
Where I shop…

Cake Art Party Store! I started going here about two years ago when the baking and cake decorating bug bit me. When I first walked in, I was overwhelmed. Actually, I’m still overwhelmed. There’s so much stuff I don’t know… don’t even have a clue about… but I feel like I learn something new every single time I visit. Unfortunately, I can’t do that very often because this store makes me spend money.

Cake Art Party Store

Like on these things. I’m serious… this place is dangerous. I think I get a sugar high or something when I walk in … my heart starts racing … I start picking random stuff up. And when I get home, bags full… I’m like, what just happened.

Cake Art Party Store

But, when you see all these… in one place. You start thinking… do I have enough yellow sprinkles. I can’t remember. Okay, get some more and get some blue ones, and red ones while you’re at it.

Cake Art Party Store

And then, you start thinking that you can’t live without blue teddy bear sprinkles or green palm tree sprinkles, or pink pigs. And what if someone has a baby… I need those baby sprinkles or wait, boys like cupcakes… what about helmet and football sprinkles. You see where I’m going. Let’s just say that I have accumulated my fair share of sprinkles.

The funny thing is … I hardly ever use them on cupcakes or cakes. It just makes me feel good knowing I have them just in case. I know … weird! But, they do come in handy when it comes to decorating cake pops, so that’s how I justify it.

Cake Art Party Store

You can even buy them in bags!

Cake Art Party Store

Here’s something I’ve never tried… and I think I’ll leave for the pros… Airbrush! Pretty colors, though.

Cake Art Party Store

Speaking of colors… did you know you can buy rolled fondant that is already tinted?

I started doing this recently with red fondant because it is seriously a pain to tint it yourself and get it a deep red color.

Cake Art Party Store

Now, a lot of people don’t like the taste of fondant, they just like the look of it from a visual perspective. So, if you just want to experiment, then play around and buy it pre-made. Just don’t get this much. You can stick with the 1 pound packages.

Or if you really want, make some from scratch. I hear marshmallow fondant is pretty good.

Cake Art Party Store
Anyone need 25 lbs of buttercream frosting?

Cake Art Party Store

Or tinted buttercream?

Cake Art Party Store

Not me. I like to make my own buttercream and tint it myself. Yummy!

Cake Art Party Store

Need some petit four icing? Just snip the tip and go. Great for beginners.

Cake Art Party Store

Marzipan… I haven’t dabbled in this stuff yet, but I do like saying the name. Marzipan!

Cake Art Party Store

Check this out! This might just be the best part of the store. Pans! Round ones, oval ones, heart-shaped ones, square ones! And in graduated sizes, too! And different heights! Help me, please.

Cake Art Party Store

Tools. I love tools. Offset spatulas and flat spatulas. Thank you.

Cake Art Party Store

Inside these little trays are every decorating tip you can think of and some you can’t. Grab some disposable bags and couplers and you’re set.

Cake Art Party Store

There’s so much stuff in the store that you can miss little things like this. Petal dust and luster dust… I think I’m in love. Now, I just have to figure out what to do with it.

Cake Art Party Store

Need to stack a big cake? Sorry, I can’t help you… haven’t done that.

Cake Art Party Store

Mine are little and usually just end up on cake boards like these.

Cake Art Party Store

And sometimes, they get put in cake boxes. I love cake boxes. Especially the tiny ones.
Little cakes in little boxes are just the cutest!

Cake Art Party Store

Need some party supplies? They have that, too.

Cake Art Party Store

Baking cups for boys and girls.

Cake Art Party Store

Tons and tons of plastic cake toppers. I’ve never bought anything down this aisle…

Cake Art Party Store

But, this one made me laugh so hard, I almost bought it for a Mother’s Day cake. Then, I pictured myself on Cake Wrecks and stopped myself. :)

Cake Art Party Store

Father’s Day is around the corner, though…

Cake Art Party Store

Almost done… hang in there. Cookie cutters are always fun to have.

Cake Art Party Store

And so are these. I have this set of dual sided graduated cutters. I love them and they come in super handy when I make fondant covered cupcakes.

Cake Art Party Store

Gadgets galore! I can’t stand in this section too long because my pantry just isn’t big enough.

And guess what… that’s just the half of it. Actually, the 1/8th of it. I wish I could show you everything.
Coming soon… candy stuff!

Hope you guys liked looking at all that stuff and thanks Cake Art for letting me show everyone that there’s a much bigger cake world than the 9 inch cake pans I used to buy in the grocery store. And guess what guys… most of it’s easier than you think.
Cake Art Party Store
3744 Lawrenceville Hwy.
Tucker, GA 30084

And, because I made you scroll through all those pictures, how about a little giveaway for you sprinkle lovers!

Cake Art Party Store

Enter for a chance to win:

I’m giving away 20 different kinds of sprinkles!
(picked out by me)
Want some?
  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me your favorite baking or decorating item or tool or even some elusive sprinkles you’ve been looking for.
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win (either a blog link or email)
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m. (recorded by the comment time stamp)
  • The winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

    * One winner will be chosen at random, using’s integer generator.

Good Luck!

Sorry, TIME’S UP!
The Sprinkle Winner is none other than Comment #936!
Yay Cam! Have any Sprinkle preferences?

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3,403 comments on “Where I shop…”

  1. HOLY COW! I wish I had a stoe like that around me!! Woah! Oh ya, you asked questions, I’m going to be flipping out about that store for a little while… My favorites tool is my spinner. i could not decorate cakes without it. My favorite fun thing to use is stencils though. I love making cake unexpected. Thanks for the entry!

  2. My favorite tools are probably my airbake cookie sheets and 9×13 pan. Since I started using them, I haven’t burned so much as the bottom of a cookie!

  3. I’m in the market for an offset spatula, as well as all different types and sizes of cookie cutters! And sprinkles and pans and… well, I’m always in the market. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  4. I love my piping stuff! I don’t think anything coats a cupcake better than a tall layer of icing swirled on with a big, round tip… with sprinkles on top, of course!

  5. Wow! Does anyone know of a place like this in Michigan?

    My best friend and I just dabbled into cupcake making and decorating for the first time for her one year old’s birthday party ( for photos!) and we’re hooked.

    I’m not sure if I’m knowledgeable enough to talk about my favorite tool… but I sure LOVE cute cupcake papers and sprinkles!

    Thanks for sharing – I’d love to win the sprinkles! What a great thing to start me out!

  6. OMG! – Talk about food porn – I want to go to Cake Art and I want to go NOW!

    Favorite tools? My fingers – from smoothing fondant, molding gum paste or (hopefully) sprinkling confetti on cupcakes – I’d be lost without them.

    Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us.

    Best –

  7. As I am leaving this comment, there are 1808 comments. Amazing! Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my offset spatula, and my Pampered Chef rubber 2-sided spatulas. My best friends.

  8. I’m pretty much a cookie baker. . . and I think Silpat sheets are the greatest thing since the cookie press!
    from Anne Clausen
    Shorewood, WI

  9. OMG.. that store is so amazing. I think I could spend a whole day in there and still not see everything. Those sprinkles just make me drool. I want one of those, two of those.. heck just give me one of everything. I think the one baking tool that is a must but I don’t have is a batter scoop for my cupcakes. You can never have enough sprinkles.

  10. I love finding cute cupcake liner papers. Really enjoy your blog and writing style!

  11. WOW! I wish we had a store like that. I would just go to look at all the pretty sprinkles. I love all kinds of sprinkles but I am also in love with cookie cutters. I love all the fun shapes you can find now:)

  12. Wow! I’m speechless. I wanna go there so bad! I’m a sprinkle lover!

  13. My favorite kitchen tool I have would be my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. It just makes everything so much easier. This store is absolutely amazing. It would be a great place for me to visit. My daughter is turning 7 in June and we are having an “Ice Cream Sundae” theme. Having sprinkles would really make the party even better.

  14. I love my wilton cake leveler. It has brought my cake decorating life much joy! :)

  15. i don’t really have a favorite.. but i do love sprinkles

  16. Oh my goodness! I wish I had a store like that next to me! I would LOVE to spend the day finding new goodies! I love the rolling pin that was once my grandmothers!
    I’ll definately check out the online items!

  17. I would love to have a store like that where I live. I think right now my favorite gadget is my 1M tip for making beautiful cupcakes. My little boy is very into them right now and of course he will not eat them without sprinkles on the cupcake and on the side!

  18. Funny… my favorite tool is a 99 cent plastic spoon that transfers the perfect amount of batter into the little cupcake papers! I have tons of wonderful, expensive stuff, but I always turn to it first!

  19. Heaven! I’m sooo boring, I just love the rainbow colored sprinkles, the little bally ones.

  20. Bakerella I love your blog! I try to make almost everything I see on it, and I am soooo jealous of that baking store, I now want to visit Georgia to shop there.

    My favorite baking tool is my kitchenaid! Can’t really bake without it!

  21. I am speechless. I don’t even know what to say. Wow. Unfortunately I really don’t bake =( I am inspired by your blog and hope that one day I will have the resources necessary to attempt to make such beautiful creations as you.

  22. Um, I’m looking for ANY shaped sprinkles…the closest store that sells them to me is 90 minutes away!!! I NEED THEM! :0)

  23. Wow! I would be overwhelmed as well, and just start throwing things in my basket!
    My favorite baking tool would be … probably the sticks used for pops! Also, the sprinkles. They have such a variety at that store. Wish we had one here.


  24. I want sprinkles!!!! I love sprinkles!!!

  25. I love my tiny cookie scoop. It makes baking cookies quick and easy! I would love to find some skull and crossbones sprinkles for a pirate party!

  26. wish something was like that where I lived

  27. Wow!! I’d surely get myself into trouble at that store!! Thanks for sharing!!

  28. SPRINKLES! I NEED to go to that store. NEED to.

  29. I would love to have a 5 min shopping spree in that store… AMAZING!!!!! My favorite item is my decorating bags for icing… use them for a LOT of different things! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE some of those sprinkles… WOOT WOOT. You are amazing Bakerella!

  30. Why isn’t there an awesome cake store like that near me?? It’s probably for the best…I’d go broke and my husband would probably leave me. :) But he’d be fat from all the sprinkle-covered cupcakes he ate.

    Ever find unicorn-shaped sprinkles? Those would be the best. Other than that, I love all kinds of flower sprinkles. So cheery!

  31. HOW FUN! Im so glad you shared the store with us, I would have never known the world of baking was so involved! I love my mini spatulas and of course my KitchenAid stand mixer! I would love GIRLIE spinkles, so me and my two year old daughter can have fun decorating together!

  32. I love the sprinkles!!! I don’t have any and want to start learning to bake more. I think cute sprinkles just might motivate me!!

  33. My favourite tool is my ice cream scoop..every cupcake gets the same amount of batter. I would love to get some sprinkles..


  34. Ooh, I’m jealous of your cake store. Around here we have Hobby Lobby. :(

    As for my favorite tool? The offset spatula. I used to use a butter knife, but when I discovered the offset spatula my life was forever changed.

  35. My favorite baking tool is my new stand mixer. I would take just about any sprinkle that they don’t sell at walmart. Cake supplies are pretty sparse here….

  36. OMG!!! How did you manage to get out alive? I have a store 1/8th that size 2 hours away and it is still too dangerously close… I too buy what I intend to use and then can’t seem to part with it, what if I can’t find more!!!LOL I have yet to meet a sprinkle I doNOT like…

  37. a small paint brush – to push and dab the frosting around, to smooth something out with hot water and make it shiny or to pat something down to a matt finish with confection sugar.

  38. Okay – I admit it. I am addicted and my family knows it. So, the only hope I have of getting new sprinkles is to win some! This is awesome and it would feel so great to win – I’m in withdrawal! Thanks for your blog and your willingness to share.

  39. did i say that my blog link is I dont think i did. But i love edible ink and sprinkles!

  40. I wish they have that kind of store here from where i live. Maybe they have one but I havent checked it out yet. I wud love to have those sprinkles for the cupcakes that i wanted to make for my kids

  41. I love my pound cake tube pan. . .It reminds me of my mom’s pound cake which is simply the best cake you will ever taste. :) Thanks for the opportunity to win sprinkles. .I have birthdays galore this summer to bake for.

  42. i am a beginner decorater and so my decorating is amateur at the most! But i LOVE the edible ink right now! I am working hard to get cake balls down, and the edible ink i AWESOME for decorating. I have ALWAYS been a fan of any kind of sprinkles though. I used to sneak handfuls of them when i was little.

  43. I cannot live without a few things for decorating…I like to do layered cakes and I can’t live without my cake splitter! Just used it yesterday to make a carrot layer cake. I also cannot live without an off set spatula.

  44. I cannot imagine a store like that in New Orleans. Not enough interest.

  45. I love to bake cupcakes and sprinkles are a must!!

  46. My favorite is my cookie scoops…perfect size cookies every time!

  47. My favorite baking items are my cake pans. Who can have too many? Not me. Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy.

    Jannette D.

  48. This is a great place for getting baking product. Thanks for showing.

  49. WOW! That’s all I can say about that amazing store!

    My favorite tool in the kitchen? I’d have to say my cookie scoops. They make perfect sized cake balls, cookies, and I use the bigger one to do cupcakes!

  50. These days my favorite gadgets are cookie cutters. Now I just need some cool sprinkles to put on top! :)

  51. This store is awesome. I could spend a load there for sure! My favorite tool would have to be the Kitchen Aid mixer, next to that my cookie scooper, plus whatever else I have…love those rubber bowl scappers and so on….
    I also love any sprinkles the more colors the better!

  52. Piping bags! :)

    And seriously, a store like that would be dangerous for me. It’s a good thing there isn’t one near me…and if there is, please don’t tell me. I can’t afford to buy an entire store of cake decorating items nor do I have the storage to store them! :)

  53. I’m very new to the cake pop phenomenon, but I made cupcake pops for my family for Easter and my almost 2 year old is obsessed. His birthday is this month and I’d like to make him Elmo cake pops. I searched on your blog, but didn’t find any, so I’d love suggestions on getting the red right and what to use for the eyes and nose? I guess those are the sprinkles I need! Thanks!

  54. I love cookie cutters and sprinkles. All kinds of each!

  55. I have a giant cupcake cake pan that’s always perfect for birthdays. Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

    steveandjulie03 at yahoo dot com

  56. OMG!! This looks like a needed road trip! Louisiana to Georgia isn’t a bad drive, right? I could only wish they had a store like this locally! WOW, that’s all i have to say. Here’s a tip for you… try the airbrush. I think I would die without mine! It makes my work so much easier!

  57. I am so jealous! I don’t have anything like this in the area. I wonder what Dallas has. Now that I saw this I’m in awe. Where is this store? I don’t think you could pull me out of there. Hope I win.

  58. I haven’t been baking for very long..So I guess I would have to say my favorite tool is my off-set spatula, it makes frosting SO much easier! Love your blog by the way!!

  59. Oh wow. Did you mention where this store is…well, maybe you shouldn’t. I know my husband would rather I didn’t know :) Anyway, my favorite cake decorating tool is my spatula probably. Boring, I know. Maybe if I win I could have some new favorites!

  60. I use my bench scraper for a ridiculous number of things but I’ve recently become a fan of my offset spatula too. I was some duckie sprinkles, they’re hard to find!

  61. The store that I shop at doesn’t have a very big selection of cake sprinkles. I have been looking for white stars only, without the red and the blue ones. My favorite tool is my ice cream scoops. I can get uniform cookies, muffins and cupcakes whenever I use them. Love your site.

  62. My favorite thing is probably redhots…I love the cinnamon flavor they add to frosted sugar cookies…especially at Christmas time!

  63. I can imagine you walking in this store thinking . . . “what could I do with this?!” My favorite baking/decorating tool is your web site, by far! I am a total klutz and clueless and always find the help and inspiration I need right here! Please keep it coming!

  64. I’ve actually just started down the road of cake pop baking so I don’t know what I need, but I’d love to enter! : )

  65. I think that store could be my downfall! Wow – it’s like IKEA for bakers! :) I am a total sucker for jimmies – for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween. Love. them.

  66. As cheesy as it sounds, my favorite baking tool is parchment paper! When I started using it with my baking, it was like the heavens opened and God smacked me on the forehead and said, “DUH!” :o)

  67. I love the pictures of the store….oh my! I”ve been looking for the little diamond shaped sprinkles…couldn’t find any at the store I go to…thanks! Sarah at

  68. My cake stands are my fave! Love baking a cake just to display it on a pretty stand. Also I can NOT find mini M&M's in any store in Alberta, Canada. Which makes it hard to make some of the cake pops. You call for those suckers often. I will stock up at Christmas, I have seen them at that time of year. Blessings, bergeron dot family at shaw dot ca

  69. Sweetness! I’m now contemplating moving to GA just to go to that store!!! And boy could I use some fancy sprinkles. I’m actually pretty new to the decorating side of baking so every tool and gadget I use is proclaimed “the best thing EVER!” Thanks for the photos and giveaway.


  70. What an awesome store!! I love my decorating tips for my cupcakes!

  71. I’ve never used it, but I’m coming closer and closer to trying fondant…it’s just so pretty!

  72. WOW,WOW & WOW!!! We don't have a store down here (Harlingen, TX) that even comes close to the 1/8 that you showed me today. I love it I think I would spend all of spare not baking time in that store, it is like baker heaven. I called my mother in
    Chgo just s she could be in awe with me. I would not even know what I would buy first, I would really have to pace myself!!

  73. Love that store…coould not do without my ture table.

  74. WHOA. That looks awesome, and I only wish I lived near that! My favorite item is my mini scoop for making mini cupcakes just the perfect size!!!

    Dear Sprinkles, I hope I win you. I need you in my home. :)

  75. I LOVE those little silver dragee balls – my mom used to buy them and put them on my birthday cakes when I was a kid. Now I can’t for the life of me find them anywhere aound where i live! One time I found some at a specialty shop on vacation in a teeny tiny jar for $12. I have plans to make cake pops for my friend’s bridal shower, some fun sprinkles would be awesome!

  76. i love nothing more than decorating my cakes, so i’d say piping bags are my favourite.

  77. I would like to find that edible ink pen. Can’t seem to find one local.
    How long does it take you to go through that store? Do you have to set a time limit? I think I would loose track of time!

  78. I love miniature muffin tins. They’re just precious. Except when you realize you didn’t cut the recipe down and now you have to actually ice the 6 dozen miniature cupcakes.

  79. I need some! Pick me!

  80. Wow! That store is AMAZING! I would be extremely overwhelmed if I went in there and, like you, I would end up coming home with tons of stuff. :) My favorite tool is my KitchenAid Stand Mixer.

  81. I love my little tablespoon “ice-cream” scoop! I can’t make a cookie without it!

  82. mmmm I love sparkling sugar!

  83. Ok, I get excited whenever I’m at the Wilton aisle of Michael’s and I always end up buying something. I think I’d faint if I go to your store.

    Oh and the sprinkles…my niece eats up all of mine. I think she’d be over the moon if I take her there.

  84. Oh goodness! I wish that store was near me!! My favorite baking tool would have to be my stoneware. Love it!


  85. I love to bake & decorate sugar cookies for any and all holiday or special occasion. I love cookie cutters and think more sprinkle choices would be great!

  86. I had a friend who called the scrapbooking store “the divorce store” because every time she went, she always spent more than she had promised her husband she would, and she joked that that store would lead to their divorce.

    It was a TOTAL joke, because they were the most loving, devoted couple you ever saw. Still, it made us snicker. “Let’s go to the divorce store!”

    That cake art store would be my divorce store. Seriously.

    My favorite baking tool is my frosting bag and large tip–when I bake cupcakes, all i do to decorate them is to swirl homemade buttercream on them with the large tip, and sprinkle stuff on the frosting, and they look A-mazing. People always ooh and ahh.

  87. Thank you for posting this!! What a wonderful store; I wish we had something like that here! I may have to scout Minneapolis for a sister-store. My favorite baking tool is definitely my mini-scoop. I use it every week for cookies, candy and cakes.

  88. I love sprinkles! :)

  89. Wow, what a store! I am lovin cupcake liners right now… I have a whoe drawer full! :)

  90. I am new to the cake decorating world, but I do not know where I would be without disposable bags. I hate dishes to begin with, so having to wash icing out of bags…UGH!

  91. I love disposable pastry bags and my offset spatulas.

  92. That store is amazing! I need to plan a trip. :) I love my mini cupcake tins.

  93. I love sprinkles… and I love the colored sugars!

  94. Oh. Oh My. I just moved to Atlanta, and if I’d known that a place like THAT would be nearby…I might have packed faster.

    My favorite Tool of the Moment is probably my icing gun. It looks like a giant metal caulking gun, and makes me feel very industrial. I haven’t yet managed to tweak quite the fine control out of it that I can get from a bag-and-tip, but for less precise projects it’s really awesome. No more worrying about my body heat messing with the buttercream consistency!

  95. Oh my gosh, I’m starting to shake. Looking at that store has my cake decorating addiction kicking into hyper gear. Thanks alot!!!!

  96. Hmmm….as a beginning bakerella, I really enjoyed the discovery of spring form pans. I LOVE cheesecake so now I can make it for myself. Candy melts are also wonderful. You can make just about anything with them! I’ve got quite the stash growing. Now if only I could win some awesome sprinkles to go with them…

  97. That is amazing! My latest baking obsession is dinosaur sprinkles (this contest is so up my alley) – they are so versatile!

  98. I L O V E sprinkles. But I don’t like the little round hard ones that feel like they are going to break your teeth. I am in desperate need to some cute ones! Great idea for a giveaway I wish we had a store like that around here. Thanks for sharing!


  99. Oh man, I’m such a sucker for anything with sprinkles on it. I love to add them to cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, you name it!
    And there’s nothing like cute cupcake liners to complement the sprinkles!

    rdtussey (at) gmail

  100. my little mini pink icing spatula!

  101. I use to live in GA and so sad I missed that store!!! Best baking tool has to be my beaterblade that attaches to my Kitchen Aid Mixer. I bake regularly and this is such a help.


  102. I love my Wilton basketweave tip. It is so easy to use and everyone thinks it looks really hard!

  103. I only wish we had a store like that in Portland, oregon.. You would think being as big as we are.. Maybe I just have not found it!! Favorite baking tool.. lately I would say my mini cupcake pan.. I have been using it a lot. I would love to find dragonfly sprinkles!! but Have never seen any.. but I love all sprinkles.. i use them a ton.

  104. What a great store! I wish we had one of those around here. I’m a die-hard parchment user…it’s the best!

  105. I have an airbrush gun, it’s awesome! Actually very easy to use, I was surprised. I would LOVE to go to that store… thanks for the pics!

  106. I too have been lost in local cake supply stores for hours!!!!!!!!!A nice way to spend a whole afternoon. Letting your imagination run and only to realize there is so much I don't know> My favorite tool is the mini roller, it has smoothed so many cakes!!!! Just wait until the icing dries a little and run that tiny hand held roller and all the wrinkles and lines are gone. Would love some spinkles to add to my totes full of supplies!!!!

  107. My comment will probably not capture your eye or heart but thought I would take a chance. My best tool is my hands. I find that creating things by hand and avoiding the spoon or spatula is the best way to get things mixed just right. My 4 year old just loves to help me so using our hands makes this a very fun and “messy” process but worth every minute. We have just started discovering the sprinkle power and right now fun colors are in the mix. Thanks for this chance!

  108. My favorite baking item is Wilton’s 3D Cruiser cake pan. Since I make all the birthday cakes for my children and foster children, this cake pan is ESSENTIAL if you have children who are into cars. With a little bit of carving, the cakes made with this pan have turned into Cars characters (The King, Lightning McQueen, Mater, Luigi and Guido, Lightning Storm McQueen), the Wiggle’s Big Red Car, several different Nascar cars (Junior, Smoke, Jeff), and the list goes on. It’s just about the most awesome cake pan Wilton has ever made!

    Of course, you can’t do much without Wilton’s #16 star tip…

  109. I’m just a beginner at baking…so I’d have to say may favorite is a ziploc bag with the end cut off…hehe! SundayRain at

  110. can’t hurt to try! i would love some sprinkles!

  111. Thank heavens you don’t airbrush! I love all of your mini creations. I have come to believe ‘Anything is better on a stick’. My cookie pops sold like wildfire at the lat bake sale!! Thanks Bakerella!

  112. I love my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I feel so Food Network ish when I use it! And I really couldn’t imagine making buttercream without it. My little girl is turning 3 in August, and all she wants is a “blue” birthday cake. So…I guess I’ll be needing all shades of blue sprinkles!

  113. I love my handheld KitchenAid mixer…hopefully will own a stand mixer some day. Fun giveaway, thanks!

  114. I, too, love offset spatulas. I only have the one standard size, but I’ve been on the look out for a wee one.

    And I have those beer can sticks! I can’t wait to use them in some cupcakes this summer!!

  115. Since I have horses and am always baking for barn events horse or even horseshoe sprinkles would be fun. I’m not even sure if they make them though!

  116. I love making cupcakes…so sprinkles are always fun!


  117. WOW – I want to leave work right now & go home and make cupcakes! That store is amazing!!! I love my pastry bag & decorating tips – they make things look so pretty.

  118. I love me some luster dust…everything just looks better with a little sparkle:)

  119. Sweet cream of tartar!!! I have never seen a cake decorating shop like that in my life! I live in NY, and I would make a trip to GA just to shop there. However, I do have these little mini cheesecake pans (4″) that I make individual turtle cheesecakes in…soooo cute!!

  120. I think my most soveted item would be a mixer!

    If I win these, they’ll be shipped off to my baker friend … just spent an entire weekend with her baking!

  121. Oh my, what a candy store for the cake decorator!! I would have to say I would like to find the graduated fondant cutters. Those would be awesome!! My fav. tool would be a ziplock bag that I snip the corner of and put my decorator tip into it. Mess free!!

  122. I think some sort of Harry Potter-related sprinkles would be amazing!

  123. Just want 20 different kinds of sprinkles!

  124. My favorite baking tool is parchment paper. I hate cleaning up, and parchment paper makes it so much easier. I like my Wilton cake leveler, too.

  125. I love love love my offset spatula. I use it to frost, to loosen baked goods from the pan, to place little tiny decorations on cakes/cupcakes. That is QUITE a store, wish they had something like that near me in NY!!!

  126. I want to go there! [sigh] I’d settle for winning the sprinkles giveaway though!!! =] (note to self: find a place like that here!)

  127. I didn’t know you were in Atlanta. Awesome as I was reading the post I was like I wonder if the Big A has a cake Art and apparently we do. Fabulous!!

  128. You can never have too much frosting! Seriously. Whoever said that frosting a bad cake would still make the cake bad never met cream cheese frosting. It’s like the duct tape of baking.


  129. Wow! What an awesome store! I wish it were closer to home. Then again, maybe I don’t! ;o)

    I’m just starting to dabble in cake decorating, but it’s mostly cupcakes – but those sprinkles are way too cool! I would say so far my favorite thing are the fun cupcake papers that I’ve been accumulating.

  130. I am just learning in the decorating arena… In baking, my favorite is my silpat. Man, oh man, they are brilliant. Cookies never came out so perfectly!

  131. i wish there was a store like that by me! you are a lucky girl!
    i don’t know where i’d be with out parchment paper or a silpat.
    i would like any sprinkles that are not girly (i have 2 little boys).

  132. I am just starting to become a baker of cakes and fun stuff so I don’t have a favorite tool…yet. But with kids I love all sprinkles and I can’t believe how amazing that store is. I feel like Red “It does exist!”

  133. I’m NEW to the cake world. The Cake bug has only recently bit me. So I need it all. I just love the fun of being creative with cupcakes, then giving them all away. Every time a occasion arises I jump in and volunteer to bring the cake. Sprinkles are my favorite. But I have to say my favorite item would be my cupcake carrier; it allows me to share the sweet and cute goodness!
    I have been looking for a larger “polka-dot” but I just can’t find them locally.

  134. I have to admit, it was no chore to look through your pictures of the isles. I have to see if we have anything like that locally!! My FAVORITE baking toy is cookie cutters and lollipop sticks. I love to make sugar cookie pops and am obsessed with buying every cookie cutter shape I can find.

  135. It’s a toss up. Tin foil or hand held mixer. Both are life savers.

  136. Fabulous store! Makes me want to visit Georgia! My fav tools has to be my piping tips & bag. I do everything with them

  137. Ah I’m so jealous! We don’t have a single store like that here. Heck, we don’t even have bakeries where I live! I feel so deprived! The best I can do is the cake decorating isle at Michael’s.

  138. I can’t live without my mini offset and a toothpick/sharp skewer. Those mini heart sprinkles are so elusive! I need them!

  139. Oh my goodness….I have never ever seen a store like that. I wonder if we have one of those somewhere around here? I’m sure I’d get lost in there and my husband would send out a search team :) My favorite tool would be my mixer. I would use my handmixer for everything, until my in-laws gave me a standing mixer and wow does it make life easier :)


  140. I am so jealous that you have such a large cake supply store, my cake supply store is so rinky dinky. I could go over board on just about anything at the cake supply store, my weaknesses though are cookie cutters and flavorings.

  141. WOW! I wish we had a store around here like that. Totally cool. I love sprinkles.

  142. Does my red kitchen aid mixer count as a baking tool? I sure hope so, because it is my favorite thing in my kitchen!

  143. Ohhh my, I sure wish I lived in your State. I start my “Summer of Cakeshop Tour” in June, just might have to go to GA….

  144. Holy crap…I’d go mental in that store!

    I need to get my hands on some of those football sprinkles. My boyfriend would love me forever and a day!

  145. I love your site. Made the cake pops for st pattys day!

  146. I’m glad they don’t have a store like that where I live, my husband and I would be taking weekly trips. He is a kitchen tool fanatic. My favorite tool is the magic bullet. I use it for so much.

  147. That store is amazing – and so are you! I love visiting your site just to see what you have been up to!

  148. I want sprinkles! Yummy!

  149. My fav is a small offset spatula. I use it for everything. Perfect for getting out that first warm, gooey brownie.

  150. What an amazing place! My favorite tool is my off-set spatula. I just got it after all these years with a flat one like my mother had. I never knew it would make such a difference. Wow!

  151. What an awesome store, I don’t think that I even knew a store like that existed!
    My fav tool for baking? I just got a new scoop for cookies, I love it!
    Thanks for the chance

    beckychart at gmail dot com

  152. Scotland is rubbish for baking supplies! We’ve got NOTHING!
    It is so hard to make even basic treats. It took me 6 months to find a place that sells chocolate chips!!

    I love your blog!

  153. I cannot live without my cookie scoop, my off set spatulas, and my pastry tips! I love them so much! Thanks for showing us all the lovley colors!

  154. that store is amazing! I’m in love with decorating tips. They can completely change the way a cupcake looks in the end.

    oh sorry, i can be reached at

  155. OMG, heaven. I can’t even believe a place like that exisits!

  156. Wow, my wallet is luchy I don’t have a store like that around here. I just love baking in general. I spend so much time in my kitchen that I hardly do anything else. I think over the years I have spent the most time making birthday cakes for my nieces and nephews. It’s a lot of fun!

  157. My favorite baking tools are my own two hands. They turn out every baked good I care to try, savory or sweet. They knead, cut, stir, fold, pipe, and mix. And thanks for the fun look at a great baking supply store.

  158. That store is heaven! Glad I don’t have one near me, the temptation online is bad enough, but to be there? I’d be in big trouble.

    My favourite baking tool would have to start with my Chicago Metallic cookie sheets. They get better with age.

  159. The offset spatula is the best! I would love some sprinkles too!

  160. that store is amazing! I’m in love with decorating tips. They can completely change the way a cupcake looks in the end.

  161. I’ve been in search of some Hawaiian themed sprinkles.

    Kristenljackson at msn dot com

  162. Why this type of store do not exist in France??? Only for this type of store and for Starbucks indeed, I would like to live in the US …

    At least, I like your blog… Everything is there if “so cute”!!!

    Marie Laure, Paris, France

  163. I love my mini-cupcake pan. I make all kinds of candy goodness in that.

  164. I love my silicone rolling pin… perfect pie crust every time! That store looks positively evil, how can you leave without spending a million bucks?

  165. So glad to know that this place is in GA. I am on my way!!!!!!! Love the tented fondant- makes cake decorating so much easier. I highly recommend and the satin ice doesn’t taste that bad. I Wilton fondant taste terrible. There is a chocolate flavored fondant that is pretty good too.

  166. My favorite baking tool is my wire cooling rack. Kind of boring I know, but I love it.


    ahah i’m an addict too to my store!

  168. I wish we had a store like that here in Idaho. Sadly, so many of our cooking/baking supply stores have gone out of business! My favorite baking tool? I love my kitchen aid, but I really love edible decorative pens (all colors, all widths!) It is fun and impresses the pants off people. :)

  169. My favorite baking tool is my stand mixer – it makes everything so easy. Oh, I love my decorating bags, tips, sifter and flater spatula for an even frosting too. I LOVE sprinkles and especially enjoy holiday themed ones. This is a great giveaway!

  170. I’m not much of an advanced baker (even though I want to be) but I could spend days walking around that store!

    My favorite tool is my mixing bowl.

  171. I’ve just started cake decorating about 6 months ago but I love my Master Tip Set. It’s got pretty much everything I need for decorating cakes and making flowers with a few additions as well.

  172. Oh my gosh, I’m not a baker (at least not more than once a month) but I think that I would go absolutely broke if i walked in that store! Everything is SO CUTE!! I love tools too, I’d get them with noble intentions, but i’d never use them.

    This was fun, thanks for taking us shopping with you!

  173. My goodness! I want that store near me! I’m glad they are online…looks like they will be getting a good chunk of my money! LOL

    I love sprinkles (any kind)and the cute cupcake liners that have adorable designs on them.

  174. I love you site!!!! I am beginning to learn to decorate different things!

  175. OK, I’m adding this to my places to visit this summer.

  176. i’m so addicted to your blog. i just got a candy cup mold and i’ve been making cupcake bites like crazy! so i guess that mold is my favorite tool, so far… but i’ve just begun!
    madden.meredith (at)

  177. Crap I hit enter without giving my email …

  178. Shoot. I just love it when I don’t have to spend time before baking cleaning off the counter of hubby’s crap, old homework assignments and junk mail!

    Amy at:

  179. I love my wilton caddie that has a place for my colors and most of my cake decorating tools since I’m a beginner. But looking at the pics of that store made me so excited. I get that way when I go in sam’s club. But its like ideas galore!! Endless possibility for creativity! Thats so exciting!

  180. Ohh…If only I had that store. *sigh* I really love to use a product called cake release. Totally elminates the need for parchment paper or grease and flour!

  181. Wow, it’s a good thing I’ve never been in that store…I’d leave a very poor lady! I’m addicted to kitchen gadgets (and totally in love with Pampered Chef), especially anything mini. BUT my favorite thing in the world is SPRINKLES! All kinds-it’s like an art kit to me!! Keep up your awesome, creative work…YOU ROCK!


  182. I love edible glitter! I use it on everything :D

  183. I am sooo jealous.. not fair that you have such an amazing store. I have to order all my satic ice off the internet. That store looks amazing!!!!
    Favorite baking item… hmm.. That’s a tough one. I would have to say my Ateco rolling matt for all my fondant work!

  184. man I wish I lived closer! Does the store have a website? My favorite item is a cookie cutter my great aunt left me! It’s so old and it has 10 different patterns on it. I love it.

  185. That store looks so fun! It would take all day to look at everything. I love all kinds of sprinkles, since the only places I have to buy sprinkles are at Walmart (where there is no selection) or the craft stores (where there is very little selection and everything is too expensive)!

  186. WOW! What a store! I’m thinking I need some sort of graduation sprinkles if they make them! If not, then I will just make your hat candies. I am dying to try them out for a graduation party in a couple of weeks.

  187. I love my good, old-fashioned cookie sheets! There is nothing in my kitchen I use more! Pick me! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE sprinkles!

  188. Diane Christensen: That store is amazing!!! Where is it? I need to use my Southwest Airlines credits!!!!!! I love to use my little flower shaped cookie cutter to make your cute cake pops. Then have been a HIT

  189. My favorite baking tool has to be a perfectly sized little random scoop I found in my mom’s junk drawer that fills my cupcake liners to the perfect height. If I ever lose it, my cupcakes will never be the same.

  190. I really want to find a store like that near me!! I would be in heaven! Thanks!

  191. I love my offset spatula – whoever thought of it is a genius!

  192. Gosh I wish that store was close to me!!

  193. I loved the cake store post! I wish we had one where I live. My favorite sprinkle of all time, and one that I can’t find anymore, are the silver dragees–little silver balls. Why can’t I find those? I’m guessing they made them with mercury–ha ha!


  194. I have two favorites… my KA mixer and my generic no-brand Silpat mat. LOVE THEM!

    evitawylie at hotmail dot com

  195. This store is amazing! I would get lost in here for hours! I love any and all sprinkles!

  196. My favorite baking tool is my tart pan. It is just so lovely to pour my brownie puddle into the tart pan and then release the bottom to have nice fine edges..

  197. That store gave me chills… is truly awesome!! My favorite thing would have to be my grandmothers sifter for making cakes and getting the flour just right =)


  198. I would LOVE to have a store like this in Alberta…it’s a bakers heaven! Given my ‘specialty’ i’d have to say the cookie cutters are my favorite!

  199. My mom would be in HEAVEN!!!
    I am not so good at the decorating of cakes or anything. I left that all up to my momma. I love baking the cakes so she can decorate them though. GRowing up I had all different types of cakes. Strawberry shortcake. carebears. You name I probably had it!

  200. Oh my. That store looks like so much fun. I wished I lived near it.

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