving). Any close up pictures you can post? Or better yet, show us how to make them?

    Thank you! Love your blog.

  113. I want you to come to Minneapolis. I made cake pops last week with pop rocks on top that were super cute.

  114. I visited Toronto last summer, and it was absolutely beautiful there. You have to find this one waffle shop….I remember spotting it when we drove past it, and it completely floored me with all their delicious looking waffles (think strawberries, chocolate, and all other glorious things paired with waffles). I never got to try one :(

    You have the best fans, but you are also so great to them. I really love seeing these recap posts and think it’s awesome that you include a shout out to so many of them like this :) It’s clear how incredible of an experience this book tour is turning out to be for you!

  115. We don’t have a Williams and Sonoma here, but I think you should come to Edmonton… we have Chapters/Indigo books. I’m sure they would LOVE to have you… and I would definitely be in line to meet you. :)

  116. TORONTO!!! heck yes!!!
    i hope to see you there!

  117. opps just read your whole post. First time to Canada. Hurray!!! Toronto is a beautiful city and the weather has been fantastic, much warmer than people think ( we have better weather than Chicago)

  118. So excited about you coming to Toronto. Bloor street has the best shopping too. I think I will make a day of it.

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