


Take a guess what these are. I wasn’t sure I was going to make them or not. Leading up to my transplant, I had a lot of people suggest that I do, but for the longest time I thought kidney-shaped cake pops would just be kind of weird. That is until I received a surprise in the mail.

More on that in a minute.


You know sometimes I come across strange candy and think I have no idea what I’m going to use these for, but they are too unique not to pass up. This is an example of something I would grab in a heartbeat if I stumbled on it in the store. But these were actually sent to me by Rips along with an assortment of their other takes on licorice treats. It was a little thank you when they found out that I used some of their candies in my book.


I was glad to have them since I had not seen these anywhere yet. I can tell just by looking at them that they could have a wide variety of uses.


And they were perfect to finish off these.

Here’s how to make Basic Cake Pops if you are new to them.


You know I had to go with red velvet.

Appropriate I think.

I like to roll my cake balls out first before I shape them. That way I can make sure I end up with the right amount and also that they are all pretty uniform in size.

If I shape as I go, I find the shapes can start getting bigger and bigger resulting in less pops than I planned on.


But not when I roll first. See, they are all pretty similar in size.


It’s also good to have all your decorations prepared before you start dipping.

Less chaos.


Who would have thought kidney cake pops could be so cute.

Not me.

Not until I received something in the mail that inspired these little guys.

Wanna see?


A plush purple kidney with a cute little face.

Huggable and lovable and sent to me from Wendy at I Heart Guts. Thanks Wendy!

Who knew there would be a market for such a thing.


But evidently there is. Check out my little kidney’s friends… Heart, Lung and Liver.

Wait, here’s more plush organs from their website


and other products, too. Like shirts and stickers and so on.

These are a great get well gift. More fun than a card.

Go ahead. Get some guts. They’ll make someone smile. Promise.


By the way, my mom and I are doing great. My checkups have been mostly good since the transplant. Some weeks my lab work is better than others. Here’s hoping this week is another good one. And thanks again everyone for your continued support.

I heart you guys!  Uhh, I mean … I kidney you guys!

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387 comments on “Yipee!”

  1. Hi Angie,
    Although I’m not a baker myself at all, I’ve been following your posts for well over 10 years – I love your creativeness and am a big fan of your fun and cute cake pops! I remember that post you made about your kidney issues 10y ago, it resonated with me because I also have a kidney transplant, mine dating back from 15 april 2000. Currently everything is still A-OK and I’m very glad to read you are too! Crossing fingers for both of us (and everybody in a similar situation) to last a life time with that TXplant :-)

  2. Hi, 
    I am going to celebrate my 15th kidney transplant this May. I wanted to order but I don’t know where to start. I found your site on Pinterest. Would love you to contact me.

  3. I have read many blogs in the net but have never come across such a well written blog. Good work keep it up

  4. These are adorable.
    I hope to be added to the list on Thursday.
    Was looking for something celebratory to make for my co-workers.

  5. my 5 year kidney transplantversary is this year and I need to find a way to make these!

  6. These are awesome.

  7. I love these, and your story. I have been a dialysis nurse for 5 years and while I absolutely love my job because of the relationships I’m able to build with my patients and their families, I love it even more when patients are transplanted and don’t have to come in for treatment anymore. My clinic is doing fundraising for the NKF Kidney Walk in San Francisco this June and I plan on making (*attempting to make) these adorable cake pops for our bake sale! Thank you for your inspiration!! Hope all is well with you!!

  8. I’m going to try to make some of these for the 10 year anniversary of my kidney transplant next week. My dad/donor will love them!

  9. Love them! My son was born with kidney failure and after tons of surgeries and 4 years on dialysis, I was able to donate a kidney to him when he was 5 years old. I am not quite ambitious enough to give these a try, but it’s an awesome idea! He’ll hit 20 years post transplant in 2017, maybe I’ll have to come up with something like this for that special day!!!

  10. Keep on smiling, Bakerella! I kidney you too!

  11. I love these! My husband and I are waiting on news for a potential donor for him on November 5th, when she goes for a final consult! I hope to he able to make these to celebrate!!! Any other suggestions? Thanks for sharing your journey.

  12. THANK YOU! My 5 year old son is going in for bilateral ureteral reimplantation surgery in a few weeks and I wanted to find something fun to do with his class the day before so Ryan could tell them what is happening… and these are PERFECT!! And I might have to get him the plush kidney as well…:) Hope you are doing well!!

  13. PS.
    SO glad your transplant went well! <3

  14. Hi there!
    These are TOOO cute!
    I work for an organ procurement organization here in Florida, we procure kidneys for people to recieve every day and spend LOTS of quality time with the “Kids” as we call them….
    I would love to order some of these for my co-workers.. Do you sell them? If so how much would a dozen or 2 be??


  15. I love these kidney cake pops.
    I want to make these but, I am on a diet.
    I also got the kidney plush too.
    I am glad to know that you and your mom is
    feeling better.
    I am a transplant patient too,so I know how
    you feel.
    God bless you Bakerella! ; D
    ( Also , please tell your mother that I
    said , Please feel better.

  16. I love those cake pops and wish I had
    a plush too. God bless you Bakerella!

  17. You and your mom are an inspiration! I have a family history of PKD and will likely need a transplant myself. I think I’ll make these cake pops for my step-mom, who donated her kidney to my dad 6 years ago. Maybe I should make some for my mom as well. It never hurts to grease the skids! :) If you’re looking for a thank you gift for your mom, Tiffany’s sells a gorgeous line of jewelry with kidney shaped pendants in silver, gold, or platinum.

  18. Aren’t mom’s the greatest?? I recieved a kidney from my mom back in 1980 and then another one from my dad in 1991. This July 9th, 2012 will be 21 years. So trully appreciate your kidney pops…
    Hope all is well with you and your mom

  19. I love these ! My dad and I just celebrated the eighth anniversary of his liver transplant ! I was able to give him part of mine !! Now i will have to figure out how to make a liver pop! =)

  20. Dear Bakerella,
    My name is Donna Falls. I am a dialysis nurse at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. I came across your web site while searching for educational material for the children in our unit on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Your kidney cake pops are wonderful! I am not a real good cook, but I will try these for the kids. Where can I find the licorice strings? Thank you for such a creative idea. I hope you are doing well after your transplant. When I give the kidney pops to the kids, it will be fun to tell them that a kidney patient came up with the idea. Thank you, Donna Falls, RN

  21. I bought your book last year right after i started dialysis, had no idea you were going through this. Kidney people rock!

  22. its my trash can in a wadded up bahooky i love her gunnys

  23. oh my god becky look at her butt. TUSHY

  24. This post is what drew me to your site, well that and your green ribbon ones. Yes, I too am a transplant recipient. Kidney and pancreas actually. Thanks for posting. I am a cake decorator, and my husband likes to take my scraps and make cake balls (not exactly pretty ones) but I have been trying to convince him to try his hand at decorating some cake balls and cake pops. Maybe Ic an convince him to make these since it does happen to be donate life month. So glad you are doing well.

  25. I absolutely love these pops. I a, going to try to make cake pops shaped like the other plush characters.

  26. did you get a kidney transplant? or did you give one? I’m 29 and waiting for my 3rd. I’ve been waiting almost 6 years now :( Your kidney pops are defintiely cute!! :)

  27. I want the huge kidney plush for $20 off I <3 Guts!

  28. Please make like an organ set of cake pops :) lol like heart kidney lung would be too cute.

  29. I stumbled upon your kidney cake pops while searching the web. I’m being evaluated to become a kidney donor. I will be a non directed donor so my recipient won’t know anything about me nor I about him/her. So far, I’m looking pretty healthy so if the scans go well, looks like I’ll be donating my kidney in April. I’m going to make some of these cake balls after it’s all done and celebrate. I hope whoever gets my kidney will see immediate improved quality of life.

  30. they look awesome i tried um but they didnt look right next time ill leave it to you!

  31. Hi! I love your site so much. You are very talented. I saw where you or your mother had a transplant. I just had a transplant myself. I had a double transplant. I would love to exchange stories about this. Please write back to me. I am so looking forward to this.
    God bless,

  32. I know that this comment is coming a little late, but I think that you are amazing for doing all you do and dealing with all your are dealing with.

    Making healthy happy kidneys for yourself and to share with your worried family has probably been very therapeutic for all of you.

    I know that now you and your mom have gotten through the surgery quite well, and I pray that things continue on this good path.

    Keep baking!

  33. I will be celebrating my 1 year transplant anniversary on fe. 12,2012. I will definitely be using this idea…too cute

  34. wow all these things are amazingly creative.. i just got the kit today the same day my friend got the baby cakes maker so we are gonna work on some new things on winter break and hopefully much more after that so keep comeing up wth new ideas so we can try them out

  35. OMG. I wish I had seen these before my daughter’s kidney surgery this summer! I totally have to get her that plush now and make these pops

  36. My husband is an organ donation coordinator and LOVED these! What a great idea for a holiday gift for the transplant unit!

  37. There are just perfect! My husband is a transplant coordinator, and I can’t wait to make these for his next staff meeting!

  38. hey girly,
    love the kidney pops! lol!
    I love to bake as well…..
    I to am a kidney transplant recipient from my mother and beleive me when i say it will get better. you feel like a million bucks dont you. your about every three to four months I can imagine and their still testing your meds. I just celebrated 15 years this year and am feeling fantastic, if you need any pointers or anything just ask because I most certainly need some baking tips. hope all is well and beleive me when I say it will get better…


  39. Omgosh…these are so amazing!
    What an amazingly optimistic take on a previous surgery. :)

  40. These are so cute. I had a kidney transplant 7 years ago. I actually have to have another one as this one is slowly failing but my transplant anniversary is this month on the 30th. Love these pops!

  41. Love it! Hope your doing well! My mom donated her kidney to my step dad last December. I just recently attended a donor recognition ceremony and it was truly inspiring especially to be in attendance with humanitarian donors who had nothing to gain by their donation!

  42. These are just so cute!!

  43. Donated to my brother that is.

  44. To cute, I donated a kidney two years ago this month those would be really cute to make.

  45. These are the cutest kidney’s I have ever seen. This is my first time on your website and I am blown away! I actually work in an HLA lab so not only is your site delicious, it is inspirational. Hope your renal function is as great as your baking.

  46. Congrats on your transplant. My husband had a kidney transplant 18 & 1/2 years ago and he is amazing. I love your kidney cake pops. God Bless you.

  47. We have a precious 4 year old Miss Zoey Jade who was born with only one Kidney. My family is huge supporters of the National Kidney Foundation (Kentucky chapter) and this year helped raise $100K. I will be getting Zoey a I Heart Guts Kidney. Hope you are doing well.

  48. They are so cute. You should try to make cake pops but instead of cake browines.

  49. Hello,
    I just wanted to share a story with you. I recently found a new interest in cake pops. A friend of mine made some for easter this year and i thought they were adoreable. I looke up some websites and came across yours. The ones that most struct my interest were the kidney shaped ones. My mother was on dialysis for almost ten years. In June 2009 the Pastor of the church we attend donated his kidney for her. They were a six out of six match. I thank you for doing this and I do believe I will be practicing until june. When june comes around again, I will make these for Pastor Ken’s appreciation dinner. Every year now since the transplant our family gets together with Pastor’s family and we have what we normally have in November for thanksgiving dinner. The turkey, the stuffing. the mashed potatos. … the whole nine yards. because what better way to say thank you than with thanksgiving dinner.? Pastor’s children do not really care for cake much but they love cupcakes, so I will be attempting to make these. If you have any tips or pointers they would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and may God bless you. I will be praying for your continued health. I know its a rough journey sometimes, but God will see your through it.
    In Christ’s Love

  50. My daughter Chanel is awaiting a kidney transplant as I write. I just bought her a cake pop maker, i think she will love this idea, even if she has to make them by hand…thanks for the terrific idea.

  51. Both my brother and sister have kidney failure. My brother received his transplant 3 years ago and is doing extraordinarily well. And your cake pops are SOOOO AWESOME!!!!

    When my sister finally get’s her transplant you know I’m going to make these for everyone.

    Good luck and I wish you the best of health

  52. Congratulations on your new kidney!! My niece sent me a link to these cake pops because I had a transplant myself in March of 2010. I’m so happy for you. It’s a whole new life, isn’t it?

  53. Love your website…and I love these cake pops! So glad you’re feeling better…thanks for the fabulous ideas!

  54. You are fabulous ! These cake pops are such a great idea and are really fun. I just recently started getting a baking kick and have started making all types of cakes and cupcakes to bring to work just for fun. I’m so excited I found your website! Thanks for the great tips! Happy baking :)

  55. LOVE THESE!! My daughter has had two kidney transplants (she’s 11 and her kidneys started to fail at 15 months). She has FSGS and it keeps re-occurring in the new transplanted kidneys.

    These were just totally AWESOME!! We celebrate her “kidney anniversary” as a sorta “second birthday”, so I plan on making these next time!!

    Thanks so much for the idea and I hope your recovery goes well!!!

  56. I LOVE THEM!! My best friend is a three time kidney transplant recipient….I can’t wait to see her again. Not only am I going to make her some but I am going to get her a purple stuffed kidney too!

    Thank you for being so creative!

  57. All your creations are amazing! And that’s great that you can find humor in your situation with these kidney pops. Lol!

    I have a question I hope you or someone can answer. I’ve been making cake pops and have a problem with them falling off the stick when I dip them in the chocolate. I dip the stick in chocolate before inserting them into the balls and let them harden in the fridge for usually 10-15 min, but when I dip them into the hot chocolate some of them just melt off the stick. Any tips for preventing this?

  58. wow, just found your web site and love it! So many great ideas to inspire me! Can’t wait to try some!!!
    Thank you!

  59. several years ago my dd (then 9) had to have an emergency bowl resection— I’m sooooo ordering her the intestines for Christmas! ;)

  60. Thank you for sharing. Glad you are feeling better. My sister gave me a kidney almost 5 years ago. I will definitely get her something from I Heart Guts! Luv it!

  61. I LOVE those!! I work in a hospital, and we see pediatric.. We don’t have plush body parts though.. we have different diseases and illnesses.

  62. These are so cute!! And I am so glad that you and your mother feeling better!

  63. I was just looking to see if I could attempt your infamous CakePops for my sis’ baby shower. I may try these now.

    They are awesome and look exactly like the I Heart Guts kidney! I had a transplant two years ago and did the kidney walk this year and wore one of their shirts. I actually still have the pin on my tote.

    Good luck to you Bakerella!

  64. I love your work! so inspiring! but I do have a question? I am making cake pops for my sons birthday and I was wondering how I should store them. I know to keep them refrigerated up til the day I take them out but what about when I display them in the HOT sun? would you happen to know about how long they’ll last? or would they be fine for awhile? PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!! THANKS!

  65. I work with dialysis and transplant patients. These are awesome! Can’t wait to try them. Hope you android mom are recovering and doing well. You Are an inspiration for people with kidney disease! Thx for sharing these!

  66. these are adorable; wish I had seen them sooner ~ my husband had his kidney transplant June 8th, these would’ve been perfect to bring in :) Glad to hear you (and your mom) are doing well ~ my husband is too :D

  67. How cute!!!! My husband has had a kidney transplant and is waiting for another. I know what you are going thru. When he gets his second, I am going to make these for all the transplant Dr’s and nurses. They are so wonderful. I would love for you to e-mail me and let me know how you are doing. Take care and good luck with everything.

  68. they look a bit creepy but cute too~
    like your page (become a follower ^^)

  69. Those kidney pops are about the only thing that have made me smile all week. Thanks for posting and so glad you’re doing well!

  70. So glad to hear everything went well and is still going well! I was wondering if these are endorsed by you? Seems like a lot of your ideas. Although I can definitely say these would not taste nearly as good…
    I love your book and very holiday I try a new pop. I even make 78 ‘couples’ of the bride and groom (white brides and chocolate grooms, of course) they were a big hit!

  71. Wow!

    You and my mother are in my heart, be well!

    I was blessed to receive a liver transplant last January and am this very minute fighting my first cold!

    Finally, I’m wandering around the blogosphere for baking … And cooking.

    Through this most impersonal media I feel more deeply connected with wonder and life.

    Plush livers all around!

    All I ask of everyone I meet is that they consider making a gift of life.

  72. As a transplant professional (I work for Maryland’s organ donor program), I knew exactly what those were from as soon as I saw the picture. So glad your transplant is doing well and you are so open with your story. Keep sharing it and encouraging others to designate themselves as organ donors!

  73. hey i´m mexican and i bought your book.
    and i want to know what is frosting because i dont know if here i can bought that.
    and do you have a franchise?????

  74. I love these. I just celebrated 7 years with my cadavor kidney transplant. Best of health to you.

  75. Those are awesome!! My sister is ready to donate a kidney to my aunt in October–these would be a perfect addition to a “yay!” party I plan to have if everything goes well and once everyone is healed.

  76. Yay! Congrats on a successful surgery! I love the kidney pops.

    My dad is a pancreas transplant… guy… I mean, after 10 years, do I still call him a patient? Anyway, organ transplantation is a huge thing, and from one transplant family to another, I send you lots of love.

  77. Hi Bakerella and everyone else!!! I need some advice, I made some cake pops for the first time today for my son’s bday party on Saturday. Why do my cake pops keep falling off the stick after I’ve decorated them? So frustrating!! :( What am I diong wrong? Also, I bought a food black marker, but doesn’t really work good when try to draw on cake pops. What do you all use? Thanks for any tips and advice.

  78. I’m glad you’re doing better! xoxo

  79. I just might have to make these for my boyfriend’s transplant anniversary!

    I’m so glad you’re doing well too!

  80. Sweetie you make me smile! actually I sort of guffawed this time. YiPEE? LOL so cute. You and your mum have been in my prayers. Glad to hear you are getting good checkups! I bookmarked your site and enjoy your creativity! I am a good cook but a terrible baker, can’t seem to refrain from tinkering with ingredients, and that does not make for good baked goods.

  81. I love these! My friend just sent me this link as today is the 4-year anniversary of the day I recieved a kidney transplant from my mom. They are super cute, and I only wish I would have seen this sooner because I would have made them for today! I will definitely be doing this next year! Glad to see that you are recovering well from your surgery. I hope your labs start to stabilize for you as well. I know I always get worried when the numbers aren’t exactly what I’d like them to be. Take care!

  82. As a transplant nurse I love the kidney pops!

  83. I am making these for my husbands transplant anniversary now!!! Good Luck with your kidney journey!!

  84. meant to post days ago-these are the most stinkin cute cake pops ever!

  85. My daughter got me started on your adorable and enjoyable website…and made me realize that there’s so much more to cupcakes that the standard ones I grew up with! Thank you for the inspiration :) The best thing about your blog is that you reach so many people with your positive energy and fun in creating something unique for just about any occasion. I love hearing about new places and ideas that ‘pop’ into your mind. Please keep telling us how you’re doing–I can tell there’s many more like me out there concerned for your health (and sanity) as well! Keep up the fabulous work! We are all watching you :)

  86. Adorable. So happy to hear that you and Mom are doing well!

  87. Oh. My. Goodness!

    These are SO completely, ADORABLE. I have to shout it – seriously, I absolutely love them.

    I’m also so glad to hear you two are doing good, Angie. ((Hugs!))

  88. My Husband is in stage 5 kidney failure. I spotted this on “one Pretty Thing” and had to investigate. I am going to get him one of those stuffed kidneys since I don’t bake!!!

  89. I love this post! My coworker just returned to work after donating a kidney to her father-in-law. I shared this post with her and we had a few good laughs looking at the website with plush organs. My “Hello kidney” cookies fail in comparison to these awesome kidney pops! Glad you are doing well :)

  90. You are so creative : ) Those are awesome!!!

    Glad all is going well with you and your Mom : )

  91. Disturbing….in a cute and adorable way :) These are one of my favorites!

  92. OMG! these are just lovely! love them, love them!

  93. So glad you are feeling great! My best friend had a kidney transplant from her mother 15 years ago and they are both still doing great!! Love those kidney pops too!

  94. Clearly your talent is only surpassed by your strenght and good humor. Lots of love from Portugal :)

  95. From one kidney recipient to another – congratulations My niece/god daughter was my donor and I thank her every day. LOVE the pops and the Guts website.

  96. I love those plush guts! :D I’ve been wanting to get a heart from them for SO long, but shipping to where I live is too high, so I’m waiting ’til I travel somewhere I can find them. I always thought they were the cutest thing EVER… until I saw your kidney cake pops! Adorable! Glad you’re doing ok!! :D

  97. My friend and kidney donor, Cathy, just sent me the link to your post. How cute! “Our” transplant was 4 months ago and we are both doing well. I’ve found that humor is very helpful in the healing process. I made cookies for my transplant team when I could drive myself to my appointments. I wish I’d seen these first because they would have been perfect. Maybe I’ll make them for my next check-up. I’ll be praying for your continued healing. Blessings!

  98. These plush organs are so great! I love them and want them all! They remind me of the plush microbes at

    Love your kidney cake pops–so cute! Glad you are doing well!

  99. Love the Kidneys. I’m thrilled that you are doing better. A great outcome for you and your Mom. Continued good health for you both.

  100. How the Kidney Pops are ferociously cute! It was so sweet of Wendy to send you one of her kidneys! LOL!

    Also, so glad to hear you are getting better! You’ve been in my thoughts since I’ve found out so you’ll still be there until your doc gives you the final awesome news. Cheers to your mom too!

  101. Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Those plush organs would have made learning anatomy much more fun when I was in school. :)

  102. Seriously, the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I’m so glad you and your mom are doing well!

  103. So glad that you are on the mend. You kidney pops are adorable, and giggle inducing!

  104. that is the cutest kindey I have ever seen!! Glad your doing well!

  105. LOVE it! I saw the plush uterus a little while ago when I was doing some hysterectomy research, I think it’s such a great idea having plushie organs. So valid for so many situations. The cake pops look DELICIOUS and so cute.

  106. You website is delight! I am so glad I found it, and also glad you and your mom doing good !

    Your idea are delight! Every one will love those kidney cake pops ! They are so cute!

    Keep on gettin better!!!

  107. Love these! So glad that you and your mom are doing well – your positive outlook is something the world needs more of & is inspiring!!

  108. awww. just found your blog! so glad your doing well. Cute kidney cake pops! Those are so awesome! You seem like an excellent baker.
    I just started my new blog and I hope you will check it out. It talks about food to wedding planning and book reviews.. Check it out and follow if you like

  109. 1That’s awesome! The cake pops and the great news also!!

  110. Bakerella you are truly innovative – and these look absurdly cute and delicious. thank you so much for sharing. at we are trying to share similar things, and though there are great things we hope you check out, you are one of a kind bakerella. i probably won’t even come close to attempting to make these, but thanks for the lovely share. z

  111. I love them! I’m glad you’re better!

  112. we kidney you too!

  113. Too freaking cute!

  114. these would be amazing to make on the anniversary of the day we donated my brothers organs. what a neat idea

  115. As soon as I saw this pop up in my reader, I was like “yeah, kidneys!” They are super cute for such a hard working organ.

    I like the kidney plush too, but I think I will stick with increasing my collection of plush microbes.

  116. If you loved these Rips Whips and want to use them more for your craft ideas you can find them at any WALGREENS starting in September!!

    Also, try original Rips!! They are great for baking as well! You can find those in any Walmart!

    Find us on Facebook and share your creations with us!!/ripslicorice

  117. congrats on getting a kidney! I love the idea of a kidney cake pop! I am currently on a transplant list and when i get my new kidney i plan on making some of these kidney cake pops.stay well:)

  118. Good to hear you and your mom are doing well! Take care!

    Love from Holland

  119. When I first saw this post, I was going to comment about I heart guts! Two years ago, my sister had her gall bladder removed. That Christmas, her seriously hilarious hubby gave her a stuffed gall bladder so “she’d be a complete woman again.” So glad you’re doing so great!

  120. wow i’ve never seen such cute kidneys!

  121. I just had a liver transplant and have been looking for the right kind of liver pops to make! This is a great start! WOO!
    Congrats on the transplant!!! *HUGS*

  122. too cute! and thanks for sharing such great news!

  123. These are adorable! Welcome back…you were missed =)

  124. These are so cool! And as soon as I saw them, I knew you’d been on the I Heart Guts site – I love love love those plushies! But I think if anything your pops are even cuter.
    I made kidney cookies once (, but they weren’t so cute – I wished afterward that I had put faces on!
    Glad to hear you and your mum are doing well.

  125. Thanks for the ‘inside’ scoop on such a clever idea! I enjoyed all ‘parts’ of the recipe and it must of taken a lot of ‘guts’ to post it!

  126. OMYGOSH Bakerella! This is just TOO cute!

    I came across a recipe link that took me to the Pioneer Woman’s blog and it immediately made me think of YOU!

    And I thought, “I wonder how Bakerella’s doing…..think I’ll check in”… I haven’t been here in a while and whadda know?! This is the post I see! haha!

    Well, that’s just incredible that you had a transplant – WOW! I’m glad you and your mother are doing well!

    Still cute as ever, I see. And I “kid-ney” you, not! heh-heh! :)

    Many Blessings to you, Bakerella! Praise God!

  127. AWWWWWWWWW SOOO CUTE So glad your feeling better

  128. A couple of years ago I had two kidneys removed (extra kidney). My son gave me the plush kidney as a gift. I named it ‘Kid’ney Rock…

  129. Yipee! So glad to hear that you and your mother are doing well! :)

  130. Omigosh they’re so adorable!!! Never thought I would say that about kidneys or any other internal organ LOL. I’m glad you’re doing well!

  131. so glad you and your mom are doing so well!! Here’s to continued great recovery!! And, from a girl who also has some kidney issues- I LOVE the kidney pops-they are simply cute and hysterical-that’s why we love your work :)

  132. Wendy is the best! Glad you are feeling better!

  133. They look great! Welcome back I have missed you. I am so glad you and your Mom ar doing well. Just take it one day at a time. I have a friend who needs a heart transplant, so I am going to have to get to work on some heart cake pops :)

  134. I love these. Love them. I hope if I ever have to have an organ transplant or operation I can have the same sense of humor as you, because yours is fabulous! My four kids scour your website weekly, and they love the organs…I am thinking Santa may put some plush organs in some stockings, as weird as that sounds…

  135. That has got the be the cutest line of soft toys EVER! And your cakepops are so adorable!!!

  136. Hilarious!! Glad you’re back and doing better!! I’m actually making a monster cake with cake pop “eyes” in a week and a half for my son’s birthday!

  137. You rock!
    So glad you and mom are doing so well. You brightened my day of blues and made me smile. What a bright light of happy wonderful goodness you are.
    Kidney you, sistah!

  138. Love it! And so glad you’re doing well…

  139. cutest kidneys ever! never thought i’d say this about kidneys but they are adorable! glad to hear that you and your mom are recovering nicely and hope and pray that things continue to get better! so happy to see you’re back to making your delightful treats! take good care!

  140. Im glad ur back blogging and still creating cake pops , may god keep u and your mother healthy and happy :)

  141. Funny you posted this, I was totally thinking about your recovery and here I log on and you blog about your kidney and cake pops! Glad to hear you both are doing good.

  142. ahaha! The funniest ever, maybe. “When urine love…” *snicker*

  143. Don’t know your story but honestly I am glad you are doing great! Plus making gorgeous little yummy things out of the situation :)

    Cute Kidney!

  144. they have those little plush toys designed after diseases too. My biology college professor has them. Weird how something we don’t generally think of as being cute turns out to be in a little plush toy! Glad to hear all is going good since the surgery for both of you. Prayers that they will continue to go that way as well!!

  145. I work in the organ donation/transplant industry (I do the infectious disease testing that makes sure you don’t get any unwanted viral guests with your new organ), and I’ve loved following your story for the completely selfish reason that it makes me feel good about going to work every day. Woot!

    I might need to make some kidney pops for work some time.

  146. As a medical researcher, I am absolutely in love with both the pops and the huggables! Adorable!

  147. Awww, we heart…err kidney….you too.

  148. Hahahaha these are so cute! Glad you’re doing better :)

  149. Those are so cute! Hope your recovery keeps going well.

  150. My mom had a Liver Transplant 4 months ago and I can’t wait to make these for her Birthday Party this month ! Thanks for sharing and so happy for your transplant. My mom and I read your blog for the months leading up to her surgery.

  151. Bakerella

    I am so happy for you. I’m glad that you and your mom are doing better. You are so talented and give me so much inspiration.

    ~a teen baker/blogger

  152. Been thinking of you and praying that you are doing well. Love the kidney pops!

  153. Those are so funny and cute! Both the plush toys and cake pops of course.

  154. Kinda gross…but cute at the same time (LOL)! So glad your transplant went well!

  155. My kidney problem wasn’t as serious, by far, as yours. I had kidney stones. This reminds me of when I was in college and had to take time off to have a laser procedure to bust the little suckers up so I could pass them.

    I made lunch for my class on the day before I took off for the procedure…what did we have?

    Why chili with kidney beans and for desert…Rocky Road ice cream!!!!! Next time ( my kidney stones are reoccuring) will definately include your kidney pops!

  156. Too cute! Glad to hear that you and your mom are on the mend! Hugs…

  157. How cute and funny! Glad you and your Mom are doing well.

  158. Wow, I’ve always been inspired by your your baking creativity, but I had no idea that you were also a transplant recipient! Congrats to you and your Mom. Less than two weeks ago I donated one of my kidneys to my husband. His kidney function went from less than 7% before surgery, to over 80% in less than two weeks after surgery. Your Mom is a very special person…and your kidney cake pops make the whole idea of a kidney transplant a lot cuter!

  159. My boyfriend gave me the gallbladder one after mine resigned from her job. I love cuddling it!

  160. they look so cute!

  161. those plushies are adorable!!! as are your cake pops. [:

    p.s. check these out!!

  162. good to hear you and your mum are doing well…….and especially that you are making cake pops………kidney ones are too cute !!! love the plush toy……….i wish i had seen these earlier as my friend and i had our gall bladders out within weeks of each other……….how cute…tfs

  163. The yellow “veins”… or ureter lines… are cracking me up. These are adorable. Glad you’re doing well!

  164. Those are adorable!! I am so glad you and your mom are doing well, and I absolutely love your sense of humor :)

  165. This post makes me smile so much, the fact that you and your mom are doing well, plus the strange fact that somehow guts are so cute. I’m a liver not a fighter! heheeheh

  166. BTW, I just realized something-you forgot the adrenal glands-you have good kidneys, but you have adrenal insufficency ;)

  167. Don’t you mean “urine” in love with us!! These are too cute and I’m glad to hear both of you are doing great!

  168. These are wonderful and so are the little stuffed body organs. So glad to hear you’re doing well and that your body has accepted your moms kidney. I wish you all the best.

  169. you are too much! these are too cute!

    glad to hear that you and your mom are doing well…..


  170. These are so cute. I could hardly believe it when i saw the photo of the candy! I was at Six Flags today, saw this candy in one of the stores, thought it was so cute..and promptly did NOT buy it!! I so wish i had now! This is such a great use for the candy. So glad you did make the kidney pops. Happy you’ve been getting good reports from your doctors :)

  171. Those are adorable.

    I may know what I am getting my sister. She recently celebrated one year with her new heart.

  172. So glad to see that you are feeling better and these pops are just the sweetest <3

  173. Hi.. I really don’t think that you’re gonna read this, but i wanna say thanks you…

    I start to read your page about 2 years ago and i wanna do something like you, because i love candys and all that stuffs..

    I try so hard to make some cookies but i never got the rigth recepie… After a lot of tryes i made my own recepie and all my family love it…

    But about 1 month i start to sell them and now i got clients and everybody want them!

    I’m from chile, and i’m giving you thanks you becouse you and your website inspiring me and im doing in my life what i always wanna do :)

    So.. Thanks you very much

  174. Order delectable cake pops in a variety of flavors from The Cake Pop Shop!

  175. So very glad you (and Mom) are doing well. I feel quite sure the karma of such cute kidney pops will inspire your kidneys to do great!

  176. Thses are so fab haha! Love the cake colour innards too :) perfect!

  177. Kidney pops…who knew they would be sooooo cute!! Really glad to hear you and your Mom are doing well.

  178. Love teh pops and the toys. Thrilled that you and you mom are doing well. We’re routing for you!

  179. So glad to hear you and your mom are doing well. Aren’t doctors amazing?!?!

    Love the kidney cake pops…so cute. I cracked up laughing when I read about I Heart Guts…I think I’ve heard
    everything now!

    Keep doing well…love reading your posts.

  180. That is soooo cute!! And the plush ‘guts’ I just love!! I hope you could take some of your cake pops to your surgical team!! It would probably be the most unusual ‘thank you’ they ever got..!

  181. SOOOOOO good to see you creating again!!! We heart er’ a’ kidney you too!!!

  182. OMG, these are too awesome! So glad to hear you and your mom are doing well.

  183. Too cute! So glad you made these and that you & your mom are doing well!

  184. Super adorable! :) Hope you continue to feel better. The photo of the just-cut licorice looks like macaroni and cheese! :)

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