
Going Dutch

When I got home from the hospital recently, I had a bunch of mail waiting for me. Bills, and junk mail, packages and email … lots of email. It’s always fun opening packages. Cardboard boxes with unknown delights inside. It’s like Christmas for me anytime of the year because I usually don’t remember what I ordered online until I open the box and look inside. Surprise. Surprise. And even more of a surprise when something comes along that I’m not expecting.

***** Interruption***** Before I continue… Thank you again for all your prayers. And to update you guys… my mom has passed the first part of the tests, but we both have a bit more to do. Doctor and surgeon consults, blood tests, MRIs, stress tests, ultrasounds, EKGs, etc. are all part of the process. So it will be at least a couple more weeks before we know for sure, for sure. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, dialysis isn’t the most fun, but I’m doing fine. No, I’m doing really good. I’ll be sure to update you when I know more. Okay, back to packages that come in the mail.

This cute little book was in one of them.


Looks familiar, huh.

But something is different. Something is a little bit off.


My Pirate Pops on the cover? Where are my chicks and snowmen?

And look inside…


Wait a minute. I don’t think I’m in Kansas anymore.

Nope. Not even in the U.S. That’s because if you can read this, you’re probably somewhere in the Netherlands. The Dutch must really like my cake pops because they wanted to publish it in their language, too. Awesomeness!

Lievelingshulpmiddelen – yikes – who says English is one of the hardest languages to learn. I think I’d have a little trouble with this one.


But, I know what this says. Basic Cake Balls Recipe.

Cakebolletjes. Cute.


And I think I can figure this one out.






Nope. Martians.




Well, kikkers are my cute little froggies.


And lieveheersbeestjes…


Well, lieveheersbeestjes are my lovely little ladybugs. Or maybe it just says ladybugs. I don’t really know for sure.


Bruid & bruidgom… I think you can guess this one.


And robots are spelled…


Robots. Hey, I got one.


Ahhh… there are the chicks. They’re still in the book. They’re called Paaskuikentjes. The Paaskuikentjes are probably one of my most recreated cake pops. These are a real favorite. And with spring coming up, they’d be perfect. If you don’t have the book, don’t worry. You can read how to make them right here.

But if you’d like to go Dutch, I can help you out there, too. Here’s the Cake Pops Dutch version and of course the English version is still on Amazon.

And, drumroll please… Portuguese and Spanish versions are in the works right now. Yippee!

This was really exciting to finally see printed. I’ve been waiting and wondering how the cover would look in Dutch. I was glad to see Cake Pops translate as Cake Pops. I just wish I could hear someone read the text. That would be pretty cool, too.

Anyone know how to say SUPER AWESOME in Dutch? Or how about THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS. I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!

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620 comments on “Going Dutch”

  1. Greets from Holland!!! I got the Dutch version as Easter present and I love it. Awsome!!!

  2. Hihih..

    It’ so funny to see how you’re reading Dutch.. I”ve always wanted to know how Dutch looked like for other people. Now I have some ideas about that!
    And I LOVE Cake Pops.. I’ve made them a few times now. I they are delicious!!

    Thank you for sharing this article!!

    Xo from The Netherlands

  3. In The Netherlands, we are in love with youre book!

    Thanks for all the great ideas!


  4. Hi…
    Now you must publish in portugues, and go arround Angola, Brasil, Portugal….but the nederlandse version can also come here to the flandres region in Belgium, here we speack also nederlandse. Dutch speack in Germany, Nederland and Belgium (flandres) we speack nederlandse…

  5. Haha so funny, i’m from Amsterdam ;)
    I love your website, you have the most delicious recipes!
    Keep up the nice baking!
    Liefs, Jules

  6. Whaaaaaaaa this is great!! Thank you for going dutch! It is just great:-))))))))

  7. I just have the French one here ! (I’m French;) And your chicks and snowmen are on the cover ;) Thanks for this nice books, and blog! I’m just writting a post on my blog, you could see it in some minutes if you want… but it’s all in french ;)

  8. Hello,
    I was looking for inspiration-pictures on the internet, and I just found your website, and this article about your book that is available in Dutch. Thanks for doing that, so I can buy myself a Dutch Cake Pop book at store. Your website looks great and your Pop Cakes are..WOW, really amazing!

    Kind Regards,
    Sandy from the Netherlands

  9. How funny. I was on your website looking around and thought ‘ehhh a Dutch post’?
    Funny to read this. Lievelingshulpmiddelen = You’re favourite tools.

    Super awesome = Helemaal geweldig!
    Thank you my Dutch friends, i hope you enjoy it = Dank je wel Nederlandse vrienden. Ik hoop dat jullie ervan zullen genieten.

    I’ve got this book a few months now, i really really love it!

    Greets from the Netherlands

  10. If you need a translator I speak Dutch fluently :)
    I’ve been making delicious pineapple cake pops inside and out!
    Love your website and ideas!

  11. Super awesome = Hartstikke geweldig / vet cool

  12. Hi Bakerella! I like your website so much! I am dutch and I see your book literally everywhere! Or maybe that is just because I come in bookstores a lot :-P I am almost finisht with my school so I ask your book as my gratuation gift! :-D Almost all of my friends are going crazy baking cupcakes and cake pops, in the Netherlands it has really become a hype! I really like you share all your idea’s and recipe’s! You are a big inspiration! :-D

    Really funny by the way that you find Dutch a hard language! It is easier than you think! :-P Dutch for super awesome is something like, super vet, super cool, super fantastisch! And ‘thank you my dutch friend’ is, ‘Dankjewel Nederlandse vrienden!’ And ‘I hope you enjoy it’ is, ‘Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden!!’

    So as a dutch friend, I say thank you in return! :-D

  13. I come from the netherlands and we say not for SUPER AWESOME “zeer ontzagwekkend” we say TE GEK or UBER COOL and English is not so difficult if your now once.
    I am also really very glad that it is in Dutch .
    Go begin to make the cake pops <3

  14. Yay in Dutch! Whoo! Haha it was so much fun reading that article =)!
    Marsmannetjes -> marshmallows xD haha it means little men from mars =’)!
    Anyway thank you for translating! Its a lot easier than using ”1/2 cup” because we use grams. Thank you ^^!

  15. Hi concrats! Im dutch so i could help you translate if you wih. Dutch is the most difficult language of the world, even japanees is easyer to learn ;) English is like our second or third language ;) If you know dutch you probily could win in a game of scrabble ;) hihi. I love the pops, make them for friends for kids birthdays (mothers who dont have that much money to spend), i do that for free, make it for them zo teh kids can give them on their birthday at school. Cupcakes are also in the fashion here hahahaa. Most of the dutch people make there own things so this is realy great, thanx for sharing it with the world!

    Kind regards Natasja from the Netherlands

  16. Hey!

    I am dutch! Im sure im gonna buy your book at the bookstore!

  17. Hi Bakerella!
    Just bought you’re book in Dutch, and a bunch of candy melts.
    Greets Laura from Belgium

  18. Love it! I live in Canada, stumbled on your website because of the M&M’s in the jar recipe a friend of mine send… and I’m Dutch so I love that this book is also in Dutch. Wanted to order it for my mom but it’s sold out at… more Googling to do to find it (she doesn’t read English very well!)

  19. ps. did you ever try drop?

  20. I’m from Holland, and HAVE to buy this book! Thank you so much!
    Heel veel liefs uit Nederland! (you sure know what that means don’t you ;))

  21. Super gaaf boek thanks ;)

    Thanks for the book in Dutch is my little 6-year bakprinsses understand Dutch better than English.

  22. I bought the Dutch version of your book as a Sinterklaas gift for my daughter. We love it. Thank you. Next year we hope to make Sinterklaas (it’s a dutch sort of Santa) cake pops.

  23. I am Dutch so I am verry happy! And the best part; I found it and I have it! It’s beautiful and great recipes! Now I’m gonna look if I can find it in English!
    Your awesome

    Ik ben Nederlands dus ik ben heel blij! En het beste is; ik heb het gevonden en nu heb ik het! Het is prachtig en geweldige recepten! Nu ga ik kijke of ik het in het Engels kan vinden!
    Je bent te gek

  24. It’s really funny to read this :P
    – I’m dutch –
    Ik ga zeker weten een keer cake pops maken!
    I’m definetly going to make cake pops!

  25. Hii,
    i wanna say, i’m dutch.
    I have seen this book in our shops.
    It’s really cute!

  26. Woehoe!
    I am 100% Dutch and live in the Netherlands.
    Guess I know a good birthdaypresent for my Bakerella-loving friend!


  27. Cool what an awesome present to get after coming back from the hospital
    interestin way 2 start learnin dutch : )

  28. Oh my god, I saw that book in the store today! And yep, in Dutch. :) I’m from the Netherlands and I wanted to say your cake pops are absolutely adorable.


  29. In Danish you’ll say:
    Basic cake ball recipe: Grund opskrift på kage boller

    Martians: Mars-mænd

    Frogs: Frøer

    Bride and Groom: Brud og brudgom

    Robot: Robot :D

    The Little Easter chikens: Små påske kyllinger

    That was all from scandinavia, Denmark!

  30. Hi Bakerella!

    I’m so glad you are branching out into Europe. I’m originally from the UK but live in Los Angeles now… I discovered your book and have been raving about cake pops ever since!

    I love introducing new people to cake pops – both in LA and back home!

    I’ve even started my own blog charting my progress at

    Very best wishes,

    Claire x

  31. Yeees!! I live in the Netherlands and we are waiting for the book to be available, the copy in english is so difficult to find, every where is sold out!!! I made some cake pops for my daughter’s birthday in the school and the children and teachers loved them!

  32. I’m from Belgium and i really luv making cupcakes and other stuff like that, i finally found a cupcake store here so i could buy alot of things to decorate, and then i saw this book ^___^ I’m gonna buy it next time i’m going there! Probably gonna be next week already :3 Can’t wait! I really wanna make the owls ;] And yes, Dutch is hard to learn i heard xD I’m glad i don’t have to learn it anymore! Haha =D Ik denk dat het echt een geweldig boek gaat zijn (I really think it’s gonna be an awesome book)

  33. i’m from the netherlands. i saw your book today in the stores. i lovee it!

  34. Hi hi, just bought your book last saterday. I can’t wait to start!! Thanks!!

  35. Looking forward for the Spanish version :) Regards from Venezuela!

  36. Lieve jij,

    Mijn zoon wordt binnenkort vijf en ik wil graag piraten trakteren. Dankzij jou boek zal hij een super originele traktatie hebben én ik mag weer eens iets nieuws bakken!

    Dear you

    My son will be five soon and wants to give pirates as a treat at school. Thanks to your book he will give a super original treat plus i get to bake something intirely new!

  37. Yes, yes i’m so glad it is available in Dutch, I’m gonna buy it today!! Woehoeee!!

  38. I got the Dutch version of your fantastic book for my birthday a couple of weeks ago and now i’m waiting for the candymelts I ordered to give it a go.

    I love the whole idea and I had never seen them before, but now i’ll have a go at making a few batches ASAP so I’ve had some practice when my youngest turns 1 next month. just one problem: so many marvelous designs that I don’t know which one to try first.

    thank you for sharing!

  39. where can i buy your book in the netherlands?

  40. My friend just recently moved back to Holland from the US. Where can I get this book – Amazon? I would love to send this to her.

  41. I bought the original book some time ago and absolutely adore it! I didn’t know it was going to be translated into Dutch. That’s cool.

    There’s something I need to tell you though. You mentioned that if I would be able to read it I would probably be in the Netherlands and that is not true, lol. Belgians speak Dutch too!


    Just kidding.

    Keep up the good work!

  42. great site. where can i buy the book in Holland?

  43. Haha OH MY GOSH! :D That’s so cute! My friend just moved back to the Netherlands :) It would be so cool to see what it would look like in Arabic! :P

  44. Hi everyone!!

    You can also sell the book at

    they are the biggest webshop in The Netherlands with tons of cake decorating stuff!!

    It was very funny to read you reaction, I would almost record the spoken version for you!

  45. So funny! I just bought the English version on my vacation in Miami! I’m definitely going to buy the Dutch version :) yeah great book in my own language! Helemaal top! Groetjes uit curaçao

  46. How cool is that! I know what I will ask for my bithday! The Dutch version of course .. volumes and ingredients in my own language will certainly be helpful.

  47. I’m Dutch and I bought your book a couple of months ago! I love it.

  48. I always love reading your posts and looking to you for inspiration! I don’t tackle shapes and characters so I’m in awe of the cute pops you create.

    Oh, I forgot, I really wanted to post because..I’m Dutch!! Ha!

    Keep up the amazing work…I hope you are felling better.

  49. Hihi I could see you struggeling with pronouncing the words. It’s fun to see a Dutch cookbook on an English website for a change.

    Im just making my first cake pops ever so if they turn out okay, this book is probably a nice gift to ask for Christmas ^^

  50. super awsome = TE GEK

    ( je site is te gek)

    your site is super awesome

    lot of love, kim

    (veel liefs , kim)

  51. hey!! i luv your cake pops they’re great!!! you now i can found the book in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico?? or near from here?? maybe in mcallen, tx or Laredo, tx? Congratulations!!! you have a wonderful inspiration!!

  52. I love you book, i live in the netherlands and got your book as a gift. The only trouble now is getting the ingredients becuase the dutch don’t have to many bakingshops!

  53. Hey Bakerella !

    I’m french and I love what you do. I would like to know if your book will be released soon in French ?

    Good day and thank you !

  54. Yay, how fun is that! I was just hoping for a dutch (because i am) book with your recipes and here it is!

  55. I read about your book in one of my favorite magazines, so I immediately looked this site up! It’s amazing! (:

    Also, I’m really happy about the dutch version. It makes it so much easier to search for ingredients ;D

    xoxo from a dutchie!

  56. Hi, i have bought this book, its fabulous, buth can not find every thing here in the netherlands. buth i love youre book.

  57. Hi Bakerella,
    I just discovered that cakepops exist and I just LOVE them! And, I need to tell you something… I AM DUTCH :D Oh, now I found the other Dutch people on this forum.. Hi ;) I really want your book (in Dutch) and I will buy it asap! By the way, I agree with Arantxa: I would be happy to read it out loud and record it for you ;) Well, good luck with your cute bake-art (nou, succes met je schattige bak-kunst :D)! Love (liefs), Monica. Ps. “schattige kevertjes”means “cute bugs”:D (10th photo)

  58. I just got the Dutch version for my birthday.
    I’m so excited, can’t wait to make some ‘cakebolletjes’.

    And I think that they’ve transulate the book a little bit weird but how cares ? I can make my one cake pops now !

    Knuffels en kusjes – Hugs and kisses.

  59. I couldn’t wait for a dutch version so I bought an original ;)

  60. Gefeliciteerd! (Congratulations in Dutch) if my Dutch course was made up of learning your recipes I would probably be able to speak Dutch by now!! I find it a very hard language haha.. I have been living in Holland for 5 years now :)

  61. Hi,

    Just wanted to let you know that I saw your book here in the Netherlands. It took a look of control to not buy it but now that I bumped into your website I am going right back to the store and getting it. I hope your operation went well, and that this message finds you and your mom in better health.

  62. it’s very creative, cake lollipops.. waar kan ik dat boek krijgen? :o xD

  63. Hopefully you and your Precious mom are doing well.Prayers for a speedy recovery for both of you .Been making your beautiful creations since you were on Martha Stewart .Love ,Love ,Love them ,and so do my friends !!

  64. I bought this book, in dutch, and i’m looking forward to making them. I fel in love with the little pirates, i’m going to try and make them for my little boys birthday. Hopefully they will turn out alright.
    I never heard of cake pops befor I saw your book, but I just love them !!!

    Greetings from the Netherlands

  65. Hi there,

    That is a really nice story. Maybe for me, as a Dutch girl, even more. I’m going to order the book. The pictures are great!
    Maybe one day you’ll find your book in Chinese ;)

  66. i’m dutch and if you are dutch, this is really funny haha!! super awesome in dutch is something like GEWELDIG!!
    oh and paaskuikentjes means easterchicks. kuikentjes means chicks.

  67. I just bought a (dutch) copy in Antwerp! So you have arrived in Belgium, congratulations!

    I’m very eager to experiment with those little cake-thingies. Let’s see if we can make a princess or a caterpillar ;)

  68. I just ordered one!!!
    I love your blog – it’s amazing!
    And how we say it in dutch; doe zo voort! (keep going!)

    Love from belgium xx

  69. hi!
    i am dutch and i have this site from a dutch magazine named ‘fancy’.
    also your delicious recipes are in it, from the book ‘cake pops’, so i am laughing because i can read the pictures with the dutch words, haha.

  70. Haha I saw that book a few days ago! I’m definitely gonna buy it when I see it again :D.
    Go kikkers haha :).

  71. Or maybe you should make;
    Search it on Google of Wikipedia!.

  72. Hey Bakerella,
    I’m from the Netherlands, MarsMannetjes means; Aliens.
    Mijn Lievelingshulpmiddelen Means; My Favorite Tools.
    Hahaha, Its always nice,
    Im only 12 years old, And i love baking!.
    in dutch;
    Hee Bakker Ella,
    Ik kom uit Nederland, Marsmannetjes betekent; Aliens.
    Mijn Lievelingshulpmiddenel betekent; My favourite tools.
    hahah Het is altijd leuk.
    Ik ben nog maar 12 jaar oud, en ik hou van bakken!.

  73. Hallo allemaal (Hi there),

    Awesome = Geweldig
    Mijn lievelingshulpmiddelen = My most favourite tools
    Bruid en Bruidegom = Bride and Groom
    Doe-het-zelf presentjes = Homemade gifts
    Ontzettend bedankt voor het uitvinden van Cake Pops! = Many many thanks for introducing Cake Pops!

    Lots of love from the Netherlands

  74. I am dutch(so sorry for my bad english) but ‘lieveheersbeestjes’ are Just ladybugs:)
    ‘lievelingshulpmiddelen’ means favourite help tools.
    And your absolutely right about dutch it is one of THE hardest language to learn and english to( for persons dislexia absolutely)

    Greetings, from Holland (Agatha)

  75. Love it .Going to Holland in 3 weeks ( back home)
    Might buy the Dutch version just for fun.
    have to talk English every day for the last 5 years in Australia, so I can use a bit of dutch :)

  76. Gefeliciteerd met de Nederlandse versie!!!
    It means: Congratulations with the Dutch version!!!

    I will also buy this book when i’m in Holland. Just a great compliment for all your lovely creations. Hope you will be fully recovered!
    Hugs and all the best to you

    ps appologise for my written English, it’s eh… not so good (smile)

  77. Yeaah I can totally read that book , haha
    Gefeliciteerd! (congrats)

  78. WOW!! I haven’t been here for a while……. how special that your mom is going to give you freedom again by donating!
    I wish you all the best for the big surgery!
    I already thought it was special that your cake-pops are all over the Dutch magazines lately…. you’re a hype here!
    I’m Dutch and once bought a ‘kookboek’ but that’s not easy with all the different measurements. So seeing it is in Dutch now is REALLY helemaal super fantastisch! Ga hem gelijk bestellen!
    that means: absolutely great, ordering straight away!
    Good luck in conquering the world!

  79. Yay dutch and sweets, an unbreakable bond.
    interesting fact: the word cookie comes from the Dutch word koekje (pronounced keukye) meaning little cake. a koekje is what a baker would make to see if the oven was hot enough for the real cake.

  80. SUPER AWESOME in Dutch? = GEWELDIG ! THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS. = Dank u mijn nederlandse/belgische vrienden !

  81. We have opened a shop in the Netherlands and are selling your cake pops, your book and everything to make them with. We had to import most of the sprinkles from the US but its worth it. People are crazy about them here!

    Thank you for your ideas.

    Kind regards,
    Dominique and Susanna at The Little Cake Shop

  82. Heej wat leuk zeg! Je nederlands is al best goed :) Echt leuk! De groeten uit Alkmaar ;)

    Hey, that’s nice! Your dutch is quite good:) Really cool!
    Greetings from Alkmaar;) (Alkmaar is a place in Holland, by the way)

  83. I just bought your dutch book !
    I’m soooooo happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  84. I’m from Belgium, the dutch-speaking part of it… And your creations are amazing! Love the way you try to translate the dutch words! (it is not an easy language to learn if you’re not a native speaker) Most people here however do understand English, my cousin in fact saw some cake pops I made (yes, the ones from the book) and he yelled ‘awesome!’ He totally gets it!

  85. Haha thats awesome, im from holland! Didnt know that there was a book in dutch! nomnomnom, maybe im gonna buy it soon, but i not very creative ;(

  86. I’m Dutch and I think it’s so cute how you translate the words!
    Lieveheersbeestjes is just ladybugs. Lieve heer means good/sweet Lord, there’s a link with christianity.
    Paaskuikentjes means easter-chicks. Pasen means Easter.

    Keep up the good work with your website!


  88. Hello, thank you so much for bringing your inspiring book to Holland. It looked so great when I saw it in the shop, I just had to buy it!

    We already made our first cake pops (cows and chickens), they are both beautifull and yummie :-)

    Our son (4) is saying every day which ones he wants for his birthday (he can’t choose)

    They are ‘Vet cool’ , ‘dank je wel’

  89. Hi!

    I just read this article, and I already saw it somewhere standing in the bookstore. I actually now have a new idea what to ask for my birthday!

    I’m Dutch, so, yeah, this kinda related to me :P

  90. Love to see this :D Love your stuff

    Greetings from Holland!


  91. I just read your post about your kidney! I’m very to hear and I will be praying for you and your family! Don’t worry, everything will be okay! :)

    When I first found your site, I spent every single minute of every day on it! I love everything you have up here. It’s under my bookmarks and whenever I need a study break, I come here. Congrats on your book! That is fabulous.

    Get better soon and God Bless! :)

  92. awww thats so cute. im dutch but i think in english :D so i will order the english one but i love that you have a dutch one and i love your cakepops

  93. Hi!
    I just bought your DUTCH book yesterday here in The Netherlands and I really enjoyed it. (For Dutch readers: also avaible at Cook and Co) The translation is sometimes even weird for me!
    Lievelingshulpmiddelen ? Long word that nobody uses but it stands for “favorite products I like to use”. How is that for just one word in Dutch! :) Still, i’m enjoying it and I can’t wait to try it!
    Thank you for such a great book!

  94. hahaha I was just browsing on this site when it came to me: “wait a minute… this is not english, it’s dutch!”

    defenitely going to order this, it is too cute!

    Dank je wel voor dit schattige boekje!

  95. Hallo!

    I’m from the Netherlands myself, and I really liked to see a dutch vesion of you lollypops book. Totally awesome!



  96. Congratulations for your book.
    I’m from Spain, and I bought this in english, but i would have in Spanish.
    I’m be waiting for a long time?
    Thank you.
    Best regards.

  97. I am dutch and I purchased your book in English because I couldn’t WAIT to have it! The american measures are inconvenient for me though, so maybe I’ll buy the Dutch version as well! :)
    Je boek en creaties zijn fantastisch, ga vooral zo door!
    (your book and creations are fantastisch, keep up the good work!)

  98. Hi i’m from Holland and i love you’re cake pops! :D

  99. whahaha…this is great ….I speek dutch so it’s amazing to see this are learning you fans to speek dutch LOL

  100. Hi! I just got your book and my kids can’t WAIT to make some cake pops! I find it so interesting that your book was translated into Dutch, because my knitting book is currently being translated into Swedish.

    :) Congrats!

  101. Your book is also in the dutch magazines. =D
    I saw one in ‘Flair’, from Belgium (with a picture of the strawberries) and ‘Fancy’ from the Netherlands, were also 2 pages about cake pops. I especially liked the popcorn with ‘pop’ on it, and I can’t wait to make it myself.

  102. OMG…. this is GAAF (awsome) seriously it is… I’m a dutch girl andI begged my aunt to bring this book when they came to visit us in January to meet our little baby girl (now 5 months old). If I knew back then, what I know now…well you know ;) Either way I haven’t tried anything out, but I will pretty, pretty soon! Woohoo!

  103. First of all: love the fact that I can buy your book in dutch.
    2nd: Congrats witheet THE good news

    I was born and raised in holland and I still live here to. The CORRECT translation of ‘super awesome’ is: supergaaf

    (you should NEVER, I really mean NEVER use the translation of kakers because if you say that, you are saying that it’s very awfull !!!!!! and I don’t think you want to do that LOL)

    The second translation of kakers is correct :-)

    Love your site!!!!! Lots of love

  104. Thank you my dutch friends is dankjewel mijn Nederlandse vrienden (:

  105. Wow, I love this book! Today I got it for mothersday, the Dutch version. I’m going to make the Hello Kitty pops for my daughters fifth birthday. I have one question about the candy melts. The book says I need 1350 gr. melts for 48 pops. Is that correct? It ‘s so much… And you can only buy them in a package of 280 gr. ??

    Love your site and your book!
    Greetings from Holland

  106. hilarious to read your guesses of meanings of dutch words (sorry for my bad englisch grammar, I think you won’t understand what I try to say…) anyway, i’ll buy your book for sure!

  107. Hey, dit is kei te gek!! Jammer dat je geen nederlands spreekt. Lang leve google translate for you! :p

  108. I just wanted to let you know that I have the book, in English. And I am totally in love with it! Not only that but I am now totally in love with your site!

  109. haha, it’s very funny to read this when you’re dutch (:
    oh, and here is your translation:
    SUPER AWESOME = helemaal geweldig
    THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS = dankje, mijn nederlandse vrienden

    heel veel succes met het maken (en eten) van alle je nieuwe lekkernijen! (=good luck with making (en eating) all of your new delicacies)

  110. Anyone know how to say SUPER AWESOME in Dutch? Or how about THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS. I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!

    it is:

    “super leuk!”
    “dank jullie wel mijn nederlandse vrienden”
    Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden” or “ik hoop dat jullie er plezier van hebben!”


  111. I loved the english book that I just bought, but aw only now there is a portuguese edition on the ovem… it’s a pity, because I have a lot of doubts regarding similar ingredients in Brasil… Congrats !!!

  112. Jippie i just your book a few days ago and today I bought some candy melts they are hard to get but i Have 3 colours. I am gibe it a try on Friday when my friend is coming over. So watch my blog on saterday I am sure you will find some pictures of our cake pops :-))

    Groetjes Linda

  113. I’m an American living in The Netherlands :) The translation for the lady bugs means something like : sweet lord’s little animal” thats so cool that they are bringing the book here!!! I need to find the english version though since my mind does flip flops whent rying to convert it all.

  114. I think, this is a great website which I will be visiting forever. Congratulations.

    Dank u mijn nederlandstalige vrienden! Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vonden!

    Funny to see how you read the words in ‘my’ language :D
    Lieveheersbeestje! Kikker!

  116. Heey!
    I just love your stuff and i’m soo happy that there’s a Dutch book now!
    I’m going to search and search and search till I find where I can buy it :P



    (Totally awesome in Dutch)

    Lots of love

  117. omg, I’m Dutch!
    Fron Holland hihi.
    Goedemorgen means goodmorning hahaha.
    But you’re good in translate hihi, Dutch is really easy!
    Look, I’m 14 and I can English. (a bit)

  118. I bought it!:3

    The Belgium people love it too, well at least I do <3

  119. Congratulations, and some food for thought ;)) The word “robot” is a true gift from Czech people to almost all languages in the world. It’s a made up acronym that Karel Capek used in his sci-fi book in 1930′
    I just love your cake pops and will try to make them for my girl’s birthday

  120. OMG, it is tooo good!!! only one point where can I buy it???

  121. Aaaaa – the Dutch version is awesome! I always prefer recipe books in English, they sound much more exotic to me, but it’s fun to see some Dutch around here ; ) I’m not currently living in my homecountry (netherlands), but I spotted your book here in London and got so excited! Cake pops everywhere :D

  122. God Bless your mother.. I will be saying a prayer for her. The angels will come and protect her ..No Worries
    Love Dori

  123. Hi, I work for a translation service provider and thought if you need help translating the book, we can be in touch! Please email me and I’ll be happy to provide details! Happy cake popping ;)

  124. Ahhh how cool is this! I’m dutch and i love your blog but know i’m gonne buy your book! You must be so proud to see your book in other countries.

  125. Haha how nice! I am Dutch, and I’m going to buy that book for sure!

  126. How cool is that? Your book in Dutch! I already bought the English version but I just might buy some Dutch ones to give to my friends. ;-)
    I live in Belgium and we speak Dutch here too (at least in Flanders we do). Your translation is perfect!
    When are you promoting your book in Belgium? :-)
    Hope to see you soon here!
    Glad to hear you’re feeling better.

  127. hello

    i’m a translator , i just graduated from gollege of lanuguages and translation
    would you like me to translate your book into arabic????beleive THEY WELL LOVE IT HERE IN THE MIDDLE EAST !!!!!!!!

  128. It’s really cool! I’m Dutch and I have to say, the translations are correctly :)

  129. Great! I’m a Dutch girl (from Belgium) and today I saw an announcement of your book in a health magazine named ‘Goed Gevoel’ (= Good Feeling).
    Will buy your book soon!

  130. Hai!
    Ik ben uit Nederland, en ik ben erg blij dat dit boek nu ook in Nederland te vinden is! Super! Ik ga het zeker kopen… ;)

    xxx Anouk

    P.S. *Translation*:
    I am from The Netherlands, and I’m very happy this book is for sold in The Netherlands! Great! I am definitely going to buy it.
    (Sorry, my English is bad… ;p)

  131. I’m not Dutch, but I do live in Holland. I was also born and raised there, so you can call me Dutch if you want.
    But I’m still not Dutch.

    Anyway, somebody on a Dutch beautyblog recommended this site. So I was like: “Hell, then I’ll take a look immediately!”
    I must say: the minutes I spent on this site have been the most confusing minutes ever. Nothing’s wrong with your site though, I’m just a dork.
    I didn’t read everything, but it was pretty clear everything was written in English. While I was scrolling down very fast, I saw a picture of a book in Dutch.

    This is me: “W-T-H?” *scrolls up again*
    Omg, this is Dutch! Is she also Dutch? That would be very cool! But why is the article above this one written in English? And wait… IF she’s Dutch, why have I never heard of her? Maybe I’m a bigger dork than I thought. -.-

    Well, I wasn’t a bigger dork than I thought, which is what I found out while reading the article.

    It’s really funny to see how people try to figure things out that you already know.
    For me, this is a situation I get into sometimes (if we’re talking about languages), since I understand five languages, and Dutch is not a language a lot of people speak.

    Reading the article kept me thinking about communication. This woman (I have no idea who she is, since these are my first fifteen minutes ever spending on this website) is trying to figure out what’s written in the book, and she has no idea.

    Okay you know what. I’ll stop writing this comment. It’s really messed up inside of my head. I can almost see phrases floating around in my brains about communication fails, and how it’s really easy if we speak both a same language, so we can still communicate, even though we’re both from a VERY different country.
    And because my head is so f*cked up, I can’t type it down over here.
    Have a nice day!

  132. Heey bakerella

    I got your book as soon as it got out and it was very hard to find here in holland so i had to buy it online! A few months ago i saw the dutch version which suprised me so i got that one for my mom coz she loved your ideas and book but her english isn’t that good!
    When will you come to holland so you can sign my book :)??????

  133. And I got the Dutch version since a few days!!! soooo happy with it.
    Will try the panda bears tomorrow for my little girl’s birthday!

    Many thanks for all the inspiration.

    Greetings from Holland!

  134. Also, I love how many Dutchies are here – en zelfs brabanders, keigaaf! :P

  135. I’m a Dutch cake pop-loving translator (wish I could’ve translated this!) so this was just superawesome. Congrats on the translation and I hope you’re doing well!

    (and yes, lieveheersbeestjes is just ladybugs. Lovely little ladybugs would be ‘lieve kleine lieveheerstbeestjes’ – quite the mouthfull ;))

  136. Oh, that is just awesome!

    Good news about your mom and I’m glad to hear you are feeling well. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for all “good things” (as Martha would say) from here on out.

  137. This is awesome!

    With me being a non-baker, I must confess hadn’t even seen it yet until someone pointed it out.

    I’m definitely gonna pick up a copy next time I’m downtown.

  138. Yay that’s great!
    I’m from the Netherlands and I had no idea that there were so many other dutch people that knew about you! :P
    I think im going to order your book!!

  139. Yaaaaaaaaaaay!! :)

  140. I’m a dutch girl ;)

  141. Love your cake pops. My 3 year old daughter adores them too. Not easy to find all the ingredients here in Belgium. Couldn’t wait to order your book. If I had known your book would be translated in Dutch :-) But it hopely means that more stuff to decorate will also come our way. Greetings from a Belgian fan. Hope you get better soon, so you can visit your Dutch fans.

  142. I bought you’re book today in dutch,you’ve reached Belgium!

  143. So glad things are going well and I’ve been sending all kinds of prayers that your mom and you will be a fit.

    just want to say that me and my family have been going though some stuff and it has always been such a pleasure and an uplift to read your posts. Thank you for that.

    My very best to you!

  144. Anyone know how to say SUPER AWESOME in Dutch? Or how about THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS. I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!

    super awsome—–Te gek
    Thank You my dutch friends.—-Dank je wel mijn nederlandse vrienden.

    I hope you enjoy it!! _ ik hoop dat jullie er plezier van hebben.

    Well thank you, for this book, I was on a waiting list for this one. I had mine at march 17 2011.

    thanx for the inspiration. unfortunatly I can not get a signed one, or are you coming to The Netherlands later this year ?

    Good luck to you.

  145. Prayers with you. My baby sister (she is 26) is in the ICU right now after her 1st kidney transplant. My stepdad gave her his kidney on Wednesday and by Thursday they were opening her up again to try to fix it, and as of yesterday it had died again. They will be taking it out tomorrow. It is nice to hear from people who have had successful transplants, as right now we are all pretty upset about losing at our first attempt. I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts!

  146. What did you use for the “antenna” on theat cute little robot?

  147. Love your book, can’t wait to start making my pops for the grandbabies. When can I find the microwavable bowls for melting the candy coating? Please help!

  148. Congratulations, this is amazing. I’m dutch so I’m definately going to buy the book. :)

  149. Hello i’m Jana from Amsterdam the Netherlands, and i was this evening in ” de Bijenkorf” its a big department store, and i watch this book with a friend and we really liked it !! And now i see it on this site really funny! So next time i think to buy it ! Bye

  150. Oh yeah! I’m from Belgium and i already saw this book in the stores, i was amazed to see that we had such a great book in this small country :D

  151. praying for your mom&you!

    hey I’m a Dutcheee. (:
    funny to read you guess the words in English :D

    love your site, &have to get this book somewhere..

    sorry 4 my terrible English!


  152. Another Dutch fan/follower here,
    I’ve ordered 3 copies of the book, one for myself, one for my mother and another for my best friend.
    I’ve heard about you from my cousins who live in Miami and when I visited them I went shopping for a few of the ingredient that are hard to get in Holland. And I must say I loved the cakepop idea from the moment I saw it!

    xo Jamie

  153. awesome that its available in dutch!
    I’m going to buy that one for sure!

  154. Congratulations —
    Did you see, Starbucks likes cake pops, too — they are calling them “Petites” and not as pretty as yours… probably no credit to you, either — but it sure makes me think of you and of all your hard work!

  155. Yesss Bakerella goes dutch! I’m dutch so I can read it. I’m so happy for you. God bless you.

    Marsmannetjes are called little man from the planet Mars. Aliens. So funny how I describe it. Little man from the planet Mars.

    English is very easy to learn, because here in Holland we grow up with a lot of english and americain tv shows. When you go to school you learn languages such as dutch, english, german, french etc. Ik hou van Bakerella (dutch) J’taime Bakerella (french) :). Ich liebe Bakerella (german).


  156. That’s so cool! I will surely be getting one in Dutch (my native language) :-D

  157. Those cake pops are adorable! I really enjoy your blog and just nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award (see here: ) . Thanks for the fun posts!

  158. Jeeej! I am so gonna buy it!

  159. thank you for this great book, i have make some lolli pops and i cover them whit colort sugar and my friends were verry happy with it.

    i’m also a chef kok and i’m joosing it also in the kitchen.

  160. Hi Bakerella,
    Congrats on the new version of the book! I lived in the Nederlands for awhile and WOW, Dutch is one difficult language to grasp! However sometimes I just love the translations.

    Whenever you add ‘tjes’ to a word, it makes it mean little so –
    Cakebolletjes are ‘little balls of cake’
    Marsmannetjes are ‘little men from Mars’
    Lieveheersbeestjes are ‘little ladybirds’
    Paaskuikentjes are ‘little Easter chickens’ (Paas is easter)

    As for kikkers, they are frogs. They are the first word I learned in Dutch as I was warned ‘never order kikkerbilletjes from a menu’ which would be frog’s legs. Ew.


  161. Hi!

    Just ‘discovered’ your website last week through a friend.
    I immediately ordered the Dutch version of your book, can’t wait to try a recipe!

  162. Hi, i’m from the netherlands and I will help you ;)

    mijn lievelingshulpmiddelen – my favourite tools
    marsmannetjes – alliens
    kikkers – frogs
    paaskuikentjes – easter chicks
    more than 10 recipes for irresistible cakepops
    lieveheersbeestjes – ladybugs

    sorry when there are some mistakes in the english but that because I’m Dutch ;)

    And do you know where you can buy this book I really want it !

  163. Would a fun way this would be to learn some (seemingly random) Dutch!

  164. Hallo, vandaag heb ik in de boekenwinkel je boek ontdekt en ik was direct een fan! cupcakes en taarten met rolfondant kende ik al, maar dit is echt te gek! super! Vele groeten van een fan uit België!

    translation: Hello, today I discovered your book in a bookstore and I became a fan right at the spot! cupcakes and cakes with fondant I already was familiar with, but this is awsome! Kind regards, a fan from Belgium!

  165. I just discovered your website and WOW, I’m very impressed with your creativity!! It’s so much fun that your book is available in Dutch now, cause I’m a Dutch and I’m not so very good at reading English recipes ;)
    Super awesome = super geweldig
    Thank you my dutch friends, I hope you enjoy it! = Dankjewel, Nederlandse vrienden! Ik hoop dat jullie ervan genieten!
    And I’m sure I’m gonna enjoy it!!

    Greetings (groetjes)


  166. Haha I’m a ‘Dutchie’! very funny to read this article. Super awesome: super fantastisch!

  167. Hi! I live in the Netherlands and I’m so glad that your book is finally available in dutch! Love it!

  168. very nice blog you have:) lovin it!! <3 if you still would like to know how you write super awesome, it would be something like "echt super leuk" of "geweldig" and if you mean a person is super awesome, its Jij bent (you are) before echt and geweldig.

  169. I don’t know if you permitted this bakery to use your pictures but I was looking up cake pop ideas today and found that they used your pictures for their business.

    By the way, congrats on the book!

  170. In one word: SSSUUUPPPEERRRR!!!!!

  171. Thank you my Dutch Friends in Dutch =
    Dank jullie wel, vrienden uit Nederland!
    (thanks, friends from Holland!)

  172. “who says English is one of the hardest languages to learn.” It isn’t :p. It’s the easiest! Dutch is probably very hard to learn if you’ve never heard it. And it just said ladybugs ;)

  173. Dear Bakerella….
    Want to hear how all these strange Dutch words sound?
    This is where you can check….

    It is really funny!
    Thanks, it’s great to have the book in the Dutch language!

  174. Congrats! I wish it was available in Norwegian too :-))

  175. Spotted it in a bookshop here in Belgium (yes, native language is Dutch… and French…. oh, and also a litte German :)) a few weeks ago.
    I added it to my “what things do I want for my birthday”-list.

    Groetjes! :)

  176. In the south of the Netherlands (Brabant) we would see
    “KEI GAAF”
    Tomorrow i can order your book! I’m so happy!! can’t wait!!
    thank you (dank u wel)

    Good luck with everything!

  177. Greetings from Denmark!
    Dutch reminds med of Swedish which is sort of like Danish (not the cake ;) ).

    thank you for a great blog!

  178. A friend told me about your amazing treats & I love them!! So sorry to hear that you have been having a hard time, but hope that things will be brighter soon. Best wishes for a ddonor match & a quick recovery.

  179. You go GLOBAL, girl! You are Ah. Mae. Zing. Your sweet success is well deserved!

  180. just catching up on your last posts and i want you to know i’m thinking all good thoughts for you!

  181. Good to have you back. I have been known to be an awful baker, but after I found your website I have hope that perhaps I can bake a cake without my husband have to dial 911! I even took fondant class yesterday!
    Hope you get well soon, and in case you do not know, you have many here in ICELAND who pray for you.

  182. Yay that’s really cool! Especially because I am Dutch :) I will definitely buy it.
    Someone probably already saud it but I don’t feel like ready nearly 500 comments, so:
    Super awesome: helemaal geweldig!
    Thank you my Dutch friends. I hope you enjoy it! : dankjulliewel mijn Nederlandse vrienden. Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden!
    Keep up the good work!

  183. Hi All,

    I am from the Netherlands.. And I love your work!!! I recieved last week the english version and order directly the Dutch version..
    I gonna try it whit mij dauther.. She loves it!!!

  184. I’m so sorry to hear about you and what is going on. You and your family are in my prayers! I’m sending healthy and positive vibes your way!
    How cool is it that you’ve gone Dutch!?!
    I was wondering if you have a video of you doing the cake balls? I am making some for my sisters birthday and when I’ve made them before they turn out aweful! I could really use some help!

  185. my prayers are winging their way across the miles to wish you a good recovery anyone with your positive outlook is sure to overcome

  186. That is amazing! I bet you were just astounded! How great!!

  187. Felicidades!!! estare esperando en la fila para la edicion en español… es un gusto saber que te encuentras mejor y por fin en tu casa…

  188. Very very cool! I can’t see why every country wouldn’t want it!

  189. i’m a fan, i mean:)

  190. yipee!!! hij is er!! morgen ga ik er eentje halen…ik kan niet wachten…. dank je wel voor alle inspiratie dank jewel..

    yipee!! he’s here!! tomorrow i’ll get one for sure..can’t wait!!
    thanks for all your inspiration, really thanks!!



  191. So glad to hear things are going smoothly for you. You and Mom are still in all our hearts and prayers. Love the Dutch Cake Pop book. and who can wait to see the others as well. Congrats!

  192. Yesterday, hubby dragged me through our local mall in the Netherlands & as he sped up outside a hobby shop (where he knows we’re out many Euros if I wander in) I saw a Cake Pops book in the window. Was pleased to see it here in my adopted country but never realized it was in Dutch, as it went by in such a blur. Just ordered a copy from our online book-seller (where the reviews are all “fantastisch”!)
    (And ladybugs they are, indeed, but lieveheersbeestjes literally translates as “Dear Lord’s beasties”. Sweet, isn’t that?) Congratulations on the translation–I know it will be huge here!

  193. Wow this book looks amazing! i wish i had it! your food creations stun me :)

  194. I LOVE THIS BOOK! My friends got it for me for my birthday and I am just simply in love.

  195. Congratulations on your book…I can’t wait to get a copy of it!!!

  196. Thankt you for sharing your book in Dutch! It is great. I bougth it and have tried your Cake Pops, they are greate. Greatings from a Cake Pop-lover in the Netherlands!

  197. hi bakerella,

    i’m a fun from turkey:) you have icing or frosting in your recepies but we aren’t familiar with them here in turkey

    could you tell me the differences between icing and frosting please? i’m also looking for their recipies to prepare them at home…

    thanks a lot…

  198. Haha, i live in Holland and i just bought the English version! Funny to read that you think the duth words are very strange :p!

    I send you my prayers and wish you the best.

    Love, Laura

  199. I’m Dutch too! :D I’m so going to get this book, I luvvv it.

  200. Yeah!!
    Ik ga gelijk kijken waar ik deze kan bestellen ;-)
    means something like
    I’m going to order it right away in dutch!!

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