
Books & Signings

I’ll start with the signings.

King of Prussia, PA. Short Hills, NJ and New York City, NY.

Three cities in three days…


… and full of fun.


… and meeting lots of great people.


This is Esther. … I love putting faces with the people that I’ve emailed with. She makes the cutest little wire whisk necklaces.

You must check them out.


… King of Prussia had lots of little cutie pies in the store.


Lots of them.




Including these charmers. So cute in their matching tees.


Even the Williams-Sonoma folks joined in on the fun. This is Brian and Mandy. Loved them.


Then in Short Hills, I met more wonderful people. These folks welcomed me with smiling faces.


And cute cupcakes. The lovely young lady in the pink scarf above made these. We may or may not have shared a cry.


This is Melanie. She’s a Pop Star of the Star Wars variety. Check em out.


Look at these two. Stylish. Both of them.


And these two. Smiling and having a great time, despite getting in a little car accident on the way to the signing.

So glad no one was hurt.


I love these photos. Trying to get everyone to look at the same camera at the same time is easier than it sounds.


Side wave.

Bye New Jersey.


Hello New York.

Again… everyone was so fun.


Including their sweetly painted fingernails.


Families came out together.


And young bakers did, too. This is Kaira. Another Pop Star.


And here’s Nora. If you remember seeing the Cupcake Kabobs all over the web… well, she started that.


Laughter all around.


And look – it’s Rachel from Cupcakes Take The Cake. I was so glad to finally meet her. If you love cupcakes and you don’t know about this site, or you’ve been under a rock, let me introduce you.

New York was a fantastic way to end the Book tour – or so I thought.

There will be one more recap and then that’s it.

I hear a bunch of you cheering because that finally means more baking … right?! YAY! YAY! YAY!

Anyway… Toronto is coming up this weekend. And it turns out I’ll be at two locations.

If you’re in Toronto, and can’t make the Williams-Sonoma signing on Saturday, I’ll also be at Teatro Verde at 4:30 pm on Friday. Hope to meet you guys.

And as usual… if you attended a signing and see your photo in one of the slideshows below, feel free to use it. Thanks again for making the tour so much fun.


Okay, okay … that was the signings.

Now for the books.


I’m giving away ten of them. Ten Cake Pops books. And signed if you like.

  • To enter for a chance to win one, just leave a comment on this blog post and tell me what holiday treat you can’t wait to eat.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, December 1st at 5:00 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winners will be announced below.
  • Ten (10) winners will be chosen at random and announced by the end of the week.

Good luck guys!

Okay – Here they are. Here are the 10 Cake Pops Book Winners. Yay!


835 – Betty-Ann – …any one of my husband’s authentic, hazelnutty, German Christmas cookies…love, love, love them!

3987 – Leigh McGilvray – I can’t wait to eat mincemeat pies this holiday season! My mum just sent me the recipe so I can make them for the first time : ) I know the smell will remind me of home.

738 – trifitmom – pecan bars i make, yummmmmmmmm

5084 – Paula – I can’t wait for … mmmm flan!

4748 – Ashley M. – I’m looking forward to cheesecake!

2180 – Nadia – I love making (and eating) beautifully decorated sugar cookies at christmas time too! … but first I’m making cake pops for my hubby’s workplace charity fundraiser on Thursday!!! Welcome to T.O. this weekend!

4718 – Stephanie – Broken glass torte…made by my grandma!

5721 – Rachel R – baking, eating and decorating some sugar cookies with my lil one.

54 – Chelsea A – I love French Silk Pie this time of year! It’s an annual treat that I limit myself to making only for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s almost the same recipe as PW! Also, I love all the pictures and stories you share from your signing. I am amazed you remember all the details!

2750 – Julie – Banana split cake!

Congratulations everyone!

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6,094 comments on “Books & Signings”

  1. Oreo balls!!! I give them as gifts almost every year… everyone love to get them and I love to make and eat them too! : )

  2. I can’t wait to eat my great-grandmother’s best treat. We call it CANDY, but it’s home-grown, hand-picked (by great-grandma herself!!) pecans, with marshmallows, and covered in chocolate, and made into little “lumps”. they don’t ever last long!! and this year I get to learn the secret!!

  3. I can’t wait to make, decorate and eat Christmas sugar cookies with my boys, ages 8 & 5. It is our tradition to make cookies together every year. Also pecan pies made with my Grandma’s recipe. My dad makes them for Christmas every year.

  4. Can’t wait for homemade caramel turtles! Have to restrict them to Christmas, otherwise I would eat them ALL the time!

  5. I would have to say those cranberry bliss bars from Starbucks! But this year, I am going to make them from scratch :)

  6. Gingerbread sandwich cookies! I stumbled on this recipe by accident (left over cupcake frosting that had to be used) and now it’s a must every holiday.

  7. I love gingerbread cookies. Also anything that combines peppermint and chocolate – delicious!

  8. Aww man, I have been jonesing for gingerbread for the past month. Go to treat for the holidays :)

  9. I can’t wait to make my grandmas fudge and giant molasses crinkle cookies. Its a family tradition.

  10. Baked Yams! Eggnog Cake!

  11. I can’t wait for Pecan Tassies! I know I could make them year-round, but it only seems right to make them at Christmas, like my Grandmother always did! <3 only 1 more day until December!

  12. I make lots of different cookies for Christmas, and I give them all out to my friends. Lately it’s been way more fun because now I have two kids to make them with me! (my daughter Evi, 5, and my son Marko, 3) But if I had to choose one treat that i love it has to be christmas sugar cookies, and making them is half the fun!

  13. Puppy chow! My mom makes us a batch for Christmas every year to munch in the car as my husband and I travel to visit all our family around the country. I have her exact recipe and could make it anytime I want, but it never tastes as good as hers!

  14. My iced gingerbread cookies. I have been making them every year since I was 12 yrs old!

  15. Anything peppermint flavored. Maybe some mint chocolate cake pops!

  16. I can’t wait for my mom’s monkey bread and breakfast casserole on Christmas morning…..along with all the cookies and treats!!!

  17. Because I am from Portugal, I can’t wait to eat “sonhos de abóbora”. It consists in a fried dough made with pumpkin and then covered with sugar an cinnamon. It’s delicious!

  18. My mom’s chocolate covered pretzels!

  19. The 48 hours of Lemon! My Sister, Diane, bakes for 48 hours every Christmas and its all Lemon stuff….cookies, breads, cupcakes, muffins…..I’ve never had the opportunity to be there during that time but I’ve heard its delightful!! Thats what holiday treat I’d love to enjoy…The 48 Hours of Lemon and all that that implies!! =:O)

  20. I am looking forward to Christmas cookie exchange and all the goodies that go with that!

  21. Cake pops, of course ;)

  22. Plain old spritz cookies. I only make them at Christmas for some reason. They’re so easy, I don’t know why I don’t make them more often???

  23. Hello!
    I can”t WAIT to make sugar cookies and decorate them with my younger sister! happy holidays !

  24. Hoping to get some fresh pierogies… YUMMY!

  25. Super-ginger-y gingerbread cookies (and of course I also can’t wait for the house decorating.)

  26. I can’t wait to eat peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses on top – they get all melty and you can rub the chocolate all over the cookie. I’m drooling now.

  27. fudge! I love to make it for gifts and for us.

  28. My favorite baked good that will ALWAYS scream Christmas to me, is my mom’s yorkshire pudding. Served with roast beef and spinach souffle……brings out my English/Scottish roots!

  29. Pumpkin Pie!

  30. I can’t wait for the traditional christmas sugar cookies!

  31. Toffee and fudge! YUM!

  32. Butter tarts (with raisins)! Love them!

  33. classic chocolate chip cookies for me.

  34. i am anticipating (rather eagerly) cranberry cheesecake!

  35. Sugar cookies and egg nog! Oh, and peanut butter fudge too!

  36. Butterscotch cookies!

  37. Monkey bread on christmas morning!

  38. our family’s cheesecake!

  39. Caramel Rice Krispy bars!! I’m making a TON for homemade gifts and snacks for home.
    One for them…two for me… :)

  40. I am looking forward to the cut out sugar cookies… like them plain without all the icing and decoratiions. … or eating just the dough for that matter!

  41. I can’t wait for truffles!!! I especially love oreo truffles. We made 304 various truffles this weekend. A new one for us this year was peanut butter pretzel ones….they are amazing. We also made mint oreo truffles…also very good!!

  42. I’d love to have one of your signed books. It’s on my Christmas list to my husband. :)

  43. baked ham, leche flan, peppermint mocha! yum!

  44. I am excited to make all the goodies that I give to people… this year to include cake pops like ornament!

  45. does prime rib count as a holiday “treat”? ;-) we make it every year on xmas day. mmm, can’t wait!

  46. I love peppermint. Everyone give out candy canes all over the place and i never get tired of them.

  47. I’m going to try to make Gingerbread Cookies again and probably some Whoopie Pies. So many things to choose from! Trying to catch up on YEARS of not baking at home around the holidays. =P

  48. I am soooo looking forward to making cookies with my two boys. They are 3 and 4 years old and I am staring a tradition with them this year!!!!

  49. coconut bonbons :) can’t wait to make some with my girls!!

  50. I cannot wait to drink Coffee Punch, I get it once a year and I swear I could drink my weight in it!

  51. I always love my grandma’s cookies! She makes these cream cheese ones that are just the perfect little bite!

    That and a chocolate cheesecake with peppermint on top. Yummy!

  52. I can’t wait to eat my mother-in-law’s creme wafer cookies!

  53. I can’t wait to eat Rocky Road covered in icing sugar. Nom nom nom <3

  54. I can’t wait for something my family calls Christmas Cake – it’s a dense white cake with a layer of this ooey gooey cocanut and rasin filling. so so so good. My grandmother only makes it once and year and she knows how much i like it so she makes a little extra filling for me that i use on toast for as long as i can stretch it out for. Usually lasts until mid January. (now i am drooling, thanks a lot bakerella! :P )

  55. i can’t wait to eat sugar cookies!

  56. my favorite treat is the apple dumplings that my mother bakes, which also have heavy whipping cream on top.mmm…

  57. I can’t wait to eat my mom’s Spritz cookies. They’re the best!

  58. Normally I would delve into the peanut brittle my Nana made but this year I will be trying my hand at it.

  59. Now that’s a hard one…. this weekend we are having a ladies event at church. There will be 20 different cookies/treats brought in. I’ve been typing up all the recipes and can’t wait to try them all!

  60. I cant wait to eat my ginger bread cookies im going to make!!! So exciteddd

  61. I can’t wait to eat me some oreo cream cheese truffles.Yum!

  62. I would love to win your book! I have asked for it for Christmas but my husband is notorious for forgetting things like that. I can’t wait to have all of the Christmas candy that my Mom and I make. It is a tradition (and recipes) that started with my Great Grandmother. There will be millionaire candy, turtles, peanut brittle, peanut butter balls, coconut balls and divinity. Mmmmmmm

  63. My Mom’s chocolate pie!!!

  64. ANY and ALL baked goods :)

  65. I just love that something so simple has snowballed into such a huge success for you – it’s inspiring and reminds us all to follow our passion. Congratulations to you on such sweet success.
    Time to fill the house the smell of baking gingerbread cookies – mmmmmm.

  66. One of my favorite things about the holidays is pumpkin bread. Luckily, I have already gotten to eat some from the past thanksgiving holiday :)

  67. grandma’s sugar cookies, which she bakes and I decorate!

  68. I am looking so forward to all the holiday pies. My father-in-law makes THE best pies around!!! And I still look forward to the egg nog and hot chocolate!!

  69. I can’t wait to eat my mom’s creamcheese bars. Mmmm. So, so incredibly decadent and rich but also so amazing and worth every ounce of butter and sugar and creamcheese goodness!

  70. So happy to see this give-away. Been meaning to pick up my copy, but now I have a chance to get one that is signed!! Yeah!

  71. I am looking forward to alllll the Christmas cookies!

  72. Well , I make Christmas candy & cookies every year for family, friends , co -workers . I start right after Thanksgiving ,. some years i work right up to Christmas eve !! To be honest i will try a few pieces of candy or a cookie now & then .
    Just to make sure every thing is tasting like it should ! :)
    I really enjoy doing this . It wouldn’t be Christmas with out my grandmothers cook book .My favorite is her her peanut butter fudge !!!

  73. Any kind of pie but especially pecan pies with Kaluha instead of vanilla…love, love, love it! I think I’ll start a petition to make pie more of a year round dessert rather than just the holidays. So underutilized!

  74. I can’t wait to eat my uncle’s pecan pie. It’s the best!

  75. Toffee! Enough said.

  76. yummm….I can’t wait for fudge bottom pie! So yummy and rich chocolaty and ice cream goodness! (and I would love a book to attempt cake pops too!)

  77. peppermint bark, sugar cookies, red velvet cakes & toffee

  78. You are amazing…I have followed your blog for quite some time now and am ecstatic at your newfound success!!! Continued good luck is my wish for you!

  79. I love making a Pampered Chef recipe I have for an appetizer that puts biscuits in a ring and covers them with tomatoes and green onions, oregano, basil, etc – when it’s done it looks just like a Christmas wreath!

  80. Sugar cookies and gingerbread men!

  81. Sausage and cheese balls. Yummy! :)

  82. Gingerbread cookies, that will of course be baked and decorated with the help of my 3 year old son. Let the memories begin :)

  83. Sugar cookies. There is nothing better!

  84. No bake oatmeal cookies! It’s a tradition—the making and the eating!

  85. mexican wedding cakes, as my grandma calls them. they are wonderful little cookies with nuts and powdered sugar.

  86. I am looking forward to eating everything at the Holidays!! especially the sweets lol
    Hope you have a wonderful Holiday season :D

  87. Most definitely my mom’s peanut butter balls. We missed them last year as we were living in Peru, but we’re definitely in town for them this year!
    (And I hope to learn how to make them so I can write about it on my site…)

  88. I couldn’t wait to make an apple crisp, but I just made it this weekend for thanksgiving. It was divine! Now I can’t wait to make my first batch of cupcake pops. :) I stumbled across your blog earlier this year and I’ve since been wanting to try to make your cupcake pops. The are super cute and i bet they’re going to be yumm-o.

  89. I always make cranberry scones on Christmas morning for my daughter. They are festive and taste so good!

  90. Anything and everything! I can’t wait to eat all of the holiday treats out there.

  91. I can not wait to sink my teeth into some ribbon candy! My Mother who passed away 3 years ago always made sure we each had our own box on Christmas Eve at our family celebration!

  92. Peppermint Stick Ice Cream.
    I make it every year and like to add it to my coffee and hot chocolate.

  93. I cannot wait to eat SUGAR COOKIES!

  94. I made a pumpkin swirl cheesecake a couple of years ago for Thanksgiving, and I’ve been requested to make it for both Thanksgiving and Christmas too ever since! I might be the baker, but I think I love eating more than my family who requests it! :)

  95. Crispy ginger snaps. YUM! Thanks for the chance to win.

  96. my mom’s red velvet cake for my sister’s birthday! yum:)

  97. my mother’s christmas cookies, especially her version of “hello dolly” bars. love ’em

  98. I cannot wait to eat my mom’s homemade Pecan Pie! She takes it to a whole new level!

  99. I can’t wait to eat some pumpkin spice cake!!!

  100. Peppermint Bark! (and I can’t wait to try a friends gingerbread cheesecake)

  101. it got to be cookies ,..;-)

  102. I can’t wait to make and eat gingerbread cookies, yummy!

  103. I can’t wait to eat some yummy caramel corn!

  104. Sugar cookies! The only time I bake them is during Christmas, for some unknown reason. I never have any luck rolling them out and cutting with cookie cutters, though.

  105. I can’t wait to eat Toblerone shortbread!! They are already baked and waiting for me in the freezer!

  106. Mmm… gingerbread. My favourite!

  107. Caramel corn!

  108. Fudge! It’s truly a once a year only treat.

  109. I can’t wait to eat gingerbread. Gingerbread anything! Gingerbread coffee, gingerbread cookies, gingerbread loaves. I LOVE gingerbread!

  110. I cant wait to make and eat a real gingerbread house made out of REAL gingerbread. :) not graham crackers.

  111. Each year I overindulge on Sprotz cookies…to the point that they almost make me sick. But somehow, after Thanksgiving I again start dreaming about those tender little almond flavored morsels sprinkled with colored sugar! Yum! Can’t wait.

  112. I can’t wait for Christmas cookies. I just love all of them!!!!

  113. Hanukkah latkes–yummmm

  114. I can’t wait to eat some bunuelo’s and pumpkin empanadas that my grandma makes.

  115. I can’t wait to have hershey kiss cookies!! Mmmm…we only make them at Christmas and Easter so that they stay a “special” cookie and I couldn’t love them more!!

  116. Eggnog milkshakes!!!

  117. Fruitcake! My parents were the only two people on earth who loved fruitcake. Then they met and had me. Now, there are three of us.

    I ask people to give me the fruitcakes they don’t want. I can’t get enough of ’em.

  118. Im gonna try some sort of cheesecake/nutella/brownie/cookie dough hybrid tomorrow. IM EXCITED!

  119. Oh exciting! the perfect Christmas gift! I can’t wait to eat coconut balls! They are a family recipe for candy. YUM

  120. My grandma’s coffee cake. We only make it at christmas and it is so yummy!

  121. I cannot wait to eat some of my mom’s peanut butter fudge and my dad’s peanut brittle. I also like my dad’s sausage balls that we have on Christmas Eve’s breakfast! Hope I get a book!

  122. fudge, fudge and fudge!!!

  123. I can’t wait to eat spiced nuts! For some reason I have been seriously craving them lately…it must be the start of the holiday season!

  124. Peppermint bark!

  125. Gingerbread men are my favorite and I wait all year long for my good friend to make them (she wont share her recipe and it is the BEST). Man they are good.

  126. Chocolate pie!!! I haven’t had one in a long time and it sounds mighty tasty.

  127. I can’t wait to make (and eat) chocolate-covered peanut butter balls.

  128. Are you kidding me!!! I would soooo loooove to have a signed copy. My favorite holiday treats are wedding cookies. I remember I was 8 years old and my mom and I made a batch to take to Santa. I was so proud – even if he did not eat them . . I did something for Santa.
    Thanks for the give away.

  129. I love getting your mailins with those pictures, wising I could come to such a nice event and get a signed book from you
    Cant wait to make and eat the holiday pops
    Have a Nice Holiday,
    Many regards Gertieneke

  130. Just one? I can’t wait for a variety of Christmas cookies, and I love minty stuff, so any minty treat.

  131. Almond Brittle and Paula Dean’s Bread Pudding.

  132. I love 7 layer bars this time of year! :)

  133. It would have to be fudge! Just love the stuff!

  134. I love chocolate and peanut butter buckeyes!

  135. I can’t wait to make the snowman cake pops you show on the site. I’m going to make them for my daughter’s preschool Christmas party. I’m *pretty sure* it will be the most adorable treat there!!

  136. sugar cookies!! they are so fun to make with my girls and then enjoy afterwards!

  137. so hard to choose. I want it all! but I will choose frosted sugar cookies

  138. Cookies, cookies, cookies, and more cookies!

  139. Fudge, Pecan Tassies, Millionares. YUM!

  140. cuchidahtis made by my “mom” – YUM!!!

  141. i’m looking forward to eating my sugar cookies. :-) yum!

  142. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I’m chuffed to eat my eggnog cupcakes. I make them every year for Christmas and every year I wonder why my pants are a bit tight. :)

  143. My mom makes DELICIOUS Angel Crisp Cookies and Holly Leaves (a cornflake & marshmallow-ey treat) every year around Christmas and New Year’s! They are one-of-a-kind, once-a-year treats that everyone loves! I can’t wait!

  144. I am looking forward to baking and then giving away about 1000 cocoons (italian wedding cookies). I got a good start on black friday got about half of them done. It is so rewarding to see the joy on the people I give the cookes to, they just love them and are so appreciative of all the work I did just for them.

  145. i adore my hubby’s ginger snaps. he rolls them in sugar before baking and they are so dreamy!

  146. My SIL makes swedish meatballs for Christmas dinner. The perfect appetizer for a plateful of Christmas cookies for dessert!

  147. Fudge!! Nothing says Christmas like Chocolate Fudge.

  148. I made the brownie pecan pie for Thanksgiving, everyone loved them! It might be a new tradition. I can’t wait to make chewy chocolate gingerbread cookies with my sister this weekend! We found that recipe last year and instantly were hooked by the hints of fresh ginger and the chocolate didn’t hurt either.

    You rock Bakerella!

  149. I can’t wait for ‘pepernoten’, it’s a traditional Dutch treat (I’m from Holland) which we eat around ‘Sinterklaas’ (a national holiday, it’s a little like Christmas).

  150. I hope to win one of your books! I bought one for myself already and would love to have one to give as a gift to a friend. I am looking forward to this weekend, when my mom and I will make 7 varieties of Christmas cookies together. This is an annual tradition! My favorite cookie is a chocolate almond biscotti, and you know they’re on the list for baking this weekend!

  151. I can’t wait to eat cookies and lots of them! Our family has followed my grandmother’s tradition of decorating sugar cookies for years and years.

  152. I can’t wait to eat Christmas candy :)

  153. goodness! Lovely!

    I cannot wait to make these chocolate cookies that I drench in dark chocolate and sprinkle with candy cane pieces

  154. I can’t wait for my mom’s monster cookies. They’re the best!

  155. I can’t wait to have some of my mom’s pumpkin roll !!!! We only make it either at Christmas or Thanksgiving and it wasn’t made at Thanksgiving, so I am excited about Christmas. Oh I hope I win your book!

  156. i’m looking forward to eating sufganiyot (thats jelly doughnuts). my favorite is with raspberry filling.
    wigsla at gmail dot com

  157. I can’t wait to make some cake pops for the first time, but I am excited to make a homemade sponge cake with homemade chocolate icing. That is my favorite holiday treat!!

  158. My grandma makes an awesome poppyseed cake! I love it!

  159. I can’t wait to eat gingerbread cookies. Christmas is just not the same without them.

  160. I can’t wait to eat the peppermint marshmallows that my little girls and I make every year…they are awesome in hot chocolate!

  161. Naniamo bars – they are a Canadian thing, can’t wait till my Canadian friend arrives next week for our annual baking session – and the Naniamo bars are the ones I can’t wait to eat! YUMMY!

  162. I can’t wait for any and all types of cookies!

  163. I’m a cookie person all the way! My favorite part of the holidays is baking and decorating Christmas cookies. Although I usually ending eating so much dough that once the cookies are done I’m too sick to my stomach to eat any! LOL :)

  164. gingerbread. love love love it!

  165. My moms Italian fig cookies and wine cookies made with homemade strawberry wine!! mmmmmm

  166. Monte Cristo sandwich on Christmas morning. This used to be a family tradition as my brother cooked at the Blue Bayou Restaurant in Disneyland while in college and he made them. He’ll be here for Christmas and I’m making him bring on the yumminess!!!

  167. My mom’s speculaas (a spiced soft cake with almond paste filling)… Mmmm, yummy!

  168. I love to eat Mexican Wedding Cookies…I only make them for the holidays ;)

  169. it’s seems so simple, but my grandma’s sugar cookies.. they are so yummy and even better when iced….. they always remind me of the holiday’s

  170. Mom’s spinach soup by the fireplace!

  171. Cookies! Pretty much any kind :)

  172. oh im sorry.. in comment 1585 i said 70% chockolate but i meant 45% :)

    here’s a link

  173. I am so excited to eat my Mom’s 24-hour-marshmallow-salad. YUM! It’s so delicious, but I have no idea how to make it on my own! I leave that up to her :)

  174. I can’t wait for cream cheese cookies :)

  175. I can’t wait for our sugar cookies. I make these every year and have all of my little cousins, nieces and nephews decorate them. We then hand out to different people we know.

  176. I am baking lots of treats, to be given away, this year, but I am sure I will eat a cookie or two (or ten ;-)

  177. I would LOVE to win one of your books. You are so creative and you are so talented. :)

  178. Chocolate covered cherries. I love them…….

  179. I can not wait to eat our traditional fudge!

  180. My nan’s buttertarts. They are devine. She died a few years ago and I have now picked up the tradition of making them each Christmas season.

  181. Sugar cookies! and maybe some hot chocolate witht he cookies.

  182. I can’t wait to eat my mom’s delicious carrot cake! It’s the best I’ve ever had!

  183. Mincemeat!

  184. My husband’s grandma’s sugar cookies!

  185. shortbread cookies drizzled with dark chocolate. mmmm.

  186. My family loves my peanut buter chocolate chip cookies! I wrap them up as gifts and they love it!

  187. My favorite holiday treat is my mom’s pie. Any pie. Maybe especially her apple pie, or apple cake… <3

  188. Would love to win a book signed. I already have one but could not buy another one at the store to get you to sign it. So this would be great! I can’t wait to eat all the desserts I will make. I am going to try some new caramel recipes so that will be fun to try!

  189. I can’t wait for buckeye peanut butter balls!!! I make them every year at Christmas time with my Mom and they are always amazing!

  190. Since we celebrate both Chanukah and Christmas, I can’t wait to eat crunchy latkes on Chanukah and to savor my mother in law’s crumb cake on Christmas morning!

  191. I can’t wait for my Mom’s delicious Mississippi Mud Cake and My Grandmother’s awesome Fruit Cake. My favorites!!

  192. Caramel custard or Leche Flan (in the Philippines)..,sooooo goood!

  193. Pecan pie with just a nip of bourbon in it. Delicious!

  194. I cannot WAIT to indulge in my mom’s shortbread cut out cookies! YUM.

  195. I’m super excited for my Mom’s chocolate shortbread and her raspberry squares!

  196. I cant wait to go to my parents house for Christmas and bake cookies and cakepops with my mom, sister, mother in law, and sister in law. All the women in my family in one kitchen is bound to bring out some sort of amazing creation right? Lets hope.

  197. Homemade whoopie pies smushed in cute holiday sprinkles, I can’t wait to give them away to all of my friends!! XOXO

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