
Where I shop…

Cake Art Party Store! I started going here about two years ago when the baking and cake decorating bug bit me. When I first walked in, I was overwhelmed. Actually, I’m still overwhelmed. There’s so much stuff I don’t know… don’t even have a clue about… but I feel like I learn something new every single time I visit. Unfortunately, I can’t do that very often because this store makes me spend money.

Cake Art Party Store

Like on these things. I’m serious… this place is dangerous. I think I get a sugar high or something when I walk in … my heart starts racing … I start picking random stuff up. And when I get home, bags full… I’m like, what just happened.

Cake Art Party Store

But, when you see all these… in one place. You start thinking… do I have enough yellow sprinkles. I can’t remember. Okay, get some more and get some blue ones, and red ones while you’re at it.

Cake Art Party Store

And then, you start thinking that you can’t live without blue teddy bear sprinkles or green palm tree sprinkles, or pink pigs. And what if someone has a baby… I need those baby sprinkles or wait, boys like cupcakes… what about helmet and football sprinkles. You see where I’m going. Let’s just say that I have accumulated my fair share of sprinkles.

The funny thing is … I hardly ever use them on cupcakes or cakes. It just makes me feel good knowing I have them just in case. I know … weird! But, they do come in handy when it comes to decorating cake pops, so that’s how I justify it.

Cake Art Party Store

You can even buy them in bags!

Cake Art Party Store

Here’s something I’ve never tried… and I think I’ll leave for the pros… Airbrush! Pretty colors, though.

Cake Art Party Store

Speaking of colors… did you know you can buy rolled fondant that is already tinted?

I started doing this recently with red fondant because it is seriously a pain to tint it yourself and get it a deep red color.

Cake Art Party Store

Now, a lot of people don’t like the taste of fondant, they just like the look of it from a visual perspective. So, if you just want to experiment, then play around and buy it pre-made. Just don’t get this much. You can stick with the 1 pound packages.

Or if you really want, make some from scratch. I hear marshmallow fondant is pretty good.

Cake Art Party Store
Anyone need 25 lbs of buttercream frosting?

Cake Art Party Store

Or tinted buttercream?

Cake Art Party Store

Not me. I like to make my own buttercream and tint it myself. Yummy!

Cake Art Party Store

Need some petit four icing? Just snip the tip and go. Great for beginners.

Cake Art Party Store

Marzipan… I haven’t dabbled in this stuff yet, but I do like saying the name. Marzipan!

Cake Art Party Store

Check this out! This might just be the best part of the store. Pans! Round ones, oval ones, heart-shaped ones, square ones! And in graduated sizes, too! And different heights! Help me, please.

Cake Art Party Store

Tools. I love tools. Offset spatulas and flat spatulas. Thank you.

Cake Art Party Store

Inside these little trays are every decorating tip you can think of and some you can’t. Grab some disposable bags and couplers and you’re set.

Cake Art Party Store

There’s so much stuff in the store that you can miss little things like this. Petal dust and luster dust… I think I’m in love. Now, I just have to figure out what to do with it.

Cake Art Party Store

Need to stack a big cake? Sorry, I can’t help you… haven’t done that.

Cake Art Party Store

Mine are little and usually just end up on cake boards like these.

Cake Art Party Store

And sometimes, they get put in cake boxes. I love cake boxes. Especially the tiny ones.
Little cakes in little boxes are just the cutest!

Cake Art Party Store

Need some party supplies? They have that, too.

Cake Art Party Store

Baking cups for boys and girls.

Cake Art Party Store

Tons and tons of plastic cake toppers. I’ve never bought anything down this aisle…

Cake Art Party Store

But, this one made me laugh so hard, I almost bought it for a Mother’s Day cake. Then, I pictured myself on Cake Wrecks and stopped myself. :)

Cake Art Party Store

Father’s Day is around the corner, though…

Cake Art Party Store

Almost done… hang in there. Cookie cutters are always fun to have.

Cake Art Party Store

And so are these. I have this set of dual sided graduated cutters. I love them and they come in super handy when I make fondant covered cupcakes.

Cake Art Party Store

Gadgets galore! I can’t stand in this section too long because my pantry just isn’t big enough.

And guess what… that’s just the half of it. Actually, the 1/8th of it. I wish I could show you everything.
Coming soon… candy stuff!

Hope you guys liked looking at all that stuff and thanks Cake Art for letting me show everyone that there’s a much bigger cake world than the 9 inch cake pans I used to buy in the grocery store. And guess what guys… most of it’s easier than you think.
Cake Art Party Store
3744 Lawrenceville Hwy.
Tucker, GA 30084

And, because I made you scroll through all those pictures, how about a little giveaway for you sprinkle lovers!

Cake Art Party Store

Enter for a chance to win:

I’m giving away 20 different kinds of sprinkles!
(picked out by me)
Want some?
  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me your favorite baking or decorating item or tool or even some elusive sprinkles you’ve been looking for.
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win (either a blog link or email)
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m. (recorded by the comment time stamp)
  • The winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

    * One winner will be chosen at random, using’s integer generator.

Good Luck!

Sorry, TIME’S UP!
The Sprinkle Winner is none other than Comment #936!
Yay Cam! Have any Sprinkle preferences?

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3,403 comments on “Where I shop…”

  1. I want to go to there! (LOL)
    My favorite tool is my brand new kitchenaid mixer! I love it. It makes everything SO much easier!

  2. My favorite is decorating with the circle sprinkles that make the cupcakes look polka-dotted!

    Thank you for the chance to win the fun sprinkles!

  3. Oh, wow…I have to say, that’s almost worth the drive to GA! Do NOT tell me if there’s a store like that here in Texas…my husband would have to divorce me. And oh, Bakerella, what I could do with those sprinkles…I love to make any kind of cupcake, and the thing I can’t live without is our family 1-2-3 secret for making a cake mix (shh, I know!) taste better than homemade!

  4. ABC Cake Decorating in Phoenix, is wonderful for the same kind of goodies! I’m making my sister’s wedding cake in a couple of months and my dream cake accessory would have to be an airbrush gun. So professional looking! :)

  5. this isn’t really a “tool”, but I love decorating with fresh fruit – it’s so pretty and delicious!

  6. All I can say is OMG!!! That store is so awesome!!!!

  7. I’m on the lookout for butterfly sprinkles for a one year birthday party! :)
    What an awesome store!

  8. WOW!!!! I just found bakers heaven. I would lose it in that store. I love collecting cupcake liners and sprinkles. I definitely have to visit this store.

  9. I love sprinkles! I think my favorite tool is my smoothing spatula! Love it!

  10. It’s gotta be the Kitchen Aid stand mixer…

  11. I love the link for the store, thanks! I think my favorite item to use with baking is just the decorating tips. Those make decorating cupcakes easier!

  12. I love my off-set spatula! I don’t know how I iced cakes before I got one!! Thanks for entering me!

  13. That place looks amazing!!!and i’d love to win some sprinkles :)

  14. My kitchenaid stand mixer. Can’t live without it. And my silicone baking mats. And my sheet pans.
    And my offset spatula.

  15. My offset spatula is my favorite tool. I can’t frost with anything else. I have about 4 and I keep 2 of them hidden because the hubs likes to use them for other things.

  16. Wow! I am a beginner but I have been playing around w/ frozen buttercream transfers. What fun! I didn’t know you were in the ATL!

  17. this would be my favorite pan

    and i also love the giant cupcakes!

  18. WoW – That store is fantastic. I could definately see how that could break the bank :0) I’ve just recently gotten into fondant, so my new favorite tools are anything that has to do with that :0)

  19. I can’t believe it!! I’m sure there’s nothing like this in Australia. If yes, I’d have been there by now!!

  20. Im in awe. I would be so overwelmed I would probably be frozen in indecision. Haha.

    I have a long list of baking items I want – most of what I have is make do – but, I do love my mixing bowls!

    lawyermom3000 dot com

  21. Hey!
    I LOVE your blog & the cake pops are a wonderful creation!!!!
    I love cookie cutters! I have them for all holidays & seasons!
    I live close to the Cake Art store & I can't wait to visit!

  22. I would love those sprinkles you use on your cupcake pops. I tried to find some but they didnt look the same.

  23. I’m glad this store is not by me. I get that same heart-racing thing going on when I walk into a scrapbook store, though… :)

    I think everyone should have a cupboard stocked with sprinkles – any and all kinds. They are so versatile and are a quick and easy mood-lifter.

    How can one be in a bad mood with sprinkles on top of…anything?

  24. I love your site!!! My fav. decorating tool is luster dust to make fondant decorations POP!

  25. I LOVE mini batter scoops!

    apowojski at gmail dot com

  26. My favorite baking tools are any spatulas and parchment paper. Both make keeping things clean and easy a breeze! I love baking stores, they are so inspiring!

    ljp108 (at) gmail dot com

  27. I’ve been looking for some jeweled jimmies ! My sister got some for cupcake bites and they are precious, but I’ve yet to find some ! (i’ve yet to find them in the store)

  28. I love my cake supply store! I go there at least once a week. I never walk out of there spending less than $20. My favorite baking gadget is my Ateco non-stick mat oh and my KITCHENAID MIXER. Not sure what i’d do without it.

    thanks for hosting another giveaway!

  29. One of my favorits are my silicone baking items – I love them! But I have so many favorits – it’s hard to pick only one thing! And I love sprinkles – I usually go “sprikle overboard” when it comes to buying/decorating/using sprinkles! :D

  30. I too love me KitchenAid Mixer.
    I just wish it would clean itself. :)

  31. Wow! That was amazing, I think we could all go crazy in a store like that. I have two little boys and I’m always looking for different ways to decorate cakes or cookies for them. My favorite baking item is my square cake pan. I’ve used it for weddings and showers alike! Thanks for sharing!

  32. Wow, what a store! I think I was drooling a little while I looked at the pictures. I love parchment paper – my cakes no longer stick to the pan! Its saved me many times :)

  33. I love your blog!

    My favourite baking tool would have to be all of my many cookie cutters… I tend to go crazy with the sugar cookies… decorate them up all nice like and bring them in for the people at work!

  34. I love my Wilton 21 tip, I use it for cupcakes. I just throw the icing in a bag with the tip and go around in a spiral. Voila. Everyone thinks I’m a domestic goddess and it actually takes no longer than putting it on with a knife.

    That store looks awesome.

    Kim Hogarth

  35. This is one of those salivating moments. I would have to build an addition to store all these goodies that would make it back to my house.Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that I live out in PA.

    I especially enjoy my spinning cake pedestal which makes it easy for icing.

    Thanks for sharing.

  36. I can NOT believe there’s a store out there just for baking and decorating! How exciting!!

    My favorite tool is my Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer. And I love sprinkles. We don’t have anything like that store in your blog. So, if I win, I’d be into any sprinkles I get. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

  37. I wish I had a store like that near by!! Maybe we do and I haven’t found it yet. I love sprinkles too- my daughter loves to help me decorate cookies and cupcakes with all of our fun sprinles!

  38. I love my new countertops, they’re quartz and I can roll and knead and flour and spray everything on them and then scrape it (with another fav) with my big pot scraper into the sink!
    I’ve been needing a store like Cake Art since my only options are Target, Walmart, Michaels, and Jo-Ann’s. And they all carry the exact same thing.
    OH! Mostly, though a good food pen, the ones they sell don’t write worth beans!

  39. That store seems amazing! I bet you can spend a whole day there. For me my favorite tool is my offset spatula nothing makes icing easier.

  40. This is one of those salivating moments. I would have to build an addition to store all these goodies that would make it back to my house. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that I live out in PA.

    I especially enjoy my spinning cake pedestal which makes it easy for icing.

    Thanks for sharing.

  41. The air brush paints are the coolest.

  42. I’m new to baking and just tried to make fondant last week. It went well, and tasted delicious, but was too much work for a cake just for the family to enjoy. I’ll try again another time for another occasion!

    That said, my favorite tool would have to be a pizza cutter… so handy in cutting off the edges!

  43. I about passed out thinking about the array of sprinkles available. Well, I’m a nube- attempting my first ever cupcake pops today- so I don’t know what kind of decorations are my favorite yet. Although…I am a little partial to non pareils!

  44. Wow, that store looks awesome! I am glad and sad that there is nothing compared to that in my area…oh well.

    My favorite tool is my small off set spatula. I use it for everything.

  45. This is like DISNEYLAND! I love my various sprinkles – sanding sugars. What can I say, I’m a sparkle girl!
    katiey424 (at) gmail (dot) com

  46. Wow! I could get lost there for hours! I wish we had a store like that near Toronto.

    I would have to say my bug cake pan from Williams-Sonoma. It’s a great novelty pan that comes in handy for birthday parties, showers, and even a backyard BBQ : )

  47. I'm just a beginner in the whole cake decorating/cupcake world :) but I have ALWAYS loved rubber spatula's (or scrapers?!). I have an assortment of colors & sizes and it's beginning to be a bit of a collection I'd say!!!

    I'd love a chance to win the sprinkles! I enjoy your blog & your photos are great!!

    (those are 2 zero's)

  48. I LOVE your blog! I have always loved to bake – my favorite baking item is the metal cake tester I have – works like a charm everytime!

  49. my favorite decorating item is a small plastic sandwich bag with the corner sniped off, silver non pareils
    and flowers from the garden.

  50. Hahaha, I LOVE the beer can cake toppers, what fun they would be for a redneck party! I am a sprinkle addict too, you never know when you might “need” a certain kind so my cupboard tends to overflow with them. Always good to have though, I have 2 daughters and they love to help decorate with sprinkles!

  51. What an amazing store! Right now I’m in love with my batter scoop. I’m kind of anal when it comes to getting things in uniform sizes and I love the way the batter comes out so easily.

  52. OMG is that what heaven look like ??? lol

    Actually my favorite tool to decorate cakes is my Mum lol she’s the best :)

  53. II wish they had a store like this in New York CIty. Everyone I’ve been to is extremely small and not a wide varitey of decorations for cupcakes. I love piping tips! I can do so many things with different tips when making cupcakes and cakes and my mini scooper!

  54. Wow! That place is amazing!

  55. I don’t know if it’s considered a gadget, but I am in love with my Kitchen-aid mixer! I don’t know what I’d do without it!

  56. My favorite tool to use while decorating cakes is star tip. You can write with it, make pretty borders or do stars. Love it!

    I just live over in SC. Maybe you need to do an invite to your house and I could be one of the winners! ;)

  57. Ohhh that store looks like so much fun!
    I would kill to have one of those close to me.
    My favorite decorating tool, believe it or not, Viva paper towels. It has no design or texture and is great to smooth frosting once it starts to harden up for a flawless look.

  58. I have recently got into baking. and i LOVE it! I am going to make your incredibly awesome pops! I would love some sprinkles.. and I think I want YOUR favorite sprinkles. What are they?

  59. wow. i’m in awe of that store!!

    i would love to own the perfect cupcake frosting tool.

  60. i have to go to georgia now. just look at all that amazing goodness! favorite tool: kitchenaid mixer, baby. definitely the mixer. :)

  61. I wish I had someplace like that near me! My fave tool is my stand mixer! I got it as a wedding gift and couldn’t have lived the last 5 years without it! I use it all the time. In fact, I dont even have a hand mixer!!

  62. Wow! I LOVE that store! It’s a good thing I am nowhere near it. I’d be in serious financial trouble. I don’t have a favorite tool but I suppose I’d choose my offset spatula. Makes a big difference in the ease of frosting cakes. When I was a kid, we used to use those sprinkles that look like metal balls. I wonder if they still make them. I’m getting low on sprinkles. Would love to be able to shop there.

  63. I want a shop like that where I live! I love all sprinkles! I want to do a sprinkle rack like you did and these would look great!

  64. Wow, it’s a good thing I live in Michigan. I would not be able to handle myself in that store. My favorite baking tool is the plastic sandwich bag! Just snip the tip and go!

  65. I wish I had a wonderful store like this in my area. Thanks for the link though! I love it all- but my favorite has to be the tips… I love trying all sorts

  66. Loving the pictures! I just went on a mini shopping trip in my mind! My favorite “tool” is my scrapbook of all the “baking and making” idea I have accumulated over the years. Flipping through the pages always gives me inspiration to try something new. My idea book is what prompted me to create the 3-D Chocolate Butterfly cake decorations I put on the amazing 14-layer cake I made using your recipe and techniques!

  67. I am deeply in love with my silicone mini cupcake molds. There’s something about bitesize cupcakes that just makes you keep baking and eating them :)

  68. I’ve never attempted to bake something that decorative, beyond plopping on the frosting….but if I had sprinkles I would definately have to get creative and put them to some good use!

  69. My favorite kitchen item is my Bosch Mixer. It was broken for about a month and I was going insane!

    I LOVEeeeee sprinkles! I would love to go see all of those sprinkles!

  70. i’m with you on the tools. i really like the metal spatulas for spreading and a nice cake plate doesn’t hurt either. :)

  71. Love your website =) I would love carolina blue sprinkles. I graduated from UNC Chapel Hill, and it’d be so cute to make festive Tarheel cupcakes, with carolina blue sprinkles!

  72. Any thing that has butterflies. It is a reminder of my beautiful daughter, Abigayl, who is flying in Heaven.

  73. Ohhh Wow. My favorite baking tools are my many scoops. Perfect sized everything. Love them.
    Love Bakerella!! or

  74. I don’t decorate that well yet, but I’d still be in awe in that store. My favorite tool is all of them because I’m still learning so anything that makes life easier helps

    karen110480 @ comcast. net

  75. That store is a dream come true!! Wow. I, too, only have the generic sprinkles, you know, the little multi-colored balls. Not very fun, if you ask me. Everything else I own is in storage, long story. I would love some new ones! Thanks for sharing this website/store, I may have just found another favorite place to visit!! I wonder if there’s anything like this out here in the West?

  76. That store looks GREAT! My local craft stores (Michael/Joanns) don’t carry nearly enough products for me to recreate your designs. I hope I have a local cake decorating store like that somewhere. I’ll have to research. I try to pick up different sprinkles every time I’m out…but I can never seem to find those red hearts for some reason (The poker set) – you would think they would be popular! When I made the turkeys, I had to cut up red christmas trees to look like the gobble-gobble! (Yes, thats what I call it!)

  77. I just got a KitchenAid at my bridal shower and I’m sure it’ll be my new favorite! Love sprinkles.

  78. I like to make cake and use different shapped cutters to make a small ‘personal’ size cake…as opposed to a cupcake.

    I wonder if there is a store like this where I live….

  79. My Favorite thing to make is Cupcakes and French Macarons, and my Favorite tool has got to be my KitchenAid Mixer, its a total life saver. I have been looking all over South Florida for Pearly looking Sprinkles, and Dragees. They are Missing in Action!!

    My email is and I have a blog too!

  80. Sprinkles!

    I LOVE weird cake pans, even if they rarely work out for me. Who doesn’t want a cake shaped like a bee hive or an octopus?

  81. First of all, oh…mah…gawd…PLEASE they have got to open a store in Maryland! My heart was all a flutter and I got sweaty and excited just looking at all that good stuff!!

    Second of all, I dont’ even remember what my second of all was because I am all excited about that store.

    Oh uh, my favorite baking tool. Um, maybe my bake easy spray?

  82. I love everything about cake decorating. Esp sprinkles. I’m taking the wilton classes now! I’m just starting out so therefore I’m in need of everything! :) Love your blog!

  83. I love all of your sprinkle choices! I’d just be happy with any of them. I would love to visit that store and might have to plan a trip soon!

    Thanks, Bakerella, for everything!

    My favorite thing is the satin ice fondant. Can’t beat it!

  84. OMG! I am in heaven just looking at that stuff! Hmm….I may need to move to GA!! Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us!


  85. My favorite baking tool is my mini cookie scooper. If I don’t use it, then last cookies get bigger and bigger because I get sick of baking. With the scooper, they are all the same size and bake the same. I would love to have any kind of sprinkles!!

  86. I love my stand mixer. it makes me happy to put in ingredients and switch it on while I gather the next thing. Sprinkles would be awesome since I am far far away from GA in Illinois!

  87. I just got a couple of offset spatulas and can’t wait to use them!

  88. My favorite tool is a cake leveler. It might just be because I love when a saw and baking go together!!

  89. I finally got an offset spatula and I believe it has changed my life.

  90. It would have to be my dishers. Even sized cookies and cupcakes every time!

  91. My favorite baking helper is the mixer. Thank you kitchen aid.

    I’d love some little blue (deep blue) “Y” sprinkles…. if thy exist!

  92. Oh, my gosh! I am just excited that this store in in GA….now to convince husband that we need a road trip….love sprinkels myself.

  93. oh, I got all giddy just from the pictures. I think I would pass out if I went to the actual store lol
    My favorite baking helper is my kitchen aid. I wore out the motor on my first one and had to go about six months with out one. It was so sad. We only had cookies once.

  94. Wish I had a store like that where I live or even somewhere in the distance. Thanks for sharing AND the contest! Love you.

  95. Wow! I could do some serious damage in that store! lol I think my favourite baking tool is my offset spatula, followed very closely by my KitchenAid stand mixer. We go everywhere together! And I totally NEED sprinkles – I just re-shelved my pantry and I have LOTS of room!

  96. my favorite baking thing that i have is my trusty wooden spoon… so reliable!

    i love your blog!

  97. I am the same way with sprinkles, they are just so cute and my mind starts racing with ideas on how to use them, and then never do. I have baby sprinkles and cupcake liners in case my sister has a baby…and she is infertile. Just sayin.

  98. I love dipping treats, so candy melts are probably my favorite. And what goes best on that? Sprinkles!

    punkinbean @

  99. my favorite item has to be fondant! I think I’d go crazy in that store!!

  100. definitely an offset spatula, couldn’t live without it!

  101. I have a hard time leaving the cake aisle at Micheals. Now you tell me this cake store is in Tucker, GA. I’m in Atlanta, man, its way too close. Must resist, must resist.

    And my favorite baking tool? It must be the offset spatula I recently received. Its life changing.

  102. I would have to say my most important baking tool is the heating core. Using them during the baking process of the cake insures doneness and eliminates unevenness. Just fill the heating core with cake batter as with the cake pan, bake, cool, plug the cake, and trim as needed. Easy and a GREAT tool! Thanks! Rose-Lynn in Mississippi

  103. I want to go to that store! It’s amazing! My fav baking tool is my silpat, I love it and use it almost every time I bake.

  104. That store looks amazing! I loved the photos. I love my mini muffin pan. I love anything small and cute so that really helps :)
    My e-mail is

  105. Glad that store is all the way in Georgia! My favorite baking utensit is my Kitchen Aid or my 4 yo daughter! What kind of sprinkles do we dream of…..any that are pink and princessy or sparkly butterflies!

  106. Oh how I love to bake and decorate. I would be just like you and buy things just because. I would love to have some of those pretty pink pig sprinkles because pigs are my daughters (and my) favorite!

  107. I love my mini loaf pans. Actually I love anything mini when it comes to baking. Mini bundt pans… Mini tart pans… Mini muffins…

  108. That store is a baker’s dream! I don’t have any cool sprinkles, all the ones that I have are generic from Kroger/Publix. Would be so very lucky to win some cool sprinkles!

  109. Looking for 4th of July sprinkles??? Just started baking with help of cake pop, and my daughter loves it !!! Thanks for sharing, only thing better would be more posts from you with more ideas !! tntsauerbrei (at)hotmail (dot)com

  110. I have so many favorite cooking tools, but I tried your cute Easter pops and now I’m on the hunt for edible pens. I need those! :)

  111. I love that store!! I am glad I don’t have one close by I would spend my husbands paycheck faster that I could deposit it!!

  112. I love your blog, and your giveaways! Fingers crossed!

    I found these BIG polka dot sprinkles, and love using them for jumbo cupcakes. They wind up being perfect two-person baby cakes…or, I suppose, you could eat one by yourself if you really wanted. :)

    Sarah (hatfieldse at gmail dot com)

  113. Wow! What a store! My favorite tool is an off-set spatuala!

  114. What I wouldn’t give to have a store like that around here!!!
    I LOVE my off set spatula. I use it a lot!
    dcbehlmer at hotmail dot com

  115. I LOVE making cheesecakes. But…the one thing that makes the cheesecakes complete is the little plastic white tool that comes with the Pampered Chef spring form pan. Nothing else does the job like this little guy. Not a knife, not a spatula, and anything else I have tried when I can’t find it. And the sad thing is…you can’t buy a replacement for it.

  116. What can I say? I LOVE dessert!! I really want to start learning how to do all of the fancy stuff you do. Plus, holy cow, I can’t believe how much stuff that store had! Unbelievable!

  117. My cupcake pans! I wish we had store like that around here.

  118. Good gravy! Over 2000 comments!!

    My favorite decorating tool would be sprinkles! They cover a multitude of sins and everyone loves them!

  119. Oh how exciting! I have been looking for music related sprinkles…like music notes. Or graduation caps :) I am a cake supply addict, too! I wander through the aisles and wish I had the skill to use things! However, I LOVE my springform pans…they’re my favorite.

  120. oh my goodness – I haven’t been to one of those stores in years! I have such great memories of my mom taking me when I was little so that she could collect all the goodies she needed to make cakes (she was a cake decorator at the time). I used to spend hours looking at cake magazines because of it, dreaming what kind of cake I would have as an adult. Thanks for the walk down memory lane!

  121. I love my silpat!

  122. I would love to have a store like that near me, although maybe it is a good thing I don’t. The baking utensils I use the most are my cookie cutters and my cupcake tins (small, regular, large). I haven’t used sprinkles much mainly because the stores near me are so limited. I use colored sugar a lot. I love to bake and am just getting in to more decorative baking.

  123. I love my Wilton flat spatula! Nice to see you shop at Cake Art in my little town of Tucker. Maybe you should do a demo there! I’d love to see you work your magic in person.

  124. I love Cake Art! And the woman who does the online orders – she is WONDERFUL! (ok, I am biased, she is my mom, does that mean I can’t enter the contest?!)

    My favorite thing we have use to decorate a cake for a friend was the luster dust! We made some beautifu butterflys and decorated them with the dust and they were so pretty!!!

    Lara (aka,

  125. Hummm, favorite tool? Mini cookie cutters are right up there at the top. Love love love all those sprinkle choices!!

  126. I have never seen anything like that. I love the silicone brownie pop trays.

  127. A good ol smooth spatula. I can’t live without it!

  128. Wow what a store. Thank you for sharing. I’m looking for frog stuff for a baby shower.


  129. I guess it would have to be my hand mixer. It’s the only tool I have! I need some offset spatulas and stuff like that, maybe sprinkles would be the thing to spark my creativity.

  130. I spell my e-addres wrong

  131. Awesome store, I would be there for hours!!
    I love my muffin top pan, makes only the tops of the muffins. I love to make little cakes in it too!

  132. I love my offset spatula, it makes my cupcakes look so much better. And I am so glad that store is not in my town. I would go crazy!!

  133. OMG–if I ever went to this store, they’d have to call the cops to make me leave!!
    You know, one can never have enough sprinkles, I say. But when baking cupcakes, a good scoop–small or medium—has been my lifesaver!


  134. I love sprinkles!! I used to teach elementary school and put them on everything. Now that I teach high school, I don’t bake for the kids as much, but my boyfriend sure loves them!!

  135. OMG! I can’t even imagine. What an amazing place! Who knew?!
    I have two little girls, so I love anything pink and anything girly. Can never have enough of those kind of sprinkles! My oldest daughter thinks your cake pops are the greatest thing ever invented. We try to make them all the time! Love your blog. Thanks for inspiring me!

  136. I wonder if there is a store like that in Maryland. Looks fun. I needed a springform pan, but my mom bought me one for Mother’s Day.

    I love the Wilton squeeze bottles for decorating. My 6 yr old loves them, too.

  137. That store look sooo exciting! I love a spring form pan. Or pretty cupcake liners…

  138. Hands down, it’s my KitchenAid Stand mixer. I can’t bake without it!

  139. I love sprinkles….I actually stole your idea and emptied my spices that I never use and went sprinkle CRAZY. My favorites are the lips they have for Valentines day. Just wish I could find a fun way to use them on a cake pop. Thanks for all your great ideas!

  140. My most vital tool is my offset spatula. Couldn’t do a thing without it!

  141. I am a fan of my giant icer, I don’t use it for icing, I use it for whip cream most of the time. Something about real whip cream in lovely stars and swirls.

  142. I would love to have all of those sprinkles!!!!

  143. I love my spatula… it makes frosting cakes so easy!
    And I also love my paint scrapers – they make getting flat buttercream easy!

  144. I love cake boxes, too. Nothing says “pro” like a lovely white box.. Even if you cheat with a mix.

  145. I have always had a thing for cookie cutters. I love to just look at the different shapes. Not a fancy tool, but my fave!

  146. Good Grief! We have nothing like that here. I would go absolutely crazy buying sprinkles. My cookie cutters are my favorite although now that kids are grown i don’t use them as much so now I do Cupcakes.

  147. What a cool store! I’m thinking about making some cake pops for my daughter’s high school graduation party in June! Would love to win some.

  148. I love fun sprinkles!!! That store looks amazing.

  149. Is it wrong for your stomach to growl because of SPRINKLES? They are all adorable. I have to avoid stores like Cake Art because I always spend way too much money. How can you not? I am glad you found a place to find all the things that make the rest of us so happy!

  150. I love, love, love going into the baking store in my area! I can spend hours in there. I love any and all sprinkles! The more colors the better. Those photos make me want to take a trip – it looks much bigger than my store!!

  151. I’m so jealous….I’ve never been to such a store and wish we had one near where I live!!! I love my mini spatula from Pampered Chef and my mini-size muffin tin…so many fun things to make…I would love to find some puppy dog sprinkles…my son’s b-day is coming up and he wants a dog themed party…I can just see the cupcakes now!!


  152. I would be in HUGE trouble if that store was anywhere near me!

    So, obviously be lost with out my Kitchenaid mixer. But I also love the dark brown cupcake liners. I think they give such a nice look to almost any cupcake!

  153. I’ve love some little pink cherry blossom sprinkles. Oh, how I would love those.

    I’ll be dreaming of the Cake Art Party Store tonight…

  154. My favorite tool is my cookie scoop.Oh I wish I had a dollar for every chocolate chip cookie from that scoop over the last 25yrs.

  155. OH My I wouldn’t be able to control myself in a store like that, I shop in a very small store and go nuts with what she has…Love, Love Love sprinkles…

  156. Wow – over 2000 comments already! My favorite baking tool is the professional pastry bag with the decorating tip already in it…. we used these when I worked at KFC in the 1990’s to decorate the cream pies. I really want one for myself… one of these days. My other favorite would probably be a batter scoop… love ’em! :)

  157. OMG! it’s like baker’s heaven…if there is such a thing…my absolutely can’t live without item is my kitchenaid mixer…everything starts there…and boy oh boy do I love sprinkles…colored ones, crystally ones, shaped ones…i can’t find too many places around here that even sell anything more than basic colored sprinkles…bummer for me…ones i’ve been looking for forever are “under the sea” themed ones…wonder if they have any at their store…now i gotta go check…

  158. I NEED TO GO HERE! geesh, I didn’t know such a place existed!

  159. My favorite thing to bake is cookies, so I love my cookie -shooter around christmas time and my cookie dough scooper speeds things along when I make full size cookies. I do have a decent collection of sprinkles in my cupboard, but I can never have enough =)

  160. I love sprinkles. I love brownies. My fav tool is probably my small little off-set spatula that can easily burrow down in the corner of the pan without tearing up the brownie or cake.
    I love your blog!!
    Deb in Winfield, Kansas

  161. Wawis! I could live in that store. I’m so happy just from seeing the pictures, and may I say that every spatula, pan and even my oven are my favorite tool.

  162. Looks like a fun spot! I love disposable pastry bags. Not very environmentally friendly, I know, but then again, I don’t use them very often.

  163. Man, they need to open a store like that in Denver. I would love to start a sprinkle collection – I’ve been having so much fun with my Kitchenaid mixer I’m sure they would be of use!

  164. Oh pick me!!! I heart sprinkles!! :) My fave tool would be my green apple KA mixer! She’s a beauty!

  165. Oooh…I love to use pink sugar crystals! BUT I’ve never had such a fabulous selection to choose from. WOW!

  166. For me, it’s a tie between the Silpat and the cookie scoop. These two are the greatest assurance for me to bake perfect cookies every time.

  167. Fresh shaved coconut! It just looks gorgeous on everything!

  168. My favorite decorating item is fondant! I taught myself to make wedding cakes a few years back and have only ever used fondant, I love that stuff!

  169. If I ever get to GA…Wow! My fav would be my offset spatula or my mini muffin tins.

  170. I lub these!!

  171. My goodness! It’s baking heaven!

    I love my little rolling pin. Gotta stick to the basics. :)

  172. Sprinkle heaven!!

    I can’t live without my Kitchen Aid mixer!!

  173. OH my gosh this makes me wish I’d never left Atlanta. How did you find this place?

    Favorite baking tool – off-set spatula, my big and little ones. Couldn’t live without them.

  174. I would be dangerous in that store for sure!!!!! I don’t have any sprinkles, but if I won some I think I would find the time to do something with them. Love your blog! You are the best!!!!

  175. What a store! I haven’t seen anything like that where I live!

    I love my cookie cutters for sugar cookies and mini-muffin tins!

  176. Wow that’s a lotta sprinkles! fav tool would be my offset spatula!

  177. I love my offset spatula!

  178. i love all the different kinds of cupcake liners! wish i had a cool store like that near me.

  179. Ooooooh! Sprinkles!

    I live in the middle of nowhere and can’t ever find the right sprinkles for the cutest cake pops.

    Sign me up!

  180. Oh My goodness… I would love that place!!! I love my off-set spatula for perfectly smooth cake tops.


  181. SPRINKLES! :) Man, I wish I lived closer to Georgia. That store would be the death of my checking account.

  182. OH MY GOD
    I live in CA, but I have to go to GA now. NOW NOW NOW!

    Uhm, my fave is actually a silicon spatula, Wilton. It’s for stand mixers, it has a little bend to it, it’s so fantastic.

  183. Oh! I forgot to add my mail address

    Pretty long huh:)


  184. I like to bake all kinds of cakes & cookies. My favorie tool is the frosting spatula.What a great store…

  185. I love sprinkles!! And my small offset spatula is my very favorite tool in the kitchen. I can’t seem to do anything without it!


  186. Yes! Thanks for this! I love sprinkles!!

    Carol RObertson:

  187. I love my graduated baking scoops! I use them for making cookies and muffins and for making melon balls. My grandkids call them “windshield wipers”!! ;0)

  188. Wow – that store would bankrupt me in a heartbeat.
    My favorite baking item is – hands down – my KitchenAid Stand Mixer – I can’t do anything without it.
    My favorite decorating item is my mini angled spatula – perfect for getting things smooth.

  189. Wow, what an amazing store. Now I want to bake…

  190. Oh my goodness! Is this a heaven or what? I wish I could have some store like this close to my town. I would have gone crazy in this store. I have an idea about using those luster dusters. Make a butterfly out of edible rice paper! It will look like real butterfly believe me! Here is the website for instructions.


  191. Wow that store looks amazing…I don’t have that many sprinkles so any would be fun!!:) I would have to say my favorite tool is my hand mixer…it’s a Kitchen Aid one my mom bought me cause I didn’t have room in my first kitchen for a stand mixer! I still use it even though I have a big Kitchen Aid now!:)

  192. I don’t think there’s anything that nice around here… When I decorate sugar cookies I like to use sugar crystals (not the tiny granulated kind) which are a pain to find for some reason.

  193. O M G. What a FUN FUN FUN store!!!! It’s like JoAnn’s baking section on steriods!!! :O)

    My favorite baking “tool”…. not really a tool, but I love cupcake pans. Out of all the things I bake cupcakes are my favorite so I love the variety of pans out there! Sprinkles and Cupcakes just go hand and hand!!

  194. Wow- I never knew so many different types of sprinkles existed! Makes me want to bake a cake right this very moment! My fav. baking tool at is my kitchen aid– could not live without. Love you blog- thanks for posting all the pictures…

  195. I would die without my KitchenAid mixer!

    Thanks for sharing the amazing store. Hopefully I can find one like it in Dallas!

  196. Great contest! I am limited to the “great” selection of 2 sprinkles in my grocery store – either multicolored jimmies, or chocolate jimmies. Yay.

    My favorite baking tip is to use spring loaded scoopers for filling cupcake liners and making cookies. You get an even amount each time and no mess!

  197. at store is amazing! I love my Pampered Chef Easy Accent Decorator because I’m so new at the whole ‘make a cake pretty’ thing, but I’d love to see what fancy things other tips can do!

  198. I want sprinkles! My favorite baking tool is my cookie scoop. I use it for everything from cookie dough to making meatballs.

  199. I have to say that my little offset spatula is the best!


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