
Fun with Films


You may remember these cookies. I did them a few weeks ago when the Oscar nominees were announced and to kick off a series of movie award season recipes sponsored by Hyundai that have been featured for the last few weeks on the site. This one was in the main section and the others have been linked from a graphic in the sidebar. But I wanted to put the links to all of them here so you can get to them easily now that they’re done. So here goes…

Awards Night Sugar Cookies
Statues in sugar.

Marshmallow popcorn

Movie Popcorn Brownies
Mini marshmallows make me smile. These were made with movies in mind, and before the actual nominees were announced.


Ribbits & Royalty
Okay, lollipop sticks usually mean cake pops around here, so click through if you want to see some frogs.


Coraline Cookies
Peanut butter button cookies. Cute as a …… okay I won’t say it… I won’t s-… button … I said it. And I also dipped them in chocolate… yum.


Upcake Decorating 101
Hmmm… what’s up with all the sprinkles?


Movie Marquis Cookies
Sugar pearls and frosting sheets help make these.


Lobster Toppers
Fun, but definitely not french.

The above titles are links so you can take a look at the full projects if you like.

Now, all the movie award recipes are sponsored by Hyundai, but I thought I would sponsor a little giveaway myself for more film fun.

Okay, here’s how it’s gonna go. Below are five award categories for the Oscars that air Sunday, March 7th.

To play, just choose who you think will win from each category below and list your guesses in the comments section of this post.


You can copy the categories below and paste into your comment with your choices:

Best Picture:
Best Actor:
Best Actress:
Animated Feature Film:

On Saturday, March 6th – the day before the Oscars, I’ll pick one (1) person’s comment at random and post it here on the site.

Then on Sunday, while I’m watching the Oscars, I’ll keep score. For each of the above categories that person gets right, I’ll pony up a $50 gift card. Visa or Mastercard most likely.

5 correct = $250 gift card
4 correct = $200 gift card
3 correct = $150 gift card
2 correct = $100 gift card
1 correct = $50 gift card
0 correct = a virtual pat on the back

Sound fun? Good. Okay, let’s see how good you are at predicting. I’m officially scared.

Deadline to enter is Friday, March 5th at 8:00 pm ET. TIME’S UP! Winner Below.One entry per person please. Good luck!


Okay, MarianaB! This is gonna be fun. I can’t wait to see how good your guesses are tomorrow night. Hope you’re excited.

YAY! MarianaB – You got 2 out of 5 right. A $100 gift card isn’t too shabby. Congrats!!!

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3,300 comments on “Fun with Films”

  1. Best Picture: Hurt Locker
    Directing: Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    The safe choices, naturally.

  2. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Fantastic Mr. Fox

  3. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  4. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  5. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  6. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:Up

  7. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  8. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  9. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Gaborey Sidebe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  10. Best Picture:Avatar
    Directing:Inglourious Bastards
    Best Actor:Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:Up

  11. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up


  13. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: The Princess and the Frog

  14. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Coraline

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the Popcorn Brownies!!!

  15. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  16. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  17. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: K. Bigelow (hurt locker)
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    Go Oscars!!!!

  18. Best Picture: blind side
    Directing: avatar
    Best Actor: colin firth
    Best Actress: sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film: up

  19. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  20. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: Avatar
    Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated: Coraline

    Thanks for the Oscar fun!

  21. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up


  22. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Freeman
    Best Actress: Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  23. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature: Up

    Thanks once again for you wonderful blog and fun give aways! I so enjoy it all.

  24. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglorious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  25. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up
    Best Oscar Related Blog: Bakerella!

  26. Best Picture:Avatar
    Directing:Inglorius Bastards
    Best Actor:Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress:Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film:The Princess and the Frog

  27. Best p[icture: The Hurt Locker

  28. Best Picture: Inglorious Basterds
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Fantastic mr Fox

  29. This is so fun! Thanks!!!

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Up in the Air
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  30. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor” Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature: Up

  31. Best Picture:avatar
    Best Actor:george clooney
    Best Actress:sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film up

  32. Best Picture: avatar
    Directing: the hurt locker
    Best Actor: jeff bridges
    Best Actress: sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film: up

  33. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  34. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Helen Mirren
    Animated Feature Film: Coraline

  35. Best Picture: The blind side
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

    Ok I must be honest I haven’t seen all of this movies or even keep up with all of this. I have seen 3 of them though.

  36. Best Picture: The Blind Side
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    P.S. I haven’t seen ANY of these movies; not a big movie person…. so, I too, am just guessing! :) Thanks again for another great giveaway.

  37. Here are my predictions….

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Bastards
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  38. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  39. Best Picture: Avatar (even though I personally don’t think it deserves it)
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  40. Best Picture:Avatar
    Directing:The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor:Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress:Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    That was hard!!

  41. I won’t predict because I don’t watch the awards show but I just want to say that all of your goodies are just delightful.

  42. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

    This is such a fun giveaway!!!!!

  43. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: meryl streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  44. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  45. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: The Princess and the Frog

  46. Best Picture: AVATAR
    Directing: THE HURT LOCKER
    Best Actor: JEFF BRIDGES
    Best Actress:GABOUREY SIDIBE
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  47. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: The Princess and the Frog

  48. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing:The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor:Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film:Up

  49. Best Picture: AVATAR
    Directing: AVATAR
    Best Actor: GEORGE CLOONEY
    Best Actress: SANDRA BULLOCK
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  50. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurtlocker
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  51. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  52. Best Picture: avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: jeff Bridges
    Best Actress:sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  53. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: The princess and the frog

    Fun contest!!!
    ps I love the button cookies!!

  54. Best Picture: Inglorious Bastards
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  55. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  56. Best Picture: avatar
    Directing: the hurt locker
    Best Actor: jeff bridges
    Best Actress: sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film: fantastic mr fox

  57. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Coraline

  58. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Kathryn Bigelow-The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  59. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: The Princess and the Frog

    Thanks for the chance 2 win! Have an awesome day!:)

  60. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  61. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  62. Best Picture:Avatar
    Best Actor:Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:UP

  63. here is what i think!!

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: the princess and the frog

    this is an incredible give away!!

  64. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  65. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  66. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  67. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  68. Best Picture: Up in the Air
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  69. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  70. Let’s see… Here’s what I think is most likely (bearing in mind that the only movie I’ve seen on this entire list is Coraline):

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Best Director: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Gabourney Sidibe
    Best Animated Picture: Up (though I’d rather see Coraline win)

  71. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  72. I hope my name is chosen because I got them ALL Right! Just kidding…who really knows.

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman (because it’s about time!)
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up!

  73. Best Picture: Hurt Locker
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Coraline

  74. Best Picture: The Blind Side
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  75. Here we go….
    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up
    Best of luck to everyone! :-)

  76. Best Picture: The blind Side
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:The Princess and the Frog

  77. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Kathryn Bigelow
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Steep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  78. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: The hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  79. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Helen Mirran
    Animated Feature Film: Fantastic Mr Fox

  80. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Helen Mirren
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  81. Best Picture: AVATAR
    Directing: AVATAR
    Best Actor: JEFF BRIDGES
    Best Actress: SANDRA BULLOCK
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  82. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  83. Best Picture: The Blind Side
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  84. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  85. Best Picture: avatar
    Directing: james cameron
    Best Actor: jeff bridges
    Best Actress: sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film: up

  86. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    I love Oscar Season!

  87. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Inglorious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  88. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  89. Best Picture :The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

    This was kinda Hard to choose.
    Was anyone else having a hard time choosing ??

  90. Best Picture: – Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  91. Best Picture: Up In the Air
    Best Actor:Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  92. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  93. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  94. Best Picture: Avatar (even though I didn’t like it, everyone else did)
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  95. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  96. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Best Director: Kathyrn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker)
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated: Up

  97. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    and those movie poster cookies are just toooo aweseom!

  98. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    Very cute ideas!

  99. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: The Princess and the Frog

  100. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  101. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  102. What a fun idea.
    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing:Inglorious Basterds
    Best Actor:Colin Firth
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:Up

  103. Here’s my guess:
    Best Picture – Avatar
    Best Director – The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor – Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress – Sandra Bullock
    Best Animated Film – Up

  104. Best Picture: Up
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Helen Mirren
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  105. Best Picture:Avatar
    Best Actor:George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:Up

  106. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullok
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  107. Best Picture: Up
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  108. Best Picture: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  109. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Helen Mirren
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  110. B Picture– Hurt Locker
    B Actor — Jeff Bridges
    B Actress– Sandra Bullock
    Director — Kathryn Bigelow
    Animated– UP

  111. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    Bakerella, you rock!

  112. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Sandra Bulock
    Animated Feature: Up

  113. Hi Bakerella,
    These treats are great!

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: The Princess and the Frog

  114. I love Avatar!
    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    *cross fingers* and hope to win!

  115. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Gebourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  116. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  117. Best Picture: the blind side
    Directing: avatar
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  118. Best Picture: Up
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  119. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  120. Best Picture The Hurt Locker
    Directing Avatar
    Best Actor Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress Meryl Streep
    Best Animated film Up

    Enjoy the Oscars!!!

  121. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  122. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Coraline

  123. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    Thanks for some fun this morning and for some very, very cute ideas!!!

  124. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  125. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film Up

  126. Best Picture: Avatar?
    Directing: Precious?
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges?
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep?
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  127. some of these are what I *hopes* wins.. knowing hollywood tho… :-| it won’t go that way.. I just hope anything other than that “precious” movie wins..

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglorious Bastards
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature: Up

  128. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

    The Hurt Locker was an excellent film…made me appreciate what my cousin goes through when he is deployed (he works with helicopters, though)…thank you to all of our troops and their families! We love you!

  129. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  130. Best Picture:Avatar
    Best Actor:Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:Up

  131. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:up

  132. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  133. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress: Carey Mulligan
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  134. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: precious
    Best Actor: morgan freeman
    Best Actress:Gabourey Sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  135. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Film: Up

  136. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  137. Best Picture: The Blind Side
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  138. Best Picture: Blind Side
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  139. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  140. Best Picture: The Blind Side
    Directing: Up in the Air
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  141. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: UP

    Oooh, how fun!

  142. Best Picture: Up In the Air
    Directing: Kathryn Bigelow
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  143. Perfect idea’s for an Oscar Party!!!

  144. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  145. Best Picture:avatar
    Directing:the hurt locker
    Best Actor:jeff bridges
    Best Actress:gabourey sidibe
    Animated Feature Film: up

  146. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  147. Best Picture: Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Best Directing: Hurt Locker
    Animated Feature: Up

  148. Best Picture:Avatar
    Best Actor:colin firth
    Best Actress:meryl streep
    Animated Feature Film:Coraline

  149. Best Picture: The Hur Locker
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  150. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  151. Best picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated feature film: Up

  152. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up!

  153. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  154. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  155. Best Picture: The Blind Side
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: The Secret of Kells

  156. Best Picture:Inglorious Basterds
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Helen Mirren
    Animated Feature Film: Fantastic Mr. Fox

  157. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  158. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  159. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Briges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  160. Best Picture: Hurt Locker
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  161. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  162. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Inglourious Basterds
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  163. Best Picture:Avatar
    Best Actor:Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress:Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film:Princess and the Frog

  164. Best Picture:Precious
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  165. Best Picture: Precious
    Directing: The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  166. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: avatar
    Best Actor: george clooney
    Best Actress: sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film: up

  167. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Kathryn Bigelow – The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP!

  168. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  169. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  170. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  171. Best Picture: blind side
    Best Actor: morgan freeman
    Best Actress: sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film: up

  172. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: James Cameron
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  173. Best pic-Avatar
    Actor-Jeff Bridges
    Actress-Sandra Bullock

  174. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Actor: George Clooney
    Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Film: Fantastic Mr. Fox

  175. Best Picture:Avatar
    Best Actor:Colin Firth
    Best Actress:Helen miren
    Animated Feature Film up

  176. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up


  177. Best Picture:Blind Side
    Best Actor:Colin Firth
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:UP

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Best Actor:george clooney
    Best Actress:merryl streep
    Animated Feature Film: up

  179. Best Picture: Inglorious Bastards
    Directing: Inglorious Bastards
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

    And might I add… Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz!! and Best Original Score: Up
    Go Inglorious Bastards and Up, GO GO GO!!!

  180. Best Picture:Avatar
    Best Actor:Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress:Meryl Steep
    Animated Feature Film:Princess and the Frog

  181. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  182. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Kathryn Bigelow – The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  183. Can’t wait to watch!!!

    Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: The Princess and the Frog

  184. Best Picture – Hurt Locker
    Directing – Avatar
    Best Actor – Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress – Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film – Up

  185. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Helen Mirren
    Animated Feature Film:Up

  186. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  187. Best Picture: Avatar
    Best Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Best Animation: Up

  188. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: George Clooney
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  189. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Helen Mirren
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  190. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  191. Best Picture:The Blind Side
    Best Actor:Jeremy Renner
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:UP

  192. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Coraline

    I just adore your blog! :)

  193. Best Picture: Inglourious Basterds
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  194. Best Picture: Blind Side
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Coraline

    I’m X-sing my fingers….!! thx!

  195. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: Up

  196. Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
    Directing:The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor:Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  197. Best Picture: The Blind Side
    Directing: Avatar
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Meryl Streep
    Animated Feature Film: UP

  198. Best Picture:The Hurt Locker
    Directing:The Hurt Locker
    Best Actor:Jeff Bridges
    Best Actress:Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film:Up

  199. Best picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Colin Firth
    Best Actress: Carey Mulligan
    Animated Feature: Up

  200. Best Picture: Avatar
    Directing: Precious
    Best Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Best Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Animated Feature Film: Up

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