
Spring Bake

I’ve been in spring break mode lately. You might have noticed since I didn’t bake last weekend. I think it’s because I recently went on a vacation which I haven’t done in a couple of years and it felt awesome to just relax and do nothing. And now being back home I can’t stop enjoying the warmth that’s finally taking over. Spring is probably my favorite time of the year. Unfortunately, in the south, you only have about seven minutes to enjoy the season before the hot and humid heat of summer takes over. Okay, okay – I’m exaggerating a little. It probably lasts eleven minutes. ; ) So you’ve got to enjoy all of them while they last. And I’m trying.

Got Spring Fever, too? Take a break with me and enter this sweet Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid Stand Mixer… in one of the following pastel colors. Plus a white and silver choice in case springy isn’t your speed. Me? I have the pink one, but man, that aqua sky is calling my name. And the ice and crystal blue. too. I’m glad I don’t have to choose.

Enter the Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid 5-quart Artisan Series Stand Mixer

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post answering the following question.
  • What’s your favorite thing to do or place to go on vacation? Oh and pick your pastel, too.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, April 24th, at 7:00 pm ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good luck!


Okay, we have a winner. And the winner picked pink. I thought for sure ice or aqua sky would win. So many of you guys love that color. And me too.

The winner is …… Comment # 6625. Yay Veronica! You are getting a pink mixer! And now I totally want to go on vacation again. You guys have fun ideas.

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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13,790 comments on “Spring Bake”

  1. Go walking in the Rocky mountains. My color is blue. Thanks

  2. My favorite vacation spot is Hawaii. But after this New York winter anywhere with sunshine and warm weather and the ability to sit by the ocean would do right now. I really like the pink.

  3. The world is full of beautiful places….
    But NO MATTER WHERE, NO MATTER HOW you spend your vacation. VOCATION are always when you are feeling HAPPY and FREE from all the things that you need to do and do only the things you want to do!

    I love PINK!

  4. I really love Italy – especially Florence!
    And: the Crystal Blue one. :)

  5. Oh, I like to go to the library and read….. cookbooks, thick fiction novels, the works. I like the white mixer, though other colors are VERY tempting too :)

  6. Favorite place to go on holliday: Wonderland. I could make wonderful things in my kitchen if I only had the time :)
    Love the Silver one.

  7. Of all the places on earth, it is difficult to pick but I’d say Paris. And I find the pistachio mixer plain adorable!

  8. Orlando Florida and Japan.
    The ice colored look nice

  9. My favorite place to go on vacation is Orlando Florida.

  10. A small cottage on the shores of Lake Huron, Michigan; no tv, no phone, just the blue sky and clear water. I love the silver!

  11. I love relaxing on the beach and would love a vacation in Hawaii. The ice colored mixer would look very nice in my kitchen :)

  12. My favourite vacation is a comfy chair in front of a caravan and mojito next to me… And the ice mixer is the best :-)

  13. i enjoy just going to different casino’s even tho it’s rare i get to do it. i like the silver metallic

  14. Alaska! Aqua Sky is so pretty!

  15. By the beach!! :))
    And ooo.. majestic yellow is NICE! :)

  16. My favorite place to go on vacation is Capistrano because there’s a beach, beautiful areas to walk, and lots of nice places to visit. It’s also very relaxing and peaceful!

    I love the aqua sky. It such a pretty color!

  17. Rome. I love Rome – and I’m loving that Ice mixer!

  18. I really enjoy the coast of California! I like the Silver Metallic.

  19. Sleep and read … at the beach!

    Oh – and the pink mixer :-) … although the Pistachio is awesomely pretty too!

  20. I love the beach! And I love the Ice sky colour! :)

  21. Difficult question. I love traveling in foreign countries but I am also happy to see the beautiful places in my homecountry and also my hometown (Berlin/Germany). Nature is what thrills me most.

    With the kitchen aid it’s also a difficult decision, they all look gorgeous. But since I have to make a decision, I would pick the ICE.



  22. My favourite is holidaying anywhere with my family and making memories with them, since we’re so scattered around the world. Dream destination as of now is Paris!

    I’d love the pink mixer!

  23. I’d love to go on vacation in France. I went years ago on a study abroad program and I’ve loved the country since. I think the aqua sky mixer is simply gorgeous.

  24. My absolute favorite is picking a spot in the woods and sleeping under the stars :) That’s what I’m doing for my birthday this weekend! ICE ICE BABY!

  25. Walt Disney World! Maybe the Beach? Oh…..I can’t choose one!
    Majestic Yellow reminds me the sun….

  26. I love visiting San Francisco. My favorite is ice.

  27. My fav place to go in Holiday is my parents Cottage at the see, the most calm and wonderful place in the world. :-D

    And i love, the ice colour!
    Thanks for an amazing blog.

  28. I have been dreaming about that pink colored mixer for too long!! My favorite vacation spot would have to be disney!! I love going :)

  29. i love to spend my vacation with my family anywhere and something getting a summer job :)

    and i loved the aqua sky mixer

  30. My favorite thing to do would have to be playing music with my brother, my best friend.

    It would be miraculous if I actually won a sweepstakes, it would be my first time winning anything. I would be so grateful to have the metallic silver.

    Thank you :)

  31. My fafourite place is Venice in Italy. I went there for my firt holiday with my boyfriend and i loved it so much that i did not want to go home.

    I love the pink one.

  32. My favorite place to go to vacations is cocoa beach, Florida. I spent the greatest vacations ever there, and i firts fell in love! My fav color is aqua sky!

  33. My absolute favorite place to vacation is Miami…it’s a few hours drive from me, but worlds away, I love it!
    I would be thrilled with any color mixer.

  34. Me and my husband love traveling to different major league ballparks in the summer, and we absolutely love vacationing in the southeast.

    I think the ice color is gorgeous!

  35. pistachio when i go on holiday i like to go visting different places and spend quality time with my family x

  36. I really like Austria. And Belgium. So I might end up touring them.

    Send me the Pistachio one, please:D

  37. silver metallic when on holiday i enjoy spending time with my partner and children exploring new places x

  38. I haven’t yet traveled to anywhere in Europe yet, but i believe that I’d love it, and it would be my favorite place to vacation! So much to do and explore!

    Love the Pink…..also really digging the Ice color as well! <3

  39. Absolutley Paris!

    Love Ice :)

  40. fave place to holiday is lake tahoe, and crystal blue

  41. Florida :) my favorite place!!!

    and I loooove Silver Metalic

  42. Yosemite National Park.
    I like classic white.

  43. beach! i need open water!
    can not pick between pink, ice and white

  44. Favorite place which I would love to go back again for the 3rd time is Honolulu, HI! I might consider to move there someday! Oh I love the pink mixer!

  45. BALI!!!! :D
    Pistachio is awesome!! :)

  46. The beach(anywhere) is always a good place for vacation! Aqua Sky!

  47. My favourite thing to do in spring is go hiking in the mountains and start early in the morning but I would definitly like to go to Nizza or Cannes!!! I love pistachio!! :)

  48. Hit all the outlet malls when I’m on vacation. Love the crystal blue color…to match my kitchen color.

  49. My favorite place to go on vacation is camping anywhere. I like beautiful mountains.

  50. I love Disneyland!!!

    And that Ice color is gorgeous!!!

  51. I love going to Chicago! And I love that ice color!

  52. Disneyworld is my favorite Spring Break vacation spot. There is just so much to do and see.

    The ‘Ice’ color is my favorite mixer. So pretty, like tropical waters.

  53. Cannon Beach, Oregon. Beautiful little town with a beautiful ocean. Nothing beats a walk on the beach.
    Aqua Sky

  54. My favorite thing to do while on vacation is to explore the place or go swimming. I love the Silver Metallic mixer

  55. Sappy, but I love to go home and visit family, but not in the summer. I miss them being so far away and miss the cool weather.

  56. A place where you can be at the beach but still do some sideseeing so mabye turkey. I love the pink the most but all the colours a so pretty…

  57. My favorite vacation right now would be any big city. I live in rural Hawaii so I want to see city lights and restaurants and shopping! I love the yellow mixer!

  58. Any place where I can relax and play with my baby is good enough for me…and that pink is so pretty…

  59. My favourite place to go on holiday is my parent’s house in Italy, it’s up in the mountains and has some of the best restaurants to eat in. Nothing beats sitting outside a pizzeria with a delicious cocktail! I’d have to go for the Ice colour I think, owning a KitchenAid is my dream!

  60. my favorite thing to do is being active! Like going on a beach vacation but playing volleyball or going for a long walk/run on the beach & having a refreshing smoothie afterwards! OMG i want to just pack my bags and fly to hawaii now that i’m thinking about it :D and i LOVE that pink color :) it would fit right into my kitchen ;)

  61. A litle island in the east coast of Spain, called Tabarca. That is my favorite place in the world :) Love the Ice color!!

  62. Love Maui and the color aqua sky

  63. My favourite place to go on vacation would have to be.. Dubai! It was the absolute most amazing country I have ever seen. It has beautiful landscapes and looked exactly like a picture in real life! It was beautiful.
    I would absolutely love a kitchen aide to bake all my sweet treats, however due to the high cost of them, I am restricted!
    I would LOVE the pastel pink!

  64. My favourite country is Hungary. I live in the Netherlands but every once in a while I’ll visit the place where I was born (Budapest). :)))
    My favourite colour is majestic yellow, but all the other colours are amazing too!!

  65. Ice is gorgeous! I love vacationing at the beach, but my absolute favorite way to spend a couple days off is just hanging out with my BFF eating good food and drinking good wine.

  66. My favorite place is: Formentera- baleari Spain

    and my favourite color in order pink,ice,acqua sky,

    pistachio,majestic yellow,white,crystal blue,silvermetallic

  67. My favorite vacation spot is Toronto, Canada. I would love the pink or crystal blue mixer.

  68. Italy is my favorite place to go on vacation, but I LOVE the beach just about anywhere!

    I love the pink mixer!!!

  69. I love visiting Las Vegas! and i love the Ice color one. thanks

  70. I would go to my family in Sweden. kiss hug and play games together the whole summer.

    favourite machine is the ice colour <3

  71. Basically I am happy anywhere that is warm and has a beach, but nothing beats Hawaii! I love the Aqua Sky Mixer, so cute!

  72. I love the pink! And we like hitting up the waterparks with my daughter, it’s a blast!

  73. I love to go to Disneyland! My favorite mixer is the Majestic Yellow one. Thanks! :)

  74. Turkey is awesome!

    Ice :)

  75. My favorite place is the beach–any beach.

    Pistachio is the best color! Greens are totally in this season.

  76. Tasmania in Australia soo beautiful there. and ice is the color for me :)

  77. My favorite thing about vacations is the option of not having to do anything. Sometimes I just want to read a good book and take a nap. And I love the Aqua Sky color.

  78. I think pistachio is the best! An on vacation I go enywhere I can explore local kitchen. I loved France and can’t wait to explore Greece :-)

  79. I love going to Vegas to visit my oldest daughter and my grandson, family is what it’s all about!

    And I’ll take the ice, ice baby!

  80. My Favorite place to go on a vacation would be Ireland.
    I love the ICE mixer.

  81. My favorite place to be on vacation is Maui.
    Love the Ice mixer!

  82. BAKING! and the beach to relax and surf. I would like to have the ice blue one! it’s so prettyyyy.

  83. I love to get together with any and all relatives and just visit. I love family!
    I also love all those happy colors! I guess I’d choose Crystal Blue. :)

  84. my favourite place to go on holydays is New York! Since I went there for the first time two years ago I left a piece of my heart. Pink is my colour, thank you.

  85. Vegas Baby! Gambling, pools, trapeze classes, aerial silk and aerial pole classes and of course all the desserts at buffets! And it would be Ice, Ice baby for me!

  86. I love spending our vacation with family in our backyard enjoying the spring weather after a very cold winter. My wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer so I’m thinking the pink mixer.

  87. Watching sunset at santorini! The crystal blue mixer looks really pretty!

  88. I love to go any where with the sun & a sandy beach. I live in Washington so the sun isn’t out a lot.

    As for the color i’ll take any color.

  89. One of my favorite places to go is definitely the lake. I love being near the water :)

    And goodness…how hard to choose! Such amazing colors. I love the pink…and the pistachio…and the aqua sky. I won’t pick just one unless I actually win :)

    Thank you for such a great giveaway!

  90. I’m feeling the urge to go on vacation to Disneyland again but I’d take a trip to Hawaii too. Such a fun giveaway. Love all the colors bug I think Ice is my favorite.

  91. One of my favourite places are the European mountains – winter time just bliss! I miss so much! Tossing up between pink and aqua sky – Pink it is please!

  92. Food is my life, and I love to go to different places to eat whenever I go for a vacation, and desserts is a must because I love baking! Hunting down for delicious and yummy treats would be one of the best vacation! Just went on a trip to Melbourne, and I bought so much baking related-stuff, so shopping for baking stuff is a must because I don’t get those in Singapore readily.
    Ice would be my favourite colour! So fresh and bright!

  93. White is my fav .. The beach .. Always the beach :)

  94. Color is Ice Ice Baby and favorite vaca location is the Florida Keys by boat.

  95. Since I am a California girl, I like to go to a beach any chance I have.
    I like the crystal blue mixer very much.

  96. Favorite place to vacation California.
    Silver Metallic

  97. White water rafting is always a blast…white mixer for sure

  98. HI Bakerella!!

    Thanks for having a giveaway! My favorite vacation would have to be snowboarding during the winter holidays. I love to go to the snow whether it’s Big Bear or Mammoth. I’m a SoCal girl and love the sun but once or twice a year I love to go to the mountains and enjoy a day or two on the slopes. I love to snowboard and I try to squeeze in as many lifts as I can. It’s also the best time of year to stuff your face with lost of food and especially holiday desserts. My snow jacket covers the results of my horking down food! I would loovvveee to win the beautiful PISTACHIO mixer! It’s my favorite one!

    Thank you again for having a giveaway and ALWAYS being an inspiration for my ever growing love for baking.

  99. The beach! Always the beach. Mixer color: ice. :)

  100. Orlando to Universal, Legoland, and Disney. And I like the Pistachio.

  101. I think travelling is the best part of the vacation– or one of them. My favorite activity is travelling on an airplane to another country or state and seeing the landscapes. Anyplace windy, beautiful, and new. I would love to visit PA though, because I miss it.
    Anyways, my favorite pastel is ICE.
    :) keep posting! i love reading them.

  102. My favorite thing to on a vacation is to get a bottle of wine and head to the beach. I love the pink mixer

  103. I love to visit San Francisco!!! Love the Pistachio color!! :)

  104. Hawaii and ice!

  105. I can enjoy a vacation almost anywhere with water. Tubing down the river, chilling in the springs or hopping waves in the ocean are all okay in my book.

    I love all of the mixer colors, but at this moment, Aqua Sky is my favorite.

  106. My favorite place to go on vacation is on a bike ride followed by a picnic with my family. I love all the colors but the Pistachio one is calling my name :)

  107. ICE ICE Baby ;)

    My favorite vacation thing to do is to walk around all day through the city/town/village to discover its nooks and crannies and end up in a cafe/tea stall chatting over something terribly local :)

  108. My favorite place to go is Hawaii. Pastel pink please.

  109. I don’t have a favorite vacation spot. I’m just happy to have time to relax and enjoy family time. I also really like not having to think about cleaning or cooking. And aqua sky is also calling my name. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  110. My favourite thing to do on a vacation is wake up late everyday & go about exploring things on my own.. Aqua blue has stolen my heart !!!

  111. I consider myself very lucky to have been taken to Maui with my husband’s family. I snorkeled there for the first time and they could hardly keep me away from the water, I was so enchanted with the underwater world.


  112. Just spending time with my 4 month old daughter, Fatima, even at the local pet shop. She loves the fishies :) im sure she would love the ice one! Gracias

  113. I would love to go to Hawaii. The pink one look stunning. ? Thank you for all your tuturials, you’re amazing.

  114. My favourite place to feel the relaxation of vacation is to visit my parents in my home town. Like tomorrow :)
    I love the pistachio one.

  115. Disneyland absolutely, especially now that my daughters are in their teens and able to really enjoy it.

    My oldest has been in love with the pink mixer since it first came out.

  116. My fav place is the Dolomiti mountains in Italy. I love the Majestic yellow one!

  117. Favorite vacation destination = cottage in the mountains of New Hampshire :)

    Loving the ice color!

  118. I love just being able to relax, swim in a pool and order rooms service with my boys <3

    oooh ICE color please!

  119. I live at the beach so it’s mountains I love to relax in. Our last vacation we drove a 1/2 hour out of our way to Tucker GA so we could stock up from Bakerella’s featured “Cake Art” store. I’ll never forget the fun we had poking around and shopping there. It’s PINK for me <3

  120. Hawaii and oh please oh please the pink one <3

  121. My favourite place to vacation is the little tiny cottage that i have been going to for over 20 years. Close to the beach and so many good memories there. Oh and i like the crystal blue, it looks great! Thanks

  122. My favorite place to go is visiting the beach. It’s been a long time since we’ve gone. Since travels are not in the cards, we like to visit the local lake and grill hot dogs for the kids, walk the lake shoreline, etc.

    They are all beautiful, but I think Ice would be my choice.

  123. My favorite vacation spot is the beach. The pistachio is my favorite.

  124. My favorite place to go on vacation is San Francisco. It’s so beautiful there and there is so much history. I’d die for the pink mixer!

  125. Europe!! More specifically, Krakow Poland. My favorite place. I would love the pistachio one, it’s so different!

  126. I love Capitola CA (a beautiful beachfront town)! The pink is so lovely too!

  127. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! When I go on vacations, I love walking around and exploring new places.

    I love the ice mixer!!

  128. I would just spend my time with my family and kids! It could be anywhere in the world.. Maybe Canada with my parents! The pink mixer would be the cherry on top of my vacation!

  129. Maui is my absolute favorite vacation spot! I love the silver!

  130. My favorite place to vacation is Hawaii. Fave color Aqua sky!

  131. My favorite to go is New York. The Ice color fits me.

  132. Disneyworld. Aqua Blue.

  133. Disneyland…of course! Just wish we had those primo annual passes! I would LOVE the pink one! It’s adorable!

  134. I love cuddling with my puppy and fiancé. I choose the pistachio.

  135. I like going to the beach on vacation. I like the pink mixer.

  136. I love visiting Seattle, next to going back to Australia to visit family for vacation. I love the Crystal blue mixer!

  137. I love to enjoy amusement parks when I’m on vacation!
    And I have to pick Crystal Blue <3

  138. Beach baby! With my husband and kids and my girls and an umbrella drink!!! Maybe that’s why I like aqua sky!

  139. Korea, which is where I’m going this June, because my mom is there.

    Ice is my fave.

  140. I am not too picky about the place, but about who I am going to spend it with. A new place is exciting, an old place is cozy, but all that matters really is that my boyfriend is with me.

  141. It never really matters where I go on vacation. All that I care about is that I love the people I’m with. <3 I like majestic yellow.

  142. I like going to the mountains

    Aqua Sky

  143. My favorite place to go on vacation is the beach (I could skip the sand but I like the breezes and hearing the waves)! I like majestic yellow!

  144. ice!!!!!!!!!!! and aqua sky… and pink…. I love all….

  145. My favorite place to vacation is Orlando! And that Ice color is lovely!

  146. I love to go to the Oregon Coast on Vacation…so sandy and relaxing! I love the color “ice”

  147. Favorite thing to do is travel and favorite place to go is a destination with a gorgeous white sanded beach and beautiful weather… Bali has thus been my favorite place. Favorite pastel: Aqua Sky mixer.

  148. My favorite place to go on vacation is Hawaii. I love the aqua sky mixer. Thank you.

  149. That yello, I think is perfectly wonderful for Spring.

    Living near the Smoky Mountains, going up there when Spring hits is always a treat. With everyone busy with work and school, even having a day off on the weekend means the opportunity to visit the beautiful Cade’s Cove! And with the kids getting big enough to enjoy it, I’m looking forward to taking them again this year, just to see the excitement on their faces!

  150. My favorite place to go for vacation is Korea. My relatives are there and the food is amazing! I love going out to eat for Korea barbecue and go to the Korean sauna. :)) I adore the pink color mixer.

  151. I haven’t been yet, but I’m sure I’ll love Kauai when I go in June (pistachio)

  152. My favorite thing to do on vacation is to sleep in and treat myself to dessert after every meal! Love the Ice Kitchen Aid!

  153. Las vegas!!!!!! is my favorite place to visit when i vacation! Brings back memories of my childhood when I used to go with my parents and cousins)))))) “the things that we would do”:)))) Love Love Love that PINK MIXER)

  154. I want one if each, please! ;) That Majestic Yellow is gorgeous. Or Pink. Or the Silver is so classic!!! Ugh! Vacation perfection is anywhere with safe and uncrowded beaches, ocean, resort ammentities, and cocktails!! Seriously, that’s not too much to ask for. :)

  155. My favorite thing is spending time with my grand kids especially in Springtime at the park before it gets too hot. I love all shades of green so pistachio would be my choice.

  156. Anywhere where there is a pool, sun and lots of reading material ;)
    Majestic yellow would be the colour!

  157. Disneyland! I love the ice color

  158. South Dakota.
    Silver Metallic :)

  159. My favorite place to vacation is Cape San Blas Beach in Florida! I love the silver mixer!
    Thank You!

  160. My favorite vacation is visiting family. We live in a small town very far away from any relatives. They live in several large towns. Shopping! Museums! Restaurants! and family!
    Favorite mixer would be the Crystal Blue!

  161. My favorite place to go on vacation is…Anywhere! I love vacation!! My favorite places thus far have been Chicago and Costa Rica! My favorite pastel would be the pink or crystal blue! They are both so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway!

  162. Punta Cana, because the color of the water is amazing. I like the pistachio!

  163. Massauntan Mountain Resort In Virginia, we have been going there for years, it’s in the Shenandoah Mountains in Virginia & we always go in the Fall, a beautiful place to be.

  164. My favorite place to go on vacation will always be Disney World. And I LOVE that pink mixer.

  165. I generally like to go to countries I’ve never been before and just wander around but I recently went on a cruise for spring break and loved it!! It was great having the transport, activities and food already paid for and I basically just ate myself to death.

    Also, I’d pick the Ice mixer!

  166. Driving my donkey along a gravel road. Pistachio!

  167. My kids and I had an awesome time on a Disney Cruise, but this year, we are playing tourist in our own majestic city! Love the pistachio mixer most!

  168. Bora Bora! Never been there but it’s on my bucket list. Ice color kitchenAid please

  169. My favorite place to go would be Maui. I love the pink mixer!

  170. My favorite place to go on vacation is either Sun River or anywhere on the beach! And I love the Ice color!

  171. My favorite place to go on vacation is to the beach. I love the pistachio!

  172. mmm…so hard to choose…I guess my favorite vacation would have to be my cruise to Mexico…and that pink mixer is calling my name…

  173. I love to vacation on the beautiful Oregon Coast. I enjoy checking out the tide pools, and crabbing for dungees :) I would LoVE the pink mixer <3

  174. My fav thing to do on vacation is eat! oops

  175. Cozumel. Pink!

  176. Vacation spot would be Hawaii!

    & I would choose the silver mixer.

  177. My favorite place is anywhere with my family! I love the silver metallic… classic. :)

  178. My favorite spot has to be Lake Tahoe in CA, it is absolutely beautiful year round!! My family has been going there for years and it is a great place for me to relax and share stories with my kids about family members who are no longer around.
    The aqua sky is calling my name ;)

  179. London :)


  180. I have some family in Southern California that I love to visit. My favorite thing is to spend at least a day at the beach enjoying the sun and waves. Living in Utah, I sooo miss the ocean.
    And, the Ice colored mixer would look amazingly lovely in my kitchen.
    Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

  181. General Villamil (Playas) in Ecuador…
    And I love pink mixer ;)

  182. i love being near the water, so any vacation near and ocean or lake is generally my ideal! i’ve gotta go with silver…it matches everything.

  183. Anywherewith great weather and great beaches. Dreaming about Beazil! I really love the pink one!!!

  184. New Orleans!
    I think the Ice is lovely.

  185. My favorite place for vacation is still Disneyland! I’m a kid at heart and I love the pistachio!

  186. My favorite place to go on vacation is Ocean City, MD in the off season. I love the Crystal Blue mixer.

  187. Hawaii!!! Majestic Yellow please!

  188. My favorite place to go on vacation is my hometown in Arizona :) I love the pink mixer!

  189. I love Fairmont, B.C.
    I love the Pistachio or Silver mixer.


  190. Hawaii!!! Majestic Yellow please!

  191. I love going to the beaches near San Francisco! I’m also loving the majestic yellow mixer!

  192. I love going to visit my Aunt and Uncle at their place on Vancouver Island. It’s so green and peaceful.

    Love the Aqua Sky!

  193. I love spend time baking… Would love a white mixer to do that.

  194. Not too far away, that way it is easy to get back if we forgot something! :) I like Pistachio!

  195. Oahu is my favorite vacation spot. I like the majestic yellow.

  196. Las Vegas is awesome. Silver Metallic

  197. Definitely the beach!! The ICE mixer is my favorite =)

  198. The beach! Ice Blue for me! :)

  199. Maui is my favorite vacation spot! I love the pistachio mixer!

  200. Maui!!! Majestic Yellow is my favorite.

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