
One Carrier. Plenty of Uses.


I’ve shown you guys this Cupcake Courier before. It’s been awhile, but I still love it and I wanted to show you a couple more ways you can enjoy it.

Christmas Cupcakes

First and foremost, it carries cupcakes.


It can hold 36 cupcakes. Or 24 or 12 or any amount in between. Just remove the stackable trays to suit your need.

Perfect for larger batches of cupcakes or taking them to a holiday party or get together.


And if you remove all three trays…


Then you can use it for cakes. And pretty big ones, too.

But here is the best part. The real reason I have fallen deeper in love with this carrier. It allows me to do much more when it comes to carrying my baked goods.

Christmas Tree Cake Pops

I am talking specifically about cake pops here. Yep, because the courier is so tall, it triples as a handy dandy cake pop courier, too.

It serves multiple purposes. One… it simply allows you to store them upright without having to wrap them in treat bags.

And two… it allows you to carry them more easily to happy recipients. With or without treat bags.

Here … let me show you what I mean.


Tah dah. Perfectly protected pops. Of course you’ll have to imagine them made for full effect. I just used sticks and styrofoam to illustrate the idea.


If you use 6-inch paper lollipop sticks (8-inch sticks would be too tall) and some styrofoam, it will fit just fine in the base of the courier.


Styrofoam blocks come in many sizes and one of the common sizes is 4 x 12 x 2 inches high. Grab two of them and place them side by side on the base and then make 12 holes in each block. You can then easily carry 24 cake pops. And if you can’t find the styrofoam in that size, then cut down a larger piece of styrofoam to 8 X 12.

Either way it’s a great way to get more out of an already handy product. You can find them on

Hope that helps all you guys that are cake popping and cupcake making… and of course, carrying.

And to celebrate finding ways to do more with less, here’s a fun giveaway.

  • This giveaway starts November 15 and goes until November 29, 2010. Time’s Up! Winner Announced below.
  • To be entered in the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post and describe something you’ve found to be more productive or some way you do more with less. That’s it.
  • One winner will be chosen at random using and announced on this post at the end of the contest period following verification. See complete rules for details.
  • The prize is one (1) Windows Phone 7 (all features and details of the phone will be determined by the Sponsor.)

Okay, here’s the winner, chosen at random.


Congratulations Wendy! Have fun with your new phone.

And thank you everyone for so many great ideas to do more with less. You guys are really resourceful. I’m impressed.


This giveaway is brought to you by the new Windows Phone 7. Less tech tired. More tech trendy: Learn about Windows Phone online and see it in person at local T-Mobile stores today.

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4,403 comments on “One Carrier. Plenty of Uses.”

  1. more with less? homemade meals and gifts are definitely the way to go!

  2. My calendar helps keep me organized so I always know what is going on. I also love the memo-board I made last year…I tuck away anything of importance under a ribbon so when I need something I always know where to look!

  3. No cable TV or Satelite. I get much more done without spending endless & mindless hours watching stuff that doesn’t matter.

  4. I have a carrier where you can just bake brownies or cupcakes in it and just put on the top and ur ready to go!! luv the christmas cupcakes so cute I need to try them ;)

  5. I use VINEGAR for everything cleaning! AND in the washing machine as a “natural” fabric softener – it beats paying out the wazoo for name brand softeners that gunk up the machine and add unnecessary chemicals to the water and clothing :)

  6. my kitchenaid mixer! i can work on taming my mess I created, as well as getting ready for the next part of the recipe. that thing is amazing!

  7. working alongside my partner of 30 years makes all the difference!

  8. I always line my measuring cups with plastic wrap to measure out things like Peanut Butter, Mayo, etc. It makes clean up so much easier!!!!! Just clean off the plastic and toss!

  9. To be more productive I make lists on index cards of things to do! They help SO much. I also have to turn my computer off–blog reading is so fun!! :)

  10. Reusing clothes is so useful. One old tshirt could be a bag…or a cushion cover…or a cleaning cloth!

  11. I’ve been making my own liquid laundry detergent and use vinegar a lot more in my laundry and general cleaning…saves a lot of $$$.

  12. I’ve been upcycling all my maternity dresses into cute tops. So easy and very cute!

  13. I’m getting much better about meals and utilizing my leftovers. I will do roast chicken one night and then a curried chicken salad for lunch the next day and then chicken and dumplings for dinner the next night!! 3 meals out of one bird :) Most excellent!

  14. I like to deconstruct many of the prior year’s Christmas cards received, using the 3-dementional pieces for scrap booking and gift tags.

  15. Awesome giveaway – thanks for hosting!

    I am the queen of efficiency, so it’s hard to pick just one thing =) One of my favorite kitchen tools is my pair of kitchen scissors. When the kids were little I used them to cut up their pizza into bite-sized pieces. Nowadays I also use my kitchen scissors for things like “chopping” fresh herbs – I just cut them up and let them fall right into the bowl.

  16. I actually don’t want to win the prize, but I did want to share my more with less. I love to give gifts, especially this time of year but it adds up. I loved your post on ‘cowgirl cookies’ so much that I’m giving them as thank you/hostess gifts at holiday parties this season. I’m changing the pink m&m’s for red and green ones and they are a lovely and festive gift from the heart.
    Thank you

  17. I use ziplock bags a lot to keep almost anything and everything in the house organized…I even use it in my purse. :-)

  18. Everyone knows of this one (and more than likely uses it), but I use plastic bags for lots of things! I love using them for decorating cakes and cupcakes! :)

  19. I keep a coffee maker in my bedroom, so I can sleep later and get dressed faster since I don’t have to travel down 2 flights of stairs for my sustenance.

  20. I’m loving all these tricks! My most frequently used time/money saver is using baby powder, instead of dry shampoo, between washes to fight greasy hair.

  21. I listen to books on tape/MP3/CD when I bake, craft, or do mindless paperwork. I love to read, but am a captivated and productive listener. Is it strange that I am equally excited for the Windows phone and the cupcake carrier? I am reaaaaaly excited :)

  22. I’m most productive with lists and loud music! Some of my best cake creations have been cranked out with the music on HIGH! :)

  23. I’ve found that I’m really productive while I’m waiting in the car rider pick up line waiting for my children to get out school. I plan ahead and get all of my crafting stuff together. It’s a solid 30 minutes that I dedicated to knitting!

  24. I tend to repurpose used containers like cigar boxes that are attractive. I love having storage cintainers that double as home decor.

  25. more with less? I get more house cleaning, reading and sleep done with less kids but what i really need to know is this:

    Styrofoam blocks come in many sizes and one of the common sizes is 4 x 12 x 2 inches high. Grab two of them and place them side by side on the base and then make 12 holes in each block. You can then easily carry 24 cake pops. And if you can’t find the styrofoam in that size, then cut down a larger piece of styrofoam to 8 X 12.

    where can I buy styrofoam? I cant find it for sale!!

  26. A painting from goodwill that can be spray painted with chalkboard paint to turn into a very productive chalk board!!!!

  27. I found that writing a menu for the week on Sunday allows me to do a quicker job of grocery shopping and helps me only buy what I need. I also shop my kitchen before going out to try and use more of what we already have on hand.

  28. You would be surprised how many uses hairspray has aside from hair spraying:
    -Stopping artwork from smudging
    -keeping ribbons on ballet shoes from slipping
    -setting of fire alarms :s oops
    and way more!

  29. This is not a kitchen tool, but could be. I use an over the door shoe organizer to keep my bathroom counter tidy.

  30. I’m more productive when I’m on the phone. If I need to empty my dishwasher, etc, I just call up my best friend. Makes time go so much faster!

  31. I’ve found it productive to make lists for just about anything

  32. I have worked to eliminate all impulse purchases. It was amazing how many things I used to throw into the shopping cart that we didn’t really need really need. My grocery bills have dropped, the house is less cluttered and my kids seem to appreciate things more now that there isn’t a “treat” everytime I go to the store.

  33. I have found that my Le Creuset dutch oven replaces most of my pots. I can make cinnamon rolls, soups, chicken dishes, beef stews etc with just that one little pan. Sigh… I love that pan!

  34. Being married. Have 4 hands is better than 2, and he is the perfect guinea pie for all my random baking concoctions!

  35. I use toothpaste not only for brushing, but also for cleaning the diamond in my engagement ring. It saves me a trip to the jeweler and causes nothing but shininess!

  36. Nothing fancy, but I try to use Tupperware containers instead of Ziploc bags whenever possible…

    I’ve so had my eye on one of these cupcake holders! :)


  37. As a poor college student who doesn’t own nearly enough baking tools I use my cereal bowls to bake individual apple pies, my toaster oven rack as a cooling rack and plates as lids to pots that are missing theirs!

    love the site!

  38. I’m most productive when I have several cups of extra-strong coffee running happily though my blood stream!

    Sleep and food help, too.

  39. Nothing big, but I believe out of sight, out of mind! LOL. Usually I have the kids give up toys. For every toy they get for their birthday or xmas, they have to give away ( to goodwill or salvation army) an old one. Sometimes, they don’t want the new one and we give those away too. This goes for their clothes too =)

  40. I’m more productive with labels. And boxes for certain things! I’m an organization freak.

  41. My husband and I love our date nights but money is a little tight with him in school full time. So we plan to do cheaper things when we have time together during the week but still always set aside one night a week to actually go out and have a date night :).

  42. I love nap time. I can get so much done durring nap time. Somedays the naps are short. when she is not feeling well. but that two hours a day is great.

  43. I had a little plastic drawer thing that I used to keep random unused pens in so I cleared that out and moved my make-up into it. My make-up had been in a bag and was impossible to find and took up to much room. So much nicer now.

  44. I am in search of anything that will help me be more productive… anything… because at this point I am not very productive at all!

  45. My husband had a tackle box he no longer needed so now I use it to store all my jewelry making tools. It keeps all my beads separate and it’s neat!

  46. One way I am more productive is to brown all my ground beef at once. Then I freeze it in one pound packages. Then all you have to do is remove one package at a time….use for tacos, pizza, spaghetti, soup…you name it!!
    I Love Bakerella!! Great website and ideas!

  47. I use my Paula Deen roasting pan for so much more than a roast. It allows me to cook 6 or 8 pork chops or chicken breasts at one time. I can even use it to hold large portions of vegetables and side dishes and of course, I can cook a delicious roast in it.

  48. Haha…I just bought the windows phone, and now I can certainly do more with less! LOL :D Great post, great giveaway…we *heart* Bakerella!

  49. I’m a huge fan of reusing junk :-p Like when I get mail in large envelopes, instead of throwing them away I use them to carry my knitting projects :) There are many things that I use and reuse which also generates a lot of clutter in my room! :-p

  50. I like using my blender to make nut butter =D

  51. i have a rule that i never buy a piece of clothing unless i can already wear it with at least 3 other things in my closet. and i have a similar rule for the kitchen – no single-use appliances or accessories allowed! this has enabled me to be clever (forcing myself to come up with additional uses for things requires imagination & innovation!) while keeping my life relatively simple and overly-clutter free. i’ve wanted a cupcake carrier for a long time but have never bought one because they can be limiting — the one featured above that has the removable trays = genius, i have to have one and now!!! :-)

  52. I upcycyle a lot! I sewed a lunch tote out of old capri sun pouches. Our family saves our favorite Christmas/New Year’s cards. We take the cards and stick them onto a large piece of paper, next we laminate them to make holiday placemats for the kids. So fun!

  53. I keep the wrappers from butter and use them to grease a pan when baking.

  54. I’ve been doing book swaps with my friend so that we get more reading for less. :) Btw, I purchased my Cupcake Courier at Century 21. I remember it being about $20.

  55. Giving away what I do nit truly use and thinking twice before any purchase.

  56. Toothpicks and mason jars, two of my favorite go to items!

  57. I love making lists…helps me stay super organized :]

  58. I use my phone as a bar code scanner to scan christmas lists for people and save it to rememeber for later while xmas shopping!

  59. Evernote saves me all kinds of time. I keep all of my lists (grocery, to-do, gift suggestions, packing), recipes, reminders, journal, etc. Everything is in one place, and everything syncs together on all of my computers and on my phone. I love it!


  61. For the past year…I have made tons and tons of cakepops. Something that has help me speed up the process a bit are two of those tiny personal battery operated fans. I point them toward my recently dipped pops and they dry so much faster!

  62. Not necessarily baking-related, but discovering Google Docs has made me SO much more productive! All of your documents, saved in one place and accessible from anywhere. It rocks.

  63. I used clean, empty soup and veggie cans to bake loaves of bread in for holiday gift baskets. That way I recycle, but it also keeps my mini loaves safe and secure. Much easier than using mini loaf pans.

  64. getting prepared the night before, whatever it may be, keeps me organized and eliminates the need to rush around!!!

  65. The one way we really save is to eat out less. It makes eating out more fun and you eat healthier at home!

  66. I’m always doing more with less. My Kitchenaid stand mixer has allowed me to do more with the little time I have. And I save all my cardstock scraps because you never know when you’re going to need just a little!

  67. I recently went back to doing only one or two housekeeping tasks a day. I have a limited amount of time each day to clean, but if I concentrate on one task each day, I make more of the little time I DO have. My house stays cleaner and I don’t get overwhelmed at ALL the things that need to get done. MORE housework with LESS time…it’s all good!

    LOVE the carrier…going on my Christmas wishlist!

  68. I find that when my pup isn’t around to distract me I get a lot more done!

  69. I’m a nursing major and some reason I always carry medical tape. I’ve fixed (minor) car damage temporarily and other obscure things. Its better than duck tape!

  70. I have converted most of my baking recipes–from chocolate chip cookies to pizza dough– to be prepared in the food processor. It saves a lot of time and the food processor goes right in the dishwasher.

  71. I am most productive when I only have a small amount of time to do something – I work best under pressure!

  72. I’m using my kids Play Dough set to decorate my cakes ;) they’re just fantastic! :-)

  73. My favorite kitchen tool, to do just about everything, is a rubber spoon shaped spatula. It folds, mixes, scrapes, and stirs hot sauces, plus serves casseroles and dishes out batter for pancakes and muffins. I think it does more with less!

  74. Socks with holes in them make wonderful rags to dust,do dishes,clean bathrooms (bleach and clean them before you use them of course)

  75. Music makes me more productive. I’m a graphic designer, so my computer (itunes) helps me get more accomplished in a shorter amount of time.

  76. Clean as you go so that when your done baking goodies you don’t have a huge mess! :)

  77. Post-it notes! I have them everywhere to remind me of what I need to do! Couldn’t live without them!

  78. I’m a nightowl on the computer which leads to not feeling like doing things that need to be done. A vicious cycle I tell ya! I do find if I will simply shut my computer off and go to bed, I can and do work miracles on a full night’s rest.

  79. I line my kid’s dresser drawers with children’s hardback book covers. Gone are the little woodchip dust off her clothes and welcome are the sweet greetings of favorite books whenever the drawers are opened. Plus, she always asked to read a book after putting her clothes away.

  80. Add me to the list of people that plans a week’s worth of meals out at the beginning of the week! I also organize my grocery list by section/aisle of the grocery store (only helpful if you use the same store, I guess!)

    Soooo helpful in both time and lack of wasted food and money.

  81. Realizing that my kids don’t need dozens of gifts under the tree. Finding a couple of the perfect gifts that I know they will love is a much better use of my time and money.

  82. I cut the end off of a Pringles container and use it to fill my icing bags. It folds over the lip nicely, and you can grab the icing bag through the hole in the bottom – no mess, no fuss!

  83. I like to use my pancake batter dispenser as a cupcake batter dispenser. It is such a useful tool!

  84. I recycle peanut butter jars and use them for snack jars in my pantry!

  85. I bought a 12? round Styrofoam ring and painted it pink. Then I sprayed it with glitter and made 20 perfectly spaced holes to insert my cake pops. It’s the perfect display that I can use over & over again.

  86. Not really productive, but a neat idea that I love. I use a travel toothbrush holder to hold flexible straws in the diaper bag. When we eat a resturants the kids don’t tip thier cups as far to get a drink and won’t spill it in thier laps.

  87. I have started putting apple cores, egg shells, etc. into a compost pile. That way, I do not waste any part of the produce, and I will not have to buy fertilizer for my garden (which will produce more produce for more food and compost, etc). :)

  88. I try to re-purpose material and clothes I find at thrift stores by turning it into new items for christmas gifts. Last year, I think I bought every cute wool sweater I could find, and all the ladies in my family recieved new cute woolen mittens!

  89. I use a piece of uncooked spaghetti to test if cake or muffins are done! Bye Bye Toothpicks! :)

  90. I’ve found I can be most productive when my husband is home and he’s being productive. We recently spent three straight hours with him working on homework and me tackling an art project. We barely spoke, but just being together was very conducive to getting our work done!

  91. i love my to-do lists. I can’t get anything done during the day without them. And I use the backs of used envelopes and papers to write them on so I can create less waste.

  92. Since I couldn’t find time to get in a full workout, I started do 10 minute work outs a couple of times a day. When the baby is napping, or eating lunch I jump on the elliptical. I get some exercise and my whole day isn’t interrupted!

  93. I save mustard, jam, and other little glass condiment jars to use to hold my spices. They’re darling lined up in the spice rack with their hand-written labels and variety of shapes and sizes. Why pay for containers when you can repurpose these?

  94. I have found that making icing and even the cakes well planned out over the week before really help me avoid those 2am cake marathons.

  95. I love to listen to music when I clean or get things done around the house. It keeps my mind occupied so I’m not so focused on how long its taking me to clean and how much I hate it. Also, to make any dessert more special, you don’t need fancy ingredients always. Just bake them in individual ramekins and voila! Special dessert! Can even make cookies in them and top with ice cream and it looks fancy.

  96. It sounds kind of lame, but I clip coupons. It’s amazing how much money I’ve saved by taking a few minutes to clip some coupons before I go grocery shopping.
    Great giveaway, super cute carrier! :)

  97. Its not a cooking thing but I have a new love for spray paint. I made some old things look new with just one can of a great color of spray paint. It has saved me some money too!.

  98. Freshman year of college, I had no cookie sheets and no mixer to make a full array of Christmas cookies for friends and loved ones. It turns out that aluminum foil can be stacked and folded into disposable cookie sheets, although I would not recommend trying to cream cold butter or make meringue with just elbow grease and a spatula/wire whisk!

  99. Homecooked meals are so much healthier and affordable than eating out, but it’s hard being a working mom. So, I’ll spend one day a month making and freezing several meals, then on weekdays it’s so easy to just thaw and reheat them!

  100. I come from a long line of thrifty Yankees – use everything twice (at least!). I reuse parchment paper when I bake cookies; just turn it over to the unbaked-on side; it’s fine!

  101. I’m most productive when I have a deadline.

  102. I get all sorts of use out of glass jars that used to hold jelly, pasta sauce, etc…just wash them out and they become all sorts of fancy and non-fancy things :)

  103. I started baking cookies using oil or melted butter. It saves me time and space from pull out the KA mixer and even doing extra dishes. I also replace most of the sugar with brown sugar. It tastes wonderful.

  104. We rarely make pizza, but we use our pizza cutter often to slice up quesadillas and pancakes (but not at the same time). It’s a lot faster than a knife and pops right into the dishwasher when we’re done.

  105. I really cut back on buying all different kinds of cleaning products. My whole house is sparkling with…baking soda, vinegar and clorex. Just never mix them!!

  106. I made myself an across the chest purse…the inside is large enough to serve as both purse and diaper bag.

  107. As weird as it sounds….cardboard shelves!! When I first moved into my apartment, i was BROKE, and couldn’t even afford shelving. Having a plethora of cardboard boxes, I started cutting and stacking, reinforcing with rubber cement, and built epic shelving units out of just cardboard!

    Recycling <3!

  108. I am itching for the cake cricut that I see infomercials for and in my local craft store. I love making cakes and cupcakes but there are times when I dont have a lot fo time to do it and it would definitely come in handy!

  109. I bought a 12″ round Styrofoam ring and painted it pink. Then I sprayed it with glitter and made 20 perfectly spaced holes to insert my cake pops. It’s the perfect display that I can use over & over again.

  110. I am currently decorating my new apartment by trying to re-purpose old things! One of the things I doing is using old T-shirts to make a quilt. It might not be super elegant, but it will be a good way to remember old time (without cluttering my closet).

  111. Toothpicks and Qtips.
    I mean. Really. The possibilities are ENDLESS!!

  112. I found that adding baking soda to my wash allows me to decrease my detergent and bleaches by half! And it takes the *nasty* football practice smells out of my son’s clothes~

  113. To save money- I clean my jewelry in gin. It shines better than the expensive cleaner.
    Friend of the family taught me this: Soak in gin for 2-3 minutes, then brush with CLEAN OLD TOOTHBRUSH to clean any crevices. Rinse in tap water, dry and put the jewelry on.

  114. Like somebody else said, i use my roasting pan that has a lid to carry cupcakes. Also when I finish a jar of something I clean it out and use it as storage for grains/flours/beans etc…

  115. Time seems to be what I have the least of, so to make the most of my time at home, I have a cleaning schedule, so my house is always clean but I’m not trying to do too much at once. For example Monday is laundry and trash, Tuesday I do the floors (vacuum, sweep and mop) Wednesdays I clean the bathrooms, Thursday the Kitchen, Friday I dust Saturday I spot clean walls, wipe windowsills and Clean banisters, and then Sunday I take the day off

  116. I reuse plastic grocery bags as bathroom trash bags, as my “trash bowl” a la Rachael Ray while cooking/baking, as packing for fragile items, etc…
    I recycle most of them…it just always seems like I have a million of them no matter what I do!

  117. I have found that making cake balls is a great way to do more with less. I can use one box mix and make enough for my sons preschool class and my daughters cheer team! (When I do cupcakes, it takes several box mixes!) Now that is something that makes everyone smile! :)

  118. I write down 2 weeks worth of meals and then I know exactly what I need to buy and I have dinner planned for those weeks. It saves a lot of time and money. Then I put the meat a need for one week in the fridge at the beginning of the week so I don’t have to waste time defrosting.

  119. I use my kitchen sheers for everything. I have four boys and I cut up anything from pizza to pancakes with those things.

  120. Since having my second child 8 weeks ago I have really had to learn how to do more with less. So my house is a little messier, my hair is less often washed, and I allow our cocker spaniel to babysit my older child. Not really but it has crossed my mind, and he wouldn’t charge anything. I think this phone could help me do more with less because my poor neglected husband could use this and he certainly needs more attention, I am all tapped out in the attention department!

  121. I use dryer sheets to clean the glass and tile in the shower, it works great, make the bathroom smell nice and there are no icky chemicals!

  122. Putting a computer in the kitchen so I can click for a recipe and it’s right there in front of me.

  123. We recently discovered using as a search engine, which simultaneously lets us earn points which we redeem at their site for gift cards at with which to do a little gift shopping!

  124. I find that keeping lists helps me be more productive.

  125. My laundry basket does double duty in my house! I’ll use it when transporting baked dishes to church for a potluck, items for a campout, mini playpen for grandchild (8 month old) when I’m busy in the kitchen, and an impromptu coloring desk for the preschooler. AND it actually works as a laundry basket too! I also like to use muffin tins to hold “sprinkles” when my grandchildren help me decorate cupcakes.

  126. My husband and I use our downstairs basement area as an entertainment room, an excersize room, a computer room and a place for photo shoots, complete with backdrops. I think we probably have too much stuff down there.

  127. I use my food processor instead of my blender for everything. I make smoothies for lunch in it, baby food, ice cream shakes, creamy, icey, coffee drinks, etc. It washes up and comes apart so much easier than the blender and it is on my counter and not in some far off place in the cabinet. I also bought resuable plastic containers for my son’s lunch and hardly ever have to use a baggie. I have 2 sandwich containers in fun colors, a fruit container that has a removable freezer pack and then just use small round containers for other goodies in his lunch. The contaioner also protects everything from getting smooshed too:)

  128. I have found that listening to techno music helps me stay focused and get work done faster. Couldn’t tell you why! No other kind of music seems to work the same way.

  129. I love ziplock freezer bags I use them for everything. From just placing my toddlers snacks to decorating all my baked goodies.They are the best!!!!

  130. I love to make homemade cookies as gifts. Saves a lot of money and everyone loves them.

  131. Google Docs! I use it to store recipes, make packing lists, shopping lists, etc. Pretty much everything. Its free and I can share it with anyone I like..

  132. I decided that for school this year that I would be fewer clothes for the kiddos, but nicer ones that would hold up longer. More quality for them, less laundry for me! Whee!

  133. I don’t buy much kids stuff any more since my girlfriends and I do “swapping”. One of my friends had a boy the same time I had a girl, then 2 years later she had a girl and I had a boy. Perfect timing since we swapped all stuff and I don’t spend as much! Plan your pregnancies wisely, harhar!!

  134. I feel better when I cook with leftovers…I recently used a ham bone to make ham and beans!

  135. I just bought a bunch of card stock on clearance at an art supply store and I love making my own tags and cards for the holidays not to mention they are great for scrap-booking with and making simple “brag books” for gifts.

  136. I make my own laundry detergent! :)

  137. Kool-aid. I use it for making yummy scented play-dough for my 3 year old, I use it to dye wool all kinds of gorgeous color to knit with, the list of uses goes on and on…

  138. I learned that I could use one of my shot glasses as the perfect sized cutter for the cookie pops I made for Halloween.

  139. I find that I prepare better meals when we’re low on money. It requires me to think harder and be more creative than I do when cash is flowing freely and we tend to eat out more.

  140. Since I work full time and have two kids– I am always trying to find new ways to be more efficient. Usually it means I am multitasking; like folding laundry while the kids are bathing.

  141. I am more productive with less interruptions (naptime is awesome!)

  142. I save myself several trips to the trash can by keeping a bowl nearby for any waste while baking…. I think this became a staple Rachel Ray item :)

  143. i am most productive when my internet goes out. and when i am expecting company.

  144. I have found that Rockstar Lemonades help me get more done for less. First, I stopped spending $5 every morning for my coffee fix and now spend about $1.50. It gives me just the right kick of energy and has only 10 calories.

  145. the one thing that helps make my life more productive is my Kitchen Aid mixer… all i have to do it put the ingredients into the bowl, turn it on and let it go. It helps me with everything from meatballs, to cakes and bread. No more hand mixing that takes forever and tires me out! I love it!

  146. LOVE this carrier!

    i’ve gotten in the habit of using resealable plastic bags instead of pastry bags. they are also useful for portioning cupcake batter.

    also – if there is one kitchen utensil i cannot live without, it is the spoonula (spoon spatula). you can do EVERYTHING with it – frying pan to mixing bowl, i use it multiple times a day.

  147. I am sadly very unproductive. I am an elementary school teacher and ALWAYS have 500 things on my plate. I tend to eat while driving…

  148. LISTS! I am a million times more productive when I make lists.

  149. this is more a tip….I took a 1X6 board, about 14 inches long, and drilled holes in that would fit the sucker sticks. Now I have my own reusable cake pop holder (wouldn’t fit in the courier though) It keeps me from buying lots and lots of styrofoam…

  150. I am the most productive when I leave everything at the last minute! I have a deadline for a school work – do it one day before the deadline! It ALWAYS gets done!

    I wouldn’t recommend doing so, though, hahah. It’s not as easy as it sounds!

  151. We reuse the platic cat littler containers as buckets for storing tools and DIY home improvement projects like painting.

  152. Chocolate has endless uses…when in solid form, it is easily eaten. When in melted form, it is also easily eaten. When coming from the freezer, it is carefully but happily eaten. Really, chocolate is the King of Multiple Uses. And I challenge myself daily to fulfill its many purposes here on this earth!

    What a great giveaway. Thanks, Bakerella!

  153. I just discovered that my kitchen aid can cut in butter – no more need for a pastry cutter and I also have my hands free!

  154. filling the car tank of gasoline by liters than by money
    is better


    using my rectangular cake pan to do other figures……….

  155. I use a cylindrical bolster pillow to keep my daughter’s headbands tidy! I just covered it with some super cute fabric and hung it in her closet. They stay neat and tidy and are always available for when I need them!

  156. I love getting creative with my cooking and baking. I detest grocery shopping, so it is fun coming up with substitutions for ingredients that I don’t have on hand. My current favorite is making my own cake flour. Saves time and money!

  157. I learned to turn my food powders upside down so I could see the color instead of just read the labels. It seems so simple but really makes a difference in helping me quickly select the colors I want!

  158. I turn on annoying, over played christmas music, making sure its loud enough so I can hear throughout my whole apartment and then tell myself “the fast I clean, the sooner I can turn off the music!”…so I really bust my butt and get things done!

  159. We decided to cut our cable off and use only Netflix instead. Saves a TON of money every month and we are way more productive getting things done since we aren’t glued to the TV!

  160. I use a pastry blender to mix brown sugar and cocoa, or brown sugar and cinnamon for fillings and toppings. It’s quick, and the sugar doesn’t keep clumping up.

  161. Parchment paper!! How did I ever bake without it? I think it is the greatest invention ever. I use it for all kinds of baking and LOVE how nothing sticks. So much time saved scrubbing!

  162. What an amazing cupcake caddy! Recently I discovered that the clear plastic boxes you buy grocery store bakery items in (you know, the ones with the snap lids that hold cookies and brownies) were a great way to transport cupcakes! They’re tall enough for ones that are decorated and easy to extract. But they wouldn’t be big enough for cake pops, so I think this caddy would be great to have :D

  163. Loud Rock music makes me far more productive in cleaning.
    I’ve found that old mismatched socks and plain white rice with the end of the sock tied into a knot makes a quick microwaveable heating pad. I use them whenever my son or I get leg cramps in the winter.

  164. I pre-plan every day the night before and put timeframes for each task into my dayplanner – from work appointments, to errands, to even blocking out grocery shopping from 6-6:30 for example. I also make a list of the top 3 things that absolutely have to get done that day. These things help me get the most out of my day, and allow me not to schedule more than I get done.

  165. I am addicted to my electric skillet. I can make everything on it and tons of it at a time since it is huge.

  166. Now that I have started to do more meal planning I find that I am more efficient at the grocery store, throw away less food, and we have been eating better!

  167. I turn on annoying, over played christmas music, making sure its loud enough so I can hear it through my whole apartment and tell myself “the faster I get done cleaning, the sooner I can turn off the music!”…so I really bust my butt and get things done!

  168. I’ve turned old small cardboard boxes into dividers for my drawers. Now my socks will never be hiding under anything else!

  169. I bake with my two young kids! Sometimes it creates a HUGE mess- but I find that while the are measuring and reading the directions, I can clean up behind them! Plus, I try to bake on cold days so that I can conserve the energy needed to turn up the heater! Nothing fancy- but I bet my 6 year old is the only one in her class who knows who Bakerella is! Love it!

  170. I get a lot done in the shower in the morning (one of the few places as a mom I’m not interrupted). I floss my teeth, clean the tub…

  171. My latest thing is to buy the little craft containers (they look kind of like pill containers with several little compartments). They’re great for jewelry or little girls’ hair accessories. I just get them at the dollar store. So–cheap and very efficient! :)

  172. I found a new use for my spice rack. I am using the empty spice glass as a cute place to put my small crafty supplies (buttons, pins etc.) To think, I was just about to throw that ol’ spice cupboard away.

  173. I’m more productive when I’m listening to an audio book while baking/cleaning/etc. It keeps me from wandering into different rooms because I don’t want to miss the next part of the book!

  174. I recently found HootSuite, a website where I can manage a bunch of my websites like Twitter and Facebook all in one spot, which is working out a lot better for me now.

  175. I’m a pretty active seller on Ebay and I’ve started watching all my favorite shows on while in the office working on my Ebay business – so it’s nice to be able to be productive and make money while watching TV!

  176. I am most productive when I make a to-do list and stick to it. I make a weekly grocery list as well. Lists, lists, and more lists! :)

  177. I can’t live without chocolate. It’s a great source of energy, easy to carry in your purse. Makes great sweets, from small pastries to big cakes.

    When I am stressed, chocolate is my secret resource. Only downside: the waistline!

  178. I’ve been stashing empty plastic berry containers since summer to use for delivering holiday treats. Can’t wait to make caramels and fudge to fill them!

  179. Measuring all the dry ingredients with the same measuring spoon/cup before measuring the wet ingredients, because the dry ingredients don’t leave any leftovers. That way, I don’t have to clean the spoon/cup in between each ingredient!

  180. i try to involve my little girl in doing productive things, even if it’s something she “can’t” help with. i give her little tasks and it helps keep her entertained and me on track :)

  181. I do more with less time in the morning…I am not a morning person! So, every night, I “streamline my morning”…I prepare my coffee, make my breakfast (something to grab and eat on the road), set out my clothes, set out clothes for both of my kids, ensure that the kids have everything they need for the next day (boots, snow pants, homework, cold lunch, etc), and set everything I need for the next day in the kitchen near the door (laptop, purse, keys, etc). It has saved me endless frustration in the mornings and gets me to work on time most days! It has been a lifesaver type idea for me!

  182. I find that I can do more with less when I “DIY”… right now I’m doing alot of DIY with my wedding planning!

  183. I am new at making cake pops. I have been having a lot of fun. So one of the things that I have done is gone to Michaels and bought several pieces of rectangular shaped styrofoam. Next, I heated up my glue gun and glued the shapes together (about 6 in all) and made one giant piece of styrofoam to hold all of my pops at once. This made it easier than having to get several different pieces of foam to stick my pops in and having to put them all around my small kitchen. Then I wrapped the styrofoam in plastic wrap to avoid the crumbs that like to fall from the styrofoam! Now I have one big giant display that can fit either on one counter or right across my dinning room table. :-) Voila!

  184. When I pack for vacation, I use gallon size ziplock bags. I can’t tell you how many good makeup bags I have thrown away because of something leaking or breaking. So, I always pack extra bags and then if something spills, I wash the stuff and put it in a new bag and throw away the old. Yay! :)

  185. I always use ziplock bags when I run out of pipping bags. It isn’t the best thing in the world, but when funds are low, they sure are much cheaper. : )

  186. I find myself being much more productive when I don’t have a way to access the internet at home!

  187. Diaper wipes are amazing. They can quickly clean so many more things than bottoms!

  188. Using my bullet blender to not only make a smoothie but to grind up nuts, seeds and flours has really come in handy! Making homemade peanut butter is so easy and saves on buying at the grocery store.

  189. I use the wire brush that came with a piping bag set (used to clean the tips) to clean in little crevices in other dishes. (It works great on kids sippy cups!)

  190. i stockpile food when on sale

  191. I shop at Sam’s club allot and by things in bulk! I find that it saves for me in the long run!

  192. Hello, I’m a list maker. For me this simplifies my thoughts so I can concentrate on each task instead of already moving on to the next one before the first is complete. It simplifies things for me and I always get things done quicker.

  193. I’m most productive when I set my alarm and actually get up!!

  194. I use ramikins for everything . Mini casseroles, soffles, dip, single servings ect Even for dipping chocolate for cake pops . Different colors of icing ect Lots of ramikins

  195. I love my crockpot….don’t know what I’d do without it. Makes my life (with 3 kids) that much easier :)

  196. I use as my organization life tool. If it’s not on there it doesn’t happen. This helps me not worry about a calendar floating around the house and I can keep up with my life and my 4 busy kids.

  197. I make my own christmas cards, simple cards with a family photo along with a few words is all you need. It saves money is more personal in my opinion. I love coming up with a new design each year to send out.

  198. Doing more with less? My favorite tip is drinking water. It helps keep you awake, keeps you hydrated, keeps your skin healthier, keeps you active (all those trips to the bathroom!), keeps your body moving things along, helps you to stay satiated so you don’t snack unnecessarily (unless you have access to Bakerella goodies – then snack all you want!), and more. Plus, it’s free (hence the doing more with less).
    Thanks! Hope I win. Love your blog and book. :)

  199. i go to coffee shops to do homework. i get more done there than i do sitting in my apartment.

  200. LOVE that carrier–I need one so bad! :) Planning is the key to anything–it helps anything and everything go smoothly!

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