
One Carrier. Plenty of Uses.


I’ve shown you guys this Cupcake Courier before. It’s been awhile, but I still love it and I wanted to show you a couple more ways you can enjoy it.

Christmas Cupcakes

First and foremost, it carries cupcakes.


It can hold 36 cupcakes. Or 24 or 12 or any amount in between. Just remove the stackable trays to suit your need.

Perfect for larger batches of cupcakes or taking them to a holiday party or get together.


And if you remove all three trays…


Then you can use it for cakes. And pretty big ones, too.

But here is the best part. The real reason I have fallen deeper in love with this carrier. It allows me to do much more when it comes to carrying my baked goods.

Christmas Tree Cake Pops

I am talking specifically about cake pops here. Yep, because the courier is so tall, it triples as a handy dandy cake pop courier, too.

It serves multiple purposes. One… it simply allows you to store them upright without having to wrap them in treat bags.

And two… it allows you to carry them more easily to happy recipients. With or without treat bags.

Here … let me show you what I mean.


Tah dah. Perfectly protected pops. Of course you’ll have to imagine them made for full effect. I just used sticks and styrofoam to illustrate the idea.


If you use 6-inch paper lollipop sticks (8-inch sticks would be too tall) and some styrofoam, it will fit just fine in the base of the courier.


Styrofoam blocks come in many sizes and one of the common sizes is 4 x 12 x 2 inches high. Grab two of them and place them side by side on the base and then make 12 holes in each block. You can then easily carry 24 cake pops. And if you can’t find the styrofoam in that size, then cut down a larger piece of styrofoam to 8 X 12.

Either way it’s a great way to get more out of an already handy product. You can find them on

Hope that helps all you guys that are cake popping and cupcake making… and of course, carrying.

And to celebrate finding ways to do more with less, here’s a fun giveaway.

  • This giveaway starts November 15 and goes until November 29, 2010. Time’s Up! Winner Announced below.
  • To be entered in the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post and describe something you’ve found to be more productive or some way you do more with less. That’s it.
  • One winner will be chosen at random using and announced on this post at the end of the contest period following verification. See complete rules for details.
  • The prize is one (1) Windows Phone 7 (all features and details of the phone will be determined by the Sponsor.)

Okay, here’s the winner, chosen at random.


Congratulations Wendy! Have fun with your new phone.

And thank you everyone for so many great ideas to do more with less. You guys are really resourceful. I’m impressed.


This giveaway is brought to you by the new Windows Phone 7. Less tech tired. More tech trendy: Learn about Windows Phone online and see it in person at local T-Mobile stores today.

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4,403 comments on “One Carrier. Plenty of Uses.”

  1. I don’t buy different cleaners for around the house. I use baking soda and vinegar. That way I don’t have to store all those different bottles and I don’t have to worry about my daughter or dog getting into nasty chemicals.

  2. now this is brilliant! hhmmm being more productive…i think the best thing i do and have done for years – every morning while i am waiting for the coffee i clean my kitchen. if i don’t do it then i seem unable to get to it for the rest of the day

  3. I feel I am more productive by staying organized and being patient.

  4. I stocked up after after Christmas last year, on the environmentally friendly Shopping bags that Kmart was selling. They had them marked down to 5c each, came with a pretty Christmas tree picture on them, and will be a perfect, reusable wrapping for Christmas Presents this year. After all, you can never have too many shopping bags :D

  5. Each of my children has a “cubby” in the kitchen that I use as a catch-all for their stuff. When trying to clear off the table or bar for dinner I say “just put it in so-and-so’s cubby”. . .then those get cleaned out occasionally. I like having a place to put things. Love that cupcake container too — will have to put that on my Christmas list :)
    Reading these comments has given me lots of ideas!!!

  6. When I cook, I try to double it. Then freeze the extra portions for busier nights.

  7. I’m more productive when I learn to say “no” to all the volunteering I do…..I LOVE to volunteer though! :-)

  8. I’m more productive when I’m listening to my I-pod. I become a domestic goddess; cleaning, dusting, polishing and laundry. Fearless!

  9. you are headed towards 200 freaking comments- people want a phone yo..

    more productive.. ME!!.. do i count i am much more productive than i used to be.. plus my laptop- it inspires me to have wifi routed directly into my brain.

    ta-do a comment.

  10. I bought a big pie carrier but I didn’t own a pie plate so I had to cut the pie while it stood on my new carrier. Ofcourse I didn’t like that so I bought a pizza plate and it fits like a glove in my pie carrier!!

    I also save the teeny tiny jam glasses you see in hotels at breakfast to store left over decorating sugar.

  11. I love when I can use one bowl to make a recipe. Makes life grand; productivity happens when music or The Food Network is on! :)

  12. Blog surfing……….does it every time!

  13. Great carrier!! I bake homemade treats and wrap them in something that I have knitted.

  14. I had so many grocery store cards that I decided to put them in a business card holder (similar to a brag book without a backing). Each card has its own slot and I can find them much easier plus I don’t have to take it out to use it, it can be scanned through the clear plastic cover.

  15. Im another girl that makes tons of lists to help me remember everything!

  16. I’m most productive when I’m at work. I love my job and it gives me energy!

  17. I’ve discovered that I can be working on my desk and have Bakerella up – its fun to get the recipes in my little breaks from my job!

  18. Turning off the television when studying for my engineering exams helps me a lot to concentrate. Sleeping less sure helps too, but I’m not a fan of it. Love the carrier!!!

  19. I use a small outdoor garden cart for toy pick up. It helps my kids pick up all toys, shoes, clothes, etc. at once then distribute room to room, instead of putting away one toy at a time. Much more efficient!

  20. Hi Everyone :)

    To make the laundry dryer sheets last twice as long I cut them in half. Half a dryer sheet works great on even a jumbo laundry load and an added benefit is the more subtle fragrance.

  21. I’m a lot more productive when I watch Bewitched or The Little Mermaid. It’s extremely weird for a fourteen yr old, but it works wonders when I’m doing homework :D

  22. I do more with food bought and cooked at home, eating out less, eating better, and saving money, too.

  23. Doing with less…hmm well not wanting to spend the $$ on remote control caddy ..I purchased pretty potholders with a pocket in the front..attached a pretty ribbon and a crystal for a weight on one end so it can lay on the arm of the couch and not slide off. It works perfectly and it is attractive, you would not know it is a pot holder. Oh the $$ I saved. Also I have a carrier just like the one pictured and it does have many jobs! Love ya Bakerella.

  24. I find that if I get up at four-thirty at least four morning a week, I can multi-task and have most of everything done by noon. The only thing is I need a nap then. Oh I know one. I use baking soda mixed with lemon juice in the garbage disposal to take that nasty smell away. Hey its four-thirty in the morning this is all I can think of. LOL LOL Hugs Paulette

  25. I find that cooking with my children is very productive. It gets the tea made while keeping them entertained but the best bit is the long term benefit – in not too long I will be able to tell them to go and make the tea on their own which will give me more time for browsing the internet or sleeping! Yay.

  26. My cookie cutters! I use it for shaping soap, cookies, use them as ornaments on the Christmas tree and as templates for my daughter’s drawings!!

  27. I use a large ziplog bag as cupcake batter dispenser. Just cut out a small corner of the bag and squeeze out the amount you want on each muffin tin. No need to wash or buy the batter dispenser and no mess! ;)

  28. earplugs. silence does WONDERS for my productivity. whether it’s blocking out the street construction, the stomping upstairs neighbors, or the roommate’s blaring music, earplugs create my own quiet, peaceful PRODUCTIVE world!!!

  29. I spend 1 day with my babycook cutting, steaming, pureeing, storing food for my baby for 1 week. It saves me a lot of time. And assure me that baby is eating home-made food

  30. My laptop. I can pull up a recipe and have it in front of me as I’m prepping! :)

  31. I use vinegar in my wash (during the rinse cycle) instead of fabric softener. it works great. I have another one that I use….. I use chicken wieners cut up into small pieces as food lures for my dog during obedience class. This way, I don’t use expensive high fat treats yet it is healthy for him….. and he loves the chicken wieners as food lures to boot and will do anything I ask him to do. He’s a lab so he would eat just about anything (and has including Channel sunglasses) but the chicken wieners are cheap and work wonders.

  32. When I’m under pressure I’m more productive… but If I have too much presure… I don’t know what to do first…

  33. Usually I like this website, and I am sorry to say that but I feel a bit tired of all this advertising you are making nowadays…

  34. Productivity = A two person cupcake pop assembly line, consisting of my boyfriend and myself. Baking + quality time in one!

  35. Nothing groundbreaking myself, but I find my silpat save lots of time and money. No need to grease or spray baking sheets and nothing sticks so cleanup is quick and easy too.

  36. I love my muffin form, which is soooo useful to thousand things! For example, you can make muffins ;o) or you can use it as a baking form for miniature pies, you can use it as a form for pasta nests (just roll inside some spaghetti and put an egg over it), once I’ve seen it used for making crayons (old pieces of crayon were meltet together in the form) and maybe one day, when I can’t use the form for baking anymore, I can put some plants inside and use it as a multiple flowerpot.

    Next thing I’m going to buy is a mini-muffin-form…

  37. I’m more productive when I am working to a deadline.

  38. I’ve been exploring waste-free lunch options. Not only am I saving money on baggies, I’m not toting a wad of soiled plastic wrappers in my pockets when there wasn’t a garbage can nearby! And because I’m packing my own lunches, I’m tending towards healthier and more balanced meals, plus saving money, since I’m not buying bunches of little pre-packaged stuff.
    And I get to let out my creative juices and use mini cookie cutters (like the original mini cupcake cakepops ones!) to make my daughter’s fruits, veggies, sandwiches and even meats and cheeses (making my own Lunchables!) into fun little shapes!

  39. well, if i win this contest, i’ll definitely get more out of reading this blog than i had initially gotten (ie, fantastic recipes and super creative cake pop ideas!) — not to say I needed more, but it surely doesn’t hurt :)

  40. I use lotion as eye makeup remover

  41. This is an odd one, but I conserve dishes by cubing watermelon right from the rind. I simply cut the watermelon into fourths, cut the melon away from the rind and then cube the melon directly into the bowl I’m storing it in. FAST(!) and no cutting board to clean :)

  42. My multi-purpose-couldn’t-possibly-live-without-ever-item would have to be books. They are great as weights, tables, photo backgrounds, little seats, home decoration, and conversation topics. They make you laugh, cry, wonder, smile, frown, and be curious. And best of all, my favourites help me produce beautiful baked goodies, too. Couldn’t possibly live without them. Ever.

  43. More with less? Hm, I would have to say I use a glass cup as a rolling pin, cup, cereal “bowl”, and plant waterer. Ahh, life of a college kid.

  44. I write a novel during November, during National Novel Writing Month. Cramming all the writing into one month, and doing with a lot of other crazy people at the same time, makes sure that I actually get it done. Plus lots of pop music and sugar help.

  45. I do the best work (school, class, cleaning, BAKING!) when I blast my music and sing along :)

  46. Avocados! Not only are they delicious they also make a great deep conditioner for dry hair and for facials.

  47. As a college student I don’t have a lot of space (or money) so most of the time I store a lot of my stuff in my suitcases (since I travel to and from school to get back home) and hide those under my bed.

    My kitchen is a disaster so I love using these little clear plastic containers to hold all my odds & ends in drawers so nothing gets too messy !

  48. I’ve been more productive lately by realizing my 13-year-olds are capable of helping out more and being given more responsibility. This is good for ALL of us and we have more free time to play!

  49. Jump starting my day with a shower first, helps me be more productive. I get it out of the way, and I’m ready to tackle my never-ending “to-do” list. And if that means leaving the house, I’m ready to go once my son has his shoes on!

    (Well, the shower works for a stay at home mom. I’m sure this also applies to the employed as well!)

  50. I am most productive when I sleep at a decent time. This allows me to wake up atleast 15-20 minutes before the rest of my family. Believe it or not, I can get a lot done in those 15-20 minutes.

  51. Sometimes its best just not to get on the computer at all until after all the “to-dos” are done.

  52. Well, along these lines, I’ve used my biggest plastic bowl (with lid) upside down to carry a layer cake!

  53. vinegar doubles as a great cleaner! i recently burnt a pot of beans and boiling vinegar in it saved my pot.. :)

  54. Just learned this a few days ago.. whipping store bought frosting increases the volume so you have more to work with, and also makes the consistency so much better to work with.

  55. My fridge is smaller than it was before, I swear, but I could still find a way to jenga my way into stuffing food for a dinner party into it this past weekend! :D

  56. I use my cookie cutter collection for Christmas Tree ornaments.

  57. I like Evernote – I can keep lists and take notes that will sync up both on the web and on my iPhone.

  58. Awesome! Now i have another thing to add to my “Must Get” list :)

  59. I have this carrier and love it! When I first saw it I bought 4. One for me,2 as gifts and the last…well, my hubby took cupcakes to a party and the hostess loved my carrier so much that he gave it away.
    Did you know that there is also a plastic sheet you can buy to lay over the holes and have 3 flat tiers for cookies, brownies and the like?

  60. Reading the first 100 posts is sure going to make me more productive! For now, I wipe down my faucets with alcohol pads (it cleans the chrome and gets rid of water spots)…

    and I can’t live without my Android, life has been a lot more productive since I was given one for my birthday in March 2010. I’m squinting and writing this while in bed!

  61. I ALWAYS use leftovers and transform them into a new meal that my family hardly recognizes—keeping my pantry stocked with staples and condiments helps!

  62. LOVE my cupcake courier!! Mostly used for cupcakes, but also for organizing beads.

  63. We use the drawers in the bathroom as the baby changing station. Top drawer, diapers, next drawer pajamas, bottom drawer changing pad covers. Glad to have a counter big enough and not need the space for junk drawers :)

  64. I’ve found out I’m more productive in cleaning the house when I have to study. When I have an exam to study too, usually my house sparkles…

  65. Procrastination=productivity. How? In the end, when time is limited or time has passed (procrastination) you are forced to be productive! AKA: working under pressure!

  66. less time on the computer, more time for everything else! i wish i could apply this more in my daily life…

  67. I’m discovering more ways each day that my new iMac can help me streamline my life.

  68. I didnt do this but my daughter did. Once she took a bunch of old puzzles that had missing pieces & made with her nieces X-mas wreaths they were so cute!!! They painted all the pieces green & then glued them together to form a bunch of little circles and then added glitter, charms, ribbon & pom poms to decorate them. They looked so cute on our X-mas Tree :D

  69. Lists help me be more productive.

  70. To keep me organized and productive I use my iCal and my notes app on my iPhone to keep my lists of things to do and upcoming events in one place.

  71. I notice that I am more productive when everybody around me is asleep.

  72. I Love Love Love my Pampered Chef Tool turnabout- not on the kitchen counter for kitchen tool- but for the multitude of art supplies my kiddos use for school & projects! It keeps everything organized and ready- AND fits neatly inside my cabinet- crayons, scissors, glue sticks, glue, crayons, markers, pencils- you name it! LOVE IT!

  73. I use my cupcake pans for many things like when Im decorating cookies/cakes/brownies or even doing crafts. I like to put different kinds of sprinkles, different colored icing/craft items: like glitter, little buttons, charms, etc in each little compartment Makes for easy clean up as well : )

  74. christmas wrapping paper – I make my own! lol mostly out of old newspaper or magazine pages. I try to find pages with interesting things on them. If I’m in a hurry, I’ll find just any newspaper page, and decorate it with hand-drawn characters and trees and words. Once I even used some old Spanish tests and used them to wrap a present for my Spanish teacher in high school. He opened it in front of the class and said, “Is this your midterm?” lol yeah, I aced it too. ;)

  75. The least amount of time I have, the more productive I am.

  76. I’ve been reusing plastic containers that I get from deli meat to use as tupperware.

  77. I have become more productive in making dinner for my family since my hubby went back to work. Go figure! It helps that I try to get my 2 year old involved in the prep work so it’s turned into our afternoon activity some days. :)

  78. Whenever I bake profiteroles, I find they puff up easier when baked in mini muffin tins, which makes the ordeal of choux pastry just a little easier!

  79. I use reuse old tissue boxes and cut it to create my hamster’s house. I also reuse the brown toilet paper roll and give it to my hamster to chew on. They love biting into these paper toys! :)

  80. I love to use planners. I miss high school when they gave away free planners, but the ones you buy at the store is much prettier anyways!

  81. What an incredible giveaway! Hmmm… doing more with less… we reuse the kiddie cups they give away at restaurants for all sorts of things around the house – cup for bath, cup for brushing teeth/rinsing, paint holder as well as a circle “stamp” when you paint the rim, etc. Our daughter also just loves to drink from them too :)

  82. I have to say my old cooling rack since I started sugar flowers, I always hated it because the wires only go one way and cookies would fall through them, but it make a great hanger for sugarpaste flowers.

  83. I put any and all change from my pockets in to a digital counting coin bank. It’s amazing how quickly it adds up!

  84. I froze my leftover tomato paste in 1 tablespoon increments….and I’ve used some of the frozen ones. No more wasted tomato paste! I also like freezing individual strips of uncooked bacon so you can take out just a slice or two to enhance a recipe rather than having a whole bunch of left over bacon. Good stuff!

  85. i use mason jars for everything lately. my favorite uses are: drinking glasses and storing items (pasta, rice, etc.) that i buy in bulk.

  86. If I get off my computer I can be sooooooo much more productive.

  87. I’m making an advent calendar of 25 tiny mittens and hats out of scraps of fabric that my mom gave me! It will be slightly hokey because of all the random fabrics, but hokey in an endearing sort of way! Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without!

  88. I make do with less by canning my own applesauce, pickles, spaghetti sauce, and apple butter for the first time this fall!

  89. I’ve learned to buy clearance jewelry and take it apart to make fabulous jewelry without spending so much on beads and chain.

  90. awww, I was hoping it’ll be the carrier.
    I guess my iPhone is my biggest surprise. I was anti-iPhone for the longest time ever but then surprisingly got one from my boss.. boy, does this thing comes in handy….. directions, train schedules, restaurant choices, email on the go… love it.

  91. I love using dryer sheets to wipe up dust or hair and i usually leave a sheet in my sock drawer to keep them smelling fresh =]

  92. I found that a nice big roll of bright pink duct tape is all you need in life. It fixes everything. That’s all I have to say about that.

  93. hmmm, i like using the rubbermaid take along (the flat rectangle ones) for everything. it is the perfect size that fits almost everything. i flip out when i cant find it.

  94. I am stuck on baby wipes and not just any baby wipes..the Kirkland brand from Costco! I have a pack in every bathroom, in the diaper bad, in the car, under the coffee table…I use them for everything, cuts down on paper towels…and they are so great they can even get spots out of clothes if u so happen to spill on yourself!

    PS I just got me Cake Pops book in the mail today…every store was out of stock so I ordered online! I have looked at it like 20 times and the kids know that they are not allowed to touch it! ; )

  95. Just like the dad says in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, Windex is good for everything! I walk around the house with my Windex and a roll of paper towels and clean all my windows, mirrors, switch plates, tons of dusty or grimy surfaces, and best of all, wipe my toddler’s smudges off the walls. (Gee, my house sounds filthy, doesn’t it?!)

  96. This Christmas my students are going to use empty baby food jars and create their own snow globes and candles to give as gifts to their parents. It’s pretty much a paper weight, but it’s earth friendly and it’s not going to use up money that could be going to the kids! Thanks for sharing! PS – you have such awesome giveaways. :o)

  97. Okay, seriously? This is getting crazy! First a great camera and now this phone. How awesome!
    I grew up on a very tight budget…okay, so maybe a nonexistent budget sometimes, so I have this challenge/blessing of looking at everything from egg cartons to used ziplocks for second uses. My kids delight in the art supplies that come from them. And it never fails that something I’ve saved comes in handy for some of my projects too. (Don’t worry, I’m not a hoarder. I have a well developed purge gene too!)

  98. I’m productive when I wake up early in the morning and get ready for the day!!!!

  99. The Pampered Chef kitchen tool caddy works great for scrapbooking supplies!

  100. To be more productive I disconnect from the internet and play some classical music so as to do what I have to do and not get distracted. My laptop is almost always on, so if I was on the internet all day nothing would get done :]

  101. When the family wants to go out to dinner we each decide what dish it is we are craving then we go to the store and buy the ingredients for all the dishes and go home and make a pretty large quantity of each. We end up with an interesting array of dishes for that meal and usually enough left overs that we can incorporate into at least 2 more meals. We save money, have a fun time working on dinner and have saved some work on dinners later in the week.

  102. When I make cake pops I ask my husband (nicely) if he wouldn’t mind crumbling it up for me in a bowl and stirring the frosting as well. I tell him that my arm gets tired and that he’s so much stronger than I ;)

  103. I am always more productive with a friend.

  104. I use bicarb soda in my dishwasher and washing machine along with vinegar in the rinse part, costs heaps less and is better for us!

  105. My new finds are the collapsible kitchen tools (dish strainer, bowls, collander, etc.) You can use them for multiple things and they store so easily!

  106. I plan my meals for the week and make a shopping list after looking at the grocery store ads….this way I take advantage of sales and by sticking to my list avoid last minute unnecessary items

  107. I save every bit of leftover supplies from my various craft projects and give them to my 5 yr old to make things with. She comes up with such wonderful works of art with what would have ended up in the trash. Such creativity!

  108. To be more productive, I try and combine tasks. For instance, on my hour commute to school, I check over my papers AND try and get in some exercise :) When I’m in the passenger seat of the car, I do leg lifts, bicep curls, etc. Saves me time when I get home!

  109. Right off hand I would say ziplocs!! :) I store hoisery in my bedroom, use them for travel, organizing things in my craft room, and of course for their intended purpose! :)

    From snack size to over sized they rock!! :)

  110. I use old coffee or oatmeal tins in order to gift cookies! they fit perfectly, the cookies don’t break in transport, and i don’t have to worry about getting my tupperware back!

  111. I use a leftover medium-sized plastic easter egg and put an old baby washcloth in it and then put the egg in my daughter’s lunchbox every day. We have lots of old tiny washcloths so it’s not any more work to throw the dirty ones in the laundry basket every day. My daughter loves having the egg in her lunch and we’re not throwing out napkins every day anymore.

  112. This will sound rather cheesy but cake pops actually saved me a lot of time/effort in transportation.

    Tomorrow is the birthday of my friend who I just recently meet, and she happened to mention that nobody has done anything for her birthday at school before so I promised to bake her something. Well, I don’t have a cupcake or cake carrier, in the past I have made a make shift one by sticking two foil pie tins together but you have to be SO careful carrying it around the halls that I gave up on that idea after several tries. So, I decided to make cake pops, and they turned out beautifully and I just threw them in a container and I don’t have to worry about them being destroyed!

  113. love it! perfect for taking snacks to school too! i love repurposing stuff. i think my kids favorite would be making my pots and pans into a drum set!!!

  114. I drilled holes into a couple 2×4 pieces of wood, and then I can re-use them to hold my cake pops.

  115. I use steam to make my fondant cakes shiny. Nothing to special.

  116. My dad bought me a kitchen aid mix master for my birthday, best present ever! its helped with so many successes in the kitchen!

  117. I really want a cupcake carrier!!!! I found that I can make cake pops using the scraps from my cakes. I just freeze the cake until I have enough to make the amount of pops I need!

  118. I make a lot of things for my classroom. From touchmath numbers (a set online is $99 for foam numbers – my set was $4.99 from foam from JoAnns) to curtains and light covers (to dull the hard florecent). It makes me feel good that I made something, I feel good that I can tell my kiddos I made it, and it saves my budget for more important things – like BOOKS!

  119. When I started using scissors in the kitchen, I realized how much could be accomplished with little effort using scissors. Besides the obvious bag opening, you can cut green onions and other herbs, meat that’s too hot to hold onto, and big chunks of veg still in the stew.

  120. I make to-do lists in a small note book in my purse that helps me be more productive. Plus it gives me something to doodle on

  121. I try to not go on fb when im doing hw. It allows me to be so much more productive!

  122. I have started to use the notepad on my iPhone to make my lists instead of writing a list on paper. This way, I don’t lose the paper like I often do!

  123. I always make sure I have a roll of gaffer’s tape around- from fixing hems to adjusting jewelry to making paint lines perfect, one roll lasts forever.

  124. I am more productive when I focus on one thing at a time. I am really even more productive if I have a list to go by too. What a great giveaway!

  125. With a 16-month old, my most productive time is naptime or after bedtime, so I’ve become quite the night owl.

    It’s good for productivity–not the best for sleep. :-/

    But it all works out!

  126. My children are 3 and 4 yrs old and MUST TAKE NAPS. I find I’m much more productive in the hour they are sleeping than the other twelve that they’re awake. ;)

  127. Honestly, this site makes me more productive. I see all the cute ideas of goodies and I try to make them myself. It keeps me busy, which I consider to be productive.

  128. Too many things….

  129. I’ve found that I’m more productive when I listen to music. Any music will do, but just has to be something that moves me. Doing housework while listening to old funk (George Clinton) or Motown and before you know it, the house is clean!!

  130. I’m usually the most productive when I don’t want to be productive! The bathrooms got cleaned last night when I just wanted to sit on the couch!

  131. Cookie cutters sure make the old pb&j a little more exciting for my 3 year old. <3

  132. I LOVE that carrier. wonder how many carriers one person can own without being considered crazy… is it like cats or no? :)

  133. I get more done if the computer is off.

  134. I have this carrier!!! i love it, too. I got it two years ago and have never regretted it. I got mine at Bed, Bath & Beyond.

  135. I’d love to get some help being organized. pick me!!!

  136. My sewing machine! I use it for everything! Clothes, quilts, crafts, fixing all the holes in our clothes, decorating the house. I love it!

  137. Container Store keeps me organized and productive!

  138. no electric mixer for me! I hand-mix all my cakes.

  139. I love my kids art work that they bring home from school BUT they do so many so once they have done their stint on the fridge I use them as wrapping paper for family members. Saves buying wrapping paper and we get to share the kids creativity!

  140. How am I more productive? I love on my family. My husband and daughter motivate me to do more with what I have! When money is tight, I look at the things around me and realize that when I am content, our home is a better (more useful!) place.

  141. I use a notebook and am a list maker, with out the list I am lost!

  142. So many great ideas! I use large ziploc bags for packing, If you press the air out you save a lot of space and it helps organize things.

  143. When I make a list I get a lot more things done!
    Oh and I have to make sure I don’t get on
    the computer because I can be on for hours!!

  144. Cupcakes for sure, love to bake them, but dread having to transport them. :)

  145. Fishing/Tackle boxes are soooo much cheaper than a lot of the “craft organizers”. I buy them cheap, let my kids decorate them with the little foam or wood stickers, then use them for hair bows, sewing kits, craft boxes for the kids, cake supplies..

  146. I put like 4 trash bags on the trash can at once. That way, when my fiance takes the trash out he doesn’t forget to put a bag in and children don’t throw things in it without a bag. Saves me twice the work every time.

  147. I blog and watch TV at the same time. haha.. or cook and watch TV at the same time. that’s all i can think of.

  148. Medicine bottles! We have several fish tanks so my husband sits down and sets up vials of fish food to just be dumped on a daily basis.

  149. Every two weeks or so I spend one day just cooking four to five different meals, then I freeze them. Voila! I just defrost and reheat! I don’t have to worry about cooking dinner after a long day of work, and I can spend the evenings baking, going to the gym, or hanging out with my husband. Time well spent!

  150. wow! you’re having some great giveaways! Alright, something that I had just began doing that not only saves me time in the morning but also money is enjoying my natural curls! I know it sounds weird hahhah but ever since high school I’d always straighten my hair because I envied all my girlfriends who had natural silky smooth straight hair. Now, i’m at a point in my life where I can be comfortable in my skin (and natural hair!) =)

  151. i use the rectangle foil tray to transport my cupcakes. the matching plastic cover is perfect and durable enough for me to stack them. one foil tray carries 12 cupcakes in perfect & snug fit that they will not move and topple each other. i used to use the cake boxes but sometimes, one or 2 gets damaged when they get moved. but i would sure love to have this cupcake courier. :)

  152. I’m most productive after consuming inhuman amounts of caffeine. Booyah.

  153. I am most productive when I make myself a schedule and checklist. I don’t do it nearly as often as I should, but when I do, it is just so satisfying to check things off my list!

  154. When I toss a large salad, I do it in a clean (unscented) kitchen trash bag. Everything gets easily tossed and dressed without lettuce flying around the room. It’s also the best way to store or transport a salad.

  155. I try to do more with less by not getting a device that is really only useful for one thing.

  156. I have an old metal biscuit cutter that is PERFECT…I love it and could not make homemade biscuits without it. Love the blog. Hope i win.

  157. We buy tons of 32 oz containers of yogurt. Once all the yogurt’s been eaten, I religious wash and save the containers. I find that they are far more space efficient than most Tupperware and because they’re basically free, if my husband loses them at work, I don’t care at all! I also have one next to the stove for my wooden spoons, spatulas, etc.

  158. At work, I often re-purpose old printer paper (that’s been printed on one side) by tearing it into quarters and using it as scrap paper. Really comes in handy when I can’t find Post-its!

  159. I use Le Creuset mini casserole dishes when my fiance and I aren’t getting home at the same time. I can make one casserole and split it into individual servings to bake separately. I love them!

  160. I recently read a post by KERF at the following website: detailing fun ways to utilize gmail for general life organization. I already created a new budget spreadsheet!

  161. Love the courier, glad I saw it today since I missed it the first time around. I can do sooo much more when I allow my self less computer time!

  162. I like to prepare several “freezer dinners” every month so that if I have a busy day, an “unexpected” busy day, or a play day with the kids I can with no worrying about dinner.

  163. I’m having trouble thinking of something right now, but we have a teeny tiny house, so I use try to multipurpose lots of things. I clip coupons and stay busy all the time…even when I’m watching TV, like I’m doing now…which is probably why I’m having a hard time thinking. And because it’s almost 11. Good night.

  164. I still need a cupcake carrier like that, I’m always baking and wanting to share at work!
    Lately I’ve been trying to conserve gas and energy by reducing my trips to the grocery store. I am not so great at planning meals out for the week so I’d end up making several trips to the grocery store a week. Now I have decided to be very creative with my leftover ingredients from the prior days’ meals. Whole zucchinis and mushrooms leftover from the previous night’s asian style cuisine= today’s italian calzone filling.

  165. I make lists of everything!!!! It makes me so much more productive!!

  166. I make a grocery list & have coupons ready for the items on my list- saves time, money & prevents impulse buy.

  167. I love love love storage totes and bins of all sizes! There is nothing like being as organized as possible. You can stuff those lil buggers as full as possible or you can put only a few things in them um. Its all up to you and I like that. I could just hug the maker of totes. p.s. I also love love love your ideas :) very creative! Thank you!

  168. I have this old tin from See’s candy, adorable with hearts, probably left over from Valentine’s Day. I have used it to store jewelry, old letters, etc. It may not sound like much but it reminds me of when I was younger and it makes me smile. I am glad I didn’t throw it away.

  169. I can enjoy much MORE pizza when we make it from scratch at home.

  170. Having my kids help out in the kitchen after dinner makes cleaning much more productive!!

  171. I schedule the cleaning lady when I can “help” too… usually I run around reorganizing toy bins, drawers, whatever needs it (even the car!) so the house feels like a brand-new place even behind the scenes and I can crash afterwards with a good book and a cup of tea.

  172. We’ve started to plan out our meals by week and make shopping lists for the ingredients we’ll need for that week. We include snacks and treats in our list as well.. This has saved my life! (and my money!!) I also don’t wander through the grocery store throwing in whatever looks good and then later going back to the grocery store to get ingredients I don’t have.

  173. I listen to music while I fold the laundry. It helps take my mind off the mundane task.

  174. We bought captain’s beds for our two girls, so now, instead of beds + dressers, they’re contained in one unit! Huge space and time saver.

    (lots less to dust!)

  175. I am more productive when I stay in my pjs while cleaning my house! :) Why get dressed up just to clean right?

  176. I reuse old baby food jars for spices/herbs to hold small things like buttons, needles, and craft supplies. They are good for all sorts of things.

  177. I use a toothbrush holder for bendie straws for my daughter – great for when the restaurant does not have them.

  178. I used to use a hand mixer, and let me tell you, i would have batter all over me by the end of the battle. When I found my baby (aka. kitchenaid mixer) i was healed. Everything is so much easier, and clean-up is a breeze!

    Love, love, love baking :)

  179. You know those cute little plastic containers that you get from La Madeleine when you buy the small parfaits? I love washing them and reusing them to fill all sorts of cute little things. So far, those cute little containers have held little bite sized snacks, paper stars, sequins, jewelry, and these little clay figurines that I make. They are just like little, inexpensive display cases!

  180. Oh my gosh, my whole life is “doing more with less” it seems. Mostly because it has had to be that way for the last few years. I think the the best thing I ever did in this category was give up cable. I found I didn’t even miss it. It’s great not having all that TV chatter taking up mind space. MUCH more productive as a result. :-) Happy Birthday to me today!

  181. I actually love reusing chip bags, juice boxes, and cereal boxes. With other craft supplies, I make them into wallets, purses, or small bags. It’s actually really cool and plus, everyone always comments on them!

  182. I use the small people that I brought into this world as gophers. It’s supposed to save me time but it usually does the opposite. Oh, well.

  183. I’m productive when I make lists…LOTS of lists and keep a calendar. What a cool giveaway!

  184. sleep! the less i sleep the more productive i am.. does that make sense? is that possible? the extra cup of coffee i need may explain it :)

  185. My Le Creuset pan was a very big splurge for me but it works so well that it encourages me to cook more and i use it so often that it just hangs out on the stove and never gets put away.

  186. The only way I can be productive around the house is when I plug in my iPod and sing and dance while I’m doing housework! It’s not much but it get’s the job done =]

  187. I do more house chores, when the hubby isn’t around. LoL

  188. I do all my laundry on Sunday. That way I don’t spend my time during the week doing laundry. I can get more things done!

  189. I use these white ceramic baskets for everything – holding Halloween candy, taking cake pops to school (with styrofoam in the bottom), holding magazines in the living room, holding hand cream and book by my bed, etc. I even use one for the recycling – it’s pretty sitting on my counter and collects enough stuff that I only have to get outside to the recycling bin once a day rather than trip after trip after trip. I LOVE those baskets! :o)

  190. I taught my second child to go to sleep on his own so I had more time to get stuff done

  191. Alton Brown has taught me the fine ways of the multitaskers in the kitchen. :)

  192. I love scotch double-sided stick tape. It’s definitely a great way to use less tape and complete a project in less time. I use it in my classroom and when scrapbooking.

  193. My exercise ball works great as a baby soother when he’s fussy!

  194. I put hamburger patties on little cut out squares of wax paper so I can stack them in the fridge and then plop them onto the BBQ pit when ready…they come off easy and don’t make a mess on my platters.

  195. We stopped using our credit and debit cards and started paying cash for everything. I now think before I buy which means we spend less and have more money in savings.

  196. This carrier has been added to my list! :)

  197. twine. From making festive bunting to reinforcement for our Christmas lights on our balcony. its windy and rainy and we are not allowed to drill holes. ;)

    love the baking holder.

  198. I use a toaster oven for EVERYTHING! Toasting, roasting, mini baking….

  199. Love this! I’m always trying to think of another use for things. I just can’t seem to think of one right now. :)

  200. I have been busy going to nursing school and find it hard to make meals each night for my family. So I have started to make a month’s worth of meals one Sunday and freeze them. Some of the meals, I can only do part of the prep work (such as cutting up chicken to be fried later) and others I can do all of it (lasagna and chicken soup). I take the meals out about 2 days in advance and put them in the fridge to thaw. The best part…I can make 2 lasagnas for the month and dirty the pots and pans (except the baking pan) only once by making a double batch. Makes my life easier each night during meal-time and I have about half of the dishes to do. Plus an added bonus is that most of those dishes then get done on one day making the rest of the month even sweeter :)

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